Laura - Chapter 335




The time had come to give Bonnie another try, pretending nothing awkward had happened between them, and that Laura's feelings were not bruised by having been given the brush off.   An exhausting evening in Arthell's parents' bed, fucking the dear girl to oblivion and back to the point where neither of them could even summon the energy to get dressed, had been enough to assuage Laura's feelings of rejection for a while.  She did not, as promised, contact Bonnie the next day, hoping back deep in her mind somewhere that Bonnie herself would feel vaguely wounded, and that that somehow would even things up between them.  Instead, she let two weeks elapse before calling her.  During this period, Makeeda returned, then left again for a three-day engagement in Boston, where she was developing a new group of fans.

Laura called the Redevelopment Agency and asked for Bonnie Holland.  "Why you calling me at work, Laura?  They might get mad at me for this.  Ain't supposed to get personal calls.  My boss is frowning at me right now."

"Sorry," Laura quickly apologized.  "I thought . . . maybe . . ."

"I know what you thought," Bonnie said softly into the phone, her voice peremptory and clipped at first, but then gentle and intimate, a kind of intimacy Laura was familiar with, intimacy they shared from having done the most intimate things together one could do.  "I want to see you, too."

"You do?"

"Yes.  Can you give me a ride home tonight?"

"Yes!"  Laura calmed herself.  "I'll pick you up at five fifteen.  In front of the building."

"I'll be waiting on the steps, like before.  See you then."

Driving Bonnie home, across the Bridge, Laura tried to pretend that there was no awkwardness between them due to the little rejection she had suffered two weeks earlier, when Bonnie clearly had a prearranged assignation going with Butch Blondie, the one Laura had seen her walking and joking with.  The worst side of her nature would want to know: did she fuck you, did she fist you—I know what a hot little tart you are, and how you probably goaded her into it, or invited her, you little slut—did she fuck you with her strap-on, did she trib you, did she kiss you and tell you how beautiful you are, how she loves your high cheekbones, how sleek your lovely skin is?  All this ran feverishly through Laura's head, but she said none of it.  I have manners, she thought.  I have maturity.  All that stuff is none of my business.  I do not own her.  I am calm and reasonable.  I am no longer the petty jealous type.  I have self-control.

But Bonnie would not let it rest.  She wasn't mean about it, but she did want to make Laura a little jealous. 

"Don't you want to know about Meredith?" she asked while they were sitting in traffic.

Laura looked out the driver's side window at the little bit of sky she could glimpse over the dark bridge railings.  She acted very nonchalant, oblivious.  Is that the bitch's name?  "Oh . . . who is that?  Somebody you work with?" she asked, making a big play out of not caring.

Bonnie smiled slyly.  She was not by nature a schemer or a game-player, and so it was a sly but also ambiguously submissive smile.  "She's that girl you saw me with.  You know, at the BART station."  Laura still acted oblivious, and feigned puzzlement.  "The one I had over to dinner that night.  When you wouldn't stay."

Laura gave her a sharp stare.  "I certainly wouldn't have wanted to intrude.  To spoil your dinner together."

Bonnie said nothing.  She acted like she knew secrets she would not dare divulge, especially now that she knew Laura was a little hostile.  They rode in silence for another few minutes.  Laura wanted to stop the car and tear Bonnie's clothes off and fuck her passionately on the spot, right there on the Bay Bridge in the middle of snarled traffic.  She didn't know why she had this impulse.  The more silent and smug and secretive Bonnie became, the more it fanned Laura's lust.

Finally, they cleared the bridge traffic and were only minutes away from Bonnie's apartment.  "Okay . . ." Laura said wearily, "I guess you want to tell me about her.  So?"

"You were the one who told me to get other friends, Laura," Bonnie said sternly.

"I . . . know," Laura swallowed.

"She ain't as good as you, if that's what you're worried about.  But she likes me."

"That's good."

"She likes my black skin, like you do.  You white people are strange, but who am I to complain?  I like being liked."

Laura could not help smiling over at her.  "So do I.  I guess that's normal."

