Another Match By Bomur Hi there! This is the first story in the Sue Graham series, first uploaded on More to come. Thanks to those who mailed. Ta, Bomur Another Match ============= If there's one thing I hate, it's dirty changing rooms. With all the money they've spent on this place, you'd think they could hire someone to clean these places out from time to time. It's not asking that much, is it? Better lighting too. Some places are so dark and dismal that when I walk in I feel a strong urge to keep walking on out. Still, beggars can't be choosers, and I don't suppose I can complain too much. Sue's the name, in case you don't already know, and wrestling's the game, as they say around here. Must admit though, for some it's not much of a game. A job, perhaps. Obsession, maybe, for a few. A game? Naw. Not many of the girls I know would say that... I know some that get off on the idea that men get turned on watching them wrestle, so I suppose that makes them exhibitionists. Maybe strippers are the same. Me? Well, this is something that I'm good at, and for the moment, that'll have to do. This changing room is awful. I'll have to talk to Barney about it, maybe he can get something done about it. I'm sure most of the other girls feel the same. Oh, Barney's my manager, by the way. Some call him a pimp, but not when I'm around. He's all right. He helped me get where I am today, so I guess I'm sort of grateful to him. Tonight I've got this big match at the Arena, where most of the bigger league fights are held. Don't be surprised that you haven't read about it in your daily rag, because this is private members stuff, all upfront subscriptions and no questions asked. Us girls get good pay, and the men get what they want, which is to watch us wrestle up close and in the flesh. Even got these custom built arenas, and the Arena is probably the best of them. Shame about the changing rooms, though. I get changed as quickly as possible. Don't want to spend any more time in this hole than I have to. My outfit for tonight is a red bikini, French cut (that's high on the thigh, for those who didn't know). League rules say two piece only, no one piece, no topless. If you get to be a big name you can customise a little, but the League have to approve it. I'm not a big name yet. Someday, maybe. There's a small bathroom next door, so I go in and do the necessary, and I'm pleasantly surprised to find hot water and a flushing toilet. Score one for Barney. Some things are more important than others, and no-one wants to find themselves in a body scissors with a full bladder! A bang on the door lets me know that it's time I was getting ringside. I do a quick check on my gear, grab my dressing gown and head for the door. In the corridor there's little noise and no people, so I trot to the stairs and go up. Near the top of the stairs is some guy who holds up his hand and signals for me to wait. He's listening to something on his earpiece, and hardly pays me any attention at all. Suits me. Besides, the stairwell is well lit, and it allows my eyes time to get accustomed to the light, and I know that it's very bright up top. In the past, a few girls have gone charging up the stairs and been completely dazzled by the main lights up top, and by the time they can see properly, they were already screaming their submission. Oh yes, that's another thing. Submissions only. None of this poncy falls and pins shit. Even a knockout isn't the end of it. There are a few who specialise in knocking a girl out, with a piledriver or whatever, then get them in into their favourite (and usually extremely painful) hold and just wait for them to wake up. It's something to avoid, if you can. The grade of the match determines the number of submissions required. Regular matches, like this one tonight, are just one submission. Bigger matches, like non-title matches between two of the top wrestlers, are best of three. Title matches are best of five. Occasionally, there are specialist matches, grudge usually, where the required number of submission are set by the league, but they're comparatively rare. I imagine they must charge a fortune for a seat at one of those. I'll have to ask Barney about it someday. I've never been much interested in that side of things. The guy with the earpiece waves at me to go on up the stairs. I take a deep breath and climb the few remaining stairs to the top. Even with the wait on the stairs, it takes my eyes a few seconds to adjust to the light, so I just stand there and listen the polite applause. No announcements, no compere or anything like that. I think it's all handled by TV screens that are scattered around for the audience to look at between matches. The ring is square. I know that sounds like a joke, but it's always struck me as odd that they should call it something that it's not. This particular one is like a judo mat, only smoother. No ropes, another league decision. Doesn't bother me at all, I've never cared much for the ropes. Now I know there are loads of cameras dotted around, but I've never been able to work out where they are. Not that I'm going to be allowed too much time to go looking for them. Above the ring and around the edges of the hall are the indicator lights, which at the moment are showing all green. When these go out, the match starts. There are all sorts of signals that these lights give out, but the only ones I'm interested in tonight are the greens going