EROTIKOS PROHIBITUS AIGYPTOS The Tale of Azor the Atlantian The Amazon Queen's Slave Boy VOLUME I (Including English Translator's Glossary & Lexicon Attachment) ________________________ Copyright (c) 1997 George Thomas Young Ankh Publications P.O. Box 201121, Denver, Colorado 80220 USA All Rights Reserved (The legal warrant hereby acceded by virtue of this electronic publication only permits single individual copying for personal use; no other reproduction or usage in any form is authorized without prior negotiation/written permission.) ________________________ CAVEAT: Sorry, but I/we are legally required to state the following: Due to the prurient nature of this legend, statutes require one to be over 18 years of age to read it. Adult readers are further cautioned that this tale contains explicit descriptions of ancient licentious customs which will offend the religious and prudish. ________________________ Permission has been given for this story to appear on Diana the Valkyrie's web site Contents: (Volume I) - Reporter's Preface - EROTIKOS PROHIBITUS AIGYPTOS - Dedication & Expository by Diodorus of Alexandria - "AZOR'S TALES" Book of the First - Prologue - - Cerne - - The Amazons - - My Fate - - Queen Myrine - - My Initiation - _______________________________________ English Translator's Glossary & Lexicon Attachment - Reporter's Preface - Today, as he did almost every day when he was in residence at his San Francisco townhouse, William W. Kertiss III descended Russian Hill in his classic 1941 Cadillac convertible to take his morning cappuccino at his favorite North Beach coffee house, the Caffe` Machiavelli. As usual, he was dressed in distinguished Saville Row sports clothes and took "his" table by the windows that afforded a picture postcard view of Washington Square. At his cordial invitation, I joined him. (I was likewise a habitute` of this old establishment and so we frequently enjoyed each others company.) Practically all days at the Machiavelli were pleasant if not particularly eventful; most patrons were regulars who came as much for the authentic Italian atmosphere and food as to meet companions, colleagues or sweethearts. Morning's here for William meant a cup or two with a brioche while reading the papers and chatting with friends. For me, the cafe was my "office" of choice, where I could conduct my business as well as socialize in a far more civilized atmosphere than being in a Montgomery Street tower. Anyway, there was no reason for either of us to be expecting today other than normal-- until Franco came through the door, accompanied by a curious looking little man toting a briefcase. "Ah! I was hoping we'd find you here," he said with his usual flourish as they sat down next to us. "I -- we -- have something I think will pique your interest... Oh, excuse me, this is Mohammed Abu, a friend of mine from Cairo. He arrived here yesterday-- First time in the States..." Franco Fulcanelli was a first generation American-Italian, a native San Franciscan who had long been a personage among the City's bohemian community. He was also what some people would call a "nutty professor," a eccentric genius who had lectured at various American and European universities, often without the favor of the academic establishment-- which was one of the reasons why both William and I liked him. In any case, Franco was always good for a few laughs and interesting conversation, and today would prove to be quite so. The odd little man, at Franco's coaxing, produced photographs of some ancient looking scrolls, along with copies of a manuscript said to be the English translation of same. Franco, having a doctorate in the Classics, attested to the veracity of these documents, announcing with unabashed pride he was the translator. According to the two, the scrolls were fragments of a thought destroyed and virtually forgotten Classical work known as Erotikos Prohibitus Aigyptos ("Taboo Egyptian Erotica"); a compilation of "books" by an obscure Greek intellectual known only as Diodorus of Alexandria, who studied in Egypt during the First Century A.D.-- his sinecure coming from no less than the Roman emperor, Claudius I. Franco's excitement grew as he explained that the story told by these extraordinary scrolls was likely what the ancient scholar purported them to be-- a transliteration of Egyptian records (since lost) of libidinous nature concerning the legendary Atlantis and Amazons. "I believe these scrolls to be a genuine find," said Franco with beaming, earnest eyes. "It was thought the series was burned -- along with thousands of other more priceless volumes -- by religious fanatics during the final destruction of the Alexandrian Library. As with a lot of other ancient prurient writings, like Sappho's, we have but a few antique references to it -- in this case only the Church's -- which quite imply it would have been just the kind of execrative literature to have sent pious zealots into orbit... Well, by some ironic humor of the gods, a few scrolls of this banned work ended up getting hidden away in a Coptic monastery -- of all places -- until recently 'procured' by Muhammad's brother in Cairo..." He removed a stack of documents from the valise as the waiter brought us more coffee and pastry. "In fact, most people today would probably consider this story just as 'taboo' as did the Fourth Century prelates who ordered such stuff burned. Which, I suppose, necessitates I point out a couple of things straightway... In Classical times our idea of 'pornography' did not exist, and aberrant -- to us -- sexual behavior or customs were not seen then as something essentially or inherently 'wrong' or 'evil,' especially when it came to the use of slaves for carnal gratification or forbidding religious rituals. Also, what we consider adolescence today was almost 'middle-aged' for the average person in ancient times..." "Leave it up to you, Franco, to come up with some archaic kiddy porn?" I interjected, jokingly. "I had your predilections in mind all the while I was translating this, Tom." He drolly retorted; all of us laughing. "Seriously, gentlemen," he continued. "This record is not a contrivance to elicit kinky sexual excitement, albeit some of Diodorus' interpreting was probably a little 'romanticized' to insure his august patron would be well amused. Rather, it is a remarkable document about lost history connected with the Atlantis and Amazon legends that peculiarly happens to be contained in a memoir that also relates exotic sexual practices. It is the time, the places, people, events talked about that are extraordinary..." He paused to dunk his roll in his coffee, handing out copies of his work while doing so, then continued. "Translating these scrolls proved a fun if somewhat difficult challenge... Although Diodorus was Greek, he transcribed this in Latin for the emperor. His style was rather hyperbolized, probably deliberately so, and he employed many unusual mystical metaphors, cryptic word usages and extrinsic inserts. This was likely due in part to the fact that he presumably was reading directly from hieroglyphics-- which themselves were evidently a transcription from the writings of the original author. Also, he apparently saw no need to explain or define appellations and localisms that were then superannuated as his intended audience was assumed well-read enough to know them... So, rather than impose the clumsiness of a lot of footnotes and parenthesis and ruin the flow of Diodorus' work, I've included a kind of compendium with my translation-- to give the modern equivalent for ancient terms, names, places, etc., and, hopefully, to also aid in clarifying the apparent meaning of some of the esoteric suppositions intended... I deemed this necessary as even the educated person today is not likely to be familiar with most of the Egyptian and Classical words used -- even less the metaphysical ideas -- and a knowledge of these are essential to understanding both the historical and mystical aspects of the story... Anyway, I've tried to capture the spirit and essence of the texts and not just interpret the words..." Franco was kind enough to give me a copy of his translation to take home and read. It proved most interesting, to say the least. To wit:-- Tom Ryan San Francisco California USA fin de siecle 20th Century EROTIKOS PROHIBITUS AIGYPTOS The Tale of Azor the Atlantian The Amazon Queen's Slave Boy Celebration: The following mythos about the Atlantians and the Amazons was gleaned from the sacred registers of the priests of Sais preserved in the Ptolemys' wondrous Libraries at Alexandria, where I have been privileged to study under the august patronage of my dear childhood friend who is now, by a caprice of the Fates, Emperor of Rome: the divine Tiberius Claudius Drusus Nero Germanicus. May Jupiter and all the gods bless you, and may Fortuna have blessed me that you will find my work worthy of your charge. [signed] Diodorus Obiter Dictum: The following books, which I have called "Azor's Tales" after their author, is the story of the experiences of a noble Atlantian youth, following his capture by the Libyan Amazons, who dared to conquer his Atlantic island of Cerne in the days before the Pyramids stood in Egypt; about his bizarre nurture as the slave of their queen, Myrine, to serve as her satyr consort in the rituals to their goddess, Neith. Written at the end