"I don't think we can see each
other any more," Bonnie said. Out of the blue.
Without segue, or even a softening glance. They were sitting in Laura's car outside
Bonnie's apartment house in Oakland.
Bonnie stared straight ahead, out the
You let me give you a ride home so
you could tell me we can't see each other any more? Laura wanted to ask her
testily, as she tried to recover from her initial shock. She swallowed and tried to keep her pulse
from accelerating further.
"Why?" Then, before Bonnie could answer: "Don't tell
me. Meredith doesn't like you seeing
Bonnie looked
straight ahead. Laura wanted to
devour her. She couldn't remember a
moment in her life exactly like this, but she knew it was true that if a person
rejected you, you thereupon wanted that person more fiercely than ever. She had first known Bonnie as a shy,
self-effacing but unaffected and gorgeous little sandwich shop girl with a
fantastic ass and high cheekbones that made Laura's pussy turn to soup. As a favor to Laura, Nyomi had got Bonnie a
job with the city's Redevelopment Agency, and taken a direct interest in
getting her to 'dress for success,' and since then Bonnie in her crisp white
blouses and neat tailored skirts and tennis shoes with white ankle socks had
become a thrilling beacon of lust to Laura.
Sitting here now, staring at her profile and wanting to lick every inch
of her smooth black skin, as smooth as a baby's bottom, and velvet to the
touch, Laura could only struggle to get a handle on her physical desire.
Meredith was a co-worker of
Bonnie's at the RDA whom Laura had christened (only to herself) 'Butch Blondie'
after seeing them together one afternoon, walking to the BART station. Evidently, she thought sourly, the woman had
some charms that were not visible on the surface. She fucks my darling and makes her happy! she thought with a sudden squirt of hot jealousy.
"You're right, she don't," Bonnie
broke through Laura's reveries. "She
thinks you're using me."
"Using you!" Laura was outraged.
Bonnie turned her head and smiled
at her, as if they both knew Laura was a big fraud. "I didn't say it wasn't . . . fun," she said,
after searching for a word.
"I'm not using you!" Laura
insisted, a little too vehemently.
Bonnie did not stop smiling, though
it wasn't a mean or superior smile. "I
didn't say I didn't like it," she repeated.
"But . . . it makes things kind of difficult. With her."
"Just tell her to get over it,"
Laura snapped. Honestly! This cunt!
Telling my honey who she can see and who she can't.
Bonnie didn't flinch. "She loves me."
"She loves you," Laura chortled dismissively. "Right."
"She does."
"So that gives her the right to say
you can't see me?"
Laura realized there was a cloudy
film of incipient tears in her eyes. Was
this her usual stab at cheap manipulation, which she knew she was capable of at
such moments? Or was it a genuine
upwelling of real emotion, real loss?
Bonnie put a hand on her arm. "Look, Laura.
You got your wife Makeeda. Right? And you got
Nyomi. You don't see me that much any
more anyway. Right? I . . . got myself a honey, just like you
do. You even told me not to wait around
just in case you get free. I can't just
sit up there waiting for you to have time for me. You see?"
Laura nodded, sniffling.
"It don't
mean I'm not grateful for everything you did for me. Getting me this job and
And how about fucking you to ninth heaven about a hundred times! Laura
wanted to flash back at her. Control
yourself, Laura, you petty jealous little shit, she thought. You are despicable. "Nyomi got you the job," she said, wearily,
feeling a dull ache inside her chest.
"She did it because you asked
her. We both know that." Dead silence.
"Anyway . . . maybe I better go."
Bonnie started to open the door of
the car to exit.
"No. Wait."
Laura touched her arm. Just the
feel of Bonnie's smooth skin against her fingertips was enough to elevate her
lust meter into the stratosphere at a moment like this. I'm losing her! I'll never have her again! I want her so badly! I want to hold her, and kiss her!
Bonnie turned her head back,
"One . . . last kiss," Laura said,
in a desperate stab at something, anything to keep her there. It was all so final.
