Laura - Chapter 344



Jane called Laura's cell phone, now that she had the number.  Unfortunately, at the time Laura was in a meeting with several of her bosses and some people from Dubai, of all places, who were thinking of acquiring her company.  Trying to maintain a businesslike demeanor while suffering acute anxiety about the future of your job was not conducive to sexual arousal.  Even if it was Jane who was calling.  Laura merely looked at her name flashing on the phone's screen and tried not to blush.  The vibrating of the phone was calling attention to her, and she became momentarily very flustered and nervous.

Later, when she returned the call, Jane snapped, in typical Jane-fashion: "Don't even answer your calls these days, Miss High and Mighty Laura?  Sorry, did I call at a bad time?"

"Could hardly have been worse," Laura replied, still shaken, as were all her fellow workers, by events.  "But you know I love to hear from you, Jane.  How is Stanford?  Keeping your grades up?  How are you getting along with the upper crust?"

She knew, as Jane freely confessed, that Jane would not have chosen to go to Stanford but that Kendra had forced the issue.  And it was not every young black girl from a single-parent family these days who could even dream of such an opportunity.  Jane might have been admitted on a scholarship program aimed at disadvantaged youth, but she was also much smarter than she pretended to be and kept up her little ghetto-waif act only with Laura (as far as Laura knew), because evidently it was so much fun.

"Rich people like to fuck too," Jane said, laconically.  "They especially like to fuck little nigga girls who don't care shit about they money."

"Please drop the 'poor little nigga girl' stuff with me, okay?  I know you too well."

Jane cackled.  "You sure do.  When they fucking me, I keep wishing it was my Laura."

This conversation was getting Laura very hot.  She knew how delicious it was to fuck Jane, and she grew very heated and jealous at the thought of others doing it, too.  Me me me! she wanted to scream.  I want this girl's beautiful pussy!  You can't have it!

"Do you do anything over there besides fucking?  How about classes?  Studying?"

"Oh yeah, I do that too.  Shit, Mama would kill me if I didn't."

Laura was dying to ask, "Where are you?" but didn't dare.  Partly it was because Makeeda was due back home any day now, and she didn't want to be tempted into a hot tryst with Jane.  Partly also because she didn't want to seem like all she wanted Jane for was sex.  She wanted to seem a little more the mature adult to Jane, whom she had been screwing on and off for four or five years, despite the aggressive disapproval of Jane's mother, Kendra.  Of course, now that Jane was at Stanford, their opportunities were few and far between.

"Don't you want to know why I'm calling?" Jane asked abruptly, solving Laura's problem.

"I'm hoping I already know," Laura flirted. 

She was at home in her living room, playing with the cats and watching the news after a long, anxious day at work, wondering along with others if soon they would be under the thumb of a gazillionaire Middle Eastern sheik.  I wonder what they do in Dubai to a thirtyish lesbian caught fucking a hot young college girl, she thought.  Probably stone her to death or something equally horrible. 

"Mama and Marshall got married," Jane said.  "Told you they might."

"That's right, you did."  Laura found it hard to believe that Kendra would give up her devotion to 'Mr. Penis' for a permanent attachment, though she had to admit that Marshall's Mr. Penis was worthy of accolades and hosannas. 

"She moved into Marshall's house in San Ramon.  She's selling this one.  The one in El Cerrito, where we did it last time.  Remember?"

"I could never forget, Jane."

"You such a liar.  You been fucking every sista in thirty miles since then, Laura.  You old horny toad."

Laura laughed.  There were times when she might grow uneasy hearing such accusations, but not from Jane, whose very nature was sharp and sarcastic.  This was common teasing, for Jane.  "How could I forget you, Jane?  Remember when we broke my bed?"

Jane guffawed loudly.  "That's right, we did!  You were fucking me like the Marine Corps."

They were both laughing, but Laura stopped long enough to say: "Maybe we better not talk like this over the phone.  You know, people can listen in on cell phone calls.  They're not secure."

"You think Mama has this house bugged?  I wouldn't put it past her."

"Of course not.  You're staying there?  It isn't sold yet?"

"She had two offers, but they were low-balling her, she says.  So she's still trying to sell it.  I'm here over the weekend.  Sort of house-sitting it so nobody can break in.  They're having an open house on Sunday.  But until then, I got time on my hands.  I thought you might like to come over and bring all those nasty handcuff and dildo things of yours and have a little party with me, since you always like slurping my pretty black kitty so much."

Laura could feel her depthless lascivious hunger rise up in her with a thrilling, exuberant rush.  She had been gnawing herself inwardly about the Dubai business at work.  She had been trying to ignore her anxieties.  And now Jane was offering her her delicious young body.  And hours of scintillating sex (it was always scintillating with Jane).  "I can be there in twenty minutes," she almost whispered into the phone, so hoarse was she quickly with sexual desire.  "Remind me of the street name."

