CONTROL/ALT/DELETE MALES by Louise Lewis. Jayne and Kali, destroyers of men Update: 23/09/1997 to misc2 *****This is the first chapter of the story of two remarkable women, I don't know how many chapters are to come but the second and third are in preparation. You will have to forgive the English but time is too short for fine editing. Kali and Jayne are based upon two women I know, the scenes described are fantasies but the characters as developed in the story are partly accurate, minus quite so much sadism. The two women are in the military and are concerned about the role of women in the forces and are involved in combat training. They are very secretive about things but have given enough information to indicate that things may be changing for women. Both of their husbands attest to their physical strengths and martial arts training and over the last two years to this date (Aug '97) they tell me that there has been a marked change in comparative strengths and abilities. Just a month ago I witnessed a mock fight between one of these women and her husband, a playful fight but with a surprising and clear result; so I wrote a story. I hope you like it. CONTROL/ALT/DELETE MALES by Louise Lewis. Rand. Pulse Code Mess. Source. R. Hon. Susan Crawford M.P. Minister of Defence. Dest: Contract and Payroll. Covert Ops. SEC. CODE. AA 12. 09. 1993. Terminate immediately Cpt. Peter Bryer and Mr Andrew Hanlon, replace with: Subject: Jayne Spence. D.O.B. 02. 06. 1960. Grad. LSE Econ & Pol. Geog. 1st class. MA Politics. NY State USA Career Score A++. Service. Naval Airwing. Pilot Experimental. Captain. Naval Int. from 1991. East Eur. specialist. Combat rating AAA. Lang. 4. Eng(nat.) Jap (fl) Germ (fl) Fr(fl) Orig. Eng., Exeter. Res. London UK. Married. Robert. Occ. Banker. No clearance. Children 2 (twins-7) Subject: Kali Susan Mills. D.O.B. 12. 03. 1964. Grad. Glasgow Math 1st class. MA Hist. Sci. PhD Science and Industrial Dev in USSR since 1941. Special award by Faculty Univ. Ox. Published. Career score AA. Service. Naval Special. Astro/ Signals. Russ. specialist, Combat rating AA. Commdr. Naval Int. since 1993. Lang 3. Eng(nat.) Russ(fl + tech.) Germ (ev. day.) ( min Fr). Orig. Scot. Glasgow. Res Brighton UK. Chapter 1 The Women Within Jayne stared out of the compartment window as the luxury train sped swiftly through the French countryside on its way to the Atlantic coast. It was about midnight and by now the train would be rushing through the warm July air of the Gironde. She began to think of the great wines of the region and their contrast with the delicate wines further north. The full red passion of the Bordeaux wines suited her and when in the late eighties she spent two years on diplomatic duties in the area she developed a taste for its intensity. These were the wines of grand passions, of sweat and semen, of love and sex. For Jayne Bordeaux was the place where the unbearable lightness of ordinary life first really fell away and exposed her unprotected instincts and the open sensuality of her body. She left the area at the end of her time there having clocked up two affairs of heroic proportions. The second of her two lovers, a man, she married and followed through the physicality of the place by giving birth to twins. The growth of these beings inside her and the tearing bloody opening of her body as they were born was a magical affirmation of that time of love in Bordeaux. The great gesture was made before the ordinariness of life in London returned and she and her husband became child minders with a history. Now she was returning and the blood was running high and in spate through her veins. Her mind focused and she cut and lit the last Bolivar of the journey and thought about the job ahead and, unavoidably, her field operative Kali. Kali was a fascinating large sinewy creature of cracking energy with a dynamism and presence that always awakened in Jayne a feeling of intense optimism and renewal, she was a good friend as well as loyal operative. Kali was now in the area and would be searching relentlessly, nothing could stop her. A notable feature of Kali was her striking blondness which always reminded Jayne of her rich days in Bordeaux. Her blondness was the kind of sunlight blond you see on children. It was always odd to Jayne how this physical detail of Kali resonated with this beautiful area of the world and in this indirect way with her own sexuality. This was not a direct association with the earthiness of Bordeaux but a strange parallel to its light which pours its flame into the heart of the grape and the wine giving them life. As the train journey went on this stark physical association began to run through Jayne's thoughts more and more, it was not like her to find difficulty in thinking about the job ahead. Somewhere along that rich coast between Les Sables d'Olonne and the Spanish border something big was going down and it was Jayne's job to bring it to an end. Rumours had spread about a group of ex- east European service operatives who had prepared a network of locations to mount a threat on a select number of political leaders; the intention was extortion. With a couple of demonstration assassinations payments could be extracted from any number of government treasuries. An old idea, worthy of a poor spy novel, which would normally be met with a refusal to pay and sardonic laughter in foreign ministries throughout the world. But not this time. For years the Soviet and its satellites had placed and managed agents all over the world; the man years experience you can gather together in just