CONTROL/ALT/DELETE. MALES, Chapter Two by Louise Lewis Kali and Jayne demonstrate their abilities on Ian Update: 08/10/1997 to misc2 Unbearable Love At just before one thirty a.m. the Bordeaux express eased off the thundering pressure to its drive train and began to slow down. The superb French train was announcing the beginning of the end of its journey, with only the smallest disturbance to its sleeping passengers. Outside the warm night air began to glow as the city lights grew near. Jayne stepped out of her thoughts and looked back into the carriage towards the sleeping figure of Ian Clarke, now her new assistant and darling of the department. So many women and one pretty man. Jayne had a surprise for her new assistant, a surprise that she hoped he could handle. After demotion from section head Hong Kong, forced out by a woman, he was now about to discover that Kali Mills was still with the section and to cap it all his immediate superior in the field. The dominatrix had been promoted to field supervisor. How would he handle it, would his simple male ego become hopelessly entangled within itself, after physical defeat at her hands could he manage this woman's authority over him. Jayne thrilled at the prospect of telling him and watching his face as she carefully explained why she could only tell him till now at the end of their journey; departmental protocol etc. Jayne's own interest in power relationships paralleled Kali's and in some ways was more extensive. She looked forward to when they meet Kali at the station, what will be on the face and in the mind of this poor male?. Jayne could be a cruel woman. At 38 she had seen a lot in the Service and had learned to delight in difficult situations. Her reputation as a skilled assassin and intelligence operative was the highest possible and she was always called in for the difficult cases. But this time her formidable powers of observation had failed her. She had not noticed Kali slip away with the pretty Ian after their contest in the Caribbean. No one noticed. Only Ian and Kali knew about their fantastic love making, about the gentle questioning Kali applied to her victim and how his answers turned her on. Only they knew of the healing powers of a victorious woman over a defeated male. How only she can take away the terrible sting of his humiliation. Ian became besotted by this dangerous creature and since then, now three years ago, he was unable to see the attractions of any other woman. The departmental rules meant he couldn't risk contacting Kali very often and in all that time Ian's life had unwound, the only activities he could take on outside of his work were cinema and drinking. He had seen her only four or five times since the Caribbean and on each parting he became more and more inconsolable. This was so visible that even Kali had been affected by it, never had she moved in so close before. The last time she left him her departure was quite difficult. But for Ian his disturbed state had worsened further and affected everything, even his work, and he had foolishly begun to take payments for information. Jayne pushed at his elbow to wake him up, impatient to tell him the news before Bordeaux. In the warm night air at the front of Bordeaux station a black Citroen Pallas had parked close to the main entrance and two very overheated Chinese gangsters waited for their targets to turn up. They bickered at each other, exchanging insults in three or four Hong Kong dialects. Only one had thought to bring a gun and his colleague had spent the last twenty minutes shouting. He shouted back saying that there was no problem, they only had a couple of women to terminate and what could be better than a pair of strong hands round a babes neck, no noise from a gun or the babe. As they argued a C Series Mercedes Benz drew up behind them and Kali Mills inspected the familiar car from behind the darkened glass. Yes she had seen it before, in Archachon, its broken rear light and badly painted boot making it unique. The two dark figures inside looked the same. What a way to treat a 2.3i Pallas, one of the best cars ever made. Kali ran through in her mind the last few days frantic search of coastal towns looking for anything that could give a lead on the arrival of the Diana Valkyrie. The ship was rumoured to be on its way to the area, a700 footer owned by Nabokof, owner of the Keron foundries and unofficial chief of industrial espionage operations. At first she could find nothing but eventually its port authority registration came in to the Arcachon customs house at about 3pm that day. Arrival next day noon, anchorage 1000 metres west of harbour entrance. The same Pallas drove away shortly after 3:30pm from the customs house just as Kali arrived, she actually waited for it to vacate the parking space she then occupied. Now it stood in the car park at about the arrival time of the Jayne's train. Kali at last began to feel she was getting somewhere, a result. Her searches must have aroused suspicion, a discrete photo will have been taken and a computer match found within minutes. A few calls to London, a few bribes and favours promised to one or two juniors and Jayne's train arrival time would be known and probably with the expectation of Kali turning up to meet the train; two birds for the taking. Nabokof would have issued orders without a second thought and two versatile, game for anything, general