"Gilbert Street."



"How about if I bring a pizza with me?"

"You know what I'm hungry for."

"I'll bring one anyway.  In case we get hungry."


Since she had to wait for the pizza, it was half an hour before Laura arrived on Jane's doorstep.  She remembered the last time she had come here, when Jane had told her to avoid the spying neighbors by parking a block away and acting like a census taker or something to fool them.  She didn't know if that had worked, but she had not received a torrent of abuse from Kendra, as she had in the past, and so she guessed the plan had succeeded.  This time, apparently, Kendra was preoccupied with her own recent marriage; and Jane was now an adult student at Stanford, capable of managing her own life.

Laura had, however, when packing her little bag of goodies to take along, mused on Jane's use of the word 'handcuffs,' a fresh twist with her.  Jane from the start had been partial to straight-ahead fucking.  No kinks for her.  Just fuck me a hundred times and get on with it, okay?  No ropes, blindfolds, handcuffs, or other twisty devices.  She did love the Double Penetrator, though.  Last time Laura had double penetrated her to heaven.  But handcuffs?  She wondered one, how Jane knew she had them, and two, how the word had suddenly found its way into her vocabulary.  The answer to the first question was probably simple: Jane was a snoop.  She had been known in the past to go through Laura's drawers while Laura was in the bathroom or otherwise absent.  The answer to the second one was less easy to arrive at.  Either some new sex partner had steered her into more deviant practices, or she was just expanding her imagination as she grew older.

In any case, Laura had popped the fur-lined handcuffs Randi had given her long ago into the bag.  Better safe than sorry.  Jane could be very nasty when things did not go her way.

She was mildly shocked when Jane met her at the door wearing worn, almost baggy jeans and a loose black tee shirt, her hair pinned carelessly up in back of her head, looking like . . . a college girl!  The same Jane who once had appeared stark naked when Laura opened her apartment door, back in the early days.  Or who often had worn tight shorts (á la Ashley) and halter or midriff tops to show off her yummy tummy, or the tightest jeans available to show off her delectable bottom.  Jane had a world-class rump.  She had always dressed provocatively, at least around Laura, as if to tempt Laura with her saucy, petite, and wildly sexy body.  Which Laura had devoured on countless occasions over the past five or so years.  Now she looked fetching but almost demure in simple jeans and tee shirt.  Almost wholesome, which Laura found touching.  Even though Jane was a hot little fuck pig deep down, she was also wholesome in her way: sweet, when it was called for, and certainly without guile or fake wiles of any kind.

Jane and Laura had never kissed much, in contrast to Laura's kissing relationship with many others.  Somehow things were more raw and nakedly basic with Jane, and sensual, enjoyable kissing would only get in the way of the devouring of throbbing, straining young flesh.  But this time, for some reason, Jane looked so kissable that Laura could not restrain herself.

"God, aren't you looking gorgeous!" she effused as Jane shut the door and locked it behind her.  "Come here and let me kiss you."

Jane turned and flirted flagrantly, apparently surprised by Laura's little outburst, grinning almost bashfully.  "You don't have to say that when you're getting my pretty black pussy anyway, Laura."

"Come here and shut up and give me those sugar lips," Laura said, dropping the valise at their feet, taking Jane's hand and pulling her close.  "You know you and I never kiss enough."

Jane, still surprised by this onrush of sharp affection, smiled again and melted into Laura's arms.  "Okay, go ahead," she murmured.

"Mmmm, you smell good, too," Laura whispered, brushing Jane's cheek, smooth as velvet, with her lips.

Jane smelled fresh, as if she had just showered.  Laura kissed her with closed eyes, imagining her tight, small, dark young body all beaded with water, slick and shiny.  Oh god, what a treasure!  I know I shouldn't have fucked you when you were only fifteen or sixteen, but I couldn't help myself, and now I'm glad I did.  What a body!  She dug her fingers into the firm round moons of Jane's spectacular ass while she kissed her with a scorching hunger.

Jane kissed back, enthusiastically.  They stood by the door, groping and kissing hungrily for a long time.  Laura knew they had never, ever kissed this long.  When their mouths finally came apart, they were both panting softly.

"Fuck, you don't waste any time, do you, Laura," Jane gasped.  "How about 'Hi, how are you?' and other shit like that?"

"I could never keep my hands off you."

Jane grinned and giggled.  "I know.  Where's the pizza?"

"Oh shit, I forgot and left it in the car.  I guess I was too eager to see you."

