FROM THE AMAZONS ARENA BBS 702-243-7723 THE PRIZEFIGHT XIX: The Road Home --------------------------------- It had been two sleepless days since Erika's adopted family had nearly been wiped out in the final confrontation between Sharon and Lori, and things were still looking grim. Erika's fianc# Jack was in the best shape. He had been shot in the leg by Lori's manager to get Sharon's attention. He had also been shot in the back when he had taken a bullet meant for Erika. Fortunately, it had missed hitting any vital organs. He was in stable condition and the doctors expected a full recovery. Sharon's husband Bob was in more serious condition. He had been shot in the chest and the bullet was lodged near his heart. He had been in and out of surgery, and the doctors were unsure of his prognosis. Sharon herself had been in a coma when she was admitted. She had suffered dozens of lacerations and contusions, along with some internal injuries in her fight with Lori, but none of them life threatening. Her real problems had begun when Lori had broken Sharon's ribs. One of them had punctured a lung. Doctors speculated that the combined shock created by her injuries and blood loss had put her in the coma, but they had no idea if and when she would come out of it. So a bleary eyed Erika had been sitting and waiting for news. Jack had been conscious for a few minutes, and she had been allowed to see him briefly. She had also called Sharon's family and informed them of the tragedy without revealing the exact circumstances. Sharon's father had flown out immediately and had been waiting with her ever since. The next day things were looking brighter with the dawn. The doctors had finally removed the bullet from Bob. They also reported that Sharon had come out of her coma and was now merely sleeping. They would all be in the hospital for a few more weeks, but they were all expected to recover. After seeing that they were going to be OK, Sharon's father suggested that Erika return to Chicago and look after things until they were released. Erika said good-bye to them and flew back. There was no lack of things to do. She took care of Sharon and Bob's house and business. Without them, she took it upon herself to manage her own career. Jack was released after two weeks and returned home. Since he was unable to continue his work down at the youth center, Erika filled in for him. Sharon and Bob were both doing well, but still had a while to go before they were released, so Erika packed them a care package and went out for a visit. Sharon was the first to ask about the house. "So Erika, is everything OK at home?" "Vwell, I have been keeping up zee grounds. Everything is fine except for a little damage to the furniture." "How'd the furniture get damaged?" "My dogs vwere chewing on it." Sharon bit her lip as she asked "What were your dogs doing in the house?" Erika looked a bit sheepish as she replied, "I vwas lonely." Sharon couldn't get angry at an answer like that. Not to mention the fact that those dogs had saved her life. The least she could offer them was a few sticks of furniture. Besides, as soon as she got Erika married off to Jack, her and her pack of wolves would be his problem. Changing the subject, she asked, "Have you been in touch with the Board?" Erika brightened up as she answered, "Ja, zey called me und zey offered me a title shot. Vwe negotiated, und came to an agreement." Sharon smacked her forehead and said, "That's just wonderful. The poor girl is going to be fighting the champion for less than what the Indians were paid for Manhattan." Erika looked a bit offended. "Oh, I didn't know zee Indians vwere paid more zan..." She mentioned a figure. Bob and Sharon looked stunned. "Are those American dollars?" Bob asked. "Ja, und I locked in zee value according to zee international monetary fund at zee time vwe made zee deal." "Hmm, that's not a bad idea. I would have never thought of doing that." Bob mulled. "That's more money than the circuit ever paid me!" Sharon exclaimed. "Und it should be enough to pay you for my contract, vwith enough left over for my vwedding." Bob and Sharon flew back to Chicago a few weeks later. They took a cab home. On the way back, they were discussing Erika. "She's the luckiest woman in the world. But she gets it from other people. Kind of like a luck vampire. And in case you hadn't noticed, we're the closest victims." "Come on Sharon. Give the girl some credit. She did a hell of a job negotiating her own fight. And remember, it was her and her dogs that found Lori's warehouse." "Yea, I guess I owe her. I'm worried though. She's been in charge of the house for over a month. What do you think we're going to find?" "Best case, a smoking crater in the ground. Worst case, a smoking crater in the ground and a line of people waiting to sue us." The cab pulled up in front of their large country house and they got out. The garage door was open and two large crates were visible inside. "The house looks suspiciously intact," Bob noted. "Those crates have air holes," Sharon observed. "It looks like some work has been done here. Somebody painted the trim and fixed that gutter." "I suppose it's too much to hope that those crates arrived empty." They entered the house and started looking around. "The house is clean," Sharon said swiping a finger over a table top. "I don't see any overdue bills," Bob said as he checked the mail. "The food in the refrigerator is fresh." "There's some new furniture in the living room. Very nice." "Look at that wallpaper. It looks like what we were planning on putting up." Bob and Sharon were looking worried. "Erika sold the house," Sharon said. "No doubt about it." Erika came bounding through the door. She was wearing a plain pair of sweaty gray warm-ups. She nearly knocked them over with a big bear hug. "Vwelcome home!" "What happened to our house?" Sharon asked "I vwas all alone und needed something to do so, I fixed zings up a bit." "You been working out?" Sharon asked. "Every day I am running eight miles, und I have added five pounds of muscles." Erika replied with a smile. "Who are you, and what did you do with Erika?" "You are such a kidder." Erika bounded up the stairs. Sharon was frowning. "Somebody snatched Erika and substituted a responsible young woman in her place." "Don't worry yet babe. We still haven't visited the gym." "Damn! I forgot to ask about those crates." Bob drove to the gym while Sharon hunted for something amiss at home. When he got back, Sharon was still looking worried. "I've got good news and bad news," Bob announced. "The good news please." "Erika assaulted a few employees down at the gym and we're being sued. She hired a couple of Arnolds as replacements. They don't speak any English. I think they're related to her." "Thank God something's working the way it should be. Now what's the bad news." "Gym membership and revenues are up since she took over." "Bob, I'm worried, there's something in the back yard. There's a half eaten side of beef and a bunch of bones. Some of them look human." "So Erika was treating her dogs to some beef and bikers. They earned it. Remember, they saved your ass." "I'm telling you something's wrong, I saw Erika's dogs lurking in the bushes. They looked scared." Bob blinked at that. "You lock the doors, I'll get the shotgun." Sharon and Bob had other things on their minds that night. They had been cooped up in the hospital for too long, and were making up for lost time. After four or five good hours, Bob rolled over and went to sleep. Sharon determined right then and there to force him to workout with her until he was back up to snuff. Around four o'clock in the morning, Sharon was woken up by the sound of low growling. Her eyes opened and she clutched Bob's arm. There were two huge black animals at the foot of the bed. The moonlight through the window struck one of them in the face. All Sharon saw were huge white teeth and glowing red eyes. Even amazons have their limits. Sharon screamed her head off. Bob sat up and wrapped his arms around Sharon when he saw the creatures. They stood at least four feet tall at the shoulders. "Don't move," Bob whispered. The lights came on and they both blinked at the brightness. Erika was standing in the doorway wearing a night gown. She issued some orders in German and the two beasts floated out of the room silent as ghosts. "I am sorry," she said, "I meant to introduce you to my Dobermans." "Dogs," Sharon gasped, "those were dogs?" "How the hell did they get into our bedroom?" Bob demanded. "Zey opened the door," Erika said as if the explanation was obvious. "You didn't ask us about getting more dogs," Sharon said. "Zey are not more dogs. I always had zem. Zey vwere being held up by your customs officials. Zome nonsense about them not having the proper number of chromosomes to be dogs." "But they did pass customs? They made a mistake. They're just giant, super intelligent dogs with the right number of chromosomes." Erika laughed, "Ja, I paid a lot of money for zee officials to say zat. Do not vworry. I told zem zat you belong here und zey vwill not bother you again." Sharon said, "Erika, could you come over here. I have something to tell you." "If I come over there, you vwill hit me." Erika said goodnight and closed the door. "You didn't think you'd be able to sucker her more than twenty or thirty times without her catching on, did you?" "It's always worth a shot. Bob, I don't think I can sleep." "Neither can I," he grinned. Sharon peeked under the covers, and said, "Ooooh, maybe those dogs aren't so bad, though that's a rather odd reaction." Sharon and Erika started training together again the next day. Sharon could see the concern on Erika's face as she struggled to keep up. Sharon was concerned also. Her fight with Lori had left a lot of scars, and they weren't all physical. She wasn't even sure why she was training. She had decided in the hospital that she had no more reason to fight. But even if she had doubts, her magnificent body didn't. It thrived on hard work. Within a month, she was as good as she had been before the incident. Inside of another month, it was Erika clutching her side. Sharon realized what her body had known all along. She wasn't finished yet. Jack gave Sharon a call and invited her to lunch. He was still walking with a bit of a limp, but he was anticipating being back up to one hundred percent with a little more training. They talked a little about their recuperation's, but what Jack really wanted to talk about was Erika. "What's really bothering you Jack? Having some second thoughts about Erika?" "No, it's nothing like that. Erika's the greatest girl in the world. In fact, she's even better now. She's matured a lot in the last few months." "Then what's the problem?" "I hate to say it, but I'm having some problems in bed." "Whoa there older brother! Time out. I'm not sure I want to hear this. Wouldn't you rather talk to Bob?" "I was thinking about it, but it's kind of embarrassing, and he doesn't seem to be having any problems with you." "What do I have to do with it?" "Well, you're kind of like Erika." "Be very careful with your next words Jack. You're very close to getting your chops busted." "You're both very large, physical women." "OK, I'll buy that." "Have you and Bob ever broken a bed?" "No, we've never broken a bed. What the hell kind of question is that?" "Well Erika's broken three. I had the last one reinforced down at a welder's shop. And I'm between Erika and the bed she's breaking. She's killing me." Jack had sought out his sister and trusted her with a serious problem, hoping that she could help him. Sharon laughed in his face. Jack got angry, "You think that's so damn funny, you let Erika climb on top of you." Sharon wiped a tear from her eye. "I'm sorry Jack. I wouldn't worry about it. Erika's young and full of energy. She'll slow down - in about seven or eight years." Sharon burst out in another fit of laughter as she said it. "Gee, thanks sis. Anymore great advice?" "Yea, be a man. Try getting on top and doing some of the work if you don't like the way Erika's handling things." Jack looked offended. "Hey, I take care of business. But after three or four times, I'm done. I'm not as young as I used to be. Then Erika flips me over and starts the second shift. That's when the bed gets broken." Sharon raised her hand and said, "Please, I really don't want to hear anymore. You want some advice? I'll give you some. Bob does two hundred abdominal crunches and a hundred reps in the Roman chair every day. Erika's thirty pounds heavier than I am and a tad younger. So I'd suggest that you get your ass in the gym and double those numbers. Start running at least four miles per day. You do that for a month, and then you get in there and break that bed under her pretty little ass!" "Actually, I was wondering if you and Bob used a water bed or something." Sharon poked Jack in the chest and said, "You heard me mister. If I don't hear Erika complaining to me within a month, then I have no brother." Sharon picked up her purse and walked away. Jack shuddered. Sharon sounded like she had been hanging around Erika a little too long. Erika was still a few weeks away from her title fight. Bob had managed to secure a tape of the current champion. Popping it into the VCR, they watched his last fight. What they saw was a large, broad, fat man with a shaved head and no neck. He made no attempt to defend himself as his opponent hit him in the face. Eventually, his opponent ran out of steam and he pounded him into dog kibble. It wasn't the most stellar display of pugilistic skill they had ever witnessed. Bob stopped the tape. "His name is Roy Baker. He's not a boxer. He wasn't even a circuit fighter. He's some freak one of the promoters saw fighting in a tough man competition. Rumor is that he can't be hurt. Two men have broken their hands on his head since he joined the circuit. Erika, how would you handle him?" "Vwell, if he is just going to stand there like zat, zen I vwould stand in front of him und trade punches vwith him until he falls." Sharon patted her on the head. "It's nice to know that some things never change. How about a body attack?" "It's been tried. It doesn't seem to have any effect, and it gives him the chance to hit you back. I think his weak point is his stamina. The trouble with that is, he doesn't move much." "Hmmm, I've got an idea," Sharon said, "maybe we can make him move." Two weeks before the fight. Erika came to Sharon with a problem. They had just finished their morning road work. "I've got a question about boxing Sharon." "Go ahead Erika. That's what I'm here for." "Is it true zat you shouldn't have sex before a fight?" "No, that's just an old wives tale. You go ahead and have as much sex as you want." Erika shifted uncomfortably. "I am having problems vwith your brother." "Oh, what kind of problems?" "He has turned into a rutting beast! Last night he broke zee bed." "He isn't taking advantage of you is he? You tell me right now and I'll beat some manners into him." "It is not like zat. He is just too... too much. I could barely get up for our run this morning." "Sounds like a good problem to me." "Ja, it vwas good the first week or two. But I vwould like him to slow down now before he hurts me." "Try some foreplay." "Vwhat is zat?" "Zat, I mean that, is what you do before sex. You do have foreplay in Germany?" Erika smiled fondly, "Ja, vwe wrestle until one of us is pinned and zen..." Sharon raised her hand and said, "I don't really want to hear anymore. That's fine, but it won't slow him down after you've hit the sheets. What you need is something to keep him occupied for a while. Something he can play with. You need breasts." "Vwhat!" "You know, breasts, hooters, tits, boobs, melons. I'll bet that Jack doesn't play with those for more than a few minutes before moving on." Sharon pointed at Erika's flat bosom. Erika didn't reply, she just pouted. "On the other hand, my husband Jack spends hours playing with these." Sharon lifted her own ripe melons and thrust them in Erika's face. Erika didn't say another word. She just hauled off and clocked Sharon. Wheeling around, she stormed into the house. Sharon sat on the grass rubbing her jaw. Fight night arrived and Bob and Sharon were in Erika's corner. They had agreed to let Jack actually attend the fight, but they had asked him to sit in one of the Board's VIP areas. Erika looked awesome. She was coming into the fight at two hundred and seven rock hard pounds. Erika had also been showing extra dedication to her ring training. She had actually been paying attention to everything Sharon had to teach her, not just what interested her. Sharon would never admit it, but she doubted that she could take Erika now. The announcements were made. Erika's opponent was coming in at six one, three hundred and twenty four pounds. Observing the rolls of fat that started under his chin and went to his knees, Sharon wouldn't describe them as rock hard pounds. He looked exactly like the wrestler King Kong Bundy. The crowd went berserk as Erika strode into the ring. A lot like how they used to greet me, Sharon thought. She wasn't jealous of Erika. She was just having difficulty with her own place in the universe as she passed the torch to the next generation. Bob went over their game plan one more time. "OK Erika, we know he isn't going to do anything the first round. And we can't have the two of you just staring at each other. So go out there and see if you can find a weakness that his last twelve opponents missed." Sharon clapped her on the back and said, "Good luck Erika. Now get out there and kick ass." The bell sounded and Roy Baker waddled out to the center of the ring. Erika circled the man and started to throw a few jabs. True to form, Roy didn't try to protect his face. Seeing that he was inviting her to take her best shot, Erika did. She wound up and caught him with a beautiful right roundhouse on the point of the chin. The punch which would normally snap a man's head violently enough to scramble his brain, merely cocked his to the side a bit. Erika tried it a few more times. She could see that the roll of blubber that served him as a neck, also acted as a shock absorber. Changing her approach, she opted for a body attack. Baker had a huge beer gut which looked like a soft target, but as Erika found out, it felt more like hitting a truck tire. He tried to stay facing her, but she easily circled around to his rear. The folds of fat lining his sides felt rubbery as she buried her fists to the wrist. Even his spine and the back of his neck were protected with overlapping layers of blubber and muscle. The bell sounded and Erika returned to her corner. She was covered with a light sheen of perspiration, and a few beads of sweat were trickling down her forehead. Roy was sweating even more as he sat heavily on his stool. Droplets of sweat were squeezed from between folds of pasty white flesh to drip on the canvas. He looked bad, but then that's the way he had shown up. "Time for plan B," Bob said. "Get him moving, and he'll probably keel over with a pork chop lodged in his heart." "You can do it Erika. Get him swinging at you. You have a God given talent for pissing people off. Use it!" Erika shook her head and said, "I vwill not." "You vwon't? Vwhy not?" Sharon demanded. "I saw your title fight with Matt Dyson. You vwon because you vwere the better fighter, und everyone knew it. You did not use tricks, und neither vwill I. I vwill beat him vwith my fists und my skills, even if it takes all night." The bell rang and Erika stalked off to pound the blob for another round. Sharon gaped open mouth at her back. "Sounds like something I've heard you say," Bob observed. Erika pounded on Roy Baker for the next three rounds. And she wasn't doing it randomly either. She concentrated on specific areas. His sides, his stomach, and his eyes. So far, Baker didn't appear to be bothered. But Erika wasn't anywhere near giving up yet. She understood the physics and physiology of the ring. Take a grown man and a twelve year old girl. Let the girl wind up and take her best shot. He will probably barely feel it. Make the girl stronger than average, and teach her how to punch. The punch might sting a bit, but still nothing he can't shrug off. Now give the girl a little more time and let her hit him fifty times in the same spot. At some point, the man is likely to double over and beg for mercy. It wasn't just a hypothetical for Erika. That's how she had beaten a grown man in Germany when she was twelve. It was a principle that Sharon and Erika both shared. As women in a boxing match without weight classes, they couldn't start out expecting to be the hardest hitting person in the ring. But they always made sure they were better conditioned than their opponents. During a fight, they would try to make every punch count, and land more punches. And if they kept it up, they would be the hardest hitting person in the ring by end of the fight. Erika was taking this principle to its extremes. Roy Baker might be some kind of a mutant, but he was still just flesh and blood. And Erika intended to prove it, preferably by spilling some on the canvas. By round five, Erika was covered with sweat, but she wasn't breathing hard yet, and she felt like she could go another twenty rounds. Roy boy on the other hand was starting to show some strain. Erika had unleashed enough energy on him to demolish a house. Roy did something unprecedented for him in all his other fights. He must have been thinking the same thing as Erika, because he gave up on waiting for her to wear herself out and started to hit back. Erika had known that it could happen at any time, but she was still caught somewhat off guard. Roy's ham sized fist clipped the top of her head as she tried to duck. Erika wasn't hurt, but she was mad at her lack of concentration. If Roy expected her to back off, he was mistaken. The punch only served to antagonize her. Stepping in close, she plunged her fist into one of the large red patches that had formed on his sides. Erika had focused all of her power in the punch, and her fist literally buried itself in his gut. She actually looked like she was disappointed when her hand popped back out without clutching some intestines. Roy on the other hand, expressed his appreciation for Erika's punch with a sickly gurgling sound. He seemed to go whiter than normal, then he dropped to his knees holding his side. Erika waited patiently while the count progressed. Roy took the full twenty before he got back up. Erika marched right up to him. He tried to fend her off with a series of punches that Erika contemptuously avoided. Ducking low, she plunged her other hand into his other side. Roy went down on his face moaning. The bell sounded before the count had expired allowing him to crawl back to his corner. Erika didn't even sit down during the one minute break. She just shuffled impatiently from side to side. The bell sounded and she walked to the center of the ring. Roy barely made it off his stool. They stared at each other for about ten seconds. Erika decided that he wasn't coming out of his corner, so she went to get him. Roy used his fists to defend his corner, but he just didn't have any boxing skill. He was also weakening significantly. Erika stopped dodging his blows. She stood in front of him and took the best of what he had left. Roy rocked her with his right hand. Erika straightened back up in time to take a left. Roy launched another right. Erika caught his arm by the wrist and stopped it dead. Roy desperately swung his left at her. She caught that one also in her iron grip. Roy Baker's arms were trapped. Erika started to slowly force his arms back to his side. Roy struggled to prevent it, but Erika had her full strength, while his was nearly spent. When she had forced his arms down, Erika released them, stepped back, and started to rip her fists into the center of his huge beer gut. She hit him about half a dozen times before she was forced to step aside or be crushed by his falling body. Roy landed hard and started to convulse. He tried to get back up, but a beached whale in Kansas would have stood a better chance of making it. With a massive series of heaves, he emptied the contents of his stomach on the canvas. The count reached twenty and Erika raised her arms in victory. "Another pretty win," Sharon noted. "Hey, you can't blame that on her. And she won exactly like she said she would, no tricks." "I'm sorry Bob. I don't want to rain on Erika's parade, but ever since she started fighting for us, it seems more like the circus than the circuit." That night, they went out to celebrate. Erika seemed relatively restrained. Sharon on the other hand was hell on wheels. She got involved in three fights that night, including a nasty scuffle with four night club bouncers. By the end of the night, everybody was looking at her strangely. When Bob got her back to their room, he asked her about it. "What was that all about?" "I guess I'm feeling a bit weird about this whole situation. I'm still in my prime, and I'm sitting on the sidelines watching. I've done it all, and now I'm wondering what the hell I should be doing with my life." "How about settling down with me and raising a bunch of ass kicking children?" Bob asked. Sharon blinked and looked at him for a minute. "I can't say I've ever thought about it before. I think I'd like that, but I'm still going to need to do something