Laura - Chapter 342






It was hot.  Hot hot.  Too hot.  Laura was walking home from the BART station, after work.  It occurred to her that dear darling Ashley might be outside washing the car again, being such an exhibitionist, taking such delight in showing off her tight little very black gleaming body to the world at such moments.  A thin film of sweat brought on by the heat would make her skin shine like true ebony.  Her flexing thighs would be enough to make the observer have a quick little secret orgasm on the spot.  At least me, it would, Laura thought.  It was a two-block veer out of the way for her to pass by that house, and the heat was turgid, heavy, and constant, punctuated now even more by a brisk hot breeze. 

If she's not out there doing it, washing it, I'm just wasting my time, she thought.  She had not see the girl since Ashley had barged in on her at home, and they had fucked enthusiastically on the sofa in the living room with the photograph of Makeeda's deceased mother looking on.  This was the one and only time Laura had violated her vow never to have sex with anyone but Makeeda under that roof.  She had been unable to resist; Ashley had known it; and Laura had suffered through varying degrees of guilt ever since.  But the sex had been amazing.  Ashley had wanted to be fucked by Laura using a strap-on, and the results had curled their toes.

She had not exactly avoided Ashley after that, but she hadn't rushed and clamored to see her again either.  Makeeda had returned.  There had been the disappointing business with Gail.  Darling Frankie, when available.  One thrilling interlude with the real estate agent Paula.  (Must call her. Wow!)  Gorgeous Allisha (finding her g-spot had to be more fun than anyone should be allowed in this universe).  A few bouts with Bonnie, a fleeting moment with Nyomi before Grandma brought Alana home.  (We probably never fucked in such a hurry before, Laura grinned, remembering it.  God.  Volcanoes!)  Ashley was a student at the university too, which certainly filled up her time, so that making sexual mischief in Laura's life was a low priority.

It was hot.  All she really wanted to do was get home quickly and take a shower.  Or run in her underwear through the sprinkler on the front lawn, as she had done as a kid.  Or get that incredible Ashley to run naked through it with me, she thought, laughing softly but out loud.  Then we could go inside and fuck until we melted into puddles of sweat and hose water.  She found that as she was having these silly reveries, her feet had turned the corner at the next intersection and were heading the two blocks toward Ashley's sister's house.  I guess I really wanted to go there after all, she realized.

But when she got two blocks over and turned right, she felt suddenly lost and bewildered.  She had only come this way once, on her way home from the organic produce market, and now all the houses looked like potentials to her; she couldn't recall which one Ashley had been washing her sister's car in front of.  It was not until she was a third into the next block that she recognized the car, an old partially faded blue Buick, parked in the driveway.  And, wonder of wonders, there was a hose on the ground nearby, and a small three-step ladder next to the car.  But no Ashley.  Still, she must've been there a minute ago.  A slow grin spread over Laura's face.  She realized that the feeling was akin to the anticipation you felt when you would soon see your lover naked.  Ashley wouldn't be naked when she reappeared, but she would be almost better than that: wearing her short shorts and halter top, showing off as much of that gorgeous, smooth black skin as she could get away with and still be relatively decent.  (It was her sister's car, after all.)

What do I do?  Go up the steps and ring the bell? Laura wondered.  Or just wait?  Can Ashley come out and play?  I want to play doctor with her.  I want to give her a physical. 

She was giggling to herself over her sophomoric wit when Ashley appeared from around the side of the house, holding a wet sponge in one hand.  "Laura!" she exclaimed, as if the bank examiner had suddenly appeared and she were about to be carted off to the Big House.  "Oh god . . . it's you!"

"It's me," Laura grinned.  Her eyes were taking in the scenery.  More like devouring the body.

God, I actually fucked this hot little creature! she realized.  Twice!  Ashley was wearing tight white shorts this time.  They were almost more provocative than the Daisy Dukes she had been wearing the first time, probably because they looked like they had been painted on, and the stark white of the cloth emphasized the coal black sheen of her skin.

"Oh god, Ashley, I could eat you alive," Laura said under her breath, quickly glancing around to make sure no one was in hearing distance.

Ashley loved being the apple of Laura's eye.  She loved flaunting her taut little gleaming body.  She did a series of pivots and dips and bends and other moves that showed off her attributes, and Laura tried not to go gaga on the spot.  Ashley bent over to pick up the hose, then put one foot on the first step of the small ladder.

"We can't do anything," she whispered furtively.  "My sister Audrey is home."

"Oh."  Laura nodded.  "Well . . . at least I can watch, can't I?  Best show in town.  They say she does a strip tease if you give her money."

Ashley broke into a huge grin.  "For you . . . no money, even.  And more than a strip tease.  They say—"

But Laura shook her head and put her finger to her lips to make her stop.  This repartee was fun, but the thought of Ashley's sister inside the house overhearing them made her nervous.

Ashley stopped in mid-sentence.  "She leaves for work in about twenty minutes," she said, again in a whisper.  "She's a nurse.  Kaiser Oakland.  She works the night shift."

"I . . . could come back."

Ashley, after looking around, shimmied her 'ghetto booty' at Laura, dark eyes sparkling.  "Promise?"

"Oh god yes, I promise!"

"Twenty minutes," Ashley winked.  She turned and shamelessly displayed her swelling, beautiful ass to Laura.  "All yours," she smiled.

