Laura - Chapter 327



On her way to the elevator, Laura was stopped in her tracks by a stunning vision of loveliness who appeared to be lost, even though there were only two suites of offices on this floor of the building.  One or the other was the only choice possible.

But the girl looked confused.  She was, Laura guessed, about twenty-four or twenty-five, very black and gorgeous, dressed in a tasteful charcoal business suit.  The skirt ended an inch or so above her knees but the rest of the suit was severely tailored and almost prim.  But one glance told Laura that the slim, long black legs were spectacular; and so it was probably permitted to show them off a little. 

The girl had long black hair and bangs.  I'm a sucker for bangs, Laura thought.  When she got a better look at the girl's face, she could feel her heart race up to the starting line.  Oh god, she's beautiful!  I can't look!

"Excuse me . . ." the girl spoke tentatively.

"Can I help you?" Laura asked, trying to control the quaver in her own voice.  I am very susceptible to the beauty of women like you, she wanted to tell her.  In fact, it pierces my heart and makes my poor little pussy flutter.

"Maybe."  The smile was a sunburst in the drab corridor.  Laura felt her own heart going up in flames.  "I'm looking for the offices of Hammermile & Schnepp."

"The law firm," Laura said, decisively.  Swallowing.  She pointed.  "Around the corner.  They have the offices on the other side of the building."

The young woman smiled, almost demurely.  "Thanks."

Laura nodded.

"I've got a job interview.  I . . . guess I'm a little nervous."

"No need to be nervous," Laura reassured her.  "I'd hire you in a second."

The young woman laughed tightly, anxiously.  "Do you work there?"

Laura shook her head.  "No.  Here."  She nodded at the doors to her own suite of offices.  "They're around the corner," she nodded in that direction again.

"I . . . guess I better go.  I'll be late."

"Don't be scared," Laura soothed her.  "You'll knock 'em dead.  I know you will."

"Cross your fingers," the young woman smiled.

Laura could not take her eyes off her black, flexing calves as she turned and walked down the corridor to the corner and then turned out of sight.  She was used to little passing infatuations like this but could never get over the piquancy of desire that seemed to swoop in and take full possession of her senses at such moments.  She was almost dizzy with sweet new passion and had to steady herself and take a couple of deep breaths before proceeding down the hall to the elevator.

That afternoon, as she was re-entering the building she nearly bumped into the same young woman leaving it. 

"Why . . . hello again," she said, enchanted, hoping the woman would stop long enough for Laura to drink in her beauty for another extended moment.

The young woman broke into a beaming smile.

"I take this to mean you got the job."

"Yes!  They didn't even make me wait.  They just hired me right then!"

"I guess we'll be seeing more of you around here, then."  Laura didn't add: What a pleasure that will be for nasty horny lechers like me!  "Laura Robbins."  She held out her hand.

"Oh.  Sorry.  So rude of me.  Francine Bell.  You can call me Frankie."  She held Laura's hand overly long in her shapely black fingers.

"Well, Frankie," Laura glanced at her watch.  "Too bad it's only three or I'd take you out for a drink.  To celebrate."

Frankie just tittered happily.  She was bewitching.  Laura could feel all her own juices flowing extravagantly.  What a delicious creature!  But not a sign that she was in any way responsive to Laura's acute attentions.  The hand-holding was just out of nerves, Laura knew.  Frankie was holding onto anything at the moment, for steadiness.

"I guess we can do it some other time," Frankie said.

Laura fished out a business card from her purse and gave it to her.  "You let me know when you're ready."

Frankie smiled sweetly.  "Thanks, Laura.  You were so nice to me . . . in the hall up there, when I was lost.   And so nervous."

Don't get carried away, darling, Laura wanted to tell her.  I just wanted to fuck you from here to December and back again.  You must be used to that stare.  Though maybe not from another woman.

She smiled warmly at Frankie.  "I mean it.  You call me.  We'll celebrate."

But she knew nothing would come of it.  Again, she watched wistfully as Frankie walked away down the street, her beautiful black calves flexing and glossy in the mid-afternoon light.  You can forget about that one, Laura, she told herself.  Not a glimmer of sensual interest.  No flirting.  No coyness, or sexual innuendo.  Nothing.  Just beauty to die for.

And nothing did come of it, at least not soon.  She did not see Frankie again for weeks, long enough almost to forget about her.  Almost.  Makeeda returned briefly from her cabaret date in Columbus and a corporate party she had been hired to entertain at in Boca Raton, but after only a week she was off again to the North Sea Jazz Festival in the Netherlands, one of the biggest jazz fests in the world.  This would be her second appearance there, and she was nearly delirious with happiness at getting a return invitation.  She and Laura in their shared euphoria fucked each other almost raw, as if they were trying to pack as much sex as possible into Makeeda's brief time at home so that neither one would pine for it in her absence.

Though Laura was not one to pine.  Bonnie and Nyomi were enough to keep her sexually sated, and if she tired of them she could again entertain thoughts of Yvette down there in Sunnyvale, fending off her chains-and-whips Silicon Valley love interest while hoping Laura would call.

She had almost successfully forgotten about Frankie until she ran into her again, weeks later, this time coming out of the elevator in the lobby.  They paused, each smiling.  "I'm late for a deposition over on Sansome," Frankie said, looking rushed and stressed out.

"I'm late for a meeting upstairs," Laura said, eyes drifting roofward.

"We should meet . . . some time . . . when we both have a few minutes," Frankie said, with a sweet, sincere smile.

Laura's heart was instantly lost, not the part that belonged wholly to Makeeda, but the other little part, the part she was willing and ready to hand to any girl as gorgeous as this one in a New York minute.  "You have my card."

"I . . . may have lost it."  Frankie seemed embarrassed.  "Lots happening these past few weeks."

Laura for some reason was paralyzed.  She saw Frankie rummaging in her shoulder bag.

"Here, take mine," Frankie said, thrusting a business card into Laura's hand.  "You call me.  Gotta go!"

Laura watched her until she was through the lobby doors and onto the sidewalk, again unable to wrench her eyes from Frankie's thrilling, long, black, flexing calves.  Frankie was tall, as tall as Laura, and there was plenty to see.  That girl is going places, she thought wryly.  Unfortunately, not into my arms.  But you can't have everything in life.  Sigh.

Back in her office, later in the day, Laura sat looking at Frankie's business card, turning it in her hand, wondering.  Did she really lose mine, she reflected, uncharitably.  Or would she just feel more comfortable having me be the . . . what's the word: aggressor?  Or, am I over-complicating this possible little friendship from the start, as is my wont? 

She decided on the latter and promptly set about forgetting Frankie again, which was not easy.  Especially since now that they had met accidentally once again in the lobby, they seemed to start seeing each other everywhere.  In the corridors, again the lobby, on the street, even once in the Walgreen's on the corner where Laura went to buy breath mints before a meeting, after having lunch with friends in a local burrito palace.

She ran into Frankie in the cosmetics aisle.  "We meet again," she smiled.  "Can't seem to get rid of you.  How can I miss you if you won't go away?"

