The Temp by GES A Femdom Spanking Fantasy I had completed a bachelor's degree in mathematics when I was offered an opportunity to travel to England to serve as a summer session math instructor at a small exclusive public (remember in England public and private schools are the opposite of what they are in the U. S.) women's school. It was part of an exchange program to provide students with a chance to travel the world a bit. I eagerly accepted and in due course arrived at the school in England for check in and orientation. At the interview with me was a newly arrived boxing coach from France who was female. I learned I would be the only male on the faculty. I reflected on the fact that while they could find only a male for math instruction they had no trouble finding a female boxing instructor (instructress?). As the head mistress droned on about the rules, strictly enforced of course, I became particularly attentive when she stated that paddling was the preferred punishment at this school. She pointed out that as a male I would not be permitted to paddle female students though the boxing instructor could but only after she qualified. And it was a most curious qualification. To be authorized to paddle students the instructors themselves had to undergo an eight swat paddling session from the head mistress and once so qualified they could then administer corporal punishment freely. I was also told that any transgressions by my students must be reported to the head mistress promptly so punishment could be meted out. If I failed to do so than I would receive the punishment the student would normally get. This was school policy for all faculty members. I was a bit startled at this practice for as most of us know in the United States paddling students, not to mention instructors, is usually proscribed and I was not sure I could consign a student of mine to such a traumatic (for me) ritual. But it appeared that the faculty, all English of course, took it in stride as apparently did the students. I assumed my duties teaching a remedial math class for girls who were not up to standard for commencing college level work. In a group of this age there were the usual number of high-spirited young women and several minor breaches of the rules occurred. But this was a summer session, more relaxed than regular sessions I thought, and the transgressions so minor as to not warrant consideration. I was wrong. Called before the head mistress I was asked to explain why I did not report my students' sins. My explanation that they were no big thing was not accepted. I was then informed that I must receive ten swats on the bare bottom or I would have to leave the school forthwith. This was Wednesday and I had until Friday tea time (4:00 PM) to consider a decision. A dilemma. I was just starting out and I did not want a dismissal on my record. I did not relish the paddling either. But I thought I better go through with the punishment and see if I could develop the stiff upper lip we hear so much about. Friday 4:00Pm found me in the head mistress's office where I informed her I agreed to accept the punishment. Present also was a faculty member who I suspect was the original snitch. A prim young woman, older than I but younger that the head mistress, who would surely want the head mistress job. She would assist with the punishments including mine. Apparently this was the time of week when all loose punishment ends were disposed of. I was directed to a small room and instructed to remove my clothing except for socks, shorts, and singlet, the English term for t-shirt. From the room I was in, with the door slightly ajar, I could see what was going on in the office. On one wall of the office were mounted two bars parallel to the floor at different heights. Several students were brought in to undergo paddlings. A student would grasp the bar most convenient for her height, lean slightly forward, and in sort of a ritualistic fashion their skirts were hoisted above their waist, their panties lowered, and the paddle smartly applied to a writhing bare bottom. Some of them cried. The ladies could make it hurt. These matters taken care of the new boxing instructress, Renee, who had been watching all this, prepared to undergo her qualification paddling. I was somewhat taken aback by the jocular attitudes of not only the head mistress and her assistant but also Renee. She took hold of one of the bars, the assistant lowered Renee's gym shorts revealing a smooth and beautifully rounded rear end, and the head mistress proceeded to apply four swats. Stopping and passing the paddle to the assistant, the head mistress spent a couple of minutes explaining how the swats should be applied, strictly on the buttocks, and flat across both cheeks at the same time. The most swats to be delivered at any one time would be twelve. Be very sure that the punishment would draw no blood. Some of the girls had peaches and cream complexions. Their bottoms would get very red quickly and one had to be careful that such tender skin is not broken. The assistant then delivered the last four swats to the Renee who then stood up rubbing her backside gently. Raising her shorts above her knees so she could walk over to a full length mirror she inspected her reddened cheeks and remarked that it had been a long time since she had been so smartly spanked. Watching all this, unnoticed of course, did embarrass me somewhat. But this was tempered by the fact that my turn was at hand. Renee left and I was called into the office. Told to grasp one of the bars I obediently complied. Then the assistant inserted her fingers into the waistband of the boxer shorts I was wearing and deftly lowered them to my knees. I was a bit self-conscious about all this but I had agreed to undergo punishment so I could only grin and bear it, the stiff upper lip I suppose. "All right, young man," the head mistress said, "you will receive ten swats at this first session." " You deserve twenty or more perhaps but we will restrict ourselves to ten this time with the hope that you have learned a lesson." "Are you ready?" "Okay, I'm ready," I replied. "Young man," the head mistress said, "it is Yes, Ma'am, I am ready." "For that omission we will add two swats so your punishment is now twelve swats." "Yes, ma'am, I am ready," I dutifully replied. The first swat landed and I gasped. It hurt. Another immediately followed and I groaned. Then another and another. The pain was awful. I couldn't believe I could tolerate such pain. As a swat would land on my buttocks I would take a deep breath, I would hardly exhale before another swat landed. Tears began to flow. After six swats the head mistress paused. "Are you all right, young man," she asked. "Yes ma'am, I'm all right," I replied. The assistant gave me a tissue to dry my eyes. The head mistress handed the paddle to the assistant who then took over the spanking duty. "Get ready," the assistant said. I gripped the bar in front of me and the assistant landed her first swat. Maybe it was my already tortured rear but it hurt worse than the first swats. On the next swat I made a rather loud outcry. The assistant laid on her third swat and I began to blubber. The pain was unbelievable. Then her fourth swat landed and the fifth. Then followed a short respite. What she was doing was setting herself for the final and hardest swat. It came and I almost screamed. Were there one more I would have broken down in uncontrolled sobbing. Apparently they knew just how much I could take. The assistant stepped back to admire her work. I could see her nodding her head as though it was a job well done. I was moaning and tears were flowing liberally down my face. I was given two tissues this time. I needed them. "Young man," the head mistress said, "this is your first punishment and obviously you are not used to such pain." "If there are future punishments you should find them a little more bearable." While I was not reassured, I was no longer embarrassed. The pain of this beating removed any inhibitions I had about appearing almost nude in front of these women. I felt I belonged to them and whatever they wanted they could have. "Stay there," the head mistress said, "I will tell you when you may move." After a couple of minutes I stopped crying and the head mistress told me I could stand up and to step out of my shorts which had settled around my ankles. "Go over to the mirror and look at yourself." "Your buttocks appear pretty bad now but it will clear up soon enough." "And the pain you felt a few minutes ago should be subsided by now and only when you sit down will it be evident, and that only for a day or so." Finally the head mistress told me to get dressed and that I could leave. She admonished me again to promptly report any future transgressions of my students or we would have to go through the same procedure again. On my way back to my room I thought about this recent experience and except for the briefly intensive pain it wasn't all that bad. I did not mind being subservient to the women who had complete control of me and who punished me severely. Evidently this experience uncovered a part of my psyche I had been unaware of. Yes, it would likely happen again.