a few dozen of these operatives and field managers is in the hundreds if not the thousands. Jayne knew this from her experience of running the London/Moscow desk of IOA. Her job as manager and assassin, Intelligence Operations and Assignments (read Assassination for Assignments), gave her an intimate knowledge of the scale of activities and the methods used. In a town along that golden seaboard were several people who's careers she had followed, all of them were good, very good. Amongst them were at least four linguists with more than twenty languages between them, a physicist, and four brilliant industrialists. This time the intelligence community was concerned. All that knowledge had leaked out of the crumbling soviet security machine, carried by these operatives and managers. These bitter men and women, who found themselves without pay and influence at home, had turned to the world stage to offer their services to anyone. The four industrialists were the key to this particular operation, desperate for investment and able to provide the start up finance for a multi billion dollar hit. Part of the proceeds to be fed back into ailing industries back home. This really was business, just how far would a failing industrial economy go to refinance and which governments would turn a blind eye. Jayne smiled to herself as she continued to stare unseeing into the blackness outside. This was not the only change the intelligence community had experienced in recent years. Three years ago another break with the past began, just as satellite surveillance and the collapse of the USSR had swept away many of the old ways this change had again interrupted the flow of service history. Once the rift was recognised and acted upon a period of sustained and unstoppable convulsions unfolded throughout the service structure, and with Jayne's full approval. It was all about women and how they now run the show, everything from chief controller, through assassins to observation and information operatives. Perhaps after all it wasn't a break with the past but a rejoining to our prehistory when the role of women as warriors was not in dispute. Oral and written histories of the world, controlled and handed on by men, had written women out of a their dynamic and now this had resurfaced disturbed in the ebb and flow of events. Invited in by the MOD, a team of psychologists had discovered that women on combat duties were turning out to be better learners, better at strategy, better at team work - perhaps the biggest factor- and could be trained in armed and unarmed combat methods to an extent never predicted even by the most vocal of service feminists. The intention of the project was to look at the issue of measuring the differences expected between the sexes, but the figures that were being accumulated showed huge disparities. It soon became apparent that as females were being introduced to combat training they began to score significantly higher than men on all objective performance measures. This was found to happen as soon as their numbers rose above certain critical levels, creating a viable female culture, which allowed women to develop. In addition when special stamina training started to take effect it soon became recognised that even in hand to hand techniques women were simply better. The ministry began to share results with its main ally. The American covert operations committees wouldn't accept the results at first, they usually lead in this kind of research, but eventually set up an enquiry team to monitor progress in the UK and start applying the lessons at home. They began to take things seriously in that wonderful open minded way that Americans can sometimes show. However, the military reacted badly throughout most parts of the world, with one or two notable exceptions including Israel, and began systematically reducing promotion prospects for capable women and stopped recruiting them into combat roles. The boys had lined up against an old and common enemy. The battle of the sexes had gone its usual way but in the UK intelligence sector something extra happened. Reluctant section heads were persuaded by the Minister of Defence, needless to say a woman, to put things to a test that they could observe and not fail to fully understand. They were later horrified to learn that they were to observe and be observed, what better way to test but on the real thing. All section heads of the intelligence network were sent on a course designed to prove the thesis. The men were to be tested against their female counterparts and their seconds in command. Thirty four male section heads against the only female head and thirty three at second in command level. Consternation and confusion became complete when the course candidates assembled in the Caribbean and met with the course instructors; all were formidable young career women who had resigned in frustration from military service and finished off their training at the university of St Andrews where the original research for the ministry was designed and developed. These women had been recruited specially on behalf of the Minister of Defence herself to allow St Andrews to continue its work and develop the new woman methodologies, especially in armed and unarmed combat. The minister knew instinctively that if it was possible to establish the unequivocal combat superiority of women then the dam of prejudice would break. This began when the male candidates first set eyes on this team of girls clearly unable to disguise their new found confidence and muscularity. It began to look like the