of his life, this memoria tells of events from that primordial time when the Titans and Titanesses still ruled Oceanus and the Atlas, and concerns the eccentric orgiastic practices of a race of now extinct African Amazons. Hence, I also include the following epitome of the preamble by the priests at Sais concerning this historia for your elucidation: Azor was the son of a aristocratic lineage of Atlantian priests, Fatefully becoming the last of his line as the cataclysmic events of his time brought about the end of the Titans' rule on the Atlantic. Myrine was the greatest and last queen of the primeval Amazons who originated East of the Atlas on islands in Tritonis, when it was still a lake. She was also the self-ordained High Priestess of Neith, the ancient Western Libyan goddess of wisdom and war; and as such her warriors followed her as the archetype of the goddess personified, believing their power came from Neith via the queen through the orgiastic rites employed to evoke it. This prurient magick -- their "Power of the Goddess" -- these peculiar Amazons believed, necessitated providing Neith with Eros so that the dynamikos with Psyche by which she empowered them could be manifested-- believing that through providing the goddess male sexual energy she would transfer it back to them, thus giving them the power of both male and female in combat. However, since these Amazons were of a Sapphic nature, they solved the problem of needing males to accomplish this thaumaturgy by capturing youths whom they would inure for the purpose. The taming of youths for performing in these orgies was accomplished through a alien discipline of priming which conditioned them to submit control of their orgasms to the will of the queen and her chieftain priestesses; because, they believed, it was only through an erect penis that the "Power of the Goddess" could manifest. Therefore, the longer a youth could be made to sustain an erection without ejaculation, the more dynamikos would be created for the goddess, and so the more they were empowered. Except for the youths they carefully selected from among those captured for the royal harem, no males were allowed to live in this oddly fierce gynandrian society. Indeed, any mature males captured in warfare were summarily executed; the surviving women and all small children sold off as slaves, except for promising young maidens who were kept to be raised as Amazons. Accordingly, any boy babies born to the queen and her court as a result of ritual coitus were dispatched; however, all girls born were kept and raised in accordance with their customs. Lastly, I have learned here that Neith is the same whom the Greeks transformed into Athene, the Minerva of the Romans; the worship of this goddess apparently brought to the Aegean via the Minoans of Crete, even from before the time of Rameses the Great and the Trojans of Homer. Indeed, the Egyptian historians and even Herodotus declare: "She was not born from Zeus as the Olympians say but of Poseidon's progeny through Triton, and is even said to have invented the ship..." "AZOR'S TALES" Book of the First - Prologue - In the days before Dionysus arrived in Egypt and brought the knowledge of the vine to the sea king Proteus at Pharos, and before the Libyan queens of the Nile Delta marched with him in the war against the Titans to restore king Ammon and so help establish the reign of the Keftiu on the Atlantic, there existed on Oceanus' side of the Middle-Earth-Sea, on the West side of the mountains sacred to Atlas, a race of people who were descended from the ten sons of Poseidon. These kingdoms knew well the secrets of Ocean, and with the blessing of Poseidon, Lord of the Seas, had been given mastery over the Atlantic; the Titan naming the ocean after his first born son, Atlas; and for whom the people named the tallest mountain in the region. Together, these cities and tribes held dominion over all the Atlantic islands and lands North and South, to the West of the columns built by Heracles in Gaderia, at the ancient cities of Gades and Tharsis; following the restoration of Ammon by Dionysus. These were the rulers of the Atlantic in the twilight days of the Titans' Age; who from countless generations before had developed a great and wonderful culture as sea traders-- carrying the gold, silver and copper of the Tartessians, the cattle, grain and olive oil of the Gaderians, the produce and fleece of the Atlas valley, the amber and furs of the Hyperboreans. Indeed, all the goods and wealth of the Atlantic lands and isles that could be shipped they transported to and from far away Atlantic ports North and South, including missions to the continent to the West; and from the East of their federation via the Keftiu, came goods from the Orient. These were the Atlantians, the most wealthy and civilized nation west of the Nile's realm in the days before Thoth built the greatest of the Pyramids to repose sciences when, following the Age of Ice, the time of great inundations drenched the land of the Kemi and damaged the Great Sphinx... - Cerne - The kingdom of these Atlantes where I descended from the athelings of Poseidon's youngest son, Azaes, was the Atlantic island of Cerne, who's city-state of the same name was renowned far and wide for its culture and civility as well as its wealth. The citizens of Cerne were well cared for and were governed justly by kings who were tempered by a publicly elected council, who in turn had advisors adept in the sciences and well appreciative of the Muses. Indeed, my city of Poseidon's progeny was the Queen of the Titans Atlantic culture: The Palace and Temple complex of Cerne was one thousand feet on a side and surrounded by a fantastic looking stone wall; which, like the stone work of the buildings, was enticingly gaudy in its white, black and red mosaic of colors. Most magnificent, however, was the Alta Temple of Poseidon, which dominated the site-- a structure of true Atlantian dimensions, with an abundance of gold and silver, amber and ivory. A colossal statue of Poseidon himself driving a chariot drawn by seven Pegasi arose from the great pool in the middle of the Temple, supported on a pedestal of golden dolphins. Supplying this pool was the god's hot and cold springs, which in turn fed the fountains that surrounded the Temple; the water which ran off being carried via aqueducts to the gardens and baths below the Acropolis to provide for the salutary pleasure of the citizenry. Beyond the Palace walls was a city remarkable in the number of stone buildings, with the stone of all important structures quarried so that at the same time they hollowed out the rock double within to form roofs of same. The fortress-like wall which surrounded the city was made of millions of stones in many rows: Covered on the inner platform with a coating of brass; on the top platform, coated with tin, were the battlements and statues of the great people of our history; the outer wall flashed with the red light of orichalcum-- all making for a natural source of delight and wonder, the glistening of which could be seen even from far out at sea. No less impressive was the city's Azaes' Harbor works, which could accommodate fleets of merchant vessels as well as providing naval stores and cargo warehouses. The docks and quays were accessed via grand canals made of stone that encircled the ancient metropolis, dividing it into circular zones that enabled even the largest ships to find ingress. The canals were bridged-over in the four places of the compass that aligned them with the Cardinal Directions, and their size and beauty of decoration were a marvel to behold, making passage from harbor or sea a awesome experience for both neophyte and seasoned sailors alike. Of special fascination were the bronze flood gates, which were opened and closed as needed using elephants trained to power the capstans. In the circuit formed by the innermost canal zone around the Acropolis was built the Circus; a race-course for horses. Between the Palace and the Temple was the Arena for the sacred bull fights of sacrifice to Poseidon. The city of my people was understandably as much envied as it was prized. Being the premier Atlantic mercantile port, the levies and taxes we collected well supplied us with great riches in both money and imported products, and with a copia of both cultivated and wild grains, produce and meats; and from our fishing fleets an amount of the fruits of the sea that was marvelous. Indeed, whatever good and luxurious things there are in the Earth that affords Mankind sustenance and pleasure we had in abundance. As would be expected with all the vessels and merchants coming from all parts, there was in my "City of The Golden Gates" a din of all sorts day and night; however, there was little trouble and rarely plague among Cerne's cosmopolitan population. Order and cleanliness were required and expected of citizens and visitors alike, with ships or persons suspected of carrying a pestilence being quarantined, if not burned. Most habitations within the City's walls, and all royal buildings, were provided with heating, fresh running water and sewage plumbing, even windows covered with translucent panes. There were more than sufficient craftsmen and artists, physicians and engineers, sages and bankers-- the whole range of Man's skills and knowledge to serve every human need and