out, like I said, and the red ones that indicate a submission, just in case either of us don't hear it. I turn and look at my opponent for tonight, and have a hard time stopping myself from laughing out loud. Barney did warn me. The girl is tall, black, lightly oiled (is that legal?) and wearing a tigerskin twopiece that looks like it just came from a real tiger. Her name, believe it or don't, is Jungle Bunny. She's eyeing me something rotten. Ah, one of those. Some don't engage in eye contact at all, even during the match, but others insist on trying to intimidate before the green lights go out. Well, waste of time with me, Bunny. Barney told me all about you. You're strong, you're fast, and you've got a real high opinion of yourself, but you can be beat, just like anyone else. That's what I intend to teach you. I step onto the mat, and so does she, only on the opposite side. As usual, I do a few stretches, keeping an eye on the green lights. So far, so good. Sometimes some jerk in the control box somewhere switches them off before both girls are ready, which usually means a very short match. As a rule, the audience don't care much for those. That's not to say that any of the girls string out a match to give the audience value for money, although some like to play cat and mouse if they're confident of an easy victory. It's just that the best game plan is to feel a girl out, find out what she can take and what she can't, then go for the kill. I look at Bunny again. She's got strong looking shoulders. That could be bad news. I like armlocks, and she looks like she could power out of most of the ones I get on her. Looks can be deceptive, of course, but it's something to bear in mind. Might try some of those old Judo holds. Actually, she's got a strong looking everything. Muscular legs and arms, defined stomach, even a thick neck. Chokes and strangles are allowed, and although they don't score, like I said, they make a score shortly afterwards almost inevitable. I doubt I'll be able to throttle Bunny without a real struggle. No matter, I'll find something to make her cry for her daddy. She's still eyeing me. Silly bitch. I walk towards the centre of the mat, keeping one eye on the green lights and the other on Bunny. She walks towards me, doing the same. Rules say no contact until the match starts, so we stand and wait. For all of three seconds. The lights go out and the match is on! And she just stands there, looking at me. Then she grins. I could get to like this one. I start to circle her, and she does the same. It's us two that are going to start this match, not some nerd in the control box. She stops and raises her hands with an unspoken question in her eyes. Oh yes! I like her even better now. The good old 'Trial of Strength' lockup is a bit old hat days, but it's still loaded with possibilities. Besides, it's a nice and simple opportunity to gauge each other's strength. Of course, she probably has something else in mind, but I don't plan on staying still for long either. So we come together and interlock hands. As we turn the power on, I realise that she's probably stronger than me. I mentally run through the holds I can turn this into, but she jerks me forward and knees me in the gut. I was half expecting it, since it was one of the things I was planning to do to her, but it still drives all the wind out of me. She jerks me forward again, and knees me again, only this time lower down, in the bladder. Thank God I went before the match, otherwise I would have wet myself now. As it is, my legs give way. As my knees hit the mat I find myself looking at her navel. I realise that I've got a hand free, and that means that she's got a hand free too. Then I realise that hers is on the back of my head. The pain in my belly is slowing up my thinking way too much. I use my free hand to deflect the knee that's racing towards my jaw, but it still hits hard, and although the match is only seconds old I'm lying on my back with feet tucked up behind my backside and a large dose of black muscle looking down on me with professional malevolence. One part of my mind can't get over how quick she is. I'm no slouch, but she's beaten me to the punch with every move so far, and the next one could put me away. If she decides to go for a kneedrop to the belly, I'm in real trouble. The other part of my mind is yelling DO SOMETHING YOU STUPID COW and other such pleasantries. As luck would have it, she decides to step around me, probably intending to go for my head. It only takes a second, but as she takes her first step I free up a foot, and as she takes her second step I twist and kick her hard on the kneecap. I hear her howl as I twist away. Score one for me. My first one tonight, and I'm bloody glad of the breathing space I hope it's bought me. That's got to have hurt her. Knees can be really dodgy, and a weak knee can put a girl out of this game for good. I take a breath, get up from all fours to one knee, and turn. I'm looking at her navel again, only this time two strong hands clamp themselves on either side of my head and two thumbs start pressing up on the underside of my jaw. shit Shit SHIT how did she recover so fast?! By rights she should be still rolling around on the mat holding her knee. I know I'm in real trouble now. Her hands are just keeping my head steady, but it's her thumbs that are doing the real damage, and I can't even open my mouth. I grab hold of her wrists