Super Mother and Daughter By Charles Peterson Chapter One Linda discovers her strength I knew it from the first time I laid eyes on her. "That woman has it," I thought to myself. "She has potential for more, too." It wasn't just her huge breasts. At least sixty inches and counting. Or her large frame, although that was part of it. I could tell, by looking at her large, obviously strong arms and legs. They were not fat and jiggly, like some plumpers. They were large and obviously strong. She was obviously not a bodybuilder. But I could tell if she were to ever try, she could dwarf ordinary women and men. I had this theory that at one time, women used to regularly stronger than men. To reverse this effect, evolution favored a shift in hormones that gave them a disadvantage. But occasionally, you find women with male strength hormones. Their strength potential is unlimited. And Linda clear had this, as was indicated by her large short neck--just like a man's. It seemed unlikely, since I was rather shy, but I walked right up and started talking to her and her friend. Before I knew it, we had set a date. I was worried that she would back out, but she didn't. After we had been dating a while, I told her about my fantasy. "I can understand why you like my large breasts. Most men do. But weightlifting? That's not feminine." I insisted that she try it some time. After we had been living together a while, I brought the subject up again. She was looking for some way to accelerate my interest now. She agreed to it this time. One night I brought home a new weight set, along with a sexy night shirt and a large diamond ring. "You don't have to try it. But you know how much it would turn me on." That night we worked out together. I spent most of my time coaching her. I had worked out with weights before, and knew it was slow going for me. After several months of intensive training, I had increased my biceps by an inch. I encouraged her to lift more than I could. I could see she didn't want to, although she clearly could. Eventually, she gave in. That first night, she was curling 100 pounds and benching 150, more than I had ever done. We were both sore the next morning, and I was afraid I had pushed her to far. But her arms had clearly grown. She was impressed by how excited it had made me. So, she worked at it some more. Before long, I had to buy more weights. She was benching 250 easily. By the end of the first month, I had assembled an entire gym. I would come home, and she had already started working out. I encouraged her in doing this, and frequently brought home presents. We would then work out a while longer, and then start working out on each other. I made the bench press bench large and comfortable so I could lay on her while she was benching and start playing with her nipples. I devised a remote control system so I could increase the weight as we were going. In the heat of passion her strength would increase measurably. By the second month she was benching 400 pounds. With all this exercise, Linda would occasionally lose weight. I encourage her to eat as much as she could, both to fuel her ever increasing musculature, and to maintain (and even enhance) her assets elsewhere. So she was definitely not loosing weight overall. As she was benching 400 pounds, her weight had increased too, from 250 when I met her to about 375, and growing daily. At first she was worried about her clothes. This was where I tried to assuage her fears the most. I spent a fortune on new clothes. She had burst that sexy night shirt after a month, and was trying to get by patching things. I didn't want her to lose any time for exercising, so I hired a seamstress. It wasn't easy, because we were both shy of admitting her huge growth to anyone else. Finally, I found a 300 pound woman who did excellent work. I hired her full time. It was indeed a full time job. Special shirts and brassieres had to be made. All the new clothes were designed for further expansion, but it wasn't long before completely new ones were needed anyway. This was a very good move, because now she felt free to eat as much as she wanted to. She wasn't worried about busting clothing; she even delighted in it now because she got better and better things all the time. At 375, Linda's breasts measured a full 80 inches. Almost all of that increase was muscle, the huge muscles that had already made her the world's strongest Woman. A far cry from the "fatty weakling" she thought she was when I met her. But there were other problems. Even though she had a big one ton pickup when I met her, it was becoming impossible for her to get into it. I bought a UPS delivery truck, added doors and increased the size of the back so she could walk in. And added a massive 8 liter supercharged engine. Still, she let me do most of the driving. In fact, she was rather shy about going out at all, so I did all the shopping, errands, etc. About the only places we went were to the park and the beach. And she never