Bonnie shook her head. "Can't do it." She smiled.
"You know I can't do it."
"Why? Because then you'll want me?"
Bonnie nodded. "Ain't easy, you know. Saying this to you."
Laura slowly nodded back. "I know."
She patted her arm. "Go. Have a good life. I . . . I'll really miss you."
Now Bonnie's eyes
welled up with brief tears, even though Laura's had vanished without spilling
moments earlier. "Me too."
Then she scooted out of the car and
shut the door behind her, walking away toward the entrance to her building
without looking back.
For ever after this, Laura would
wonder how she got home. How she drove
there without knowing what she was doing.
It was so strange that little Bonnie would have this effect on her. She adored her, of course, and was truly
stricken by this development, but Bonnie had never been a Sara, or Makeeda, or
even a Nyomi or Deshona, to her. That
she should feel so cast aside, so suddenly irrelevant, was a big blow not only
to her ego but to her deep affection for the girl. Part of her already hated Bonnie for allowing
herself to be so easily stolen by another. The better part of her, however, smiled over
the bittersweet knowledge that Bonnie now apparently did have someone who 'loved'
her, which Laura would never do, it was clear.
At least not in the way Bonnie needed to be loved.
There was a lot, besides Dubai,
to digest.
She may not have known how she did
it, but she eventually arrived at home and heard the shower running in the back
as she let herself in the front door. Oh
god, did I leave it on! was her first thought. But then she spotted Makeeda's luggage by the
sofa. She had not expected her for
another two or three days since Makeeda had told her she was stopping off in L.A.
on her way back from a concert engagement in Seattle. God, maybe it's good
thing Bonnie gave me the old heave-ho, she thought guiltily. Otherwise she and I would be fucking our
hearts out this very minute.
But she quickly shed these thoughts
as she moved quietly, grinning, toward the bathroom, removing each piece of her
clothing one by one as she went. The
cats peeked at her as she passed, but she was a familiar item and they went on
about their business, which was sleeping, endless sleeping. She was almost naked, down to her panties, by
the time she reached the bathroom door.
Inside, in the shower, Makeeda was singing.
you could see me now, you'd know how blue I've been,
look is all you'd need to see the mood I'm in.
then you'd realized I'm still in love with you . . . "
Laura could feel the song right
down deep in the core of her being. It
stopped her in her tracks. Of course,
she reasoned, Makeeda was a singer, a professional singer. People paid to hear her sing, and thus strike
sorrow and longing into their hearts too, so there was no reason Laura should
not respond that way. Oh god, I'm
married to this fantastic person! she realized.
Still, she got a grip on
herself. Stepping quietly out of her
panties, she parted the back part of the shower curtain from the tile and
stepped in behind Makeeda, who was a shocking vision of beauty, all shiny and
wet and dark brown and curvy and glistening as the water poured off her taut,
splendid flesh. Laura knew that Makeeda
knew she was there, but Makeeda kept singing as if Laura were not present.
you could see me now, you'd find me being brave,
And trying awfully hard to make my tears
that's quite impossible, I'm still in love with you."
Laura stepped closer and pressed her
naked breasts into Makeeda's wet back, kissing the wet upper slopes of her
shoulders and sliding her hands under Makeeda's arms and around her body to cup
her amazing, perfect, slippery-wet breasts.
Sometimes she allowed herself to forget momentarily that this woman had
an almost perfect body, apparently just so she could reawaken in herself the
gasp reflex, the stirring realization that this body she touched was almost the
pinnacle of physical beauty.
"Laura . . . is that you?" Makeeda
asked, playfully stopping in mid-song.
Laura sucked the water off her
neck, squeezing Makeeda's breasts and lightly pinching her thick, large
nipples. "No. I live up the street and have been stalking
you for years now, hoping for a chance to rape you like this," Laura
growled. "Your beautiful body is now
"Oh dear," Makeeda giggled. "What will I do? I'll cry for help."