to see if I can reduce the pressure, but it doesn't seem to make any difference. She lifts me slowly into the standing position, hands still on my head and thumbs that feel like they'll explode into my mouth at any second, and I look her in the face. She look back at me, then grins. Then that unspoken question is in her eyes again. But she's not asking me to submit, oh no, that would be far too easy. She's asking if I'm ready for her next, and possibly final, move. And I realise what it's going to be. Big uh oh. She gives me a strange look, I suppose to say 'ready or not, here it comes!' and so she lifts me into the air. NO NONO NONONONONO OH GOD NO! I clamp my thighs either side of her body to try and take the strain off of my jaw, but the leverage isn't there. If my hands hadn't been holding her wrists, her thumbs would be pressing against the roof of my mouth by now. They still might yet. I try to submit but all that comes out is a kind of gurgling noise. Saliva starts bubbling out of my mouth and running down my chin. I know that the jerk in the control tower will signal a submission if he feels a wrestler is wanting to submit but is unable to make themselves understood, as can happen with some choke holds. But there's no sign of the red lights. The pain is starting to get so bad that I might black out, and if I go slack now Bunny will rip my jaw out just by standing still! NONONONOSUBMIT SUBMIT SUBMIT SUBMIT but I can't say it. Hold on, I can feel she's changed her stance a little. If she's been looking up at me then the spittle that's been bubbling out from my clenched teeth has been running down my chin and into her face. Not sure why, but I can get the pressure to ease up just a little bit with my hands on her wrists. My thighs have a slightly better grip on her, but I'm not high enough to get a knee on her shoulder. I get an idea. It's going to hurt, but I might just be able to get out of this. First I've got to change position with my hands. It's tricky, because if I get it wrong the best I can hope for is to wake up in hospital. Worst case means being awake though the whole thing. Very quickly, so as not to lose my grip, I move my hand up her wrist a bit. There's a slight increase in pressure, and I think my eyes are starting to stream because they're clamped shut so tightly. My face must look a picture. I must get Barney to get me a video of this. Now my hand is up to the bottom of her hand. So far so good. Now for the other side. It suddenly occurs to me that the jerk in the control room may give a red light for me just when I'm about to escape from the hold. Oh Lord I hope not, not after what I've been through already. I start praying that he's still asleep. Good. Both hands are in position and no red lights. I've only been able to get this far because she's distracted by something. I don't want to think about what would happen if she hadn't been. Anyway, this has to be done right, with little margin for error. So, first I press my thumbs against the balls of her thumbs and hope that relieves the pressure even more. Then, without waiting to see if it works, throw a leg out and ram my knee where I guess her head is. No second chances. Here goes... DONE.. DONE! YES! I'm on my back again, and I've rarely been so glad about it. My knee made a really solid connection, and I heard her grunt. I don't know where she is, or what condition she's in, but frankly I'm happy just to be able to open my mouth. I think I know which way she fell, so I roll away from where I think she is, get to my hands and knees, and look up. She's still lying on the mat. YES! I try to get up quickly, but my arms and legs feel like they weigh a ton. I'm almost to my feet when she stirs, does a little monkey flip, and is standing upright. But she looks a little dazed. She obviously wasn't expecting an escape. Score one for me again. All right, let's see if I can't get her a little more worried. I try and put the pain in my jaw and mouth out of my mind, and I smile at her. A look of dismay crosses her face. YES! Then a look of irritation, then one of resolve. Well, it was to be expected, I suppose. Still, she's got to be worried. Anyone who can get out of that and smile about it is not to be taken for granted, to say the least. Hell, even I would worry me at this point. We start circling again. This time, she's definitely less sure of herself. Her footing is very cautious, as though she's expecting me to rush her at any second and she doesn't want to be caught off-balance. Sensible, but not what she would have done a minute ago. I close on her. She backs off, but only for a second, then comes to meet me. YAAAAGGH! I raised my hands at the last second before we connected, expecting another head attack, but she went underneath for a bearhug! Not a particularly good move unless you've got the strength to pull it off, and my ribs are suggesting that she's got what's required, and then some. Jesus, how does she do it? She's been one step ahead of me since we stepped onto the mat, and it's starting to get on my nerves! She lifts me off my feet (she's a little taller than me - why didn't I notice that before?) and applies a bit more pressure. I groan. Still, things could be worse. My arms a free, so an escape shouldn't be too difficult to manage. Hmm. In fact, I think she deserves a little of her own medicine. I clamp my hands on either side of her head. A flicker of surprise crosses