Title: The Invasion, Part 1 By: Webb Synopsis: Veteran grappler is handled by novice Amazon Joe Santiago expertly hip-tossed the youth who charged at him from across the ring. Santiago was in good shape, but the kid he was facing had at least thirty pounds on him. Judging from the charge, he was probably a 210 linebacker. It took a certain amount of skill to overwhelm larger opponents, and as he got older it got tougher still. What was really tough was facing opponent after opponent and defeating them without hurting them. The kid charged him again, and this time he just moved aside and tripped him, and then rolled him up into a small package and got the pin. The crowd cheered enthusiastically, and he stood up and did a little bow. It wasn't as large of a crowd as he used to play to when he was in the pros, but he was putting on an exhibition in a small town high school gym for an old friend. The kid got up and shook his head and left the ring a little sheepishly. The announcer got into the ring and for the second time that night raised Joe's hand. "And once again your winner, Little Joe Santiago!" The announcer then pulled a slip of paper out to see who his final opponent for the night to be. "And our next contestant is Kyra Jensen!" Joe thought, "Isn't that a girls name?" He could see a little bit of a disturbance in the group sitting closest to the ring, and then he saw a couple kids going back and pulling on the hand of a blonde sitting in the back row. She stood up, and he saw that she was huge. She looked embarrassed, but then started to walk toward the ring. He recognized her after a moment. She was the bus driver for these kids. She met with the announcer and they both walked to the locker room. He shrugged. He had done this sort of thing a few times, and occasionally this would happen. Usually the women were flirting with him when they tried something like this, although it looked lime somebody had put her name in without her knowledge. He sat in his stool while she changed. When she came back out she was wearing a white one piece suit. As she got into the ring he boggled at her size. She was about a foot taller then Joe. Joe may have been called little, but that was just because he was small for a wrestler. He stood at 5'9" tall. He was sure he'd wrestled men heavier then her, although nobody taller. She looked very self conscious. The suit fit her a bit too snugly. She was slightly overweight but she was clearly somewhat muscular as well, and he had to focus to keep his eyes on her face. Each one of her breasts looked to be slightly bigger then his head. She was barefoot. Joe quickly took his boots off; he didn't want to step on her feet. They then met in the center of the ring with the ref. She spoke first, "Um, I'm really new to this. Uh..." Joe broke in, "No problem, we'll take it as slow as you want. This is just a friendly little exhibition." She managed a nervous smile and held her arms to her sides while she looked out at the crowd. He could hear some of the guys hollering, and he wished they would shut up. They were just making her more nervous. They stood there while the ref went over the rules. Then he said, "Okay, winner is the first to get two out of three pinfalls. Ready, Go!" Joe circled around Kyra while she got into position. She got her arms up and tentatively took each of his hands. She then just walked forward and Joe was slammed into the turnbuckle. Joe gasped in surprised. He knew he wouldn't be able to move her back but she just slammed him back to the buckle with no trouble at all. He found his face wedged into her breasts while she held him there, then she stepped back. "I'm sorry, are you ok? Was that illegal?" Joe shook his head. "That was fine, don't worry about it," he moaned to himself then moved out of the corner and locked up with her. He quickly got her in a wristlock and tried to leverage her down to the mat. She gave a surprised little squeak and grabbed his head with her other hand, then threw him back. His head hit the top buckle and he hit the mat. He reflexively got back up to his feet, his head ringing. She was still standing there. "Are you okay?" Joe couldn't believe this. The worst part about this was that her concern seemed to be genuine. He could hear people in the crowd laughing, but he tried to pretend he didn't hear it. "Don't worry about me, I've taken hits a lot worse than that. Just loosen up and go for a pin when you get the chance." She nodded then grabbed his hands. He got crammed against the buckle again, and once again he was covered by her huge chest. She held him there for a moment while he strained helplessly on the ropes. Then, making up her mind, she pulled away from the buckle, and still holding onto his hands pushed