Laura sucked the other side of her
neck, pushing the matted, water-beaded thick hair away. She gave her best Bela Lugosi impression: "I
vill sssuck your blud!"
Laughing, Makeeda turned and
embraced her, sucking Laura's neck.
"I'll suck yours, too."
"Oh god, you got home early!" Laura
gasped, now soaked by the shower water, her hair quickly matted to her head.
"I missed my baby." Makeeda kissed her ravenously. "Oh . . . I missed my baby so much! How can I live without you?"
Laura kissed her back heatedly,
pushing her now wet body into Makeeda's delicious wet shiny flesh. "Fortunately, you don't have to." Her hands ran all over Makeeda's wet
body. The lovely warm shower water beat
down on them both. "You have a
choice. Either you get it here and have
to come standing up . . . or we dry off and go in on
the bed."
Makeeda laughed softly, looking
briefly bashful. "You won't believe this,
but the only times I've ever come standing up in the shower were with you. Nobody ever did me in the shower before you."
Laura pushed her playfully against
the tile wall, running her hands up Makeeda's body to her breasts and squeezing
them harder now, pinching her wet nipples.
"Should I take that for a 'yes'?
Do me in the shower, baby?"
Makeeda's eyes burned into hers,
throbbing with sex and love. She
nodded. "Yes. Yes."
But Laura had hardly waited for an
answer. Her mouth was all over Makeeda's
luscious body, drinking and sucking and licking her flesh everywhere, dropping
to her magnificent breasts and squeezing and sucking them thirstily, sucking
Makeeda's swelling dark nipples deep into her mouth, and exulting in the sound
of Makeeda's breath whistling past her clenched teeth, loud enough in
punctuated gasps to be heard over the hiss of the shower water.
She had done this a few times in
the past, as Makeeda had acknowledged, and knew she could make Makeeda come
very quickly this way. Good thing, too,
since they had to finish before the warm water ran out. Her hand had already slid between Makeeda's
hard muscled thighs and found her wet oozing slit, all buttery and warm to her
fingers, and she scissored Makeeda's clit between them as she sucked her
nipples. This was a quick, passionate
love assault, and Makeeda's wet body responded accordingly, flexing and
quivering as Laura aroused needs in her that were close to the surface, only
awaiting the appropriate caress to awaken.
"Unh . . . unh . . ." Makeeda
panted, feeling Laura's lips descend, kissing their hungry way down her stomach
to her crotch. "Oh god, you're
good! Oh god, Laura, I've missed your
Laura was too busy to reply. Her mouth and hands were everywhere on this
delicious, wet body, probing, sucking, licking, descending. She parted the wet fluff of Makeeda's crotch
hair with her fingers and drove her tongue up into Makeeda's open wet slit,
making Makeeda briefly sag against the tiled wall of the shower stall.
"Unnhhhhh!" she gasped helplessly,
her frenzied fingers clutching Laura's wet head, digging into Laura's
scalp. "Oh fuck . . . yes! Unhhhh!"
Laura realized that Makeeda was
going to come even more quickly than she had anticipated. Sometimes it happened that way, especially
the first time, after she had returned from one of her trips. She had freely confessed to Laura that she
had no sex life on the road, no cheating, no flirtations or one-night stands,
being either too tired or too preoccupied with her career; and so, upon
arriving home to Laura, she was a tinder keg, just waiting for a spark. Laura was the spark, and pleased to be
But right now her bare knees were
being chewed up by the tile floor of the shower. Quickly, trying not to break the rhythm, she
groped outside the shower curtain for a bath towel, which she swiftly deployed
as a cushion, sopping wet though it was, on the floor under her. Then she returned with double the passion to
her task, sliding two fingers up into Makeeda's greasy, swollen channel, and
sucking her clit while she finger-fucked her rapidly, almost roughly. It didn't take long. Makeeda was coming in seconds, clenching and
gasping and sputtering as the rockets of pleasure jolted her wet body, making
her wet flesh smack against the slick tiles of the shower stall.