game was up. The most notable feature of these women was an amazing radiance of health which immeasurably enhanced the looks of even the plainest amongst them. Their faces and bodies were full of character and vigour turning them all into quite remarkable beauties without loss of natural authority. Jayne Spence and her assistant Kali Mills were included as section head and second in command and were present at this first encounter.They almost burst into laughter at seeing the men's faces as they took up the firm handshakes offered by these Amazon women. The course began one morning on an island set aside for special training needs. All course candidates were given the same treatment, the same information and tasks to complete. However, methods in training between the sexes in combat techniques and muscle building exercises were very different. Male physiology was found not to be plastic enough to benefit from the methods used. The sessions included long term stamina and breath control under water before normal training and unarmed methods were based upon male physiology and its comparative weaknesses. Soon the team of women were able to swim underwater for many minutes at a time only needing to surface occasionally for air. To their great surprise they found that weight training became easy and all of the group could lift and push 90% to 95% of the average best of the top 10% of men. All the women had put on significant weight and muscle biopsies showed increased fibre density and depth. Combat endurance more than doubled. The whole course was then weight banded for final combat. As the research predicted, most of the women outclassed the men in all areas, including hand to hand, which put the seal on matters. Thirty of the male course candidates, all active operational heads, each scored lower than the average woman. Post experience field trials have since verified results and only one man now remains in a senior position. The biggest gain by the women was in combat. Jayne remembered the elation of taking apart some quite big men in armed and unarmed combat; bliss was it in that dawn. The defeat of these men was particularly delicious to both Jayne and Kali as in their dangerous jobs they had to deal with some bad situations and the physical threat from men was their only handicap. The final barrier had been broken; imagine a girls delight at discovering a set of combat techniques that were devastating to male sex. Jayne and Kali drank deep from the victory cup of female supremacy when they each delivered crushing defeats to nine men. Both fought well above their weight in three contests. Only four men won more than a third of their contests against a women in hand to hand. Only the very biggest could resist and managed to bring the men's score to 19% won, 16% drawn and the rest lost. None scored well by comparison in strategy, survival, team work or mental stability tests by the end of the course. Kali was particularly affected by the experience as events on the course later revealed. The humiliation of this group of men was completed on the last night of the course in a way that no one anticipated and the research psychologists were delighted with the result. The unexpected bonus came after the farewell dinner arranged for participants at the end of the gruelling ten weeks course. After a subdued meal the two estranged groups of men and women retired to the bar to drink and the men became drunk and abusive. The women were familiar with this kind of situation but the difference for them was now so striking that they began to hope that the men would start some kind of confrontation. No longer did any of the women feel threatened by this behaviour and they became elated at their new found confidence. As things began to heat up between the two groups the research team spotted a rare opportunity and at the request of the chief psychologist and a visiting senior defence minister the course leaders and psychologists slipped away unseen. The two groups were alone and face to face in a real situation. The final test, better than any that could be designed, was about to begin in an unexpected way.The building was sealed off. It didn't take long before the women got the opportunity they wanted. Now they really could drive home the lessons of the course. Eventually they decided to challenge the men to a final showdown, and of course the group of men could not say no. It was decided that the best fighter from each group would fight it out and finally decide which of the sexes really was the best. It was as if the men hadn't grasped what had happened on the course and the women wanted a final show down to rub their noses in it and get them finally to admit openly their defeat. Both groups made their way to the gym, they thought without being noticed by the university team and trainers, whom they assumed had gone to their sleeping quarters. The two groups took their positions on each side of the gym and sat down on the long benches they had occupied during training. The men sat in silence as they unavoidably recollected the scenes so recently played out. Soon the two chosen contestants met face to face in the dimly lit gym as they stepped on to the canvas matting where so many men were defeated in combat against these women. Kali had been unanimously chosen by the women , being the most enthusiastic, ruthless and tallest at 5' 9". Her contestant, Ian, 6' 1" was the best the men could come up with. He was one of the few men who won more than three (four) of his nine contests and was least bruised and sore. However, as