Laura - Chapter 334



"Hey, Laura, how you doin?  I haven't seen you for about a year.  If I didn't know you better, I'd think you dropped me.  Just kidding.  I've been busy . . . with school, life, you know.  I met someone.  Not the one I told you about before, though I still see her too.  But all this . . . you know, sex, got me to thinking about you.  You're the one who started me on all this . . . and I . . . well, you know, I miss you.  I really do.  Nothing like your first, I guess.  I wish you'd call me.  I'll try back in a few days."

Oh god, Arthell! Laura thought, nearly jumping out of her chair with shocked recognition and happiness.  This was a message on her work voice mail, since of course Arthell did not have her home phone number, or apparently her cell number either. 

 But Laura had problems.  Makeeda was home.  She would be home for three weeks.  Her presence, as always, put everyone else in the shadows, and Laura would not wish for a minute that she would be gone again more quickly.  And yet this message from Arthell really got to her.  She wanted to phone her back immediately and say 'Just hang in there, darling, I'll be with you in a few weeks, god I'm glad you called!'  She could feel little tingly sparklers going off inside her vagina at the mere thought of Arthell, and it was impossible not to recall the sweet girl's 'Oh, fuck!' ringing in her ears.  When Arthell began to lose control, there were flurries of Oh-fucks swirling through the air.

Oh fuck, Laura grinned to herself.  I can't wait.

But wait she did.  She did not phone Arthell back, feeling there was too much to explain over the phone, and a conversation covering the essentials would simply be too awkward at the moment.  And since she did not phone back, Arthell, true to word, left another message about a week later.

"Gee, Laura, I am beginning to think you're trying to ditch me.  You didn't even call me back.  You're beginning to hurt my feelings.  Just kidding.  I know you're busy.  Important.  All that.  [If you only knew . . . Laura thought.]  I've got an itch for you.  Call me."

She left her number this time, in case Laura had forgotten it.  Laura had to call her now.

But explanations were not simple.  "Darling Arthell, how could I ever 'ditch' you?" she reassured her.  "But . . . remember when we first met and you asked me if I was married?"

"Uh oh," Arthell said, but not with any trace of foreboding.  "You switched back?  To guys?"

Arthell was such a charming innocent.  "No, silly.  I did get married, though."

"To a girl."


"Lucky her."  Arthell paused, pondering it.  "So playing with me would be adultery."

"I could never stop 'playing' with you."

"That's not what I asked.  It's adultery, right?"

"Only if you want to think of it that way.  It also means I moved.  And I can't meet you at my place.  Now that would be adultery.  I also can't meet you for a couple of weeks since she's in town.  She travels a lot.  When she's gone, she doesn't much care if I . . . as you call it: 'play'?"

Arthell sighed.  "Oh good.  That's a relief.  My Mom and Dad are going to be gone in two weeks.  To the Monterey Jazz Festival.  Remember I said they go there every year?  You can come here to play.  This time we'll use their bed.  It's bigger.  I don't mind washing the sheets.  I got tired of fucking in that little twin bed of mine.  God, Laura, I missed you!  How can you stay away so long?"

There was a plaintive quality to this appeal that certainly tugged Laura's heart and made a deep pulse in her pussy flutter.  "Darling Arthell," she purred into the phone softly, "it takes two to be apart.  You were evidently too busy with your new 'friends'."

Arthell laughed.  "Too true.  I'll have to tell you all about it.  Since you were the one who got me started on this path," she teased Laura.

"It wasn't easy," Laura reminded her.  She had gone through lengthy agonies trying to get the wonderful Arthell into bed the first time.

"Tell me about it," Arthell said, mordantly.  "I was a tough nut to crack, wasn't I.  Now you should see me.  I even did it with two other girls about a week ago.  My friend Cynthia I told you about.  Remember?  We each had our own Cynthia?  Is Cynthia the one you married?"

"Yes.  She goes by another name, though."

Arthell seemed more interested in telling Laura about her liberated escapades than in hearing about Laura's marriage.  "Anywaayyy . . ." she drawled.  "Three of us did it.  Cynthia and one of her old girlfriends.  I don't know whether I like three.  Two is better.  I can concentrate more when there's only one other person."

Laura whispered into the phone.  "Arthell, you're getting me hot.  Let's postpone this conversation until we can meet face to face.  I think . . . I'm getting too aroused for work."

Again Arthell laughed.  "I'm glad to know I can still have that effect on you.  You old married lady.  Call me in two weeks.  I'll be panting every minute until then."

As the two weeks passed, Laura kept noticing ads for the Monterey Jazz Festival popping up in the newspaper and on TV, and each time she thought of Arthell.  Her time—and her libido—was completely absorbed by Makeeda's presence, and yet in the background hovered the prospect of thrilling future evenings of exquisite sex with the delicious Arthell.  When Makeeda did leave, though only for a three-night engagement in St. Louis, Laura called Arthell immediately.

"They're leaving tomorrow afternoon," Arthell said.  "Gosh, Laura, you sound like you want me."

"I do."

"Good.  I want you, too.  Do you remember how to get here?"

"How could I forget?"

"I'll be waiting," Arthell said, with fetching coyness.  "I'll be salivating.  Hey, that's a song."  She sang breathily into the phone, making up an awkward melody.  Even though her father was a musician, Arthell was not similarly gifted.  "'I'll be waiting . . . and salivating . . . for Laura to . . . suck me and fuck me . . . to heaven.'"  She exploded in giggles.  "Just made up that last part."  More giggles.  "Bring that double dildo strap-on thing you've got.  I want the whole thing.  I want everything.  I want to be taken in a big way by my Laura.  My first," she said, decisively, almost proudly.