She reached over and patted Bonnie's knee.  Since Nyomi had got her this new job with the city as a favor to Laura, Bonnie wore skirts instead of jeans, and her shiny black knees were visible, as well as an inch or two of thigh flesh.  Laura found her impossibly fetching in her skirts and white tennies.  I'd like to throw 'Meredith' under a BART train, she thought, but I'll suck it up and get control of myself if only I can bury my head between these delicious black thighs in about twenty minutes.

Bonnie again gave her the sly smile, as if she could read Laura's thoughts.

In her apartment, she busied herself clattering pots and pans in her small kitchen, as if dinner were the objective, while Laura stood across the small room from her salivating.  And not for dinner.  "What are you doing?" she asked Bonnie.

"Don't you want to eat?" Bonnie said, over her shoulder.

"I'm hungry, all right."

Bonnie turned and grinned.  "You bad, Laura Robbins.  You a corrupting influence.  Heard that on TV.  A corrupting influence.  You are like a man.  You just want pussy.  Pussy pussy pussy."

Instead of answering, Laura crossed the small room to the kitchen and took Bonnie in her arms, kissing her smooth cheek.  "I want your pussy," she murmured.  "Is that so bad?  I thought you liked me wanting you."

Bonnie smiled and warmed up quickly, brushing her sensual lips against Laura's cheek too.  "I do.  In fact, I want to get in the bed with you more than anything.  It's been too long.  You got that wife of yours.  I have to make do."

Laura gently pinched her fantastic bottom, though the round moons were so hard it was difficult to get a purchase with her fingers.  "It seems like you've been doing all right in that area," she said, sarcastically.  What about Butch Blondie?  Excuse me, 'Meredith'.  "What about Meredith?" she whispered nastily into Bonnie's delectable black ear, before slithering her tongue into it.

Bonnie grinned slyly again.  "Meredith likes to fuck me.  Does that make you jealous?"  She had clearly said it as boldly and unvarnished as possible, hoping to watch Laura's chagrin.

"You know it does."

Bonnie tilted her head flirtatiously.  "Good."  She smirked.  She left the pots and pans where they were and walked into the center of the small adjoining room, toward the wall where the Murphy bed was concealed behind a panel.  "Maybe you can show me how jealous you are."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Laura followed her, smiling.  She caught up with Bonnie and embraced her again, enjoying the game, forgetting about Meredith completely.  Again she ran her hands down to Bonnie's splendid ass and tried to pinch the hard moons.

"If you don't quit doing that, I'm gonna call nine one one," Bonnie said softly, teasingly.

"Oh?  And tell them what?"

"That you trying to rape me."

Laura nibbled and sucked her delicious black earlobe.  "Let me get this straight.  You're going to tell the mostly male fire department or police department that two black and white lesbians are having a sex quarrel and you need them to rescue you.  Right?  Maybe we should go downstairs and do it for them on the sidewalk to spare them having to climb two flights."

Bonnie didn't reply.  Her eyes looked fiery and defiant, but also playful, and they smoked with sex.  She kissed Laura instead, a searing kiss.  Laura scorched her right back.

"You're goddamned right it makes me jealous," she panted into Bonnie's cheek.

"Good," Bonnie said again.

Their next kiss was less feverish, more sensual.  Laura's tongue explored Bonnie's open mouth deeply.  "I like to fuck you, too," she murmured into Bonnie's teeth.

"Have you got one of those strap-on dicks?" Bonnie panted back.

Laura realized that though they had done a lot together, they had never done that.  "Yes.  In the car," she said, a little breathless with sexual hunger.

"Go get it."

For some reason Laura was almost paralyzed on the spot, and Bonnie had to say it again.

"Go get it.  Laura?  Go get it."

Laura slowly released her.  She nodded.  "I'll go get it."

Their eyes were locked together.  Laura knew better than to ask why Bonnie wanted her to go downstairs to her car and get the strap-on dildo.  She quickly did as she was asked and returned with it in under three minutes, bounding up the stairs so that she was out of breath.

Bonnie had pulled down the Murphy bed while she was gone and stripped back the bed coverings.  Laura noticed that she had also adjusted the bureau with the large, swiveling oval mirror so that it would show anything going on in the bed.  Bonnie liked to watch.  You scamp! Laura thought.  You fetching little tease!

She stood there panting from her climb, while Bonnie laughed softly.  "You in some kind of hurry?"

