A Female Dominated World By Beady B. A drug makes men weaker and women stronger Update: 27/09/1997 to misc2 The downfall of men began way back in history with Eve and since then women have had many ups and downs in their battle for supremacy. The major step forward for women in the near-modern world was in 1920 when in the United States, men gave in to a small percent of intelligent, pushy women and granted them the right to vote. Over the next few decades women grew equal in voice to men in all situations and other countries followed suit. By the year 2009, all countries had equal rights for both sexes. Another significant event came in 2003, when Dr. Zuenveldt, a female scientist from Sweden developed the wonder drug to end all wonder drugs. It had an amazing effect on the human body. Whoever took the drug was healed of any sickness they had, and if they were under or overweight they soon became very physically toned without changing their diet or their exercise levels. Also, once someone started taking it, they never got sick again. It also seemed to extend a person's life expectancy by about 15 years. This drug, everyone agreed, was a great find and by 2013 it was injected into the entire world's food and water supply. By this time there were no more famines as the more prominent countries had banded together to help the poorer countries of the world. The only side effect this drug was found to have years later is that although everyone had become very fit and trim looking, it doubled a woman's strength while almost cutting a man's strength in half. It was found later that Dr. Zuenfeldt knew of this side effect but never made it known when the drug was released. Since women already were generally, pound for pound, stronger than males but just not as strong overall because of their size, this actually made the strongest man on Earth weaker than the weakest woman. A small percentage of men at this time tried to get the drug outlawed but because of its good qualities they didn't stand a chance and all their efforts were in vain. With everything the way it was at that time, rape became non- existent. Female rape, anyway. Prostitution also became non-existent. Men needed sex more than ever because of the overall good health of everyone so any woman could have sex with basically any man she wanted and there were no more drug addictions or financial situations that forced a woman into prostituting herself. Men developed a dependency for women because they had basically no power whatsoever anymore to use against them. Soon women used the male's dependency in any way they could and soon most of the leaders in all the world's businesses and political regimes were women. The so-called leaders that were male soon learned to never vote against the majority women's vote because of the backlash they would receive. During these years, the world's countries came together and formed one congress, governing over the entire world. By the year 2022, all members of the world congress were women. The all woman congress began to abuse their new-found power just as men at one time in history had, and at this time, laws were passed making masturbation illegal with a penalty of castration and slavery. Men and women were injected with a computer chip. The men's chip would emit a signal if they orgasmed outside of a 5 foot radius of a woman. This heightened men's dependence to the point where women could do anything they wanted and men were helpless pawns for them. Male clothing was soon outlawed and men were forced to be completely nude wherever they went and whatever they did. This was very pleasing to the women who soon added a law that made it illegal for a man to have any hair on his body from the neck down. This, the women said, was to humiliate them and show them their proper place in submission to the greater gender. Many men who rebelled and escaped the computer chip injection had fled and formed militia groups, thinking that grouped together they might stand a chance to live free lives away from the women. They were wrong and although some hid out for years they were soon tracked down and most of them killed. I am a member of the last group of rebels and just yesterday we were joking about how we were free and how the so-called superior women couldn't find us in the hills we had built our hideout in. But now, as I sit here finishing this writing, the members of my group are outside being stripped, castrated and slaughtered by a small troop of woman soldiers, unable to fight back as they are so much the weaker sex. I have stripped myself completely nude in a show of servitude to the women and even shaved every last hair from my body in hopes that they take pity on me. My uncircumcised penis is erect and throbbing in anticipation of reuniting with the stronger sex and I pray that if I am to be castrated or worse, that one or more of the women are horny enough to use me one last time and allow me to feel one last orgasm. I hear no more screams outside and... the door to the cabin has opened. I see just one of them, she is standing in the doorway and motioning to me with her finger. She is so beautiful. As I write my last, I am getting on my knees to crawl to the woman, my penis more erect than ever, as if it is saluting her. She has an evil gleam in her eye. I must go now...