him down onto the mat, then dropped her hips onto his chest. The ref dropped for the count, and without thinking he put his foot on the ropes. She stayed right where she was. Joe panicked. He couldn't breathe, and she had him planted to the mat with a simple schoolboy pin. Or maybe he should call it a schoolgirl pin. The ref said, "He has his foot on his ropes. You can't pin him while his foot is there." She nodded in understanding, and then grabbed his leg and pulled up. Joe gagged in pain as she pulled it taught and then leaned forward. The ref pounded the mat. "1--2--3!" Kyra stood up. "Ooh! I pinned him!" Joe lay there for a moment recovering from the shock. Kyra looked down at him and a look of sadness crossed her face. She pulled him to his feet with one hand. This time he managed to force a smile and got back into the center of the ring. The ref was grinning at him. Okay, he thought, she's a nice girl and everything, but I need to pin her twice or my reputation as a giant killer is pretty much shot forever. The ref gave the signal to begin. Kyra looked more serious this time. She moved forward, and Joe quickly sidestepped and grabbed her hand and got behind her in a hammerlock before she knew what he was doing. He powered the lock and tried to send her forward to the ropes, but she steadied herself, then reached behind her and cradled his head between her bicep and hand, then threw him over her shoulder. He landed back first and he grunted. He quickly skittered away from her and got to his feet. But this time she stayed with him, grabbed him and body slammed him. The crowd was really starting to cheer as Kyra body slammed him again. She seemed to be enjoying her first move. He staggered to his feet, and she grabbed him in a headlock. The pressure was intense, and he felt himself being mashed into her huge breast. Quickly, he grabbed her thigh and leveraged her, back first, onto the mat. She hit hard, but she dragged him right down with her. Then she rolled on top of him, unfazed by the impact and this time very deliberately slammed her chest over his face, covering his whole body and mashing into the mat. He bucked helplessly, but no bridge he knew covered something like this. He heard the ref say after a moment, "Um. I can't see if his shoulders are on the mat." She grunted and put her hands on each shoulder, then pushed up and centered her hips on his stomach. He managed to get his left shoulder up on the two, then she pushed it back down. He got his right up, and repeated the process. She looked frustrated. Suddenly she released his shoulders and leaned back grabbing each of his feet. She moved forward with surprising speed and dropped her hips on his face, hauling his feet forward and folding him painfully to the mat. The ref hit the mat three times, and Joe felt a sinking sensation as Kyra got up and the cries of the crowd became deafening. * * * * Joe sat in the back row while the hall was being cleaned out. He had to go find a hotel, assuming there was one in this small town. He was thoroughly disgusted with himself. He'd been pinned a few times, but he'd never been beaten in one of these exhibition shows. And the ones who'd pinned him had some small amount of experience. He'd always prided himself on his skills being more important then somebody else's size. Still this girl was strong, and she actually had some raw athletic talent. He got to his feet, and heard a familiar voice say behind him, "Mr. Santiago?" It was her. She was wearing a plain looking shirt and pants again. "I'm really sorry about the way it went. I kind of surprised myself and got into it when they started cheering." "Never apologize for winning. It's okay really, you did great out there." "But you're the professional. If I had lost it wouldn't have meant anything, but when I pinned you... I'm sorry, I'm not helping, am I? Let me make it up to you. Lets go get something to eat at Tracy's. Its the only decent restaurant at this town, and from what I hear your announcer pal is going to go eat at Denny's," she made a grimace. He laughed, "Ok, it's been awhile since I've had a good meal." * * * * Tracy's turned out to be a friendly little restaurant hidden away in the residential part of the community. The owners obviously knew Kyra really well, and they got a table at the back of the restaurant where it was quiet. It wasn't very long before Joe's dark mood lightened up. She wasn't exactly used to talking to men, he could tell, but that made her that much more charming to him. It wasn't long before they were both laughing. "I couldn't get over the feeling when they started cheering for me. I felt great. I've never felt that good." "It is a rush isn't it," Joe thought back nostalgically to his first days in