These kinds of conversations nearly destroyed Laura.  They were so sexually exciting to her that she could barely live through the long hours before they met, let alone work diligently through them.  But she steeled herself and managed.  After all, life is not just about how much hot black pussy you can get, you randy lecher! she told herself.  Though it often seemed as if it was.

Or hot brown pussy, in Arthell's case.  During the hours of working and waiting and seething with suppressed lust, she found her mind wandering to memories of the girl's delightful body, so many gorgeous shades of brown.  Arthell had a brown pussy, and brown nipples, and brown, lovely thick lips that Laura liked to rape with her mouth, and a brown neck, and sculpted brown collar bones that she loved to lick, and a luscious brown bottom, all differing shades of glorious brown. 

Good thing she wants me to 'take' her, she thought, because I might not be able to control my inner rapist. 

But she did.  Arthell was too sweet and direct and freshly sexy and artless, greeting her at the door in white shorts and a ribbed beige top that showed off every inch of her marvelous chest and grinning as she saw Laura taking everything in. 

"You look hungry," was all she said as she let Laura inside and then locked the door behind her. 

"You don't know how hungry," Laura said.  "You look marvelous."

Arthell gave her a little mock curtsey.  "At your service.  I've been saving it all for you."

Laura could not take her eyes off Arthell's long, slim, dark brown legs, glossy and sleek.  Arthell thought they were too thin, but Laura just wanted to run her lips all over them.  "That isn't what I hear," Laura teased her.  "I hear you let two other girls do you last week."

Arthell tittered, leading Laura into the living room.  "God it was fun!" she admitted guiltily.  "They were both white.  They made me a chocolate sandwich."

Laura had instant hot sexual pangs, recalling Carmela; she and Carmela's friend Stacy had made Carmela into one, and the three of them had had a meltdown.  "I'll bet the three of you started a wildfire," she said, smiling at the way Arthell seemed so pleased by it.

"I think I came three times while they were doing it," Arthell confessed.

  "Have you ever done that?"


"What, come three times in a row?"

"Duh."  Arthell made a long, comical face, reminding Laura of Sara.  "I know you've done that.  You've done that with me.  I mean made a girl a chocolate sandwich."

Laura grabbed her and kissed her thick, voluptuous lips hungrily.  "I'd like to make you one.  Only I wouldn't want to share.  I want you all for myself."

"Come here and sit with me and kiss," Arthell said, patting the sofa with the palm of one hand.  "Remember?  How we sat here and kissed?  When you were still trying to get me into bed?  Before you succeeded?  You were so sly and clever.  But a great kisser.  I love kissing with you.  Nobody wants to kiss as much as you do.  They all just want to fuck me as soon as they can."

Laura smiled and sat down next to her.  "I can hardly blame them for that," she murmured, leaning to the side and brushing her lips against Arthell's phenomenally smooth dark brown cheek.  "But it's true, I like to kiss you too.  I love these marvelous lips."

Arthell grinned.  "My nigger lips.  I've got big African nigger lips."

"Don't say that," Laura shook her head.  "I love your lips."  She sucked Arthell's big, sensual lower lip into her mouth.  "Take it back, now.  You shouldn't use that word."

Arthell laughed, finally pulling her lip out of Laura's mouth.  "It's okay for me to say it.  Nigger nigger nigger.  See?  It doesn't bother me at all.  Actually, 'nigga' is better.  We all call each other nigga.  You can even use nigga.  Just not nigger."

"This conversation is pouring cold water all over my lust," Laura said to her bluntly.  "Have a little consideration for us lily white liberals, okay?  We just cringe when we hear that word."

Arthell turned kittenish, even resting her head for a moment softly on Laura's shoulder.  "I love it that you love my big thick lips," she purred, stroking Laura's face with her fingertips.  "I don't think anybody ever loved every inch of my body the way you do."

"I'll bet they did and just didn't tell you, the way I blurt everything out," Laura murmured back, turning her head so that she could catch those luscious lips again with her mouth.

Now they kissed romantically, long and deep.  During the kiss Laura could not keep herself from sliding her hands under Arthell's thin top and up to her breasts, squeezing them though Arthell's bra was still on.

"I'm so gushy," Arthell murmured, "I think I might come if you even sucked them.  I keep thinking about that time, last time, when you put your whole hand in me and made me come.  Every time I think of it I have an orgasm.  Once I was just sitting in the recliner dozing, that chair right over there, and my Mom was in the kitchen, and I had an orgasm right there and gurgled and groaned a little, and she came out and asked me if I was okay.  And I had to lie and pretend I had a little bad dream.  I think I was blushing, like you do, but I'm so dark brown it didn't show."

These kinds of narrations really put Laura over the top in the arousal department.  She could feel her pulse running hot.  "Do you want me to do it to you again?" she whispered.  "I thought you wanted the Double Penetrator."

Arthell grinned and nibbled Laura's earlobe.  "Can't I have both?  Would you think I'm a real pervert if . . . we did them both?"

"Honey, you can't be a worse pervert than Auntie Laura," Laura growled playfully, embracing her hard and thrusting her tongue deep into Arthell's willing mouth.  "I think we better go in there and get started.  We're going to get your Mama's sofa awfully wet if we stay out here."

"I know," Arthell giggled, smiling brightly.  "Follow me.  I already pulled down the spread and stocked in a lot of towels.  We gon' have a party, girl."

Laura couldn't suppress her own wide grin as she followed Arthell down the hallway.  She couldn't help remembering how much work it had taken, weeks and months, to coax Arthell down this hallway to her bedroom for their first time; even then, the charade had to be maintained that they were only going to lie on Arthell's bed and kiss some more, since kissing in the living room had made them vulnerable to discovery by someone peeking in the front windows.  And now . . . look at her, Laura almost quivered with glee.  Stocking up with towels!  Wanting to be fisted and double penetrated!  God help me, I'm going to faint with happiness!