delivery men turn up to meet the Paris to Bordeaux train at 1.45 am. Kali's senses heightened as she began to consider her next move, typical girl she thought, and delighted in her nerve; the first thing that came to Kali's mind is the way she is dressed. She thrilled to the wonderful contrast of her delightful female thought in such a potentially dangerous situation. No man could have been so cool. Khaki shorts, not too tight, a T shirt, dirty knickers and sandles. Not exactly dressed to kill, but she was showing enough leg to get her victims attention. The loose slip- on sandles would limit possibilities, it would be difficult to attack two. Any action would have to be carefully thought out, one would have to be put out straight away. She couldn't kill them both without interrogation first and she couldn't let them go free to succeed in their mission. If they were assassins she had to stop them now before the train arrived. Were they here to kill, capture or make an innocent delivery?. Kali opened the door of the Mercedes Benz, its solid and well made mechanism smoothly clicked too as she crouched down silenced gun in hand. She quickly made her way to the back door of the Pallas, the station waiting area had enough cars parked around to provide cover. She reached into her shorts pocket and pulled out a hair tie and bunched her blond hair into a pony tail. This highlighted her beauty, the fine slightly cruel features of her face revealed for her victims to admire. A frison of excitement ran through her body. Fortunately the men in the car occupied front and rear seats making it easy to pick one off before being forced to deal with the other, and they were so involved in what looked like an argument they failed to notice her. Kali angled the gun at the rear door and gently tapped the nozzle against the paintwork. The voices stopped and after a moments hesitation the door opened and Kali was inside sitting beside the man in the rear seats. Innocent or guilty?. If innocent she would have to calm down two ordinary blokes, probably collecting mum and dad from the station, guilty and one would have to talk. The defining moment came as the man in the front made a grab for the gun he had stored in the glove compartment. Kali caught his eye and held his gaze for a moment, a moment in which he knew he had met his final fate in this beautiful face. Briefly he felt the back of his seat shudder as the two bullets travelled into and through his heart. Before he died Kali had the gun trained on the man in the rear and after a quick frisk was surprised to find he had no gun. An independent sort thought Kali as she slowly and firmly pressed the nozzle of the gun into the his crotch. "Ok sweety lets open up a little" she said in her best Edinburgh accent. Kali took a lot of pleasure from these private jokes, but the man smiled. "I'll tell you when to smile" She pushed the gun into the seat below his balls and pulled the trigger. He doubled over in agony, the bruising would be extensive. Hoping she had not gone too far she pulled his head up by his hair and looked again into his eyes. The expression on his face had now certainly changed, but would he talk?. Kali glanced at her watch and saw that she had at least ten minutes before the train arrived, time for some fun. She leaned over to the man and pressed the smokeless standard issue into his ribs and began to stoke his hair. After a while the pained expression in his face started to ease. He now became more than a little interested in her unusually muscular body. Her powerful golden thighs were clearly visible in the partially darkened interior of the car and he must have been very aware of the mingled perfumes of body sweat and Channel. Now he was beginning to relax it was time for a shock, the greater the contrast the greater the potential to unnerve. Before he could move to defend himself the blond Amazon had pulled out a small combat knife and buried the tip into his forehead. Chen's jaw dropped in astonishment, there was no pain and no blood, only the unwelcome feeling that this woman would be too dangerous for him. The blade was delivered with such force, speed and accuracy he knew he was outclassed by her. He began to raise his arms to reach for the offending blade but the woman reminded him of the gun by a prod to his ribs. He froze and she looked at her watch again, she obviously wanted him to talk quickly and needed to unnerve him as soon as possible. His frozen position gave him away, uncertainty had crowded in to Chen's mind. Uncertainty in action results in action without conviction or no action at all, he was now a prisoner of this woman, unable to think up and pursue any escape with any force. "What does the name Nabokof mean to you?" Chen spoke for the first time in his deliberately broken English "No knowledge, no Knowledge" He looked up again at the knife as a small trickle of blood began to move between his eyes, his hands were still hovering in the air above his knees making him look more than a little foolish in front of this woman. This angered the gangster in him which began to revive his nerve, but the woman sensed this and sharply tapped the end of the knife with the heavy barrel silencer. "What's your name baby, you can tell me?". Chen had become rigid with fear again. " I like to know the names of the people I might end up killing, c'mon, you know the lights might go out