wore a swimsuit, except around our pool. Also, it was getting very difficult to get through the doorways. After one workout, she busted off the jambs of one door. I hired a contractor to rebuild the house for a really huge person. She was somewhat embarassed at first at having 5 foot double doors everywhere. But I could also see how relieved she was. And a special bathroom was built. Not to mention a special reinforced bed. All these improvements meant she was now free to grow to enormous proportions. And that's what she did. By the sixth month, she weighed over 600 pounds. That would be a lot of weight for an eight foot man. It was unbelievable for a 5'6" woman. Actually, her muscles had made her gain a couple of inches in height, so she was now 5'8", a couple inches taller than me. She had become unbelievable. At first, we though she would enter the Olympics, or a weight lifting contest. But what would be the point. Even if she could get through all the doors, would they even have weights big enough? I had built special hydraulic equipment for her to work with. She was benching 1500 pounds. In fact, she could curl and do many other lifts with 1500. She could deadlift 3000 pounds, and had no difficulty lifting up the average car with one hand. At that time, though, we both agreed that she should get off the massive weight gain routine. It was just getting to be too much. She could still exercise, but not eat the huge amounts that fueled such enormous growth of muscles (thanks to her strength hormones). She could hardly bend her arms 90 degrees, and just getting around was becoming a problem (even though she could easily bust anything that got in her way). Then, we made a discovery. In spite of not gaining more weight, her strength continued to increase. Because of this, we permitted a small, gradual growth in weight as we could handle it. The results were staggering. After two years, she had gained only 100 more pounds, to a total of 700, but her strength had doubled. She was bench pressing 3000 pounds, and deadlifting 10,000. She was clearly the strongest human the world had ever seen. I had to build even more powerful hydraulic systems just for her to exercise with, with structural steel components a couple of inches thick. Her biceps measured 38 inches around, and though she could still only bend her arms 90 degrees, we had learned to deal with this. She had special things like long silverware and an 18" toothbrush. I liked to invent and design things to make her life easier. Chapter Two Lisa's Childhood Although I had advised against it, Linda truly wanted to have a child. We worked on it for several years, hoping to overcome my low sperm count. I enjoyed working on it, and didn't really want to have a child anyway, but finally Linda got pregnant. She weighed 820 pounds just before our daughter Lisa was born. Linda's boobs grew much bigger during the pregnancy so that they rested on her huge, muscular thighs, spilling over on each side, and nearly reached her knees. She could just barely reach her own nipples when sitting down. Her bust was about 98 inches now, in a well fitting bra, and each breast was about 35 inches around. And they really did weigh more than 35 pounds each. I made sure all her bras were well fitting, as well as easily removed and extremely stretchy and strong. But even with no bra, Linda's humungous boobs didn't sag much, since they were mounted on a chest of super powerful muscles. The table on which Lisa was born was made of high strength alloys. I had delivered it to the hospital just four days before the delivery day. We were worried that a small baby might easily be crushed by her huge mother, but everything worked out well. Before long Linda was breast feeding Lisa on her lap, carefully holding her heavy boobs out of the way not to hurt Lisa. Linda had plenty of milk, and didn't mind sharing some with me. The supply was limitless, and she could spurt some out about 10 feet. The breast feeding continued for more than a year. I would have preferred that it never stop. Lisa was 15 pounds at birth. She stayed with mother during her mother's workouts, and it was not surprising that she took to the weight machinery at an early age. The weight machines were electronically controlled and could be adjusted as low as 1 pound. We let Lisa play with it. Before she could walk, she was bench pressing 15 pounds. When she entered school at the age of 4 and a half, Lisa was 3 feet tall but weighed 100 pounds. Boys made fun of her because she was so thick. But not for long. She burst a volleyball one day. At home, she was bench pressing 200 pounds. She was fairly intelligent for her age, but, unlike me, very headstrong. By the age of 7, she was 4 1/2 feet tall and weighed 350 pounds. She obviously had a problem with P E. One day she threw a basketball 200 feet. She might have made the basket, had it stayed upright. It was knocked clear to the ground. I believe she could have ripped it out of the asphalt