But she got a quick rein on her glee as they entered Arthell's parents' bedroom.  There was always something about fucking a darling young girl in her mother's bed that cast a shadow over the proceedings, and it would be up to the two of them to shine the light and burn the flame even brighter.  But, Laura noticed, Arthell did not seem fazed by it.  Probably because she's done it in here with the lucky Cynthia dozens of times, she reasoned.  She's already baptized this queen-sized bed with lesbian fucking.  Nothing new here.

"Come here, my darling, and let me run my hands all over you," Laura murmured to her, drawing her close, embracing her, running her hands again up under Arthell's top to her bra.  "Take this off.  Give me this gorgeous body."

"Hold on . . . hold on . . ." Arthell tittered, pulling back.  "Wait till I pull the drapes.  You're awfully horny.  Doesn't that wife of yours ever let you fuck her?"  She sighed theatrically.  "I guess marriage is just what they say it is: the end of passion."

She grinned slyly at Laura.

Laura grabbed her.  "You wish," she laughed.  "You know just looking at you makes me horny."

This time she got Arthell's top up around her neck and even half over her head before Arthell pulled back again and removed the rest of it herself.  She was enchanting in her white bra, which contrasted beguilingly with the dark glossy brown skin of her upper body. 

Arthell wasn't done teasing.  She posed, from the side, from the back, peaking over her shoulder at Laura.  "You know when you first saw me?  When Ms. Grant brought you over to speak to our group?  Did you want to fuck me then?  That first time?"

"Of course I did."

"You did a good job of hiding it."

Laura laughed softly, unable to keep her eyes from devouring Arthell's delicious upper body.  "Well . . . I could hardly just come right out and say 'I sure would like to jump all over your beautiful bones and lick your beautiful brown pussy.'  What would you have thought?"

Arthell shivered visibly.  Then, surprised by it herself, she too laughed.  "Oh shit, I would've done just that.  I was so shocked that you wanted to fuck me.  And then I was so excited by it.  Just like now."

"Mmmmmm," Laura purred to her, drawing her close again, kissing her marvelous shiny dark brown shoulder, then one of her perfect collar bones.  "You know I fell for you because of these, don't you," she murmured.  "These fantastic collar bones.  I could see them through the open neck of your shirt."

"I know.  You're weird."

This was the same thing Arthell had said the first time Laura had told her about being enchanted by her collar bones.

"Not weird.  Don't you think anyone else has ever admired your beautiful collar bones?"

Arthell shook her head.  "I told Cynthia what you said and she said you were weird too."

By this time Laura's lips had descended from Arthell's beautiful collar bones to the cleavage between her breasts, still encased in her bra cups.  "I think this Cynthia of yours doesn't have a full appreciation of this beautiful body, in that case.  I, on the other hand, adore every inch of it."

Arthell giggled softly.  "You sure do."

"Off with this, my darling," Laura plucked at the fabric of her bra.  "Here . . . let me help."

She reached behind Arthell and undid the clasp.  The bra fell limp and the thin straps slid down Arthell's shapely brown arms.  Laura slid it all the way off and flung it across the room, filling her hands with Arthell's marvelous, springy, slightly pendulous breasts, brushing Arthell's large dark brown nipples with her thumbs.

Before she could suck them, Arthell interrupted her.  "You forgot the bag with the strap-on in it in the living room.  Get it before you start on me, or I'll lose control."

Laura grinned and kissed her cheek.  "And what will happen then?"

"I'll just want you to fuck me desperately.  My first orgasm is always my most intense," she said, perfectly serious.  "I want it that way.  With the thing."

"'The thing'?" Laura teased.  "Don't move, I'll be right back."

She dashed to the living room and retrieved her little bag.  Don't know how I could've forgotten you, she told it.  I guess it was that enchanting nubile young thing in the bedroom dying to have me fuck her from here to the seventh circle of heaven.  She waved the bag at Arthell as she darted back through the bedroom door.

"Here it is!"

Arthell was all smiles.  She had removed the rest of her clothing and was lying completely naked on the white sheet, a masterpiece of desire.  "Put it on.  Quick!  I've been waiting months for this."

"Doesn't the very lovely Cynthia have a strap-on?" she teased Arthell as she quickly removed her own clothes and slipped into the harness.  

Arthell was mesmerized, looking a the two prongs now jutting up from Laura's groin.  "She does . . . but not like . . . that one.  Shit, I forgot how long those things are."

Laura grabbed the double shafts with one hand and waved them playfully at her, approaching the bed.  "The better to ravish you with, my dear," she growled.  She climbed onto the bed and pulled Arthell close.  "But first let me kiss you and feel your marvelous body against mine.  You know, fucking is great, but it takes so much work.  For a few seconds I just want to feel you mashing into me, you know?"

"Mmmmm," Arthell purred, writhing her naked body against Laura's.  "I know exactly what you mean.  I love to do this.  I love to feel your little breasts pushing into mine."

"And I haven't even got to suck these yet . . . and you know how I love it."

She lowered her mouth to Arthell's beautiful naked breasts and began sucking one of her bulging, shiny brown nipples, drawing it deep into her mouth.  Arthell moaned and arched her back.  "Oh shit," she panted, "you don't love it any more than I love it."

Laura said nothing, her mouth too full of nipple.  She held Arthell's beautiful breast in both hands and sucked it hungrily, rapaciously, letting the large wet nipple escape from her lips with a pop before drawing it back inside for another round of lip-pinching and tongue-stroking, which soon had Arthell mewling softly and gnawing her full lower lip.  Was she about to let loose with the first of her delighted 'oh-fucks'?