permanently at any time. Maybe the next tap on that knife, the one after or the one after that- there can't be too much skull left on the way to your brain so I'd guess we now both have a time problem" Kali estimated that he probably had a lot of skull left and hit the knife again twice to raise the pressure a few notches. Chen remained silent, his forehead now becoming very painful, he felt very sick and dizzy, he knew the woman had him completely. The panic was becoming unbearable and he was about to speak when she hit the knife again. Kali emerged from the car knowing she had gone too far, two bodies and no information. The car would probably be stolen and she found no papers about the car or on the bodies. She was covered in sweat with the heat and felt that old addictive sense of elation at killing. She hoped she wouldn't give herself away when she met Jayne. If the department found out about this she would be suspended, over enthusiasm for violence was not tolerated. She would have to lose the gun for now, but it would inevitably turn up. Its barrel score profile on recorded back in Whitehall would be available at the click of a mouse. The department would pick up the incident and automatically run a check with forensics in Bordeaux and match the gun to the shot and notify Jayne. Shit, this might be a bit close. As Kali walked across the car park she looked for a manhole cover. Dropped into the sewers it would be a while before the gun was recovered. By then it would be too contaminated for forensics to pick up anything you would expect from a short term recent user, and all she would have to do is nail her colours to the sticking place and say it was stolen or lost. This in itself would be enough of a regulations infringement, involving a large fine for loss of weapon whilst not in action. She felt most sorry for her tailor who would lose at least three months orders from her. By the time she met Jayne and Ian in the station she looked calm and relaxed and only Jayne noted a vague excitement about her blue eyes which were normally dead calm to the point of indifferent cruelty. The gun was gone and the Mercedes had been moved to another spot in the car park. Neither Jayne nor Ian would have noticed anything in any case as they both took in the blonde radiance of this girl. As they walked down the platform towards Kali, Jayne recalled her sense of loss when Kali left her position as assistant. This was no more than a mild affection but seeing her waiting on the platform she was surprised to find her heart leapt in a way it had not done for years. Things had developed in an unpredictable way. Kali stood waiting for them in a pair of Khaki shorts and T shirt looking like a schoolgirls dream of a sixth form Tom boy writ big. The rich air of Bordeaux had already found its way into Jayne's senses in an unexpected way. The formal greeting and hand shakes momentarily dissipated the magic of Kali's presence for Jayne. She could now look at Ian to see his response to the meeting and saw the same bewilderment that Kali noticed. When Jayne told him that Kali would probably be at the station he had shown nothing, which had disappointed her, but now she was satisfied to see his awkward face. Kali, however, looked for more, she looked for the look of a lover but saw only confusion and disappointment. She searched for his handsome features, his looks were still there but they certainly weren't at their peak. He was slightly pale, the character in his face seemed to be gone and he hardly smiled at her. Kali was disappointed and found his difficulty with meeting her quite unexpected and wounding. This did not fit in well with the few nights they had spent together when she had climbed into his bed and his soul. She turned around and lead them out. At the exit to the car parks Ian seemed to hesitate and began to walk in front of Kali as if to shield her, she noticed and began to watch him closely. Yes, his eyes searched the car park and stopped at a number of the parked cars, including the Citroen. Kali filed this away for further thought, not really believing that this was anything other than natural caution, but as they got into the Mercedes Ian was obviously keeping his eyes open for something. The drive at first went quietly until Kali broke the silence and briefed them both about recent events up to her arrival at the station. They were now on their way down the coast to a private villa outside a small village close to Arcachon. Full catering had been set up with a local restaurant to eat in the villa or on the premises, luckily it was Michelin rated and had a good stock of wine. Assassination of Nabokof was now not an option in as a number of diplomats had been invited to stay on the Diana as guests. An ideal camouflage and distraction for Nabokof's activities. Ian began to find himself able to speak after his obviously uneasy arrival and started to make a contribution. He added that Nabokof's boat was arriving in the afternoon to organise meetings and probably to set up communications systems. Kali couldn't believe his mistake, he had volunteered information that only she and Jayne knew. Kali had dropped a report into Jayne's secure server but as this information indicated an operatives presence in the field a section head could not divulge it to anyone. This was standard procedure until operations were secured in the locale, intended to protect