Title: Nixon's Terror. By: Unknown Synopsis: Female Secret Service Agent learns that all men are swine. START STORY: 1 President Richard Milhouse Nixon was sitting in the dark in the oval office. He was thinking over the events of the previous weeks. He was in deep trouble. He did not know to whom to turn. Congress was demanding he turn over tapes, he still wasn't completely clear of the Watergate scandal and that damn G.G. Liddy was pestering him for a pardon should Liddy be convicted. "It's just not fair," he mused. Out loud he said, "I have devoted my life to this country and they think I'm a crook. I should have stayed in broadcasting." But his thoughts then went back to the time he left a station to get something to eat and the tape broke leaving an hour or so of dead air. No, a DJ he wasn't. He chuckled out loud. As he sat in his dejection he heard a soft sound behind him, like cloth rustling or... "Hello Mr. President," said an intruder. "My God!" said a startled Nixon as he began to rise. The intruder pushed him back into his chair effortlessly, he could not make out any features just a large, maybe six foot tall man in dark clothing. "Sit down and stay down," the intruder commanded. The voice was kind of muffled like a cloth was over his face. Then the intruder reached over and turned on the small desk lamp. "Jesus!" exclaimed Nixon, "You're a woman." "And what a woman," he thought. Every bit of six foot or six one with large arms, legs and torso. "What muscles on her!" he thought. No wonder he thought it was a man. Dressed in a one piece black, skintight jumpsuit with a knife strapped to her left arm, she was obviously a warrior, an amazon or something. What did she want with him? He was becoming scared. "Who are you?" said Nixon. "I am Diana the Valkyrie, and I have come not to save your Presidency, but to save the office itself," she said. "I have watched as you have brought this country to the edge of disgrace and it stops now." Nixon started to rise again. "Guards!" he cried. Diana laughed a strong, deep laugh. "You fool," she smiled, "do you think those puny guards can help you? I took care of them before coming in here. Now sit down and shut up, I will not tell you again. I am here to tell you exactly what to do, and you," she emphasized by pointing her finger at him, "are you going to follow my commands to the letter?" "Like hell!" Nixon said, a brief amount of bravery returning. He leapt up as if to run. Diana grabbed him by his ear and effortlessly pulled him close until her nose was almost touching his. "Little man," she began, "you do not have any idea how happy I would be to break your puny body in half. But for the moment I need you." Nixon continued to struggle, trying to squirm out of the muscular grip. Then, with a powerful slap to his head that made his ears ring, she released him. He stood shaking his head looking slightly dazed. Diana slapped him a second time and this time he went over backwards, landing in a heap across the waste basket. She slowly, almost at a saunter walked over to him, reached down and grabbed him by his crotch, lifting him fully three feet off the ground. "Arghhhh!" squealed Nixon, as his testicles were squeezed. "Please stop!" "Listen really close you pathetic man," she said. "I am tired of playing games with you. Either obey or I will kill you." At that moment the door burst open and a form threw itself at Diana. 2 Karen was bored. She was off duty tonight and had nothing to do. Her job, a secret service bodyguard to the President, was boring, nothing ever happened. She needed some action. She considered going into Silver Spring, to maybe pick up a man. But then, most men were scared of her, if not when they saw her powerfully built five foot nine inch, hard, muscular body, then after they heard what she did for a living. "What the hell," she said aloud to herself. "I will go out for a while." She got up and went over to her dresser to pick out an outfit. She laid out her outfit, a sports bra (she was muscular but not very large chested), a pair of black silk panties, a worn pair of Levi's and a blue T-shirt emblazoned with Secret Service on the front and 'We do it quietly' on the back. Placing them on the bed, she started undressing as she walked toward the bathroom. She walked into the bathroom humming Gotterdammerung softly to herself, completely naked now. She glanced back at the line of clothes thinking as she closed the door of what a slob she could be sometime. Looking in the full length mirror on the back of the door she subconsciously tightened her abs. "God what a body! If I do say so myself," she said aloud. Of course with the work she put into it, it should be. She admired the tight, slightly rippled stomach, the long muscular legs and her broad shoulders. Her arms were not real defined, like a weight lifter, but they were large. "Hell," she thought, "I can bench press four hundred pounds, they should be." She climbed into the shower turning on full hot as she did. She stepped under the needle fine spray turning as she did. She let the water hit her all over, even her short blonde hair. Next she reached over and grabbed