for all the men, his defeats had exhausted him, the techniques used by these women were designed to do this. As for the women there was no tail off in energy, their reserves still providing fuel. Kali was no different, she had plenty in reserve and a track record of winning all her contests with surprising ease. Kali and Ian had not fought before so there was some hope amongst the men of a possible win. Formalities were discussed, no gouging, no death blows or severe joint levers. Normal Karate blows, Judo and Akido methods could be employed without limit to any non key parts of the body. Fairly serious damage was acceptable but permanent injuries were to be avoided if possible. The match would have no time breaks or rests and no submissions or appeals for mercy were to count. Only unconsciousness or when a team threw in the towel could the fight end. If a draw resulted two new contestants would be chosen until a result was reached. Kali was very happy with the rules and the choice of Ian Clarke, section head of Hong Kong affairs. She had taken a fancy to him, noting him to be clean and very handsome, he had a wonderful facial bone structure giving him fine distinct features with a boyish look that most women on the course had noted and discussed. He was slim and well muscled with a quite attractive olive complexion. On a different course he may have been approached by a number of these women. He also seemed less badly affected than most of the other men by the total victory of the women. A set of shadowless lights were switched on above the mat revealing the two combatants standing at each end. As their eyes grew accustomed to the bright light Kali smiled and winked at Ian. He tried to reply in kind but he was obviously so scared that his attempt froze on his face. Kali knew she had won already. Both contestants wore standard issue black Lycra exercise leotards designed to allow free movement. Kali's muscular and shapely figure was perfect, her broad strong shoulders tapering down to a small waist and a flat hard stomach. Her hips and thighs spread luxuriously framing a deep inviting crotch. Set against this forceful appearance were her large wide apart baby blue eyes and sun light blond hair tied back in a golden bun. She displayed an intense femininity but her bullet hard body was as threatening as a big cat, she gave the impression of a large and vicious panther. The audience at least on one side stared in delight into the pool of light as the handsome competitors moved towards each other to start the contest. Ian moved with fading confidence as he eyed his powerful opponent. Kali was about eight tenths of Ian 's weight, enough to bring victory over any man within the grasp of a trained woman. Ian's nerve continued to desert him as he drank in Kalis body. He had felt awed by so many of these women but this one he knew was even harder, she was lethal. Fear mingled with arousal was now no longer a novel feeling for Ian but, as he was about to discover, the liberal dose of pain to be administered by this beauty would add yet another new dimension to his feelings about women, and in particular this one. Kali noticed Ian's confusion and knew that this made her dominance over him complete; she determined to use his admiration and fear of her to her best advantage and unnerve him further. She guessed he would already be overdrawn on his reserves of stamina and would be easily subdued. To complete her dominance she would, after the contest, make use of it again if she could leave him in a fit state for later. She wanted to make love to this man. After she had proved her supremacy she would make him talk about his emasculation to complete her pleasure. Kali had killed and injured a number of men whilst on duty and delighted in inflicting pain on them. Wonderful experiences she had not forgotten; she always wondered how these men would have described their feelings after defeat by a woman. A number of the beatings she had imposed on these men had been accompanied by the same look of astonished admiration in her victims eyes as now showed through the eyes of this pretty man. Kali found this particular look a turn on, and upon Ian, her ideal victim, she would stamp another victory. Contact.......immediately Ian stumbled in surprise as he came into contact with the hard body of his opponent, he fell backwards awkwardly on to his arm and Kali followed through with a kick to his inner thigh, deliberately missing her favourite target by an inch. There was no point in ending her pleasure too soon. Ian winced in agony and surprise that a woman could deliver such a blow, in all his contests never had a kick been so final, he could no longer move his leg. This beauty became an even more profound threat. Kali leant down with incredible grace and gripped Ian's hand on his damaged arm and twisted it upwards bringing him to his knees, a position she was fond of imposing upon men. Ian cried out, the sound of his voice lost in the cheers of the group of already triumphant women. The men sat silent. Ian, his face distorted with pain, was forced to look up from his kneeling position, he was now pulled in close to Kali's body as she cleverly and painfully manipulated his hand. A classic and basic Akido wrist turn that forces the wrist into an alarmingly painful angle. His throat and chin were forced in against Kali's smooth and muscular stomach as he looked up between her breasts and into her blue eyes. He could feel the warmth of her and the musty smell of feminine perfumes mixed in with Channel, this wonderful mixture cut