more than changing diapers. I was OK while I was training Erika, but I can see that she doesn't need me any longer. You should know better than anybody how difficult it is to live a normal life after getting used to putting your ass on the line." Bob knew. His own fighting career had been cut short by a motorcycle accident. "Sharon, I knew this day was coming for the last two years. I've done a lot of thinking about it and I think you should..." Sharon listened as he explained his suggestion. "Do you really think so?" she asked. "No doubt about it. I know somebody who can sign you up right now. Just say the word." "Lets do it!" she exclaimed. "You want me to get you signed up?" "Actually, I meant that we should start on those children tonight. You can sign me up tomorrow." Bob grinned and took her to bed. There would be plenty of time for her to start planning her new career tomorrow - late tomorrow. With Erika's title came money. Enough money to purchase her contract back from Bob and Sharon, get married, and move out. The wedding was to be a large affair with hundreds of guests from both the United States and Germany. With a week to go, Erika disappeared. The last thing she said was something about getting a wedding present for Jack. Two days later, she called and confirmed she would be at the rehearsal. Jack, Sharon, and Bob waited impatiently outside the church. As they stood on the sidewalk, Erika came roaring up in her Ferrari. She jumped out wearing a loose fitting pair of shorts and a tight tank top. Bob and Jack stared open-mouthed, Sharon gasped like a fish. Sharon was the first to recover and ask, "What the hell have you done to yourself?" "It's a vwedding present for Jack. Do you like zem?" Erika asked Jack. Jack didn't say a word, instead, he reached out as if hypnotized, to touch the brand new D-cup sized breasts that were spilling out of Erika's now too tight top. Erika smacked his hands and admonished, "Zey are for after the vwedding." Finally, Jack croaked, "Thanks honey, I like them a lot. They're just what I always wanted." "I'm glad you like zem. It vwas Sharon's idea." "What!" Sharon exploded. "Remember you told me that Jack needed something to play with." All eyes were on her as she sputtered, "I wasn't serious." Bob started laughing at wife and got a hard shot in the ribs for his trouble. Jack had a big smile on his face as he said, "Gee, thanks sis, this is a lot better than the set of china I'd thought we'd be getting." With Erika's new breasts, her wedding dress needed some major alterations. Erika enjoyed playing with her new assets, flexing her massive pects and causing her breasts to jump around under her top. Sharon frowned as one of Erika's nipples popped out. She giggled and tucked it back in. "I hope you don't intend to do that during the ceremony," Sharon said with obvious disapproval. "Maybe," Erika replied mischievously. As it happened, the wedding was picture perfect. To Sharon's relief, Erika behaved with all the grace and dignity of a fine young woman. The reception was a different story though. Sharon pulled Bob aside and said, "Will you look at her family. There isn't a woman here under a hundred and fifty pounds." "Or a man less than two hundred," Bob added. "And this food. You get two choices, whole animals and animals ground into wurst. Have these people ever heard of vegetables?" "And the beer. I thought Erika made a mistake when she ordered fifty kegs. Now I'm thinking she didn't order enough." Erika had brought all of her living relatives over from Germany to attend her wedding. They were now making pigs of themselves in the large backyard of Bob and Sharon's country estate. Sharon's family was also in attendance. While not quite as large as the members of Erika's clan, they didn't produce many lightweights either. The two families weren't mixing very much, primarily because of the language barrier. But they did seem to be getting along and having a good time. That is, until the incident. Erika wandered over to the Moore side of the gathering with a couple of her mule sized relatives trailing behind her. She approached John, Sharon's oldest and largest brother. Like all of the Moores, John had been a boxer. He was also known as having the shortest fuse in the family. So it came as no surprise what happened when Erika said, "John, I vwonder if you could help us out. My family has questions about zee Moores." "What kind of questions?" "Zey vwonder if zee Moore family is good enough to marry with us." "A little late to wonder about that, isn't it?" "Zis is the first time zey are meeting you, und they think zat I have married poorly." John wandered up next to one of Erika's kin. A three hundred pound brute who looked like he had been plowing fields with his face. Face to face with him, he asked, "Well what can I do to show them that you married just fine, that maybe you even made your family better." Thirty seconds later, the reception had degenerated into a riot. Shotzes and Moores, males and females, all fighting on the lawn. Punches were exchanged. People were rolling around wrestling on the grass in their best clothes. And flitting around above it all, like an angel of anarchy, was Erika in her white dress. After a few minutes, the fight died down. Men and women sat on the lawn in their ripped clothes panting and sweating. Within a few more minutes, there was an exchange of back slapping and beers. The two families were now one, united by the international language of friendly combat. Sharon brushed herself off. She had personally knocked out three of Erika's cousins. She had been doing well until the first cousin had shaken her blows off and tackled her from behind. She was smeared with blood, mud, and grass stains. Her hair was a mess and her favorite dress was ruined. She limped over to where Erika was brushing an imaginary piece of lint off her dress. "Erika, did you just tell my brother John that your cousin thought the Moores weren't good enough for the Shotzes?" "Ja, I am sorry about zat. My family has strange ideas und I am sure zey vwill apologize for zis." Erika made an announcement in German, and the Shotzes shook hands and saluted the Moores with their mugs. Erika announced in English, "Zee Shotzes apologize to zee Moores und vwelcome you as part of our family." There was scattered cheering amongst the crowd. Sharon pointed to a nondescript man sitting down applying a bag of ice to a black eye. "Do you see that man?" she asked. "Ja." "He isn't part of the family. I hired him to work at the wedding." "I am sorry zat innocent bystanders were hurt." "I hired him as an interpreter because nobody in my family speaks German." Erika was looking a little worried as Sharon continued, "He just told me something interesting. He says that you told your family that the Moores were worried about the Shotzes not being good enough. And I'd be very interested in what you just told your family. What did she say Fritz?" Removing his ice bag, he said, "She told her family that the Moores were appologizing for starting the fight." Sharon glared at Erika. Erika smiled weakly. "Vwell, it did bring the families closer together." "Time we got closer Erika. Have some cake!" Sharon charged in and tackled the German girl around the waist. Erika went flying backwards into the five foot tall wedding cake with Sharon on top of her. The two amazons rolled around slipping and sliding in the thick icing. The crowd formed a circle around the women as they wrestled on the ground. The video crew Erika had hired didn't miss a minute as they fought like wildcats. And when it was all over. When the two half-naked amazons were sitting on the ground covered with cake, as Erika rubbed her back where she had landed on the plastic figure of the groom, Sharon had to admit that Erika was right. They were closer than ever. Not everybody was thrilled with Erika's good fortune. Thousands of miles away, a woman was exercising as she meditated on the German girl. With a grunt, she completed her last squat with four hundred pounds. Though they had never met in person, they where well aware of each other's existence. Doing a handstand, she spread her legs and rotated her body until she was positioned in a full split straddling two chairs. She had even invited Erika to a face to face meeting. Picking up a pair of thirty pound dumbbells, she started to press them overhead. Erika had rudely ignored her. Sweat rolled down her naked body and dripped from her freakishly developed thighs as she struggled for one last rep. It was time for her to re-issue her invitation. The dumbbells fell to the floor with a loud clang as her arms failed her. Time that they met face to face for the first - and last time. THE PRIZEFIGHT XX: French Toast ------------------------------- Erika strode into the huge ballroom and onto the red carpet in the center. Formally dressed men politely applauded her as she took her place. Her long blonde hair spilled onto the golden tanned skin of her naked back. Her massive and functional looking musculature combined with her recently installed softball sized breasts drew lustful stares. She was wearing white spandex shorts which hugged her muscular legs. A white sash was tied around her rock hard waist. A pair of shiny black leather boots graced her feet. Not how Erika would have chosen to dress, but she had to flexible if she wanted to fight here - and she did want to fight here. Erika was at a mansion in France, about thirty miles outside of Paris. Erika was a professional fighter. She would be paid tonight, but she wasn't fighting for money. Tonight it was personal. Erika would be fighting for honor and vengeance. It had started two weeks before when Erika had received a phone call from one of her old trainers in Germany... Sharon was working in her garden when she heard Erika's Ferrari pulling up in front. Sharon was glad it wasn't Erika's Suburban which she used to haul her pack of dogs around. It had been two months since Erika had moved in with her new husband Jack and taken her dogs with her. Barely enough time for the ruined landscape to be restored. If Sharon didn't owe her life to those dogs, she would have shot them a long time ago. Sharon saw Erika step out the back door and she looked serious. Sharon knew there was something wrong. Taking her gloves off, she got up and went to meet her. There was no exchange of pleasantries. Erika got right to it. "I need to talk to you Sharon." "Sure Erika, lets go in the kitchen." Sharon started to make some coffee while Erika told her what was happening. "Do you remember my friend Ava?" "How could I forget a woman even stronger than yourself." Erika had introduced Sharon to her friend Ava during their vacation in Germany. Ava had been in the East German sports program with Erika. She had been a shot putter. Later, after the wall came down, she had joined Erika in becoming a boxer. When Erika had left for America, Ava had claimed the vacated woman's heavyweight title after a series of brutal elimination boughts. Ava had been the strongest woman Sharon had ever met. During a bar fight, she had picked up a two hundred pound man like a child and tossed him clear over a pool table. Even Erika had been impressed. "Ava is in the hospital." "What happened?" "She has a broken back und is partially paralyzed. Zee doctors don't know if she vwill recover. It happened in a fight." Sharon held Erika's hand, and said, "I'm sorry Erika. Accidents like these are never easy to deal with." "It vwas no accident. It vwas a challenge. A challenge for me. A challenge from Monique." Erika spat on the floor as she uttered the name. Erika told Sharon the story of Monique. Monique was a French fighter who specialized in savate. France didn't have organized underground fighting circuits like America and Germany. They had the small clubs and promoters that could be found world wide. But the real money was in private fights sponsored by wealthy patrons. These fights were by invitation only. Street fighters dreamed of being contacted for these affairs where a man could win a small fortune for a few minutes work. Without any real organization, there was no official French champion. But a few fighters were recognized as being the best in the country. One of these fighters was Monique. Monique had appeared suddenly on the scene about five years ago. She had stepped out of the crowd at a back alley fight to accept an open challenge to fight a local tough. People had thought it was a joke until the fight started. Monique destroyed her opponent in thirty seconds using nothing but her feet. Word of the fight spread like wildfire and Monique had a patron inviting her to participate in a match the next day. Monique proved that her victory had not been a fluke. Her combination of beauty and brutality had made her the most sought after and expensive fighter in the country. Despite the fact that they occupied nearly the same status in their respective countries, and that many people would have loved to see a fight between them, Erika had never been approached to fight Monique. Not until last month. It was clear that the invitation had been triggered by Erika's winning the circuit's championship, considered by many to be the world championship. Erika's response had been simple. If you want a shot at me, join the circuit and work your way up the ladder. Evidently, Erika's reply wasn't very well received by Monique, so she rephrased the challenge. Monique announced that she would be willing to fight Ava, the current German women's champion. Her French patrons had leapt at the chance to see Monique finally fight another woman, and had been willing to offer Ava whatever it took to make it happen. Ava had accepted the challenge. While strong as a bull, and a competent boxer, Ava didn't stand a chance against Monique's mix of techniques. In a ten minute fight, Monique had expertly beat Ava within an inch of her life. Despite the fact that she was hopelessly outclassed, Ava continued to get up time and time again to receive more punishment. Finally, she could take no more. Ava collapsed in a heap. It took two men to carry her off. As she was being led out, Monique was heard to say, "I have a message for your friend Erika." With that, Monique had lashed out with a straight kick that had caught the defenseless German in the center of her back. The heel of her foot crushed three of Ava's vertebrae. The force of the blow knocked Ava and her two attendants to the floor. As Erika had observed, it had been no accident. After Erika finished her tale, Sharon asked, "When are you going?" "One week." Sharon didn't try to stop her. She didn't argue with her. Because she knew that she be doing the same thing in Erika's position. What she could do was support her, and she intended to do everything in her power to help Erika. "I suppose it's too much to hope that this is going to be a boxing match?" Erika shook her head. "Then we've got a lot to do. I've fought with kick fighters before, and it's no fun. I'll try to get you some sparring partners. Maybe I can scare up a savate expert. Meet me in the gym tomorrow at six. Oh, and by the way, did you tell Jack about this?" "No, und he must not find out." Sharon nodded. It would be their secret. Monique entered from the opposite side of the room. She was a tall woman, matching Erika's six feet. But she wasn't nearly as muscular, weighing perhaps one hundred and sixty pounds compared with Erika's two hundred. Her shoulders and arms were toned, as was the rest of her upper body. Her stomach was flat as a board and rippled with smooth muscle. But what she lacked in upper body strength, she made up for in her legs, which were larger than Erika's. Her legs were long and incredibly strong looking. Her thighs were huge, almost freakishly out of proportion to the rest of her physique. Despite their size, they weren't blocky looking like a weight lifter's legs. Rather, the muscles curved gracefully towards her hips and knees, and bulged in the center. Her diamond shaped calves were also impressive, though not quite as developed as her quads. Monique was a beautiful woman. Her raven black hair was pulled back from her face in a ponytail. Her features could grace the cover of any fashion magazine, while her full ripe breasts could make her a centerfold. In fact, she looked more like an oversized ballet dancer than a prize fighter. Tonight, she was dressed in a tiny black leather bikini bottom that covered very little, and allowed her the flexibility that her art demanded. She demonstrated the practicality of her uniform by throwing a few high kicks. Grabbing each of her legs in turn, she pulled her knees into her chest so that her foot was over her head. After completing this exercise, she dropped onto the carpet in a full split which never failed to elicit a second round of applause from her admirers. Monique wasn't stretching to warm-up. She did her serious warm-ups in her dressing room. She was playing to the crowd. Monique was very sensitive to the way the men in the room reacted to her. It was because of their reactions that she had to destroy Erika. Nobody could claim to know Monique. But over the years, people had come to some commonly held beliefs about her. First and foremost, Monique didn't fight for money. She demanded that she always be paid royally, but more as a form of recognition of her status. Secondly, Monique only fought men. There weren't any other women in France who could hope to beat her, and she never expressed any interest in the many suggestions that she fight one of the many capable women outside of the country like Sharon or Erika. Lastly, Monique thrived on the attention she received. She was worshipped like a goddess in her native France, and that's the way she wanted to keep it. Erika's career in Germany paralleled, and in many ways surpassed Monique's. While this in itself didn't bother her, the attention her French patrons lavished on Erika did. It wasn't long before they were attending Erika's matches in Germany as religiously as her own. Monique was constantly bothered with requests to fight Erika. She had largely been able to ignore the situation until two things happened. The first was Erika's fight with the African champion. Monique had been slated to fight on the same night. A week before, her patron had informed her that her match was being canceled so that he could attend Erika's match in America. Canceled! Canceled so that he could watch the muscle bound German bitch participating in a freak show. The second was Erika's winning the "world championship". While she could dismiss it, she couldn't dismiss the fact that most of the men in her native country had come to believe that Erika was better than she was, and that was a situation she could no longer live with. Six men were marched onto the carpet. Three for Erika and three for Monique. Each of the six had paid outrageous sums of money to be hit by the women. Ordinarily, Erika wouldn't have any use for these French fops, but it was a condition of the match, so she had been forced to agree. Monique was used to it. She had started the practice. And she wouldn't be happy if she knew that the men were paying three times more for Erika than herself. As the guest, Erika went first. A small, rat faced man stood before her. Erika didn't know that he was the head of one of the largest electronics manufacturers in France, and she wouldn't have cared. The man smiled and stuck out his hand. Not part of the deal, thought Erika, as she viciously backhanded him. Before he could fall to the floor, she caught him again on the opposite side of the face with her open hand. The man dropped to the floor dazed by the blows. His cheeks were red and his eyes were watering. A trickle of drool ran down the side of his numb face. If Erika had known that he would be making love to his wife for the next couple of years while thinking about this moment, she probably would have kneed him in the groin. It was Monique's turn. Smiling at Erika, she raised her foot in front of her victim. Displaying perfect balance, she stood there for a few seconds, her foot swaying like a cobra in front of her man's face. Faster than most people could see, she whipped her foot back and forth across his face. Her toes catching him on the cheek with the first pass, her heel breaking his teeth on the back swing. He dropped to the mat unconscious. The first two men were lucky. They suffered a great deal of pain, but at least they were able to stay and watch the match. The next four had to be taken immediately to the hospital. Erika's next man stuck his jaw out and closed his eyes. Erika crouched down and brought an uppercut up from the floor that caught the man in the breadbasket and penetrated within an inch of his spine. The man dropped like a sack of potatoes and spasmed on the mat for a minute unable to breathe. He was dragged off before his condition could be known. Monique's man must have known what was coming, because he seemed to lose some of his enthusiasm. Monique stood in front of him launching a couple of practice side kicks at his belly, picking her spot. The man clenched his teeth and flexed his abs in anticipation of the kick. Without warning, Monique launched a roundhouse kick that impacted on his side, just above the belt line and slightly to the rear. The man fell to the mat screaming and clutching his kidney region. Again, he was dragged off so that his wailing was still heard faintly as the ambulance was loading him. The last two men seemed willing to forget the money. But they had paid for a service, and everyone wanted to see them get their money's worth. Both of them had to be pushed out onto the carpet as the crowd jeered them. Erika didn't hesitate. As soon as her man was in range, she caught him under his chin with an uppercut that lifted him off his feet as it broke his jaw. The man fell heavily, like a sack of potatoes and lay still. Monique responded in kind with a lightning fast side kick that caught her man in the center of the face and nearly flipped him in a full circle. Both men were dragged off the red carpet and across the marble floor. Monique's left a bloody streak on the white marble from his broken face. With the preliminaries over with, the match was ready to start. As was customary, both opponents were expected to meet at the center of the room and shake hands like ladies. Monique smiled graciously and stuck her hand out. Erika grasped it and gave it a brusk shake, resisting the urge to crush her finger bones to pulp. Breaking it off quickly, the two women exchanged pleasantries. Erika was fluent in French, so they were able to communicate in the spirit that had defined the relationship between their peoples since they had come down from the trees. "German whore," Monique said maintaining her smile. Erika smiled back and replied, "French slut." "Communist bitch." The smile faded from Erika's face as she said, "I will break you for what you did to Ava." "By the time I'm done, you'll need Ava to care for you," Monique growled. "The American's have an expression. Talk is cheap, and so are you." "A year from now, the only thing these men will remember about you, was how loudly you squealed." Erika didn't respond to Monique. Instead, she turned to face the crowd, and asked, "Will somebody be good enough to lick my feet for luck?" A dozen men literally fell over each other, scrambling like dogs eating out of the same dish. Erika allowed them to debase themselves for a full ten seconds before she commanded, "Enough!" Monique turned beet red as Erika turned and said, "Your fans seem to like me. Perhaps I'll take a few of them home with me to clean my boots." Half the men in the room immediately volunteered, while the other half pondered how they could get away from their wives. Monique trembled with rage. The obligatory sportsmanship out of the way, the two fighters were ready to engage each other. The rules were simple as the participants. No rounds. Last woman standing wins. Erika and Monique circled. Erika approached, Monique backed off and scuttled to one side. Erika changed direction and closed. Monique threw a quick side kick which scored on Erika's abs. Erika lunged forward and threw a jab. Monique hopped back and avoided it easily. She was smiling and nodding as she danced just out of range. Spiraling closer to the German, Monique connected with another kick to the midsection. Erika lunged again. Rather than backing off, Monique caught her with a straight kick to the chest that stopped her cold. Erika frowned. Her body was hard enough to take Monique's kicks, but that wasn't a winning strategy. Erika hadn't had a lot of time to practice with Sharon's kick boxing sparring partners, but she had done fairly well against them. They were usually OK as long as they kicked. But when they tried to exchange punches with her, or Erika caught one of them on the ropes, it was over quickly. The problem here was there were no ropes. It had been made quite clear to her that if she drove her opponent off the carpet, she would be expected to retreat three paces, and allow her to step back on. And as Monique threw two more kicks, it was becoming fairly obvious that she didn't intend to try to play at fists. And from her brief training, Erika knew that the biggest mistake she could make was to try and kick back. Erika had to either find a weakness she could exploit with her fists, or wait for Monique to make a mistake. Based on the rate that Monique was scoring on her, she knew she couldn't afford to wait. Erika decided to ignore defense and rush her in an attempt to get into range. Darting forward, she fended off a foot with her arm and continued to close. Realizing what she was doing, Monique started moving backwards. As she got to the edge of the carpet, Monique threw a beautiful kick straight upwards that caught Erika under the chin. Erika's head snapped back, and her momentum drove Monique off the carpet and into the crowd. Erika shook her head and backed off. Monique waited until she had retreated the required distance before stepping back onto the carpet. Erika was starting to get frustrated. Monique's kick had been hard. Hard enough to knock most men out. Only Erika's strong neck muscles, and the fact that it hadn't landed quite perfectly, had saved her from a humiliating loss. Erika was a little more cautious for the next few minutes, hoping that Monique would get overconfident and do something stupid. When it became clear that she was too good a fighter to rely on that strategy, Erika decided to try and bait her. Monique was launching side kicks. Erika caught most of the on her arms, but some of them where landing under her elbows with painful effect on her sides. Gradually she opened her guard up, letting her hands drift apart so that her arms were in a better position to protect her body. This left her face exposed. Erika was hoping that Monique would throw a high kick. Erika planned to bob to one side and let it sail over her shoulder. If everything worked out, Monique would be in range for a devastating punch. Monique went for the bait. Erika watched as she brought her knee up to start the kick. As Monique's huge quads contracted bringing her foot snapping up, Erika started to move. Too late, she saw that she had miscalculated. Monique's foot was moving much quicker than she would have imagined possible. Monique's heel smashed her in the mouth and continued upwards, crunching into her nose. Erika was thrown onto her back, and landed hard on the thinly padded floor. Erika didn't need to feel the warm flow of blood on her cheeks to know her nose was broken. The taste of blood in her mouth was the result of a split upper lip. But the worst sensation was the sound in her ears. The sound of the crowd cheering Monique. The sound of Monique taunting her to get up. "Is that how you got your championships? On your back. Only one of us can be the world's best, and now everyone will know that it has always been me. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Even German bitches don't go down that easily. Get up and we'll finish your education bitch!" Erika got back up. While there was no count out, the fight could be declared over if the judges decided that she was unable or unwilling to continue. Monique had backed off from her fallen opponent as the patron's rules decreed. But the minute Erika reached her feet, she sprinted in. Monique threw a series of kicks at Erika as she tried to back away. Erika fended most of them off with her arms, but enough got through to start to hurt her. One particularly hard kick caught her in the stomach. Monique's heel dug in and Erika's breath whooshed out. She felt like she had been kicked by a mule. Her own attempts to hit back continued to meet with failure. Finally, out of a growing sense of desperation, Erika attempted the maneuver that she had sworn to avoid. She threw a kick of her own at Monique. Though never having trained in any martial art except boxing, she could still launch a simple and powerful side kick. As soon as it was on its way, she knew she had made a major mistake. As her foot flew up in the air leaving her standing on one foot and vulnerable, Monique twisted past the kick to get behind Erika's outstretched leg. Countering, Monique kicked Erika in the lower back, her toe digging in deeply just inches from her spine. Erika cried out from the pain and found herself paralyzed for a few seconds as Monique followed up with another kick to the back of her thigh. Erika's legs buckled and she fell to her knees. Though technically illegal, nobody intervened as Monique gracefully executed a spinning back kick that whacked Erika's head like a golf ball on a tee. Erika was flung lengthwise onto the carpet and lay still for a moment. The crowd clapped and cheered as Monique raised her arms in victory. Erika didn't know where she was or what she was doing, but her instincts and her stubborn nature prodded her to roll over and get back to her feet. Monique beamed as Erika staggered around drunkenly. In a masterful display of destructive skill, she whipped her feet across Erika's face. First right, then left, then the right again. Erika staggered backwards. Monique allowed Erika to escape a few paces towards the edge of the carpet. Then she took three running steps and leapt through the air executing a flying kick that impacted on Erika's sternum. Erika literally flew through the air and into the crowd, knocking down half a dozen spectators who had the good fortune to break her fall. Monique was pleased as Erika got back up and instinctively approached her attacker like a plant drawn to the sun. Erika was still functioning enough to throw a few weak punches which fell far short of their mark. With the most brutal kick of the fight, Monique sent her foot flying upwards to land toe first under Erika's left breast. Erika's tit was ripped upwards, deforming unnaturally from the kinetic energy, and actually stretched to smack her in the chin. It snapped back like a rubber band, bouncing a few times before it settled. It was now drooping noticeably lower than her right breast. Erika clutched at her wounded mammary with both hands. Monique took the opportunity to crow some more. "Poor Erika. Did I break your gaudy plastic tit? Don't worry, it would look better on a woman anyway. I guess we know who's the better fighter now, don't we? Let's show everyone who's the better boxer." Monique raised her fists and closed with Erika. Flicking out lightening fast jabs, she set Erika's head gyrating on her neck. Seeing that Erika was in no condition to respond, she got bolder, throwing harder, better aimed punches, that inflicted further damage on Erika's battered face. While the French woman didn't have nearly the punching power of Erika, she could still hit harder than most men. Erika's features disintegrated into a bloody pulp. Turning her attention to Erika's blood spattered chest, Monique played with Erika's breasts like punching bags. Though Erika was being battered, Monique hadn't hit her with any of her brain scrambling blows for a few minutes, and she was beginning to recover some of her mental faculties. Half blinded by blood and swelling, Erika threw her arms around her opponent's shoulders. Monique wrapped her arms around Erika's back and patted her like a small child. "There, there, Erika. You rest. I'll do all the work." Locking her grip behind Erika's neck, Monique rammed her knees into Erika's midsection. Erika's feet were lifted off the floor as she struggled to escape. The men in the crowd could see Erika's back arch as Monique's blows landed with hollow thuds. Finally, Monique's massive legs got tired. Shifting back, she grasped Erika's hair and pulled her up to face her. Erika was a mess. Her face was cut and swollen. Both her eyes were nearly swollen shut. Her breasts were bruised, and the left hung flat and limp, like a deflated balloon. Her stomach was covered with ugly red and purple patches. Both fighters were covered with blood, all of it Erika's. Holding Erika's head up and examining her handiwork, Monique asked, "Who's the better fighter German bitch?" Erika didn't answer, so Monique slapped her with her free hand. "Answer me when I talk to you!" Defiance in her eyes, Erika spit a bloody wad in Monique's face. Outraged, Monique wrapped both hands around the back of Erika's head and yanked it down to meet her rising knee. With the dull crack of bone meeting bone, Monique released Erika to crumple to the floor. Again she raised her arms in victory. But rather than the cheers she had received before, she heard surprised murmuring and saw amazed stares. Turning around, her jaw nearly dropped to the floor. Erika was standing behind her with her fists partially raised. Monique was angry again. How dare this bitch continue to defy her? She had already been punishing her for half an hour. How could the bitch even stand? Stalking over to the stupid Hun, she started to rain punches on her ruined face. "Get back down you fucking bitch!" she screamed. But Erika was in no mood to go down again. Displaying the reflexes that had made her a champion, Erika snatched up Monique's right wrist in an iron grip. Monique looked shocked, and more that a little frightened as Erika sputtered between bloody teeth, "Its your turn now frog." Erika's sledgehammer right flew into the center of Monique's face. Monique thrashed and tried to hit back, but Erika had waited too long, and she wouldn't be denied. Too close to kick, Monique tried to knee Erika in the crotch. Erika ignored the pain and plunged her fist into Monique's gut. Monique's relatively thin abs just weren't prepared to receive such a package. Gasping like a fish, she tried to fold, but Erika held her by her wrist like a puppet on a string. It was her face dissolving now as Erika pummeled her with raw knuckles. Feeling Monique's wrist bone snap from the violent twisting, Erika released it. Before Monique could drop to the floor, Erika punted her head like a soccer ball, flipping her onto her back. Backing off, Erika let Monique get back up. As she charged in, Monique threw a defensive kick that nailed Erika in the right tit. Erika kept rolling right over her, and they both tumbled to the blood and sweat soaked carpet. They both got up at the same time. Grabbing Monique's shoulders, Erika head butted her in the face. Monique screamed in pain as blood dribbled from her nose. Pushing her away, Erika ripped her fists into Monique's perfect tits, hard enough to crack the ribs underneath. Lowering her sights, Erika tattooed her lower ribs and stomach. Monique turned and tried to run, giving Erika the opportunity to pursue and hit her in the kidneys before she could escape. Monique screamed like a little girl as she fell to her knees. Walking around in front of her, Erika stopped and asked, "Who is the better fighter?" Monique didn't answer, so Erika smacked her across the mouth. Again she asked, "Who is the better fighter, slut?" Bloodied and bruised nearly as badly as Erika, overwhelmed by waves of agony from her internal injuries, wanting nothing more than to crawl away from her German opponent, Monique whispered, "You are." Erika bent down and locked her hands on Monique's tits. Biceps bulging, she yanked the French woman to her feet. Monique squealed and tears ran down her face as she felt the connective tissue in her breasts tear. "Say it louder," Erika demanded, digging her fingers in deeper. Monique wailed, "You're the better fighter Erika." Nodding, Erika released her grip and unleashed a jaw breaking roundhouse that spun Monique to the floor where she lay holding her tits and sobbing. The judges acknowledged the submission, and Erika raised her arms in victory. The crowd which had been silently watching the drama, exploded in cheers for the heroic blonde. Erika posed for them a few minutes, not for their approval, but because she wanted her image to haunt Monique in the eyes of her patrons. Erika knew that she was hurt badly, but she refused help. Slowly walking towards the room's main exit, she made her way towards a waiting ambulance. Hearing a commotion behind her, Erika spun around to see Monique arcing towards her with a flying kick designed to catch her from behind. Monique's foot landed squarely on her thick upper abs. Erika reflexively wrapped her hands around Monique's ankle as she was driven back two steps. Monique managed to land on her other foot as Erika absorbed the force of the blow. Erika straightened up and looked Monique right in the eyes as she tucked her leg under her arm, trapping her. Without smiling she said, "You shouldn't have done that to Ava, and you especially shouldn't have tried it on me." "P.. p.. please let go," Monique stammered. "Too late, you cowardly bitch." Erika raised her fist high over her head, and brought it straight down on Monique's right knee like the hammer of Thor. Everyone in the room heard the crack of the joint breaking. Monique screamed as she saw her leg bending in the wrong direction. "You'll be lucky if you can beat Ava in a race now, let alone a fight. Did you know that Ava helped teach me the hammer throw when we were girls? No? Let me show you." Erika tightly grasped Monique's ankle in both hands and slowly started to turn in place. Monique fell to the floor and screamed again as the splintered bones in her knee joint started to grind together. Erika continued to turn, the muscles in her arms knotting as Monique's back started to lift off the floor. Monique tried to grab at her broken right leg as it stretched inches longer than her left. When Monique's back had risen six inches off the floor, Erika grunted and heaved with all the strength of her magnificent upper body. Monique sailed through the air ten feet before abruptly hitting a marble column and coming to rest at its base like a rag doll. Erika stood there for a minute watching, but Monique wasn't moving. Everyone cleared out of Erika's way as she turned and continued her interrupted march out of France. Sharon knelt by Erika's bed in the German hospital she had transferred to. Though her injuries where serious, Erika's youthful, tank-like body was recovering at a record pace. What she was mostly worried about was her appearance. If her husband Jack got a look at her in her present condition, he'd get hysterical. Her face was a mass of bandages. Her left breast implant had been ruptured and needed to be replaced. Sharon had ditched her own husband Bob, telling him that Erika had invited her to a girls only tour of Europe. The doctors said that she might be able to leave in another week, allowing the women to travel to the countryside and visit with Erika's relatives while she finished recuperating. "Erika, I know how traumatic an experience like this can be. I've been in more than a few fights like the one you were in, some better, some worse." Erika shuddered. She knew Sharon wasn't exaggerating. "So I'd like to know if you're going to be OK." "Ja Sharon, I'll be OK. I did not ask for zis fight. I vwas forced into it. I vwill continue to fight on zee circuit, und hopefully I vwill not meet anybody like Monique again." Sharon hoped that Erika was right, but she wasn't optimistic. She knew from experience that there were a lot of people like Monique out there, and the more successful you were, the more of them you attracted. Erika had been lucky up until now. But what she was really worried about, was Monique showing up again like a bad penny. Erika must have seen it on her face, because she said, "Monique vwas bad, but she's no Lori. She vwon't be coming back." "I hope you're right," Sharon shuddered. "I know I'm right. But enough of Monique. She's history. Just before you got here, I received un invitation for tea." "Tea?" "Ja, tea in London with Lisa Hawthorne." "The name sounds familiar. Who is she?" "She's the English vwoman's boxing champion, und my next opponent." "Opponent? Are you insane? You can barely stand." Erika casually dismissed Sharon's concerns with a wave of her hand. "Zee match is not for another month. I'll be fine. Besides, vwhen I get home, Jack's going to know I was in a fight. I'd rather he thought it vwas vwith Lisa than Monique." Sharon thought about it for a minute, and said, "You know, I think I've been hanging around you too long. Your plan is very German, and yet it actually makes some sense to me." Erika tried to smile past her swollen lips. "Vwe are sisters now. In another few years vwe vwill think exactly alike." "Vwe vwill not! I mean, vwe vwon't! Dammit! Quit smiling at me." Next: Sharon and Erika meet Lisa, The British Bomber. THE PRIZEFIGHT XXI: Lisa the British Bomber ------------------------------------------- Sharon and Erika were having tea in Lisa Hawthorne's small, but comfortable London flat. Lisa was the English women's heavyweight boxing champion. Lisa was a large woman. Sharon estimated that she was about six one, and close to two hundred pounds. An attractive blonde with pale skin, Lisa was actually a few years older than she was, which made her a generation older than the twenty four year old Erika. They had been talking now for about half an hour, and Sharon couldn't help but to like her. The English woman was one of the nicest people she had ever met in her life. Erika was just finishing her tale of her recent fight with Monique. "...und the last I heard, she vwas still in traction." "Well I can't say I blame you for what you did to her. Monique is a beast. It's women like her that give female fighters a bad name. She deserved a good thrashing. But I'm glad to see that you've returning to real boxing. Your retirement caused quite a stir a few years back. I understand the attraction that those type of fights offer, but quite frankly, we need women like yourself representing our sport in public." Both Sharon and Erika actually felt a bit sheepish at Lisa's comment. Women's boxing had been exploding in popularity in Europe, and more recently in the United States. But the women were still accorded far less respect than the men, and their purses were ridiculously small considering that they were often taking more punishment than their male counterparts. And while Sharon and Erika had made millions fighting for a privileged few, Lisa had been plugging along for years, working a full time job to support her boxing career. Only recently had women's purses grown large enough to justify her fighting for a living. Lisa and Erika were slated to fight a ten round match the following week. They were both members of the International Women's Boxing Federation. Lisa had been one of the organization's charter members, and had stuck with it for the last ten years, becoming one of the most respected names in women's boxing. Erika had joined when she had started out in Germany a few years later. Though she hadn't boxed in the IWBF for a number of years, she still held a relatively high rank due to the fact that she had been the former German women's heavyweight champion. Many people had speculated that she would have been world champion, if not for her sudden retirement from the ring. Erika hadn't actually retired. She had joined the far more lucrative underground fighting circuit where she had run into Sharon. Continuing, Lisa said, "And congratulations on your success Sharon. You've made quite a splash for a newcomer. I'd wager that your record isn't a true reflection of your experience." Sharon didn't reply, she just smiled and sipped her tea. Erika on the other hand, was shocked. "You're in the IWBF?" Erika asked. "Yep, Bob signed me up a couple of months ago. Just a little something to keep me busy," Sharon answered. "If that's just a hobby for you, I'd hate to see what'd happen if you took it seriously," Lisa said. "Vwhy? Vwhat has she been up to?" asked a confused Erika. "Why, Sharon's now ranked number two in the States. And she's slated to fight for the title next month. But I'm surprised you didn't know that. Isn't Sharon your trainer?" Erika glared at Sharon as she responded, "Ja, but she obviously has been keeping secrets from me." "It's no secret. You just don't follow the sport." "Yanks are full of surprises. I for one am looking forward to watching you fight next week," said Lisa. Erika's head was spinning as she asked, "Sharon's fighting next vweek?" "She's on our under card. She'll be fighting the Irish champion. Please take it easy on her. She's a good girl, but she leads with her face." They talked for another three hours before Sharon and Erika left to return to their hotel. They weren't five feet from the door before Erika lit into Sharon. "Vwhy the hell didn't you tell me joined the IWBF?" "Like I said, you didn't ask. Besides, it was going to be a surprise. I was going to tell you when I invited you to my title match. Besides, how was I to know that you were going to get the sudden urge to join again?" "You know vwhat zis means?" "I think I do." "Vwe might fight again." "It depends how far you intend to take it." "Vwell how far do you intend to go?" "All the way. And you?" "I don't know yet. I haven't thought about it." It was at that point that Sharon was glad that she hadn't taught Erika everything she knew. Fight night came, and Sharon was up first. The small, aging arena was uncharacteristically packed with fight fans who were waiting impatiently for the match to begin, having paid a couple of pounds for admission. All of the regulars knew something was up when they saw the foreigners. The first ten rows were filled with well dressed men and women from around the world, acting like they were attending a world championship. The regulars were puzzled, but Sharon knew exactly who they were. They were fans of Erika and herself from the circuit. She recognized some of the faces from her many fights. And they were getting a bargain tonight. A circuit card featuring their current and former champions would probably bring in a minimum of ten thousand per seat. Sharon's opponent was the Irish champion with a record of ten and one. She was a heavyset girl with red hair and freckles. She was a few inches shorter and a few pounds heavier, than herself. The bell rang and the Irish girl came out swinging. Sharon didn't throw any punches, she just caught the incoming blows on her gloves. Her punches were hard, all of them potential knockout blows, but the Irish girl was swinging wildly. Sharon studied her opponent a little more closely. Was the girl even looking? Sharon flicked a slow jab to find out. Her punch connected, leaving the girl shaking her head. Sharon was stunned. How the hell had this girl compiled a ten and one record and won a championship? Well Lisa had told her to take it easy on her, and Sharon intended to. With a quick left-right combination, Sharon set up a hard left uppercut that dropped the girl like a bad habit. The crowd applauded Sharon's brief display of boxing skill. The Irish girl's trainers didn't even wait for the ten count to expire as they piled through the ropes. As they turned her over, Sharon frowned. The girls face was covered with blood emanating from her nose and a cut over her right eye. She had only hit her four times. The Irish girl must have skin like tissue paper. Unfortunately, women's boxing was still a relatively new sport, and the divisions were still being sorted out. Sharon hoped they would get their acts together soon. Mismatches like this were bad for both the sport and the participants. Sharon thought about it as she hung around the ring to wish Lisa and Erika good luck. As they arrived, Sharon knew that Lisa would need it more. Lisa was dressed in white trunks and a white tank top, while Erika was wearing a brief black top and gold trunks. They were both physically about the same size, but where Erika's entire upper body was thickly muscled, Lisa just looked well toned. Sharon didn't know how good the Brit was, or if it even mattered. Erika was a destroyer, and she worried that Lisa might just be the destroyee. As Sharon thought about a way to control Erika, an idea came to her. Instead of returning to the dressing rooms, she stuck around to work Erika's corner. Erika already had two attendants when she arrived, but she was happy to have Sharon with her. Just before the fight started, Sharon asked, "Think you can take her?" Erika looked insulted as she replied, "With one hand tied behind my back." "Care to make a bet?" "Ja, vwhich hand do you vwant me to use?" "Not quite what I had in mind. How many fights have you won on points?" "Points? Vwhat are points?" "That's what I thought. I'll bet you that you can't beat Lisa by decision." Erika frowned at the thought. "Und vwhat would be the bet?" "The loser drops out of the IWBF." Erika thought about it for a moment, and then replied simply, "You're on." Sharon nodded. She was relieved. She wasn't afraid of fighting Erika. But Erika was family now, and it wouldn't be right. And even if Erika did manage to win the bet, there were always other ways she could amuse herself besides boxing. Maybe she could try out for the American Gladiators. Round one started off poorly for Erika. Lisa was good. She was very good. And Erika was having a tough time trying to pull her punches while maintaining her timing. Towards the end of the round, Lisa caught Erika with a wicked combination, Erika reacted instinctively with a quick left-right that left Lisa dazed. Erika drew her right hand back again preparing to deliver the knockout. Remembering the bet, she hesitated. Lisa took the opportunity to throw her arms around Erika. The referee separated them, and then the bell sounded before the fight could resume. Back in Erika's corner, Sharon said, "Nearly lost it out there, didn't you?" "Zis sucks. If it didn't mean losing the bet, I vwould knock her out right now." Erika didn't have much more luck in the next few rounds. Lisa was an excellent technician, and used her skill to build up an impressive lead. In