"Aaayyyuunnggg! Ohhmmnnggg!" she coughed and gulped and
shuddered through a cascading spate of orgasmic convulsions, her body quaking
as Laura pinned her to the wall of the shower, unwilling to let her spasms cause
her to slide down or fall. "Unmmgg! Oh! Oh . . . shit! Oh . . . Laura!"
Makeeda gasped, falling forward a little and clutching Laura for support.
clung to her, kissing her neck, her shoulder, her ear, ardently, with deep,
searing passion. "I love you," she
gasped, also over-excited by this thrilling moment.
"Oh god . . . I . . . " Makeeda winced,
pierced by a final, sharp aftershock.
"Oh god, I love you too. God, we
have to do this on the bed in the future," she gurgled into Laura's neck,
laughing as the release from tension spread throughout her body. "That one nearly killed me. I thought I was going to collapse."
"I had you," Laura reassured her,
reaching over to shut off the shower water, which by now was turning a little
tepid. "I would never let my baby fall."
They clung together in the silence,
now that the shower was turned off, dripping and clinging and kissing. "Let's go in on the bed," Makeeda
whispered. Everything seemed so solemn
and quiet, now that the shower water was no longer filling the bathroom with
noise and steam. "I think we're not
"I know we're not," Laura smiled, pushing the shower curtain aside and
reaching for a fresh and dry towel.
Laura's staff assistant came to the
door of her small office. "There's
someone in the lobby downstairs asking to see you."
"Holland. Ms. Holland."
Laura gulped and tried not to
blush. Of course her staff assistant had
not the faintest idea who Bonnie Holland was.
But Laura nearly fell off her chair.
"I'll . . . take care of it," she said, getting up. "I guess I'll just go down there and see what
she wants." She smiled tightly at her
assistant. "Old
In the lobby, Bonnie was sitting
demurely on one of the leather sofas near the security station where visitors
were told to wait. Laura had another
opportunity to feel little heart pangs and pussy twinges just looking at her from
afar in her crisp white shirt and white ankle socks and tennis shoes. And of course her short skirt had ridden up a
little, exposing her lovely, glossy black thighs. I've had my head between those delicious thighs, Laura thought as she crossed the lobby and sat down
next to her.
"What a sweet surprise," she said,
smiling at Bonnie. "To what do I owe
this visit?"
She recalled that in the past
Bonnie had always been too shy and skittish to actually enter the building
where Laura worked, preferring to lurk around the front doors in hopes of
catching Laura on her way out. Those had
been the days when she had considered herself only a marginal little sandwich
shop girl, unworthy of the attentions of someone who dressed like Laura and
worked on the twenty-fourth floor for some giant corporation. Now that she was a city employee with a
better paycheck and wardrobe herself (thanks initially to Nyomi), she had
apparently conquered her fears enough to march right up to the security desk
and request an audience with Laura.
Well, we've come that far, at least, Laura reflected, thinking again
with moderate hostility of Meredith, her enemy and rival for Bonnie's sexual
"I came down here on my lunch
hour. Shopping," Bonnie lied, averting
her eyes. Laura realized it was noonish.
She had temporarily forgotten about her own lunch. "Just thought I'd . . . say
"Well, hello. Hello hello hello," Laura beamed at her. "Maybe if you can wait five minutes, I can go
grab my stuff and come back down and join you for lunch."
Bonnie shook her head. "Got to get back. They hate it if you late getting back from
lunch. Just . . . wanted to see you, that's all."
Laura's heart melted. It absolutely melted on the spot. So much for that witch Meredith, she thought
spitefully. "Maybe . . ." she found herself
suggesting, "we could . . ."
What was she going to say? She couldn't offer Bonnie a ride home since
she had taken BART to work herself that morning. She paused and dithered in her mind, trying
to come up with something.
"You could give me a ride home,"
Bonnie blurted out, to help her.
"I can't." Laura's shoulders fell. "I'm riding BART too."