They laughed.  "I've been meaning to call you," Frankie said.  "I found your business card.  It was under a couple of law briefs on my desk."  She looked embarrassed, and Laura decided the apology was for real.  "I . . . got this job, and I'm also getting a divorce, and things are . . . so complicated!"  She almost barked out the last word hysterically.

"Calm down, sweetheart," Laura said, touching her forearm, the first time they had touched. 


"No need to be sorry.  I'm on your side.  Why don't we have dinner and you can tell me about it?"

"Don't you have a family?  Husband?  Someone waiting for you?"  Frankie pointed at the gold band on Laura's finger.

"She's out of town," Laura said, without thinking.  "I mean—"

Frankie squeezed her hand, the same one that had been touching her forearm reassuringly, and interrupted before Laura could cover her tracks.  "I'd love to have dinner.  I'm in a rush now, though.  They're overworking me like crazy.  I don't know if I wanted this job after all."

"Meet you at six in the lobby?"

"It's a date," Frankie winked.

But Laura knew more than to think it was an intimate wink.  Instead, it was a gesture of friendliness, and casual acceptance of their budding trust.  Again, for the umpteenth time, she found herself staring at Frankie's legs as Frankie walked down the aisle toward the checkout counters.  You've really got to stop that, she told herself.  Looks like she has a beautiful ass too, especially for a thin girl.  Look at the way her skirt swoops inward just under those probably amazing buttocks.  Oh god, stop looking!

She spent the remainder of the afternoon hating herself for being such a lecher.  But I guess we can't change our essential natures, she reasoned.  If I didn't want to make love to her, all the spice would go out of my life. 

She took Frankie to dinner at a fairly raucous south-of-Market bistro where the noise level really precluded a too intense or too intimate tête-à-tête.  They laughed and joked about work and relationships without ever getting too revealing.  Laura did not ask about the divorce and Frankie did not ask about 'her'.  As they were leaving, Laura asked how she was getting home, if she needed a lift.

"Where do you live?" Frankie asked.


"Oh god, no.  You can just drop me at the Montgomery BART station.  I live in Fremont.  In the house that my ex-husband and I used to share.  We're selling it so we can split the proceeds, if there are any, but the market is so slow right now that . . ."

"I can certainly drive you to Fremont," Laura said firmly.

Frankie looked at her oddly, as if she had perhaps said something way too bold.  Then she quickly softened.  "Okay, I accept.  I hate going into that house alone anyway.  It spooks me out, now that I'm the only one there."

"I will take you home and escort you to your door," Laura said playfully.  "To make sure you're safe."

Frankie smiled sardonically.  "Like you could fight off an attacker, right?  Are you Super Woman?"

"No . . . but I take care of my friends.  And I have a little can of MACE in my purse."

"Isn't that illegal?"

Laura shrugged.  "I'll take my chances with the judge."

The traffic had thinned out, following the dinner hour, and it took very little time to get to Fremont, though it was dark by the time they arrived.  Laura dropped Frankie at the Fremont BART station to pick up her car, then followed her to Frankie's house.  Good as her promise, she hopped quickly out of her car and walked Frankie, who had parked in the driveway, to her door.

"Gee, this is like a date.  Maybe I should get a kiss goodnight," she teased. 

Frankie appeared to ignore this.  "Just come inside with me a second.  To make sure there's no burglar or anything.  Really, it freaks me out, coming home in the dark like this."

"Maybe you should get a little can of MACE too."

Frankie glanced back over her shoulder as they entered the dark house.  She smiled with casual friendliness.  "Don't need it with you here to protect me."

Inside it was not only dark, it was cold too.  Frankie turned on the lights and the furnace.  "Don't go yet," she said to Laura.  "I'm not very good at being alone.  Wait till it warms up."  She pulled the drapes shut and shed her suit jacket.  "Maybe that's why I got married to Jamal so young.  Better than being alone.  Big mistake."

"How old were you when you got married?"

"Twenty three.  How old were you?"

Unaccountably, Laura blushed hotly at this.  "Oh . . . like . . . thirty," she stammered.  "Only a few months ago, actually."

"Sit."  Frankie patted the sofa where she had sat down herself.

Laura sat down purposely in an easy chair across from it. 

"I think I heard you say 'She's out of town'.  Right?"

"I can see why they hired you on the spot.  You're a real prosecutor."

Now Frankie acted a little embarrassed.  "Sorry.  You're right.  The so-called third degree."

Laura said nothing to further this line of inquiry.  Jeez, I could use a drink, she thought.  She had only had one glass of wine in the restaurant, knowing she would be driving home or taking Frankie home first.

"Got anything to drink?" she asked, feeling ill-mannered.  "Sorry to be rude."

Frankie made a face.  "I think there's a bottle of tequila in there that my husband left.  I hate tequila."

"Don't care for it much myself.  Maybe I better go."

"So . . . you're a lesbian, right?" Frankie said, without a segue.

Laura gulped visibly.  Then she swallowed and tried not to blush again. 

"Don't be ashamed," Frankie went on, seeming very poised and sure of herself suddenly, not the nervous, anxious, edgy being Laura had seen up to now.  She was also stupendously gorgeous, very dark and very slender and very desirable; Laura found it hard not to stare.  Frankie's dark skin was the gleaming smooth silky soft deeply black skin she usually wanted to lick, to expend all of her most extravagant oral fantasies on.  "I have nothing against lesbians," Frankie continued softly.  "I just like to have all the cards on the table, that's all."

Laura smiled slyly at her.  "They always have been.  You're very beautiful.  Why would anyone not be attracted to you?"

Frankie smiled back warmly.  "I had a lesbian . . . I don't know what you would call it, affair?  When I was in high school.  With my best friend.  We used to . . . do it together . . . a lot.  In fact, I'm not very sexually experienced.  It was just Sandra, then Jamal.  That's it, for me.  Wow, why am I telling you all this?"

Laura leaned forward in her chair.  "I'm glad you are . . . for whatever reason."

There was now a long, deadly silence wherein each wondered how to proceed.  Finally, Frankie squirmed a little and then stood up.  "I think I have an old bottle of wine in there too.  Maybe you could help me open it."

"I could try."  Laura smiled and stood up too.

Frankie found the bottle in a cupboard, behind the tequila.  "Don't know why I didn't think of this.  I never drink when I'm here by myself."

Laura helped her open it with a corkscrew they found in a drawer in the cabinet above the cupboard.  Frankie found wine goblets. 

"We never used these," she said as Laura held hers high for a toast.  "We got them for a wedding present and never used them.  I guess neither one of us is big on wine."

"To . . . friends," Laura said.

Frankie smiled.  "Friends."

Back in the living room, Laura felt this was going exactly nowhere.  She desperately wanted to brush her lips against Frankie Bell's delicious smooth black cheek, then crush Frankie's sensual mouth with her own,  but was afraid to make a move.  "I love your bangs," she murmured, knowing after it popped out of her mouth that it sounded like a come-on line.

But Frankie smiled sweetly.  "Thanks.  I think maybe they're too 'little girl' for my office.  I think I'm going to have to go adult, finally."

"I wouldn't change a thing," Laura said.  "You are drop-dead gorgeous."

Frankie shook her head.  "Now you're making me . . . nervous."  She did laugh nervously.