the lives of active agents. The fact of the Diana's port registration would not be available in London for some hours yet, Kali had to bribe the registration officials to find out herself. The two Chinese gents were not just the result of good surveillance but Ian. She wondered what Jayne would make of this. The smack of Jayne's fist sounded on the side of Ian's face, his head bounced off the side window and he slumped over and into her lap. She pushed him into the well of the car and pressed her stilleto heal into his throat and waited for him to wake up. Kali didn't look back or add anything that would bring up the issue of the Citroen. "Turn up for the book, eh" said Jayne, thinking angrily of how she was going to get another number two. "You don't fancy a return to base duties do you Kali?" Kali said nothing and couldn't of done anyway as she tried to hold back the tears of unhappiness and anger. She had begun somewhere in her soul to believe she and Ian might make it together despite Service rules. A stupid romantic dream of course and she had managed to keep it under control for a long time. Since the Caribbean and their too few stolen times together, she had had to repeatedly push it back into the untidy thoughts and illusions section of her internal filing system. But when she heard that Ian would be coming down the dream escaped its prison again. A Service operative cannot afford to have this flotsam lose. Like faults in a lens they populate the mind and distort perceptions and accuracy is vital, Without it you are finished just as Ian Clarke is now. Tomorrow would be difficult as Jayne would almost certainly expect Kali to deal with him. She would go to Bordeaux as intended and leave Kali with the job of interrogation. The dream would have to be deleted otherwise Kali would not be able to act, but for now it had taken up residence in her heart and the tears began to fall. Jayne pushed her foot further into Ian's throat as he began to come around, she checked for weapons with her key ring detector and found his Service gun and a small automatic pushed into his sock. She threw it on to the front seat, as it bounced she knew Kali would note it as none departmental issue, no other weapons were allowed and this confirmed his wayward ways. Jayne felt a moment of anger at the man and yanked his head up between her powerful legs and crossed them. She looked down at him with contempt and began to slap his face repeatedly. "You bastard" she shouted and squeezed till he again passed out. He dropped to the floor and Jayne, the storm over, replaced her foot on his neck. She was now calm and could think again. She looked over at Kali and gave her instructions, the information must be extracted from him by her return at 10pm next day. It was made clear that Kali could do what she wanted to get his contact names and routines and no one would ask any questions unless he died. They drove on in silence as Jayne stared at the tears on Kali's cheek. Tears for Ian, what a surprise, but tomorrow would reestablish Kali's loyalties in Jayne's mind in direct proportion to the damage done, then this indiscretion could be forgotten. Jayne almost laughed as she thought of Ian and Kali as lovers, how predictable. Just as the beaten dog loves his mistress, the harder the beating the greater the attachment, Ian must love Kali to distraction. That would explain his hidden reaction when she told him about Kali's presence and of course he couldn't hide his feelings at the station. And Kali, well why not love pretty Ian, a defenceless man makes a better and more obliging lover. It was only a passing thought but Jayne decided that she would ask forensics to check for semen after the interrogation. She had begun to wonder if Kali might find this part of the job just a little bit of a turn on. She thought back to Kali's enthusiasm in the Caribbean for combat and the way she took it out on those poor men and her final defeat of Ian. The way she dealt with Ian was still talked about suspiciously amongst department heads. Jayne now recognised that Kali's efforts in her attacks on Ian's body were probably the effects of full orgasms not just mild thrills. The concern in the Service for overzealous interrogations and terminations of men by female operatives was growing. Two female operatives in Germany recently went overboard in a bar, there were some very damaged men, about four in all. Jayne also discovered that her counterpart on the South African desk was into beating her husband, the question was being asked about how far some women would go on the job. In the early afternoon sunshine the white villa shone brightly and looked just like any other holiday home, but inside the unusual sight of a naked man handcuffed to a radiator gave a different impression. At first Ian had been surprised at Kali's gentle treatment of him, she had even brought him breakfast and lunch and allowed him time to clean up and prepare for the day. But afterwards she had pointed a gun at him, told him to strip and handcuffed him to a radiator in an empty room with two enormous wall mirrors. His brief time of rest was over. He knew he had betrayed the girls and what they would do to him and that it would be very soon. He was frightened of all these powerful women and how they controlled everything, how they were always one step ahead and how they could physically subdue him. His relationship