right through to his very heart. All his memories of his loves and their fabulous bodies with their secret moist places crowded in on him pushing him on to a greater passion for this woman. She would look at him in this way many times during his fight to survive her onslaught, each time he would feel the same but with greater intensity. And just as abruptly she would rob him of his moment of contact with her and smash him again with a well aimed blow. Kali understood truly how to make a man submit to her and how she could divide his mind into two, one to worship her and the other to tremble in fear of her. This woman was magical to Ian, as if she had imprisoned him in her spell of power, both the pain she delivered to his body and the beauty she made him see were drowning him in his own senses. He was adrift smashed on the rocks of her beauty and the pain she struck through his weakening body. What a time to fall in love, and he knew Kali would feel in his body his desperate and urgent passion for her. It was too late for defence, pleading and begging for mercy would now be the only way to avoid serious damage at the hands of this woman. Kali relaxed her twisting grip allowing Ian a few moments without so much pain, she then whispered to him. "You like my body don't you, say it" "Yes, yes." replied Ian afraid of another grinding twist being applied to his now sore wrist. "Not enough passion in your voice, not enough will not please a girl. Let me explain. I control you, totally. I'm going to beat you to pulp in front of all these women and you're going to beg me to stop" Ian continued to look into Kali's eyes, he was again transfixed, her intensely beautiful face framed by the beauty of her breasts. His desire for her was total, as Kali intended. He saw clearly, as many men did in the audience that evening, that Kali was proving and establishing female superiority beyond doubt. But Ian and the women had understood something extra, a woman can do more. "I'm going to make you beg , you'll beg for me to stop. I'm going to make you scream and cry for mercy. You will watch my body as it smashes and bruises you. You will see it control you and crush you, you will watch it wreck your body" Keeping hold of Ian's hand and maintaining gentle but excruciating pressure on his wrist and shoulder she walked around the kneeling man and stood at his back. As she moved her powerful thighs and legs took on the appearance of a ballet dancer. The concentrated power of her athletic and muscular body assuring all onlookers of her supremacy over the kneeling man. The audience looked on at Kali's skill and control. Ian simply had no way of fighting back. As if to emphasise her contempt for the male sex Kali let go of Ian's hand leaving him free for a moment. Through the pain Ian realised what had happened and started to get off his knees. It began to look as if Kali had made a mistake and Ian turned around to face her as if he were able to fight in some way. But his fate had been sealed and all he could do was look into her face and wait for her to deliver the next slice of agony. Some part of his mind managed to tell him to act and he lifted his fist and aimed it at her face. The half hearted blow never fell and Ian found himself rolling through the air over Kali's shoulder. Again he landed awkwardly on the same arm and he was further weakened. Kali pulled him up by his hair and on to his knees again, like a big deadly snake she threaded a muscular arm tightly around his neck. Ian felt the beautifully smooth skin of Kali's arm against his throat as she pulled him against her body. How could such fine smooth skin crush him so. He attempted to pull her arm away from his throat but Kali's unyielding arm was locked on to him. He quickly learned that any real attempt to loosen her grip would be brought to an immediate halt with a body racking blow to his back from Kali's knee. The audience could see Ian's panic, he could not breath and was almost unable to move at all in her grip. On his knees Ian gave in to the inevitable strategy, the next stage would be total exhaustion beginning with this dominatrix extending control over his breath. The research into women in unarmed combat showed that a well developed female fighter had the greatest advantage of all over the male, long term stamina and courage. Even if a male fighter started with a weight and strength advantage he could be brought down by the females superior staying power. Kali really had no need, Ian's exhaustion was running to its final stages. The women he had already lost to had seen to that, but Kali's cruelty would take his last ounce of strength away. Kali's turn on had become intense, she put her mouth close to his ear. "I could finish you now but I want you to feel me punish you, I want you to know its me, a woman, doing it to you." Ian was still unable to breath despite his struggle against Kali's powerful grip of iron. This was the method of beating your man, make him struggle whilst limiting his breath. Do this repeatedly whilst delivering a series of blows to vulnerable parts of his body and the male tires and looses strength. This gives the female total physical control over her man allowing her to choose when to deliver the final blow. Under field conditions this technique has considerable advantages, much information can be extracted from the victim, and women prove very superior at this method, many taking great pleasure from their new found strength. Kali had total control, not with the intention of extracting information from this man, but for her own