Jane beamed.  "Go get it or we're gonna get so involved we'll never get it."

Laura quickly retrieved the pizza from the back seat of her car.  They placed it on the counter in the kitchen, and then kissed again, this time lengthily and romantically, something new for Jane, Laura noticed.  Jane was so affectionate, it tugged her heart.  You sweet thing.  How could I live without you?

As if giving in to Jane's earlier admonition, she again brushed her smooth cheek with her lips and nibbled her earlobe.  "Tell me all about Stanford.  How are they treating you over there?"

"I have to be so careful," Jane confessed, bluntly.  "Got to talk very prim and proper like white people so they don't think I'm a little ghetto scuz bag, like I really am."

"You are not," Laura pinched her playfully.  "You're sweet and very bright."

"And everybody wants to fuck me, I think."

"That can't come as a surprise.  You didn't have to go to Stanford to find that out."

"The guys won't leave me alone.  But, you know me, I sort of like the girls better."

"So . . . tell me about this friend Taren you mentioned."

Jane smiled.  "Taren couldn't take it.  She didn't want me fucking other girls.  The jealous type, you know?  Like I used to be with you?  When you were jamming that stinky Inky.  I like fucking other girls.  Stanford is full of white girls, and a few black ones too, who like pussy."

"So you and Taren split?"

"Well . . ." Jane paused, as if considering how to phrase it.  "We do see each other now and then.  But she wants to handcuff me and whip me, and I won't let her.  She says it's just fun, but I know better.  She wants to punish me.  Who the fuck needs that?"

Laura raised one eyebrow.  Maybe it was becoming clear where Jane had got her fledgling interest in handcuffs.  She might not let Taren do it, especially since the girl apparently had some secret punitive agenda, but Laura was someone Jane could trust.

Laura kissed her neck and inhaled her sweet, fresh odor.  "Mmmm, you smell so good.  I want to lick you all over."

Jane laughed softly and turned kittenish, a facet Laura had rarely seen in her before.  "You know you're special to me, Laura.  You the first woman I ever did it with.  Remember?  I was going with Keeshon, and those other dopey guys?  Trying to pretend I'd rather have sex with them than with you?  But really I just wanted to do it with you.  All the time.  I think of you a lot."

Laura was touched.  "I think of you, too.  We had some times, right?"

Jane nodded.  "Until Mama found out and tried to get in the way."

Laura sucked her earlobe.  "She's nowhere to be seen right now."

"I know," Jane grinned.  "And we can use her big bed since she's living over with Marshall now and don't need it.  It's just sitting in there going to waste.  C'mon."

She took Laura's hand and drew her toward the back of the house.  "Wait a minute," Laura laughed softly at her eagerness.  "Don't you want me to bring the bag with the fun stuff in it?"

Jane dropped her hand while Laura retrieved the little valise from the floor next to the front door where she had unceremoniously deposited it.  "You know what I want?" Jane said, almost tentatively as they went down the hallway toward the master bedroom.  "Promise me you won't laugh."

"Honey, I would never laugh at you."  They went into Kendra's bedroom, where there was a king size bed, like Laura's own.  Laura almost gulped.  Oh god, we're going to die of fucking on this huge bed! she thought.  It also crossed her mind that Mr. Penis, especially Marshall—who had a huge Mr. Penis—had railed that gorgeous Kendra, Jane's mother, on this bed countless times.  And I even did it myself once or twice, she remembered, trying not to let it show.  "Let me guess.  You want the Double Penetrator, right?"

But Jane shook her head, with a mysterious grin.  "Maybe later, okay?  I want you to handcuff me and fuck me up my booty.  I keep having fantasies about it.  And I wouldn't do it with anyone but you.  You make me have the wildest orgasms."

Laura grinned, always delighted as a little girl after her first piano recital to hear such praise.  "Pressure pressure," she teased.  "But I'm so happy to help."

Jane stood there, without undressing, her eyes riveting Laura's, questioning.  "So.  You will?"

Laura, to get the ball rolling, began undressing herself.  "You started having these kinky ideas because Taren wanted to . . . do it that way?"

Jane nodded slowly, watching Laura's top come up over her head.  "And I saw your handcuffs once.  When I was going through your drawers while you were in the kitchen."  She looked a little guilty, though Jane was not very good at it.  The concept of guilt had very little purchase on her mind.  Self-protection was more up her alley.  "I wouldn't do it with anybody but you."