Laura dropped the little valise on the bed and took a step toward her.  "Yes," she panted.  She grabbed Bonnie and kissed her neck.  "I hope your neighbors aren't home from work yet.  I'm going to make you scream."

Bonnie smirked sexily.  She unbuttoned the top button of her crisp white blouse, her eyes never leaving Laura's.  She had somehow transformed herself into this charming little seductress in the months since Laura had first met her, when she had been a friendly though very self-deprecating and unassuming little undiscovered beauty, working in obscurity in an alley sandwich shop, abandoned by her one-time boyfriend, and pretty much expecting little of life.  Now she had two women (at least; Laura was sure there must be more, and god only knew how many men) clamoring for her company, and her body.  She was confident enough to tempt them with patently seductive measures like this one.  Slowly undressing.

You want this body?  You want to touch it?  You want to see it come slowly into view?  You like my black skin, you crazy white girl?  Want to see a little more?

Another button unfastened.  Laura was hypnotized, watching.  Another button.  The dark, sleek skin of Bonnie's upper chest was more and more visible.  Laura could see the top edges of her white bra cups. 

"You are amazingly sexy," she said softly, under her breath.

Bonnie smirked again, salaciously.  "What do you like best, my boobs or my ass?"  She pivoted on one foot to show off her ass, which Laura already knew was splendid but the spectacular nature of which was concealed pretty effectively by Bonnie's prim skirt.

"Do I have to choose?"

Bonnie shook her head and undid another button.  Now her blouse gaped open enough for Laura to see the black skin of her stomach, under her bra.  "I already know what you like.  I told you.  Pussy pussy pussy.  Am I right?"

Laura couldn't take any more.  The girl was irresistible.  She half-lunged forward and grabbed her, crushing Bonnie's mouth with her own, sliding both hands under the cloth of the half-open blouse, letting her fingertips revel in the smooth warmth of Bonnie's skin.  "You don't know how much I want you," she panted.

"Yes I do," Bonnie giggled, kissing Laura back.  "You gotta get your clothes off too."  She started unbuttoning and unzipping Laura just as frantically as Laura was unbuttoning and unzipping her.

In seconds they were down to their underwear.  Bonnie's face slid down to Laura's breasts, kissing the tops of them and the not-very-deep cleavage between them, since Laura's breasts were quite small.  But Bonnie loved them anyway.

"Take this off," she said, slipping the straps off Laura's shoulders.  "You aren't the only one who likes titties."

"Ooohhh, am I being attacked?" Laura feigned alarm.  "Am I being sexually assaulted?"

Bonnie giggled softly again.  "You are.  By me."

She got her mouth on Laura's naked breasts and did not let up, sucking and slurping them thirstily.  Laura's nipples ached between Bonnie's sensual lips.  It's the new Bonnie, she thought, but did not say it aloud for fear it would stop her.  Instead, she held Bonnie's head in both hands, stroking her hair, while Bonnie sucked her vigorously.

"Honey . . . you're making me so wet," she gasped to her.

Bonnie stopped for a moment and grinned up at her.  "Me too.  Better put that thing on."

"Not yet," Laura said, trying to skim Bonnie's underpants (you really couldn't call them panties) down her hard, sleek black thighs.  "I want to rub against you all over first.  And kiss you here . . . and here . . . and . . ."  She really did not want to get to the actual fucking too fast.

Her words were stopped by one of Bonnie's naked breasts pushing against her lips.  She opened them and sucked Bonnie's bulging black nipple inside.

"Oh!" Bonnie gasped.  "Yes!  Unmh!"

Bonnie's breasts were only slightly bigger than Laura's but lovely little round and very firm balls with thick black nipples, and Laura loved mouthing them with overflowing ardor.  She could feast on them for long minutes, while Bonnie gurgled and cooed and hummed in happy pleasure.  "You're gonna make me come before you fuck me, if you keep that up," she murmured, settling down into the mattress as Laura switched back and forth between her breasts, sucking each nipple until it was tight and pointing, shiny wet with her warm spittle.

Their bras were both hanging slackly around their arms and Laura's panties were still on, so they quickly divested themselves of the rest of their underwear and began caressing and kissing and writhing together passionately.  Bonnie grinned and looked up at the tilted oval mirror, at their entwined naked bodies.  She draped a long black arm across Laura's pale back.