"We could ride together," Bonnie
offered, smiling.
"We take different trains."
"You could take the Fremont
train and transfer at MacArthur," Bonnie, the experienced BART rider, said. "Then we could talk."
"Oh yeah, while
we're jammed together like sardines by grouchy commuters."
Bonnie tilted her head and
smiled. "Guess you're right."
"I could drive over to your place
as soon as I get home," Laura said, hoping she was not being too forward. After all, Bonnie's warmth and furtive show
of affection was not grounds for assuming she was suddenly inviting Laura back
into her bed. Or was it?
"Better not." Bonnie frowned out of discomfort.
She nodded. Then she squirmed on the leather sofa and
made as if to get up. "I'll call
you. Maybe we can . . . oh, I don't
know." Bonnie was
clearly at what used to be called sixes and sevens; not knowing where to
turn, or what to suggest. In fact, Laura
realized, they both were.
As she looked intently at Bonnie,
it was hard to misinterpret her meaning.
If we were alone and in private, we would be fucking at this very
instant, Laura realized. She reached out
and took both of Bonnie's slim, shapely, black hands in hers. "You call me," she said, as warmly as
possible. "You call me when you feel
like it, okay? You call me. I'll be waiting."
Bonnie's eyes glistened. "I shouldn't be doing this," she said softly.
"Yes, you should," Laura said, a
little too quickly. "I am so glad you
came by. Bonnie, look
at me." Bonnie looked up, eyes
still glistening. "I will always be your
friend. You call me any time, okay?"
Bonnie nodded. After a brief moment of letting her hands
linger in Laura's, she stood and walked toward the glass doors of the
exit. Laura could not help gazing at her
lovely bare black legs and wanting to kiss them. She suppressed a sigh and stood herself,
walking slowly toward the elevators.
Bonnie did not call for days. Finally, the phone. "You could come over tonight. After work." A hushed, near-whisper.
Her voice was so soft and distant
that Laura could barely hear her. She
had plans to go swimming after work, but they were easily broken. "I can be there at six."
"Good," Bonnie said. "Hanging up now. See you then."
This all felt wondrously secretive
and sexy to Laura. It was very like the
way she felt when she and Sara did it behind Sara's friend Darlene's back,
Darlene apparently being fiercely jealous.
Apparently Meredith was too. It
made Laura feel like these two, Sara and Bonnie, were endangering their current
relationships because having sex with Laura was an irresistible urge, something
they could not deny themselves.
Considering all the Dubai
acquisition rumors, and the job uncertainty vapors and innuendoes that swirled
around them, depressing in the extreme, it was enough to buoy her spirits
temporarily at least, and make her feel desperately wanted. At home before getting in her car and
charging over to Bonnie's in Oakland, she did a quick sponge bath and sprinkled
a little of the Ysatis perfume
Shelley had given her long ago on discreet parts of her body. Mustn't smell for my sweetie, she chirped
inwardly, having a hard time not singing with joy at this invitation.
Bonnie wants me! She wants me to ravish her and put that witch
Meredith in the shade! Oh, I am so going
to take her to fuck heaven about nine times!
But when she got there, she found
that Bonnie was as nervous and guilty-seeming as she had been the last time,
the time she had told Laura they shouldn't see each other any more. She was stiff and withdrawn,
from the moment she opened the door and let Laura into her apartment.
"Maybe this is a mistake," she said
to Laura.
Laura saw that
the Murphy bed was still undeployed, still concealed behind its panel in the
wall. And the old dresser with
the tiltable oval mirror that Bonnie always had strategically placed so that
you could look up and see the reflection of you and her fucking was pushed back
against the wall, in its proper place.
"This is not a mistake," Laura said
firmly. "Come here and let me kiss
you. It's been ages."
But Bonnie did not move. She was having second thoughts, it was
clear. She looked scared.
"What are you scared of?" Laura
asked, approaching her.