Apparently, not yet.  She took her other breast in her hands and pushed it too toward Laura's mouth.  "This one too," she panted.  "Suck hard.  It makes me want you to fuck me."

Laura grinned.  "I thought you already wanted me to do that."

"God . . . I do!" Arthell panted and squirmed.  "I want you to . . . oh, just fuck me so hard!  We better do it!"

Almost in perfect rhythm, they rolled together, Laura onto her back, Arthell on top facing her, one of her thick, throbbing nipples still inside Laura's mouth.  Laura let it go with a loud, wet pop and smiled up at her.  "Are you going to ride me like a cowgirl?"

Arthell nodded, groping between their bodies to find the dual prongs.  "This way . . . they don't go too deep . . . unless I want them to," she panted, her eyes fiery with sexual need.

Laura had taught her this way the first time, so that Arthell would be in complete control of the penetration, and Arthell had remembered.  "Better let me get some baby oil, or you could be in for more discomfort than you remember."

Arthell surfaced briefly from her sexual trance long enough to let Laura swab the prongs, especially the lower one, with the oil from the small bottle she had taken out of the bag along with the apparatus. 

"There," Laura said, placing the bottle on the bedstand.  "All ready.  All ready for Fuckarama."

Arthell erupted in wild giggles.  "You are . . . so funny!  God, you're going to break my mood."

"I doubt that," Laura murmured, drawing her down and kissing her intensely, at the same time stroking the seam of her crotch with the fingers of one hand, preparing both lovely orifices with the oil still left on her fingers for the pleasurable entry they were about to receive.

"Ohhhnnnnnn!" Arthell moaned, mashing her saliva-wet breasts into Laura's.

Now, with Laura's help, she lowered herself onto the two dildos, gasping and gnawing her lower lip as they slowly slid up into her body.  Laura held them steady for her with one hand.  This took maybe twenty or thirty seconds, as both of them slowly and carefully let Arthell's body adjust to the invasion.  Arthell almost seemed to hold her breath throughout the entire process.  When both dildos were deep inside her, she suddenly exhaled.


"Mmmmm, that feels good?" Laura prompted.

"Oh god, it's heaven!"

Laura ran her hands up Arthell's lovely body to her breasts, cupping and gently squeezing them, lightly twisting her thick brown nipples.  "Don't move.  Just let them stay in there for a moment.  Then . . ."  She smiled.

"Don't say it," Arthell half-winced, half smiled with deep sexual pleasure.  "Fuckarama."

Both of them tried to laugh again, but the deeply erotic sensations they were both feeling made it impossible.  They remained as if in suspended animation for a few moments that way, with Laura reaching up to hold Arthell's naked breasts, and Arthell with her head thrown back slightly, luxuriating in the feel of being filled, crammed, engorged.  Then they began to rock gently, slowly rocking, slowly thrusting and churning, Arthell wincing again each time the shafts slid up deep into her body.

"Oh . . . fuck!" she finally gasped, fulfilling Laura's prophecy, half-yelping it in a mini-seizure of sharp pleasure.  "Oh . . . Laura . . ." she panted, leaning forward now, dangling her scrumptious breasts in Laura's face, but hardly knowing it, she was so caught up in the sheer bliss of fucking.

She planted her hands on either side of Laura's head, mashing her naked globes into Laura's face, now churning and bucking a little faster, and gasping more and more uncontrollably.  For her part, Laura gripped the base of the Double Penetrator in one hand to steady it, feeling that wild jouncing and twisting and jerking were only just around the corner.

"Suck . . . don't lick . . . suck them!" Arthell commanded through her sharp panting.  Laura complied, but it was not enough.  She sucked one of Arthell's big nipples into her mouth, but Arthell grunted and mashed the whole breast into Laura's lips.  "Bite it!  Ohhhhh!  Unngghhh!  Oh shit . . . oh fuck!  OH FUCK!"  She was pumping and gyrating wildly.

Laura wondered if this loud shout meant she was going to come; sooner than expected, but not unwelcome.  She attuned her body even more acutely to the signs, but Arthell was only giving voice to her extreme physical need and pleasure, not to an early arriving climax.  Instead, she began to undulate on top of Laura, rather then churn and pump, as she had been doing before.  She was long, she had a long body, just as long as Laura's, and together they undulated like two sensual snakes in a magic sexual writhing union, Laura still sucking her nipple, harder and harder, but not biting it as Arthell had requested.

But Arthell did truly want that, and she said it again, in a low, guttural, urgent gasp.  "Bite it . . . Laura!  Not too hard . . . but bite it!  Fuck me harder!"

Laura knew this stage.  She had been on Arthell's end many times and knew the fierce, upwelling need, the swelling surge of sharp passion that made even pain seem welcome, a piercing of the gentle rhythm of fucking up to now, a rising to a new level of intensity, an increasingly desperate hurtling toward inevitable explosion.  She could hear the bed springs and mattress chunking and squeaking and whining as their two bodies now undulated and thrashed together even faster, more urgently, and their soft moaning and whimpering became louder, more punctuated by weird little wails and cries of impending climax.

The excitement was intense.  Laura wondered in the back of her mind if she might not come too, come right along with Arthell, as the sexual tension climbed, and the furies approached.  Arthell was now grinding both her pussy and her ass down onto the Double Penetrator, whinnying and gurgling as the two shafts plunged upward into her churning body, mewling and panting feverishly as she mashed her body down into Laura's, yelping with a mixture of pain and pleasure as Laura sank her teeth, lightly but still seriously, into the bulging, thick wet nipple in her mouth.

"Aiinnneee!" Arthell cried out, throwing her head back.  "Yes!  YES!  OH FUCK!"

