Robin and Phil - round three By Mike "You going to make breakfast, Phil?" "No, I think you are." The arm wrestling continued. Whoever was the loser, was to make a sumptuous breakfast for the other. Robin was not straining, but Phil was . He was turning red and his arm was beginning to hurt. She just fended him off, and yawned at one point. "Witch." "Oh, am I?" With that, down went Phil. "I'll have coffee first. Then a piece of cantalope, followed by a bowl of oatmeal. And put an egg on top, sunny side." As Robin put in her order, Phil was securing materials needed for her order. This same thing happened the previous night, but supper was determined by a 1 fall wrestling match. That lasted about two minutes and ended with Robin putting her mate into sleeper hold, with one arm. He continued to be amazed by her power, but always consented to her competitions. What happened afterwards was his reward. It should be pointed out, that after their last match, Phil awoke from his beating from Robin, and did add the "you" to his final words. They discussed what that might have meant, and both agreed that a living together arrangement was appropriate. Since then Phil moved into Robin's place (it is bigger, less stuff to move, and Phil had no choice) and have been together for a period of four months. They sat down as Robin consumed her breakfast. Phil was content witht the coffee and a part of the cantaloupe. "Phil, you know that woman Myra I have spoken about from the club?" He nodded. "She's been giving me a difficult time recently." Phil looked at Robin with a puzzeled look. "Why?" "I don't know. But during my work outs, she comes over to where I am and gives me look, she's queen bee.. Know what I mean?" "Not really. Why does she do that? Is she jealous?" "I don't think so. She's bigger than I am. She's about 5' 9" and she's much more defined tha I am. I'm sure she's much stronger. Remember Darla? She told me that Myra would love to kick my ass. I asked her why, but Darla didn't know." Maybe you're a threat to her." "How? She's not the champ, I'm not a bodybuilder, I'm not in her league when it comes to strength or bodybuilding. Oh, well, maybe I'm being too sensitive. Ya think?" "Maybe. You finished? I'll do the dishes." Phil thought for a moment. "Rob, you think Darla is trying to start something because you beat her that time? They are friends, right?" Robin gave it some thought, but didn't say anymore. That evening she was very quiet. Phil knew there was something. "Hey, are you going to the gym tomorrow?" "I was planning on it. Why?" "Confront her. Ask her why the looks. What do you have to lose if its bothering you?" "I don't know. If its nothing, then it looks like I'm starting it." She paused, thought for a while and said, "No, I'm not going to say anything. I'll just ignore it." Phil just nodded, but to himself he said, "Sure you will." The following day, Phil got a call forom Robin. "Phil, that bitch went too far today." "What did she do?" "I was working with the frees, and she came behind me with bigger weights and started to laugh. I tried to not say anything and walk away, but she told me to keep watching her to see how it was done. As I tried to leave she pushed me into a corner. I had no choice but to push her back. People had to come between us. She challenged me to a three out of five, next Tuesday, the 11th. 8:00. I told her,'you're on.' Hope I said the right thing." "I hope so too, hon. Can I do anything?" "Yea." Then a chuckle. "I need a sparring partner for the next three nights. Know anyone who's available?" "I'll be there for you. See you home." For Saturday through Monday, Phil took a beating. Robin practiced every maneuver she knew and then some. She utilized holds she had never used before but had only seen. She practice picking up her mate and slamming him into the mat. Not hard, of course, just enough to get the feel of it.. "I think she may out weigh you, Phil. Here, put these wights on your wrists." They attached ten pound weights to Phil's wrists and Robin went to the business of picking him up and either slamming him into the mat or carring him around. A number of times she put him into submission holds and made him beg for mercy. That, too, was practice for her match. One should be prepared for all outcomes. Monday evening was to be a light workout, but Robun wanted to put as much into it as possible. "I need this, Phil. Give me the best fight you have." Of course it just wasn't enough. Robin pounded him with grapevines, bearhugs and a slew of scissors holds that made him cry out in extreme pain. In the last match, she allowed Phil to put her into a side standing headlock. He did his best to grind the hold down on her. Without much effort, Robin picked him up and slammed him backwards onto the mat. From here she executed a camel-clutch to the point where he was experiencing intense pain. She let go. Next, she applied a boston crab that had him begging her for mercy in a short amount of time. Robin was not finished. She sat on his upper chest and neck and rubbed his face into her. Phil couldn't fight back and had some difficulty breathing. Finally, a perfect figure-four head scissors knocked him out. She collected herself, and woke him up. His reward was, again awaiting him. Well worth it, he thought. Tuesday was a slow day for both, but the time had finally arrived. They gathered all of the things necessary for the match and were on their way. Robin seemed nervous. "You've done all that's possible, honey, try to relax." Phil received a look from Robin that indicated he should not say anything more. Robin entered the fressing room and waited for the signal she should walk to the ring. The signal came five minutes before the scheduled time of the match. She walked to the ring in her floor length, white terry- clothed robe and entered. Phil had already been in the corner waiting. She just waited as Myra began walking very slowly to the ring. When she caught sight of Robin, a sneer came to her face. She entered and removed her robe. She was built for strength. She could see that Myra was very