with Kali, when they could get together, was one of subliminal dominance and submission, but now this would no longer be hidden. She would go to work on him, it was her job, and she would be merciless in her pursuit of the information she needed. He hoped this would be tempered by her affection for him. The Mercedes C class moved off for its trip to Bordeaux with Jayne at the wheel. Everything was ready, it was 2pm and Kali was to be left alone with Ian till Jayne returned. The information would be vital if they were to survive this operation, They had to, live or die, find out how much he had leaked. Kali had returned from an eight mile run across the beaches and felt marvellous, filled with a new sense of urgency she went straight in to Ian to continue her exercises on him. She released him and without giving herself, or him, the chance to think began straight away to soften him up. Like a trained boxer she moved around the naked man, vulnerability is always a good starting point, and repeatedly punched his ribs all the way around his body. She felt good and there was very little effect from Ian's clumsily landed punches as he tried to defend himself. Ian looked scared, his recollections of the Carribean all too clear. He was expecting the same long grinding pain and exhaustion, the begging and pleading, the false hopes quickly dashed. "I"m even better now darling, I'm stronger and lovelier" Ian could see that Kali's streak of cruelty had returned. She stood in front of the cowering man and slowly removing her swimming costume and looked at her body in the huge wall mirror. She wanted to feel Ian with all of her body. "I'm going to watch this time, I'm going to have even more fun. You know you can't defend yourself against me, I'm too fast and too strong. Too well trained for you to resist, since beating you up in the Carribean I've done even more training." Kali moved over to Ian as he backed against the mirrored wall. His head was leaning back and was the first part of him to meet the mirror with a jolt and for a moment he was stunned. Just in that brief moment, Kali delivered two smashing blows to his testicles and his stomach. Ian collapsed to the floor and on his knees groaned in pain. Kali looked into the mirror to savour the sight of her conquest. "Soon you will talk Ian and when you do it will be the truth, any lies and it'll get worse." Ian knew what this dangerous woman meant and he could see her excitement as she continued to explain how she was going to get the truth from him. First the softening up and then control, but this time total control. Kali promised him that she would turn him inside out and before the day was out he would be an empty shell only able to act and think with her permission. Their relationship started with a beating and would finish with one. Suddenly the kicking and punching was resumed at a faster and harder pace. Soon Ian was completely unable to contemplate fighting back and he began to lumber around the room in a desperate attempt to keep away. Kali followed him persistently and when he fell she would kick him so severely he had to get up. Ian could see his reflection in the mirrors being slowly smashed to pieces by this naked woman and as predicted he began to plead and beg her to stop. "Kali, please don't do this to me, remember how I feel about you." She ignored his pleading and continued to pound him with her fists. As she worked on him she occasionally landed a fist on his cheeks and nose and blood began to be spread around on the walls and on to the sets of wall mirrors. Ian found himself sliding along the mirrors in his own blood in his effort to get away from her. As she beat him with her fists Ian could see the her muscular frame tense and relax, the very body he made love to was now in the process of destroying his own. As Kali tensed her muscles and position herself to smash him again he could only watch and wait. Each blow was so strong and shook him so much that he repeatedly collapsed as his legs gave away in shock. "See what a woman can do Ian. You're always surprised that a girl can do this, it's the same with all men, even the second time around. You're helpless, I could smash two of you and your male ego can't understand how I can." Kali's strategy was to make Ian think that their love making meant nothing to her, and because he meant nothing to her she would do anything. She kicked him again, the blow falling at the back of his thigh. For a moment Kali felt his soft and vulnerable balls as her foot crashed between his legs. "Get up" shouted Kali. Ian forced himself to stand knowing that her beautiful body would deliver another blow to his and he would yet again fall at her feet. Kali raised her arms and with the slicing sides of her hands delivered two simultaneous cutting blows to each side of his neck. Ian again collapsed onto his knees with his hands around his throat. Kali smashed her knee into his chest and, gasping for air, he fell onto his back. Kali stopped her onslaught and looked into the mirror at herself towering over him. Ian lay there looking up at her, he could see the intimate dark folds of her vagina and the graceful sweep of her inner thighs and the muscled orbs of her backside. He looked on upwards to her flat and steel hard stomach, her perfect breasts and on to her blue and cruel eyes. Slowly Kali began to stroke herself, mesmerised by the experience, and