secret pleasure. Another blow fell sharply under Ian's shoulder blade and the pain shot through his good shoulder and arm, at the same time Kali allowed him to take in the sharp breath he desperately needed. In agony Ian filled his lungs and gratefully began to breath again. He knew that his tormentresss would do this repeatedly so that at first he would become clumsy and light headed and very out of breath. Progressively he would loose his strength and soon become unable to even stand, at the end he would find himself trying to crawl away form her systematic attack. Kali forced him to the ground and started to apply a series of blows, pin downs and strangulations. Ian began to feel the effects of this wonderful woman as she controlled and directing his efforts to escape.. "Feel my body Ian, watch my body as is destroys yours" Kali whispered, and another blow fell. "Open your eyes Ian " Kali was now on top of him her arms around his throat again and her thigh was wedged into Ian's groin crushing his testicles into his body. "Look at me Ian as I grind you down, look at me now" Ian looked into Kai's eyes their blue cruelty forced home even further the physical torture she was inflicting upon him. "How much can you take, how much can your body manage Ian, when will the pain make you surrender to me ?" Kali continued her subtle and painful onslaught on his body. Much of the time Ian found himself locked between her smooth and well muscled thighs gasping for breath as she squeezed him into a series of submissions. Ian was becoming profoundly exhausted, his very breath was under Kali's control and he began to feel distant as he attempted to crawl away from her. His body was now so bruised and sensitised he could feel in extreme every blow and lever Kali applied. This was mingled in his mind with his growing sensitivity to every touch of her body. Every curve and feature of Kali's body was picked up by his aching senses. It was if he was surrounded by her body and its perfumes. Occassionaly she would whisper to him, instructing him to open his eyes and look at her body and into her eyes. This she knew would bring him back to the terror of his situation and stop him drifting away into unconsciousness. He would now be subservient to her will, the affirmation of this was his inability even to control his own consciousness which could be robbed away or returned by Kali as she wished. Kali thought of his aching and hurt body, his pretty masculine form with its covering of handsome muscle and smooth skin. His inner thighs, his balls, his ribs and the small of his back would be hurting so much, hurt she had made him feel. He now smelt of fear and the sweetness of a sweat that only a pretty male can give out. She loved his helpless form which was now surrendered to her. She wanted to kiss his body, his pain. She wanted to finally triumph over Ian and force him to orgasm through his agony and as she did it to look into his pleading eyes and see what would be the adoration of love imposed, of love extracted both physically and emotionally. In her increasing sensitivity to Ian's plight, as her hands moved over his body towards their next crushing lever or smashing blow, Kali could feel the contours of his muscular shapes and the intimate places of his body. She also suddenly felt an intense love for her contestant and even Kali, dominatrix beyond compare, sympathised with Ian's loving compliance. Perhaps this is the ambiguity of love and power, even the victor must eventually fall to the loving victim, but not just now. The heat of the lights was making Kali sweat as she worked on Ian and he felt as if she had covered him completely with a liquid symbol of his captivity. His neck, face and hair were running with the moisture from between Kali's powerful thighs and a deep feminine perfume flowed over and into him. For Ian time slowed down. As Kali rolled him painfully about the floor he would sometimes find his face and lips pushed against her and he could taste her body as her sweat worked its way into his mouth. Kali had invaded his body and was savouring her triumph in the sensuality of her body sliding over Ian's sensitised skin. His desperation was signalled to her by the agonised slowness of his movements and his distressed breathing. Her pleasure intensified each time she interrupted his absorption in her body and its deadly movements. As she squeezed a little more life from him or smashed a fist into him she felt his anguish as he returned from his awareness of her beauty to her painful attentions. Kali deliberately and repeatedly ran her wet inner thighs roughly across Ian's face forcing his mouth open to drink from her, as she did this she began to orgasm. Her triumph was underlined by the feeling of Ian's tongue and lips against her leg as if in supplication to her body; this was the kiss of unconditional submission. Ian would now be hers, his very will shut down by Kali's blitz upon his senses and his heart. She now knew she had divided his mind and he was her property to use as she wished. Kali thought of the night ahead with her new slave and for a few moments she leaned back and squeezed Ian's head, the force of her muscular spasms appearing as a severe headlock. Some of the women in the audience recognised Kali's intense movements and her growing sexual rapture, Jayne especially was moved by Kali's display of womanly control of her captive male. Kali resumed her attack and Ian felt again the jolting pain of her fists and knees. In between her blows he continued to feel her graceful and muscular movements as