Laura could barely trust herself to speak, she was so overcome by seething, burbling lechery.  "See you in half an hour."

Ashley playfully pouted.  "Twenty minutes.  I can't wait."

"Me either," Laura laughed, quickly walking away, trying not to look back, since she still had about four blocks to cover.

She covered them fast and was sweating profusely by the time she reached her house.  "Hi cats," she greeted her feline friends, peeling off her outer garments as she walked.  "Hot enough for you babies?  Mommy's got to rush.  I'll feed you in a minute . . . then . . . off to get my fill of incredible hot pussy.  Remember that darling little black girl with the tight body who dropped by here unexpectedly about a month ago?  And we scared the two of you into the back bedroom because we were fucking so loudly in there on the sofa?  The girl you promised never to tell Makeeda about?  Yes, that one.  Well, she's only waiting down the street for Mommy Laura to come back and fuck her pretty little body to heaven about forty times.  What do you say to that?"

The cats looked at her as if she were mildly insane, and their end-of-day hunger was the only thing that mattered.  Which, of course, was true. 

"God, it's hot," she said to them.  "I could use a shower.  But I'll only get all sweaty again fucking with Ashley."

Half naked in her slip, she went into the kitchen and poured out plenty of kibble into their bowls.

"I hope you guys aren't getting fat.  I don't exactly feed you on a regular schedule, do I."

They disregarded her and plunged into dinner.  Both had been neutered, Laura reflected, so knew nothing about sex.  Or hot young pussy.  Poor them, she thought as she changed.  If you fellas could only get your boners back, you would love this little piece Ashley.  If she were a cat, of course.  She's enough to make your liver quiver.

In lieu of a shower, she did a quick sponge bath and slipped into her jeans and a light top, no bra.  Why put it on only to take it off again?  She snatched up her little valise, knowing how Ashley had taken so enthusiastically to being strap-on fucked, and with a scratch behind the ears for each cat, she was out the door and down the steps to her car.  Outside the heat hit her again like a wall, and she tried not to wilt on her way back to Ashley's.  It was unusual for it to be this hot, and it somehow altered your perspective on everything.  For example, both she and Ashley were ripe for a physical collision, but the weather made you feel languid and lazy, more in the mood for a slow, sensual rubbing that a gouging, whinnying, gasping, moaning super fuck.

Well . . . we'll just have to play it by ear, she thought as she pulled up in front of the house and saw that the faded blue Buick was gone.  Big Sis, off to work! she thought brightly. 

She bounded up the steps and knocked lightly on the screen door.  The main door behind it was already open.  From out of the shadows behind it Ashley emerged, still wearing the tight white shorts but nothing on top now.  Laura's eyes popped out.

"I thought you'd never get here," Ashley said, opening the screen door to let Laura in.

Laura could not take her eyes off Ashley's marvelous small naked breasts and big, protruding, pitch-black nipples.  "Oh darn," she said with mock disappointment.  "I was so looking forward to taking it off you myself."

Ashley smirked while closing the big door behind them, turning and moving her shoulders to make her naked breasts sway.  She too feigned discontent, her characteristic fetching pout.  "I thought you liked my nipples."

"Oh god, I love your nipples!" Laura gasped, unable to take her eyes off them.  She dropped the valise on the floor at her feet and grabbed Ashley's naked upper body, pulling her close.  "Come here and let me suck your beautiful nipples."

But Ashley uptilted her face and pushed away Laura's hands.  She was much shorter and had to look up at Laura.  "You have to kiss me first.  This isn't just about fucking.  You like me, remember?  It's only guys that have to fuck immediately.  Sometimes I think something inside them is going to break if they don't get to it as quickly as possible.  With you I can stretch it out."

"Mmmm, you like that, do you?" Laura purred, kissing her bare black gleaming shoulder, already shiny with a thin film of sweat.  "Stretching it out?  You're right, it's too hot to hurry.  We have to take it slow."

They had a lingering, sweet, then increasingly passionate kiss, right there by the front door.  Laura's hands crept back to Ashley's naked breasts while they were kissing, and this time Ashley did not push them away.  "Your boobs are so firm," Laura murmured against her cheek, squeezing them, lightly pinching Ashley's nipples in her fingers.

"You can suck them now, if you want.  On second thought," she grabbed Laura's arm and pulled her toward the back of the house, "let's go in on the bed.  I really want it."

Laura pulled back a little and stooped to pick up her small bag.  "Hold on a sec.  You want what's in here, don't you?"

Ashley broke into a grin.  She really had an enchanting smile, all even white teeth and gleaming high black forehead, and sparkling black eyes.  "If it's what I think it is, I want it."

In two more seconds they were in her bedroom, quickly disrobing.  Of course Ashley had little to remove, only her tight tight shorts and panties.  She stood watching Laura, who did a little striptease for her.  "They say if you give her money she'll take it all off," Laura teased, pirouetting.

"What will she do for young black pussy?" Ashley asked pertly, with a saucy pout.

"Just about anything," Laura grabbed her, having flung her last piece of clothing aside.  "Come here, you hot little slut."

"Oh . . . I just love it when you're rough," Ashley laughed, looking down at Laura's pale hands on her very black body.  "I wish we could take movies of us fucking so I could watch them later.  I love looking at your hands on me."