"I never really cheated on anybody
before. I mean, I had guys who cheated
on me. At least I'm almost sure they
did. But not me. I ain't good at lying. If she asked me . . . I'd have to tell her."
Laura was close enough now to take
Bonnie in her arms, which Bonnie allowed her to do without a struggle. Laura brushed her lips against the girl's
ineffably smooth black cheek. "God, it's
been so long since I could feel you like this," she breathed softly against
Bonnie's ear.
"Feels good," Bonnie almost
whispered, running her hands up Laura's back..
Laura kissed her mouth gently,
slowly, not demandingly. The kiss grew
more heated as it went on. Soon Laura
was sucking her lips and stabbing her tongue deep into Bonnie's open mouth.
"Laura . . ." Bonnie confessed,
even while still kissing hungrily, "I can't help it, I want you to fuck me."
"You don't want it any more than I
do," Laura panted into her neck, kissing the smooth black column of flesh up
and down. "Here . . . take this off."
She began unbuttoning Bonnie's
white shirt.
"Let's get the bed down first."
Together, as they had done so many
times in the past, they opened the door panel and lowered the bed. Bonnie pulled down the bed coverings,
exposing the sheet. Laura pulled her
close again and resumed unbuttoning her shirt.
"I want to eat you alive," she panted.
Bonnie giggled. "Hold on there,
girl. I ain't going anywhere."
"I want you. You're so lovely."
"I want you, too," Bonnie
Laura got Bonnie's shirt off and
reached behind her to unclasp her bra.
Bonnie tried to unfasten the buttons of Laura's blouse, which ran down
her back, but Laura was moving too fast for her.
"Hold still," she told Laura. "We both gotta be naked, you know."
"Sorry," Laura grinned. "Here, let me help."
In another minute they were naked,
falling onto the bed, coiled together, Laura squeezing and sucking Bonnie's
pretty little dark breasts as if they would escape her if she didn't get them
both into her mouth as quickly as possible.
"I love your big black nipples,"
she panted, slurping them thirstily, sucking them deep.
"Unh . . . unh . . . oh shit,
Laura, you suck so hard!"
"I can't help it."
Again, Bonnie giggled softly. "That's what I love about you. You really mean it, you can't help it."
"I know." Laura stopped for a moment. "Sometimes I'm afraid I want you too much,
and you're going to get tired of it, and . . . turn to someone like Meredith
instead." Like when you said We can't see each other any more, she
wanted to add.
Bonnie crinkled her nose. "She want me too,
you know. You two white girls just can't
get enough of this little black girl pussy."
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring her up."
Bonnie frowned, but playfully. She pushed Laura's face back down to her
breasts. "It's okay. Just keep sucking and shut up. You make me want to come when you suck me
that hard."
Laura resumed happily sucking and
squeezing them, but this time not so hard, no matter what Bonnie said. Still, she was never happier than when she
had a pretty darling's nipples in her mouth, oral maniac as she was. She sucked them in a transport of bliss, and
Bonnie sighed and squirmed and moaned and gazed at her lovingly, smiling as
Laura engorged her mouth with her breasts.
"I think we better get to it," she
panted after a while, into Laura's hair.
"I'm gonna pop before you even touch my pussy."
Laura kissed her
way up Bonnie' smooth chest to her mouth. "You want the usual?"
By this they both knew Laura was
asking if Bonnie wanted The Fist, for which sexual practice she had the keenest
desire, ever since Laura had done it to her the first time. It was, as Laura knew, catnip to certain
girls; they could never get enough. She
fondly recalled Mavis, and Mavis's sister Brenda, who were devoted to it. And the way Randi had come to love it; and
even Sara, the last woman Laura would have guessed could fall into excruciating
spasms of coming with Laura's arm halfway up her sweet pussy. And she could understand why. Over and above the acute sexual thrills that
came from it, there was in fist fucking frequently a mysteriously deep and
emotionally moving component sometimes that made it so piercing one could never
get over the need to feel it again. She
knew this was the way Bonnie felt.