the soap, stepping back out of the spray she lathered her hard body, pausing a little at her crotch when she felt a slight tingle. She went up to her head, lathering it as well, then setting the soap down she vigorously rubbed herself all over ending with her head. She again stepped into the stream and rinsed herself. Her hand, almost as if it had a will of its own, crept down to her moist mound. She slowly stroked the slit, easing her finger barely inside. Karen moaned her pleasure softly and then jerked her hand away. "If I do this there will be no reason to go out," she said aloud. She climbed out of the shower and grabbed a large fluffy beach towel. After drying herself off she opened the door, smiling as she again glanced at her body and walked out into the bedroom grabbing her clothes and dressing quickly. After getting dressed, she sat on the edge of the bed and put on a pair of soft leather sandals, no socks or stocking, and because she used no makeup she headed for the door. She drove her Ferrari, a gift from her father, down the winding driveway to the main road, and along it to the beltway. She played with the radio as she went down 495 not even looking at the highway, as if she was on autopilot. She got off at the Silver Spring exit and headed toward a nice club she knew about, pulling into the drive and stopping at the front door. Getting out she tossed her keys to the attendant saying as she went, "don't scratch it, and don't bury it." The attendant caught the keys and smiled at her, then stopped. She had given him a look that would freeze air. He decided he would take great care of this car. Karen walked into the bar, stopping for a second to allow her eyes to adjust to the dark interior she glanced around. "Really slim pickings," she mused to herself as she surveyed the room. She walked over to the bar and sat. They were pretty busy so she just sat and looked at the bartender busily mixing drinks while she waited her turn. "Miss?" a barmaid coming from behind her said. "Yes," she replied. "The gentleman over there," motioning over to a muscular looking red- haired man, "wants to buy you a drink. What will you have?" Karen eyed the man. He seemed well dressed in jeans and a pullover shirt. "Nice smile," she thought. And then she made up her mind. "I think I will have whiskey neat," she said, "and ask the gentleman if I can join him please." The barmaid, a skinny looking older women dressed twenty years too young nodded and went over to the end of the bar to attract the bartender's attention. The man motioned her to come over and she did. "Hi, I am Karen, thank you for the drink," Karen said standing next to his table. "Please sit down," he said. "My name is Phil, and you are the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen." Karen chuckled at his line. "I hope he can do better than that" she thought. She sat and the two began talking about themselves, there likes and dislikes, as strangers in these circumstances do. A few hours and many drinks later, for him, Karen only had three, they decided to leave and go to his townhouse. "Really Karen," he said, "I would be happy to drive you back here in the morning to get your car." "I would rather take my car with me, in case I get a page, you understand," she replied. "Of course," he said, then told her how to get to his place. "I just need to stop off at my work quick to check on something and then I will be there, say an hour tops," she said, thinking of the pack of condoms in her desk drawer outside of the oval office. "Ok fine. That will give me time to swing by and grab a bottle of wine." He smiled at her and then walked quickly toward his car. "The asshole forgot to hold the door for me. Oh well, I'm horny and he's it," she thought as she opened the door. She had to wait on the attendant, he was moving another car as Phil sat somewhat impatiently, waiting in his car. Finally the attendant reparked the blocking car and upon seeing Karen ran to her car, slowly pulled it up along side her and got out, holding the door for her as she entered it. "Thank you," she beamed at the guy as she handed him a five. "My pleasure," he answered At the White House, Karen walked toward her desk and then stopped. What was that noise she heard coming from the office, and where was everyone inside? She crept up to the door and placed her ear against it. "...Obey or I will kill you." That was all she needed to hear. She burst through the door and instantly surveyed the scene before leaping at the assailant. 