Laura did too.  She ran them all over Ashley, now cupping her young breasts roughly, pinching and twisting her delectable black nipples with her fingers.  "I want these in my mouth."

"Too bad you can't get them both in your mouth at the same time," Ashley gasped, her body clenching a little as Laura sucked one thick, bulging black nipple in deep.  "Ahhhh!"

"Oh yes.  God, I love these!  They're so . . . puffy . . . and thick . . . and silky on my tongue.  And then they get all stiff and wet and pointy."

"And they light my pussy on fire when you suck them like that," Ashley panted.  "Why can't I ever get a guy to suck my nipples like you do?  If they only knew how it makes me die to be fucked.  Fucked hard.  Ohhhhhnnnn . . . oh shit, Laura!  Bite it!  Yes!  Ungghhh!  Now the other one!"

Laura pulled her down onto the bed, without removing the bedspread.  She got about half of Ashley's firm little breast into her mouth, sucking the thick nipple down to her throat, holding the base of Ashley's disappearing breast in both hands, munching it, trying to swallow it.  "You don't have to worry about them because you've got me to suck them," Laura panted, eating Ashley's beautiful little breasts voraciously, gluttonously.

"Oh!  Anngghh!  Oh shit!  Now you've got to fuck me with that thing.  You're making me so wet!"

It was so hot that they were already drenched with sweat.  Laura could feel it beading up on her face, and see the sheen, and taste the salt, on Ashley's sleek black skin.  "I want to suck your pussy too," she purred, kissing Ashley's wet stomach, her wet thighs.

"Suck it later," Ashley panted, twisting and writhing in a sharp desperation.  "I need to be fucked.  Hard!  You know how to do it.  Like last time."

Laura could easily remember last time, when Ashley had also pleaded and begged to be fucked quickly and hard, her fierce need overcoming all Laura's reluctance and moral scruples.  Laura had obliged, and she was obliging now, too.  How could anyone resist this twisting, writhing girl, her young, vibrant, very dark body shining with sweat and desirable beyond belief?  It was almost second nature to Laura by now, slipping into the strap-on, securing it in place.  She was between Ashley's thighs in only seconds, standing on the floor beside the bed, pushing Ashley's legs open, feasting her eyes for the first time in many weeks on the beautiful black-lipped inflamed gash of her hot pink pussy, all glistening and shiny with juice.

Ashley's peerless round ass cheeks were perched on the edge of the mattress, and Laura's feet were firmly planted on the floor as she slid the strap-on dildo deep into the girl's splayed and oozing pussy.  Laura, though she realized she did it rarely, loved fucking in this position for the leverage it gave her.  She knew that Ashley was now going to get a fuck-mauling that was perhaps even more than she craved and had dreamed of.  Sure, she had let two brothers fuck her together.  She had told Laura all about it.  But they didn't love this thrilling body the way I do, Laura thought.  I am not only going to fuck you to the ninth degree of heaven, I'm going there right along with you.  They could only imagine the kind of explosion you and I are going to have in the next ten minutes.

"Ahhnnnggg . . . oh god . . . shit . . . yessssss!" Ashley groaned as it slid into her, deep, very deep.

Laura pushed her hard , sweat-slippery thighs open further with both hands, and leaned forward to suck her bulging black nipples again, and to bite her neck, and French kiss her ear, and suck her shoulder, and lick the sweat off it.  She lunged with the dildo into Ashley, and Ashley groaned with sharp pleasure and arched her back.

"Owwwnnggghhhh!  Oh!  Oh!"

Laura fucked her hard from the start.  Both were sweaty and glistening and horny beyond belief, their wet bodies slippery and colliding in a heated frenzy.  Laura's groin slammed into Ashley's with audible impact, and Ashley whimpered and writhed maniacally under her fierce love attack, grinding her pelvis up into Laura's sharp thrusts, mewling and wincing and gurgling deliriously in a hot seizure of fuck-hunger. 

"Mmnnggeee . . . oh god!  Ungghh . . . anngghhiiii . . . onnmmggnhhhh!" she groaned, doing her best to meet Laura's wild thrusts but soon turning passive under Laura's pile-driving mania, surrendering to the swelling crescendo of orgasmic intensity that was building inside her flexing body.

In the midst of one fierce thrust the dildo slipped out of Ashley's pussy, and instead of groping for it and immediately re-inserting it, Laura slid down Ashley's wet, gleaming black flesh and almost buried her mouth in the girl's inflamed, gaping pussy, sucking and tonguing it with crazy hunger, sucking her clit, sliding her fingers up into the greasy warm channel and hand-fucking her rapidly, making Ashley gasp and whimper with fresh excitement.

"Mnngggeeee . . . mnnnggeee . . . oh . . . oh Laura oh shit . . . mmnnggeee!"

Laura, though consumed by a hot whirlwind of passion for this girl and her sweet, glistening, wet, very black and shiny body, wondered how long either of them could keep this up.  Ashley, she knew, was close to coming, and Laura herself had nearly reached the limits of the possible in the sheer force and wild pumping of her fuck-attack.  Instantly, she was on top of Ashley again, this time pushing her back further onto the mattress and crawling up onto it herself, plunging the dildo deep into her pussy again and now resuming the crazy hammering she had been giving her earlier, drilling her, spearing her, lunging up into her tight, clasping pussy.  Ashley's feet waved and performed jerky, spastic arabesques in the air beside Laura's ears as she whimpered and whinnied under each piercing jab, finally squealing continuously and loudly.