Laura peeled off her bra, enjoying Jane's eyes on her naked breasts.  She was falling in love with the delicious young thing all over again.  Jane had changed so much in only a few years.  She was no longer the hot, sassy, crackerjack teen, callow but unafraid of sexual adventure, that she had been when Laura had first taken her.  Still a little sassy and nasty, maybe, but now a vibrant young woman whose universe of possibilities was expanding daily, who knew what she wanted and was not afraid to reach out for it.  And even her body had changed a little, still petite but if possible more curvaceous than before, a tad fleshier, which accentuated the narrowness of her waist.  Her pretty little breasts were perhaps no more than half an inch larger than they had been at sixteen (which Laura knew from their last tryst, since Jane was still wearing the loose black tee shirt), but it was enough to make her seem much more the grown woman than a slip of a young girl.

"There.  I took off something.  You take off something."

Jane broke into a wide smile.  "You ain't changed, Laura.  Always after this hot little bod."

"If I didn't know you," Laura confessed, watching the black tee shirt come off over Jane's head, "I would be making secret plans to kidnap you."

"Ooooohh, we could do that now!" Jane giggled.  "You kidnapping me and handcuffing me and . . . you know the rest."

Everybody loves a little playacting, don't they? Laura found herself grinning, recalling Deshona, Makeeda, Nyomi, all of whom loved to play 'bad girl' to elicit a hot spanking.  The thought of spanking Jane's peerless ass, which she recalled having done once in the past, was enough to make her body seethe and crackle with sexual hunger. 

"Ooohh, I will sooooo blister your bottom," she warned Jane.

A sharp shiver went through Jane, surprising them both.  Jane burst out laughing.  She turned halfway and waggled her incredible ass at Laura.  "You wouldn't touch this booty, you nasty thing.  I might have to call the police."  Jane said POE-leece, as if to rankle Laura.

Laura went to the valise, unzipped it, and took out the fur-lined handcuffs.  "I think I have a solution for that," she grinned, dangling them from one forefinger.

"I might scream."

"I have a solution for that, too," Laura said, pulling the red ball gag out of the valise.

"Shit, Laura, you are evil."  Jane smirked a devilish smirk.  "When can we start?"

"Take off the rest of your clothes, you naughty little thing, and Auntie Laura will commence your punishment."

She briefly glanced at the beautiful filigreed dark brass frame of Kendra's marvelous huge bed, as if to gauge where to fasten the handcuffs, and yet could not keep her eyes off Jane as more clothes drifted to the floor.  And Jane liked to tease her, knowing the depth of Laura's lascivious hunger for her tight young body.  She was very slow in removing her thin white bra, letting her small, perfect breasts come into view with all the skill of a practiced stripper, one gleaming black nipple winking from behind the fabric, then the other, the straps loosely falling around her forearms, the smile on her face a paragon of sexual allure.

"You like my black boobies?" she murmured to Laura.  Now she took the bra completely away from her body and turned in profile, pouting seductively.  Her breasts were small but very firm, jutting out in exquisite swooping curves from her body, her black nipples large and modestly puffy, shiny in the dim light of the bedroom.  She squeezed and cupped them in her hands, never taking her eyes from Laura's.  "They're so small you can get one completely inside your mouth."  She pouted again.  "I wish they were bigger.  Like Taren's.  Or that stinky Inky's."

She loved taunting Laura with her friend Charise, who was so dark that high school bully girls (not Jane, in spite of the fact that she now used the nickname relentlessly to tease Laura) had christened her 'Inky.'  Laura had been unable to resist a torrid affair with Charise at the same time she was sleeping with Jane, which had driven Jane into a jealous fury.  Now, however, it was only history, and merely a tool Jane used occasionally to get a rise out of Laura just for fun.

"Big is overrated," Laura told her, still surveying the bed frame for its possibilities.  "You have exquisite breasts."

This was exactly the kind of compliment Jane was fishing for, and she beamed with extravagant pride.  Laura knew others had told her the same thing.  "Really?  You think so?  Exquisite?"

"I do."

Jane was now completely naked, and Laura dropped the handcuffs and gag on the bed, quickly removing the rest of her clothes, not wanting to postpone this any longer.  She wanted Jane.  She wanted to run her hands and mouth all over the delicious girl's naked body.  A little spanking?  Okay.  But really what she wanted to do was fuck her to Mars, Venus, and the moon, and back again.

She smiled at Jane.  "If I can fit one completely into my mouth, why don't you give me the chance?"  She moved closer and took Jane's naked body into her arms.  "You know how I like to suck."

Jane was pliant and sweet, uptilting her ravishing sensual lips to Laura.  "You have to promise me.  If you suck my titties, you'll get carried away.  You always do.  Then you won't . . . do the rest.  Know what I mean?"

Laura nodded.  "I know.  I promise."  She raised one hand to Jane's naked breasts, cradling one in her palm.  "Just one little suck.  I'll save the rest for later."