3 "It's another woman," Diana thought as she toppled backward under the weight of her attacker. Diana hit the ground hard, struggling to get out from under the woman. "My God she's as strong as I, almost," Diana thought. She flipped her over and climbed to her knees, astride the attacker. "Who the hell are you," Diana said breathlessly. "Agent Blackburn, Secret Service. You're under arrest," she replied. "Why the hell did I leave my gun at home tonight?!" she thought. Karen struggled, twisting and squirming. Diana was having a hell of a time keeping on top of the agent. She finally released one hand and drew back and punched her in the forehead, missing the nose she had aimed at. "Thank God!" Nixon said, somewhat painfully as he lay curled up cupping his balls, "I knew I could count on you, Karen." "Yeah Karen, he knew he could count on you," Diana teased, hitting Karen again, this time in the mouth. Diana noticed the blood at the corner of her lip and hit again and again in the same place until it bled heavily. Suddenly Karen reached up with her mouth and bit her tit, hard. Diana let out a surprised shout and let go. With that, Karen got out from under her and scrambled to her feet. Karen tried to inch toward the bookshelf, knowing an alarm switch was hidden there. But the bitch must have known about it because she moved to block her. For several minutes the two circled each other, eyeing each other. Karen's mouth had bled badly and the blood was all over the front of her T-shirt. Diana meanwhile had a spot of blood on her shirt just above her right nipple. Then Diana leapt at her, grabbing her arm and swinging her one way while sending her other fist to meet her. Karen ducked at the last second and got in a head shot of her own that staggered Diana. Diana jumped back and Karen came right toward her hitting her again, this time in the ear. Diana knew she had to do something. She didn't have time to trade blows with this cunt she had to end this quick. "Come on bitch, come get me," she sneered. As she did, Karen swung a powerful roundhouse kick at her temple. Quicker than lightning Diana grabbed her foot and pulled, Karen hit the floor so hard she bounced twice. Diana wasted no time jumping on top of her and hitting her first in the solar plexus and then repeatedly in the side of the head. Karen lay dazed. She could barely breathe. She knew she had to do something but this whore was sitting on top of her chest. Karen, with a monumental will and using all the strength she had left arched up and kneed Diana in the back. Diana slid forward until her crotch was on Karen's face and her hands were in front of her on the floor. Karen bit Diana right in the cunt as hard as she could, almost feeling her teeth meet, blood seeping through the skin tight thin material. "Arghhhh!" screamed Diana. She reached down and socked Karen on the top of the head, but she only bit harder, she hit her again and this time her grip loosened. Diana slid forward and then turned and with one foot and one hand on the floor kicked Karen in the head. Karen felt herself slide into darkness. 4 Karen awoke to find herself bound and gagged. Nixon was over at his desk crying into his hands. "Yes, Yes," Nixon said to Diana, "I will do exactly as you say. I will erase the parts of the tapes that are the most damaging and turn them over to Congress." "And then you will wait. They will call for you to resign, hold them off a while and then resign," Diana commanded. "Ok, I will," was all that Nixon said. "Remember what will happen if you don't. Now to decide what to do with this," she said nodding toward Karen. "For all the good the cunt did me you can cut her fucking throat. Fucking dyke bitch anyway," moaned Nixon Karen couldn't believe her ears. She had always thought Nixon respected her, but he was just like all the rest. Diana looked coldly at Nixon and said, "You piece of shit. She risked her life to save you diving into this room not even knowing if I was alone and that's the thanks you give her." "Fuck her," Nixon replied. "She's nothing to me. Hell, nobody likes the bitch, what with her weightlifter body and all." "Karen," Diana said as she looked at the bloody girl tied up on the floor, "you fought bravely. You would make a fine Valkyrie, and I would love to call you sister. You see the ways of this man. Come with me to your rightful place in the world. After tonight, we will no longer relinquish control of this nation to men, it is time to take our rightful places." Karen looked from Diana to Nixon. Thinking back on her life, knowing she was superior to most of the men she had met. But she swore an oath. But wait, she swore an oath to defend this country against enemies both foreign and domestic and after what she knew Nixon and his cronies had done, was he not an enemy? As she fought in her mind against opposing sides, Diana walked over and pulling out her knife cut the ropes holding her feet and hands then took the gag out of her mouth. She knelt down and gently wiped the blood from her mouth. Karen looked up at Diana expectantly. She thought about all that transpired tonight, she thought about her days at the academy, the problems she had there, no one believed she would be as competent as she turned out to be. But what to do, maybe this woman was right, maybe she should join this so called Valkyrie. And where in the hell did this term come from? Some Germanic mythology. "I have to leave now," Diana said quietly. "You should be okay. I will be in touch with you in a few days. Take the time to think. You know deep down I am right, you are a strong, loyal and beautiful warrior. You belong with us." And with this Diana turned and left the room. 5 Nixon slowly got to his feet. He glanced over at Karen and muttered, "stupid worthless cunt" under his