the last few rounds of the ten round fight, Erika started to get her timing down. Lisa was good, but Erika was better. She was younger, stronger, faster, and when she chose to be, she was a first-rate boxer. The Brit's face gradually began to redden and swell. In the ninth round, an ugly looking cut opened up under her left eye. Seeing the damage she was causing, Erika tried to do her a favor and score to her body. But the older woman's abs just weren't prepared for the additional punishment. She went down. Erika went to a neutral corner fearing that Lisa wouldn't get up. But Lisa proved her toughness by ignoring the pain and drawing herself to her feet by the count of nine. Lisa covered her face with her gloves and Erika contented herself with bouncing jabs off her guard for the rest of the round. Waiting for Erika in her corner, Sharon was feeling sick. Despite her good intentions, her plan had gone straight to hell. Lisa was being beaten to a pulp. And worst of all, Erika was losing. Making a decision, Sharon leaned over to Erika and said, "Erika, I can't lie to you. You're losing. You're too far behind to win on points. You've got to knock her out." Looking to her male attendants, Erika asked, "Vwhat do you think?" Both men nodded as they worked on her. "Listen Erika, I can see that this bet was a bad idea. I don't want you to blow your perfect record. As far as I'm concerned it's off." Before Sharon could get a response, the bell rang. Erika stood up and met Lisa in the center of the ring. They touched gloves and started to get into their stances. Erika allowed Lisa to get off a few jabs while she looked for an opportunity. Seeing an opening, Erika lunged forward with a straight right that flew right over Lisa's gloves. Lisa's head snapped back in an explosion of sweat and she crumpled to the mat. The ten count was a formality. For most of the fight, the crowd had been happy to see their champion out-box the German girl. They had been less enthusiastic as the tide turned in the middle rounds, and downright hostile as they saw Lisa get taken apart piece by piece in the final rounds. Seeing the way Erika easily knocked her out in the tenth round, they all reached the same conclusion: That Erika could have taken her anytime she wanted. That she had beaten Lisa to a pulp on purpose. It was a bloody insult! The crowd started to boo. The booing turned into howls of rage. As Lisa's corner men helped her up, and the referee lifted Erika's arm in victory, the trash started flying. Erika jumped through the ropes to escape the barrage. Linking up with Sharon, the two women started to beat a hasty retreat for the dressing rooms. But before they had made it ten feet, Sharon was hit hard in the back of the head with a beer bottle. She fell to her knees moaning, a large gash in her scalp. Reacting instantly, Erika grabbed her and lifted Sharon to her feet. Looking into her sister-in-law's eyes, she saw that Sharon was out on her feet. Supporting her under the arm, Erika led her up the aisle towards safety. Pushing her way through the crowd, Erika barely got a third of the way before they were surrounded by rowdy fans. A large, beefy man put his hand in the center of Erika's chest and started to yell at her. Releasing Sharon, Erika started to punch him in the face. But since she was still wearing full size gloves, the man wasn't going down. Avoiding a punch, Erika stepped in and buried her knee into his gut. The man went down retching. Two more men crowded her sides and grabbed her arms. Flexing her mighty back and shoulder muscles, Erika threw them off of her like a pair of gnats. Turning around, she saw Sharon being lifted off her feet and dragged into the crowd. Seeing her sister-in-law disappearing from sight, Erika went berserk. Pursuing Sharon, she flung men out of her way. Another rowdy fan decided to continue the match with her. Erika wrapped her gloved hands around his neck and smashed his face with a vicious head butt. Letting the man go, she pushed him onto his back and ran over top of him. Catching up with Sharon, Erika yelled, "Drop her." Turning around and seeing the wild looking amazon, covered with sweat and blood, stringlets of long blonde hair hanging in front of her face, they decided not to argue. Sharon was dumped on the filthy floor as they leapt over the seat backs to get out of Erika's way. Bending down, Erika easily lifted Sharon's one hundred and seventy pounds off the floor and hoisted her across her back in a fireman's carry. Ignoring the choked aisles, Erika made her way over the half empty seats. Reaching the dressing room door, Erika spun around, using Sharon's body to keep the crowd back. Fortunately, somebody saw her outside and opened the door. Stumbling through, Erika carried Sharon inside and gently laid her out on a bench. Kneeling next to her, she asked, "Are you OK Sharon?" "I'll live," she replied with a groan. "Did you have to give me so rough a ride?" "No, but I could drop you back outside and you can walk." "That's OK Erika. I'm really sorry about this. I feel like it's all my fault." "That's because it vwas." Erika stripped off her gloves and grabbed a medical kit. As she cleaned Sharon's wound, she was spun around by the arm. A battered and fuming Lisa confronted her. "What the bloody hell did you think you were doing out there? You could have knocked me out anytime you wanted to, but instead you played with me. What are you, some sort of sadist?" Erika had a frown on her face as she said, "Sharon, you had better answer her." Sitting up, Sharon said, "I'm sorry Lisa, it was all my fault. After what I did to the Irish girl, I was afraid Erika might hurt you, so I told her to try and beat you on points." Lisa looked them both over and saw that they were sincere. "Well I hope you're satisfied. It looks like the aftermath of a soccer match out there. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got a crowd to calm down. I'll tell the press that you didn't intend to come off looking like you did. And as for you," she said addressing Sharon, "mind your own bloody business next time." Lisa turned around and left. Sharon grimaced as she touched her wound. She was feeling lower than dirt, and her head was starting to throb. The last thing she needed to hear was a voice with a German accent repeating, "Ja Sharon, next time mind your own bloody business." That night, Erika took Sharon to the hospital. She was diagnosed as having a mild concussion and released the next morning. Returning to their hotel, Sharon packed while Erika went through her messages. Erika was a minor celebrity in Europe, and the fight, with its subsequent riot, made the news all over the continent. So she wasn't surprised when the bellhop delivered a stack of phone messages, faxes, and telegrams. Sorting through them quickly, Erika threw most of them in the garbage. "Offer to fight zee Polish champion, vwedding proposal, offer to fight zee Italian champion, offer to join a sheik's harem..." "Bullshit," Sharon said, "let me see that." Erika turned over the note. "Well I'll be damned. That's a lot of petro-dollars. Too bad we only have one of you to sell." As Erika continued to sort her messages, she suddenly stopped and stared at one in particular. "I can't leave," she stated. "Why not?" Sharon asked. "I have one more fight." Sharon was more than a little annoyed as she asked, "What now? Another personal vendetta? Another world championship? What's so damned important that you have to fight again?" "Vworld peace," Erika stated simply. Sharon blinked. Looking at the young woman's face, Sharon could see that she was serious. "Please excuse me, I have some phone calls to make." Erika exited into the adjoining room. Sharon picked up the telegram. The message was from Moscow. It said simply: Fight me traitor. - Natasha Chutesov THE PRIZEFIGHT XXII: The Challenge ---------------------------------- The challenge from Moscow was simple and straightforward: Fight me traitor. - Natasha Chutesov As was the response from London: Yes. - Erika Moore When two people hate each other enough, they don't have to waste a lot of money on long messages. Even after talking with Erika for over two hours, Sharon still didn't understand why Erika had to fight Natasha. Perhaps it was a language or cultural barrier. More likely, Erika wasn't ready to tell her what was going on. But the one thing Sharon did understand was that Erika would never back down from this particular challenge. In typical Erika fashion, the beautiful blonde German had already secured a ticket to Moscow so she could fly out that evening and have a showdown with the Russian the next day in Red Square. It took Sharon an additional hour to calm her down enough so that she could reason with her. Sharon tried to explain to Erika that she needed more time to recouperate from the effects of her fight with Monique. In the end, she had to win the argument with an emotional body blow. She reminded Erika that her husband Jack was still waiting for her in America. When they arrived at the airport, Sharon wasn't sure what kind of reception her brother Jack would give Erika. She was expecting anything from a weepy welcome home to a fist fight in the luggage area. What she wasn't expecting, was Jack to wrap his arm around Erika and say, "Hey babe, bring me anything from England?" "Ja, I have many hurts zat you may kiss and make better. Like here." Erika pointed to her cheek. Jack gently kissed her. "Und here." Jack kissed her where she indicated on the lips. "Und here," Erika smiled. Jack smiled back and started to bury his face in Erika's muscular cleavage. Sharon just couldn't take it. "For God's sake! Erika runs out on you for a month, leaves for Europe, doesn't even have the decency to call you, and you're ready to take her in the men's room and do it like dogs!" "Take it easy sis. I knew what I was getting into when I married her. I understand why Erika didn't tell me about Monique." Erika's face reddened, as she asked, "How did you know?" "You can keep those kind of secrets from me, but you can't keep them from Bob. I understand that you were just doing what you thought was right, and that you didn't want to worry me. But if I was going to place some blame here, it'd be on you sis." "Me? What did I do?" "You knew why Erika left, didn't you?" "Well..." "And you didn't tell me after I called you to ask if you knew where she was." "Well I..." "So if I were to blame anybody around here, it would be you. But that's OK Sharon, I forgive you. Now if you'll excuse us, I'm going to follow your suggestion and take my wife into the men's room now." Sharon stared open mouthed as Jack ushered Erika through the men's room door with a pat on the rump. She was indignant, and more than a little bit jealous. Her own husband Bob hadn't even bothered to pick her up. He had better damn well have a prize winning excuse, because she wasn't in a good mood. When she got home, she found that indeed, Bob did have a good excuse. "Sorry I couldn't pick you up, but I've been having a bit of trouble getting around," he said rapping on his leg cast. "What happened to you." "Erika's dogs." "They aren't here, are they?" Sharon asked, casting a fearful glance out the window. "No, I was over visiting Jack. We've been spending a lot of time together since our wives disappeared." Sharon let the dig go by as Bob continued, "I was sitting outside alone while Jack got us a couple of beers. Well wouldn't you know, that's when Erika's pack came back from killing cattle, or whatever the hell they do out in the woods. Well I took off for the door, but before I made it thirty feet, I fell into a huge hole that her mutant Dobermans dug and broke my leg. And the worst part was, Jack had to bribe those damned dogs with our dinner to let me out." "I'm sorry Jack, can I kiss it and make it better?" "Well, you can't get to the leg, but I think you could make it better by kissing the closest part you can get to." "Pig!" Sharon cried as she swept her two hundred plus pound husband into her arms and carried him up the stairs to their bedroom. Late the next morning, Bob made some phone calls to the Board. "Well, do they know who she is?" Sharon asked after he had finished. "Oh, they know her all right. The Board tried to recruit Natasha Chutesov last year. She turned them down. She refused to leave Russia. She's used to be on their Olympic team. The rumor is they pumped her up with enough hormones to raise a hundred prize steers. She fights for the Russian Mafia now. They say she's unpredictable, vicious, and unbeaten in all her fights. She killed two men in the ring last year. Are you sure we can't talk Erika out of this?" "That's the only thing I am sure of. It's more than just personal for her. It's a matter of honor and principle. She also has some delusion that this fight has implications for the future of world peace." "You don't buy that, do you?" "I'm not sure. All I know is that she believes it and nothing will change her mind." "So what's the plan?" "You set the fight up through the Board. Try to get her the safest venue possible. Erika will probably bitch about this, but I'm going to see that she actually trains for this fight. Get me at least ten weeks." The next day Bob received a video tape from the Board. After viewing it, he called Sharon down at the gym where she was training Erika. "Sharon, I just got a video tape of Natasha Chutesov fighting. I think you and Erika had better see this right now." When Sharon and Erika got back, Bob invited them to sit on the couch and watch the show. The poor quality tape showed a massive woman with short blonde hair wearing a pair of red boxing shorts, a white tank top, and brown leather gloves. She was standing in a small, poorly lit boxing ring across from her male opponent. The man was about the same size as she was, but not nearly as muscular. A bell sounded and the two boxers met in the center of the ring. The man started the action by hitting the woman in the face. The woman appeared to be deliberately letting him hit her as a warm-up. Suddenly, the woman lunged forward and caught the man on the side of the head with her first punch. He tried to exchange blows with her, but it was clear that she was hitting much harder than he was. Without warning, the man dropped from the accumulated punishment. After shaking the cobwebs clear, he stood up again to face her. Dropping her hands, the woman advanced on him. The man started hitting her as soon as she came within range, but she didn't stop. Retreating, he continued to pour punches into her body. His blows had no effect on the blonde as she bulldozed him into a corner. When she had him trapped, her broad shoulders blocking his escape, she started to piston her fists into his stomach. Almost immediately, the man threw his arms around her. She stopped for a moment, repositioned herself, and started in again. The camera zoomed in on the man's face as it twisted in pain. His arms hung limply over her back as she tore up his insides. The bell sounded again, and the woman backed out of the corner allowing the man to slither off her body and drop limply to the canvas. He was counted out as she paraded around the ring with her arms raised. Unimpressed, Sharon said, "So what? She's big, she's strong, she's a brawler. Nothing Erika and I haven't faced before. I don't see why you were so concerned." "Keep watching," Bob said. The tape went black and then came back with a second fight. Again, Natasha destroyed her male opponent within a round. Bob started to fast forward. The rest of the tape contained more of the same. A series of one and two round fights. The final fight had Natasha facing three opponents simultaneously. Ignoring their efforts to hit her from behind, she concentrated on them one at a time. She eliminated two men in the first round, and her remaining opponent in the second. Shutting off the VCR, Bob asked them, "Well, what do you think?" Sharon shrugged, "She's a tank. But nothing Erika can't handle. Carrying that kind of muscle, she probably doesn't have much stamina. Erika can run her around for a few rounds and then take her out." "Und she has a lousy wardrobe," Erika said, noting that Natasha had worn the same combination of red shorts and white top in each fight. "So what's the big deal?" Sharon asked. "All of those fights took place on the same night. She fought ten fights with twelve male opponents weighing between two and three hundred pounds. It took Natasha fifteen rounds to beat them all, and she did it in two hours," Bob replied. "Oh," Sharon said, looking worried. Undeterred, Erika said, "I don't care if she beat a hundred men. She has to fight me now, und I already beat her once." Sharon and Bob exchanged glances as Erika left to go back to the gym. They knew better than to press the girl. She would tell them when she was ready. With the help of the Board, Bob arranged for the fight to take place in twelve weeks. The event would be held in Moscow's largest indoor stadium. Sharon was expecting an argument out of Erika when she told her that they would be training for the next three months, but the girl surprised her by immediately agreeing to the schedule. "Are you feeling all right?" Sharon asked puzzled. "Zere is too much at stake here to leave anything to chance. I vwill train as I have never trained before. Und I knew zat I could count on you to help me. Zat is why I bought an extra ticket." "Ticket? Are we going someplace?" "Ja, vwe are going to Germany to train." "If we go to Germany, all we're going to do is drink beer and eat 'wurst." "Not vwhere we are going." "And that is?" "Leipzip. Vwe vwill be training at zee former East German national sports complex." Erika pulled up in her rental car in front of the former East German sports complex in Leipzig. Memories flooded her brain, as she exited the car and strode onto one of the practice fields where she had spent most of her childhood. Surveying the run down buildings where she had lived and trained, she was filled with conflicting emotions. Erika had been marked at an early age. The first report had been filed when she was only five. In the former communist state of East Germany, teachers were instructed to look out for children with special abilities or characteristics. Abnormally intelligent children for scientific programs, overly aggressive children for the military, children with extraordinary strength, reflexes, and coordination for the sports program. Erika had been an outgoing, friendly girl. An only child, she had been raised by her father after her mother died. One day, officials from the state visited their farm and explained to her father the great privilege that had been bestowed upon him and his daughter. Erika had been selected to join the sports program, and perhaps one day, she would have the honor of representing East Germany at the Olympic games. She still vividly remembered her father's tears as she was ushered into the government car and taken away. Erika had been seven years old at the time. Erika was taken to the complex in Leipzig where she was enrolled in the track and field program. She was assigned a bed in one of the girls dormitories next to another new arrival, a girl named Ava. Too young to truly understand what was happening, she quickly adapted to her new environment. Every aspect of her early life at the complex was predetermined for her. She was placed on a regimen of diet and exercise designed to ensure that she reached her maximum size and strength. Her coaches trained her for all of the track and field events. They had some difficulty identifying her aptitudes, because she was good at everything she tried. Eventually, they had her concentrate mainly in the javelin, the long jump, and the hundred meters. It was expected that Erika would eventually compete in at least two events. There was also talk of entering her as a decathelete. She was also required to attend school which included her formal indoctrination into communism. In the three years she had spent at the complex before her father died, she had been permitted to visit him only once. She would eventually come to realize that it had been the loss of the thing that he loved most that had killed him. And with this realization, her indifference to the system that had ripped her from his grasp had turned to hate. Erika not only refused to join the communist party, she openly disdained it. Only her tremendous potential as an athlete saved her from serious repercussions. Erika had always suspected that she had been permitted to join the boxing program by officials hoping that she would be seriously injured. If so, they had been very disappointed. As she wandered around the campus deep in thought, she felt a tap on her shoulder. As she turned around, a man punched her in the stomach as hard as he could. Erika grunted. More startled than hurt, she reacted instinctively by grabbing the man by the front of his shirt and drawing back her fist. "No Erika, don't!" Erika lowered her fist a bit and examined the man. "Karl?" "Is that anyway to treat your old coach?" "Well you didn't exactly give me a proper greeting." "Sorry Erika, I was just testing you." "And?" "I think I broke my hand." "Serves you right for hitting a lady." At the mention of the word "lady", Karl started laughing while Erika glowered at him. "It's not too late to hit you back," she reminded him. "Sorry Erika, it's just difficult for me to think of you as a lady. I can still remember you jamming that wrestler's head down a toilet for trying to kiss you." "There were some good times, but that was long ago. A lot has happened since I left here. I'm sure you heard that I became the German boxing champion and then retired. Since then, I moved to America and got married." "Married! Well I just hope you treat your husband a little better than your early boyfriends." "That's why I married him. I finally found a man who's head I couldn't jam in a toilet," Erika said with some pride. Karl had been Erika's track coach. At the large facility, he had been the only member of the staff that took a personal interest in her welfare. Erika remembered him staying up with her all night when she received the news that her father died. After that, Karl was the closest thing Erika had to a father figure. When Erika had expressed an interest in boxing, it had been Karl who had stood up for her. Erika had been twelve when she had accompanied a few of the other girls to the boxing gym to watch the boys working out. But rather than salivating over the sweaty young males, Erika found herself more interested in what they were doing. After practice, she snuck down to the empty gym and tried playing with their equipment. The next day she asked her coach if she could join the boxing program. Karl explained to Erika that there was no women's boxing competition, but Erika continued to badger him. After a few weeks, he finally relented and told her that he'd talk to the directors. Karl never expected them to take him seriously, but to his surprise, they did. Even though women's boxing was still an oddity at the time, they were anticipating the day when it might become an Olympic event. And even if Erika never represented East Germany in a boxing match, they might still learn something valuable for future generations of athletes. Erika was allowed to join the program provided that she continued to participate in track and field. At first, she wasn't well received. The boxing coaches resented her presence and often put her in the ring with the more experienced boys. Erika took a lot of beatings in those early days, but each one only strengthened her resolve. Erika trained harder and paid more attention to the coaches than any of the boys. In spite of their misgivings, the young girl won them over with her enthusiasm and dedication. Within a few months, Erika was paying back the boys with interest. It was within those first few months that Erika was involved in a match that was still talked about to this day. One of the boxers, a young man nineteen years old, had been riding Erika particularly hard ever since she had joined the program. The final straw came when Erika had been practicing on the speed bag and he had come up from behind and punched her in the back of the head. Despite the fact that she was only five nine, one hundred and ten pounds, and that the boy was six foot, one hundred and eighty, a twelve year old Erika invited him to step into the ring with her. The boy and his buddies had a good laugh at Erika's expense, and then he took her up on the invitation. None of the coaches even thought to stop the fight. This was how the boys in the boxing program settled their differences and Erika wouldn't receive any special treatment. Meeting Erika at the center of the ring, the boy looked to further humiliate the young girl by standing in front of her and allowing her to her best shot. Erika slugged him in the gut as hard as she could, then bounced her gloved fist off his jaw. The boy was surprised by how hard the young girl could hit, but her punches didn't do any real damage, so he just continued to laugh at her. Even though Erika's punches were technically very good, she just didn't have the strength to hurt him. Frustrated, she started punching at him wildly, trying to stop the laughter. The next thing she knew, she was sitting on the canvas with a bloody nose and the boy was laughing at her even harder. It was a defining moment in