requirement. The stone streets were built with drains, constantly cleaned by prisoners, and lit at night with oil torches attended by public servants. They were also well policed by royal soldiers, who would dispense summary justice to the likes of thugs, petty thieves, and rowdies; arresting serious criminals for trial. But alas, this life of luxury for so many generations dissipated my people, and so being unable to bear our fortune as prudence would dictate, we became complacent and spoiled; the pleasures and security afforded by our power blinding us to the dangers of such intoxication. Hubris replaced wisdom and Poseidon saw the children of his son Azaes in a woeful plight... - The Amazons - From the East came Myrine, the greatest and last queen of an aberrant race of Amazons, who lived on and about the Great Lake of Tritonis before the antediluvian earthquake tore those parts of it which laid near Ocean asunder, draining it. This brilliant queen arose with her warriors to rampage across the lands West and South of the lake (before Dionysus treacherously defeated her, following his enlistment of her aid in taking the lands of Gadeirus). She had made herself leader of this force by defeating in personal combat the various Moon priestess chieftains of the matriarchal horse clans of that area, thereby creating a fearsome female horde numbering some quarter-million. The infamous success of their piratical raids and exploits of conquest these Amazons attributed to their worship of Neith, a dark side goddess of wisdom and war; whom they believed provided their power through the awful orgiastic magick they performed to manifest it (as practiced by the maenads of Pan in the days before his murder) using captured youths made educible to performing the needful required of these rites. Like Neith, Myrine was born on the Island Hespera, in Lake Tritonis. She was a fierce but venerable born queen who had captured all the towns on Hespera, as well as conquered the neighboring tribes and nomads of the Southern Desert. However, her longing ambition was to have Cerne, not only for the obvious reasons, but also to right the outrage once committed by Poseidon's errant progeny against the priestesses of Neith. To conquer my island people, Myrine and her tribe stealthily built a fortified encampment on a peninsula near Cerne. From this base, using chained log ships especially built for the purpose, she then made a surprise attack on my city with a Amazon force of thirty-thousand cavalry and three-thousand infantry, timing her campaign most portentously-- waiting until our fleet had put to sail on a trading expedition to the Western Continent, leaving the harbor virtually naked of defense. My people were stunned into total disarray and demoralized confusion by her attack; the populace was as soft as terrified and this, mixing with royal indignation and arrogance, resulted in the fateful military decision to foolishly send out our army and counter-attack the Amazons outside the safety of Cerne's walls. To incense us into attacking her was exactly what Myrine had hoped for, and to the horror of all Cerne, her forces proved awesomely more powerful and fierce, their strength on the battlefield being as decisive as cunning-- frequently it required two of Cerne's troops to fell one Amazon. All of the Amazons carried powerful bows, in addition to daggers, shields and the fearsome double-headed axe. They used their bows from horseback in a unique tactic: Feigning retreat to trick our forces into attacking, they ran them into a enclosing and confusing circular chase, during which they shot poisoned arrows at both men and horses with lethal accuracy; the horses of their cavalry being trained to kneel on command, as necessary, to allow a clear field of fire to their comrades in the next rank while reloading their bows. Also, their infantry were experts in the use of the sling, keeping up a constant bombardment of stone missiles that struck like a deadly hail; scattering the ranks of our troops. Thus, they annihilated with horrific speed; castrating any hapless survivors and eating their testicles before dispatching the moaning wretches with their axes. Alas, it was thus that the defense of Cerne was routed, leaving us doomed to plunder and rape by the Amazons. After Myrine captured Cerne, her forces immediately set about the task of razing the city's walls (saving the valuable metals); Myrine ordering that the city be renamed after herself. Then she and the Moon priestess chieftains that formed her court took up residence in the Palace, to engage in a prolonged orgy of celebration... - My Fate - Only youths they considered attractive and of promising educibleness were saved by these Amazons; most being selected from aristocratic families due to their superior breeding and learning. So it was that I, Azor, the only son of the High Priest, Atal, found myself imprisoned with dozens of other boys in a area beneath the Palace that had been hastily converted for our detainment. All of us had understandably been made dreadfully woeful by the Evil that had befallen us scions of the youngest brother of Atlas; many were sick with fear and melancholy: Our fathers had been murdered; our mothers, the rest of our families and friends were dead or enslaved; our people had been devastated; our beautiful city was being savagely sacked; our way of life was lost. Indeed, we were beside ourselves with apprehension as well as distraught; outraged beyond both words and tears, as aghast as utterly bewildered that Poseidon had so loathsomely allowed us to suffer such a cruel humor of the Fates. I, being the son of a Magus and raised stoically, had a strong constitution as well as a precocious nature, which enabled me to cope -- or at least bluff -- more bravely. Yet, I truly tried to see philosophically, as I had been taught, which strengthened the gifts of character I had been blessed with, allowing me to better shine through my suffering and so help those more overcome with despair. However, I could not help but be equally as effected by the gloomy atmosphere of sad hopelessness and dreadful portent that infected us all. Mercifully, we were allowed little time for broodiness-- being kept doing a long and unyielding daily regimen of gymnastics and the housekeeping, toilet and kitchen chores necessary to our subsistence, we usually dropped asleep too exhausted to even care the stone floor was cold and we were not allowed mat or covering. This condition, along with our circumstance of having been stripped naked and kept so since our capture, made cuddling natural, for succor as well as sharing the warmth of our bodies; which occasioned lads getting frisky and too familiar for our sentries, who would check such wanton play with a smarting lash or two across the butt by the quirt all Amazons carried. Repeat offenders in this regard would be humiliatingly forced to bugger each other for the vulgar amusement of the guards, and to our aghast. Fortunately, I was prudent enough to avoid having to suffer this abasement. Typical boyish horseplay or disobedience got one ten lashes. Otherwise, we were decently fed and further well cared for, albeit our treatment was hardly kind... - Queen Myrine - I am still awed remembering my first encounter with Myrine, the Amazon's great Queen: It was at once both an odious violation and a wonderfully sublime experience-- a diabolical yet divine alchemical transmutation. The memory will burn forever in my soul. I was taken from our makeshift barracks and marched along the back hall of the Palace that led to what had been the grand apartment of King Atlan's concubine (which I was to discover had been taken over by Myrine and her entourage). On the way, the captain of my escort tried to explain to me in broken Atlantian what was happening: It was now my turn for Myrine and her court to pass judgment on my fitness to be ordained into harem service. I did not know quite what to make of her words at the time, except that they made me expectant with a woeful sense of foreboding. She then told me it would be best to accept my Destiny with docility, and that I should consider myself divinely fortunate and rejoice that my gods had permitted me this deliverance. I found myself rather astonished by her words. (I should rejoice that Death had instead delivered me to this Doom?) My heart sank, pounding pitiably. I recalled those sailors stories I had heard about what happened to youths captured by Amazons. Although I was perspicacious enough then to realize that these were tall tales intended to frighten juveniles, my intuition now bemoaned otherwise. Silently, I frantically prayed my feelings were wrong; misdoubtful with woeful worry they were not. Then, the captain distracted me by starting to instruct me in court etiquette, allowing me to take pleasure in letting her know that I was, after all, the son of the High Priest, and so was not naive of how to act in the presents of nobility. Queen Myrine and her company were lounged around the molded gold table in the grand stone room, its wonderfully painted walls of nautical scenes and artistic furnishings ironic in contrast to the lusty savagery exhibited by these frightful women-- the atmosphere all very elegant and sophisticated, as would befit the salon of a royal courtesan, yet at the same time made captivatingly barbaric by the presence of