"Don't worry, I'm not making a pass.  In fact, I'm leaving."  Laura set her wine goblet down on the side table and stood up.  "Got to get home and feed the cats."

"Cats?  That sounds great.  Maybe I should get a cat.  Then I wouldn't feel so glum about coming home."

Laura nodded.  "It helps.  They're always glad to see you.  Food, the great motivator."

At the door Frankie lingered, not letting Laura leave.  "I don't want you to think I'm pushing you out.  Making you go.  Because of what we . . . mentioned."

Laura finally gave in to her instincts and ran the back of one finger along Frankie's incredibly smooth black cheek.  "I wanted to do that since I first saw you," she whispered.  "I will go now so that I don't make a pass.  That would make both of us nervous."

Frankie opened the door to let her out.  "Thanks for being so honest with me.  I . . . wish I felt differently, but—"

"You don't have to explain anything."

But in the car she had to admit she was a little cross and crabby about it.  If you had a lengthy lesbian affair in high school with your best friend, darling Francine, and you are in the midst of a nasty divorce, why not let Laura give you a little comforting?  God knows I would love to do it.  I would suck your pretty toes, if you asked me.

So she grumbled but grew resigned and did not see Frankie for days.  Then, her staff clerk brought her a note in her office.  "There's somebody out front at the reception desk who wants to see you."

Laura looked at the note. 

Can we talk?  Frankie.

God, darling, haven't we already talked and talked? she thought wearily.  I am so tired of talking these darlings into bed.  But then she smiled and rose from her desk.  No, I'm not, she grinned.  Not in this case, at least.

"Hello, Ms. Bell," she said, striding professionally toward Frankie and beaming her broadest fake welcoming smile, as if to deceive everyone in sight—only the receptionist was actually there—that this was a strictly business call.  She shook Frankie's hand. 

"Hi."  Frankie's voice was small, a mere peep.  "Got a minute?"

"Come back here to my office," Laura nodded.  Frankie followed her down a long corridor.

"Wow, you have an office!  I only have a cubicle."

"Oh," Laura teased, "they'll be making you a partner in a few weeks."  She motioned to the chair opposite her desk with her head.  "You sit there . . . I sit here."  She lowered her voice and winked.  "We act like this is sort of . . . job interview type thing."

"I got a cat," Frankie blurted out.  "Like you suggested.  Only it's a kitten."

"I suggested?"

Frankie looked very nervous, much more nervous than she had ever looked yet to Laura.  She twisted her fingers and wouldn't meet Laura's gaze.  "You . . . remember how I said maybe I should get a cat?  Then I wouldn't feel so awful about going home?"

Laura nodded.  "I do remember."  God, you are a beautiful girl, Francine.  I do so want to take off your clothes and kiss every inch of your slender black body.  Why won't you let me do it?

"I don't know whether I'm doing everything right.  Like, food.  Litter box.  It's very little.  Tiny, really.  Sometimes I have to search all over the house for it when I get home.  It likes to hide in my closet.  So, now I leave the door open for it, so it can get in there."  She smiled.  "I thought maybe . . . you could come over . . . and like, check it out.  Make sure I'm doing everything right.  You know?"

Laura nodded calmly.  You mean you've decided you probably want to let me fuck you, right?  But this is your way of saying it?  She smiled sweetly at Frankie.  "I would be delighted."

They met in the lobby after work and Laura again drove her home to Fremont, stopping at the BART station for Frankie to pick up her car.  "You forgot to tell me what name you gave the kitten," she said as Frankie opened the front door with her key.

"Samantha," Frankie said, promptly.  She smiled at Laura over her shoulder.  "I always wanted to be named Samantha myself.  Then I could tell people to call me Sammie.  I think that's so . . . just wild.  Sammie.  I knew a girl in law school named Sammie.  Sammie Looney.  Don't you think if your name was Looney, you'd try to get it changed?  Anyway, she was very bright.  Not loony."

"But you already tell people to call you Frankie," Laura said.  "Why would Sammie be better?"

Frankie shrugged.  "Who knows?  I just always liked Sammie.  I think that's why I started using Frankie."

"You mean, people didn't call you that?  You just . . . sort of . . . chose it yourself?"

"Actually . . . Sandra did.  Remember, the girl friend I told you about from high school?"

"The one you had the lesbian affair with?" Laura said directly, refusing to beat around the bush.

Even though they were heading down the hallway toward the master bedroom, where presumably the kitten was hiding in the closet, this remark had the bizarre effect of paralyzing both of them in mid-stride, if only for the briefest of seconds, while its impact was felt.  Then Frankie gave Laura a tight smile, again over her shoulder.

"Yes."  They went into the darkened bedroom, and Frankie turned on a bedside lamp.  "She's usually in there," she pointed toward the walk-in closet.  "Sammie!  Are you in there?  Sammie!"

She went inside.  Laura lingered at the door to the closet.  "Come on in here.  Help me look," Frankie said, beckoning Laura inside with one long, hooked black finger.

Laura went in, but the closet was a tight squeeze with all Frankie's clothes and the two of them in it.  Frankie was crouched down, looking among the shoes, so Laura hunkered down too to look.  They were squatting uncomfortably when Frankie lost her balance and leaned into Laura, who caught her before she could topple both of them.

"Watch out," she laughed, encircling Frankie's shoulder with one arm, steadying her.

Frankie laughed too.  She turned her smiling face to Laura, a beautiful face, an enchanting face, and Laura was kissing her before either one of them knew it had started.  It was very awkward, but their lips seemed glued together, their tongues intermingling in a frenzy, and the only move to keep them that way seemed to be to squirm and twist so that they were face to face, which also meant that they were half-lying together on the floor of the closet.  But still kissing, and touching each other's face with their fingertips.

"Oh . . . Frankie . . ." Laura whispered, still kissing her fervently.

"Don't stop," Frankie whispered back.

"Okay.  I won't."

Suddenly, still kissing, they heard mewing from the back of the closet, behind them.  They paused, their open mouths still pressed together.

"It's Sammie," Laura said, stating the obvious.

"Don't stop," Frankie said again.  "She'll be okay.  Kiss me.  Kiss me."

"I can't stop kissing you," Laura said, resuming hungrily.

Finally, though, the mewing unsettled both of them.  They broke off the kiss but their eyes were now locked.  God, now I wish I had never got that cat, Frankie's eyes said.  I want to rip our clothes off and fuck right here.

"She's probably hungry," Laura whispered.  "It's okay.  We'll find her . . . feed her.  She's probably starved for affection, too.  Kitties usually are."

"You mean like me?" Frankie asked, smiling boldly.

"We can continue this . . ." Laura said, kissing her searchingly but briefly again.  "After we feed her."

"You don't know her," Frankie whispered back.  "She likes to crawl all over me."

"Mmmmm, I can't say I blame her," Laura purred playfully, now kissing Frankie's delicious long black neck, then her ear.  "I want to do the same."

Frankie shivered and giggled softly.  "You're right.  She's probably hungry."

"I'm hungry," Laura panted, not letting her go yet, digging her fingers into Frankie's marvelous ass through her clothes.  "I'm hungry for you."