Now Laura knew the darling girl was going to come in only seconds.  Her body was already clenching and quivering as if to announce the cataclysm that was about to wrench her.  She pumped, she grunted, she jammed her groin down into Laura's, yelping as the long shafts pierced deep into her body.

"Unggh!  Ungghh!  AIINEEEEE!  Ungghh!  Ohnngg!"

"Oh honey . . . oh honey . . ." Laura heard herself saying, as she tried to hold the Double Penetrator steady throughout all this plunging, pumping chaos. 

Speaking like this meant she had to release Arthell's stiff, wet brown nipple from her mouth, and, though still half-delirious with frantic sex-need, Arthell was aware enough to push her other breast against Laura's lips, looking down, her dark eyes ablaze with feverish lust.  "Bite it too!" she gasped.  "Oh fuck . . . I'm going to come!  Bite it too, Laura!  Ungghh!  Ohhhnnnnn!"

"Yes . . yes!"

"YIYIYIIAAEEYIIEEE!" Arthell yelped again as Laura sucked and lightly but seriously bit her nipple, squealing so loudly that for the first time Laura was afraid the neighbors might hear.

By this time there was no way to stop things, though, for Arthell was already coming, slumped forward onto Laura and squealing and writhing and spasming as fierce shocks of her orgasm ruptured her flexing body.

"Oh!  Anngghiiie!  Oh fuck!  FUCK!  Ohhmmmggnnieeee!"

"God, honey, yes . . . yes . . . come for Mama . . . yes . . . yes . . ." Laura chanted softly to her, wrapping her one free arm around Arthell's back, embracing her, pulling her close, as Arthell twitched and flexed and moaned through a long succession of sweet spasms.

"Ohhnnngggg!  Ohnnnnn!  Oh fuck fuuuuuuuckkkkk!" she moaned, still panting heavily, her pelvis now gyrating more slowly, more slowly; then she just quivered  and collapsed, her whole pelvis falling into Laura's groin.  "Oh fuck . . . I died . . ." she panted into Laura's ear.  She spent another thirty seconds trying to catch her breath.  Her muscles were still quivering and twitching.  "Oh god . . . it was so good!"

Laura ran her fingertips up and down Arthell's splendid naked back, caressing her, cooing to her at the same time, softly.  "You came so hard, honey."

Finally, after nearly a full minute of being slumped forward on Laura's supine body, Arthell lifted her head, though not the rest of her body.  She squinted affectionately at Laura.  "You, lady, are a killer in the sack."

Laura smiled and kissed her.  "I did nothing but hold it steady and watch you go crazy."

Arthell slowly lifted her body off the two prongs of the Double Penetrator, reaching down to the end of the bed for a towel at the same time.  She swabbed them off diligently.  "Take it off so I can do it to you," she said, pointing at the apparatus.

"Are you sure?" Laura grinned.  Suddenly, being ravished in the same way by this lovely creature, all moist and glowing and relaxed after her own cataclysmic sexual detonation, seemed amazingly appealing.  "Don't you want to rest up a little first?"

But Arthell was already helping her to loosen the straps.  She shook her head.  "Anyway, I bet you'll come in about thirty seconds."  She made a rueful face.  "You usually do.  I never knew anyone, any girl at least, to come as fast as Laura.  Some guys can beat you to the punch, though.  I had one guy once who came before he could even get it out of his pants."

"I don't wonder," Laura laughed, slipping out of the harness and watching while Arthell fastened it in place around her own hips.  "With a feast of flesh like yours to touch, I'll bet they went off like rockets, those lucky guys."

"Fortunately, he was a bull.  He didn't have such a big cock, only a real thick one.  But he could keep going.  He had no trouble coming a couple more times in the next half hour.  Shoot, he rode me like a bronco."

"Mmmm, just what I'm going to do," Laura smiled as they switched places, Arthell on her back, Laura straddling her.

Arthell gazed up at her and ran her hands up Laura's body to her small, lovely breasts, cupping them in her dark palms and fingers, squeezing, as Laura had done to her breasts earlier.  "I love this position," she purred, smiling.  "I get to kiss you and look at you and squeeze these and watch you come."

Laura smiled down at her and nodded as she again oiled up the two shafts in preparation for letting them slide up into her body.  "I love sex with you in any way at all," she murmured.

Now she was ready.  She held her breath a little and bit her lower lip as she inserted each shaft into its target aperture and lowered her body slowly onto them, gasping and even whinnying softly as she felt them penetrate her pussy and her tightly pinched asshole.  "Unnhhhhhh!" she grunted softly, throwing her head back, yielding to the intensity of sensation, forgetting Arthell for a few seconds as the feeling of being filled and engorged swept through her.

She lowered herself as far as she could onto the dual prongs, then paused.  "Hold it there . . . for a minute . . ." she cautioned Arthell, freezing momentarily, then relaxing and leaning down closer, first dangling her naked breasts in Arthell's face, then moving down a little to kiss her voluptuous mouth hungrily.  "Give me those sugar lips.  Oh god, you're right, I'm going to come so quick!"

"Oh!" Arthell whimpered, disappointed, furrowing her brown, her smooth brown high forehead.  "Not so fast!  I like this!"

"Mmmm, I like it too," Laura purred, settling into a slow, rhythmic grind, luxuriating in the feel of the two shafts sliding in and out of her ass and pussy.

She knew that the reason she frequently came quickly at such moments was that she could not restrain her lust for these angels and ended up fucking each one feverishly and thoroughly, thus jacking up her own need to the bursting point, so that the subsequent merest caress was enough to bring on her climax.  She also knew that with seasoned lovers like Makeeda, and Sara, and before them Randi, or Kendra, or Kim, she was able to prolong the ecstasy very nicely, thank you.  She could simmer and gurgle and burble like a ruminating volcano with them, occasionally arriving at the finish line when both were ready, and completely synchronized for a meltdown.