these Amazons. Ardent afternoon light streamed between the blue stone columns that opened onto the patio; along with warm sea breezes, which freshened the air with the perfume from the Palace flower gardens and orchards below-- blessedly subduing the fumes from the lingering stench of Death rising from the City's still smoldering pyres. The Amazons looked enticingly exotic, dressed in their characteristic spiral eye emblazoned aegis and armor made from the skins of giant Libyan serpents, the latter adding a provocative elan to their forebodingness. The table was spread with a sumptuous repast, half eaten, and many urns of beer. In a word, Queen Myrine looked fabulous (especially so considering my age and perspective then). She was at once intriguing and fearsome, bewitching and awful, winsome and cruel: The expressive handsomeness of her face, her lanky but powerful physique, long henna mane, and especially her chatoyant green eyes, were as engaging as entrancing; and combined with the revealing rakishness of her costume, she was the most terribly exciting person I had ever been in the presence of (or ever will be in the presence of). I felt beside myself; yet, my youthful sense of curiosity could not be overcome and I found myself observing the scene with anxious, wide-eyed pensiveness. Suddenly, the guards harshly forced me to prostrate myself as the Queen arose. "Easy with him!" Myrine's voice sounded loudly. "Bruising a flower that is to bloom for Neith will get you raped by Our horse!" (She spoke Atlantian surprisingly well; which I soon realized from her manner was being spoken just for my benefit.) Whom I later learned was her Counsel General barked out with some unintelligible words and the guards knelt meekly before her; Myrine aloofly gesturing for them to rise. Then the captain of my escort took out of her pouch an ivory tablet, which was fitted with a golden stylus, and presented it to Myrine with appropriate protocol. I immediately recognized it as the record of my birth and life that my father had kept in the Temple vault. Myrine looked at it curiously. The guard began explaining something to her I tried to hear, but, as with the orders of the Counsel just spoken, it was in a tongue not understandable to me, even though I was conversant in several languages. "Stand, boy!" she softly commanded. "Let Us have a good look at you. We have been informed you are the one they say is a angel incarnate-- the one My sisters have been saving for Us to judge as Our new consort. Come! Let Us see if you are as We have been told." I arose to my feet sheepishly but determined to force myself to stand tall, proud, defiant. However, for the first time in my life I suddenly felt self-conscious being nude in public; impassioned more by a forlorn sense of vulnerability than emotions of shame. Alas, though I tried to act noble and not fearful or abashed, the pitiableness of my apprehension could not be disguised; despite my affected stoicalness, my countenance showed my feelings of distress and despair; dread expressed anxiously in my eyes. "Do not be so sullen! It does not become such loveliness as yours," scolded Myrine gently with a wry smile. "Indeed! You truly are a youth of divine pulchritude..." She began walking around me. "What naturally seductive charm you have, what ingenuous winsomeness. How huggably cute your cheering visage; how heart-robbing your impishly sapient if melancholy chestnut eyes; how pleasing your athletic but graceful physique and coltish long legs. The helical wisps of your downy mane, the sumptuousness of your glabrous complexion, they glow like old gold. And your manhood appears more than able, too..." I blushed, understandably; but I could hardly take her complements with any sense of endearment. I had never felt so dejected, so lost, so unprotected; the apprehension was becoming unbearable. For the first time I comprehended the woefullness on the faces of the naked captives I'd seen in the slave markets. "There is a story from the Eastern Lands which tells about a boy who must have been as infatuating as you... According to this tale, a king there fell in love with him, abandoned his wife and scandalized his court by making the boy his catamite... Would you rather the Fates had made you a king's paramour instead of a queen's?" She laughed mischievously. "Answer, boy!" "I, ah... I don't know, your Majesty." I replied, nervously. "You don't?! Well, not to worry, We have a better vocation planned for you... Indeed, you are so lovely that We are powerless but to desire you Our new consort, not as just another goat for the harem. We pray passionately you prove worthy of so servicing the Goddess. It would be truly tragic if you had to die now and deny Us the enjoyment of your pleasurableness..." I gasped. Again she laughed with sinister tenor. "Azor, son of Atal," the Queen read aloud from my record. "Well, that makes you even more special. Being the son of the late High Priest means you have some knowledge of the esoteric sciences. A understanding of magick will help you to fulfill your new Destiny to the greater satisfaction of Us all..." She kept walking around me, like a jackal; continuing to study my record with bemused interest. I kept my head bowed, as I knew was proper to do, yet I could not help but be aware of her lust (although I did not altogether understand the pathos at the time). "We can see you are hebetic-- which means you must be conscious of your sex?... Quit being bashful, boy! Answer Us!" "Yes! Yes, your Majesty! I, ah..." "Enough!..." She continued to read the tablet, therewith speaking aside to her Council. Then she looked at me with a vexing stare, her fiery eyes seemingly able to look straight into my soul. "Now comes the moment of Truth for Us both! You are a virgin, are you not!?" I was put blushingly askance by her question and stammered out my answer. "I, I... I have yet to lay with a women -- if that's what you mean -- but as you have noticed, my manhood has bloomed, of which I have become sentient in the way all boys do..." "Wonderful! Excellent!" She expressed the joyfulness of a girl getting her wish granted. "Praise be to Neith! The Goddess has seen fit to reward Us with this gift for Her... In gratitude, We will train you to serve Her well..." Myrine spoke with a sadistically pleased smile, looking at my genitals like a hungry lioness. My mind started to run crazy with fear, but by some bewitchment she dispelled it as she looked into my eyes again. "We are not going to hurt you, Azor-- not really. That would be a sin. The Goddess has revealed to Us, by allowing you as Our gift, that your seductive allurement was destined to serve the Goddess through serving Us, and so We will insure that you are properly cared for, for as long as you are suitable to please Her... Anyway, We hope you enjoyed your self- discovery, Azor, because from today forward that little plaything of yours now belongs to Us, and We relish the thought of disciplining it exquisitely so that you may serve Us properly." "No! I won't! I-- You have no right!" I unthinkingly blurted out; immediately realizing I shouldn't have, yet proud of my impulsive petulance. (Fate may have made me her captive, but I was of noble blood and so could not help but protest being treated as an ordinary slave, especially one to be used for the purposes she was implying.) "You have spunk! We like that..." She suddenly stepped forward and slapped me across my face. "But your spirit needs taming!" Although her ignoble blow gave me quite a start, it did not really hurt so much as it made me stomach my foolishness and re-focus on the reality of my situation. I glared my emotions back at her but otherwise kept stoic; bowing my head. "What impudence! It is you that have no right! The rest of your life is now by Our will and the Goddess' grace. You are Our slave, you have no choice now but to do Our bidding! So, never say 'No' or 'I won't' to Us again!" She paused, her smile insensibly kind, like that of a tutor after chastising a little child for some small transgression. "It is going to be fun Initiating you..." I could not help but glance up from moment to moment as she spoke, reflecting back her leers with a perturbedly anxious (and, I now realize, unwittingly coy) expression as her hypnotic eyes molested me with lecherous gazes, giving me a dreadfully uncomfortable sense of portent and helplessness; and yet, her powerfully seductive charisma was embracing me with a spell I could not (did not want to) resist. Assisted by her attendants, Myrine prepared an elixir of Ambrosia. "Here, drink this! It will facilitate opening you to experiencing the Goddess' Mysteries, that you may know them to desire and ascend to when you are serving as Her satyr through Me... She then smiled, quite dearly, and put the cup to my lips. I had never drunk Ambrosia before, but knowing what it was from my father, I hesitated. I was not exactly disposed to being put under its powers, especially now; however, entering the state of visions may, I thought, alleviate my suffering, and so I began to gulp the unpleasant tasting potion (What else could I do?). "That's enough, angel," she said, taking the chalice from me; swilling down the remainder of the concoction. "We don't want you to become unable to perform, or to quit on us too soon, and We don't want you to become sick and not enjoy