Bonnie grinned at her, both
bashfully and brazenly, if that were possible in one grin. As if not trusting herself to speak, she
simply nodded. Laura embraced her and
kissed her under the ear, an especially intimate kiss. She nipped her cute little black earlobe at
the end of the kiss. You know that witch
Meredith can't give you what I can give you, my darling, she thought, sending
Bonnie telepathic waves.
"Mmmm, let me suck and lick that
beautiful pussy to get it ready for Mama's hand," she murmured softly, kissing
her way down Bonnie's lovely young body to her smooth black tummy, pushing her
thighs open.
"Don't take too long," Bonnie
panted. "Told you I'm
close. You set me on fire,
"Oh, good," Laura smiled. "I like being the match that lights you on
Bonnie gasped softly as Laura's tongue invaded her lovely wet pussy.
For all the loving fist-fucking
Laura had given her—oh god! does that horrible dyke to
it to her too? she wondered—Bonnie had a very snug and
small pussy, though beautifully shaped, and Laura always exulted in tonguing
and sucking it with fervent passion, as she was doing now. And Bonnie was right,
she was very wet and swollen. Her little
pinkish clit was protruding at the top of her slit, all excited and
engorged. Laura treated it tenderly with
her tongue, though it was hard to avoid the temptation to suck it hard and
watch Bonnie explode in a shooting star of coming without warning.
But a more solemn ritual awaited. They had
been there before, many times, and revisiting that deeply intimate moment was,
Laura knew, a culmination neither of them could destroy.
"Ohhhhh . . . oh god . . ." Bonnie
moaned softly, her eyelids fluttering open to glance down her undulating body
at Laura's face between her thighs. "Oh god, Laura, you better do it. Please!"
Does she do this to you? Laura was probing Bonnie's tight, buttery
slit with two fingers while delicately swiping her engorged clit with her
careful tongue. But she castigated
herself, promptly. Stop it, Laura! Stop ruining this sweet moment with your
despicable jealousies! They are wrecking
the mood. This sweet girl is going to
come gloriously in a few moments, and nobody counts right now but the two of
us. Just us. Come on, honey, take Mama's hand . . . yes .
. . take it . . . slowly . . . slowly . . .
With patient, rhythmic tenderness,
Laura inched more and more of her wedged fingers into Bonnie's yielding pussy
with each thrust. Bonnie's pussy was
tight, but also very slippery and wet, and in only a few more seconds Laura's
whole hand slipped into the clasping sleeve, up to her wrist. Bonnie did not even see it since her head was
thrown back, her neck arched, her marvelous little breasts pushing upward, her
taut midriff straining.
"Unhh! Ohnngg!
"Oh yes," Laura soothed her. "Oh yes . . . Bonnie, honey . . . you are
going to come so hard."
"Ungghhh! Oh . . . shit!"
"Does it feel good?"
"Ungghhh! Do it . . . to me .
. . fast! And hard! Oh shit, Laura, I'm going to come so fast!"
"Yes. Yes."
Laura kept up her steady pace and
gentle thrusting rhythm. Even though
Bonnie said she wanted it hard and fast, Laura knew that Bonnie's own body
would govern the tempo. When she began
to churn and twist and flex, it would be time enough to accelerate the
Bonnie pushed herself up on her
elbows, looking down at Laura's hand thrusting into her pussy, her dark eyes
flaming. "Kiss me . . ." she gasped
hoarsely. "I need you to kiss me."
"I love to kiss you," Laura said,
altering her position slightly so that she could continue hand-fucking the girl
while also looping one arm around Bonnie's neck and pulling her upper body
Their naked breasts actually
brushed, and Bonnie's mouth seared Laura's with passion. "Unh . . . unh . . . unh!" she half-grunted
and half-panted.
And now the inevitable faster
churning began to develop, as Bonnie pushed her impaled cunt down onto Laura's
thrusting hand, and stabbed her tongue erratically into Laura's mouth, panting
and whimpering more and more desperately.