Jane pursed her enchanting lips, as if she were being coerced into this.  Not waiting for a reply, Laura lowered her mouth to the firm round beauty in her palm and sucked Jane's thick, black nipple into her mouth.

"Oooohhhh, that's warm!" Jane gasped. 

Laura nearly swooned with happiness but quickly got her incipient rapture under control.  Having Jane's lovely large nipple in her mouth was nearly the pinnacle of sexual pleasure for her.  She sucked it gently, laving the thick, swelling bud with her tongue.  Jane cooed and gurgled.  She liked it as much as Laura did.

"Don't stop!" she gasped as Laura briefly stopped sucking, feeling she should get on with their little drama.  "Oh shit, Laura, that feels good!  Do the other one."

A perverse little tickle caught Laura's mind.  She released Jane's nipple and lightly pinched her spectacular ass cheek.  "I think I'll just make you wait for that, you naughty little thing," she teased. 

Jane took her cue immediately.  "Ouch!" she said, though Laura had not pinched her hard.  "Get your nasty white hands off my pretty black booty."

"I think you've been a bad girl," Laura kept up the teasing.  "I think you've been fucking and fucking over there at Stanford, instead of studying.  What will Mama say?"

And before Jane could reply, she smacked her ass hard with the flat of one hand, a stinging slap.  This time it did hurt a little, and Jane yowled, water springing to her eyes.

"Aiiieeee!  Ouch!  Laura . . . what the fuck?"

Laura turned imperious and sharp, grabbing one of Jane's wrists and quickly fishing the handcuffs off the bed.  "Come here, you naughty little tart."

"Ooohhh, Laura . . . don't!  Don't spank me!"

But Laura already had one fur-lined cuff snapped into place and was dragging Jane forcibly onto the huge bed, pulling her arms up toward the brass head frame.  "Come up here with me, you little tart, so I can get you in place for a whipping."

Jane froze at this, her face contracting into a grimace of fear.  "Whipping?  Oh shit, Laura, no!  No whipping.  Please!"

Laura smiled, still half-teasing her.  "I mean a spanking, silly.  I'm going to spank you so hard you'll feel like it was a whipping."

In fact, Laura did not have any whip-type instrument with her, but she knew Jane had gone through her drawers in the past and seen the dressage whip.  Oh no, oh no, she laughed to herself, I want my bare hand to touch this terrific ass.  She even ran one hand down to cup one hard round moon as Jane struggled, though not very convincingly, to get free.  God, what a beautiful ass!  She smacked it again with her hand, though really not as hard as the first time since her position—craning awkwardly over Jane's back while trying to handcuff her wrists to the bed frame—did not allow her enough leverage to get any strength into it.

Nevertheless, Jane shrieked.  "Aaiiieee!"

"Keep that up," Laura snarled, "and I'll have that gag in your mouth before you can even beg me to stop!"

Jane squirmed and again tried to get free as Laura looped the chain behind one piece of the frame and then quickly snapped the other cuff closed on Jane's other wrist.  "Laura . . . you scaring me!"

Jane's dark eyes flashed with fear, but she was also a defiant spitfire at heart, and her fear was quickly replaced by fiery glowering.  "No use to struggle," Laura said, reaching for the gag.  She grinned.  "Just be a good girl and eat your spinach."

Jane grinned back and bared her even white teeth.  "I'll snap your finger off if you try to put that in my mouth," she glared at the ball gag in Laura's hand.

But what she wasn't counting on was Laura's experience in this kind of tussle.  Laura had the ball in Jane's mouth and the Velcro strap fastened behind her head before Jane could even squeak, which she now did frantically.

"Mmmnnggeeee!   Mmmmggeeee!" she squealed at Laura, twisting and shaking the bed frame with her violent struggles to get free.

She was face-down, and suddenly Laura was all over her naked body, mashing her own naked breasts into Jane's long, smooth back, biting her shoulders and squeezing both peerless round buttocks in her hands, then sliding down and beginning to spank them in earnest.  As was usually the case in these situations, Jane wanted it and didn't want it all at the same time.  Laura blistered her swelling, delicious black bottom with hard slaps, luxuriating in the feel of the flat of her palm striking the hard spongy smooth balls of Jane's tight ass, while Jane squirmed and squealed and clenched her beautiful buns and gargled and whinnied in happy pain and fierce sexual excitement.

Whack!  Whack!  Whack!  Laura's palm smacked so hard against her ass that the loud smacking sounds were clearly audible, following by Jane's squeals.

"Mnnnggeeee!  Mnnnggeeee!  Mnnnggeeee!"

 Whack!  Smack!  Thump!  Whack!

"Mnnnggeeee!  Mnnnggeeee!  Mnnnggeeee!"