She tried for that with Arthell at this very moment, but it was hopeless.  Arthell's curvy body under hers moved and undulated in a way that made every one of Laura's nerves quiver.  Arthell's hips shifted into a higher gear, as if in sympathy with Laura's fierce arousal, and her pelvis drove the two shafts up into Laura's body with increasing fervor and vigor.

"Unggh!  Ungghhh!  Ohnngg!  Yes!" Laura gasped, falling forward onto her, then lifting herself again to grind her groin down on the up-rearing prongs.  "Auunnnggghh!"

Arthell grabbed Laura's face in both hands, worried.  "Too deep?  Did I do it too deep?  I know sometimes it goes deep."

Laura shook her head, feeling her body reel and quake with sexual fire.  "Fuck me hard," she panted.  "Do it . . . as hard . . . as you . . . want . . ."

Just from looking in her eyes Arthell knew Laura was going to come.  Laura could see the knowledge there.  "Oh no . . . Laura.  You're going to come!"

"Yes!" Laura gasped, again swishing her breasts playfully in Arthell's face, even though she was more and more in the grip of a seething mania of sex.  "Suck them, quick!  Please!"

Arthell grabbed Laura's small, dangling breasts in both hands and stuffed one into her mouth, sucking Laura's aching nipple fiercely, knowing it would probably make Laura pop.  And she got her wish.  A piercing arrow of sexual heat seemed to shoot from Laura's breast directly to her lower body, which erupted in flame.

"Auunggghhhh!"  Laura cried out, whooping and shouting with excitement as a wrenching orgasm shook her flexing body.  "Auunngghnniieee!"

Her breast slipped out of Arthell's mouth as she slumped forward onto her, twitching and straining as each new spasm wracked her flesh.  Both her pussy and her asshole clenched sharply around the two poles impaling her, and she jammed her groin down onto them, wailing and whimpering as the final jolts came farther and farther apart, then waned completely, leaving her limp and panting, her body pressed from toe to face against Arthell.

"Oh shit . . . I'm sorry . . . I'm crushing you . . ." she panted, propping herself up on her arms.  "Here . . . let me get off."

But Arthell held her tight.  "Don't you move."  She kissed Laura's mouth passionately.  "I love making you come like that."

Laura smiled and merely mewled softly in reply.

They lay that way for about two minutes.  Then Arthell's fingertips ran the length of Laura's back, down to her ass, then back up again.  "You are crushing me now," Arthell admitted.

Together they pulled their bodies apart and Laura lifted herself gingerly off the dual prongs of the Double Penetrator.  Both of them admired it as she cleaned it off with a towel. 

"I'm going to have to buy me one of those," Arthell said.  "That kind of fuck could hold a girl for a week or two."

They stretched out together and kissed romantically.  "You really fucked me good," Laura whispered to her.  "You are getting to be so experienced."

Arthell smiled demurely.  "You think so?  My friend Megan—she's the other one I was telling you about, the one besides Cynthia—she has this thing called the Eager Beaver.  It's like this vibrator with a big end that goes in your pussy and wiggles, and a little nubby thing on top that pushes into your clit."  She shivered involuntarily.  "Oooohhhh!  Let me tell you, that'll change your life too.  God, except for this," she pointed at the DP, "I never came so hard in my life as when she pushed that thing into me."

Laura stroked her naked body and nuzzled her smooth dark brown neck.  "Maybe you're forgetting how hard you came when I fist-fucked you last time," she murmured.

Again Arthell's body was gripped by a sharp tremor of excitement.  She giggled.  "No, I haven't!  God, it makes me so hot when you say it that way.  So . . . I don't know . . . dirty."  She grinned.  "It makes me shiver."

"I can see."  Laura kissed her shoulder, then ran her mouth down to Arthell's breast again.  "You have enchanting little bumps on your nipples.  It makes me want to suck them more than ever."

"Don't you want to rest a minute, before we do that?  I mean, I think we wore each other out there.  We should have a drink or something.  My Dad always has a bottle of something around.  You know how to make drinks, don't you.?  I don't, so you'll have to."

Laura squeezed and sucked her delectable breast a little, but she realized Arthell was right.  A little pause, a little rest, wouldn't hurt either of them, before more Fuckarama.  "Before more Fuckarama?" she said aloud, knowing it would tickle Arthell.

Arthell exploded in laughter.  "Right!  Maybe we could go out on the sidewalk and sell tickets.  I'm sure the next act is going to be hair-raising."

Laura kissed her incredible mouth passionately.  "I'm sure it is, too."

She followed the deliciously naked girl into the kitchen, where Arthell retrieved a brand new unopened bottle of vodka from an upper cupboard.  Her shapely buns clenched and her calves tightened as she reached up for it, and Laura almost gasped, feeling the lust fires grow hot again.  She was amazed that Arthell had even mentioned a drink, since she had been a scrupulous non-drinker until the one time Laura had got her to join her. 

"What's this with the drinking?" she asked nonchalantly, after she had put together a mild vodka tonic for each of them, having discovered an opened bottle of Schweppes in the refrigerator.  "I remember when you accused me of child abuse for getting you drunk and fucking you on the same occasion," she teased.  "When you were still under twenty-one.  How old are you now?"

Arthell flirted, swirling her ice cube around in her glass, gently swishing her naked breasts in Laura's direction.  "I'm old enough now."  She lowered her eyelids.  "For fucking and for drinking."

"Don't tell me I'm responsible for all that corruption."

Arthell smirked playfully.  "My friend Megan, the one with the Eager Beaver, she likes to booze it a little.  She's way worse than you."

Laura winced, but smiled too.