Laura fucked her deep, she fucked her sharply, relentlessly, insanely, with mad vigor, stabbing her pussy with the dildo, nailing her wiggling 'ghetto booty' to the sheet, scooping up Ashley's delectable sweat-slippery breasts again with both hands sucking the salty sweat off them, and devouring the girl's hard, jutting black nipples, all the while still fucking her with crazy, hard, deep jabs.  The bed was rocketing and jumping around on the floor by now, but both of them were oblivious, Ashley almost shrieking with each of Laura's plunging thrusts, her body finally recovering from its temporary passivity and again meeting Laura's every crushing downward push with an upward surge of her own, until finally the inevitable consequence of all this thrashing and thrusting overtook them, and she dissolved almost instantaneously into a quivering, groaning epic climax.

"AUUNNGGGHH1"  she roared, a sound Laura had never heard her make before, a sharp, ear-splitting howl that quickly flowed into a series of hot cries.  "Aiiinnggg!  Ohhnnmmmnngg!  Aiiinnggg!  Oh!  Oh!  Aiinnggghhh!  Oh shit!  Oh Jesus!  Oommnngghhh!  Oh god oh god!"

Accompanying these howls and groans, her lovely little wet body twitched and thrashed, and she clung to Laura tightly, churning her pelvis and pushing her spasming pussy up into Laura's continuing thrusts, as if unable to get enough of the shattering bliss that was filling her flexing, surging body.  This, Laura felt, seemed to go on forever.  They clung to one another, still fucking in a hot, wet fury, until their gyrations seemed gradually to slow, to dissipate, to moderate, their breathing to recover slowly, their panting slowing down, their gasping now interrupted by occasional deep sighs of happiness, and even soft, tension-relieving giggles.

"Oh god . . . . ohhhhhh GOD!" Ashley exclaimed, blinking and squinting as if recovering from a ride inside a hurricane.

Laura had not come herself, even though she had been close.  Nevertheless, she felt completely in tune with Ashley's devastation and knew that her own climax could be only seconds away.  It would not take much, and she was still aroused to a fever pitch, though curiously not urgent to get it done. 

"If that didn't wake the neighbors and their dogs up, I don't know what will," she murmured, again licking the sweat off Ashley's shiny black shoulder.  "You were loud."

Ashley blinked again.  "I thought you were trying to kill me."

Laura grinned and shook her head.  "No.  Only fuck you to heaven."

"You did that, all right.  Even those two brothers don't fuck me like that.  Of course, they really don't care if I come, either.  Too busy squirting nut all over me for fun.  You . . . the most important thing to you is that I come.  God, you're wonderful."

They were, of course, drenched and dripping with sweat, sticking together, salty, slippery.  Laura was still entranced in licking the sweat off Ashley's tight little body.  Ashley reached down and felt the strap-on dildo dangling from Laura's groin.

"Get this thing off and let me have that pink pussy," she whispered, her eyes sparkling with intention.

And in the next two minutes Laura's prediction came true, for it took only a little vigorous frigging and sucking by Ashley to bring her pussy to the boiling point.  She gasped and whinnied softly through a sweet, all-body climax that put a perfect point on things.  Dazed and throbbing, she grinned finally, minutes later, up into the girl's smiling, shiny wet face.  "We are soaked," she said, a little hoarsely, having moaned fiercely during her just-completed orgasm.  "You look like you've been in a rain storm."

"You too," Ashley giggled.  "And look at the sheets!"

All the cloth under them was saturated.  Laura's hair fell in strings to her cheeks and forehead.  Ashley's was damp and frizzy.  Laura still could not keep her mouth from sucking the salty warm sweat off Ashley's bulbous black nipples. 

"Oooohhh shit, you're making me hot again," Ashley cooed, holding one small breast and almost shoving it into Laura's mouth.  "You know, I thought the Brothers Morrison were the roughest fucks I ever had in my life, but they don't even come close to you, Laura.  You're right, I think the neighbors are gonna start complaining."

"Was I too rough?" Laura smiled, still licking, always licking.

Ashley quickly shook her head.  "You can fuck me rough whenever you want.  God, I came.  I really came hard.  I've got an idea.  Let's take a shower.  We're both so wet.  We can fuck in the shower."

Laura had to let one thick, gorgeous, swollen, shiny black nipple slide out of her mouth in order to reply.  "How good are you at orgasming while standing up?"

"Are you kidding," Ashley grinned.  "I do it every morning.  Have to stick a washrag in my mouth so I don't wake up Audrey.  Anyway, there's a little seat in the shower, and a grab rail, for old ladies like you."  She grabbed Laura's hand.  "C'mon."



                        *                      *                      *                      *



Only two days later, the heat had broken.  It was still warm, but not unseasonably so, and Laura, again walking home from the BART station, could not help thinking of Ashley, only two or three blocks over.  God, what a hot little piece she is!  I went crazy.  It's not often I go that crazy while fucking a darling creature like her.  But I did.  I went mad with lust.  And she loved every minute of it, every second.  God.  Squealing, and churning, and sweating, and moaning.  Wow.