"Look at us," she panted.

Laura looked up too.  "God, we're beautiful."

"I know."

"We should take movies and sell them."

Bonnie crinkled her nose in a goofy grin.  "I'd buy one."

"Me too."

They continued kissing and stroking for several minutes, without looking.  Then they looked again.  Laura had her mouth full of Bonnie's breast and had to be coaxed to release it long enough to look up at the mirror.

"I wish I had a movie of you when you come, sometimes," Bonnie confessed against her cheek.  "You get me hot when you come."

"Honey, you are hot all the time."

"You know what I mean," Bonnie laughed, tickling her.  "And you better put that dick on and do me, before I pop."

This was Laura's invitation not only to fasten the strap-on into place and get down to business but also to ask if 'Meredith' had been the one to introduce Bonnie to this new twist.  After all, Bonnie seemed so nonchalant about it.  Something must've happened.

I always meant to get around to this, she thought as she tightened the harness, but somehow I was always too eager to devour her and eat her alive.  And then, she always wanted to be fist-fucked.  Couldn't wait for anything else.  She kissed Bonnie's shiny dark forehead.  "I want to stick my dick into you," she smiled.

Bonnie grinned back.  "I guess you're going to get your chance.  How come you never did this to me before?"

"I was just wondering the same thing myself."  She bit her tongue before saying: It must've been that odious cunt Meredith who got your strap-on cherry before I did.  That's enough of that, Laura! she snapped at herself.  Stop being so petty and censorious.

And Bonnie made her petty jealousies irrelevant anyway, rolling onto her back and holding her arms up sweetly to Laura, irresistibly sweet, as she always was, pliant and smiling, spreading her sleek black thighs to offer the red, wet crease of her oozing pussy to Laura.  "Come and get it," she purred happily.

Laura climbed over one leg and settled in, guiding the head of the shaft toward the puckering, black-lipped slit of Bonnie's beautiful cunt.  Bonnie's dark eyes went briefly glassy, and she groaned softly as it slid into her.  Laura recalled that she nearly always did this when Laura's hand finally penetrated her pussy, a moment of exquisite sweet sexual discomfort that quickly, very quickly modulated into churning lust.  Bonnie gulped breath, and her eyelids fluttered, but then she was looking up into Laura's eyes with deep love.  Laura had pushed the shaft as deeply into her as it would go and now was leaning forward over her, dangling her own breasts against Bonnie's, kissing her cheek, her chin, her forehead, her wildly desirable mouth.

"I . . . love to fuck you," she breathed softly into Bonnie's ear, tonguing it passionately.  I hate for anybody else to fuck you.  She did not say this part out loud.  Anyway, you should feel ashamed, she told herself. 

Bonnie was already swirling her hips to make the dildo go in and out.  "You're . . . pretty good . . . at it," she panted, running her hands up and down Laura's back.

But Laura had done nothing yet, except hold herself stationary while Bonnie gyrated her hips slowly.  "You're doing all the work," she whispered, still kissing her everywhere: her gleaming black shoulders, her chiseled collar bones, the underside of her jaw, the secret moist spot behind her ear, down her neck to her throat.

Bonnie smiled.  "Then time for you to do some."  They rocked gently together in silence for another few minutes, feeling the wonderful sexual tension slowly build.  "I like it this way," Bonnie finally said.  "I can kiss you and feel your titties against mine, and you can kiss me too.  While we're fucking, I mean.  I like to kiss while we're fucking."

"Me too."  Laura followed up with a dozen hot kisses all over her face.

"It's like fucking with a guy but better," Bonnie panted, growing more aroused by the second.

"Oh . . . you like that, do you?" Laura teased, jabbing her more roughly now with the dildo, sliding one hand down to hold it so that she could deliver more powerful thrusts.

Bonnie did like it.  "Unh . . . unh . . . unh!" she grunted softly as Laura fucked her harder, and a little faster.  "Shit . . . you're gonna make me come, girl."

"Can you come this way?"

"Oh yes.  Oh yes."  Bonnie panted, and whinnied softly, bucking under Laura.  "Just keep it up that way.  Steady.  Steady.  Oh yes.  Ungghhh!"