Erika's life. She could have stayed down and avoided more punishment, or she could have gotten back up and charged him again, but she didn't do either. At that moment, she picked herself up off the canvas, raised her gloved fists with a renewed sense of determination, and prepared to box her tormentor. The nineteen year old took another hard swing at Erika's head. Ducking, Erika hooked her right fist into his left side. The boy grunted a bit and took another swing. Again, Erika ducked and caught him in the same spot. Aiming a quick left-right at the girl, the boy missed as Erika used her superior speed and reflexes to dodge his blows. Again, she scored on his side. The boy's buddies were still laughing, but now they were laughing at his clumsy looking attempts to hit the girl. Erika's long blonde ponytail whipped around like a snake as she bobbed and weaved to avoid his punches while she managed to score a dozen times. The boy was growing increasingly angry. His face was turning red, and more importantly, the punches to his side were starting to bother him. Calming himself, the boy started to use his skills to try and trap the girl against the ropes. Seeing that he had managed to regain his self control, Erika tried a risky offensive move. Stepping in quickly, she lashed out and caught him on the nose. He stepped back for a moment, surprised by the unexpected pain. Wiping his nose with his wrist, he was enraged by the site of his own blood. The boy charged and Erika retreated. As he chased her around the ring, she continued to take advantage of any opportunity to hit her chosen target. After a few minutes, her opponent began to tire. Erika had hit his left side at least thirty times, and it was starting to ache. Taking advantage of the lull in the action, Erika slammed her fist into his side twice more. The boy instinctively dropped his left arm to protect his injury. Erika used the opening to deliver a right hook to his jaw. The blow didn't cause him any real harm, but it was the most embarrassing punch of the fight so far. Spurred into action, he came at Erika with a flurry of punches. Erika kept her guard up, but she wasn't strong enough to stop a solid punch that forced its way between her gloves. Erika's head snapped back and she experienced some dizziness. Seeing that he had hurt the girl, the boy bore in. He rocked her with head shots, but she still managed to protect herself with her gloves. Bending down low, the boy drove his gloved fists into her thin midsection. Exhibiting the toughness that would make her a champion, the twelve year old Erika refused to go down. Recovering from the initial head punch, she managed to escape. The laughter of the small crowd had died. Erika even heard a couple of the spectators start to cheer her on. Her opponent was moving noticeably slower now and starting to breath heavily. He had obviously expended most of his energy and needed to rest. Erika was happy to let him rest - as long as she could continue to work his side. The other members of the boxing team were treated to an amazing sight. They saw one of their own actually falling back before the punches of a young girl. The boy was starting to realize he was in trouble now. His side was on fire and his stomach muscles were cramping. The girl had hit him there at least forty times, and was continuing to hit him. He tried to back her off with a defensive jab, but it was hopeless. He couldn't hit her when he was fresh, and he had no absolutely no chance now. Realizing that he was losing the fight, the boy tried one last desperate punch, a right hook to the side of Erika's head. Unlike her opponent, Erika had maintained her concentration and saw his punch coming a mile away. Ducking the hard swing, Erika put her full hundred and ten pounds into another punch to his reddened side. The combination of his twisting midsection and Erika's punch proved to be too much for him. He folded and went down on one knee moaning and clutching his side. Erika withdrew to a corner as the crowd went wild. Heeding the cries of his fellows, the boy tried to get up. But as he started to straighten his back, he was hammered with a wave of agony that sent him rolling on the canvas, grimacing in pain. Seeing that he was unable to get up, the crowd burst into cheers for Erika. The truth was that nobody had liked the arrogant young boy very much. A couple of his teammates came into the ring and raised Erika's arms. It was her first real fight, and the feeling of standing victorious over a beaten opponent coursed through her veins like a drug. "So let me have a look at you. What are you, about six feet, one ninety?" "Two hundred and five actually." Karl whistled, "You were only projected to reach one eighty. As the Americans say, you must have eaten your Wheaties." As they walked and talked, they passed by a group of teenage boys who were practicing the javelin throw and dreaming of Olympic gold. Karl stopped and asked, "Would you give it a try just for old times sake?" "I don't know, it's been years since I even saw one of those. I wouldn't want to spear an innocent bystander." "Don't worry, you can't hurt anybody important, because I'll be standing behind you where it's safe." "OK, but don't say I didn't warn you." Erika removed her warm-up jacket and rolled her huge shoulders to loosen up. Ignoring the appreciative stares of the boys, she selected a javelin from the rack. Rolling it in her hand, she tested its balance. Satisfied, she took her position on the field. After standing like a statue for a few seconds, she suddenly exploded into motion. Sprinting towards the line, she accelerated quickly. With a fluid, powerful motion, she used her huge deltoids and pectoral muscles to launch the javelin into space. Standing on one foot at the line, she watched as it arced up and then descended to land at least ten meters past the best throw of the boys. Turning around, she was met with enthusiastic applause. Karl was impressed. "An excellent throw Erika! Only a few meters off the women's world record. Too bad you fouled." "Fouled!" "Your toes were clearly over the line. No doubt that added at least twenty meters to your throw." "Well why don't you just let me warm up properly and we'll see who goes over the line and what the new world record will be." Taking Erika by the arm, Karl led her away from the other athletes. "You know I'm just kidding Erika. It was a perfect throw. You must have had a good coach." "The best." "Now why don't you tell me what's going on. I know that this is a place you wouldn't return to on your own, not even to visit me. So why are you here?" "Natasha Chutesov." Karl winced, "Now there's a name I didn't need to hear. Natasha, the best female athlete Soviet science could manufacture." "I'm going to fight her. I need to know what I'm dealing with." "I was afraid you were going to say that. Do you remember the rumors about East German women athletes? About the steroid use, hormone injections, and failed chromosome tests?" "Of course, the rest of the world still jokes about us, but we know better." "It happened." "What! Why didn't I ever hear about it?" "For obvious reasons, the experimentation was kept secret. Most of the athletes treated didn't even know what they were being given. They thought they were receiving vitamin injections. They even wanted to experiment on you." Erika paled for a moment. She thought about her freakish size and strength, the result of a growth spurt that had started when she was twelve. An age when most girls were reaching maturity. "They didn't get to me, did they?" she asked in a worried tone. "No, I wouldn't let them. I refused to let them touch any of my athletes. I threatened to resign, and they backed down. They left me alone because I produced winners. No Erika, you grew as you did due to your genes and my nutrition program. That, and the fact you ate like a pig." Relieved, Erika managed a smile. "I still eat like a pig." Karl slapped her on one of her cannonball delts. "I don't doubt that one bit. Natasha on the other hand is a different story. She's the result of fifty years of Soviet experimentation. Their ultimate achievement. Too bad she never got to compete. The first time they tried to enter her, she was caught by a new series of drug tests they hadn't anticipated. The last time you saw her, she was what? Fourteen? She was big then, she's huge now. She is also rumored to be pound for pound stronger than any other athlete in the world." "If I'm going to beat her, I need to train here. Here where it all started. And I'm going to need your help." "I'll tell you what, I'll help you out if you promise to come back and try out for the next Olympic Games." Erika smiled and shook Karl's hand, "Deal." Erika made her arrangements with Karl and the remaining staff. A large donation to their cash strapped program gave her the run of the complex. That afternoon, Erika picked up Sharon from the cozy inn where she had left her and brought her to their new training camp. Erika gave Sharon a tour of the facilities. They saw the pools, the tracks, the weight rooms, and the boxing gymnasium. Erika finished the tour by showing Sharon the room they would be staying in. Part of the women's dormitory, the room was large, but most of the space was taken up by eight beds. The cracked concrete block walls were painted a sickly looking mint green. A common bathroom was located at the end of the hall. When Sharon saw the missing tiles, leaking pipes, and grungy floors, she wanted to go back to the inn. But knowing how important this was to Erika, she kept her mouth shut. "Vwell, what do you think?" Erika asked. "It'll be a long three months." "I lived in zis room for eight years." "I'm sorry Erika, I didn't know." Erika shrugged, "It vwasn't all bad." "I'm impressed by the size of the complex, but I really didn't see anything that we don't have at home. What are you really here for?" "For the memories...," Erika said with a far off look in her eyes. That night, as Sharon and Erika lay in the dark in their small beds, Erika opened up to Sharon about why she had to fight, and why they were here. She told Sharon about her about her father, about how she blamed the communist state for his death, and she told her about Natasha... Natasha had been fourteen years old when Erika had the displeasure of meeting her. Erika was fifteen. By that time, she had reached her full height of six feet, and had filled out to one hundred and fifty pounds. Despite the fact that she was younger, Natasha was larger, at six one, one seventy. Natasha had been sent to the complex as an exchange athlete. Basically, it was an opportunity for the two countries to spy on each other's sports programs. Both Erika and Natasha were training for the same events. Both were very competitive girls. But the bad blood between them didn't start on the field, it started in the classroom. Every day, the athletes were required to attend an hour long political science class, which in East Germany meant a class on communism. That was fine with Erika, it gave her a chance to take an afternoon nap before her boxing lessons. It was also fine with her teachers who would rather the young blonde didn't participate in class, as her hostility towards communism in general, and the East German and Soviet governments in particular, were well documented. Usually, this type of behavior would not be tolerated. But since Erika had no close family to threaten, and because she was a rising star, the political officers tended to look the other way. Natasha on the other hand was a rarity. She was a true believer, a daughter of the Russian Revolution. She believed that communism was the natural order for mankind, and that the rest of the world would eventually come to see the truth in it. She also thought that there was no place for the non-believer in the liberated countries of the Eastern Block. Her fellow athletes in the Soviet Union were well aware of her feelings. She was known as a snitch who would turn in her peers for what she perceived as any disloyal statement, gesture, or act. And her activities for the party weren't limited to spying. She was also rumored to have taken matters into her own hands with girls whom she thought of as traitors. When Erika had first been introduced to Natasha, she knew nothing of this. If she had, she probably would have punched the big Russian in the face instead of shaking her hand. Her first clue came when she was rudely awakened in the middle of a lecture on Marxist ideology. Natasha had decided that Erika's lack of respect was intolerable, so she had shoved Erika out of her seat and onto the floor. Erika was livid. She would have jumped on Natasha right then and there if her best friend Ava hadn't restrained her. After class, it was Natasha who got in Erika's face and started to lecture her on how she should show more respect for the system that was responsible for everything she had. Barely containing herself, Erika let Natasha know what a load of shit she thought that was, and that if Natasha wanted to take it up with her some other time in a more private and physical forum, Erika would be more than happy to help her work out their differences. As it turned out, Natasha was eager to accept Erika's invitation. That night, she snuck into Erika's room carrying a towel filled with bars of soap. Quietly waking Erika's roommates, she instructed them to wait in the hall. When she woke Ava, the girl yelled for Erika to get up. Natasha quickly silenced Ava by slugging her on the side of the head with her improvised blackjack. Before Erika could get out of bed, Natasha jumped on top of her and started to whip the towel back and forth across her face. Disoriented, tangled in her bedding, her arms pinned under Natasha's knees, Erika took a vicious beating. The outside of the towel quickly turned from white to red. Erika's struggles were weakening with every blow. Picking herself off the floor and ignoring the lump behind her ear, Ava lunged and tackled Natasha to the floor. As a participant in the shotput and hammer throw, Ava was an incredibly strong girl and managed to keep the squirming Russian pinned as Erika shakily got up. After giving herself a minute to recover, Erika told Ava, "Get off of her and get out." Looking up at Erika's battered face, Ava asked, "Are you sure? Somebody will be here soon." "I'm sure." "Rubbing the side of her head, Ava said, "Give her one for me." Following Ava, Erika closed the door and wedged a chair under the handle as Natasha got to her feet. "Shall we start again?" Erika asked. With a savage yell, Natasha rushed Erika, intending to bowl her over with her superior size and strength. Sidestepping, Erika twisted around and slammed Natasha's face into the wall. Spinning her around by the shoulder, Erika buried her fist in the pit of the Russian girl's stomach. Natasha doubled over with a "woof", just in time to meet Erika's rising knee. Allowing the Russian to stand up straight, Erika started to apply her boxing skill to the task of devastating the big girl. Natasha tried to hit back, but her attempts were clumsy compared with Erika's hard, crisp punches. Within a minute, Natasha's face was reduced to a mass of cuts, bruises, and welts that made Erika's own battered visage look good. The Russian girl stumbled around the room, tears of pain and frustration blinding her eyes. Grabbing Natasha by the shirt front, Erika thrust her against the wall. Uttering the words that would come back to haunt her a decade later, Erika said, "I wish this fight could change the world, but since it can't, I guess I'll just have to be satisfied with changing your face!" Releasing her right hand, Erika continued, "Here's one for Ava." Erika blasted Natasha with a roundhouse right that smashed her in the teeth. "And here's one for my father." Launching an uppercut from the floor, Erika connected with Natasha's jaw, breaking it in two places. Letting Natasha slump to the floor, Erika responded to the desperate pounding on the door by kicking the chair out of the way. The next day, Natasha was shipped back to Russia. In addition to the bandages on her face, Erika was forced to wear a cast on her right hand where she had broken several bones on the Russian's hard head. Since the incident had occurred between two of their most promising athletes, and there was no permanent damage, representatives from both countries decided that the matter was best forgotten. But as Erika knew now, some things can never be forgotten. Sharon didn't have much to say after Erika concluded her story. The German girl had every right to be angry at Natasha and the totalitarian government she had grown up under. She still didn't understand why Erika felt that this fight had global implications, but she had known the girl long enough to trust her judgment in these matters. Sharon was glad to note that Erika had already fallen asleep. They were both going to need their rest. Tomorrow, Sharon would start to train Erika for the challenge that she seemed destined to face. And by God, Sharon was going to make sure that Erika didn't have to face that challenge alone. THE PRIZEFIGHT XXIII: In Training ---------------------------------- Sharon wasn't happy with what she saw. Erika was suspended from a chin-up bar by leather straps that supported her under her arms. She was wearing nothing more than a brief gray top and shorts that completely exposed her midsection. Her sparse clothing was drenched in sweat. Her face twisted in agony as Karl took her through a brutal abdominal workout. Karl directed Erika to twist up in a right abdominal crunch, then a left crunch, and then a forward leg raise. Nothing Sharon hadn't done herself. But as Erika's abdominal muscles reached their maximum contraction, Karl directed two muscular young men to pound on those muscles with their fists in precise patterns. They had been at it now for twenty minutes, five minutes longer than any man had been able to take the treatment. Sharon had been skeptical when Karl had first explained the treatment to her. "And that's supposed to make your abdominals stronger?" she had asked. "Not stronger in the sense you're thinking. She won't be able to do more sit-ups, or move more weight on an abdominal machine, but her flexed abdominal muscles will be able to absorb more energy without failing. All exercise is the process of selectively injuring tissue in order to allow it to recover better than it was." "What does not kill us makes us stronger." "Ja, the unofficial slogan of our program. The key is to injure the tissue correctly to produce the desired results. By hitting the contracted muscles, we injure the bonds between the fibers that keep them locked. When they recover, they are better able to resist being hit. You've probably used a similar technique." "I never..." "You never had anybody throw a medicine ball into your stomach while you did sit-ups?" "Well..." "It's the same principle, I just took it further." "That's a nice theory, but does it work?" "Perhaps a little experiment will satisfy you. Unfortunately, we only have one man who has actually completed the treatment. Everyone else dropped out. Max! Otto! Will you come here please. Two heavyweights stopped what they were doing and trotted over. "One of these men completed the treatment, the other hasn't tried it yet. Would you care to test them?" Sharon smiled, "With pleasure." Karl handed her a pair of thinly padded bag gloves which she slipped on. Though Sharon no longer held her title, she still kept herself in shape, and she was still confident in her ability to deliver one of her legendary body attacks. Karl lined the two men up and instructed them to hold out for as long as possible. The smirks on the two German's faces told Sharon that they weren't taking the muscular American woman very seriously. She was determined to change their minds. First Otto placed his hands behind his head and flexed his thick abdominal muscles. Sharon stepped in front of him and started to alternate rights and lefts to the middle of his stomach. Within two punches, she had wiped the smile off the Otto's face as he felt her power. With her third punch, she felt her fist plunge into the man's hairy belly causing him to double over and wrap his arms around her shoulders. Resisting the urge to continue, Sharon pushed Otto aside and said, "I hope that wasn't your boy." "It wasn't. Please continue." Sharon stepped in front of Max. Karl nodded and he assumed the position. If anything, his abs weren't nearly as thick as Otto's. But even after seeing what she had done to his friend, he still smiled confidently. Sharon decided that she was going to enjoy destroying Karl's superman. Sharon crouched a bit as she launched her fists into the man's gut at a slightly upward angle. Her biceps and forearm muscles knotted as she put her whole body into her punches. The sound of her leather clad fists bouncing off Max's abs cracked like rifle shots. Six, eight, a dozen punches. Max continued to smile. Sharon redoubled her efforts. "We had the other heavyweights line up and hit Max for ten minutes before we stopped the experiment. You might as well stop now before you hurt your hands. Max's midsection is as hard as a..." "Ooooooff!" Max dropped to the floor clutching his gut. Karl just stood there with his mouth open. Sharon had a satisfied smile on her face as she peeled her gloves off and dropped them on Max's back. "Well I'm a believer." "You are?" "I've never run into anybody who could take that much punishment, not even Erika. It'd be almost impossible to inflict that kind of concentrated damage in a real fight. If your treatment gives her the extra edge she needs to survive her fight with Natasha, then I'll go along with it." "I can't believe you did that. Could I run some tests on you?" Sharon patted Karl on the back as she passed by and said, "Some things are meant to remain a mystery." As Karl observed Sharon's back, her broad shoulders and thin waist, the feminine sway of her hips, he vowed to use the last vestiges of East German sports science to discover what made her tick. Now, as Sharon watched Erika's muscular stomach turn into an angry mass of bruised flesh, she was regretting her decision. The time closed on half an hour. Erika's stoicism was dissolving as she let an occasional cry escape her lips. Enough is enough Sharon decided. Stepping in, she pushed the men aside and wrapped her arms around Erika's waist. Erika tried to resist, but was too weak to do anything as Sharon lowered her gently to the ground. "What are you doing?" Karl started to protest. "What the hell are you doing? Just how long was she supposed to stay up there while your boys here beat her like a side of beef?" "She was supposed to stay up there as long as she could take it." "You idiot! You told her that? Erika is more German than German, which means that she's not too smart when it comes to these kinds of things. She would have let you beat her to death before admitting she couldn't take it. Now make yourself useful and help me carry her to the doctor." Leaving Erika to recover from her ordeal, Sharon went to the complex's offices to phone home. After a frustrating half hour of struggling with the antiquated East German phone system, Sharon finally managed to get through to Bob. When she did, he had some news for her. "Jack and I just got a visit from some agents of the State Department. They were looking for Erika." "Why? Is there some problem with her immigration status?" "No, they want to know why she's trying to destabilize Eastern Europe." "Excuse me?" "Seems that Erika wasn't kidding about how important this fight is. The communist party in Russia is rallying around Natasha Chutesov as a symbol of the superiority of their system. Especially a man named General Leonard Zebrinski. He's running for Premier. They said that the outcome of this fight could influence the upcoming elections. If Erika loses, it could ensure that General Zebrinski and the other right wing nationalists take over the government." "And if she wins?" "It could prove to be a major embarrassment to the communists, enabling the reformers to maintain power." "And if she doesn't show?" "It could be worse than if she loses." "Shit, this just gets better and better." "The location has also been changed." "What was wrong with the hockey stadium?" "Too small. It's been moved to the Olympic stadium. It holds a quarter of a million people." "That's a big audience." "It's nothing compared to how many people are expected to see the fight on TV. Did you know that Natasha and Erika have been giving away the rights for free? China signed up yesterday. It's going to be bigger than Baywatch." "What about the American market?" "Erika couldn't interest any of the networks, so she's making it a pay-per-view event on cable. I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out to be huge. She's dipped into her bank account and secured some of the best fight promoters in the business to set up the coverage. She's even hired a couple of celebrity announcers." "Anybody I know?" "Don't be surprised if Timmy Norris shows up at your training camp." "I've never beaten a current heavyweight contender before. He could be fun." "Since the man is going to be doing some commentary on Erika and her trainers, I'd suggest you take it easy on him." "Killjoy." "So how's the training going?" "Erika's in the hospital right now from over-training. I swear if I wasn't