The Championship II by Quinton Synopsis: Keli fights in the first defense of her Mixed Wrestling Title. Dan's face was buried deep in Keli's crotch. She had him trapped in a tight figure-four head lock. His hands were feebly grabbing at the steel-beam legs that held him trapped, trying in vain to break loose. He was slowly losing consciousness and was skirting the edge of panic. He was so overcome with the pain that he didn't even think about signaling submission. His last thought before he passed out was, "How can she be so strong?" It was another Friday night at the wrestling matches and the last fight on the card was the mixed wrestling championship match. The current champion, Keli, had won the first mixed championship match three months before and this was to be her first title defense. Keli was also the women's league champ. Since starting professional wrestling two years earlier, she had quickly risen to the top of the women's league through hard work and skill. She worked out, in the gym, two hours a day. Because Keli didn't want to get too bulky, she used medium weights and did a lot of reps. As a result, at 5'9" tall, she weighed 150 pounds of rock solid muscle. She also did an hour of aerobic training and spent two hours with a wrestling coach honing her skills. She was strong, quick, and confident she could beat any opponent. Dan was the current men's middleweight champion. He had been the prime contender for the middleweight belt until Keli had annihilated Jason during the first mixed championship. Keli had beaten up Jason so badly that he had spent two weeks in the hospital recovering. As a result, Jason had been unable to defend his men's title and it was given to Dan by default. Dan was a superb wrestler and at 5'8" and at 170 pounds was in tip- top shape. When he was told that he was scheduled to wrestle Keli for the mixed championship he made a vow to avenge Jason's loss and not get beaten by a woman. He watched all the tapes of Keli's matches he could get his hands on to learn her style and look for any weak spots he could exploit. Dan had no doubt that Keli was an awesome wrestler, but he was sure that he could beat her if he started fast and kept her off-balance. Being a man he was awed by her perfect body and beautiful face, but he decided to keep his mind on business and consider her just another wrestler. He knew what she was capable of doing. Being the challenger, Dan entered the ring first. He nervously paced back and forth, stretching and going over his opening moves in his mind. Suddenly, the crowd burst into a loud cheer. Keli was entering the ring! Keli was wearing a full-length black, silk robe with a hood that covered her head. She strutted slowly to the center of the ring, basking in the cheers of the crowd. With deliberate, slow movements Keli removed the hood from her head. Her long, blond hair cascaded over her shoulders and down her back. She shook her head back and forth to untangle her hair. The crowd cheered. Dan, in spite of his best intentions, looked at Keli and felt a tightening in his gut as he was drawn to her sensual beauty and the golden hair that framed her goddess-like looks. When Keli slowly untied the belt and let her robe fall to the mat around her feet, Dan's mouth hung open and he couldn't catch his breath. Keli wore a shiny, black micro-bikini that barely covered her nipples and crotch. All the videos he had watched didn't begin to compare with the animal sensuality that Keli now projected. Keli was well aware of the effect she had on the crowd and on her opponent. She slowly and sensuously started doing a routine of stretching exercises that showed off her superb body and kept everyone's eyes riveted on her. Dan started to have second thoughts about wrestling her. His body was reacting to Keli's raw sex, and he was becoming confused about how he was going to wrestle this beauty. The referee rang the bell to announce the combatants. "Ladies and gentlemen," he said, "Tonight's final bout is the Federation's Mixed Wrestling Championship. The match will be a no time-limit, no-holds barred, anything goes bout. The referee cannot stop the match. There will be no disqualification's. The opponents will wrestle until one gains two submissions. Should one opponent lose consciousness, the other opponent will allow them to regain consciousness before continuing the match." "The challenger, wrestling out of the white corner, is the current Men's Middleweight champion, Dan!" The crowd cheered for Dan, but their eyes were on Keli. "And wrestling out of the black corner, the undisputed woman's champion and mixed wrestling champion of the world! Keli!" The crowd roared and chanted, "Keli! Keli! Keli!" The bell rang again, and the match was on. Both Keli and Dan rushed to the center of the ring. As they slowly circled each other, both were looking for an opening. Dan kept his eyes on Keli's eyes, determined not to be distracted by her almost naked body. At almost the same instant, they locked up, their arms on each other's necks. Dan quickly and unexpectedly slammed his right knee into Keli's unprotected crotch. Keli gasped in pain and went to her knees. Dan followed up his attack and kicked Keli twice in the pit of her stomach. Keli collapsed to the mat, curling up to protect her crotch and abdomen. Dan dropped down and punched Keli in the right kidney. Keli groaned in pain. Dan rolled Keli on to her stomach, straddled her back, and quickly applied a tight, agonizing full- nelson. Keli was still reeling from the pain of the kicks, punches and the knee to her crotch, as Dan pulled up on her shoulders while pressing down on her neck. "Give up, bitch?" hissed Dan. "Or do I get to hurt you real bad?" "No!" Keli was able to barely gasp through the pain. Dan ground down harder on the hold. He pulled back until Keli thought her shoulders and neck were going to rip apart. The crowd was silent. They were waiting for Keli to signal submission. The ref asked Keli three times to submit. Each time Keli groaned out "No." Finally Dan let the hold go and Keli slammed face first into the mat. Dan quickly grabbed her by the wrists, pulled her arms back, put his foot in the middle of her back and applied tortuous pressure to a surfboard hold. The crowd could see the pain on Keli's face as she tried to withstand the pressure that was threatening to pull her arms out of their sockets. Again Keli groaned "No" when the ref asked her to submit. "What's the matter girl?" yelled Dan. "Can't handle a real man in the wrestling ring?" Dan gave Keli's arms one last painful yank and let go. Again the beauty's face slammed into the mat. Dan was in total control. Keli lay without moving. Dan lifted Keli up by her left arm and whipped her into the ropes. When she bounced off, he sidestepped her and applied a standing sleeper hold. Keli struggled in vain to escape but she was slowly losing consciousness. Her struggles became weaker and weaker, as Dan pushed her down to the mat. When her struggles ceased, Dan let her slump unconscious to the mat. Dan raised his arms as he paraded around the ring. The crowd was silent. Their champion was flat out on the canvas, defenseless against the attack of the challenger. Dan walked over and looked down at Keli. "Get up, champ!", he yelled at her. "Come on, what's the matter? Can't take it? I thought you were tough." Keli started to gain consciousness, and slowly rolled over. Dan let her get to her hands and knees before he attacked again. He grabbed her by the ankles and quickly trapped her in a Boston Crab. As he crouched down to apply the pressure Keli struggled desperately to get free. It was no use, Dan had the hold expertly applied. He forced more and more pressure into the hold. The ref kept asking Keli if she submitted. Each time Keli would groan "No." Keli didn't know how much longer she could hold out. Her back was bowed so much it was at the breaking point. Just as she was ready to submit Dan let go of her legs and they flopped to the mat. Keli didn't move, but concentrated on gathering her strength. Slowly and painfully Keli drug herself to the ropes and made her way to her feet. She was angry with herself that she had lost control of the match. She was determined not to lose, but couldn't stop Dan's attacks in her dazed and weakened condition