"But you can't come yet," Laura panted, still kissing every part of Bonnie she could reach with her lips.  "Because I'm enjoying this too much.  I love it . . . I love it . . ."

Bonnie grinned.  "Shut up, Laura, and get to work.  You get yours afterward.  Unh!  Oh!  Yes yes!  Ungghhh!"

"Not yet!" Laura giggled, even though she was still thrusting seriously.  She kissed Bonnie's neck.  "Not yet . . . I'm not through kissing you."

But Bonnie was now half-delirious with her crescendo of sex need, pumping and twisting faster and harder, careening toward the finish line.  "Ungghh!  Ohnnngg!  Yes!"

Laura tried to slow it down but that was impossible.  She did manage a glance sideways at the mirror, and the sight was so arousing that she could barely tear her eyes away from it.  Bonnie's long black arms were wrapped around her paler, creamy body, her black knees and sleek, gleaming thighs were yawning apart with Laura crouched between them, and their groins were churning together in a magnificent, regular rhythm, while Bonnie's pretty face was contorted in a grimace of acute sexual anguish as she hurtled toward her happy explosion.  They were entangled and striving and panting and gurgling with joyful, vigorous lust, and Laura wondered if she had ever seen anything so exciting.

She felt a tremor deep in Bonnie's writhing body.  "Unnnmmnnn!" Bonnie grunted softly.  "Oh!"

"Yes!" Laura gasped into her ear.  "Yes, honey, yes!"

Suddenly, Bonnie arched her back and made a little jump up from the mattress, twitching and flexing in a quick spasm.  This was following by a fierce howl.


She twisted, she leapt up again, she jerked violently in midair, then fell back again to the mattress, emitting a low, guttural moan.

"Ohhnngggmmm!  Oh . . . oh shit!  Auunngghhhhh!"

Laura had never seen her have an orgasm quite like this one.  Or, maybe she had.  Bonnie did go in for the violent wrenching and twisting, Laura knew, but in the past Laura had always marked that up to the fisting Bonnie loved so much, assuming that it had brought on these violent spasms.  Now she realized this was just the way Bonnie climaxed when super-excited, and she held the quivering girl, not thrusting any more, while the series of spasms worked through her body and began to wane.

"Oooohhhh . . . you had a good one," she cooed into Bonnie's ear, stroking her body tenderly, brushing the hair back from her forehead and kissing away the shiny film of sweat.

Bonnie drifted back slowly from the land of ecstasy, twitching and quivering a little, her limbs still flexing and fluttering, her breath still labored.  Laura held her and kissed her.  This all went on for long minutes, and they were glued together throughout, the strap-on dildo still deeply embedded in Bonnie's pussy.  Bonnie did not respond to Laura's kisses, being too crushed by her orgasm to bother, and then she suddenly did respond, kissing Laura back, coming to life again, stirring, and smiling.

"Nobody like my Laura," she croaked softly, looking deeply, lovingly, into Laura's eyes.

Laura took this to mean that 'Meredith,' no matter how good she might be, was not in the same league with Bonnie's own Laura.  This might be a niggling, petty victory, but Laura would take it.  Inwardly she smiled, trying not to be smug about it, and wreathed this phrase in her mind with garlands of affection.  My Laura.  Nobody like my Laura.

They kissed again, deeply, and then Laura carefully extracted the orgasm-maker from Bonnie's clinging orifice, and quickly slipped out of the straps.  "Don't you want me to do you?" Bonnie asked softly.

"Yes," Laura said.  "I . . . want you to give me the fist."  She ran her fingertips along the back of one of Bonnie's shapely black hands.

Bonnie's eyes widened, and a hint of a smile tugged at the corners of her desirable mouth.  Incredibly, Laura realized, though Bonnie was wildly partial to the fist, she had never actually returned the favor for Laura, during their relationship.  Somehow, like the strap-on, they had simply never got around to it.  Mostly, Laura thought, because by this stage I'm so ready to pop that nearly any touch of hers makes me burst.

In fact, this time was no different.  She felt so aroused from fucking the delicious girl that even Bonnie's warm breath on her clit would be enough to make her come.  But she did want it.  She wanted something intense, intimate, and slightly violent, something to match this 'my Laura' moment; a 'my Bonnie' moment.  My Bonnie shoved her arm up into my body and made me die of coming.  She tried to let all this meaning flood into her eyes as she gazed deeply into Bonnie's.