Frankie kissed her on the nose.  "You'll just have to wait.  You've waited this long."

"I know.  It hasn't been easy," Laura joked as they disentangled themselves from each other's embrace and struggled to their feet.

Frankie quickly found Sammie in the back of the closet and handed her to Laura, who cuddled the adorable ginger-and-white kitten next to her cheek.  They took her into the kitchen and fed her.  While Sammie was eating, Laura quickly drew Frankie close again, kissing her passionately.  Frankie kissed back.

"I haven't been kissed like this since the first few months of my marriage," she confessed.  "You are a hungry kisser, Laura."

"Everybody must want to kiss you," Laura said, doing it again.  "How come they aren't all lined up outside your door, trying to kiss you?"

"Because I give everybody the cold treatment," Frankie said, matter-of-factly.  "You're the only one I've smiled at in months.  I wasn't ready.  Threw myself into my career, you know?  No fucking.  Fucking only got me into messes.  Jamal.  Sandra, before him.  They both wanted to own me."

"And I'm different because I only want to sleep with you?"

"You're different in a thousand ways.  You didn't push me.  You just waited.  Until the time was right.  And you're already . . . involved.  You don't want to own me."

Laura nipped her earlobe.  "Don't be so sure.  I can't get enough of you."  She ran her tongue up and down the crease behind one of Frankie's ears. 

"Ooohhh!" Frankie shivered again, pulling away.

Laura kissed her mouth again, slowly and sensually.  "Bring Sammie in the bedroom where she and I can both crawl all over you," she murmured, breathing into Frankie's ear.

"Don't you think we ought to lock her in another room so she can't see what we're doing?  It might give her ideas."  Frankie grinned mischievously.

"Frankly, my darling Frankie, I think she's too young to understand," Laura said with a deadpan look.

They returned to the bedroom.  This time Frankie carried Sammie.  She closed the door behind them.  "So she won't get out," she explained to Laura.  "I'm always afraid I'm going to step on her, she's so small."

Frankie placed the tiny kitten in the center of the bedspread.  Laura's fingers were already unfastening the buttons on Frankie's blouse, and her own.  "My dear, you're going to be too busy to step on her."

"God . . . I'm shaking . . . I'm so excited," Frankie confessed, gripped again by a tremor.

Laura embraced her again and kissed her slowly, now touching parts of Frankie's body that had been hitherto unavailable: her bare shoulders, her clavicles, which Laura kissed, her beautiful throat, which Laura also kissed.  "I love your smooth skin," she murmured, almost drinking it.

"Have you had a black girl before?" Frankie murmured, helping Laura undress her now.  The lacy raspberry bra she wore over her delectable little breasts made Laura's blood accelerate as she tried to remove it.

She was thin but beautiful, and not at all shy of Laura's hunger for her exposed body.  "No one with skin like this," Laura lied.  "I want to lick it."

"I'm pretty dark, aren't I," Frankie said.  "You like that?"

"I want to lick you . . . everywhere," Laura murmured again.

"Go ahead.  Lick me," Frankie smiled.

Laura would never turn down such an invitation.  She remembered licking Brandi, licking Dawn.  It wasn't any better than this.  Frankie's skin was very black and very smooth under her tongue.  She licked her long, shapely arms, and her gleaming black shoulders.  She pulled her raspberry bra straps down so that she could reach every lovely inch with her tongue.  Frankie watched and breathed a little faster.

"You really meant it, didn't you.  You want to lick me."

"I want to lick every inch of you."

"Nobody ever licked me before.  I mean, even Sandra didn't."

Laura was too aroused to answer this time.  She was pulling off Frankie's finally-unbuttoned blouse, then unfastening her bra, pulling her down on the bed.

"Watch out for the cat," Frankie panted softly, looking around for Sammie.

"I won't hurt her," Laura panted back.  "I want these."

She meant Frankie's small breasts, which popped out of the bra as Laura pulled it away from Frankie's body and flung it far.  They were pretty little breasts, unremarkable, totally commonplace, but fantastically desirable to Laura at this moment.  Frankie's small but thick nipples were black and gleamed in the soft bedroom light.

"Bet you want to lick those, don't you," Frankie panted, smiling, watching Laura fill her hands with these small beauties.

"I think I could get one completely into my mouth, if I tried," Laura murmured, cradling them and kissing them feverishly.  "I want to suck them."

"Oh, good," Frankie almost gasped.  "I love to be sucked.  Sandra used to suck me for hours.  I came so hard."

It was growing obvious to Laura that this Sandra was a past lover who had to be exorcised.  Sammie, however, chose this moment to intervene, crawling across Frankie's forehead just as Laura was about to swallow one beautiful naked breast and shiny black nipple.

Both of them broke into laughter.  Laura picked up the kitten gently and deposited it directly between Frankie's two exquisite naked breasts.  "Now, you little devil," she said, playfully.  "It's either you . . . or me.  One of us gets to have her fill of this beautiful body, and I'm hoping it's me."

Frankie scooped up the kitten in both hands, sitting up beside Laura.  "Maybe I should put her in another room."

"No . . . leave her here.  We'll watch out for her.  After all, Sammie brought us together.  We can't kick her out."

Frankie smiled darkly, meaningfully.  "I somehow think we would've got together without her help."

This was enough to make Laura want to devour her instantly.  Frankie deposited Sammie on the pillows at the top of the bed and quickly helped Laura out of her clothes, then struggled out of the rest of her own.  They were now naked, and they came together in the center of the bed in a heated embrace, feeling one another's naked bodies pressed together for the first time.

"Oh god . . . this is so good!" Frankie panted against Laura's shoulders, before Laura tried to inhale her mouth again with a ferociously passionate kiss.

"Don't you think we should pull down the spread at least?" Laura panted to her, letting her hands race all over Frankie's beautiful slender naked body.

Frankie nodded.  They hopped off the bed, and Laura held the kitten while Frankie pulled down the bedspread and blankets to the end of the bed.  Then she took Sammie from Laura and placed her back down on the pillows.  "Now stay there, you cutie.  Laura and I have business."

Laura, pulling her back onto the bed, swarmed over her with a purposeful hunger.  She had one of Frankie's small, beautiful breasts almost completely inside her mouth before either one of them could let out a gasp or a moan.  She sucked it passionately, hard, pinching Frankie's thick nipple between her tongue and the roof of her mouth.

"Oh!  Oh shit!  God . . . that feels good!" Frankie gasped, watching Laura siphon up her breast.

Laura let it go briefly, all wet and shiny with her warm spittle, holding the precious little ball in one hand.  "I'm not finished licking yet," she teased softly, stroking Frankie's erect black wet nipple with her tongue.  "Sucking and licking.  I'm very oral.  I want to swallow you."

"Go right ahead and swallow," Frankie panted.  "Jeez, I've never been so excited.  You're making me so horny."


Now that she actually had Frankie's naked body in her arms, in her mouth, rubbing against her own skin everywhere, Laura could exult in the sheer beauty of it in a way that she had only been able to imagine before, when Frankie was fully clothed, especially in her conservative, charcoal gray lawyer-garb.  She had done this with slender, supple black girls before, but each one was a new world to her, a universe of sweet sensation and phenomenal craving. 