Just thinking of it acted like a magnet to her feet, and in a few minutes she found herself on Ashley's block, looking for the blue Buick, looking for the darling girl who would be washing it, perhaps waiting for her, Laura, just to saunter along, slavering for more sweaty, athletic sex.

The old, faded Buick was there, but no sign of Ashley.  No little three-step ladder, no garden hose.  If the car is here, does that mean sister Audrey is here? she wondered.  Ashley said sometimes she lets her borrow the car.  Could she have taken big sister to work?  Or am I only wishing it?  Should I ring the bell and find out?

She knew there was nothing that could stop her from ringing the bell.  Not after that sweaty miracle of fucking two days ago.  And in the shower they had succumbed to another squealing orgy of crazy screwing.  Laura noticed that her hand was shaking with excitement as she pressed the doorbell.  Control yourself, girl, she warned.

Therefore she was seriously flummoxed when  big sister (apparently) Audrey answered the door; certainly not Ashley, anyway.  There was a screen door, and so it was hard to make out this woman in the shadows behind it.  "Hi," Laura said, trying to sound bright and casual and upbeat.  "Ashley home?"

She wondered if that was a smirk she detected through the dark, dense netting of the screen.  The woman seemed about thirtyish, Laura's age probably, and not unattractive though she looked, as far as Laura could tell, seeing little and imperfectly, not much like Ashley. 

It was definitely a smirk, an amused smirk, Laura realized as her eyes grew more accustomed to peering through the screen.  The woman's dark eyes danced with amusement.  "She's working.  She has a work-study job up at the university.  Works Tuesdays and Thursdays.  She won't be home until about seven-thirty."  She paused.  "You must be Laura."

Now this made Laura blush intensely.  It's true, I have been fucking your little sister, she heard herself rehearsing inwardly.  But she is above the age of consent.  Right?  So, no offense intended.  You'll have to admit she is a hot little piece.  Better me than those awful Morrison brothers.  At least I can't get her pregnant.  Right?

Her brain rattled on and on at this, as if she couldn't stop it.  She could only stop it by speaking.  "I am.  Laura, that is."

"I guess you two have been . . . having some fun together."  Audrey, if that was who this was, raised an eyebrow.  But not censoriously.  Again, she seemed only amused.

"Ashley is . . .  a pistol."  That was all Laura could find to say, and she regretted it instantly.  She stammered as if to apologize for having said it, but Audrey cut her off.  She actually unlocked the screen door from inside and opened it.

"Come on in.  She is a pistol.  I know it.  I hardly dare to leave her alone.  She'll be lying down in bed with the universe, if I don't watch her."

"Oh . . ." Laura laughed nervously.  "It can't be as bad as all that."

Audrey was wearing a white sleeveless top with clearly no bra on underneath it, and Daisy Dukes, as Ashley had been wearing the first time Laura had seen her and been thunderstruck with lust.  But Audrey's were not so tight, or obviously provocative.  Her legs, though, were long and terrific.  Yum, Laura thought.  She didn't look at all like Ashley, but she was plenty yummy in her own right.  Not so dark, though, and not so short, a nice ass but not a pronounced 'ghetto booty.'  Pretty face, shapely body. 

"I caught her screwing two white boys from one of her classes," Audrey said dryly.  "At the same time."  Again she raised the same eyebrow she had earlier raised to Laura.  "Personally, I don't know how anyone can do that.  Even my little sister.  Both at the same time."  She made a face.  "It must . . . hurt."

Laura didn't know what to say about this and so said nothing.

"I'm Audrey," she extended her hand, a smooth, shapely hand, which Laura took eagerly.  "Her big sister.  She probably told you."

"Only that it was your car she was washing."

"I'm having a beer.  You want one?  It's not as hot today as it has been, but I could still use a beer."

"Me too," Laura smiled.  "She seems to have told you all about me, though," she said as Audrey returned from the kitchen with two cold bottles of beer.

Audrey smirked again.  But it was not a dismissive or derisive smirk, more a habitual way of looking at the world and its follies.  "She told me she had a 'lesbian experience' with a stranger who happened by while she was washing the car.  Somebody named Laura who was gorgeous and lived in the neighborhood.  Not your run-of-the-mill butch lesbian.  More like a super model.  White.  She is quite infatuated with you."

Laura blushed again.

"And I can see why.  You're actually embarrassed, aren't you."

"Not really, I guess.  I just blush.  Now and then.  Can't help it.  I like her.  She's hot."

"She's a brazen little slut."

Laura laughed.  "That too, maybe.  But sweet underneath."

Audrey seemed to consider this.  They were still standing by the kitchen door, so Audrey drew Laura back into the living room where they could sit down.  She appeared to be chewing over this conversation.

"So . . . if you don't mind my being so bold," she went on, sitting across from Laura and crossing her wonderful long bare legs, "how does she stack up in bed?  I mean from the lesbian point of view?  I know guys dig her.  She's got that tight little body.  And a cute booty.  I should be so lucky.  But how does she fare in the girl-sex arena?  I mean, she's a novice, right?  How does she stack up against the more seasoned girls?"

"Gosh, that's a little personal, don't you think?" Laura answered almost demurely. 

"Excuse me, Laura," Audrey stared at her without humor.  "I'm a nurse.  I guess I have a tendency to be blunt."