The deep, stirring intimacy that they often felt at this moment gave way
to an almost delirious fury of clenching and teeth-clashing and guttural
panting as Bonnie grabbed Laura's forearm with her hand, something she often
did, and jammed her pubic bone down into Laura's wrist, mashing her excited
clit into Laura's arm and bucking wildly as the first waves of a killer orgasm
began to wrack her body.
"Annggmmhhieee .
. . annnggmhhiieeee!" Bonnie suddenly erupted in wailing cries, her
entire body shuddering hard against Laura's.
Laura kept her embrace tight, one
arm looped began Bonnie's back and pulling her close, as she felt the clasping
shocks of the girl's cunt muscles gripping her hand rhythmically, in synch with
Bonnie's hot screams.
"Mmnnnggnnneeee! Oh! Oh
shit! Mmnnggiieee!"
Bonnie wailed, burying her face in Laura's neck as her
body began finally to slow down, to unwind, to relax and release itself from
the fierce clenching. "Ohhhhhhhh!" she
finally sighed, her face still buried in Laura's neck, her breath rapid and
They had kissed before while
fist-fucking like this, but never throughout the entire act, their mouths
hungry, their teeth clanking painfully, their bodies pressed tightly
together. Something in the kiss, in the
entire moment, spoke to Laura of Bonnie's searing inner need, a throbbing desire
she had perhaps ignored or minimized before.
It made her understand not only Bonnie's clear attachment to her, but
also the place Meredith was now assuming in her life. She
loves me, she had told Laura. This
was gratifying . . . and also painful.
No wonder she loves you, she
thought, stroking Bonnie's smooth, naked back while she listened to her
breathing slowly return to normal. Who
wouldn't love you?
She wiggled her hand, as if to
remove it slowly from Bonnie's tight pussy.
"No," Bonnie said, into Laura's
neck, clasping her more closely. "Not
yet." She clung to Laura. "God. It was the best ever."
It had indeed been very moving,
albeit bittersweet. Laura smiled and
kissed her, now slowly disentangling their bodies. "I'm glad it was so good. But we're both going to get a cramp if we
don't sort of . . . you know, separate and clean up?"
Bonnie grinned and nodded, slowly
pulling her body away from Laura's, who extracted her hand and wiped it on the
sheet. "Want me to get a towel?" she
asked Laura.
Laura shook her head. "I want you to hold me . . . and let me hold
They stretched out together and
embraced, head to toe. Laura ran her
fingertips all over Bonnie's delicious young body. They lay that way, silently, for a long time.
Then, without speaking, Bonnie
began to return the favor, making love to Laura with slow, deliberate skill, a
skill Laura had taught her. When it was
over, several minutes later, Bonnie made a point of getting out of bed to pull
the old dresser closer and tilt the oval mirror to show their reflections. Laura watched her lovely black body with
growing desire.
"I could look at your naked body
forever," she said to Bonnie when Bonnie returned to the bed.
Bonnie smiled bashfully. She nodded up at the tilted mirror. "Now you can look at it while you fuck me."
Laura reached out and cupped one of
her lovely young breasts in her hand.
"Mmmmm, you have turned into such a hot little slut," she purred. "I remember when you couldn't use that word
to me."
Bonnie looked down, even more
bashful. "I know."
Laura encircled her in her
arms. "Come here and get some more
"Okay," Bonnie said, her dark eyes
dancing with fresh fire. "You know I'm gonna have to lie about this. She'll ask me for sure."
Laura put a finger on her
nose. "At least you won't turn all red,
like I do."
"Don't matter. You can tell.
She'll be able to tell."
"No she won't. Before I leave tonight, I'm going to teach
you to lie with a straight face. It's
like playing poker. You just have to
believe what you're saying. Like an
actor does in a movie."
"Don't know how to do that either,"
Bonnie grinned.
"Of course you don't. I'm going to teach you."
Now Bonnie even laughed. "Just like you taught me everything else?"
Laura nodded.
"Good. Teach me now."