here, they'd be burying her. And that's what's worrying me the most. I know what she's preparing to do. She's either going to beat Natasha or die trying." Sharon was relieved to hear that Erika had received nothing more than a severe abdominal bruising from her workout. The Doctor had recommended that she recover for at least a week before she resumed her training program. Sharon saw the look in Erika's eyes as she listened to the doctors recommendations and she knew exactly what the girl was thinking. Well, Sharon thought, I'm not going to let you do it. Erika got up early the next morning. Sharon pretended to sleep as she watched the blonde girl quietly dress in a warm-up suit. It was clear from the way she moved that she was in a great deal of pain. Grabbing her shoes and socks, she snuck towards the door in her bare feet. "Going somewhere?" Sharon asked. Erika jumped as if she had been shot. "Uh, I vwas just going to zee bathroom." "Dressed like that? Bullshit." "Come on Sharon, you don't expect me to lie around here for a vweek. I must train." "I'll tell you what. If you can pass a simple test, I'll let you start training again. Until then, you do what the Doctor tells you. Does that sound fair?" "Ja, I suppose so. Vwhat is zee test?" "Just let me hit you in the stomach as hard as I can." Erika didn't say a word. She just stripped off her clothes and got back in bed. Sharon went back to sleep with the satisfaction of knowing that she could still keep a step or two ahead of her sister-in-law. Erika surprised the Doctor and Sharon when she was able to get out of bed after only three days. Within five days, she was back to her full time training schedule. In addition to Erika's remarkable vitality, Sharon had to give Karl much of the credit for his advanced nutrition program. The man was obviously very knowledgeable and Sharon respected him a great deal. She permitted Karl to continue his abdominal treatments, but she made sure that he set strict time limits and that Erika adhered to them. Between the two of them, they laid out a program designed to make Erika the best conditioned fighter on the planet. The alarm went off in the large dorm room announcing the arrival of dawn. Its only two occupants stirred and got up to start their day's training. Dressing quickly in warm-ups, the two women walked across a large courtyard to the cafeteria. Klaus, the cafeteria's head chef was waiting for them. The burly man lit up when he saw them coming through the door, "Good morning Erika and Sharon! I have personally prepared banana drinks to give you energy for your morning run." The chef produced a couple of huge, frosty pitchers for them. Sharon noted that Erika's drink had a cherry floating on top. "Why, thank you Klaus. Nobody can feed me like you can. If I wasn't married, I would be all over you," Erika said as she reached over the counter and gave the burly man a pinch on the cheek. As they sat down at a table, Sharon said, "Please, could you stop flirting this early in the morning. It's hard enough getting one of Klaus's banana smoothies down without you making me sick." "Und you wonder vwhy you have no cherry?" After breakfast, the two women stretched and began their run. Rather than using the track, they preferred to run through the surrounding countryside. Early on, Erika had taken Sharon to a steep hill, two miles from the complex. It made an ideal challenge for the women, and they had made it a part of their daily routine. It was now early summer, and the sun had just risen high enough to start melting the dew when they arrived and started to run up the hill. Sharon marveled at Erika as the young woman raced ahead and left her trying in vain to catch up. Sharon finally reached the top of the hill a full minute behind Erika and found the girl doing a set of one armed push-ups in the grass. Without saying a word, Erika leapt lightly to her feet, and started racing back down as Sharon yelled at her to slow down before she broke her fool neck. Natasha woke in her private room in a small sports training facility on the outskirts of Moscow. Kept alive by certain interested parties, the facility was all that was left of what had originally been the Soviet Union's mighty sports program. Dressing in a tank top and shorts, she made her way down a sterile corridor to an examining room where her weight was recorded and she was given her first series of injections for the day. After chugging a quart of carbohydrate drink, the big Russian got on a treadmill where she was hooked up to a rebreathing mask and a set of electrodes to monitor her heart and lung functions. Not needing to be told what to do, she started running like a huge hamster on a wheel. Returning to the complex, the two women went back to the cafeteria for a proper breakfast of egg whites, fruit, whole wheat toast, and juice served up by Klaus. Then it was on to the gym for weight training. Stripping down to a pair of shorts and exercise tops, the women grabbed some iron and got busy. Sharon wasn't looking to make Erika any larger, so she had the girl on a high rep program to maintain her strength while building her endurance. Even so, the blonde bombshell was still pumping some serious weight as she cranked out twenty five reps on the bench press with two hundred and twenty five pounds. Then it was onto the squat machine where she did thirty reps with three hundred pounds. After that, they spent another hour hitting some of the smaller muscle groups. One part that Sharon did want to develop was Erika's neck. It wouldn't do if Natasha knocked her out because she didn't have the supporting structure to cushion her pretty head. Sharon worked the girl on a variety of machines and rigs until her muscles and tendons stood out so much, she looked like she could snap a dog collar. She also had Erika do a lot of work strengthening her wrists and forearms. Later, during bag practice, she would show Erika how to use this strength to angle her knuckles in such a way as to cut into an opponent's abdominal wall. It was the key to her devastating body punches, and the one secret that she had held back from the German girl until now. Natasha screamed as she ripped the heavily weighted bar off the ground and heaved it overhead. She only did this twice, but either lift would have intimidated almost any male weight lifter. Picking up a pair of hundred pound dumbbells, Natasha thrust them into the air as if she was driving an uppercut into an imaginary opponent. Her biceps swelled like softballs as she finished up by tossing the weights contemptuously across the room. After she had burned her muscles out with the weights, she sat down on a table where a trainer hooked her up to an electrical muscle stimulator. Turning the device on, her biceps spasmed and strained against a nonexistent force. The device ensured that every muscle fiber in her body had been trained to its limits. Of course, the high voltage current that they used could cause cardiac arrest, but that had only happened once and they had easily revived her. Back at the cafeteria for lunch, Erika washed down a whole chicken with a protein shake while Sharon nibbled on a breast. Then it was onto bag practice where Erika pounded leather until she was soaked with sweat. When she was satisfied that Erika was warmed up, Sharon ushered Erika into the ring to spar with some live opponents. The sparring sessions were the cornerstone of Erika's training program, and Sharon took pains to ensure that the girl didn't get comfortable. With Bob's help, Sharon had assembled an amazing array of sparring partners. Impossibly fast lightweights, incredibly tough middleweights, and of course, immensely strong heavyweights. With her cadre of fighters, Sharon took Erika through twenty rounds of boxing hell. And as if that wasn't enough, Sharon would then step in for a few rounds and give Erika some real competition. Right now, Sharon had Erika in with Sam, an American featherweight who was giving her a hard time. Sam was short, skinny, and had incredibly fast hands. The man buzzed around Erika like a gnat, stinging, but doing no real damage. Erika was frustrated. They had been sparring now for five minutes, and she hadn't laid a glove on him. In a real fight, Erika would just have cornered the man and used her superior strength to rip through his defenses and knock him clear out of the ring. But Sharon insisted that she had to beat him at his own game, so she was holding back, trying to score with some quick punches of her own. There was only so much she could take however, and she was fast reaching her limit. Ducking one of her punches, Sam got inside on her and popped her in the nose. Erika snorted, blood blowing out of her nostrils, her steely blue eyes glowing with cold rage. "Oh shit," Sam uttered as he quickly scuttled away. Erika stalked after him. Sam tried to dart left, but Erika needed to move only a step in that direction to block his escape. He tried going right, but the ropes were too close. Within five steps, Erika had him trapped and was preparing to send him home in a body bag. The man thought he was doomed, Erika had her left hand on his shoulder and had drawn back her right to punch him in the midsection. Suddenly, Sam's feet were yanked out from under him and Erika's punch only grazed his forehead as Sharon pulled him out of the ring under the bottom rope. Erika looked like a tigress whose meat had been stolen from her. "You get back in there and give Erika some more," Sharon said to Sam. "What? Are you nuts?" "No, don't worry, Erika won't hurt you. We agreed, no hurting the sparring partners, didn't we Erika?" "Ja," Erika said, obviously still disappointed. "And if she does hurt you, I'm taking over the lesson. Now both of you, get back in there and spar." The man reluctantly climbed back through the ropes. "Wait up a minute Erika. I know you're frustrated, but you finally figured out what to do just then. You'll never match his hand speed, but you can use your size and reach to control his movements. Now go back out there and score a few points." Erika did as she was instructed. Within a minute she had the man corralled into a corner. Bending down to his level, Erika sent a number of clean punches in past his arms to score on his head. But Sam was still scoring from his position on Erika's face. Even though he was wearing headgear and she was not, the eventual outcome of this exchange was obvious. Sharon blew the whistle before he went down. "Erika, what the hell's the matter with you? You're not even trying to protect your face." "He can't hurt me." "That's not the point. We're trying to stretch your abilities to make you an all around better fighter. Not build some of your skills at the expense of others. Besides, you should never take any opponent for granted. Why, with a little of my expert coaching, Sam here could put you on your pretty little ass." Both Sam and Erika looked a bit dubious at Sharon's claim. "Oh, you don't think so?" "No," said Sam. "Bullshit," said Erika. "Well why don't we make a little bet?" "No thanks." "I wasn't talking to you Sam. Well Erika?" "Vwhat would be the bet?" "The loser goes on a date with Klaus." "Ja," Erika smiled, "I think Klaus vwill like you." Sharon called Sam out of the ring and took him into another room for five minutes. When they came back, Sharon ushered him into the ring and rang the bell. The round started much as it had before. Sam peppered Erika with a series of quick punches with absolutely no effect on the big German girl. As Erika started to crowd Sam into a corner, she called over to Sharon, "I think I'll rent the two of you a room in that cozy little inn you like." When she had him trapped again, she said, "Perhaps he vwill even shave his back for you." Erika started to hit Sam with a series of punches in the tight confines of the corner. Sam crouched down and brought his gloved hands together under the withering attack. "You should have prayed before you got into zee ring," Erika said, noting his stance. Suddenly, Sam exploded under Erika with a rabbit punch to the jaw that sent her flying backwards onto the canvas. Erika got right back up, but Sharon blew her whistle before she could even think about pounding the man into kibble. "Too late now Erika. I'll tell Klaus not to shave." Erika was frowning. She always hated to lose, but she especially hated losing to her sister-in-law Sharon. Her other sparring partners thought it was funny though. They were rolling around on their bench at the sight of Erika being knocked down by Sam. "I don't know why you guys are laughing," Sharon said, "you're next." The laughter immediately died and it was Erika's turn to smile. Natasha Chutesov faced her punching bag across the ring. The man looked scared. She thought of him as a punching bag instead of a sparring partner because he wasn't. She hadn't had a sparring partner in weeks. They were either all in the hospital or in hiding. The man in front of her now was a prisoner, a political dissident supplied to her by the KGB. Right now, four KGB guards surrounded the ring ready to shoot the man if he tried to escape. As Natasha closed on him, she could see his eyes darting back and forth, trying to decide between her fists and a bullet. The decision was suddenly, and violently taken out of his hands as she cornered him. The man offered no resistance as he cowered in the corner. Natasha aimed for the man's arms as he tried to cover up. She didn't want to finish him off too quickly, after all, this was supposed to be a workout. Natasha felt no sympathy for the man as she dislocated his shoulder with a straight right. The man was a traitor, a traitor like Erika. They were all traitors. The girls who had helped Erika to beat her up, the officials who had let her get away with it, and the fools who had let her country crumble into ruin. They were all traitors to the system that would liberate the world. Natasha despised traitors, and Erika was their queen. The bitch was far worse than the capitalist oppressors in the West. She had been born into a system that had nothing but her best interests in mind, and she had rejected it. And more seriously, Erika was becoming a symbol to others who sought to subvert the system. She had tried to explain it to Erika once, and had failed. She wouldn't fail this time. Erika would lose! Erika would be humiliated! Erika would die! Natasha shook her head. She had blacked out for a minute. Her punching bag was clinging feebly to her wrist. Her gloved hand was literally buried in his shattered rib cage. Yes, Erika would die. But she wouldn't be as lucky as the man in front of her, his pain had lasted less than a minute, Erika's pain would last for hours. Dropping the man to the canvas, Natasha screamed, "Get this piece of shit out of my ring and bring in the next one." The head of the guards replied, "He was the last one." "General Zebrinski guaranteed me that I would receive anything I needed. Right now I need sparring partners. If you cannot find anymore for me, then perhaps I will have to use you." The guard paled visibly at the threat. "Perhaps I can scare up a few more. Just give me fifteen minutes." "You have ten." After boxing practice, Sharon and Erika went back to the cafeteria to reload with protein and carbohydrates. A smiling Klaus pushed the regular workers out of the way so he could serve them personally. When Sharon and Erika didn't leave, he asked, "Did you want something else?" Erika didn't say anything for a few seconds, then she nearly lost her tray as Sharon gave her a hard shove from behind towards the counter. "Well Klaus, you have been so kind to us, I just wanted to ask you if you would like to go out with me tonight." Klaus thought about his answer for a few seconds. He thought about his loving wife and children, about his twenty year relationship, and about his happy home. Then he took another look at the prime example of German womanhood standing before him. "I get off at six." "I'll see you then." As they sat down, Sharon said, "And I don't want him spending his life savings on you either. It's your treat." Sharon and Erika finished their day with twenty laps in the pool. When they had first started, there had been nobody in the bleachers. Within a week there had been about fifty guys sitting there. Now there were closer to a hundred. Sharon wished she could sell tickets as they watched Erika climb out of the pool wearing a dark blue one piece suit that displayed a scandalous amount of cleavage. As she contemplated men and their pig nature, she heard one of the spectators make a comment to his friend about her. She had picked up quite a bit of German by now, but she still needed to be sure. Confronting the man, she asked in halting German, "What did you just say?" Embarrassed, the man replied, "Uh, I said that you were even more beautiful than your friend Erika." "I'm sorry, I thought that you said that you would rather do me than Erika." Sharon considered throwing both of the men in the pool, but instead she smiled and said, "thank you." Natasha finished her day on the stair master from hell. Not only did she have to step, she also had to twist her torso and pump her arms against a varied resistance created by computer controlled pneumatic tubes. Constructed of heavy gauge steel, the device would probably never be popular in health clubs due to its propensity to tear the novice user's arms out of their sockets. "Damn it!" Natasha screamed as she broke the machine for the third time that month. "Will somebody get down here and fix this piece of shit!" General Zebrinski had been watching Natasha's workout over a closed circuit video monitor in his office. Natasha's head trainer, Doctor Nicholas Dorstoy watched with him. "Her progress has been remarkable Comrade Dorstoy. I have never seen a woman, or a man for that matter, so strong." "Thank you General, you are most kind. But we could never have done it without your support. Natasha is our ultimate achievement, and if the government had not collapsed, all of our athletes would soon be at her level." "And our soldiers?" "A logical next step." "Do not worry, things are about to change again. Comrade Chutesov's victory over Erika Shotze will ensure my election. Then you will receive your funding, and I will get my soldiers. That is why it is critical that we leave nothing to chance. Can you assure me that she will win?" "Comrade Chutesov is the culmination of twenty years of effort. Her muscles have been strengthened with steroids and hormones. Her endurance has been enhanced with biological stimulants and blood doping. Her reflexes are the result of the long term effects of a neural enhancing drug developed in the West. She could run a marathon and then beat any ten men you care to put her up against. By contrast, Erika Shotze is nothing. My spies in Leipzig tell me that she is training by lifting weights and running. She isn't even taking any drugs. She thinks she is Rocky." The two Russians chuckled at the reference to the ridiculous movie that showed a boxer becoming a champion with no help from the state. "That sounds good Comrade Doctor, but I still hate to stake my future on the outcome of a fight. Things can go wrong in a fight. All of my plans could be ruined if Erika gets in one lucky punch." "Yes they could. That is why I have developed this." Doctor Dorstoy produced a small vial of golden liquid which he handed to the General. "What is it?" "That is what will ensure that nothing is left to chance. Without going into the science behind it, that drug can prevent a fighter's brain from being scrambled by a punch. Erika will not be able to knock Natasha out no matter how hard she hits her. I have a demonstration if you wish to see it." "Show me." Doctor Dorstoy placed a tape in the General's Japanese made VCR and pushed play. The monitor displayed Natasha Chutesov sparring with a man. "This man was a former army boxing champion. Now watch as Natasha hits him." The tape showed half a dozen different clips from their sparring sessions. All of them ended with Natasha knocking the man senseless. Doctor Dorstoy continued, "The next clip shows Natasha's sparring partner after he has been injected with the drug." The tape showed Natasha avoiding the man's attempts to hit her, and then she delivered a crushing uppercut to his jaw. Expecting the man to go down, Natasha was more surprised than hurt when he punched her square in the face. Natasha returned the favor with a right hook that snapped the man's head to the side. Again, the surprise was evident on her face when he didn't go down. Trapping him against the ropes, Natasha started unloading on him with a series of punches to the head that sent him cowering in a corner. Natasha beat him to his knees, but he remained fully alert and conscious as her trainers pulled her off of him. "As you can see, Natasha hit the man with at least two dozen blows that would have previously knocked him out." "Impressive. What happened to him?" "He suffered a broken jaw and a concussion, but he could have continued." "Is the drug safe?" "It could eventually cause severe liver damage, but nothing that will effect her before she has served her purpose." "Excellent! And are we doing anything to see that Erika does not arrive in Moscow in peak condition?" "We have not been able to penetrate the complex, but Erika does occasionally visit the surrounding towns, which from what I have heard, might contain a certain criminal element know to prey on young women." The men shared another knowing chuckle. Sharon wasn't at all surprised when Erika came back from her date with Klaus with blood on her dress and a lump on her head, but she was somewhat mystified when she heard Erika's story. "Vwe vwent to a beer hall zat Klaus knows in Leipzig vwhere vwe got into a beer drinking contest vwith two of his friends. Poor Klaus, I can barely hold more zan a dozen glasses because my abs are so tight. He had to drink nearly half a keg for us to vwin." "You were going to tell me about the fight." "Ja, it vwas strange. Vwe vwere vwalking back to my Mercedes vwhen three large men jumped out of a van und attacked me." "Just you? They didn't go after Klaus?" "Zey never got zee chance. I vwas in front, und zey didn't get zat far." Erika held up her skinned knuckles for Sharon to examine. "Hmmm, I wonder if somebody doesn't want you to fight. Well, all I have to say is that you had better watch out." "I always do." "Really? Then why do you have a lump on your head?" "Misses Klaus." "Misses Klaus?" "Ja, she jumped out of zee bushes und vwacked me vwhen I took Klaus home. Misses Klaus is one badass vwoman vwith a rolling pin." In addition to following Sharon's training schedule, Erika also attended two of Karl's masochistic abdominal sessions per week. After eight weeks of training, Erika's torso was as hard as iron. Erika abdominals had always been strong, but now muscle rippled up and down her sides, protecting her stomach and ribs like armor. She could easily go an hour with Karl's sadistic trainers. It got to the point where Karl had to work the men in shifts because Erika was outlasting them. Today's session was the last. With the fight two weeks away, Erika was as ready as she'd ever be. The session was scheduled to last an hour, but Erika was having so much fun, Sharon let it go an extra ten minutes. The dull thud of leather meeting flesh filled the gym as Erika laughed and taunted her trainers. "Wimps! You punch like little girls." The thuds grew louder as the men grew angry at her comments, but soon lulled as they tired. "Is that the best you can do? You should trade in your boxing gloves in for a pair of knitting needles." Sharon called time and the men stripped off their gloves and slumped on a bench to rest. Erika dropped from the leather harness to land lightly on her feet. Sharon slapped her stomach and congratulated her. "Great job Erika! Natasha's going to break her hands on you." "Zat is the idea. But I must be sure. Please test me." "Are you sure Erika?" "You vwork the body harder than any fighter I have ever faced. If I can take it from you, I can laugh at her. If I can't, I must know now." Sharon nodded and pulled on a pair of gloves. Erika put her hands behind her head and flexed. Muscle seemed to leap to attention all over her body. The other fighters in the gym gathered around to watch. Over the past two months, Sharon had kept herself amused by beating the hell out of every boxer who was foolish enough to try her. They knew from experience that she could put down almost any man with a few solid body shots. Sharon positioned herself in front of Erika. Placing her gloved hands on Erika's sides, she studied the German's glistening torso for a moment as if it was a fine piece of sculpture. Without warning, she exploded into action. Her fists sounded like machine guns as she pounded on Erika's lower abs. Sharon gradually aimed her punches higher until she was catching Erika just under the sternum. After going flat out for a minute, Sharon finished up with a dozen devastating hooks to her sides. Silence filled the gym for a few seconds. Some of the fighters swore they saw wisps of steam coming off of Erika's body. Then everybody burst into applause as Sharon wrapped her arms around Erika in a big bear hug and slapped her on the back. "You're ready Erika. Now go take a shower and get dressed to kill. We're going out to celebrate. And if you're good, maybe I'll have a surprise