your accession..." - My Initiation - Without warning, Myrine reached out and grabbed my penis. I was naturally quite shocked and recoiled with an appalled yelp. Indeed, I was as terrified as chagrined. Those sailors stories about the Amazons had my imagination wild again. "Oh! God! No!" I prayed aloud; yet, I found myself undesireously thrilled by her action and my organ uncontrollably started to swell. "You like this, I see! Your penis is quick to fill with energy for the Goddess... Let Us see if you are indeed mature enough to serve Her... Hold him!" I prepared for the worst as two guards grabbed me from behind by the arms and, twisting them up my back, held me uncomfortably on my toes; pushing my pelvis forward with their knees against my buttocks. Myrine smiled diabolically as she knelt down in front of me, almost as if she were genuflecting before an idol. The wildness of my fear and enrapture were all too obvious in my agape expression; pitiably, I struggled. "Now We shall see how well this virginal manhood of yours can perform..." She forced my legs wide apart; I responded with agog whimpers (I felt like kicking her but I knew it would only make my crisis worse). Then, to my utter and total mortification, she began to masturbate me; deliciously fondling my testicles and caressing my thighs as she stroked my embarrassingly eager penis, stopping only momentarily to dip her fingers in the bowl of olive oil on the table. The other women began to gather 'round to watch, expressing both keen interest and pleasure; which only made my sense of abasement more awful. "Ahh! No! Ohhh! By the grace of the gods-- Stop!" I begged, moaning, heaving, jerking, pouting with hopeless futility; my penis electrified as never before. Although being forced to so grossly display my virility in public in such a wanton way was utterly debasing, and somehow effeminatizing, her savage excitement of my genitals was nonetheless giving me fantastic feelings of pleasure I could neither deny nor wanted to. "Oh! Oh! Please!" I kept crying; tears welling up from my eyes; my tauten legs jigging with invigorated loins as my whole body began to stiffen in willing response to the ravishment. Crazed, I prayed to deny her the satisfaction of my orgasm, but she relentlessly continued her terribly exciting mischief and quickly my penis exploded in great discharges of semen. I lurched violently and screamed as I ejaculated, my still boyish voice wildly shrill in expressing my agony of ecstasy-- unbelieving that it felt so good, so thrilling, despite the abject defilement of it. She let go of my spurting organ and stepped back, obviously pleased. The company watching cheered and applauded. "Praise the Goddess! The leonine strength of your potency has confirmed you as Her new desiderium for Us!" exclaimed the Queen with grinning delight; all looking in approving agreement at my still quivering penis. I, panting frantically, was dizzy with dismay, ignominy, outrage; yet crazy with bewildering mixed emotions-- relieved the ordeal was over, fearful she would start again, wishing that she would. I was excited beyond my understanding and it somehow made me feel unbelievably alive. I prayed with disquieted murmurs. Tears ran down my cheeks-- partly out of fear, partly out of compunction, partly out of pleasure. "Do not cry, boy. Save your tears so that they may all be ones of Joy when you realize the ecstasy of serving as the Queen of Heaven's consort... Now we shall see if you can be played to the Goddess's satisfaction.." She clapped her hands. "Prepare him for his trial!" With this a group of guards began to pull a ominous-looking platform into the center of the room; a stage on rollers atop which was mounted a T- shaped cross of oak that stood about five foot tall. My sentinels wrestled me over to this sinister device and, with the aid of several comrades, lifted me up and bound me to the cross in the cruel five-fold manor-- which joins arms, head and legs together by arching the body backwards over the horizontal beam; hanging the torso on the cross-beam by bringing the arms up-over it and down behind one to the middle of the back, the legs then being pulled back and up to the arms, with the leather straps tying ankles, wrists and head together serving also to secure a gag. So stunned was I that I docilely accepted this painful bondage, having resigned myself; stoically fighting back my tears. Being crucified like this not only held one helpless in a excruciatingly uncomfortable and wretched position of lethal potential, it also forced execrable display of one's genital area, which only made more dreadful the insult and apprehension of the torment. Yet, despite the agony of being so grimly suspended, ecstatic anticipation started to intoxicate my mind and invigorate my body, somehow stimulating me in ways that I found strangely arousing. The idea of being powerless to suffer the ravishments of these ferocious women was -- as suddenly as inexplicably -- wildly exciting. Despite my fear and the savageness of my desecration, the expectation of what was about to happen to me was nonetheless terribly poignant. Pitiably, I contorted in futile attempts to make myself more comfortable; the muffled moans of my panting syncopating with my heaving chest; straining my cocked- back head up to see what was happening out of the corners of my frantic eyes Myrine, in the meantime, had stripped herself naked, and then came and stood before me, summoning the company forward; all eagerly jostling each other for space to watch the proceedings. Forgetting myself for a moment in natural youthful reaction, I stared bedazzled at Myrine's magnificent body; her tawny complexion shining sensuously in the diffused light. But all the leering eyes and expectant faces looking at me cruelly focused my mind back to the awfulness of my predicament. How abashed I felt being so monstrously displayed in front of these women, even though they were barbarians. The agony and humiliation of being so wantonly exhibited, as with my feelings of terror and excitement, all were becoming unbearable-- the ultimate discomposure being unable to control my bladder any longer and so urinating, to howls of laughter. However, the Ambrosia was starting to do its work-- I was dizzily starting to sense apart from myself and the reality surrounding me, and my aching body felt less acute. Drums began to beat, augmenting the effect. "As a vehicle of Eros for the Goddess, Azor, your penis becomes for Psyche as a lone oak to lightning; so you must be taught to control your sex, for the longer you can maintain an erection without orgasm, the more Power is created for Her, and so the more She empowers Us..." Myrine's words were (at the time) perplexing due to my innocence, but I did have some idea of what was being implied and it put me aghast with woeful apprehension. "For you, Azor, being Initiated into Our service will also serve as your ordination as my satyr priest consort, and so you must be awakened to the meta-psychics as well as experience the discipline of being the Goddess' transformer, which the Ambrosia will insure... To accomplish this, We will conduct your Initiation in this wise: For the length of time it takes this candle to burn out -- which will take longer than you will be able to intromit or endure -- We are going to play you as an instrument for the Goddess by having Our way with you, as both instructive and pleasurable amusement. Understand this will be excruciating pleasure for you, Azor-- for you will be continuously forced to orgasm until you become impotent or faint away into Her release-- or die!" She laughed with sadistic pleasure. "Enjoy your baptism into the Mysteries of Our Goddess, my new flower, and from it realize Her Rapture..." My heart ached, beating so fast I thought I would die. How could Poseidon have forsaken me to this Fate? I had never felt so alone, so afraid, so abased, so angry, so helpless-- so alive with excitement. I began to feel strangely exhilarated and everything began to take-on a rosy crystal hue. I felt I was going to go mad and strained daftly against my bounds; my gag stifling my mournful cries. I kept praying to myself with gasping moans; heaving, twisting, begging pathetically as Myrine began to titilatingly caress my body; massaging with olive oiled hands-- beginning with the my shoulders and breasts, down my torso to my waist, then my legs and arms, finally my thighs and hips; her tickling fingers sensitizing me with awful enjoyment. For reasons I did not then understand, she was careful to avoid my genitals, but my penis nonetheless swelled quickly. "Ohhh! Gods of my father, help me! Pleeease!" I choked unintelligibly. The surrounding company began mocking my wretchedness with jeers as eerily beautiful music began to fill the air. "Erotic stimulation must be loving as well as mischievous," Myrine said, continuing her monstrous instruction of me while being dramatically aware of her role as High Priestess to preach theology to her court. "And, while you undoubtedly do not understand now, Azor, it is most important that you enjoy, too... We must become as one in mind and senses because the Goddess may empower Us only through the pleasure of the discipline... You must learn to suspend yourself at the threshold of orgasm, to balance between ecstasy and agony, agony and ecstasy-- to cause the