Frankie immediately reminded her of Joy since her torso was so long, another delicious long-waisted girl with a smooth, flat stomach that seemed to go on forever from beneath her small breasts to the dense black tuft of pubic hair in her crotch.  Laura was not about to move away from those scrumptious breasts for a long while, but she knew that this beautiful stomach just lay there awaiting her lips, and that an approaching descent would be a feast of erotic bliss.

But unlike Joy, Frankie was very dark.  Joy had been a feast herself with her richly glowing mahogany hued, or dark honey golden skin, and Laura could recall seemingly endless hours of kissing every inch of it.  And yet this deeply black and phenomenally smooth skin like Frankie's was always a fierce turn-on for her; she could truly not keep her mouth or her fingers off Frankie's body, and Frankie seemed eager to have her continue.

Now Laura moved to her other breast, giving it the same adoring treatment while continuing to caress and squeeze and knead the first one, still damp with her own saliva, rolling Frankie's hardened nipple between her thumb and forefinger while she thirstily sucked the new one.  Frankie said nothing but was now breathing hard.  One of her hands stroked the back of Laura's head, as if to encourage her, or at least to keep her from stopping.

"I think I'm going to come so fast," she finally half-whispered to Laura in a hoarse, clotted voice.  "Usually I don't come very fast . . . but sometimes I do.  And I think this is going to be one of those times.  God, you make me so hot!"

Laura stopped sucking long enough to smile up at her.  She was suddenly overcome by sharp affection and lust for Frankie and wanted to pull her down on the sheet and fuck her senseless, taking this confession as a sign, an invitation to the most consummate lesbian rape imaginable, a yielding to the fierce heat of Laura's all-encompassing desire.  She stopped sucking Frankie's delicious little breast and again kissed her mouth almost savagely, squeezing both of Frankie's damp breasts in her hands and following her instinct to drag her down on the sheet, swarming over her, overwhelming her with more lust than she had been willing to reveal up to now.

And Frankie responded eagerly, whimpering and twisting under Laura's body, kissing her back with a frantic need that only fanned the flames of Laura's unleashed passion.

"Mmmmm . . . unhh!  Ungh!  Yes . . . Laura!"

The long, sensual kissing of Frankie's amazing stomach would have to wait.  Laura's hand slid down between her thighs, finding a warm, gooey mess of readiness there, and was torn between wanting to keep kissing while hand-fucking her to a sharp, quick orgasm, or instead sliding down and sucking her lovely black quim into paroxysms of sexual rapture.  It was at this frantic instant that Sammie decided she wanted to play.

Somehow all this twisting and writhing and panting and gasping that was going on seemed to act as an invitation to the kitten to involve herself in the happy turmoil.  She pounced.  She wriggled in between their bodies, so that Laura was afraid to embrace Frankie's wonderful sleek flesh for fear of crushing Sammie.  She also tickled their bare skin with her fur.  They came apart, laughing uncontrollably in spite of the frothing, burbling heat of their shared lust.

"Oh god . . . oh god!" Frankie gasped, tears of laughter flooding her eyes.  "I'm sorry . . . I can't help it.  Sammie, you little bitch!" she laughed.  "Just when Laura was going to . . ."

Laura was laughing too, looking with feigned anger down at the adorable kitten.  "Just when I was going to fuck your beautiful owner . . ." she completed Frankie's sentence.

The word 'fuck' hung in the air.  It was what Frankie had meant, but hearing it out loud suddenly highlighted the absurdity, as well as the sexual magic, of the whole situation.  Frankie's eyes caught Laura's.  Yes, you were going to do that, they said.  And god, I wanted it, and I still want it.

"Maybe we should put her back in the closet," Frankie said in a hushed voice.  "She likes it in there."

Laura reached out and caressed her cheek with two fingers.  "Please.  Do it now.  Quick."

In a flash, Frankie was off the bed, clutching the tiny kitten in one hand, striding on her long legs the three steps it took to get to the walk-in closet, depositing Sammie back behind the shoes where they had initially found her, then closing the door quickly behind her as she returned to the bed.  During this whole sequence Laura could not tear her eyes from the young woman's delectable slender black body, which she now hungered more than ever to consume.  Frankie was gorgeous.  She had a peerless ass, marvelously curvy for a thin woman, black moons jouncing but firm.  Her black skin gleamed in the half-light, and her small breasts bounced as she almost dove back onto the bed with Laura.

"Now . . . where were we?"

Laura enfolded her and pressed their naked breasts together.  Both were still sitting upright, and they kissed romantically this time.  "I think I was about to . . . kiss you here . . . and here . . . and then here . . ." Laura murmured, now kissing her way slowly down Frankie's scrumptious naked body. 

"Yes . . . you were . . ." Frankie panted softly.

Again Laura spent a minute or so kissing and sucking Frankie's pretty little breasts, unable to get enough of them really, and again bringing Frankie to a higher pitch of need.  She was twisting and squirming as Laura's lips began descending again down her body.

"I think . . . I'm going to come," she said in a tiny, faraway voice, as if she were almost surprised by the thought, speaking to no one in particular, as if to say 'I think it's going to rain.'

"Mmmmm, of course you're going to come, my darling," Laura purred to her.

"No . . . I mean it . . ." Frankie gasped, twisting even more actively.  "I mean . . . soon!  You've got me so hot!"

Laura was finally feasting her lips on the long, supple black marvel of Frankie's stomach, hard with muscle but soft with fragrant, smooth black skin, long and long and beautifully long, rippling a little when Frankie writhed, then flattening again as Laura's lips explored every fantastic inch.  Frankie had a delicious little curved, sleeping shrimp of a navel that Laura spent a long time tickling with the tip of her tongue before trying to suck it.

"You have such a beautiful body," she purred to the aroused girl, now exploring the wet, webby mess of crotch hair and swollen pussy lips between Frankie's hard, sleek thighs, finding everything ready for whatever she felt the urge to attempt.

"Unhhhh!  Oh!" Frankie panted harder, churning her hips in little circular motions that betrayed her physical craving.  "Oh . . . Laura!"

"I'm right here, darling," Laura smiled, sliding down between Frankie's thighs.  "You don't want to come before Laura has a chance to kiss your beautiful pussy, do you?"

"I . . . I might not . . . be able to help it!" Frankie gasped, digging her fingers into the hard flesh of her thighs, looking down her long body at Laura's mouth, which was about to do what Laura had just indicated.

But Laura knew there was little chance of this.  Few girls could come without being touched somewhere, and though Frankie was definitely on the edge, she would probably not spill over for another minute or two, if Laura was careful.  With her fingers she spread away the filaments of damp hair that obscured her complete access to this blossoming feast of cunt flesh, marveling at the oozing pink honey pit and Frankie's long, wavy black cunt lips that were now wet and puffy and excitedly puckered, beckoning her invading tongue.

Frankie stiffened.  "Unnhhhhh!" she groaned softly as Laura's tongue slithered into the tangy wet trench.  "Oh god!"