"Oh, don't be silly, you know I don't mean that."  Arthell moved closer, so that one of her luscious breasts brushed Laura's arm.  "I mean the two of you are naughty and exciting, especially for a little sheltered girl like me."

"Drink up, darling," Laura flirted back. "I'm going to take you apart in about five seconds."

"Promises promises," Arthell said, with a coquettish grin.  She drank about half her glass in one gulp.  "Eeeoouugh!"  She made a face.  "How can you stand that stuff?"  She wiped her mouth with the back of her wrist, still grimacing.

Laura leaned close, brushing her lips across Arthell's neck, and cupping the naked breast that had been pushing against her arm in her palm, squeezing it gently.  "It's an acquired taste," she whispered.  "Like fist-fucking."

"Oh Jesus, let's get back to the bedroom!  Otherwise we're going to do it right here!  You make me so hot, Laura."

"You're already hot, my pet," Laura breathed, nipping her dark brown earlobe.

Back in the bedroom, they were all over one another on the bed, gasping and panting and groping and sucking and squeezing.  "I want to eat your beautiful pussy," Laura panted into her ear.  "I want to suck it . . . and tongue it . . . and suck it . . . and . . ."

"Only if you do the thing you said in the kitchen too," Arthell panted back, her dark eyes swimming and pulsing in happy lust.

Laura kissed her cheek, her wild voluptuous mouth.  "You mean if I eat your pussy, then I have to fist-fuck you?"

Arthell nodded, seriously.  "You do."

"You drive a hard bargain, darling," Laura grinned.

Arthell giggled softly as Laura began kissing her way down her lovely body again.  "I'm holding you to it," she gasped, moaning softly as Laura paused to suck and squeeze her marvelous breasts.

"Can't get enough of these," Laura said, between loud, thirsty sucks.

"Ohhnnn!  Oh shit . . . that feels good!  I can't get enough of it either!"

"Mmmmm."  Laura was silent for a minute, kissing, sucking, probing.  "Oh honey, you're wet for me."

"I . . . know . . ." Arthell panted and twisted seductively.  "I don't even think you need the oil."

Laura was now descending lower, lower, her chin brushing the upper fringe of Arthell's pubic patch, her nostrils exulting in the scent of hot, aroused pussy.  "I think we better use it anyway," she said, almost absently, since she was so captivated by anticipation of sliding her tongue as far into Arthell's delicious wet pussy as it would go.  "Just to be safe."

"Oh!  Oh!" Arthell gasped softly as Laura's tongue entered her warm, buttery slit for the first time.  "Oh fuck . . . yes!"

As for Laura, she was, as she thought of it, in pig heaven.  True, she wanted to devour this tasty quim with all the fierce passion she felt rising up again in her body, but she controlled herself and started slowly, merely licking and probing, making love to Arthell's lovely, oozing cunt, instead of mouth-raping it immediately.  Using her fingers, she opened it wide and plunged her tongue deep into the fiery pink wet meat of it, sliding her tongue up across Arthell's small bulging clit  as she withdrew it, following that by taking the tiny bud into her mouth and sucking it rhythmically.  Arthell wheezed and whinnied and hammered her elbows into the mattress.

"Unh!  Hhhhhh!  Oh . . . fuck oh fuck oh Laura . . . you'd better do it!  You're getting me so hot!  Please!"

Laura smiled, licking the delicious cunt slime from her busy lips.  She already had two fingers in Arthell's pussy, moving them gently in and out, gently widening the orifice for the invasion it was going to receive very soon.  "Have you done this with your other friends?" she inquired, almost lazily, certainly not with any competitive interest, merely curious, since Arthell so obviously loved it.

"Oh no."  Arthell shook her head vigorously.  "Only with you.  This is special to us.  I couldn't feel this way with anybody else."  She caught Laura's eye, her own eyes streaked with sex fire, throbbing.  "You know?  Only you."

Laura was touched.  True, fisting could be hot and nasty, but it could also be intensely intimate and almost solemn, summoning deeper emotions and more acutely piercing sexual feelings than most other acts.  It was clearly this for Arthell, who by now was concentrating fiercely on Laura's every move as Laura added a finger, then another, to the probing wedge.  Arthell's swirling dark eyes were fastened on her groin, on Laura's hand entering her pussy.

"Oh fuck."

This was uttered not in her usual exuberant, even boisterous manner, but instead as almost a little distant peep, or squeak, as if she could not believe what she was feeling even though she had felt it before.  Laura's fingers were very wet, glistening with Arthell's warm cunt juices, but just to be safe she snatched the baby oil bottle from the bedstand and squirted more lubricant onto them, knowing this would be her only chance.  They were both getting quickly overheated, and Arthell was now churning and gyrating her hips more insistently, as if to coax Laura into more energetic action.

But since she had already had a shattering climax on the receiving end of the Double Penetrator, and had said—reasonably, Laura thought—that her first orgasm was always her sharpest, if not her most intense, she was now more content to proceed at a more deliberate pace, and merely yelped softly when Laura completed the mating of her fingers and pushed her entire hand into the tight, but slippery, snug warm sleeve of Arthell's pussy.

"Unhhhh!" Arthell gasped softly, her dark eyes flaring, and just the slightest pinch of her delicious mouth showing the traces of her sexual wince.

Laura's eyes caught hers.  "I'm in you," she said in a soft, loving voice.

"Oh . . . shit," Arthell gulped.  She propped herself on her elbows and fastened her eyes on Laura's wrist  protruding from her cunt.  "I can . . . never . . . believe this," she panted.

Laura began to fuck her slowly, unable to take her eyes off Arthell's slightly swaying breasts, and her rippling abdominal muscles, accentuated by her position, leaning upward on her elbows to watch.  She fucked her slowly, almost gently, establishing an easy rhythm they could both maintain.