playground if she had wanted to. It was a scary thought how strong such a young child was becoming. It could be dangerous. Accidentally (or so she claimed) she ripped a locked door off of its hinges and ripped the steel latch out of the door jamb. She was bench pressing 1,000 pounds, and had become the second strongest human, after her mother who was now benching 2,500 pounds at a weight of 900. Needless to say, I couldn't threaten either of them. I could only bench 150 pounds with my 15 inch arms. By the age of 10, we had to take Lisa out of public school. One day she lifted a car, pushing three mean boys (who were threatening her best girlfriend) out of the way. She was 5 1/2 feet tall and weighed 600 pounds. Nobody got hurt, but the thought of such a powerful young and headstrong girl running around with other children frightened everyone, except her. Lisa did her home schooling well, and worked well with the best tutors we could find. But she spent more time than ever working the weight machines. She watched TV and even read her books (usually on a computer monitor) while working ever increasing weights. (I had a keyboard and mouse control encoded in ten buttons on every machine.) It wasn't long before the only thing Lisa lacked over her mother was the huge breasts. By the time she was 12, she weighed 1200 pounds and stood 6 feet six inches tall. She kept adding weight, and kept growing taller too, though at a slower rate. She was mature for her age...except in her breasts. By the time she was 15, Lisa was seven and a half feet tall and weighed 2000 pounds. She had amazing 45 inch biceps, and could curl 2000 pounds with each arm. She could deadlift 20,000 pounds. Her chest was 110 inches around. She had huge pecs which were bigger than a porn stars boobs, but she completely lacked breasts, which made her sad. She kept on working out more and more to get this off her mind. She was jealous of her hugely busted mother. In fact, I developed a breast-growth hormone, which I thought Lisa might need because she seemed to be completely lacking in it. But Linda didn't think Lisa should have it. She was worried about it because it also tended to cause an increase in height (and thinness), and at 7 feet 7 inches she thought Lisa was already too tall. Chapter 3 Fury Unleashed Lisa Gets Her Way, At Last Two weeks after Lisa's eighteenth birthday, Linda and I went to the coast for a two week anniversary vacation. It was our 22nd anniversary. Lisa was hardly talking with either of us at the time, but we left her with enough supplies a home for a year, and a credit card to order anything more she wanted by phone. Linda had grown to an ever-muscular 1083 pounds, and still had those wonderfully immense breasts, with a total bustline of 108 inches, and 36 inch biceps. But she was worried that I was too preoccupied with Lisa. Lisa had grown to 2200 pounds. Her strength was straining the limits of my machinery, which peaked out at 45,000 pounds. Lisa had been deadlifting 42,000, and adding a hundred or two more every day. When we got back home, we went straight to the weight room. It was a sure bet to find Lisa there, where she almost always was. But Lisa wasn't there now, and she didn't answer our call. The entire room looked like it had been through a hurricane. No, even a hurricane could do that kind of damage. Some steel bars and beams were two inches thick, but every one of them had been bent to some degree, some by more than 90 degrees. Some machines had been completely pulled apart. Plates were twisted. There were gaping holes in the wall. (That part was like a hurricane, anyway.) Finally, we found Lisa, where we least expected her, back on the driveway. Metal was screeching as she was crushing a ten inch vice that was had been in the garage. That she had grown, we expected, but this? Her muscles had grown so big her overall form was hardly recognizable anymore. She looked like the Michelin man. Her arms were as big around as car tires, and her thighs were as big around as truck tires. Her chest was as big around as a Caterpiller tire. "_I_ want to use the breast hormones NOW!" she said, speaking effortlessly about as loud as a bullhorn. "I tried to make some myself, and look at what happened!" "Dear, We've always warned you that would be like putting fuel on the fire. Just how tall do you want to be? You can just barely go out in public as it is," her mother replied. Lisa looked for a moment like she was going to strike her mother. That certainly would have been fatal. She might have flung her mother a mile. Some sense returned, and instead she put her hands under my 8000 pound specially reinforced Suburban. Her triceps had gotten so large, she couldn't straighten her arms entirely, or bend her legs very much, but she managed to reach under the custom made rear steel hitch/bumper and lift it very fast. Her arms could only bend from about 165 to 105 degrees, but the power of her lift flipped the rear of the truck up, over 30 feet