Growth: Impossible by Frank Salmon, Germany. Translation by Jim Moskowitz. Prologue Since StephenUs cruel and regrettable demise under ErikaUs foot, she had plunged into her work as a physicist, and forgotten about him. Stephen had been the victim of a failed time-travel experiment she had carried out with him. The actual time-trip was successful, but upon returning from the future he began to shrink, and he didnUt stop until his height was only barely 6 inches. Who knew how far the shrinking process would have gone on, had his time-journey amounted to more than one minute in the past! >From the notes she made, she found that this shrinking process ended exactly a minute after his return. I. ErikaUs analytical mind considered the facts and assembled a believable hypothesis, but it weighed heavily on her. She experimented with inanimate objects which she sent into the past and then brought back again, but none were altered in any way. As soon as she experimented with living things, they showed the shrinking effect. Erika sent a rose 5 minutes into the past and when she brought it back, five minutes later the shrinking began, and after five minutes it stopped. The rose could now barely be seen with the naked eye, but under a microscope she could easily identify its structure. It was uninjured and identical to normal-sized flowers in the smallest detail. Finally Erika began to send plants into the future. To be on the safe side only a few seconds. Nevertheless, the effect was obvious. Erika had from the basis of her experiments hypothesized what would happen, but she was still startled when the effect actually occurred. This time, there was no diminution, but an expansion which was proportional to the time journey experienced. Erika sent her test subjects ever further into the future, and the growth occurred proportionally. One plant started its growth twenty minutes after its journey into the future and, had Erika not destroyed it with acid, might well have destroyed the laboratory.... II. Erika locked the lab and activated the security system. She did not want someone to steal the Time Machine and discover the deadly effect. She contemplatively got into her car and went home, all the while searching for an explanation. She conceived of many hypothesis and rejected each one, until she was left with only one possibility. The Time Machine worked on the basis of a physical effect Erika had discovered and named induced nuclear resonance, which moved all the atoms in a body in a common motion and then shifted these atoms into a resonance tunnel through time via a 5th-dimensional hyperspace. The resonant radiation carried the body into the past or the future. And it appeared that here the problem lied. The radiation obviously had an unexpected side-effect. But Erika did not know whether she could eliminate this effect. The next day she assaulted the problem with a wide variety of experimental tests to try to better understand it. She hope Mark would be able to help. Dr. Mark Altenstein was her partner, both occupationally and romantically. Often after work they had sat together and discussed the results of their experiments. And sometimes these discussions had found an erotic continuation in bed. After a restless, almost sleepless night, in which Erika worried over the problem again and again, she got up, showered and drove to the lab. There, Dr. Altenstein was ready with the preparations for the dayUs tests... 6:25 each day the two scientists had experimented, and had finally seen indications of a solution to their problem. Almost half their experiments had returned stably from the past or future - thanks to a precise adjustment in the resonant radiation. III. Just as Erika placed a new probe onto the platform of the nuclear resonance unit she suffered the terrible beginning of her catastrophe... The place where Erika stood next to the platform was enveloped in faint rays from the time machine. An electronic control switch, slowly disintegrating over the months of research, failed just at the moment when Erika was within the field of the radiation. She began to fade into transparency and felt a slight pain, as the atoms of her body began resonating. She could still see Dr. Altenstein come rushing up to her. He shouted something with a horrified look, but Erika could no longer hear him. Then Mark, and with him the entire laboratory, was lost to her sight. Immediately thereafter, it seemed to her, colored rays shot out at her. She felt like she was floating and hurtling down an endless tube of color, reduced to a thread that spun itself upon an axis, driven around her. Then she saw a brilliantly clear pulsating light at the end of her tunnel, that came nearer with blinding speed. Erika felt like she was rising upwards through an infinitely deep sea and then once again recognized her surroundings. She was back in the laboratory and Mark got up from the stool at the control panel of the time machine. He had his hand on the return button. As soon as Erika materialized, he jumped up and ran to the platform, to catch the fainting scientist. RWhat happened?S stammered Erika, looking perplexedly at Dr Altenstein. RYou went ninety minutes