strong as her arms were massively defined and her thighs were well cut and hard. Myra made a point of showing her imposing limbs every time Robin looked her way. She also had to rely on stamina, because winning three falls was not an easy task against a larger opponent. Phil kept up the words of encouragement, "Hon, just keep her off balance. Don't allow her to trap you into a corner. Duck her if you have to." Robin knew the obvious, but the question was how. They went to the middle of the ring to receive instructions from the referee who told them absolutely nothing new, but Robin didn't hear him anyway. All she thought about was how she was going to deal with this bigger, stronger woman. She kept her eyes on Myra who was smiling down at her. A sadistic smile. When they shook hands, Robin grasped the bigger hand firmly, but was met with a stronger grip and a more fiendish smile. The two went back to their corners to await the bell. It finally sounded to what Robin felt was an eternity. As they approached, Myra stopped and flexed her left arm. It was easily as big as a Florida orange. "Can you match that, honey?" She stared right into Robins"s eyes which seemed to show some fear and some awe. "I didn't think so. This goes three falls. And you fall." Again, Robin said nothing but attempted to lock up with her larger opponent. As they were ready to lock, Myra gave a tremendous open hand slap into Robin's shoulder. The force of the slap sent Robin reeling toward the ring post. Her shoulder ached, but it was going to ache more as the powerful woman grabbed her wrist, and from behind put Robin into an arm bar. She lifted Robin's arm and kept her one hand on Robin's shoulder. That's where the pressure was the most intense. Robin let out a shriek of agony. Myra lifted the arm to do more damage to Robin's shoulder and Robin had no choice but to go down to one knee. Myra was in complete control and added even more pressure. Myra moved closer to Robin and made sure her thigh was on Robin's face. Then she flexed her colossal upper leg. Robin felt the steel-like limb on her cheek and tried to move away, but Myra didn't let her. The shoulder was not hurting as much as it could have been as Myra was more interested in demonstrating, to Robin and the spectators, her superior strength. Robin was now on both knees as the big girl went for the kill. She stepped in front of her fallen prey and placed Robin's head in between her potent thighs. Robin knew this first match was over. She simply put her hands on both legs and realized that Myra wasn't squeezing her, but if she did, Robin would have passed out. With this in mind, Robin gently tapped those cruel legs and gave up. Myra was insistent that Robin say it loud enough for all to hear before she would loosen the grip in Robin's head. That command was met and Robin was freed from her confinement. She started to her corner and was confronted by Mrya who blocked her path. "Ask your boy friend what I did when your head was between those mountains, bitch." Mrya laughed as she let Robin pass. Phil had the look as if someone had just died. "What, Phil? What the hell did she do?" "Robin, she posed over you. She flexed her arms and kissed her own muscles as she held your head between her legs. She's in her corner now, standing on the bottom rope flexing for the crowd." Robin could hear the cheers of the crowd, but did not look over to the corner. How was she going to stop this beast? What could she possibly do to stop this beating? She really didn't have a chance to attack Myra. She had been surprised and then humiliated. Robin had mounted no offense. "Robin, let her think your going to lock up with her and then dodge at the last moment. See what she does. If she tries to slap you again, she'll be off balance. If not, you may be able to get in back of her. You're deadly when you're in back of your opponent." Robin gave it some thought, but not for long. The 15 second warning buzzer sounded and both women faced each other. Myra's smile was more cruel and sadistic than before. Her arms were straight down so that her tri-ceps showed the amount of work she had put into them. The bell sounded. Robin took Phil's advise and went right at Myra but sidestepped to her right. Phil was right. Myra was terribly off balance and lunged at nothing. Robin was so surprised, that she didn't go after her opponent. But she had found a kink in the armor. Myra quickly turned and came right at Robin. Robin dodged again and caught the big girl around the neck in her dependable head lock. Robin cinched it in and wouldn't let up. She could feel Myra starting to weaken ever so slightly. Robin wouldn't let herself rest as she continued the onslaught. Myra tried to separate Robins hands, but couldn't. Robin shifted her position and Myra went down to one knee. Phil was right, Myra had very little balance. Robin put the side of Myra's face on her thigh, lifted her leg and slammed her foot back down. However, she didn't let go of the headlock. Myra now was on both knees, her hands were down. She was stunned by that last move, so Robin did it again, and for a third time. Myra was on all fours. Robin's arms were at their max. Her sinewy forearms were exploding with ripples that were hard as rocks. She gritted her teeth as she put everything into it. Her concentration was so intense, that she didn't hear or feel the referee trying to tell her that Myra was out. When Robin finally got the message, she let go of the hold. Myra slumped to the canvas in a heap. She was asleep. She was on her back and Robin looked down in amazement. She didn't know that Myra had gone out. Her concentration was not allowing her opponent any hope of escaping her power. Robin's confidence and smile came back to her. She found the big girl's weakness and now had to exploit it twice more. Myra woke up and was disoriented for about a minute. She then had some time to gather herself. She sat in her corner as Robin stood for the full three minutes between falls. Myra's smile had disappeared, however she seemed, now to have a determined look on her