up, and over. It landed, upside down, about 20 feet ahead of us. The concrete driveway, over two feet thick, shook violently, and underneath Lisa there was now a pothole surrounded by cracks. The sound was deafening, like being in the middle of a traffic accident. It all happened very quickly, and I was shaking afterwards. Giving her mother a mean look, she bent her arms in a double bicep pose. As she raised her fists, the top of her biceps rose as fast as her fists, and swelled outward too, until they peaked well over her head. Her racing pulse caused her massive arms to throb visibly as they grew even larger. Now her arms were only bending to about 110 degrees. Must be about eighty inches, I thought to myself. Whew! "I can't take any more of this," said Linda. "From now on, you two can take care of each other." "She won't hurt you," she added, glaring at me, "but she could hurt me." Linda started storming down the driveway, flipping my now useless truck over on the way. Clearly it required her a lot more effort that for her to do that than for her daughter to toss it clear up in the air. But she hid the effort as best she could, and kept on walking. "No, please wait," I pleaded. Linda turned around and spoke loudly so that Lisa, now somewhat shaken, could hear. "There's something both of you should know. I know you, always expected this," she said clearly looking at me. "It's true. Lisa is not your biological daughter. After we hadn't had children for a while, I decided to get artificial insemination, with sperm from the Two of a Kind sperm bank. And, in what I now see to have been a terrible mistake, I chose the sperm of the world's strongest man, Paul Anderson." "You mean the 364 pound guy who did a 6800 pound back lift in 1957?" Lisa asked. "Yes, that's him. So, you see you have the genes of the one who used to be the worlds strongest woman, your mother, and the world's strongest man. Add to that the deviant mind of the most twisted father, and his inhuman cybernetic weight machines. I let you have your way too much already, and now you've become a monster. I want no more part of this. I want a real human daughter. One who might even be able to hold the hand of her boyfriend without being tempted to crush it." "That explains a lot," I said, thinking about the artificial insemination part and not the monster part. "And another thing I haven't told you," she said looking at me, "is that I have another man. A REAL man, not a weakling twerp like you. I thought our vacation would bring back your attraction to me. But I can see you've still got much more interest in your daughter. That's fine, because from now on you're going to be living together, and NOT with me. I'm sick of both of you. Both of you are sick. SICK!" She spoke loudly but couldn't match the powerful lungs of her daughter. "As you wish," I replied, still shaking. "No need to call a lawyer..." "Hah," she replied. "Don't make me laugh. It's just all I can bear not to call the National Enquirer. I'll give you that much." Linda revved up her extended Humvee with dual electronic steering wheels and tore out. Lisa looked sad. "Don't worry," I tried to comfort her, holding as much of a corner of her as I could. "We'll always have each other, even if you aren't my 'real' daughter. I'll never leave you. My love for you is real, even if my paternity isn't." Lisa smiled, and curled her arms again. I'd swear this time they grew even bigger, maybe 82 inches I estimated. "This really turns you on, doesn't it Dad? I see how you try to hide it, but it does turn you on. You liked mother's 36 inch arms. But you like my 83 inch arms even more. You'd like me even more if I had huge boobs too, wouldn't you, and that scares you, doesn't it?" I didn't answer. I quickly figured that the area of an 83 inch circle was over 5 times as great as that of a 36 inch circle, meaning that Lisa could be 5 times stronger than her mother. But she seemed more like 10 times stronger. I bet she could deadlift 300,000 pounds now, and curl 40,000 pounds in each arm. I could feel my dick hardening. I tensed my small 15 inch arms to stop it. She went over over to the mangled Suburban, and quickly had the entire car off the ground and was pressing it up and down over her head. "This is nothing," she said. As metal was groaning, she started bending the chassis up over her head. The driveshaft was bending like a coat hanger. "Linda could pick the truck up, but could she bend it into a ball like I can? Could she throw it a mile like I can?" That might have been an exaggeration, but not much. She bent her arms and legs and pushed the car up and over into the east 40 of our farm. It must have traveled more than a thousand feet before coming down with a crash and making an impressive crater in the dirt with a small mushroom-shaped cloud rising from it. Despite that impressive display, Lisa didn't still didn't look entirely happy. I again tried to comfort her. "I know there are a few problems, but we can