into the future!S explained her colleague. Erika looked at the laboratoryUs clock. It showed 6:27. Dr. Altenstein took a quick glance and said, RIt took two minutes, till I succeeded in bringing you back. I almost wasnUt able to get you back at all. We must hope that the expansion effect doesnUt manifest itself. After all, 48% of our tests came back from their journeys into the future unaffected. ThereUs still hope.S RGet me home!S Erika whispered, exhausted. IV. Dr. Altenstein nodded. He helped her down the stairs to the exit and then drove her home in her car. It was a short trip to ErikaUs apartment in the city and they had scarcely arrived when he got her into bed. Mark sat at her side and stroked her cheek. RThanks for your help, Mark. Without you IUd still be trapped in the future and then who knows what would have happened?S Erika smiled at him, pulled his face to hers and kissed his mouth. ROh Erika, I couldnUt bear to lose you!S, Mark murmured and passionately moved to her lips. A moment later they lay side by side and his hands slid passionately over her large, powerful body. She moaned and threw her lustful body up and down. Mark was a sensitive man, and knew all the ways to bring pleasure to his partner. Mark lifted ErikaUs leg and his tongue slid to the tender skin of her strong upper thighs and he licked further, reaching her tight well-turned calf. And then he arrived at her feet. His lips closed on the beautiful big toe of her right foot. Moaning passionately, he devotedly sucked, while Erika massaged her great breasts and licked her sharply erect nipples. Her exhaustion began to give way to passion, and she began involving herself in its increase. Then he returned by high and wandering to her face and his tongue forced its way into her mouth. Then he made love to her.... V. It was at 7:57, while lying contentedly next to one another and drowsing, that Erika began to change. Mark had just turned to her and begun caressing her anew. He stroked her magnificent breasts. The nipples were straining themselves erect. he slowly licked them. Erika sighed lustfully and rubbed between her legs. Neither noticed that she had already grown almost two inches. Passion had made them oblivious to the change that had begun in ErikaUs body. Her colleague and partner lay with Erika and felt her body with his skin. Its warmth made him shift. He loved her thick but tight well-formed legs, and his hands traveled wide over her upper thigh. He unconsciously realized that her thigh had increased in girth and her leg muscles were more pronounced than they had been a short while ago. His passion had made him oblivious to the change which Erika herself had still not become aware of. She still rubbed her hand over her rapidly growing thighs and their swelling muscles. But now he certainly noticed it. Mark suddenly felt ErikaUs beautiful, round, feminine back begin to grow harder. Muscles extended themselves, grew bigger and moved under her smooth skin, as though living creatures. ErikaUs feet thrust against the brass bedpost. RSomethingUs happening to me!S said Erika dully. Thinking had become difficult. Parallel to the change in her body, her mind also began to alter. Her hitherto brilliant intellect began to sink into a sea of animal instinct, and the drives which have lain submerged in us all since the beginning of evolution, were winning control. While her body grew larger and stronger, Erika slowly changed into a dangerous, uncaring beast. She gave a ferocious cry. The transformation process was painful. She had completely forgotten about Mark, still lying atop her. Her legs extended out far from the bed and she had Dr AltensteinUs head between her expanding breasts. Erika grabbed firmly onto the bedpost with both hands as her arms continued to grow longer and thicker. Her biceps had already taken on alarming proportions. With every motion her mighty muscles swelled and grew ever larger. MarkUs head lay against her belly now. His entire body lay between her thighs. Her upper thighs grew ever more muscular. Thick strong muscles with voluminous veins between them appeared. Her upper legs were now each as big around as his chest. He held fast to her right thigh and cried out fearfully as Erika pressed her legs together spasmodically. He thought he felt a rib break, so mighty was the pressure of her immense leg muscles. The bed was collapsing under her ever increasing weight, and ErikaUs body now stretched from one end of the room to the other. With a casual motion, Erika threw Mark at the wall, where he lay still, benumbed with pain. Erika, who was a calm scientist no longer, but almost completely ruled by instinct, bellowed like a wild animal in human form. She was becoming larger and stronger by the second. VI. Mark saw that she was bending the metal bedposts and her muscles were growing ever more pronounced. Slowly ErikaUs foot grew closer to his head and finally squeezed against him until her great toe was the only thing in his sight. Mark cried out in despair. The foot unstoppably pressed his head into the wall threatening to crush him. After a desperate effort, Mark succeeded in freeing himself, barely in time. Then Erika stood, as