face. The bell rang and they met each other in the middle of the ring. They circled an locked up. Myra was gaining the upper hand as she was pushing Robin down almost to her knees. All of a sudden, Robin fell backwards with her hand in back of Myra's neck and flipped Myra over. She had never executed this move any better as she wound up on top of Myra with a schoolboy pin. She knew she had to keep moving and grabbed Myra's big wrists. Robin slid down Myra's body and wrapped her legs around her opponent's legs and stretched her into a paralyzing grapevine. Myra let out a painful groan. She attempted to throw Robin off, but could hardly move her. Robin lifted her body up to get more leverage and stared right into Myra's eyes. "See what this bitch is doing to you? How do you like it? Tell me you like it. Tell me!" "Fuck you, whore." After hearing that, Robin slammed down on Myra's body. Myra's wind was knocked out of her and Robin continued the pressure. She started doing push ups over Myra. Myra could do nothing except whine at the pain she was feeling. Robin didn't let up and slammed her again. Before Myra could catch her breath, Robin slammed her two more times. Myra looked at the referee with desperate eyes. The ref told Robin to stop, and asked Myra if she was giving up. Myra shook her head yes as she couldn't speak. Robin smiled down at her and went back to her corner. The time for gloating was not now. "I'm going to destroy her." She was talking to Phil who knew by her voice and her countenance that Myra was going to be destroyed. Phil knew this from experience. "Why, ya going to make believe she's me?" He said this almost laughing and it mad Robin smile. The three minute rest period went quickly as Robin moved in for the kill. As Robin looked at Myra, she saw the same incredibly hard body, but a different opponent. One who had lost almost all confidence and looked scared. Robin locked up with her stronger foe because she knew she had beaten Myra psychologically. Myra no longer had the will that was present at the beginning of the match. Yes, Myra was stronger, but Robin started throwing her all over the ring. She threw her into the corner and went after her. Robin held in the corner, "What now? How do you like me now? I'm going to make you cry." She whipped Myra out of the corner to the opposite corner and followed her. Robin caught Myra by the back of the neck and squeezed with her powerful hand. Myra face was a study in pain as she did nothing to break this grip. Robin paraded her around the ring, until Myra went down to a knee. Robin yanked her back up. "Not yet, honey. I'm still enjoying this and will for a long time." She draped Myra over the top rope and pressed down as hard as she could. "Robin, let her go, the referee was right there. "Now you know better. Once more and you forfeit this fall." Robin was warned. She stepped back to let her anger subside. Myra rubbed the back of her neck and came at Robin. Robin met her and they were in a death lock. Myra's desperation paid off as she muscled Robin down to her knees. The she slipped both arms under Robin's. and lifted. Robin thought her shoulders would dislocate. She realized she had become too over confident and Myra was starting to feel back in control. She also knew that if she stayed in this hold too much longer, Myra's powerful thighs would envelope Robin's head. In fact that's what Myra had in mind as she began to get Robin in position. With all the strength she had, Robin ran Myra's back into the corner while making sure her head would not hit. Myra grunted and released. Robin didn't wait. She kneed Myra. She lead Myra to the center of the ring by her head, being careful not to pull her hair. She wrapped her arms around Myra's mid-section pinning her arms. With one motion, she slammed the big girl into the mat. Robin picked her up again and slammed her once more. Myra was dazed. Her legs started to come up, but Robin was on her. Another schoolboy pin. But no grapevine this time. She shoved Myra's face into her crotch, rolled over and put her into a savage scissors. Myra's nose was almost inside of Robin. Robin moved very slowly in a humping motion. She had Myra right where she wanted her and continued the humiliation faster and more intensely. She sat on her, keeping Myra's nose right in her. She continued to move back and forth. Myra's strong arms were no use to her as they lay at her side, helpless. Her powerful legs now weakened by her conqueror, could do nothing. Robin pushed her crotch down, hard on her victims face, and then let up. She repeated this five times before she stopped to allow Myra to give up. "Are you going to give it up?" "Only when you say so. I would have demanded the same from you." Robin gave an evil grin and sat down on Myra again, and again and again. Robin wanted full revenge,. She rolled over to her side with her prey still in her legs. Robin maneuvered to her side and adjusted the hold to a figure-four. She, now began to gloat. Her magnificent arms flexed, she lifted her ass and exerted so much pressure that Myra was almost out, but not yet. Robin released. She sat on Myra's head again. Without squeezing, she rubbed Myra's face in her crotch. Myra started to rub her hands up and down Robins's strong thighs. She asked to speak. Robin allowed. "Please, Robin, allow me to me to tell you how superior you are to me. I beg for forgiveness and for your benevolent mercy." Robin asked for the ring microphone and made her victim give up to her so the folks who came to see the match could hear. "Make it clear who the winner is." She put the microphon to Myra's mouth. "I give up to Robin, who is my superior. I have been beaten into submission by the magnificent woman you see on top of me. Her powerful arms and legs have made me submit three times and I stand no chance of being victorious. I now beg for her for forgiveness and benevolent mercy by accepting my submission. I sincerley beg you now to accept." Robin slowly got up to the cheers of the crowd. She went to her corner, and walked to the dressing room. Phil followed behind.