continued to stare into the mirror. "Get up, on your knees" Ian gathered up what strength had returned to him and rolled on to his side, Kali watched him impassively through the mirror as he slowly and shakily attempted to raise himself. After a while he managed to lever himself up to lean against the wall mirror. Kail took hold of his blood smeared hair and drew his face towards her crotch. Ian found his bruised face pushed into Kali's blond hair as she raised her leg and rested her thigh on his shoulder. The weight of her powerful thigh pressed down upon him and set of again the pain of his bruising. Ian was stimulated into action and began to kiss and lick the soft recesses of her vagina. As he worked his way inwards the wonderful spicy flavours of Kali's body were released into his mouth and he drank in the wonderful feminine liquids she poured onto him. Kali watched through the mirror and saw Ian's foreskin draw back to accommodate his obvious passion. The door opened and in walked Jayne and Sally Hammersten. They abruptly stopped as they saw the scene before them. Sally, a US career diplomat, was astonished as she took in the scene. Smears of blood were spread about the walls and mirrors and on the body of the most amazing looking woman she had ever seen. Beneath her, with his head pulled into her crotch, was the kneeling man she was obviously in the process of destroying. Kali and Jayne looked at each other. For Kali the scene was one of embarrassed discovery, for Jayne a scene of revealing confirmation. "I'll take over now Kali" instructed Jayne. Kali took her leg off Ian's shoulder and he slumped to the floor. "How much information have you got so far" asked Jayne. "Nothing yet". Kali walked away towards the door. "Take Sally with you, I don't think she should see this." "I would like to stay and watch, I've been asked to observe you as trained fighters, Washington requested and it's official" said Sally. She sat herself in the corner and looked in detail at Ian's pretty body and the amazing sight of Jayne, looking so powerful and dangerous, standing over him. She began to see the awesome strength of these women, it was no wonder that a lot of men in the Service were just plain scared. Ian rolled over onto his back and looked up at his new interrogator. She was dressed in a severe looking business suit, his eyes moved up Jayne's legs and into the dark spaces under her skirt. Jayne enjoyed his interest in her body. Her enjoyment of her power over men was even more intense than Kal's but manifested itself in more subtle ways. She was not interested in extending the time she worked on Ian as Kali had obviously done, she needed a quick result. "I won't waste any time Ian, start talking" Jayne grabbed Ian's hair and with her other hand gripped his throat and pulled him upward. Sally's mouth dropped as she saw the man being pulled to his feet, the effect was machine like. Jayne's arms acted like a pair of hydraulic rams, Ian was lifted and slammed against the wall and the breath was sharply jarred out of him. The incongruity of a woman being able to do this to a man, he looked over six feet tall and was quite well muscled, was accentuated by his nakedness and the business suit, blouse and high healed shoes that Jayne wore. More than this, Sally could plainly see Jayne's muscular form under her city suit. As Jayne lifted Ian the width of her powerful back increased like a weight lifters. Jayne kicked Ian's legs apart till they were forced as far as they could go, pushed flat against the wall he slowly sank until the pain in his groin became sever. Sally watched the man, his face contorted in agony, as he feebly tried to pull at the woman's arms. There was no movement in them. Sally's admiration in this awesome display grew even further. Jayne kicked the man's legs once again and pressed down; he tried to bend them but somehow he was locked in to the splitting agony and could not move at all. "Ian, I'm triple A combat rated which means I'm even harder than Kali. She can rip you apart and she's a two. What chance have you got, you didn't even grade. By the way, a triple A can kill any Service staff member: no questions." Jayne pressed down harder and Ian moan in his pain. His head fell forward and he appeared to pass out. Sally almost stood up in her desire to help this man, but she held herself in check and looked on. Jayne lifted him again and closing in on him took hold of his neck with both hands and shook him till he woke up. "Ian look down, look at my knee" Jayne lifted her leg and brushed against Ian's testicles. "You're being very brave Ian, but do you want to lose these" Ian didn't answer, he just closed his eyes and waited. Both he and Jayne knew she was easily capable of killing him with one blow from her overpowering legs. He knew he would not talk and he almost hoped that she would finish him now. If she held back he would have to go through more humiliating and agonising treatment from this woman. Sally watched with amazement at the speed of the blow Jayne delivered deep into the man's lower body. She saw his body arch backwards and as the woman let go his head hit the wall and he crashed to the floor. Jayne took out a tissue from her sleeve, wiped the blood from her hands and walked out. Sally stared at the broken body, he was still breathing, and she began to wonder how she might feel about men if she could do that to them.