Laura quickly realized that when it came to how close she was to climaxing, Frankie was telling the truth.  Just the quick quiver of her tense body, the spastic flutter of her fingers on the sheet, or the tiny yelps of fierce excitement being clipped off in her constricted throat were enough to signal an incipient explosion.  Whether it was the novelty of this lesbian moment, or the fact that she was horny from putting off sex for so long, as she had mentioned earlier to Laura, she was certainly closer than Laura had realized.

"Oh . . . oh!" Frankie panted, squirming, her lovely lean body more desirable than ever to Laura at this instant as it gleamed like a polished ebony miracle against the white sheet.. 

This poor darling needs to come right now, Laura thought.  Choosing among different methods to bring about this climax was beside the point.  Frankie was going to come, whatever.  Moreover, she was so wet that lubrication was no problem, and Laura slid two fingers into the tight but slippery sleeve of Frankie's swollen pussy while withdrawing her tongue to use on Frankie's bulbous little clit, now exposed and vulnerable as if waiting for Laura's ministrations.

"Oh!  Oh!  Oh god . . . Laura!"

Frankie was wriggling and pumping so frantically that Laura's wet fingers inadvertently slipped momentarily out of her pussy, and one fingertip, well-lubricated with Frankie's copious discharges, grazed the little pinched-shut ring of her anus, whereupon Frankie clenched and gave a loud whimper.

"Unnmmnggghheee!  Oh . . . yes!  Yes!  Please, Laura!"

At first Laura thought this was only a happy effusion of lust with no specific meaning, but when she pressed her fingertip against Frankie's rectum again and caught the look of invitation in Frankie's eyes, she realized what she was being asked.  As if to confirm it, Frankie nodded frantically. 


Never one to turn down an opportunity like this, Laura pressed her fingertip harder against the little closed up entryway, until, greased by Frankie's pussy juices, it began to force its way inside.  At this point Frankie groaned and stiffened, her face contorting into a grimace of acute pleasure, mixed with momentary discomfort.

"Unnmmggg!  Oh yes!"

Now Laura knew the girl was going to come for sure, any second.  It could not take long in her aroused condition.  If I'm going to have any part of this at all, I'd better get to it, she thought.  Otherwise this angel is just going to come all by herself.  How would that look?  Me just hanging around, while she gets herself off?

"Oh Frankie . . . darling . . . come for Mama . . ." she cooed to the girl, sliding her finger deeper into Frankie's tight ass and beginning to hungrily devour her pretty little clit at the same time.

"Unhhh . . . unhhh . . ." Frankie grunted softly, bucking and churning her hips wildly.

And Laura was right.  She began to come almost immediately, great wrenching shocks, accompanied by horrific loud shrieks of ecstasy, much louder than Laura had expected.

"Aaiiiyyyiieeeeee!  Ungghh!  Ommnggg!  Aaaiiiyyiiieeee!" Frankie shrieked, her lovely lean body surging and shuddering, almost levitating off the mattress as one wrenching spasm after another wracked her body, while Laura just held on for the ride.

It was all over in seconds.  After about five or six killing jolts, Frankie fell back to the bed, gasping and mewling and undulating now in long waves that quickly subsided into sighs and sensual squirming.  Laura was still crouched between her spread legs, her finger still embedded in Frankie's rectum, her lips smeared with Frankie's love juices.  But she couldn't keep the smile off her face.

"You really blew the roof off," she said gently, seeing Frankie revive.

It was still another minute before Frankie could regain her voice.  She gulped, appearing almost embarrassed to have come so hard.  "I can still feel it," she said to Laura in a soft, awestruck voice.

"You must not have had an orgasm for weeks."

Frankie shook her head.  "I do it in the bathtub.  Sometimes when I get home.  Run the water on my pussy.  Have you ever done that?  God, I come!  Sometimes I think I'm going to have a heart attack."  She smiled.  "I didn't think I could ever come harder than that."

Laura recalled that she had done that.  Karen had taught her to masturbate that way, long ago.  She had not done it for years, simply because, she guessed, she always had a girl friend she could depend on to fuck her.

"Maybe it was the magic finger," Laura grinned, finally extracting it from its snug little temporary home, holding it up.

Frankie nodded again.  "Probably.  I just love anal sex.  My ex-husband introduced me to it.  He said he wanted it and if I wouldn't do it with him he'd find somebody else.  He was very gentle, though.  I used to have multiple orgasms when he did it.  Not every time, but once in a while."

"Sounds like you miss him."

Frankie shrugged, finally recovering somewhat and sitting up.  "We're friends.  It just didn't work out.  He's an electrician.  He was envious of me being a lawyer."

"Tell me about the multiple orgasms," Laura said, just before they heard mewing coming from the walk-in closet.

Frankie's eyebrow went up.  "We have to let her out, you know."

"I know," Laura grinned in acceptance.

Frankie retrieved Sammie from the closet and they played with her on the bed for a little while.  "I probably scared her when I screamed," Frankie said.

"You scared both of us," Laura said.  "I thought the neighbors might hear and call the police."

Frankie laughed.  "When we first moved here, since both of us knew how I can really scream sometimes, Jamal went outside and I stayed in here and screamed like I do when I come.  He couldn't hear anything.  So, after that, we knew we could make as much noise as we wanted."

"Unless he needs his hearing checked," Laura raised one eyebrow.

Frankie moved closer.  She caressed Laura's bare shoulder, then kissed her cheek, then her mouth.  "I'd like to make you scream," she murmured softly, her eyelids heavy.

Laura smiled, then scooped up the kitten in the palm of one hand, bringing it close to her face.  "I'm afraid it's back in the closet for you, little cutie.  Time for Laura to get her happy bells rung."

She handed Sammie to Frankie and again watched in rapt and smoking lechery as the delicious naked woman carried the kitten back to the closet, bending down and showing all of her terrific round black ass to Laura as she stooped to deposit Sammie once again among the shoes.  Frankie saw the look in Laura's eyes as she returned to the bed. 

"You look like a wild rapist," she said, drawing Laura into her arms and pressing the entire length of her marvelous naked body against Laura's.

"I'm more in the mood to be the rapee right now," Laura confessed.  "It's just that you are so beautiful."

"Don't be silly," Frankie laughed softly, kissing her neck, her shoulders.  "You're the beautiful one.  You look like a model."

Though Frankie's lesbian experience, with her high school friend, was a few years in the past by now, she had little trouble getting back into the appropriate rhythms and techniques, and soon Laura was groaning and twisting happily on her way to a beautiful and totally arresting orgasm that left her limp and gasping and mewling with pleasure. 

She caressed Frankie's smooth, black cheek with a fingertip.  "You, my darling, are a miracle.  Sandra must've been in love."

Frankie looked rueful for a moment.  "She was.  That was the problem.  She wanted to own me.  Like Jamal.  I . . . don't want to be owned."

"You can hardly blame either one of them, though," Laura said softly.  "You are a miracle.  Bright, sensitive, terrific in bed.  How could either one of them let you go?"

Frankie made a face.  "They didn't want to.  I just . . . made them.  That damn kitty is mewing again."  She frowned.   "I think we have to rescue her again."  She turned kittenish herself.  "At least for a while."