dynamic that creates the Energy that sustains Her, so that She may sustain Us. You must be able to let Us draw this Energy through your penis for Her for as long as it pleases Us... So it is that the Goddess has revealed to Us the techniques of discipline We now use to enlighten you to Her Wisdom..." I could not believe the sensations that overcame my body and intoxicated my mind as Myrine started molesting me again-- at once grossly abasing and deliciously pleasurable. She was adept in the techniques of sexual arousal; indeed, she was wickedly skillful, playing my penis with divine inspiration-- knowing, as if able to feel my feelings, when to stop and start stroking, and whether it should be fast or slow, thereby keeping me torturously suspended at the threshold of orgasm. Her masterful teasing, tickling, massaging of my genitals was such a profoundly tormenting experience of pleasure that my whole being felt ready to explode and I became quite animated with agonizing ecstasy. Then, suddenly, she stopped; leaving me as exasperatedly relieved as sorely frustrated. It was then I noticed that her court was in the process of stripping themselves naked; laughing and swilling beer as they did so. The tempo of the exotic music started to become more passionate; the percussion of the drums and rattles stirring the sounds and rhythms of the horns, strings, flutes-- all accented by the barbarous warble of their shrill caterwauling, which they made by rapidly wiggling their tongs as they yelped. As the others began to dance, Myrine took the long strip of leather she had secured from a guard and began binding my genitals. I gasped with a start; moaning woefully, struggling hopelessly as she wrapped the cord fast around the base of my scrotum and still pulsating penis-- binding each of my testicles separately so that each was held in a tight, firm bulge. Understandably, having my genitals restrained like this proved as uncomfortable as shocking (and to my bewildered surprise, even more exciting than unpleasant). To add to this torment of pleasure, I was now beginning to experience a dazzling exhilaration from the Ambrosia, becoming wonderfully uplifted and feeling like I was about to fly, as in a dream: Everything began to become surreal and otherworldly-- the colors and light from all that I could see becoming ever more brilliant and translucent. Again Myrine began on me-- gently squeezing my aching testicles while stroking my now throbbing hard penis; which she had lubricated again. This time, however, due to my organ being bound as it was, the pleasureablness of the molesting was rendered even more excruciating in intensity. My penis, like my testicles, had swollen so hard it looked blue; suffering with overwhelming pleasure. To my anguished and perplexed surprise, I realized the cord restraining my genitals not only kept my penis painfully hard but also inhibited my reaching orgasm. I frantically thought for a moment that this would help me to transcend the ravishment, but I quickly realized being kept from ejaculation like this was also provoking a passion that was becoming awful. I felt like vomiting but couldn't; I wanted to die but the gods would not let me. They began to dance around us; lissomely bounding with each other like graceful monkeys in heat; swaying their bodies to the music with lewd gestures; rubbing their breasts and wombs together as they gyrated their pelvises; kissing each other wantonly as they embraced; caressing each other with lusty delight; even titillating each the other's vaginas and anuses with their tongs. Remarkably, despite being as dazed as crazed, I could not help but view their wanton frolic with libidinally curious amazement, having never seen such love making before. Then, to my unbelievable shock, Myrine -- her impish smile Circeanly enthralling -- started lubricating my rectum with olive oil, thrilling me awfully; then grossly shoved a finger into my anus and began wiggling it, thrusting it in and out of me with the rudeness of a dog on a bitch. My squealing sounded like a muzzled pig; limbs painfully taut; my whole body twitching uncontrollably. As she defiled me in this manner she also began stroking my penis faster, and to my woeful aghast I found this raping made me aware of bestial pleasures that (then inexplicably) excited me in ways I (then) thought perverse. ("Is this what a girl feels when she gets mounted?" I remember myself naively wondering in my delirium.) It was the final exasperation. I was forced beyond more than I could endure and convulsed again in orgasm, giving out with loud moans of anguished pleasure as I did so. Yet, my ejaculation was mean; the binding of my genitals painfully restricting discharge and uncomfortably preventing my throbbing penis from relaxing, causing a moanful ache to spread from my compressed testicles throughout my groin. They all gave out with their wolf-like warbling yells; the savage sound of the music was hypnotic. I gasped in terror and began to feel chilled, yet I was sweating profusely; my stretched limbs ached desperately, my fingers and toes began to tingle with numbness. "Ahh, poor pretty one..." Myrine spoke slowly while beginning to stroke my organ again; massaging my still puckering anus. I groaned pitiably; so stupefied and dreadful with expectation I could only twitch in protest. Blessedly, my consciousness was now half in Morpheus's realm (which must be the reason I remember these events so vividly) and so the dreadfulness of my confused surprise as the Queen invited her court to set upon me excited me weirdly. I began to bawl like a baby; I was so humiliated, so terrified; faint with pain as I reflexed so tight against my bounds that I thought I would dislocate my limbs; my senses [electrified] beyond [made transcendental to] sense. Looking at me with amused sympathy, Myrine stopped her tormenting and motheringly embraced me, yet kissed me lustily; her smiling expression loving yet baneful. Sweat mingled with my tears as I gasped for air between my gagged sobs. Why I did not faint then, I do not know. "You may come forward now, Cona," called out Myrine. To my embarrassed yet wondering surprise, a nude girl about my age appeared from the background. She was quite comely and nubile, and although timid in her approach, she kept glancing at me with a coy smile, making me blushful in my anguish. The two embraced and then, to my utter and aghast astonishment, the girl put her hands on my shoulders, pulling herself up onto the cross with me and, lithely supporting herself on one leg while raising the other and wrapping it around the back of the vertical post at my waist, balanced herself and inserted my penis into her womb; holding my head by the ears as she did so. I impulsively tried to resist, gagging with muffled moans as she began gyrating her pelvis. She led me with the fervor of a dancer possessed, riding me like a jockey bereft of reason. I began to go wild with a most exquisite sensation of pleasure that overwhelmed my agony. (Funny, I can still well remember my boyishly giddy sense of passage in being deflowered, despite the grossness of the experience.) In due time, she spent me again; she climaxing with a wild howl. Panting heavily, she then dismounted me, her gratified expression effulgent; grinning, she said something in a pleasant voice I could not understand. "Sisters!" Announced Myrine. "Take your pleasure with him!" My heart sank as the hooting and hollering band began violating my helpless body; my suppressed begging and pleading apathetically ignored. They abused me in the most profane manor-- raping me with gross phalluses, taking my penis into her mouths, fondling my testicles gruffly yet gently caressing my thighs and breasts, licking my anus, mounting me in fiendish passion, tickling, teasing, molesting my naked anatomy and genitals in every abominable way. It became more than flesh and blood could bear. I went utterly and wretchedly delirious; my muffled cries sounding like the growling barks of a mad dog. Then, mercifully, the Ambrosia allowed me to enter into the gods' realm. I began to feel utterly transcendent and euphoric. Everything -- the reality surrounding me -- appeared to be leaving; a metamorphosis as in a dream. Suddenly, my sensational awareness became supraliminal and my body began to shake, then glow, then liquefy and melt as I flew out of it amid brilliant colors-- my soul out-flowing into her Goddess in a ecstasy of stupefying bliss beyond the limits of the Natural World, being wholly mingled with, absorbed and engulfed in the Goddess Rapture. Joyfully, I let myself go; finding I could levitate myself at will and gigglingly floated above my body, free from its unbearable sensations and the World reality that was happening; being held to Earth only by the gossamer cord that acted like a umbilical between the metaphysical me and my physical self. Words and sounds became seen, colors and shapes tasted, sensations smelled. Wonderfully, first the eye, then the form of a hawk materialized to me, and unwitting it was the agent of assumption, I took up after it, spiraling upward out of the Palace and away from Cerne toward the most brilliant Sun I had ever seen, dazzelingly awful as it radiated in all the colors of the Rainbow; which engulfed me, sending my soul to sleep in the bosom of Elysium... * * * End: Book of the First * * * __________________________ [English translator's note: The last two paragraphs above are a classic description (in Egyptian terms) of a mystical and/or "out-of-body" experience. The eye/hawk is the symbol manifested of Horus, the messenger of Ra: Horus = (the instrument or vehicle of) Thoth/Hermes/Mercury (the agent of Divine Wisdom and transmutation); Ra = the Sun (i.e., the manifestation of the Universal Energy in the World.)] ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Attachment Re: Erotikos Prohibitus Aigyptos ENGLISH TRANSLATOR'S GLOSSARY & LEXICON ________________________ Aegean: The sea area of the Mediterranean east of Greece; historically speaking, the Bronze Age civilization of the islands there. aegis: Classically speaking, a shield or breastplate emblematic of majesty associated with Zeus; however, ancient Egyptian/Northwest African legends attribute the device to Athene (Neith). Additionally, the (Greek) name referring to the goatskin vaginal covering or loincloth worn by the maidens of several prehistoric tribes (until relatively recently by some in Northwest Africa); in the religious or magical sense specifically referring to the spiral-maze design emblazoned on the area covering the genitals (of which the meaning is believed to have included "taboo"). Also used by some Classical Era writers in describing the (apparently equivalent) article of clothing worn by Amazons. Amazons: The name given by Herdotus and later Classical historians to various matriarchal horse warrior cultures (which are now being discovered to be actual and not fabulous). There are two major groups described: ones that came out of the steppes into the area of the Black Sea; the other associated with Northwest Africa as the "Libyan 'Amazon' Queens." They are also mentioned in Classical Greek mythology/legend regarding the exploits of demigods like Heracles and Dionisyus; most of these stories seemingly relating to peoples/events prior to 2,000 B.C. Contrary to both Classical and modern popular image, these were likely not societies of female barbarians; rather, nomadic warrior cultures of horse clans ruled by queens. The name means closer to "Moon Women" and not the absurd amputated or bared breast (to better able to shoot a bow) notion of Victorian translations; which makes sense as the extant Classical records moreover attribute Moon worship to them, in addition to their being horse clans of female warriors who were often described as powerful and fierce, but not quite as crazed lesbian savages who cannibalized captured youths after ritually procreating with them. Such wild behavior imputed to Amazons is virtually certain fiction; possibly having some inspiration in the prehistoric (pre-Classical) orgiastic rites of Pan, at the culmination of which the maenads were said to sacrifice the satyr in such eucharistic exchange. Most likely the reviling of "Amazons" and the discrediting of stories about them has more to do with the male God/patriarchal nature of our Greco-Roman/Judeo-Christian heritage. There were many ancient pre- Classical cultures that were matriarchal -- in which God was Earth Mother and entitlements, property, ruling power, etc., were only inheritable through the female line -- and so as such customs/ideas would have been anathema in the minds of all the translators' versions we have, it is likely we have a prejudiced interpretation. Ambrosia: In the most ancient use/meaning/sense: a potion originally made of beer (later wine) and hallucinogenic or psychedelic mushrooms (often ergot); to induce divine visions at orgiastic rites, and as part of some initiation ceremonies into Mystery Schools. Certain Classical references identify its first use with the time of Pan and his orgies (2,000+ B.C.), but from almost as early it is also associated with Dionysias and his rites via this god's connection with wine. Ammon: A king mentioned in Classical myth/legend linked with the exploits of Dionysius; professedly, a prehistoric ruler of Spain (2,000+ B.C.). Athene: Meaning "Queen of Heaven." In the Olympian canon of Classical Greek/Roman myth/legend, the goddess of wisdom and war who was said to have been born out of the head of Zeus; however, this version of her story is a contrived re-write by the later Greeks-- according to older Egyptian and other sources she originated from Poseidon's family in Northwest Africa, where she was called Neith. Her worship there dates from the earliest prehistory and is thought to have been brought into the Aegean via Crete at least as early as 3,000 B.C. (where her matriarchal nature was later changed into a patriarchal one). Tangentially, she is also related to the Moon, the Amazons, horse cult clans, and is even said to have invented the ship. Called Minerva by the Romans. Atlan: A prehistoric Atlantic king unknown (at least to me) outside of this chronicle. Atlas: (Atlantes - Atlantians - Atlantis): In the pre-Classical myths/legends of Northwest Africa and Spain (as is being considered here) Atlas was the first great sea king, the first son of the Titan Poseidon, "after whom the ocean was called Atlantic, the people Atlantians, their lands and islands Atlantis." (Egyptian priest quoted by Plato.) Also, the Atlas Mountains are named for him; said to be his home. As with Athene, et al, his story as related in the Olympic canon has been "transformed" to suit their (later) beliefs/views/purposes. The various ancient records still extant (Plato's is only the most famous of many) about an "Atlantis" or Atlantic located peoples/places can no longer be summarily dismissed-- discoveries in recent years show High Neolithic/Megalithic and Copper/Bronze Age cultures in Western Europe and North Africa from at least 3,000 B.C.; and there is now more than a little evidence that some of them made voyages to the Americas from well before the Greco-Roman era. Most likely the cataclysmic end to this prehistoric civilization given in Plato's account is based on or confused with what he learned concerning the volcanic explosion that destroyed the island of Thera at Crete (c. 1,600 B.C.); a major cause in the demise of the great Minoan civilization (who are known to have sailed on the Atlantic). The idea of Atlantis as a "lost continent" and/or it being the civilization before (or of) the Biblical Flood is essentially a creation of Nineteenth and early Twentieth Century theorists who's prejudices led to exaggerated assumptions and interpretation of the relative data then available. Fiction about it being a prehistoric civilization with the likes of laser beams and levitation machines is just that-- fiction. Atlantes is but one of many variations on the Atlantic name used by Classical scholars; specifically in this case, people on the Atlantic side of the Atlas Mountains (essentially what is Morocco today). Cerne: The name of an island in the Atlantic given by many Classical writers in connection with Atlantis or Atlantic peoples, and in association with Northwest African Amazons. The legends concerning Cerne well indicate it was esteemed as a place of old civilization, but there is still arguement today over its exact location; most plausibly it is the present island of Arguin just south of Cabo Blanco. It is recorded the great Carthaginian navigator Hano was admiral of a colonizing expedition to a Cerne (c. 600 B.C.), but true to the Carthaginians code of keeping "trade secrets," he was coy about its whereabouts, indicating only that it was a considerable voyage beyond Gibraltar. Claudius I: (Tiberius Claudius Drusus Nero Germanicus): Roman emperor; lived 10 B.C.- 54 A.D.; ruled 41-54 A.D. (the "good" emperor between Caligula and Nero). Coptic: (Copt/s): Anthropologically speaking, an Egyptian descended from the ancient native race and/or their language; the ancient Monophysite Christian church of Egypt (believed to be the oldest continuously surviving sect from the earliest days of Christianity). Crete: The major island in the Eastern Mediterranean; east and south of Sicily. The home of the renowned Minoan civilization of the Keftiu, which dates from about 3,000 to perhaps 1,000 B.C. Dionysus: Traditionally, the god of wine and revelry among the later Greeks (the Roman Bacchus); however, the oldest (evidently pre-Classical) stories concerning Dionysus also portray him as a princely general who was a diplomat and commander of great military exploits; using Amazons as allies in some of his campaigns; warring against them in others. Because he is said to have first introduced Man to the mystical properties of hallucinogenic fungi and intoxicating beverages, he is also associated with all orgiastic rites of ecstasy; and with the arts, particularly drama and music. dynamikos: The Greek word from which we get "dynamic" and "dynamo." As used here there is also implied divine energy, "the Force," if you will; the metaphysical power of creation innate in the opposing nature of the duality of the Universe (as in Yin-Yang, Male-Female, Positive-Negative, Action- Reaction, etc.). Elysium: For the ancient Greeks, their Eden; the paradise of just souls. Eros: Conventionally, the god of sexual love in Classical mythology (Cupid); drolly expressed in Greco-Roman art as a voluptuous, impish youth with an erect penis. Philosophically, the dynamism of Eros-- Love in all of its forms-manifestations-experiences-varieties, both carnal and spiritual; that