for you." That evening, the two girls drove an hour to the hottest Western style night club in the area. Erika was dressed in a pink blouse and black leather mini. Sharon was a bit more conservative, wearing tight jeans, a sleeveless white blouse, and a black leather vest. As always, the two ultimate hard bodied females were the center of attention. After dancing and drinking beer for almost two hours, Erika leaned across to Sharon and yelled over the loud music, "Vwhat is my surprise?" "I think I see it coming now. Just sit there and don't turn around." Erika thought that Sharon had flown her husband Jack over to see her. So it actually was a genuine surprise to her when she felt a pair of arms wrap around her and pluck her two hundred pounds off her stool as if she were a child. The arms belonged to a female, and since Erika didn't think that Sharon had invited Natasha to the party, it could only be one person. "Ava!" Ava released her and they shared a friendly embrace. Finding a relatively quite table in the back, they caught up on old times. Erika started off by saying, "I'm sorry I haven't talked to you in a while, but I've been busy training. So what are you doing on your feet? The last I heard, you were still in the hospital." "The doctors operated and managed to relieve the pressure on my spinal chord. I was lucky, I regained the use of my legs the next day. And I have you to thank Erika. You made sure that I had the best possible care. I also appreciate the way you handled Monique. I heard that the bitch might never come back out of her kennel after the beating you gave her. I just wish I could repay you." "Well, since you seem to have regained your strength, perhaps you can. How would you like to come to Russia with us and help work my corner?" Erika asked. "I'd be honored," Ava replied. As they talked, a half dozen large men approached their table. From the way they were dressed, and the expressions on their faces, it was clear that they weren't about to ask them to dance. The three women rose to meet them as the men suddenly produced brass knuckles, blackjacks, and batons. Sharon took a step forward and said, "Six armed men against three women? It's hardly fair. They should have brought more guys. Before we begin, I just want to warn you that I have a black belt in ball busting." Faster than they could react, Sharon darted in low and took out the two middle men with groin punches. Erika and Ava went for the men on the ends. Ava's opponent tried to hit her with brass knuckles. The female shot-putter caught the man's fist in her hand and bent it back until his wrist snapped. A kick under the chin finished him off. Erika's man swung his baton at her head. Erika caught the man's wrist and stopped it dead. The man swung a punch at the side of her head with his free hand, but she blocked it with her arm. Drawing back her foot, Erika punted a fifty yard field goal with the man's testicles. As he curled into a fetal position praying for death, Erika plucked the club from his hand and asked, "Do I look like Nancy Kerrigan?" Sharon was standing between the remaining men, simultaneously engaging them in a fist fight. Ava was about to dive in, but Erika stopped her. "Lets watch." Sharon was on fire. The two men looked like they were moving in slow motion as she bobbed and weaved between them. Their clumsy attempts to hit her were met with crisp punches that never seemed to miss. Establishing a rhythm, Sharon actually managed to put both of her opponents on the defensive. Erika leaned over to Ava and said, "That is why she was the champion." Sharon finished her opponents with a matching pair of right and left uppercuts. As they swayed on their feet, she grabbed each of them by the lapels. Her biceps swelled like baseballs as she yanked them together to butt heads. Releasing them, she let them fall to the floor like sacks of potatoes. "What the hell was that all about?" Sharon asked. Nudging one of the men with her foot, Erika said, "I think I have a clue. This one is crying for his mamma in Russian. Obviously, somebody in Moscow is afraid I might win." THE PRIZEFIGHT XXIV: Erika Vs. Natasha -------------------------------------- Fight night opened in the former Olympic stadium just outside of Moscow. Tens of thousands of people made their way to their seats as dozens of television cameras and crews started their coverage. Most of the people in the crowd had come expecting nothing more than a bit of amusement in their otherwise bleak lives. Some of the crowd who had seen Natasha Chutesov fight men before had come to witness the spectacle of seeing her slaughter a woman stupid enough to get in the ring with her. The first few rows of seats were heavily laced with underground fight fans who actually appreciated the fact that they were about to see two of the best boxers in the world strap on the gloves to settle their differences. Perhaps twenty or thirty people in that vast crowd understood the political implications of the fight, and what it might mean to the balance of power in the world. But of all the people watching tonight's fight, only two understood what it was really about, and they would express it in completely opposite ways. They were the fighters, Natasha and Erika, and tonight they would both be fighting both for their principles. There would be no negotiations, no compromises, no mercy, only a winner and a loser. At a ringside table, Erika's commentators were starting their pre-fight show for the huge English speaking audience watching in America and England. "Hello, my name is Marv Abram, and with me tonight is the fight doctor, Ferdie Pellino, and joining us is former heavyweight boxer Timmy 'The Gattling Gun' Norris. We are here tonight in Moscow to bring you one of the most unusual boxing matches you are ever likely to see. Tonight, the former German women's heavyweight boxing champion Erika Shotze-Moore takes on the current Russian champion Natasha Chutesov. For those of you who haven't seen women fight before, let me assure you that they usually put on a better show than the men, and tonight we have two of the best female boxers in the world going at it. And if that isn't enough to get your attention, perhaps the rules for the fight will. Would you care to explain Doctor." "I'd be glad to Marv. Basically, the rules for tonight's fight were worked out between the fighters, and what they've come up with is very similar to the rules that a fighter like John L. Sullivan had to box under a century ago. There are no scheduled number of rounds for tonight's fight. There are no judges, only a referee. The only way this fight will end is if one of these women wins by a knockout or if her opponent quits. And based on what we've been hearing, that isn't likely." "That's right Ferdie. It's no secret that there is bad blood between these two fighters. In fact, that seems to be the only reason this contest is occurring tonight. There is no sanctioning body for tonight's fight, no title at stake, and no purse for the winner. These women are fighting for the most basic reason of all - to see who is the best. No doubt most of our audience has never heard of either of these fighters, but I understand that you have some background information about them." "That's right Marv. Both of these fighters have interesting backgrounds. Erika Shotze-Moore is twenty four years old. She was born in a small farming community in East Germany and spent most of her youth growing up in Leipzig as part of that country's Olympic track and field team. When the wall came down, she moved into West Germany where she became a boxer. She quickly captured the women's heavyweight title and retired two years later with a record of twenty four wins, no losses. She even achieved some amount of notoriety in Europe when she defeated a top ranked male pro in a highly publicized exhibition match. She moved to America less than two years ago and married former Chicago Golden Gloves champion Jack Moore. They currently live in Chicago and teach boxing at a local youth center. Erika's boxing career only started again recently when she emerged four months ago to beat the English women's champion. She is currently ranked number two in the world by the International Women's Boxing Association." "Natasha Chutesov is a more enigmatic figure. She is twenty three years old and a Moscow native. Like Erika, she was also a member of her country's Olympic track and field team. She was banned from international competition when she was nineteen after failing several drug tests. Since then, she has been boxing professionally throughout Russia. She belongs to no boxing organizations, and nobody is quite sure of what her exact record is, but she claims to be undefeated fighting exclusively against men." "Thank you Doctor for that report. Now lets turn our attention to a man I'm sure all boxing fans will recognize, former heavyweight contender, Timmy 'The Gattling Gun' Neilson. Timmy, you spent the last few days with these women, what impressions did you come away with?" "Well Marv, the biggest impression that I want to convey to our audience is that both these women are serious fighters and legitimate heavyweights. Erika Moore is six feet tall, and weighs in at over two hundred pounds. Natasha Chutesov is six two and will come in at about two forty. And there isn't an ounce of fat to be found between these two women. I got to spend two days in Leipzig, Germany where Erika's training camp is located. And let me tell you, her training regimen would put most men down for the count. In fact, I even got a chance to spar with her." "I hope you took it easy on her." "Are you kidding? I think she was taking it easy on me. You wouldn't believe how fast and strong this woman is. I could name at least three top male heavyweight contenders that she could beat right now." "Surely you're exaggerating?" "No I'm not Marv. And if you think that I'm predicting a one sided fight, you're wrong. I spent a few hours at Natasha's gym yesterday and watched her go through what they told me was a light workout. And based on what I saw, they couldn't pay me enough to get into the ring with her. The woman has bigger arms than I do. I saw her lifting some weights that would crush most male powerlifters. I didn't get to see her box, but considering her reputation, I think she knows what she's doing in the ring also." "So what would your predictions for the fight be?" "Well, both of these women have a great deal of stamina. Natasha has the strength advantage, Erika has the speed advantage. And like you mentioned before, there's no love lost between these two women. I have no idea who's going to win, but I think it's safe to predict that we're about to see a war." "What about the rules?" "Like the Fight Doctor mentioned before, there are no judges and no set number of rounds. Last woman standing wins. And there's something that I just discovered back in Erika's dressing room - these women aren't using anything close to regulation boxing gloves. They're almost unpadded. I checked with Erika's coach, and there isn't any mistake, Natasha will be wearing the same kind of gloves. Basically, these women just want to beat the shit out of each other. Can I say 'shit' on pay-per-view?" "You just did Tim." Back in her dressing room, Erika sat calmly on a table while Bob worked to tape the German's fists. As Bob was finishing up, Sharon said to the German girl, "I'm not going to ask you if you're ready. We both know that you are. I understand how important this fight is to you and why. The only thing that I'm going to tell you is to go out there and win. Win for your country, win for the free world, but most of all, win for yourself." "Before I face her Sharon, I vwant to thank you again for all you have done for me. Not just vwhat you have done for me in the last few months, but vwhat you have done for my life. You have given me a home, a husband, und a family. If I die today fighting for what I believe in, I vwant you to remember zat I died a happy woman." "Lets not have any of that kind of talk." "Zere are still some things you don't understand about this situation und vwhich I don't have time to explain. But I vwant you to promise me, zat no matter vwhat happens in the ring tonight, you vwon't interfere." Sharon swallowed hard and said, "I promise. Now lets go out there and kick that bitch's ass." Erika smiled for the first time that day as she replied, "Ja, vwe vwill." In Natasha's dressing room, Doctor Dorstoy was injecting her huge triceps muscle with a golden liquid that he claimed would prevent Erika from knocking her out. The doctor had volunteered the information as Natasha didn't even bother asking about her injections anymore. Earlier that morning, she had undergone the "blood doping" process where she was transfused with two extra quarts of her own blood which had been taken from her a few months earlier. As a result, she was feeling so pumped that her muscles and veins were threatening to explode. The stimulants that she had been given made her feel like she could take on the whole of NATO and win. They also made it difficult for her to sit still even for the few seconds the doctor needed to give her the last shot before the fight. Like Erika, there was much more at stake for her than just revenge. The future of her country might well depend on her victory tonight. It was the reason she had allowed the Doctors to transform her into what she had become - a weapon. The day before, Natasha had met her sponsor General Zebrinski, and had assured him that she would beat Erika. But that was only half true. Natasha didn't just intend to beat her opponent, she was going to kill her. As it had been agreed to, Erika was the first to enter the ring in the center of the massive stadium. The crowd stirred with anticipation at the appearance of the first fighter. Erika was wearing knee length white trunks, a brief white top, white boots, and red gloves. She would have worn a white hat if she thought it would make her message any clearer. Her white uniform contrasted beautifully with her with golden skin. Her long blonde hair was braided in a ponytail that went halfway down her back. Her lightly oiled muscles were large and well defined without looking bulky. Erika radiated power. She was an animal in her prime, prepared to meet any challenge. Erika's opponent entered the stadium from the opposite side to the accompaniment of the Soviet national anthem. The crowd went wild at the sight of the huge woman followed by half a dozen attendants. Natasha stopped briefly to shake hands with General Zebrinski who was sitting ringside to watch tonight's fight. Natasha stepped through the ropes, giving Erika her first good look at her in nine years. Natasha was wearing a red top, black boots, red gloves, and red trunks with a conspicuous golden hammer and sickle logo. She had short, blonde hair that looked almost white. Her hair blended with her pasty white flesh and pale blue eyes, giving her an almost albino appearance. But what everyone noticed was her massive musculature. Her arms were huge and vascular. Each of her abdominal muscles protruded like half a beer can. Her neck looked thick as a bull's. Even her legs, not usually too developed on a boxer, looked like a pair of white watermelons sticking out from beneath her trunks. A brief announcement was made in Russian introducing both of the fighters. The referee then invited the two of them to the center of the ring. The fighters faced each other from five feet apart as the rules where recited to them. Natasha was the first to speak. "You will now pay traitor," she said. "To be a traitor, you must first be loyal, and I was never loyal to your cause which does nothing more than enslave people. And you are the ultimate slave, a person reduced to being nothing more than a tool. And the worst part is, you welcomed it," Erika responded. "As you will welcome death you traitorous bitch. I will break you." "After this fight, you will be back where you belong, serving Mother Russia by eating hay and pulling a plow." The referee finished his instructions and asked the fighters to shake hands. Ignoring his gestures, they both turned their backs on each other and returned to their corners to await the bell. Erika felt reassured as she stood in her corner backed up by Sharon, Bob, and Ava. Not only were they the best corner crew a fighter could hope to have, they were her best friends as well. "There's something wrong with that woman," Sharon observed. "You just figured zat out?" Erika asked. "No, that's not what I mean. Something's not right about her, she looks... unnatural. I've seen plenty of people on drugs and steroids, but I've never seen anything like Natasha. The way she's twitching, her breathing, the way her veins are throbbing, she just doesn't look human." "She bleeds red just like I do. Und if you don't believe me, just vwait a minute." The bell sounded and the two fighters met at the center of the ring. Erika connected first with two lightning fast jabs that Natasha didn't even see coming. Natasha responded with a right designed to take the German's head off, but Erika easily ducked it and hooked a left to her ribs. Ignoring the punches, Natasha caught Erika with an uppercut to her sternum that landed with a hollow thud. Retreating a bit, Erika continued to jab at her opponent with amazing accuracy. Natasha followed her until Erika was on the ropes. When Erika tried to move left, Natasha stepped in close with a right hook to the shoulder that stopped her cold. Crowding Erika, Natasha called upon her massive upper body to deliver an attack that had killed men before. Her fists pistoned into Erika's rippled stomach in an attempt to rip through into her soft internal organs. Punch after punch connected flush on Erika's torso sounding like a side of beef being pounded by a sledgehammer. Natasha knew something was seriously wrong. No man had ever been able to withstand half the punishment that Erika had taken. Looking up into her opponents face, she saw a sight that chilled her. Erika was smiling. With a savage scream, Natasha put her whole body into a straight right that would turn Erika's face to pulp. But her punch hit nothing but air as she flew into the ropes and nearly fell out of the ring. Turning around, she had no time to react as she saw Erika's right cross rocketing towards her. Erika's punch connected flush on Natasha's chin with so much force that the big Russian actually spun halfway around as she was ripped off her feet and flung to the canvas face first. Erika turned and took a step towards a neutral corner when she heard Sharon yell, "Watch out!" Erika felt Natasha's gloved fist brush by the top of her head as she responded to Sharon's warning by ducking and taking a quick step to the left. Facing her attacker, it was Erika's turn to feel chilled. Her punch should have knocked the Russian out cold, but here Natasha was, firing punch after punch at her as she retreated around the ring. At the very least, the knockdown should have left the big Russian dazed for a few moments. So be it, Erika thought as she made a stand in the center of the ring and started to exchange punches with her nemesis. The bell sounded, but neither woman was backing off. The referee tried to get in between the two combatants, but was caught by one of Natasha's elbows that sent him flying. Both corners yelled at their fighters to back off. Sharon gave up first because she knew that the hard headed German girl had heard her and didn't care. The timekeeper rang the bell for round two as the fighters continued to pour it on. Erika had so far managed to confine Natasha's punches to her well conditioned body by frustrating Natasha's attempts to hit her in the head with her speed and agility. In the meantime, she had been willing to exchange her body for Natasha's face, and her work was beginning to pay some dividends. Natasha's face was reddening and a mouse was already forming under her right eye. Erika planned to continue this strategy because she knew she couldn't afford to take a solid shot to the head. When Natasha had her trapped on the ropes, she had been hitting her harder than any opponent had ever hit her before. Not even Sharon had come close to being able to hit that hard. Erika knew that no amount of training could prevent the possibility of a knockout if Natasha managed to connect. After seven minutes of fighting, the bell sounded ending round two. Everyone in the arena was still for a moment as they waited to see what the two fighters would do. After exchanging a few more punches, both fighters hesitated. Looking into each other's eyes, they both knew that this fight wouldn't be over anytime soon. With a silent agreement passing between them, they both returned to their corners without turning their backs on each other. As soon as she reached her corner, Ava doused Erika with water as Sharon interrogated her. "What's going on out there Erika? That punch you hit her with should have broken her bull neck. But that bitch was up before the ref even had a chance to start counting." "Ja, it vwas a perfect punch. You vwere right, there is something unnatural about her. But everything about her is wrong." "Can you take her punches?" "Ja. I can handle her for awhile. But she had better start to tire soon." Both fighters maintained the pace in the third round. Midway through, Natasha snuck an overhand right over the top of Erika's gloves. Natasha's knuckles dug in through the thin leather and ripped Erika's skin like tissue paper, opening an inch long gash to the side of her left eye. Erika managed to maintain her composure and finish the round without any further damage, but Sharon was clearly concerned when she returned to her corner. Without wasting any time, Bob grabbed his cut kit and went to work. "It's a nasty gash, but you're lucky. Another inch to the right and the blood would be blinding you." By the time the bell sounded for round four, Bob had managed to stop the bleeding. Sharon warned Erika to keep Natasha from hitting her there again as the warrior returned to the fray. Round four saw the action continuing fast and furious, but with no significant damage done to either fighter. Then with a minute left, Erika took advantage of another one of the Russian's over-muscled swings and delivered a short, straight left to her nose. Erika felt the satisfying feeling of cartilage breaking under her knuckles as Natasha's nose was completely flattened against her face. Everyone in the stadium was shocked at what happened next. Blood started to pump out of Natasha's nostrils as if an artery had been severed. Within a few seconds, her whole chest was soaked and it was beginning to dribble down her stomach. Natasha bellowed like an ox and charged Erika with her arms wide open. Erika tried to stop the woman with another punch to the center of the face, but Natasha managed to move her head aside so that it glanced off her huge deltoid. Inside Erika's guard, the Russian scooped her up around the waist as she continued her forward motion. Erika beat on her opponent's broad back, but it was useless. The referee barely managed to scramble out of the way as Natasha rammed Erika's lower back into the top turnbuckle causing the whole ring to shake. The German woman threw back her head and screamed in agony. Continuing the bear hug, the Russian used her tree trunk legs to grind Erika's back in the corner. Sharon could see the agony on Erika's face as she desperately tried to free herself by pushing against Natasha's shoulders. The referee rushed over and started to pound on the Russian's back and yelled for her to stop, but the big woman gave no indication that she heard him. Back at ringside, Bob was trying to keep Sharon from climbing through the ropes. Sharon was scared. She had never heard the stoic German cry out like that before. Whatever injury she had suffered was bad, and the big Russian was enjoying making it worse. Trying to be heard over the roar of the crowd, Sharon yelled, "Erika, box her ears!" The young blonde woman briefly made eye contact with Sharon and then raised her fists and smashed them into the sides of the Russian's head. Natasha only grunted and started pressing in harder. Again, Erika pounded the Russian's ear drums. This time she felt the big woman's steely grasp relax a bit. Pushing Natasha's head back with her left hand, Erika raised her right arm and then brought her elbow smashing down on the Russian's shattered nose. Placing both hands on the Russian's chest, Erika exploded with a push that managed to break Natasha's hold and send her flying onto her back in the center of the ring. Free of the corner, Erika dropped to the canvas and tried to get up. Hammered by another wave of agony, she went down clutching her back. Seeing both women down, the referee started to count. Not being hurt too badly, Natasha was up by three and retreated to a neutral corner to watch Erika crawl on the canvas like a spider with half its legs ripped off. Erika was conscious of the count through the red cloud that surrounded her. Turning into the corner, she grabbed the ropes, and with a superhuman effort, she lifted herself arm over arm until she was able to get her feet under her and stop the count. Natasha didn't even let the ref think about delaying the fight as she plowed past him and started to wail away on Erika as she tried to cover up in the corner. Fortunately for the German, the