work them out. I know you want the hormones. It wouldn't hurt if you grew a little taller so that you had some more flexibility again. We can work on things to make you life comfortable, no matter how tall you get." She hugged me gently with one arm. Very gently. If I were made of steel, she might accidentally crush me, but she could be very gentle with one arm while lifting tens of thousands of pounds with the other. "You know what I really want? Yes, I do want to get some more flexibility again. I've gotten too musclebound, but I don't want to lose muscle, so that's a good solution. But what I really want is to put on breasts, really large breasts. I've always wanted that, but you and mother wouldn't..." "Yes, I know. And from now on I'm going to consider you an adult and give you what you want. After all, you can't help it that you lacked the natural breast hormone entirely. Now I know that there really is a genetic explanation for it. Even though I wonder why you even need breasts. Your pecs are larger than mother's breasts." Indeed, her pecs stood out over 20 inches from the breastbone. It was an impressive display of solid muscle. Her chest was over ten feet around. "I don't just want to be big," she said. "I want to be be a little soft and feminine in some parts. Like mother. She has both. But not as much as I will. I want more. I want breasts so big no one else could carry them. I want breasts as big as mother herself." And she got what she wanted in a few years. Breasts weighing a thousand pounds each. A bust of over 240 inches. Tons of muscle supporting a ton of breast flesh. And she grew to 11 feet tall as well. She could lift a locomotive, and throw a tractor like a baseball. And she had breasts that could crush or push aside anything that got in her way, like desks, cars, or busses. Yielding softness that was so immense and heavy, it might as well have had the hardness of steel. But that's for future chapters... Questions and Answers Q: But what did Lisa eat, anyway? A: Her mother had insisted on a vegetarian diet ever since Lisa was 8. "If you're going to be as heavy and strong as a few dozen people, you've got to be environmentally sensitive. Besides, it costs a lot less..." This turned out to be a vast savings by the time she weighed as much as 100 people or more. We did have pretty huge water bills though... Until we moved to a farm and had our own water and sewer system big enough for a small subdivision. Fortunately I made lots of money installing custom weight training equipment for other superwomen. We always had the largest setup of all, of course. Q: Is it true that a woman twice as tall as another would be 8 times as heavy, all other things being equal? A: Yes, and it is a fact not understood by many writers. The volume and weight increases as the cube of a linear dimension, such as height or circumference. Unfortunately, the cross-sectional area, which is most related to strength, only increases as the square, but we writers tend to fudge that part. Actually, a fifty foot woman would barely be able to lift her own leg, because she would weigh 1,000 (10 X 10 X 10) times as much as a five foot woman, but be "only" 100 times as strong. There is an optimal height, and as we get taller we lose strength relative to our own weight. It's fun to relax the laws of physics (not to mention biology and topology) which don't suit our story line. But I don't like to relax the weight part. A twenty foot woman would weigh 64 times as much as a five foot women. If the five foot woman were very muscular, say, 200 pounds, the equivalent twenty foot woman would weigh 12,800 pounds, and for the purposes of a story, I'd say she could still deadlift 3 times her own weight, or 38,400 pounds. That's like ten 3,840 pound trucks. Now an arm that is twice as large in circumference would have a cross-sectional area four times as large, and therefore could be four times as strong. Lisa's 83 inch arms are almost 4 times as large in circumference as a power lifter's 21 inch arms, which makes her theoretically about 4 X 4 or 16 times stronger, which is a lot. But her muscles are so solid she's much stronger than that. She's about 25-100 times stronger, depending on the test. Q: Isn't tearing steel pretty hard on skin? A: To do a lot of things that might rip ordinary skin, she wears the new spandex/titanium chain mail body suit I developed. It stretches and breathes wonderfully, but resists perpendicular puncture forces to an astonishing degree. It's just one of the many items for super women that can be ordered from my latest catalog, which includes advanced capability weight machines, modified vehicles, and even elongated toothbrushes for those muscle bound women. **** Sorry it's taken so long to crank out this second installment. I keep on wanting to add more, here and there, all the time, and I'm finding more and more stuff like this that I like, with big numbers and amazing feats of strength in every paragraph. Keep it up.