Arthell finally lay back, her head on the pillow, her arms stretched up behind her, gripping it, undulating her body, so that the sight nearly drove Laura insane with lust.  For several sweet minutes they rocked effortlessly together and apart this way, maintaining their gentle rhythm, Arthell however growing more and more aroused with each thrust, now twisting and squirming and whimpering under Laura's gentle probing and thrusting.

"Are . . . you going to do me hard?" she finally asked, softly, in a distant voice, her eyes however intent and questioning.

"How hard to you want me to do it?" Laura inquired softly.

Without answering, Arthell suddenly sat halfway up and lunged forward, encircling Laura's neck with one arm and drawing her face close, kissing her savagely, a deep, searing soul kiss.  Laura's hand paused while they were kissing, but it was still sunk deep in Arthell's tight, clasping pussy.

"If you fuck me really hard, I'm going to come so fast," Arthell confessed against her cheek when their mouths came apart.

Laura kissed her neck and her ear, resuming the slow but deliberate rhythm they had established before the kiss.  She twisted her hand inside Arthell's snug pussy just to give her fresh sensations.  "I can fuck you however you want," she murmured.

Arthell grabbed Laura's free arm almost desperately and pulled Laura's hand onto one of her breasts.  Laura squeezed the full globe passionately.  "Fuck me real hard!" Arthell gasped, her whole body suddenly coming alive under Laura.  "Real hard."

As if to emphasize this request/command, she grabbed Laura's forearm, the one that was attached to the hand embedded in her pussy, and began pumping Laura's arm hard and fast in and out of her body, groaning and whooping almost hysterically.  At the same time, her grip with her other arm around Laura's neck tightened again, and she pulled Laura's mouth forcibly into hers.  Their teeth clashed, but they were so busy devouring each other that it didn't matter.

"Unh!  Unh!  Ungghhh!" Arthell grunted, fucking herself on Laura's hand demonically, surging, pumping, gasping, groaning.  "Auungnghhh!  Yes!  YES!"

Laura had rarely been in the center of such fierce sexual need.  Rough sex, yes, but this was sheer over-the-top mania, and yet so scintillating and crackling with hot sexual excitement that it was like being sucked into a wild hot whirlpool of lust.  She found herself participating with passionate enthusiasm, answering each thrust of Arthell's body with a welcoming thrust of her own, clasping her, gripping her, digging her fingers into the smooth flesh of the girl's long back, sucking her neck, whimpering too, and plunging her hand into the girl's clasping pussy until Arthell suddenly yelped, fell back, and went into the most violent convulsions of coming Laura had ever seen her have.

Her back arched, her body shook, her pelvis quivered and bore down on Laura's wrist.  "Anngghmmmiiieeeee!" she cried out, but then went totally silent, except for the chuffing and wheezing of her labored breathing, her long dark brown body gleaming and twitching and straining as each successive wave of her ferocious climax rolled through her.

It was as close to one of Makeeda's or Jonelle's 'I'm dying' orgasms as Laura had ever seen anyone but them have.  Arthell's body quaked and flexed violently for many seconds until the worst/best passed and left her just quivering and limp in Laura's awkward half-embrace.  Laura's hand was still embedded in her pussy, and she could feel Arthell's inner muscles clenching against it. 

"Oh . . . shit . . ." Arthell finally gasped, almost inaudibly, stretching and turning away from Laura briefly.

But Laura could see the deep glow of bliss on her half-concealed face, obscured by Arthell's forearm, which she held across it as she tried to recover her breath and her senses. 

"Oh shit."  Again, another soft gasp, almost gasped instead of spoken.

Laura kissed her long midriff, then one of her breasts, which she could not keep her mouth away from even in the extremity of this stirring moment, as Arthell recovered from a horrific climax.  She took Arthell's big, now-soft dark brown nipple gently into her mouth and sucked it tenderly.  Arthell, still half-stunned, turned her head and looked down at her.

"You can't keep that mouth off my titties?" she asked, smiling.  "You lech!  You just about killed me."

"You loved it," Laura said with a straight face, releasing Arthell's big wet nipple, but then immediately taking it back into her mouth again.  "If I could, I'd take these home with me," she purred, cradling Arthell's other breast in her palm and sucking it gently too as she slowly withdrew her hand from the girl's plundered pussy.  "Then, whenever I needed to get off, I could just roll over and suck Arthell's lovely titties."

"Uhhhhh!" Arthell gasped as the hand came out, wincing slightly.  Then she grinned sardonically at Laura.  "Told you you were weird."

Laura scooted up, grabbing her and kissing her, pushing her own breasts against Arthell's now-wet ones, feeling her own warm saliva on her own nipples.  She kissed Arthell's neck.  "Careful, or I'll almost kill you again."

Arthell gave her a kittenish grin and snuggled up to her affectionately.  "Ummm, I hope you do.  I never had sex with anybody like you, Laura.  Even Cynthia and Megan, they have miles to go to get to this.  No disrespect to them.  They're sweet . . . they're hot . . . they really dig me.  But anybody who can make me have an orgasm like that one is the Queen of the Universe, in my book.  You should give lessons."

"Honey, let me remind you that you yourself are the one who had that orgasm."  Laura kissed her shiny nose affectionately.   "You grabbed my arm and fucked yourself into heaven on it.  I merely supplied the bone and the flesh.  And the love.  You did the rest."  Laura kissed her mouth and tickled her under her arms.

Arthell gasped with happy laughter and squirmed, their naked bodies squirming together in a way that quickly got them hot for each other again.  "Your turn!" Arthell said, pushing Laura onto her back.

Laura pushed the wisps of hair away from Arthell's forehead, writhing languorously as Arthell's marvelous thick lips began to roam her awakening body.







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