breath. He noticed Karen look up at him her expression changing to what looked like loathing. "Well what the hell are you waiting for, get the hell over to Treasury and get some more agents out here. We have to catch that bitch." Karen was up and across the room before she knew what she was doing. She grabbed his collar, pulled him up to eye level his feet barely touching the floor. "You listen to me you little piece of shit. You will do exactly as you were told or I will personally come back here and cut your throat." She noticed with a certain amount of pride, the look of undisguised terror in his eyes. She let him down and then backhanded him across the mouth. Then she too turned and left the room. "A lot has happened in the last hour and a half," she mused. "I need to go home. No. I will go to Phil's house, I need the company." Phil was anxious when he opened the door. Karen could not blame him, she was a site. Dried blood all over her, her shirt torn. "What happened to you?" he asked, waiving her inside. "It's a long story, and to be honest I don't feel like getting into it tonight, but I would like a friend," she said. Phil held out his arms and she went to him. His arms encircled her as she leaned into his shoulder. She didn't cry, nor even sob, she just needed some comfort, "and the son of a bitch just slid his hand down the back of my pants," she thought to herself. She said to him, "What the hell are you doing? I need comfort not sex, maybe later." She looked up but he was just grinning as he attempted to force her over to the couch. She couldn't believe this, not after what she had been through. "No!" she said, pulling out of his grasp and backing away. But he just came forward and with a shove she went over on the couch. "You know you want me baby," Phil said to her as he reached for her shirt. Karen was stunned. She didn't even react as he pulled her T-shirt over her head. It was like it was happening to someone else. "No. Please stop," she said softly. "Come on your gonna love it," he said and forced her to lie back. He fumbled with the button on her Levi's. Getting it loose, he began to pull her jeans down. "No!" Karen shouted. She tried to stand up but stumbled on her partially down Levi's. He grabbed her and twisted her arm around. With the other hand he jerked at her pants. She couldn't believe this, he was going to rape her. Then as he got her pants over her feet her senses returned and she pushed him up and off of her. She reached over for her pants and shirt and quite unexpectedly he backhanded her so hard she fell off the couch. "I will tell you when you can leave," said Phil as he started undoing his fly. Karen looked up and then her temper erupted. It was just too much for one night. She came off the floor like a fury. "You son of a bitch. You want to rape me you prick," she screamed at him. "I'll teach you a lesson you will never forget." With this she kicked up with all her might hitting him squarely in the nuts. "I felt bone," she thought. "Good." "You bitch," he moaned. No other word escaped his mouth as Karen's fist pummeled his face. She was beyond pissed. "You want to rape me you bastard? Lets see how you like it," she said as she hit him yet again. He tried to crawl away but Karen leapt bodily on him. Getting his head in a scissors lock and applying all the pressure she could, she could hear his neck popping and eased off a little. She quit when he lay there unconscious. She got up walked over to the kitchen counter and grabbed a knife out of the holder. She looked back and then through it down in disgust. Without even dressing she walked out to her car, in her sports bra and panties. She drove like some mad women the currents of her mind raging. She arrived at her house unaware of how she got there, such was her turmoil. She ran to the door leaving her pants and shirt in the car. Opening the door she ran through the living room toward the bedroom and skidded to a stop, someone was in the kitchen. "Hello Karen," Diana said. And then Karen was in her arms sobbing. She let everything go. She told Diana about the assault, about Nixon after she had left, and about her disastrous encounters with her peers in the past, about everything. "Let's put you to bed," Diana said softly. "I will stay in here till you awake." "No," Sobbed Karen, "please don't leave me now, my whole world is upside down." "Ok I won't, I'll stay right with you." And with that Diana led her back to the bedroom, helping her out of her panties and bra and into bed. Then she stripped off her own clothes and climbed in bed with her. She looked deeply into Karen's trusting eyes and then kissed her very lightly on the lips. Karen's mouth parted slightly and Diana's tongue probed inside her mouth. They lay there side by side facing one another and tenderly probed each others mouths. There hands caressed each others bodies and they snuggled a little closer. Then slowly they parted, respect for the other shone in the eyes of both of them. Karen smiled at Diana warmly and turned over, snuggling her back up against Diana's breasts. And they both fell into a deep peaceful sleep. To be continued..........