which permits transcendence and inspires noble deeds; male sexual energy in both its sensual and divine forms. (Read the myth of Eros and Psyche.) Fates: Simply, the beings in Classical mythology who cast or interfere with one's life-fortune-destiny; sort of the cosmic forces that control the Uncertainty Principle. Some correlation can be made with the Hindu concept of karma in that as Fate is created it can also be changed. Gades: Perhaps the oldest name of the area of present day Cadiz, Spain; specifically in ancient times the appellation given to what is probably the present offshore island of Leon. Prehistoric Cadiz was apparently the Atlantic port of the Guadalquivir River, which connected it inland to what is now Saville; the Andilucia area evidently being one of the "Atlantian" kingdoms of the Titans, whom the Olympic heroes warred against. This may be the site of the original Pillars of Heracles; ruins of one of the most ancient temples to him stand there. Gadeirus: (Gaderia - Gaderians): According to the Northwest African and Iberic traditions related by the Egyptians and others, Gadeirus was the twin brother of Atlas; his land thus called Gaderia; his people Gaderians. By Roman times the name became Iberia (Spain). Heracles: Hercules in Latin; perhaps the most celebrated of the demigod heroes in Greek myth/legend, who's "Labors" included waging wars against the Titans with the aid of the Minoans; and campaigns against the Amazons. In pre- Classical Northwest African and Iberian traditions he is said to have been related to Atlas and founder of the present city of Saville, Spain. Hermes: (See Thoth.) Hespera: An island said to have once existed in Lake Tritonis; held to be the birthplace of Athene in prehistoric Libyan tradition; also, said to have been the home of the great Amazon queen, Myrine. Horus: In simplest terms, the god that is the eye of Ra (God); manifested/represented as a hawk or falcon. Hyperboreans: A.k.a. as Phaeacians; one of the ancient names for the prehistoric tribes/cultures of Northern and Western Europe. Keftiu: (See Crete.) Kemi: The ancient name for Egypt; means "(land/people of the) Sacred Earth." In addition to the obvious connection with the fertile Nile Delta, the esoteric implication is "Earth" in the sense of Earth Mother, who enabled these people to become "Sacred," i.e., wise. In old Arabic this became al- Kemi "(the estate/knowledge of) the people of the Sacred Earth"-- from which we got our word "alchemy." Libyan: (Western Libyans): For the Egyptians and for many Classical writers, the area/peoples of North Africa west of Egypt to the Atlas Mountains. Mercury: (See Thoth.) Minoans: (See Crete.) Myrine: According to Classical accounts, the last, fiercest and greatest queen of the Libyan Amazons; who, after allying with Dionysus in his war against the Titans, was later betrayed and defeated by him. magick: I have used this old spelling herein to differentiate its intended meaning from stage magic or theatrical illusion; "magick" as used here implying the psychological/spiritual affect/effect of occult manipulation of supernatural forces. Moon: (Moon priestesses): From the earliest times the Moon has always been identified with Woman (the Sun with Man). Priestesses of the Moon were still honorable in Greco- Roman culture and were revered in many pre-Classical societies. The Moon, in conjunction with Earth Mother, was a major concept in the religions of many prehistoric matriarchal communities and horse clans, including the Amazons, who venerated the "dark side" aspect of the goddess. Middle-Earth-Sea: The Mediterranean (literal meaning of the word). Muses: Traditionally, the goddesses who inspire the Arts (music, dance, poetry, etc.). maenads: Essentially, the female equivalent of a satyr; the priestesses of Pan and/or Dionysus who conducted and participated in the orgiastic rites to these gods. (The Bacchae of the Romans.) Neith: (See Athene.) orichalcum: Literally, "mountain copper;" old name in reference to the ancient mineral production of Spain and Morocco. Orient: In ancient times, the Orient generally meant Egypt and everything east of it to India, including Persia. Oceanus: (Ocean): In traditional Classical myth, the god who was all of the world's seas (the Ocean outside the Mediterranean). In pre-Greek legend, the Titan who's region was on the west coast of Spain; hence, his name became associated or confused with Atlantic. Olympian/s: The cosmological history of the ancient Greeks that became Classical myth/legend; believers/followers of the Olympic religion, which is thought to have begun about 2,000 B.C. when the uncivilized patriarchal tribes from the north invaded the Greek peninsula and conquered the more advanced (and apparently matriarchal) Pelasgians. Psyche: In simplest terms, the complementary female contrast of Eros-- the mind-spirit-soul of Man; that which gives both reason and compassion to desire . The goddess wife of Eros. Poseidon: In the prehistoric traditions of the Western Mediterranean (whom the Greeks later appropriated and re-wrote to suit their cosmology) Poseidon was the Titan or Lord of the Sea; who, along with the other Titans, founded civilizations in the primeval time. His part of the Earth was the Atlantic areas of Northwest Africa and Europe. (See Atlas and Gadeirus.) Proteus: A legendary king who governed ancient Pharos. Pharos: In pre-Classical times the (then) island port (located at what later became Alexandria) that facilitated the great trade between Egypt with Crete; destroyed by an earthquake, probably around 2,000 B.C. In Classical times, the site of the great Lighthouse of Alexandria; also destroyed by an earthquake. Ptolemy/s: The Macedonian general of Alexander the Great; who's heirs became the last dynasty of Egypt and built Alexandria. The celebrated Cleopatra was the last of the Ptolemys. Pan: Traditionally, the pre-Classical primeval Nature god of the forest and herdsmen who made music; the bestower of Joy expressed/manifested by gratification of excited libidos inspired with intoxicated revelry. He came to represent in the Classical canon the feralness of the previous folk religions; probably because the maenad depravity associated with his rites was anathema to the Olympians. Hence, Pan is the only god to die in Greek myth; murdered. It is said his scream upon death shook the Earth, terrifying Mankind; thus giving us our word "panic." Many of his attributes and customs associated with him were later incorporated into Dionysian rites. His image as a goat-man with horns made him the model for the Christian Devil. We still evoke his memory whenever we say someone is "horny." Ra: The Egyptian god of the Sun; the chief deity of historical ancient Egypt. Ramesses the Great: Ramesses II (reigned 1292-1225 B.C.); considered by many to have been the greatest Egyptian ruler and the pharaoh of the Exodus. Sais: An ancient Egyptian complex (still to be excavated) that existed in the Nile Delta until the decline of the Classical era. It was noted as a center of learning sacred to Neith/Athene (the goddess said to have been the founder of the place in prehistoric times). Many ancient philosophers are noted to have both studied and worshipped at Sais, especially before Alexandria's Library became the mecca for scholars; including Plato, which is where he got his story of Atlantis. Sappho: A brilliant female aristocrat and poetess of ancient Greece who was celebrated for the (hence) lesbian life she enjoyed at her villa on the Aegean island of Lesbos. Alas, virtually all of her work was burned by the early Church due to its prurient nature satyr: Traditionally seen as the wantonly lewd aspect of male lust drolly expressed; the impishly frisky males with large erections in Dionysian plays or lecherously chasing boys and girls at Bacchanalia. Originally, a proxy Pan; a youth selected/seduced by the maenad priestesses to be ravished and debauched in their sacred orgies. Thoth: According to ancient Egyptian tradition, the legendary god-teacher who came into the prehistoric Nile and taught/founded sciences and hieroglyphic writing; the god of (who facilitates) Divine Knowledge. He became the Greek Hermes; the Roman Mercury. Titans/Titanesses: In the oldest of the myths/legends preserved by Classical scholars still extant, these were the "Lords," the First Families, so to speak, of civilizations (the primeval or prehistoric cultures of the pre-Classical Mediterranean world; e.g., Poseidon and Atlas). Tritonis (Lake): (Triton): From/after Triton. In ancient times, a large lake, or possibly bay, in what is now the area of Tunisia/Algeria. Classical authors refer to many ancient historians concerning it; one saying it was drained by an earthquake. It was largely a marsh land by Roman times and is virtually extinct today. Said to be the birth place of Neith/Athene; and the (islands once there) also home of the Libyan Amazons. Triton was the scion of Poseidon who acted as his herald. Tharsis: The ancient (pre-Classical) native name for Saville, Spain; who's traditions say was founded by Heracles. Tartessians: As used here, the lands/peoples of the ancient Andilucian area of Spain. Western Continent: Succinctly, the Americas. Zeus: The chief god or king of the Olympian cosmology (the Roman Jupiter). * * * ________________________________________________________________________