Laura, who was still flat on her back, pulled Frankie down on top of her again.  She kissed her, a long, deeply affectionate kiss.  "Don't be mean to Sammie," she repeated.  "She brought us together."

Frankie smiled almost dreamily.  "After we play with her a while, I want you to fuck me up my ass.  Don't you have one of those strap-on thingees like the girls use on the web?"

"You must be clairvoyant, my darling," Laura teased her.  "It just so happens I do have such a thing.  In my car.  Should I go and get it?"

"Duh."  Frankie made a face.  "Did you hear what I said?"

"I'll have to get dressed.  The neighbors."

"They're all drunk or glued to the TV by now.  Just put on a housecoat.  Here . . . I'll get you one."

She stepped—still marvelously, thrillingly naked—to the walk-in closet and opened the door, retrieving Sammie and tossing Laura a thin red rayon housecoat at the same time.  It was a flimsy thing, barely enough to cover you, and as Laura pulled it on she thought:  I'd love to see you in this, you enchantress. 

"I'll get her some food while you . . . you know, get the thingee," Frankie said, taking the kitten toward the kitchen.

Laura was not much accustomed to parading in someone else's nightie through the darkness of an alien neighborhood, so she made a quick dash to her car, opened the trunk, and snatched up the valise.  She was back into the house in thirty seconds flat..

She found Frankie in the kitchen, still stark naked and stunning, her black skin sleek and glowing, fixing a small bowl of kibble for the kitten.  "You better cover up," Laura told her.  "I want to lick you again."

"You never really finished licking me the first time," Frankie flirted. 

When she leaned over to place the bowl of kibble on the floor for Sammie, her small, enchanting, naked breasts swooped out a little, their black nipples bobbing and gleaming, and Laura, who was occasionally susceptible to violent sexual urges, realized that she wanted to swallow each one.  She was right behind her as Frankie stood back up, grabbing her and embracing her roughly.  Her hands both rose to Frankie's darling little breasts and cupped and squeezed them.

"Let's go back in the bedroom."  She kissed the smooth black backs of  Frankie's bare shoulders.  She glanced down at Sammie, who was busily eating.  "She knows the way back, I assume?"

"I guess she'll probably hear the moaning and gasping."

Laura laughed and turned her around and kissed her.  They were so relaxed and affectionate together that it seemed as if they had been doing this for months, instead of just this night.  She grabbed her valise from the kitchen table as they passed it on their way back to the bedroom.  She was close enough behind Frankie to reach out and touch the smooth black moons of her ass.  Frankie again flirted back over her shoulder.

"If you touch, you have to buy."

"I'm paying . . . whatever the price.  You have a scrumptious ass."

Frankie turned at the bedroom door, putting her arms on Laura's shoulders, kissing her mouth.  She was just as tall as Laura so it was an easy fit.  "I'm glad you like it.  Just be gentle.  I like it up my ass, but I don't like pain."

Laura still had the thin rayon housecoat on, but she quickly shed it.  The way they were standing in the dark hallway brought their naked breasts together just barely so that their nipples brushed as they were kissing, a sensation so overpowering to Laura that she believed she might faint with happiness if an equally exciting act were not expected of her in the next few minutes.  Instead, she curled her tongue around Frankie's and sighed.   Frankie sighed back.

"I think I could kiss like this forever . . . if I didn't have something else in mind," she whispered to Laura, against Laura's parted lips.

"I am always gentle," Laura lied softly.  In truth, with the right partner, she was occasionally rough.  But only when they want it that way, she thought.  I could never be rough with this angel, unless she begged me.

"You're getting me hot," Frankie breathed.  "C'mon, before kitty gets finished and finds us again." 

In the bedroom, Laura opened the valise and skillfully extracted the strap-on dildo and harness without letting Frankie see the Double Penetrator.  We can get to that some day, she thought.  No sense in pushing things too fast.

Frankie watched her fasten it in place, even helping her cinch the harness tight at the last moment.  "I've got some Kentucky Jelly in the drawer that we can use," she said as she watched Laura pulling out her small bottle of baby oil.

"I don't mean to seem naïve, but what's that?"

"You know.  K-Y.  Works good.  I'm used to it.  Easy to clean up."

"Whatever works for you, darling," Laura grinned. 

"I like it 'spoon,'" Frankie said, lying on her side and smiling back over her shoulder at Laura as Laura swabbed the dildo with lubricant.  "Hope you don't mind.  That way I can rub my pussy at the same time.  It really gets me off."

"Whatever makes you happy, my angel," Laura purred to her, unable to take her eyes for second off this enchanting lean black body, naked and smooth and sleek and infinitely desirable.  "Your wish is my command."

"Hurry," Frankie finally said, when Laura was apparently taking too long.  "Sorry.  I just get so excited."

"Me too," Laura grinned.  She settled in on her side also behind Frankie, kissing the smooth backs of her shoulders for about the umpteenth time.

Lubricating her forefinger also with the jelly, she slowly began to invade Frankie's tight little anus with it, where she had already been once, preparing the way for the larger invader that was to come.  Frankie whimpered softly and slowly gyrated her ass into Laura's probing finger.

"Oooohhhmmmm!" she cooed softly.  "Oooohhhh . . . that feels so good!"

Laura was still kissing the nape of her neck, her shoulders, her back everywhere her lips would reach, marveling at this smooth, sweet body.  "I love your body," she whispered.

Frankie looked back over her shoulder.  "I want you to talk dirty to me, okay?  Like, tell me you're going to fuck me.  Tell me how much you want to fuck me."

Laura was relieved to hear this after her recent episode with Yvette.  Each person's concept of 'dirty' was different.  At least Frankie did not want to be called filthy names, the kind of names Laura could never, she knew, bring herself to utter.  It was, after all, easy to tell her she was going to fuck her.

"Honey, I am going to fuck you and fuck you until you beg me to stop," she breathed into Frankie's marvelous black ear, following the words with her tongue and frenching her ear passionately, so that Frankie was quivering and moaning by the time she stopped.

"Oh god, yes1" Frankie gasped.  "Ungghh!" she groaned as Laura now introduced the head of the dildo into the aperture she had opened gently with her finger.

"Get ready, honey, here comes my cock," she murmured into Frankie's neck, pushing slowly but strongly and evenly, feeling the shaft slide up into Frankie's tight rectum.

Frankie stiffened, and a slow, whistling breath came out of her throat, until the dildo was completely embedded in her body, and the knuckles of Laura's hand that gripped the base of the shaft were touching the firm balls of her hard buns. 

"Oh shit . . . it's . . . it's harder than Jamal's!" Frankie gasped in a small voice.  "How can that be?"

"It's because I'm so hard for you, my angel," Laura murmured to her, teasingly, but truthfully, still kissing the backs of her shoulders and running her free hand up and down the wonderful front of Frankie's naked body, gripping her breasts, scissoring her small black nipples, letting her fingertips feather the hard muscles of Frankie's long, beautiful midriff.

Frankie laughed softly, turning her head again to grin at Laura over her shoulder.  "You must be way harder than he ever was."

"Oh . . . I am, I am," Laura pursued it.  "And I'm going to fuck you better than he ever did too.  I'm going to fuck you until you just disintegrate in a hot storm of orgasms."