she repositioned herself to inflict another blow on another part of his tortured body. The laboured breaths that Kali allowed him to take could be heard across the gym; fevered gasps that would be interrupted before their completion. Kali would stop soon, when she finally had what she wanted, not just submission but capitulation. And there it was, his final collapse, Ian had lost even the will to crawl away from her attacks, his body was loosing its motivation to move at all. Kali now controlled his very movements and Ian could only look at Kali's body to see how she would next reposition him ready to accept without reservation the stabbing and jolting pain that would pass through him and totally eclipse his mind. This was a divine and transcendental punishment. Kali eased off but continued enjoying her erotically charged sensations of dominance over him for a while. The final submission could only come when the group of men threw in the towel for Ian. Kali pulled Ian onto his knees and from behind him supported his enfeebled body and yet again her arm slid around his throat. She whispered to Ian,"Say you love me" Kali's grip tightened before he could reply, Ian's breathing stopped again. She detected a weak attempt to struggle brought on by Ian's panic, she kept her hold on him to feel his struggle die away against her power. Even in desperation he could not resist. Kali smiled as she sensed his final despair, to take her pleasure of this she pushed her now wet crotch forcefully into Ian's back increasing her physical contact with him. She felt the familiar erotic sense she had of defeating a man again. This time she didn't let him draw breath and kept the strangle hold on deliberately waiting for the inevitable response. The audience became perfectly silent knowing what Kali was looking for. Strangulation can produce in the male an erection fuller and more erotic than the norm and soon they could see the tell tail bulge in her helpless victims leotard. This signalled Kali's final triumph over this man and his gender. Kali threw her head back and her body arched as she again climaxed. The audience of women roared approval as Ian was lifted by his neck to hang helplessly, his knees suspended inches above the floor. Kali let Ian back down on to his knees and released her grip slightly to allow him to breath again. Ian's panting body heaved in a gulp of air again as Kali allowed him to recover a little. Quickly, and unseen to the audience, she pushed her tongue in and out of her victims ear and whispered again. "Say you love me and you'll do as your told tonight and I' ll stop" Between his racing breaths Ian tried to whispered his answer but he hadn't enough strength left to be coherent. But Kali was almost satisfied and started her final attack. Surely there could be no more. Ian's body almost convulsed with his disappointment and terror as he felt Kali's grip tighten again and her crotch press further into his back. "Remember I'll kill you if you don't obey" To Ian the threat was as true as it was deadly, he would comply with anything this woman wanted of him, so complete was her victory. The women in the audience were all grinning in triumph and the men's faces were expressionless. To a man they felt Ian's defeat at the hands of this lovely goddess. Kali pulled Ian onto the floor and keeping her arm around his throat turned him over on to his stomach. Her legs remained over his front and back, she crossed her feet and gripped hard with her thighs. With her arm still around his neck she twisted his upper body towards her and pushed her hips forward and into his side. She closed her eyes and climaxed again, what appeared to be effort was Kali's secret erotic triumph. The last thing that Ian felt was this beautiful dream of a woman almost breaking his back, strangling him and stroking the back of his head with a gentle and almost loving touch as he slipped gratefully away into unconsciousness. Kali stood up and looked at the group of men as the now limp and conquered man lay to the floor. To emphasis her triumph over the body at her feet she placed her foot in Ian's still face. The towel landed on the mat and a cheer went up from the group of excited and now satisfied women. Only a few of the women, including Jayne Spence, had noticed the erotic ending for Kali. But all had become affected by the loveliness of the woman and the deadly beauty of her performance. Somewhere up high in one of the darkened observation galleries above this remarkable scene a Sony Hi 8 ministry camera stopped its recording. The group of psychologists and trainers stood behind a seated junior defence minister, his face did not show the disturbing thoughts running through his head. He and his minister didn't expect the results of this course to be so definite and he realised that a revolution was about to be released. Women now had claimed the high ground and the intelligence departments had to act, this final film of a series of secretly made recordings was indisputable proof that new woman methodologies of covert operations worked in the real world for all properly selected female staff. He knew he was about to betray his own sex but the evidence was just too great. The minister hurriedly left the scene to report to his boss on the security net, she insisted on hearing important news straight away. Slowly the groups split up and retired, the battle of the sexes finally won. Later that fateful night a more tender scene was played out between the two protagonists as Kali walked into Ian's soul and claimed her property, his heart.