You certainly do, Laura thought, but not with malice.  To tell the truth, she was quickly warming toward Audrey.  It wasn't just that Audrey was good-looking, which she was.  She was also frank and unpretentious, and clearly a little curious about her sister's sex life.  There was no way Laura could not find that fascinating, even somewhat erotic in itself. 

"She told me you're a nurse," she said.  "In fact, she said you worked the night shift and were usually gone about this time."  Laura glanced at her watch.

"Today's my day off," Audrey said, without flinching.  "You don't want to answer my question."

"I'm . . . not in the habit of comparing people," Laura said evenly, though it wasn't strictly true. 

"Oh, come on!" Audrey protested, though with a friendly smile.  "Of course you do.  We all do.  I'm just asking if she, you know, measures up.  I guess she does, or you wouldn't keep coming back for more.  Right?"

Laura looked down at her fingers.  "She . . . can certainly hold her own."

Audrey grinned even wider.  She actually had a beautiful smile; beautiful lips, beautiful, even teeth, a wet pink tongue.  Laura was transfixed.  "I feel like I'm trapped inside a Henry James novel," Audrey said, still grinning.

Laura laughed.  She had read Henry James in college.  Poor Isabel Archer.  "She's a pistol, as I said."

Audrey crossed and uncrossed, then re-crossed, her long bare legs, watching Laura watch.  "You know . . . I work with a few lesbian nurses.  They're . . ." she suddenly veiled her eyes in a meaningful stare; smoky, really, "not as beautiful as you."

"Are you making a pass at me, Audrey?" Laura asked boldly.

"If I am . . . what will happen?"

"We do sound like we're trapped in a Henry James novel," Laura said.  "Trying so hard to get out."

"Do you think I'm as attractive as Ashley?"  Audrey had dropped her voice, as if they were in danger of being overheard, though they weren't.  "I mean, I know I'm not young and . . . taut . . . and half-crazy like her."

Laura put down her beer bottle on the coffee table.  She got up slowly from her chair and went around the end of the coffee table to sit on the sofa next to Audrey.  She did all this very slowly so that Audrey could interrupt at any moment, should she care to.  She skittered her fingertips over one of Audrey's bare knees, letting them travel a few inches up her hard, glossy, dark thigh.

"There's nothing like a grown woman," she breathed against Audrey's cheek.  "I think you are ravishing."

Now, for the first time, Audrey herself seemed a little nervous, as if she had let the genie out of the bottle.  She uncrossed her legs and crossed them again, while Laura watched.  Laura again put her fingertips on the same bare knee.  This time she slowly slid them up the inside of Audrey's thigh.

"Do you . . . really?  Or are you just saying that?" Audrey flirted., looking at Laura's mouth.

"I . . . really . . . do."

"I've never done this before.  I'm a little scared.  Listen to me.  I'm a fucking nurse.  I've seen everything."

"But you've never done this," Laura breathed, now looking at Audrey's mouth.

"No.  Never.  What if I'm not as good as her?"

"Oooohhh, you are soooo competitive," Laura teased right before she kissed her.

Her lips mashed gently into Audrey's almost without warning, and she slithered her tongue past Audrey's teeth in the same motion, so that her tongue was inside Audrey's mouth from the beginning.

"Mmmmmm!" Audrey hummed as if in a mild but happy panic.

Laura kissed her very forcibly.  "Don't say anything," she whispered.  She kissed her again, turning up the heat.

Audrey kissed back, thrusting her own tongue into Laura's mouth.  Their tongues did a wet, coiling dance.  Laura sucked her lower lip.  Audrey giggled softly.  She did the same back to Laura, sucking her lip too.  Laura got one hand under Audrey's top, feeling her warm, flat stomach, sliding her hand up until it encountered one of Audrey's full, round breasts.  She cupped it and squeezed gently.

"I guess this means we're going for it?" Audrey murmured against her lips, her dark eyes wide and questioning, though she already seemed to know the answer.

"I guess that's what it means," Laura smiled.  "If you want to."

"I . . . think I want to.  Isn't it more comfortable on a bed?"

"Sometimes it is," Laura nodded.  "But then, sometimes people don't want to wait."

"I'm not in any hurry," Audrey sighed.  "I want the whole nine yards."

"Mmmmm, me too," Laura grinned, letting Audrey stand and pull her up from the sofa, following her into the back of the house, passing the bedroom where she had first fucked Ashley, back into the larger one in the rear, Audrey's own.  She had the thrilling pleasure of watching Audrey's long, bare legs and terrific ass swaying and flexing in front of her as they went down the dim hallway.

In the bedroom, Audrey shut the door behind them and almost in the same motion pulled her sleeveless top up over her head, watching Laura's hungry eyes on her naked breasts.  "I know it's silly to be competitive," she flirted again, "but mine are bigger than hers."

"They sure are," Laura grinned.

Though in fact Audrey's lovely breasts were not that much bigger than Ashley's.  Only a little bigger.  And bigger never mattered to Laura, anyway.  They were a little different, though; differently shaped, more round and gourd-like, as opposed to Ashley's firm, upswept little black doves.  Audrey, though dark, was not as black as Ashley, and her wide, soft areolas were not black like Ashley's either, more a deep umber hue.  Laura had known sisters who did not look the same and so was not fazed to see it.  Dee Dee was much darker than Sara, for example.  Audrey's naked upper body was smooth and curvaceous and in every way desirable to Laura, who quickly embraced her and ran her hands all over her naked back, kissing her again hungrily.