the ring. She looked across the table and misinterpreted his silence. "I'm doing it again aren't I?" Her entire face changed as she looked back at her plate. Before Joe could say anything, an older women came back to the table with a bottle of wine and two glasses. She set them down briskly. Joe said, "Thanks, but I don't think we ordered any..." The woman interrupted him with all the style and grace of a truck stop waitress. "It's on the house dear, enjoy." She then hustled across the room and went back into the kitchen, leaving them alone. He realized it had gotten late and they were the last customers in the restaurant. He grinned at her, and she smiled back shyly. He poured the wine. So, is she an old friend of yours?" "That's Tracy. She kind of raised me after my mother died." "Your kidding! I'm surprised she isn't chasing me off with an axe." She blushed visibly. "She thinks I should see boys more often." She sipped at the wine. "How old are you Kyra?" "I'm 23 years old. And to answer your next question I'm 6'9" tall, and I'm 235 pounds." "That isn't what I was asking about. You act like a little girl sometimes." She looked back into her wineglass and took another drink. He continued speaking, "I'm surprised she doesn't have to chase men off." "Oh stop it. We both know I'm too big for anybody to be interested in." He was shocked. She really thought she was unattractive. "Kyra, I think there are a lot of guys who'd like to go out with you, they are probably just too intimidated to ask. Anyway, you seemed pretty popular when you won today." She exhaled and took a big drink of the wine, "Joe, would you like to come back to my place?"" "I'd love to go back to your place." She had a little house. It was an A-Frame, a house literally built on the side of the mountain. As they went inside, he could tell she didn't have a lot of money, but she got by. She turned a light on and took her jacket off. She sat down on a couch and he sat down next to her. He was pretty certain he knew why he was here, but he was wondering if she was having second thoughts. He tried to think of something to make conversation about, but nothing came to mind. Suddenly she said, "What was that you tried to do with my hand before in the ring?" He looked up. "Oh, that was a wristlock. I was hoping it would give me enough leverage to bring you down to the mat." "Would you show me how to do it?" She stood up and removed her jacket and dropped it on the couch. He got up and walked forward and took her by the hand. He got her into a wristlock, and she didn't resist watching the movements. Then he started to power it a little. She stopped him, then repeated the wristlock. She applied power to the hold and Joe cried out, then let himself fall to the floor as she pushed him down. Suddenly Kyra undid her shirt, and stepped out of her pants. She was wearing a white bra and panties. Joe got to his feet, uncertain of what to do next, but knowing that he was looking at the most incredible woman he had ever seen. Her bra looked like it was specially reinforced to contain her massive bust, and it was even more clear now just how muscular she really was. Kyra suddenly dropped to her knees and curled her arms around his stomach just below the rib cage. Her breasts flattened out against his body, crushing him as she then stood up. His feet were dangling far off the floor. He looked up and saw how far off the floor he was. She mashed him harder and harder and little bright lights appeared in front of his eyes. Then she dropped him and he lay there getting his breath, looking up at her. She worked at the strap that held her bra, but her hand kept slipping. Finally she just ripped it off, and then sat down on his stomach. Then she stretched out over him. He craned his head forward and started to kiss her nipple, while his other hand caressed her other breast, kneading it harder and harder. She moaned hoarsely and grabbed the back of his head, holding him there. She ripped her bottoms off with her other hand, then she ripped his pants open. He was completely erect, and she mounted him clumsily but very firmly, her left hand never leaving the back of his head. She slammed down on top of him. She loved every touch and caress he gave her. They climaxed multiple times, and she finally carried him off to bed. The next morning when Joe woke up, Kyra was already awake, holding him tightly. She petted his hair and cooed to him softly. "Was that your first time," he asked? "Yes." She started kissing him. That has to be one for the record books, he thought. A guy raped by virgin. "Did I hurt you Joe?" "Not a bit." He smiled again and kissed her, and she didn't notice his sharp intake of breath as she rolled over on top of him and kissed him back.