"What do you think?" she almost whispered.

Bonnie grinned and gently pulled Laura down onto her back.  "You sure?"  She held up the hand that Laura had been caressing.  "My hands are a little bigger than yours."

Laura pulled her down and kissed her, mashing her naked breasts into Bonnie's hard little balls.  "Honey, if a baby can get down that chute, I think your hand can make it."

Bonnie giggled softly.  "Guess you're right."  She frowned, thinking.  "You ever have a baby?"

Laura shook her head.  "I haven't even been in danger of that for years."

"I almost did once.  Had to have . . . you know."

Laura nodded sympathetically.

"He was a total screw-up.  A real dick head.  I did the right thing."

"I'm sure you did."  Laura smiled, fondling Bonnie's world-class bottom with her fingers and watching their bodies in the tilted mirror. 

Bonnie saw her looking and grinned.  "You like to watch, too."

"I think I could just lie here and have a little orgasm while looking at my pale fingers running all over your dark round ass, my darling.  Your skin is so smooth and black."

Bonnie gripped her more tightly, nuzzling Laura's neck.  "I think I can make you have more than just a little one," she breathed.  "I think I can make you have a big one."

Laura smiled and kissed her nose.  "I dare you to try."

Bonnie loved this.  Immediately, she began kissing Laura's body, especially her breasts, which she mouth-mauled Laura-fashion for quite a while, showing Laura what she had learned.  By the time Bonnie moved further south, Laura was moaning and twisting happily in anticipation of certain further bliss.

"Oh . . . Bonnie . . ." she sighed.  "Oh honey . . ."

"Trouble with you," Bonnie murmured, as she began to rub Laura's open, wet pussy with two fingers, "is . . . you get so hot fucking me that you come real fast yourself.  Right?"

"Right," Laura gasped, affirming Bonnie's recognition of what she had long known herself.  "Oh god . . . yes!  Right there!  Unhhhh!"

"Now don't you be getting there too fast, Laura," Bonnie warned, in her cutest schoolmarmish tone.

She was kissing Laura's stomach and her inner thighs while she worked a quick three fingers into the juicy warm furrow of Laura's aching pussy.  Oh god, this is going to happen so fast! Laura realized.

But Bonnie clearly did not want it to happen fast.  It turned out that she wanted to tease and toy with Laura's aroused pussy while watching everything in the mirror, almost as if this were a show they were putting on for her benefit.  Laura liked watching it too, but since she was on the receiving end, her responses were mixed.  She wanted to watch but was overcome by sharp and ever-growing lust.  Bonnie's tongue on her clit made her want to scream with sharp, pent-up fuck-need.  She churned and swirled her hips, feeling Bonnie's three fingers slide in and out of her well-lubricated pussy.

"If you . . . don't . . . let me come . . . I'm never . . . going to . . . talk to you . . . again . . ." she panted feverishly, feeling her whole body come alive.

"Oh, you are going to come," Bonnie grinned, now bending more eagerly to the task.  "Looks like you are going to come real fast."

"Yes!  Unhhh!  Yes!  Oh!"

Bonnie finally realized that stretching it out further was nearly impossible.  Laura was in a frenzy.  She writhed and gurgled and begged with her eyes.  Bonnie got all four fingers into Laura's pussy, then her thumb too, pushing, pushing, until her hand widened the slippery cavity enough to slip inside.

"Ungghh!" Laura grunted softly, feeling engorged by Bonnie's hand.  "Oh . . . shit!"

Bonnie grinned just at the corner of her mouth.  "Told you my hand was bigger."

Laura nodded, feeling water spring to her eyes.  Often with fist-fucking there was a spellbinding moment of intimacy that enraptured both participants, especially when the full penetration occurred.  Bonnie's eyes caught hers, and she knew they were both feeling it, this solemn, stirring moment, and yet as soon as Bonnie began to move her hand it transmuted itself into a crackling, fiery jolt of fierce need that swept everything else aside.

Oh god, fuck me, Bonnie, I'm going to come so hard! Laura thought, beginning to churn her pelvis even more frantically than before.  Bonnie, usually on the receiving end of this, knew what was happening and immediately joined in.