She kissed Audrey's neck and her shoulders.  Audrey threw her head back and seemed to be really enjoying it, which stoked Laura's fires even more.  "You are very lovely," she murmured, filling her hands with Audrey's firm, naked breasts.  "Very lovely.  I've never been to bed with a nurse."

Audrey simply panted and looked down at her breasts in Laura's hands and did not reply.  "Do you like to talk dirty?" she finally asked, watching Laura kiss and lick her collar bones..

"Mmmmm, if you do," Laura smiled.

"I never do.  At least not with guys, of course.  I'm afraid to ask them.  But I want them to tell me they're going to fuck me.  How much they want to fuck me.  Just imagining it makes a flame shoot through me."

"I'll bet they don't want to fuck you as much as I want to fuck you," Laura breathed, instantly taking up the game.

"Do you really?"


"Say it to me.  Over and over."

Laura was already kissing the upper slopes of her breasts and fiddling with the zipper of her Daisy Dukes.  "Mmmmm, I am going to fuck you and fuck you until you beg me to stop fucking you . . ." she murmured, sucking Audrey's neck, then turning her attention to the shorts, which she finally got loose and pushed down Audrey's thighs.  "Here . . . get this stuff off so I can fuck you," she panted.

Quickly Audrey slipped out of them, and her panties, kicking them free.  Her competent nurse's fingers had Laura's clothes half off in seconds, and Laura helped finish the job.  They were naked.  Audrey grinned and shivered, even though the weather was still warm.

"God, I'm so nervous.  I'm never nervous.  Not like this."

Laura helped her pull down the bedspread, exposing the sheets.  She drew Audrey down on the bed.  "No need to be nervous," she murmured, kissing her neck again, her hair, her ear.  "Just let me fuck you.  I want to fuck you so bad."

"You just want me to be your first nurse," Audrey giggled, pushing her naked body into Laura's, again watching Laura's hands on her lovely dark breasts.

"You are my first nurse," Laura repeated, in a sort of soft, hypnotic rhythm.  "You are raising my temperature.  I am getting feverish with the need to fuck you."

"How are you going to fuck me without a dick?" Audrey asked, mischievously.

"I left my dick at home," Laura teased back.  "I guess I'll have to improvise."

Now that she had Audrey completely naked, she could ravish her without hindrance, and she set to it intensively.  First, her lovely naked breasts.  She squeezed them in her hands and then cradled one and sucked Audrey's swollen, gleaming umber nipple sensually into her mouth, laving it with warm saliva and stroking it with her tongue as she sucked.  She actually heard an involuntary whimper escape from Audrey's throat.

"Mmhhmmhhh!  Oh!"

"Mmmm, you like that."

"Oh . . . yes . . . oh yes . . . I do."

"Me too," Laura murmured, sucking some more, sucking harder. 

Audrey looked down at her shiny wet breast inside Laura's mouth.  Laura had sucked in more than the nipple, as she usually did, wanting to devour the whole lovely ball.  "You . . . suck hard," Audrey panted softly.

"Too hard?"

Audrey chuckled, and gripped Laura's head in both hands, mashing her whole breast into Laura's face.  "It can never be too hard for me," she gasped.  "Oh!  Oh . . . shit!  Ungghhh!"

Laura had turned her attentions to Audrey's other nipple and was devouring it just as greedily, again as she usually did.  She loved breast-sucking and could do it for hours.  "You have such beautiful boobs," she said to Audrey, her lips wet and smacking and slurping.  "I could eat them for dinner."

"I'm glad you like them," Audrey smiled.  "I've been waiting all my life for someone to like them this much."

Laura kissed her way back up Audrey's sleek chest to her neck, her mouth, stabbing her tongue in deep.  "I want your pussy too," she panted.  "I want to fuck your pussy."

Now Audrey's black eyes went glassy, just at the words.  "Oh god, yes," she whispered to Laura.  "I want you to.  I never thought I'd ever be going to bed with a lesbian.  I want you to fuck me.  However you're going to do it."

Laura, who had never rested for a second, was all over her lovely naked body.  "First, I'm going to fuck you with my own pussy," she breathed into Audrey's ear, sticking her tongue deep into it too.  "Lie back."

"Yes . . ." Audrey half-whimpered, quickly spreading her thighs and watching Laura with fascination as Laura mounted her.  "Can we really do this?" she asked as Laura lowered her own crotch down to hers.

"Yes," Laura panted, dropping one hand between them.

She had her preferred methods.  She knew you could just grind and churn and mash and sometimes get there, but she wanted to feel the warm, slippery, juicy mating of their two cunts, and she could do it by spreading away obstructing muff hair with her fingers and spreading cunt lips even further open so that the wet slick inner lips of their pussies could touch.  In this case, Audrey's cunt hair was no problem, being composed almost entirely of tight, short curls, and in seconds Laura pressed her own inflamed cunt directly into Audrey's, feeling Audrey's body tense as the incredible sensations suddenly gripped her.

"Oh shit . . . you're right!" Audrey gasped.  "Oh god, that feels good!"