if in slow motion. She lifted her great arms and cracked through the ceiling of the apartment. She was now at least sixteen feet tall. Mark stood for protection next to the wall and stared at ErikaUs calves, which grew ever larger. Their muscles throbbed with invincible strength. Despite his fear, he could do nothing else but stare at the perfect form and powerful elegance of her unbelievable legs. Still she grew, larger and heavier. The floor bent under the increasing weight and then suddenly gave way and collapsed beneath her gigantic feet. Erika landed with both feet on the ground and Mark fell to the first floor and lay motionless between her feet. It was a four story building. ROh my God,S he suddenly thought, Rif her body responds the same way the test subjects did in the laboratory, then sheUll continue to grow for an hour and a half! ThatUs how far she went into the future!S Erika no longer understood what was happening. She had become an utter beast, one that wanted to escape her cage. She struck wildly about herself and powerfully beat the foundation of the house. Mark could only see ErikaUs mighty leg muscles and thighs, which loomed above him. From high overhead her heard her fearsome roaring. He cowered there, fearful that ErikaUs feet might come closer. She could now crush him with a single foot, like a tiny bug. He finally succeeded in breaking out of his trance and ran through the ruins to the exit. Not a moment too soon, for a second later the building collapsed into a heap with a huge crash. The ever-enlarging Erika smashed ever more ferociously against the walls. By now she had risen to a height of sixty feet and was still growing. Her muscles continued to strengthen. She became ever awesomer. She was now the largest creature on the surface of the Earth. VII. The wails of sirens came from far off, as her dramatic growth and orgy of destruction had not gone unnoticed. The streets filled with people wanting to watch this spectacle. They didnUt consider the danger that their proximity to a raging giantess put them in. Mark shouted to those standing nearby to warn them. But he himself could not more. He was rooted to the stop watching her, as his beloved Erika turned into a musclebound giantess. Meanwhile, the part of the house still standing reached only to her hip and it was only a question of when the enormous woman would complete its destruction. Then came a triumphant roar from Erika, as the house collapsed under her mighty footsteps. ErikaUs growing feet crunched onto the street. She was now one hundred feet tall. The asphalt was like soft sand under her enormous weight. Wide star-shaped cracks formed where her feet stepped. She and her musculature were still expanding. Her legs were thick perfectly formed columns of muscle. Veins coursed like rivers through these mountains of muscle. With every motion this unbelievable giantess unleashed new masses of muscle and became more fearsome looking. Now the crowds began to grow afraid and drew back from her. One man was unable to protect himself. He stumbled and fell with ErikaUs colossal left and right feet to either side of him. As he scurried back, he looked up in despair and saw the giantess on high. He cried out in terror and reflexively put up his arm as a shield. Erika glanced down at him contemptuously and then raised her right foot. She crushed the tiny man and felt his bones shatter and the warm bloody flesh spread itself thin across the sole of her foot. Erika enjoyed the feeling and greedily twisted her foot on the remains of the man. Deep inside herself she felt an inexplicable wave of excitement, a remnant of her human understanding forcing its way through. But once again she fell back into the grip of animal instincts. She shook her head wildly, threw her long hair and mighty arms with their growing biceps. Then she lowered her gaze to the approaching police cars and fire trucks. Her instinct told her that these were the enemy and with thundering strides the mighty giantess went to them. Her weight cracking the street under her, Erika crouched like a lioness and faced them. VIII. Sergeant Groner slammed on the brakes in his hurtling cruiser. He could not believe what he was seeing. A titanic woman stepped out in front of him. She lifted one colossal foot to crush the tiny car beneath. Groner stepped on the gas in a panic and drove forward, just barely escaping death. The policeman did not dare to turn around, but stopped, staring straight ahead while hearing behind him the raging giantess. Erika continued her growth, and her body was bursting all over with muscles. Despite her growth Erika was nimble. She dropped to one knee and with a single hand grabbed the cruiser with the terrified policeman inside and lifted it up. It was childUs play for her, as she had by now reached a height of more than three hundred feet. The carUs motor wailed away, since it suddenly had no resistance from the ground and was using all its force to spin the wheels futilely. Groner was trapped inside the wagon, battered by the carUs motion and screaming in panic as he stared at ErikaUs wide eyes through the windshield. The giantess considered her find coldly and cruelly, as