One good thing about spanking, at least for the spankee, was that it was hard to keep it up for long.  The one administering the spanking quickly grew tired.  Even though Jane gave every appearance of wanting to escape, her fantastic ass swirled up into each blow that Laura delivered, and by now she was quivering and cooing more than squealing and squirming.  Laura's hand met her ass cheeks more sensually now, not smacking them so much as caressing them roughly.  She could no longer keep her voracious mouth off the swollen, bubble mounds of Jane's incredible bottom.  She fell on it with sharp kisses and bites, pulling apart Jane's cheeks and pushing her face between them, slurping her crack and lowering her mouth to Jane's fully blossoming pussy, all wet and warm and oozing and flaring with fuck hunger.

Jane, she quickly realized, was wildly aroused and about to come.  They had not intended it to happen this way, but the hard spanking had brought her body to the brink of an explosive climax, and Laura was not about to let it get away.  Oh yes, honey, oh yes!  She raised Jane's ass a little bit more by scrunching her knees forward on the mattress to uptilt her pelvis, then buried her mouth in Jane's soupy wet slit, finding Jane's clit with her lips and sucking rhythmically, knowing Jane would quickly pick up on what she was doing.  Come on, honey, come on!  You can do it!

"Mnnggg!  Uuhhmmnngg!" Jane grunted, gyrating her whole lower body up into Laura's devouring mouth.  "Mmmnnggg!"

Laura's hands were not idle.  They were prying open Jane's hard round buns, but also squeezing and pinching them.  Her tongue ran up the pulpy wet squinchy slit of Jane's open cunt, across her sensitive perineum, and sank into her little tight butt hole, furiously tongue-fucking it, before descending again to the sopping wet trench of her flooding pussy, finding her clit again with her lips, kissing and sucking it passionately. 

Jane went wild.  Her small young body clenched, she began whinnying hysterically, and then she came in fierce shocks, grunting and surging and flipping wildly off the mattress, jerking about so violently that Laura had a hard time holding on.

"Ommnggg!  Ummngghhnneee!" Jane wailed, her cries choked off by the ball gag in her mouth, but very loud nonetheless. 

The wild jerking and convulsing quickly gave way to long undulations, as the fiercest first few shocks of her orgasm gave way to softer waves.  Her wild moaning and grunting subsided into muffled sighs and soft groans.

"Unnunngg . . . oohhhmmnnnn . . . ahhhnnggg!"

Laura, having enough sense to know that breathing was hard with a ball stuffed in your mouth, quickly reached up and ripped open the Velcro strap of the gag, which then spilled out of Jane's mouth.  Jane wheezed and gasped and shook her head.

"Oh . . . shit!  Oh fuck shit shit fuck!" she sputtered, her face still contorted from the blast of her climax.

"Language, darling," Laura smiled, kissing her gleaming shoulders, her back, again sliding all over her prone body.  "You came hard."

"Laura . . ." she acted as though she could barely get the name out.  "You are . . . evil.  God gon' punish you for . . . whatever it is you do to us little girls to make us come like that."

"I hope he doesn't punish me before we do what we came here for," Laura said, reaching for the bag and fishing out the strap-on dildo apparatus. 

Jane, her wrists still cuffed to the bed frame,  looked over her shoulder at it, her eyes firing up again, and grinned.  "About time," she said, softly.

In only seconds Laura had the dildo in place, jutting up from her groin.  She wasn't about to give Jane time to come down from her hellacious climax.  Some women might back off at this point, but she knew Jane, and Jane's body.  Jane would still be skimming, humming, vibrating inside with the aftershocks, plateau-ing and quivering, expectant, hungry for more.  As Laura certainly was.

In scarcely a few seconds she was crouching between Jane's spread thighs, caressing the gorgeous dark moons of her bottom again with her hands, then prying apart the delicious buns.  She realized that she had not fastened the ball gag back in place, and she bent forward, brushing Jane's naked back with her own breasts, breathing in her ear.

"I won't put the gag back in if you promise not to scream."

Jane grinned.  "Ain't promising nothing."

Laura brushed up the back of Jane's hair with one hand and sucked the nape of her neck, making Jane squeal and giggle and squirm excitedly.  Then, still mashing her own breasts into Jane's long, smooth, naked back, she slowly descended her body with her mouth, kissing and sucking every inch of Jane's taut, gorgeous flesh on the way, until her lips reached the girl's phenomenal buns.  Jane knew she had a great ass—she had frequently made sure Laura knew that she, Laura, was not the only one to have worshipped there—and now she purposely wiggled and clenched it and gyrated it suggestively up into Laura's face.