round was over twenty seconds later. Unfortunately, Natasha didn't care. As she continued to rain blows on Erika's head, Sharon and Ava jumped through the ropes and inserted themselves in front of their friend. There were a few tense moments as Ava and Natasha stood chest to chest. Then Natasha pointed at Erika with her leather clad fist and said, "Next round." Breaking away from Ava, she returned to her corner. Sharon wrapped an arm around Erika's back and helped her over to where Bob was waiting with the stool. As soon as she was down, Bob started probing her back where an ugly, hand sized bruise was already forming. Erika suddenly stiffened and let out a yelp as he touched her spine. "Talk to me Erika, what are you feeling?" Bob asked. "I vwill be fine." "None of your Teutonic bullshit! Answer the question!" "I'm sorry. I feel like a knife is stuck in my back. My left leg feels like it vwas hit by a baseball bat, und it is starting to get numb." "Ok. I don't think your back is broken, but at the very least, you have a slipped or ruptured disk. You can still fight, but the pain isn't going to get any better. If anything, it's going to get worse, a lot worse. Do you want to keep going?" "Ja." "I knew you'd say that." Sharon, Bob, and Ava watched from ringside as Erika became Natasha's helpless punching bag through the next five rounds. The pain on her face was evident for everyone watching as she tried to dodge the worst of the Russian's punches. Her iron hard torso was still able to take the punishment, but every time Natasha hit her with a body shot, it felt like the knife in her back was being twisted. What little luck Erika had left ran out halfway through the tenth round. Natasha had continued to pound away on her like a meat tenderizing machine. She concentrated mostly on Erika's body, but had been throwing occasional head shots to test Erika's guard. Erika had tried to maintain some sort of offense, targeting quick, accurate punches at the Russian's chin. And she had been successful. Several times, she had connected with the kind of brain scrambling blows that would have put any normal man or woman down. But as she had discovered in the first round, Natasha didn't react like a normal fighter. By now, both fighters where slicked with sweat and blood. Most of the blood had come early on from Natasha's broken nose, but all of it had been Erika's since as the Russian's hard leather gloves had ripped open several cuts and abrasions on her face. The swelling that had first started under her left eye had now nearly shut it completely. As a result, she never saw the huge roundhouse right that Natasha had launched past one of her defensive jabs. All she felt was the sudden pressure on the side of her face and the snap of her cheekbone fracturing before the world went black. Bob felt Sharon's fingers bite painfully into his arm where she had been holding him when they saw Natasha's punch connect. She should have seen the punch coming a mile away, but it was clear that she was blind on her left side. The crack resounded through the arena and Erika crumpled sideways to the canvas. She lay still, her eyes closed, her bloody mouthpiece half out as the referee started his count. Everybody in the gigantic stadium thought the fight was over. Not even Sharon thought that it was possible for Erika to get up. But there was one person who still had faith in Erika. The one person who knew her best. And her voice started to yell in German as she pounded the ring apron. Sharon looked at Ava as if she were a lunatic. The German shotputter was yelling at Erika's unconscious form. And if her limited understanding of German was correct, Ava was yelling at Erika to get up and milk the cows. Time seemed to slow as the count progressed. Ava yelled again as the count reached five and Erika's eyes fluttered open as she mouthed the word "Papa?". Hearing the referee count six seemed to immediately enlighten her as to what her situation was. A surge of adrenaline hit her as she fought past the blinding pain and quickly lurched to her feet at the count of nine. An enraged Natasha stormed past the referee, and started to beat on Erika with little regard as to where her blows landed. "Go down you bitch!" she screamed as she rained punches down onto the top of Erika's head and shoulders. Weathering the storm on wobbly knees, Erika knew she had to do something drastic to survive the round. Seeing that Natasha wasn't even making a pretense at defense, she continued to crouch lower as if she was being beaten down - which was not entirely an act. Using the lesson that Sharon had taught her with Sam, she gathered herself and launched a straight right upwards towards the Russian's chin using her legs and putting her whole body behind it. The punch landed so hard that she felt the shock pass through her and strike her injured back like a harpoon. The pain was so great that she fell to her knees. But the effect on the Russian was greater. Natasha was lifted off her feet and thrown onto her back with a mighty crash. The referee again started the duel count. Erika got back on her feet at the count of four and slowly backed into a corner to watch her opponent. Despite the drug, Natasha was stunned. The big Russian lay on her back shaking her head, her chest heaving. Erika was beginning to feel a glimmer of hope as the count reached six. But then Natasha stopped shaking her head. Every muscle in her body tensed, threatening to explode as she cried out in rage. Clutching her fists tightly, she leapt to her feet as the entire stadium burst into thunderous applause. Erika's spirits were crushed as Natasha bore down on her again as if it was the first round and the fight had just started. She managed to hang on until the bell sounded, but she didn't have any hope left. As she sat on the stool watching the time in the break disappear quickly, she analyzed her situation. The big Russian had taken her best punches without any noticeable effect. And Natasha had already inflicted more damage on her than Sharon had when she had been handed her first loss. Only her phenomenal physical conditioning and will had kept her on her feet to this point. Natasha fought like a robot, unstoppable and relentless, but she was only human. The injury to her back had threatened to black her out several times from the pain alone. She had tried to get by it, but it could not be ignored. She had withstood Natasha's hardest punches, but she knew she was paying the price. Her midsection was threatening to fail, and she couldn't feel the left side of her face. Barring some miracle, she knew she couldn't win. And if she went on, there was a very real possibility that she might die. That's why Sharon's question was the toughest one she had ever faced in her life. "Do you want to continue?" she asked. Erika didn't answer for a few seconds. She knew she should give up, but it just wasn't in her being. She was incapable of giving any other answer than the one she did. Turning her head so that she could see Sharon through her good eye, she replied, "Ja." Sharon also knew what the answer would be, but she still looked sick when she heard it. Bob tried to remain calm as he worked to stop the bleeding. A tear rolled down Ava's cheek. With a few seconds remaining in the break, Ava leaned in close to her best friend, and said, "Your father would be proud of you." And then in those last remaining seconds, Ava's words transported her back to her father's farm where she had been born. She heard her father's familiar voice telling her to get up and milk the cows. She remembered him as he playfully tossed his little girl into the air to land in a haystack. She also remembered seeing the look on his face as he had waved good-bye to her as she was taken by the communists. And finally, she remembered her feelings as she was allowed to leave Leipzig for a few brief hours to attend the funeral. And suddenly there was no pain, there was no crowd, even Sharon, Bob, and Ava were gone. All that remained was Natasha and herself, and only one of them could continue to exist. Sharon was scared as the bell rang for the eleventh round. She had been trying to talk to Erika, but the girl didn't seem to have heard a word that she said. She just got up off her stool and marched to the center of the ring where an amazing thing happened. Natasha came out of her corner sensing victory. She was even happier to see Erika deliver herself to the center of the ring like a sacrificial lamb. Winding up, she delivered a left-right combination to Erika's thick abdominal wall followed by another combination to the German's head. The punches should have put her down again, but Erika just rolled with them and came back up staring at her through her good eye. And what Natasha saw in that eye scared her. Before she had seen pain and confusion, now all she saw was a cold fire burning inside. Erika responded to Natasha's attack with two right hands to the side of her opponent's face. The Russian was too shocked for a moment to do anything about it, but then manage to cover up. Switching her attack down low, Erika bore in with a series of rights and lefts that thudded into Natasha's body with renewed strength. The Russian was driven back against the ropes where she managed to regain her composure and fight back. Erika's mobility had returned as she slipped punch after punch while inflicting heavy damage. The Russian's broken nose started bleeding profusely again, and Erika opened another cut under her right eye. In the last thirty seconds of the round, Erika finished up with a flurry so devastating that it left the entire crowd speechless. When the bell sounded, Erika stopped and confronted the stunned Russian. With a flex of her pumped triceps, she gave Natasha a hard shove that sent her stumbling backwards towards her corner. "For my father, bitch!" Erika spat at her opponent. Returning to her corner, Erika told Bob, "Take zee stool away. I vwill stand until zis is over." Sharon started to protest, but one look from Erika silenced her instantly. Standing quietly in her corner, she stared at Natasha like a piece of meat. The bell rang, and Erika approached her opponent. The ring lighting caught Erika from behind, reflecting off of the woman's blond hair and sweat slicked muscles with a halo effect. Even though she knew that it couldn't be, it appeared to Natasha that Erika loomed over her as they opened the twelfth round with a vicious exchange of punches. Erika was on the offensive, avoiding the worst of her opponents punches and getting inside the big Russian's reach. Her attack snapped Natasha's head around and opened up a deep gash on her forehead. As before, Natasha's elevated blood pressure caused the wound to pump a sheet of blood down the side of her face. Additional punches spread the blood over the ring and splattered the first few rows of seats with a red rain. General Zebrinski wiped Natasha's blood off his face with a silk handkerchief. He was very displeased at the turn of events and it showed on his face. "What is going on Doctor? I thought that Natasha couldn't be beaten by any ordinary human." "Please General, be patient. It's clear that this Erika is an extraordinary physical specimen, but she is still no match for Natasha. She cannot keep this up for much longer. And when she is spent, Natasha will destroy her." "I hope that you are correct Doctor. Lives depend on it." Doctor Dorstoy shifted uncomfortably at the thinly veiled threat. He knew the General didn't joke about such matters. Back in Erika's corner, Sharon, Bob, and Ava buzzed around their charge as they prepared her for round fifteen. Sharon had stopped even trying to talk to the German girl. She hadn't seemed to hear a thing any of them had said since she had begun her miraculous comeback. Ordinarily, Sharon would be worried, but she could tell that Erika had found a place in her mind where the pain didn't exist, and that she shouldn't risk disturbing her. Natasha's attendants worked furiously on her as she sat on her stool, her thick chest heaving like a blacksmith's bellows. She felt the burning sensation as her cut man used medical grade super glue to close her wounds. She had lost a great deal of blood and was feeling fatigued, but she knew that the German bitch couldn't last much longer. Erika had been scoring heavily on her the last few rounds, but it had come at a price. Despite Erika's superior speed, Natasha had still managed to land dozens of solid blows, any one of which would have cripple an average man. And when the end came, Natasha would be waving the hammer and sickle flag over what remained of the German bitch's traitorous body. The bell sounded and Erika approached Natasha with her hands held low. Balling her fists so hard that she could hear the tendons in her wrists crackling over the roar of the crowd, she prepared to use what Sharon had taught her. Natasha took advantage of Erika's lowered guard with a left jab that Erika allowed to land. Moving in a little closer, Natasha smacked her opponent solidly with a straight left that produced a trickle of blood from her nose. Confident now that Erika was finally done, she launched the roundhouse right that would crush her temple. Erika timed her duck so closely that she felt the laces of the Russian's glove brush over her back. Stepping in toe to toe, she twisted and launched her right fist upward into Natasha's midsection. Her knuckles ripped in and split the Russian's thick abdominals with a whip-like crack. Taking advantage of her opponents awkward position, she thudded her left glove solidly into her side. Natasha face visibly displayed anguish for the first time in the fight as Erika landed the will sapping body shots. Natasha tried to respond to Erika's barrage with counterpunches of her own, but each time, her movement was interrupted by another crushing blow to her torso. Desperate to stop her, she lunged forward and tried to wrap Erika up in her massive arms. Seeing what the Russian was attempting, Erika stepped nimbly beneath her armpit and caught her with a rib-splintering punch to the side which sent Natasha to the canvas on all fours. Natasha knew she was in trouble. She ached deep in her core, and even breathing was painful now as she listened to the count. Waiting until she heard "nine", the big Russian gave herself some time to recover as the crowd watched in silence. They cheered wildly as she got up just in time to continue. Putting on a tough face, she motioned for Erika to join her with more confidence than she really felt. Natasha watched as the muscular German took her time and stalked her. Finding an opening, Erika went back to the body just like she knew she would. Tensing her torso like a brick wall, she took the German bitch's first two punches. Then she stepped in shoulder to shoulder and locked her left arm around Erika's right. As she drew back her own right, she saw Erika's stomach muscle's leap into steely definition as the German prepared to take another one of her body shots. But no amount of physical conditioning could have prepared Erika for what happened next. Crouching low, Natasha brought her right fist streaking between Erika's legs and burying itself into her crotch, rudely violating her womanhood. Erika's mouth formed an "O" as she stood frozen for a second. A second was all it took for Natasha to repeat the low blow. This time, Erika howled and dropped to her knees. Looking down on her opponent, Natasha used her right fist to smash a short, hard punch into the center of Erika's face. Erika flipped over onto her back and immediately curled up on her side in a fetal position clutching herself. The referee was yelling at her, but Natasha wasn't listening. What was he going to do? Take away points? Spinning him towards her fallen opponent, she commanded, "Count!" The crowd booed their champion as the referee reluctantly started his count over Erika's whimpering form. Hearing him, she rolled onto her stomach and tried to get up. Her first attempt failed as a spasm swept through her. Then, slowly and deliberately, she took a deep breath and rose from the canvas. For the first time in the fight, the Russian crowd cheered her as she made it to her feet. Natasha stood watching in disbelief as the German got up. Nobody could take that kind of punishment, not even her. After a few seconds, she resolved to finish the traitor off once and for all, but before she could reach her opponent, the bell sounded. Erika slowly returned to her corner on quivering legs. She waited out the break with her eyes closed and her hands tightly gripping the top rope. The bell sounded and both women started in on each other again. Neither woman had any advantage at this point. Erika's energy draining body punches had finally begun to take their toll on Natasha, but Erika was also finding it difficult to hold her iron will together to overcome the terrible damage that Natasha had inflicted on her. Both fighters knew that the end was near. Natasha led off with a cunning right cross that caught Erika on her blind side. She followed up with a left hook that clipped the German on the top of the head. Moving to one side, Erika snaked a left into the Russian's broken ribs. Natasha used her right arm to protect her side while she wrapped her left around Erika's neck. Using her free hand, she tried to catch Erika with another low blow. This time Erika was ready as she twisted to one side and took Natasha's glove on her hip. Using both her hands, she tattooed the communist's midsection with a dozen short, chopping punches. Feeling the Russian trying to disengage herself, Erika looped her own arm around Natasha's bull neck and prepared to finish what she had started so many years ago. Drawing back her arm, she clenched her hand until the tendons in her wrist stood out like steel cables, turning her fist into an unyielding battering ram. Starting her punch, she twisted her whole body diagonally using the thick layers of muscle that lined her torso. Striations leapt up across her huge shoulder as she magnified and channeled the energy from her body into her arm. As the leather of her thinly padded gloves made contact with the area just bellow Natasha's navel, her biceps muscle violently contracted, digging her knuckles upwards under Natasha's ribcage. Erika felt her fist push past Natasha's huge abdominal muscles as if they were made of clay and heard her opponent gasp as her insides ruptured. Natasha involuntarily started to double over, but Erika used her shoulder to hold the big woman up while she delivered another five thudding rights to the pit of her stomach. Erika couldn't hold Natasha up as the Russian went limp and wilted to the canvas holding her belly. The referee started his count as Natasha tried to get up. The blood soaked woman managed to get to one knee, but collapsed again as the count reached four. Crawling around, she reached up and grasped the middle rope in an attempt to haul herself to her feet. Her softball sized bicep quivered and shook, but she was barely able to lift her chest off the canvas before the rope slipped through her fingers. With one final effort, she rolled onto her back and tried to sit up. She barely managed to raise her head high enough to see Erika watching from the neutral corner before her badly beaten abdominals failed and her head dropped back to the canvas. She took the remainder of the ten count on her back, fully conscious of what was happening, beating her fist on the canvas in frustration. The referee declared Natasha out as the crowd applauded and started to chant Erika's name. Erika shuffled out from the corner and allowed the ref to raise her hand in victory which produced an even louder round of cheering. She didn't relish her victory. Much like the end of a war, she wanted nothing more than to go home and be done with it. But then she caught a movement out of the side of her eye that caused her to see red. A huge rush of adrenaline coursed through her as she yelled, "Zebrinski!" The General stopped and looked around as he was caught scuttling out of his seat with the Doctor in tow. Erika took several quick strides over to her fallen opponent and squatted down. Wrapping one gloved hand around the Russian's top and hooking the other under her trunks, she straightened up and dead lifted Natasha to waist level. Grunting with effort, she yanked the big woman up to her shoulders and pressed her overhead. The entire stadium hushed as Erika stood holding Natasha's weakly thrashing form. Her arms shook slightly, and every muscle on her body stood out as she held her opponent up for what seemed to be an eternity. General Zebrinski stood frozen like a deer in the headlights as Erika turned towards him. Looking directly at him, she said, "Don't forget to take this with you." Then, with one last supreme effort, Erika heaved Natasha over the top rope to land squarely on top of General Zebrinski and the Doctor. All three of them crashed heavily to the stadium floor. Everyone in the crowd watched the trio as Zebrinski struggled to get Natasha off of him. Beating on her back with his fist, he yelled, "Get off of me you stupid bitch!" Then he went white as he saw the camera hovering three feet above him, aimed directly at his face. Sharon and Ava climbed through the ropes to meet Erika as she returned to them. Flanking her, they helped her out of the ring. The swelling crowd parted for the women and Bob as they made their way back through the underground tunnel to the locker rooms. As they passed into the darkness, Sharon heard Erika whisper in German, "Please take me home." Then she went limp in their arms as she lost consciousness. Two months later: Sharon stared out her kitchen window as the German girl tried to prevent the dogs from utterly destroying the back yard. "How the hell did this happen?" she muttered. "What's that honey?" Bob asked. "We're back where we started with a German girl and those damned dogs." "Oh, come on now. Ava's not so bad." "Not so bad? She doesn't speak any English, the dogs don't even listen to her, and she eats more than Erika ever did." "We have to give Erika our full support while she's training for the Olympics." "Why? She isn't even competing for our country. Don't get me wrong, I hope Erika wins the gold, but hasn't she ever heard of a kennel?" "Give the girl a break. She did make the world safe for democracy. General Zebrinski can't even show his face in Russia anymore, let alone get elected as Premier. And those dogs did save your life, remember?" "Well why don't we get uber vwoman und her vwonder hunds their own comic book. You might not know it, but things are going to get even worse." "How's that?" "Erika called my brother John behind my back and set him up with Ava. He's flying in tomorrow to meet her. Do you have any idea what's going to happen when John finds out that she can bench more than he can?" "He'll probably propose to her on the spot." "That's not funny." "How's Jack enjoying Germany?" "He likes it a lot. Especially that cozy little inn just outside of Leipzig. I'm sure he's there with Erika right now ruining the furniture." Erika checked to see if anybody was inside and then led Jack through the door into the girl's bathroom. Jack looked around at the cracked tile walls and the grungy fixtures. "What's so special in here that you had to show me?" he asked. "Do you see zat toilet?" "Ja," he replied, using one of the three German words he knew. "Vwhen I vwas fifteen, a boy, one of zee members of zee wrestling team, snuck in here with me und tried to kiss me right here." Erika pointed to her inviting lips. "You mean like this?" Jack leaned over and tried to kiss her. "Ja, like zat. Und then I did zis." Erika jumped on top of him with her full two hundred pounds and bent him over with a head lock. Her husband fell to his knees and flailed around at the unexpected attack. "Und zen I jammed his head in zee toilet like zis." Erika started to bear down on him, driving his head towards the waiting bowl as he tried to pry her muscular arm from around his throat. "Zee boy tried vwhat you are doing. It didn't vwork." Jack's head was only a foot from the water now. Reaching out, he grabbed the edges of the seat and started pushing back. "I'm no boy," he grunted. Getting his feet under him, he started to stand up. This time he grasped her wrist with both hands and pried himself loose with a Herculean effort. Erika whipped around and tried to catch him again, but he took a quick step backward and raised his hands for a test of strength. Erika smiled and laced her fingers around his. They struggled for a moment, and then Jack started pushing her towards the wall. When her back was touching, he felt her begin to relax and let him close on her. When his lips were within an inch of hers, she smiled playfully and suddenly twisted his wrists backwards, forcing him painfully to the floor. Gritting his teeth, he muscled his way back up. When he had finally managed to get level with her, he dug in his heels and slammed her wrists against the wall. Her arms continued to strain, but her lips eagerly received his as he leaned in to claim his reward. "So what happened to the boy?" he asked. "I felt so bad about vwhat I did to him, I let zee next boy kiss me vwith only a punch in zee stomach. After zat, all zee boys said I vwas easy." "And they were right Erika, you're the easiest woman I ever married." FROM THE AMAZONS ARENA BBS 702-243-7723