she held it effortlessly in one hand. RPlease....donUt kill me! Let me live!S cried Sergeant Groner, his face twisted with fear. But her growth had left her with the mind of a wild animal, and she understood not a word. With playful ease, as with a piece of aluminum foil, she tore the roof off the car and plucked the minuscule man between thumb and forefinger and lifted him from the driverUs seat. He struggled desperately, but though the terror of death gave him superhuman strength it amounted to nothing compared to what the mighty, womanly titaness was capable of. She was unstoppable, the muscles of her arm invincible. Erika looked curiously at the tiny fellow. Something deep inside her mind let her recognize her infinite superiority and power and she thrilled to it. The tiny man had given up, and now hung unmoving between her fingers and stared at her gigantic face. She continued to expand. The policeman seemed even tinier between ErikaUs ever-huger fingers. She accidentally squeezed the police car flat and tossed the destroyed vehicle away. It smashed into the crowd, killing several people and injuring many others. Groner now begged only faintly for his life. He meekly and imploringly kissed ErikaUs colossal thumb. His hand swayed aimlessly over the skin of her finger. He somehow believed this would put the giantess in a favorable mood. But he did not know that she had turned into a cruel and pitiless creature. Then the muscular giantess mercilessly pressed her fingers together. With unbelievable power she squeezed the laughably small body of the man. She watched pitilessly as GronerUs head jerked spasmodically and blood and guts sputtered out. With almost childlike amazement she watched the body in her fingers turn into a bloody pulp. For her it was a scarcely perceptible effort. Erika grunted, partly surprised, partly satisfied, and put both fingers in her mouth and licked them. Then she swallowed the warm bloody flesh of the tiny dead policeman. IX. She let out a cry and began moving. Many onlookers fell under her awesome feet and were crushed. Escape was impossible; all the streets were jammed. Thousands attempted to get away in cars or on foot and this disordered motion caused such crowds it unavoidably led to chaos. Erika had by now reached the fantastic height of one thousand feet. She lifted her right foot straight up. She was curious about how it would feel when she pressed the gigantic foot down in the middle of the crowd. As her foot slowly descended, she felt a faint tickle on the sole of her foot. That was all. Hundreds of bodies snapped under her weight. Mercilessly the gigantic Erika crushed the doomed souls. For her they were insects, little more than termites. She felt her sole grow moist. The blood of hundreds wet her skin. She felt their warm flesh underneath her. She crushed her foot down all the way, but the people underneath could feel it no more. Pitilessly her raised her other foot and again hundreds died as Erika crushed them. One man was caught completely beneath her little toe, which was more than enough to squash him to death. She slowly took one step after another and drove the crowds fleeing before her. In less than a minute she killed thousands. And she walked on, each step crushing countless people. They perished under the immense feet of a now nearly 1400-foot-tall giantess. Many-story houses reached only to her the ankle of her amazingly thick muscular legs. Each leg could destroy an entire block of houses. ErikaUs immense weight was such that with each step she took the ground shuddered, so that seismographs two thousand miles away detected it. Her shadow fell ominously on a group of men which included Mark Altenstein. They could flee no farther; the wall of a house blocked their way. Erika, the inconceivable giantess, stood there and looked far below her. Mark and the others stared up. Gigantic and threatening, her muscled leg loomed in the sky above them and compared to it all else seemed tiny and insignificant. The giantess shifted her weight several times from one foot to the other and each time her leg muscles thrummed and showed off their might. ErikaUs cold stare held the tiny people fast and they could not move, as she lifted her giant foot above them, threatening to crush them. Suddenly she paused, as her eagle-sharp eye caught sight of Mark. Something inside her held Erika back. She didnUt know what it was, but she could not kill him. She still held her foot over the people. But she did not crush them. RYes, Erika, itUs me. Do you recognize me?S murmured Mark, and as though she had heard she lowered her foot at placed it directly over Mark, who, encouraged by her behavior, had pulled away from the crowd and moved toward her. RI canUt believe how big you areS, said Altenstein, Rand growing all the time.S In the meantime, while Erika stood uncertainly before the crowd, she continued to grow. She was over 1700 feet tall. Mark came ever closer to her and reached her unbelievably huge toe. "I can walk under your big toe!" he gasped. Her gigantic toe was as large as a city bu, and was, like the rest of Erika, growing larger. Even now Mark loved this woman. Even though he was as