"Give it to me, Laura," she panted, feverish with sexual excitement.  "Give me one of those assgasms.  I need it."

My, these marvelous girls who want to be fucked in the ass, Laura reflected.  Frankie.  Dawn.  Dee Dee.  Now Jane.  Is this a trend?  She knew, however, it wasn't.  Most of her lovers were like Gail: "Why does everyone want to fuck you in the ass?" Gail had half-whined in exasperation.  But there were these few.  Now Jane, with perhaps the most peerless bottom of all.  Wanting a Laura-administered assgasm.

She quickly snatched her small bottle of baby oil from the bag and copiously lubricated both Jane's asscrack and the shaft of the strap-on.  Then, with her greasy fingers, she opened Jane's tight little orifice, watching her wince and hearing her coo in a low, guttural groan of pleasure as Laura's two fingers probed her anus. 

"Mmmm, does that feel good?"

"Oh . . . god!" Jane half-choked on her sexual excitement, squirming.

Now Laura introduced the greased bulbous head of the dildo into the oiled and shiny slit between Jane's buns, easily lodging it into her now-widened anus, and pushed gently with her pelvis, sliding the shaft slowly into her.  Jane clenched her teeth and the breath whistled through them as she gasped. 

"Unnuunnn!  Oh . . . Laura!"

Laura said nothing, being very intent on gently but persistently and slowly fucking Jane's asshole to help it adjust and open even further to receive the thicker invader.  This did not take very long.  In about thirty seconds she was sliding the dildo in and out with ease, and Jane's initial discomfort had transformed itself into a smooth sexual rhythm as she slowly bucked and swirled her fantastic ass back and up into Laura's thrusts.

They settled into an easy, slow rocking, and even though the sensations were intense, they didn't seem eager to drive it up a notch.  Instead, they rocked slowly, gently, together and apart, Jane cooing and gurgling softly from time to time, Laura concentrating on bringing her along to a killer finish somewhere down the line.  This was a new thing for her and Jane, who usually fucked explosively and even wildly, tearing at each other and erupting before very long in thrashing, whinnying climaxes.  This is something she learned from one of those college lovers, Laura reflected.  You can learn more than chemistry, math, and history at the university.

She didn't really know how long they had been doing it when Jane's lovely young body began to grow even more tense, her smooth, dark brown flesh now clenching, her beautiful skin gleaming with a thin film of sweat brought on by their slow, sensual fucking.  Jane, like Laura, was usually quick to the climax, but this time it was taking her longer.  Either it was harder to coax an orgasm out of her body this way, or she was purposely luxuriating in the slow buildup, the simmering, burbling brew of sexual need that was driving her flesh toward its ultimate reward. 

Laura, leaning forward and mashing her own breasts again into Jane's sinuous bare back, sucking the nape of her neck, kissing her shoulderblades, realized that a little more help might not hurt.  The dildo was firmly embedded in Jane's ass, if she didn't thrust too vigorously, and she could afford to slide one hand under Jane's thigh to rub the girl's aroused, nubby little clit at the same time.  As soon as she touched it, Jane began to coo a little louder and to churn a little more urgently.

"Unnmmnnngghh . . . yes . . . unnhhhh . . . yes Laura yes!"

"Are you going to come now?" Laura asked her softly, after another minute had passed.


"Do you want it harder?"


Laura slowly picked up the tempo, now driving the dildo deeper into Jane's body with her pelvic thrusts, hearing the tiny whoops and groans and fast breathing that these actions elicited.  Her hand in Jane's crotch swirled faster and faster, and she even leaned forward and bit Jane's shoulder lightly, now fucking her ass and frigging her pussy and biting her all in a more and more heated frenzy of lust, a lust that ignited Jane's own feverish surging body until the two of them were thrashing and moaning and keening manically on the bed, making it sway and creak in harmony with their fierce exertions.

"Auunnggghh!  Auunnggnnmmeeee!" Jane squealed and squirmed.

"Unh!  Ungghh!  Unh!" Laura heard herself grunting as she fucked the beautiful girl's beautiful ass more and more vigorously, sure that any second Jane was going to explode in a shattering fire burst of coming.

And she did not have long to wait.  Nobody could take more than a little of this, she was sure, and only seconds after this thought crossed her mind, Jane suddenly seized up, stiffening, twitching, then dissolved into wild spasms and wrenching, shuddering convulsions, punctuated by piercing shrieks.


"Jane!" Laura gasped, a forced whisper.  "Not so loud, honey!"

"OOWWNNGGGHMNNIIIEEE!" Jane wailed, but quickly dropped her voice, still moaning and sighing, but not so loudly now. 