As she spoke, she began to move, gently, slowly thrusting now, sliding the dildo in and out of Frankie's ass, feeling Frankie's whole body clench and relax, clench and relax, as the rhythm of penetration and withdrawal began to awaken her need.  At this point Frankie also dropped her top hand down to her crotch and began swirling her fingers over her engorged clit.  In fact, the penetration of her ass made her whole lovely black pussy swell up and protrude, so that rubbing it was easy. 

"You're fucking me . . . you're fucking me . . ." she repeated in a low, half-delirious chant, another one of those absurd things people said in the grip of feverish, frantic sex, for of course Laura was fucking her, and both of them knew it.

But Laura smiled.  She loved hearing it.  "Yes . . . I'm fucking you . . . I'm going to fuck you so hard."

Frankie suddenly stopped in mid-motion, her eyes fluttering open.  Again, she craned her long neck back to look over her shoulder at Laura.  "Not hard," she said.  "I told you, not hard.  I can come this way.  Just keep it up."

"Of course, my darling," Laura purred, resuming her slow, relentless thrusting, careful now not to seem too rough.  "I would never hurt you."

She kissed her.  She kissed her cheek and even, though it was harder, her mouth, their eager tongues snaking and stabbing. 

"I love fucking you . . ." she repeated softly.  "I love it . . ."

"Ohhhhhh!" Frankie moaned, writhing a little now, and panting more heavily.

Laura bared her teeth enough to lightly bite the smooth, firm muscle that ran from Frankie's long black neck down to her shoulder, nipping it enough to give her the shivers.  Frankie moaned again, and her pelvis began to buck and shimmy more rapidly.  She swirled her fingers onto her pussy frantically.

"Mmmmm, you like that?" Laura purred to her, now twisting one of Frankie's hard nipples harder between her thumb and forefinger.

"Oh god, yes!  You're . . . going to make me come!"

"Mmmmm, I sure hope so," Laura purred again.

"Oh Laura!"

Laura kept kissing every part of Frankie's body that her lips could reach.  She pressed her own naked breasts hard into Frankie's long, peerless back, knowing how good that felt when it was done to her.

"Unnmmhhh!  Unmmnngghh!" Frankie chuffed and half-grunted and gasped.  She was by now pumping pretty vigorously back into Laura's thrusts.

"Oh honey . . . oh honey," Laura chanted to her.  "I think you are going to come."

"Oh god, I know I am!" Frankie burst out.  "You can do it harder.  A little harder.  Ungghhh!  Ummnngghh!  Yes . . . like that!"

Laura, whose guiding hand underneath had never left he base of the dildo, now gripped it harder and began fucking the increasingly wild and aroused girl more and more vigorously.  By now Frankie's anal passage was not only well-lubricated but also expanded enough to accept the thrusting shaft easily, and Laura could ram her more effectively, arousing excited yelps and whimpers from Frankie as she hurtled toward the finish line.

Laura herself was feverishly aroused by this beautiful girl in her arms, bucking and moaning and whimpering and gurgling as her sexual need grew greater and greater by the second.  Maybe I'll come too, she realized.  She could feel the urgency, the swelling desire in her own body, partially ignited by the pushing of the base of the strap-on dildo back into her pubic bone.  But even if I don't . . . god, this is such a beautiful girl!

"Unh . . . unh . . . unh!" Frankie gasped, turning her head to kiss Laura again, who awkwardly but hungrily ravished Frankie's mouth with her own, still pumping and pumping, harder and harder.  "Ungghhh!  Oh!" Frankie groaned.

"Ungghh!" Laura lunged forward and upward, burying the hard shaft in Frankie's ass, suddenly recalling how Frankie had wanted to hear 'dirty' talking while being fucked this way.  What had that odious man, that horrid Jamal, her ex-husband, said to her while teaching her to do this?  "Ungghh!" she lunged again.

"Awwonnngggg!" Frankie cried out.

"Sorry!  Too hard?" Laura gasped to her, chagrined at having overstepped their agreed on boundaries.

But Frankie shook her head rapidly.  "No!  Do it again!  Ungghh!  Awwonnggg!"

"Oh honey, I'm fucking you, I'm fucking your ass, you are going to come so hard!" Laura chanted to her, knowing it was true now, knowing Frankie's orgasm was just a split second away.

"Oh Laura . . . oh Laura . . . oh fuck . . ." Frankie gasped, suddenly stiffening and coming with shocking violence.  "AANNNGGGHHMMNNGGIIIEEEE!"

"Oh honey . . . oh honey!"  Laura held on, feeling Frankie's incredible rippling stomach muscles clenching under the fingertips of one hand.

Frankie, though clutched hard by Laura in the spoon position they had occupied throughout, jackknifed and flexed and strained wildly. 


Laura held her.  Laura kissed the backs of her shoulders and her shoulderblades and clutched her small, pretty breasts with her free hand, kissing her and cooing to her, while Frankie went through ripping convulsions of physical rapture.  She came definitely twice, and Laura thought that the trailing spasms themselves probably amounted to a third climax, so long did they grip her quivering body and force deep, stirring sighs from deep in her lungs.

Laura kissed the damp nape of her neck.  "Honey, are you okay?"

Frankie seemed to take forever to reply.  Her voice was distant, as if she were learning how to speak all over again.  "Now you see . . . why I like it," she said, still half-stunned, time-traveling.  "You're even better than he was."

Laura smiled and kissed her mouth this time.  "The spoon position is nice," she murmured.  "You can kiss."

Frankie nodded solemnly.

"Want me to take it out?"

Suddenly, before she could answer, they heard mewing from the floor beside the bed.  Then scrabbling and scratching, then a plop back to the floor.  Laura realized what was happening, and Frankie quickly did too.  Sammie was trying to climb up the bedcovers to join them on the bed.

"We better get her," Laura whispered.  "At least she had the courtesy to wait until you were finished."

Frankie laughed softly at this.  "Oooohhhhhh!" she whimpered as Laura slowly extracted the greased dildo that had taken her to paradise.  She looked at it scientifically.  "It's harder," she said again.  "But the only thing I miss is that squirt of warm jizz into you."

"I know," Laura made a briefly glum face.  "Can't have everything, I guess."

Frankie reached down and scooped up the kitten, placing her between them.  "I'll bet I scared her with all that roaring and squirming."

"She just waited," Laura said, petting Sammie.  "She's a good kitty."

Frankie leaned over and kissed Laura, above Sammie.  "You didn't come.  You want me to do you that way?  I've never done it, but I could probably learn."

"Honey, if you breathe on me I'll come.  I am so horny.  Feeling you come made me this way."

Frankie smiled.  "Think she'll let us?"

Laura laid back and pulled the marvelous, naked Frankie over on top of her, gently pushing Sammie out of the way.  "Like I said, I think thirty seconds'll do it.  Just give me your best shot.  I'm ready to boil over."

"Mmmmm," Frankie began kissing her way down Laura's body.  "Now I'm going to fuck you."

"Oh honey . . . oh honey . . ." Laura panted.  "Yes . . . yes!"






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