Laura cut her short with a scorching kiss, leaning forward and beginning to fuck her in a slow, gyrating rhythm, pushing her naked breasts into Audrey's and stabbing her tongue deep into Audrey's throat.  Audrey kissed back, heatedly.  Her body moved under Laura's, seeking the same rhythm, churning and bucking gently back into Laura's thrusts.  Laura's body filled with warmth as she felt how easily they flowed into this mutual sweet rhythm, as if they had been fucking forever, a kind of rhythm she easily fell into with Sara, with Makeeda, with only a few others, where their bodies touched everywhere and melded everywhere, their breath commingling as they kissed, their nipples rubbing and hardening into each other's tingling flesh.

She barely knew Audrey, and vice versa, and apparently Audrey had no experience of lesbian sex before this, and yet their bodies were completely in tune, and there was no urgency, just a sweet, churning, savory rhythm of fucking that slowly brought them both along to an increasingly fevered state.  Oh . . . I think we are both going to come this way, Laura realized.  I think it isn't going to take much more of this.

As if to contradict her thoughts, Audrey spoke, after a long silence, her voice broken by excited panting.  "I . . . don't think . . . I can come this way.  I . . ."

"Doesn't it feel good?"

"Oh, yes!  I just think . . . I need it to . . . go faster."

Laura smiled.  Oh, I can do that, she thought.  No problem at all.  Some women came from a gentle churning, and some from a rougher tussle, but Laura sought to give each what she needed most.  She began to increase the tempo gradually, also peppering every part of Audrey's lovely body that she could reach with her mouth with many more passionate kisses and feverish sucking.   She had forgotten for a few minutes Audrey's request to be told how much Laura wanted to fuck her, and how she was going to do it, and so she resumed panting it in a low, guttural voice, now laced with the taut, rising tension of her genuine and urgent lust.

"God, I love to fuck you . . ." she panted to Audrey, grinding her pussy into Audrey's more and more roughly, and rapidly, pumping her hard, hard.

"Unghh!  Oh!  Unngghh!" Audrey grunted softly, an expression of pure wonder passing across her face as, Laura knew, she realized she was about to come, only from this intimate churning and rubbing.  "Oh . . . Jesus!"


"Oh . . . Jesus!  Yes . . . Laura . . . I . . ."

"I know, honey!  Go for it.  I'm fucking you . . . I'm fucking you . . . you're coming . . . you're coming . . ."

"Ungghh!  Mnnggg!  AAUUNNGGGHHH!" Audrey roared, a deafening cry, a ferocious howl.  Her body almost levitated off the bed, clenching and shuddering.  "Mmmnnggg!  Auunnggghhh!" she howled again, but not so loudly, now flipping and surging through a few more piercing spasms.  "Oh!  Oh . . . shit!"

"Yes . . . yes, honey, yes," Laura panted, not yet there herself but only milliseconds away.  She pumped.  She churned.  Then . . .

"Anngghhh!   Oh!  Ummngggnneee!  Ummnnggnneee!" she wailed, clutching Audrey hard, slumping forward onto her, trying to extend her legs so that she wouldn't be attacked by a cramp. 

In the process she clamped her thighs around one of Audrey's and rode it to another, following orgasm, like a following wave, mashing her throbbing pussy into Audrey's hard, sleek thigh muscle and gasping sharply as a final, sweet, wrenching spasm gripped her.  And then they were both clinging together and panting and half-giggling from the quick, shocking release.  Neither spoke for a long time.  They just listened to each other breathing.  Laura could feel Audrey's warm breath against her cheek.  She could feel Audrey's breasts pushing into her own.

"You know . . . it all happened so fast," Audrey finally said softly, brushing the damp strands of hair away from Laura's forehead.  "There we were, fucking, and then . . . suddenly . . ."

"I know.  It was so good.  And so quick."

"I was worried about how I was going to help you come.  I've never done that.  But guess what?  I don't have to worry."

Laura kissed her nose, then her forehead.  "No, you don't.  You made me come hard.  And it was easy.  Right?"

Audrey smiled.  "So easy, maybe I should try it again.  I mean in a few minutes."  They slowly disentangled their sweaty bodies.  "I may need a minute to recover.  Plus, the sheet is all wet."

She was right.  It was not as hot as it had been a few days earlier, but still unseasonably warm.  They were both damp.  Laura licked the sweat from Audrey's naked body, remembering how she had done exactly the same thing to Audrey's sister Ashley.  Now I've licked them both.

Audrey, as if reading her mind, said: "How does it feel to have fucked both sisters?"

Laura scooted over to a part of the bed where the sheet was still dry, pulling Audrey after her.  "You know," she purred, pushing her face into Audrey's bare shoulder, "right now I can't feel anything but how good it is to do it with you."

Audrey laughed softly.  "Liar," she purred back.  "Remember, I'm a nurse.  I know how to tell when people are lying."

"Oh?  And how do you do that?"

"Nurse's secret."  She pinched Laura gently under the arm.  "Don't you have one of those strap-on cocks that lesbians are supposed to use?  I could really handle being fucked like that.  By you, that is."

Laura explained that she didn't just carry one around in her handbag in case she met a smoking hot neighborhood nurse.  "But I can bring one next time."

"Will there be a next time?"

"Only if you want one, my pet."

"I'm not your pet," Audrey smirked.  "And yes, I want one.  But right now we better mop up here before baby sister comes home and finds me in bed with her special catch."






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