"You gonna come, Laura . . . you gonna come now!" she panted, twisting her hand inside Laura's cunt, and thrusting it, thrusting, thrusting, watching Laura's face.

And yet . . . and yet, Laura did not come, not instantly.  She felt it building, swelling, throbbing in her body, but not yet ready to burst.  Bonnie, completely in tune with her, felt the slight delay too and leaned forward to fervently lick and suck Laura's nipples, grabbing one breast with her free hand and sucking Laura's nipple deeply into her warm, wet mouth.

"Unhhh!  Oh!" Laura gasped. 

Oh shit!  Bonnie siphoning up her nipple like this was just what it took to tip her over the edge.  Her whole body clenched in a white-hot, wrenching spasm.  She did not even hear the roar that came out of her mouth until it was filling the small apartment.


"Yessss . . .  Laura . . . yesssss!" Bonnie hissed to her, still pumping her hard and rhythmically with her hand, but also catching glimpses sideways of their churning bodies in the mirror.

Accompanying her roar, Laura's pelvis jerked spastically up off the mattress, shuddering in midair, impaled on Bonnie's hand and forearm, spasming wildly in fierce shocks of killing pleasure.  The climax knocked the breath out of her.  Wheezing and gurgling, she fell back to the sheet, panting and whinnying almost hysterically.

"Mmmmnnneeeee . . . mnnneeee . . ." she gasped, feeling the wrenching shocks die away almost as quickly as they had arrived.  Now she was simply limp, fluttering with helpless feathery little twitches, as the orgasm finally released her.  "Oh . . shit!" she finally croaked, her eyelids blinking open to see their merged bodies in the tilted mirror.

Bonnie was also looking and cracked a big grin.  "Mmmmm, that worked out pretty well," she said softly.  "Too quick . . . but pretty good."

"God . . . the understatement of the year," Laura gasped, still groggy, glassy-eyed.

"Want me to take it out?"

"Leave it in . . . for just a minute, okay?  God, it feels so good to have you inside me."

Bonnie was tenderly kissing Laura's body, her stomach, her thighs.  "Kind of feels good, doesn't it.  I like it when you're inside me."

Laura noticed—though absently, as if in a far corner of her brain—that Meredith had 'left the building.'  She was no longer a presence.  This act had melded Laura and Bonnie together in an unbreakable union.  No one else had a part in it.

Finally Bonnie's lips reached Laura's, and with her hand still embedded in Laura's throbbing pussy, they kissed warmly.  "Now . . . you can take it out," Laura whispered at the end of the kiss.

Bonnie did, carefully, and quickly hopped up to get a towel.  Then she returned to the bed and cuddled with Laura, both of them again unable to take their eyes off the reflection of their coiled bodies in the mirror. 

"We look good," Bonnie murmured against Laura's shoulder.

"We sure do," Laura smiled. 

"I wish I wasn't so black, though."

"Why is that?"

"I don't know," Bonnie said, almost wistfully.  "Light-skinned sistas get it all."

Laura nuzzled her neck and sucked it, though not hard enough to leave a hickey.  "They don't get me.  You get me."

Bonnie beamed.  Laura could see the fetching little six-year-old she had once been in this beaming, innocent smile.  She laid her head on Laura's shoulder.  "That's right, I do.  Nobody can have you right now but me."  She was silent for a few minutes, and they simply basked in the warmth and intimacy of the moment.  Then, "You hungry?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Cause I hear your stomach rumbling."

"I guess I could eat, if you feel like cooking."

"Invited you, didn't I?  Anyway, you got to fuel up for round two."  She rolled sideways off the bed and pulled Laura up too with one hand.  "C'mon, you can help.  Can you chop onions?"

"I can," Laura said, unable to take her eyes off Bonnie's bewitching naked black body.  "You better put something on, though, or I'll be dragging you back here."

Bonnie flirted.  "You better," she grinned.  She flung a robe at Laura from the closet behind the Murphy bed, and slipped into a loose pale blue cotton nightie of her own that was almost sexier than going naked.  "C'mon.  Eat first . . . then a little gentle loving, for a change.  You wearing me out with that dick."






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