her face, and she looks directly into my eyes. I press my thumbs into the soft flesh just under her jaw and turn on the pressure. Well, Bunny, let's see how you like it! Good Heavans, it that what I looked like? How ghastly! Her eyes have screwed shut and her mouth is locked into a sort of rictus grin, with her lips peeled back. She's got nice teeth. Let's increase the pressure a little. Very soon, she'll have to let go of my ribs and try to pull my hands away. When she does, I'll have to make sure my feet are positioned level with hers, otherwise she'll knee me. Then, a little skip to the side... ah, there go her arms! I slide down her body and step between her legs. Great! Now the sidestep. I would have liked to have had her dangling across my back like this, which would probably have scored very quickly, but I can't think of an easy way to do it. Instead, I go for a nice little hip throw. Except that I throw her down by her jaw, giving an extra little push with my thumbs as I let go. The audience gives a little collective gasp. First I've heard from them all night. She hits the mat hard and starts wailing like a banshee. Now for the finish. I press a foot onto her hip and roll her onto her belly. Normally, I'd be careful about this, but she's obviously out of it, so I can afford a bit of style. I do three things simultaneously : I sit down on the small of her back; with my left hand I reach around her neck; with my right I reach under her armpit. For the grand finale, I lock my hands together just behind her shoulder and tighten things up. A chicken wing. The simplest ones are the best, I always say. Even with a free hand, there's nothing she can do. Actually, she's now somewhat dependant upon my keeping my balance and not jerking her in any particular direction. If I do, a disconnected shoulder joint is the least of the possible outcomes. She wimpers. No submission yet, though. No red lights. Apparently, the microphones around the mat are sensitive enough to pick up her saying the word 'submit' so quietly that even I don't hear it. Oh, I don't think I've mentioned that. To submit, you must say the word 'submit'. Nothing else will do. Not 'yes' or 'ok' or even 'give'. Another quirky League rule. The only exception to this is if your mouth or throat is being attacked, in which case you probably wouldn't be able to say the word properly. Thats when the guy in the control box comes in. You know about him. She can talk. She can say it if she wants to. The pressure I'm putting on her throat and jaw isn't enough to stop it. She wimpers again. All right then Bunny, you want it, you're going to get it. I slowly start to lean back, at the same time pulling her shoulder closer to my chest. The wimpers get louder then the screaming starts. Her free hand starts pawing my leg. I continue to lean back. She still hasn't given in! What to do? Well, I suppose I could dislocate her arm, then drag her up by it then give her a few Irish whips on it, and see what she says then. Cripes. No, let's go back a little further first. She screams again. "NOOO!!! SUBMIT!!!! SUBMIT SUBMIT SUBMIT!!!!" All right, dear, once is enough. I let go and look up to see the red lights. Suddenly, there's this thunderous applause! Going from dead quiet to Bunny's screams to this wall of noise is a bit much for the old ear drums. I wince and stand up. To make matters worse, a voice comes over the PA: "THE WINNER IS SUSAN GRAHAM! SUSAN GRAHAM!" Ick. I smile and do a 360 degree turn, giving a little wave, then head for the stairwell. I don't look back at Bunny. Barney is waiting for me back in the changing room. "Are you alright?" he says. This is almost always the first question Barney asks me after a match. "Yeah, Barney. Fine." I ache in a few places, I'm dog tired, but I feel pleased with myself. I've done the job. "She nearly had you." Barney always does a post-mortem. "I wasn't worried. The jerk in the control room might have given it a red light though." Barney looks at me strangely. "Jerks." "Huh?" "Plural. There's a panel of them. I've told you before." That's right. He has. I remember now. They work on a simple majority system. I keep forgetting stupid details like that. It isn't that important to what I do, and it's not something I can do anything about, and such things I tend to forget. If someone can show me how the fact that there's a whole load of jerks watching monitors in the control room can be used to my advantage, I'll make more of an effort to bring it into the forefront of my thinking. Otherwise, forget it. I notice that the changing room looks cleaner. Barney must have done some clearing up. That's sweet. Still, I'd better get cleaned up myself. As if Barney has read my mind, he walks past me towards the door, then pauses. "Mr. Lewis would like a word with you before you leave. Try to be civil." I don't much care for Mr. Lewis. He always looks at me as though he's trying to picture me naked in his mind. "Is it anything important?" I ask, a note of irritation in my voice that I hadn't intended. It's not Barney's fault. Barney's halfway out of the door already. "Maybe," he says, and pauses again "but I don't think it's anything to worry about. Get changed and go and ask him. Oh, congratulations on another good match and another win. See you later." "Bye, Barney." I say to the closing door. Oh well. Time to find out if I can get the shower to work properly. Copyright (c) Bomur 1996