Her body still shook and undulated, and Laura gathered from her physical convulsions and the sharp screaming that she had achieved the orgasmic cataclysm she had been seeking.  Both of them lay gasping and groaning in a heap for a minute or so, unable to move.  But Jane, being handcuffed to the head rail, was certainly more handicapped than Laura, and soon she began to twist and squirm and show signs of mild distress.

"Laura . . . please get me out of these," she said in a tiny, faraway voice (so unlike Jane), tugging at the handcuffs with her arms, twisting uncomfortably.

"Sorry, honey," Laura quickly scrambled to release her, pulling the dildo out of Jane's ass perhaps a little faster than she should have, causing Jane to wince and let out a soft yelp.  "Hold on . . . Mama's coming."

Laura found the key in her bag and quickly released Jane's wrists from the handcuffs.  Jane turned and grimaced at her, a quick, devilish grin emerging from the grimace.  "Don't you go calling yourself Mama in front of me, okay?  My Mama would be standing over there with an AK-47 pointed at us if she was anywhere near here in the neighborhood."

Laura laughed, a little uncomfortably, realizing the truth of this.  "What she doesn't know won't hurt her.  She probably could've heard you screaming even way out in Pleasanton, though."

"San Ramon," Jane corrected.  Then she looked—if Jane could ever look—briefly contrite.  "Sorry.  You made me."

"Did not," Laura grinned.  "I only did what you wanted."

Jane, again uncharacteristically, grew kittenish.  "I need to be hugged . . . after you fucked me like the Marine Corps again.  God, you really know how to ruin a girl, Laura."

Having divested herself of the strap-on dildo, Laura stretched out next to the delicious girl and hugged her enthusiastically.  She kissed her and stroked her until Jane was purring again, kissing back, fondling Laura's breasts, slowly working up to a more ardent love assault on Laura's tingling body, which was still very aroused from the cataclysm of Jane's orgasm.  Or assgasm, as Jane would have it.

And that did happen, though it took about ten minutes to get underway, so thoroughly did they enjoy trying to kiss and embrace each other to heaven, such an unusual thing with Jane, who was overcome, it seemed, by a searing affection for Laura that seemed completely new.  Laura knew they liked each other, but their relationship up to this moment had been built on scorching physical desire, with affection pushed way into the background.  Now, however, that Jane was a college girl, out facing the real world and all its temptations and dangers and dreary challenges, she seemed to cling to Laura with a fresh, almost poignant urgency, as if the sassy sexpot she had played for years in their little drama was not enough and needed replacing by this vibrant, needy young woman.

All these reflections soon fled Laura's mind, though, as Jane turned up the heat after a while and quickly brought her to two quick climaxes, as if to repay her for the earlier assgasm with two for one. 

"You know," she purred as Laura almost flowed into her arms again after these thrills, "we are too good at this to just do it every six months or so.  I hope your little wifey can fuck you as good as I can, Laura, or you ought to just be moving down to Palo Alto where we can do it more often."  She followed this acute observation with a lingering, sensual kiss on Laura's cheek with her phenomenal lips.

Laura put a finger on the tip of Jane's nose, smiling.  "You are in college now.  Repeat after me: 'Fuck you as well as I can.'"

Jane laughed out loud.  "I take it back.  You worse than my Mama.  So, answer my question.  She fuck you good?"

"You mean 'well'?"

"Shit," Jane spat.  "'Well,' then.  She fuck you well?"

Laura softened and stroked her incredible silky back with her fingertips.  "Honey, she makes my toes curl and my heart leap and my liver quiver.  Just like you do."

Jane grinned.  "Sometimes I picture you and her doing it, only I don't exactly know what she looks like.  She's a sista, right?"

"Yes, she is."

"She got big tits?  Bigger than mine?  Which wouldn't be hard."  She looked down, as did Laura, at her lovely little black doves.

"Let's not talk about her."

"Makes you feel guilty, doesn't it," Jane grinned even more broadly.  "She black as oil, like that stinky Inky?  I know how you like that tar baby look."

Laura sighed.  The only way to shut Jane up was to fuck her again, and get her mind off this line of thought.  "Come here, my sweet, and let me stick my tongue up into the most beautiful pussy in creation."

Jane melted.  She could go so far in teasing and torment, but then had to give in to Laura, as she always did.  "You know, my friend Taren over at Stanford can eat my pussy almost as good as you do.  Excuse me, as 'well' as you do.  One time she made me come three times."

Was this a challenge?  Laura kissed her delicious body, willing to accept it if it was.  "I'll bet I can do four," she murmured.

But Jane was already sighing and swooning, opening her thighs.  "One is fine," she panted as Laura's lips drew near her puckering wet slit.  "One is fine.  Oh, Laura."






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