small as an ant compared to her. Even though she had become a colossal mountain of feminine muscle, whose unbelievably thick, muscle-packed leg towered threateningly above him. Mark went farther, disappearing under her big toe, whose vaulted underside rose so immensely that he could stand upright beneath it. Then the scientist cried out. He had never before felt so puny, and his smallness next to this now 1800-foot-tall giantess, who had once been his beloved, made him sink to his knees in despair. But Erika could not see this gesture. He no longer existed in ErikaUs mind, and she could no longer see him for who he was. He was just a microscopic bacterium in human form to this merciless giantess. He was no longer alive to her. Though Erika had pulled a tender feeling for him from the remnant of her humanity, it had by now sank back into the mist of instinct that her animal nature created. The giantess had once again forgotten about Mark, and she lifted her merciless foot with renewed vigor. It was the foot under whose big toe the termite-sized Altenstein stood. X. Mark cried out. This was the end, he thought, and watched helplessly as she raised her mighty foot high. An instant later it thundered down, and Mark tried to avoid looking at it. In a few seconds Erika would crush hundreds of others with the same foot that killed her partner and lover. He watched as the wrinkled, soiled sole came ever nearer, heard the terrified cries of the others and felt a spasming pain as brief as a needle jab, and, as millions of tons of ErikaUs immense weight crashed down on him, was no more. The mighty giantess continued on her way, with thundering footsteps. Her powerful feet filled the entire width of the tiny street. No building in the city reached even as high as her knees. Most were ankle-high or smaller to her. She crushed buildings and the bodies of hundreds obliviously. It was now exactly an hour since her growth had begun, and she had already reached a height of 2700 feet. Erika bent deeply down, inquisitively plucked a ten-story apartment building with her thumb and forefinger. She had already pulverized scores of such buildings, but for some reason she wished to inspect this one more closely. She effortlessly tore the structure from its foundation and carefully raised it to her face. It was tinier than her colossal index finger and Erika had to be extremely careful not to crush it between her unbelievably powerful fingers. She scrutinized the apartment with her immense eyes. Erika scarcely noticed the minuscule people, a sixth of an inch tall to her. Her animal mind saw the tiny figures as utterly insignificant; indeed, the entire building was uninteresting to the giantess. The last sight the tiny victims had was of the buildingUs walls exploding inward as she crushed the apartment, and all inside, between two of her huge fingers. Erika let the ruins fall carelessly and trampled on across the city. She glanced down from a height of more than three thousand feet at the sea of houses below. With one step she crushed an entire city block, killing thousands. Erika could no longer even sense the buildings she was flattening; they were simply too small for her. In a matter of minutes the entire city was destroyed, and Erika still had nearly half an hour of growth to come. Nothing remained intact in the broken city. Everything was destroyed, by a giantess beyond all conception. Millions of people, thousands of buildings, streets, cars. There was nothing left. And still the giantess grew. XI. After the city had been eradicated, Erika turned her earth-shattering self countrywards. She ignored nothing, all in her path was destroyed. The entire Earth felt her. Nothing and no one could halt her. The woman followed a narrow gray line that stretched westward to the horizon. On this line were threaded little dots, like a string of pearls before her. These little dots were in actuality many thousands of cars full of people fleeing this walking cataclysm. But they had no chance and their deaths followed quickly. ErikaUs foot sank deep into the Earth with each step and crushed metal and flesh with the brutal indifference of a giantess so vast that other beings did not exist to her. Only four minutes later, Erika was ten miles tall. Her head extended to the upper reaches of the atmosphere. Far below all life was perishing under her unimaginably gigantic feet. Another two minutes, and she had reached a height of thirty miles. Her rate of growth had exploded, as did entire cities beneath her. The air was scarcely sufficient for her to breathe. She was walking with much of her body in outer space. Within another 10 minutes, the Earth was merely a grapefruit-sized ball to her. And still she expanded, with an ever increasing rate of growth. Not understanding why, she began to lose consciousness. Then it was over. ErikaUs last action was to crush an entire planet. With her last motion, she grasped the Earth, for her the size of an apple, and with one last twitch of her godlike arm muscles, she squeezed the little planet. Humanity died, crushed in the fist of an unbelievable giantess. Then Erika orbited in the reigning blackness of the everlasting night....