Nyomi had got Laura's little 'fuck
bunny,' as she called her, a job in the Redevelopment Agency, and Bonnie was
quickly transformed from a simple sandwich shop girl into a crisply dressed and
diligently hard-working office girl almost in a flash, before Laura's
eyes. It was all very hard to believe.
First, Bonnie was no longer there
when Laura dropped by the sandwich shop in the alley behind her building. This caused deep, alarming heart pangs. What have I done! Everybody will be fucking that lovely
darling! She'll have no time for me!
Second, when she did meet Bonnie
for lunch, she was happily taken aback by her altered appearance, almost
entirely due to a change of wardrobe. No
longer was Bonnie attired in a blue golf shirt and jeans. She wore a sharp, immaculate white shirt and
tailored navy blue skirt, and a tasteful scarf; she looked amazingly fetching,
but also office-perfect.
"Your friend Nyomi took me
shopping," she confessed to Laura. "She
said I had to be dressed a little better and she would help. Even loaned me the money."
Laura blushed slightly and looked
away briefly to control her expression.
"She's a wonderful person, isn't she.
What a thing to do." And she
meant it. She was astonished and pleased
to hear of Nyomi's generosity.
They were sitting in a small café
near City Hall. Bonnie took a sip of her
"You and she . . . you know . . .
do it. Right?" Her dark eyes flickered with what seemed to
Laura a hint of jealousy as well as knowing amusement, as if to say: I know you
do, no use denying it.
Laura smiled primly. It was impossible not to let her
schoolmarmish nature surface at moments like this. "Of course we don't. We're . . . just friends."
Bonnie almost exploded with
laughter, nearly spraying Laura with lemonade but covering her mouth at the
last instant. Even so, droplets dribbled
out between her fingers. Her eyes danced
with wicked hilarity.
"You big liar!" she giggled. "You don't have to lie to me. I know you do it with her."
"Shhhh!" Laura cautioned, looking
around. "I said that to protect her . .
. not me. She works for the Mayor. Maybe she doesn't want it known."
"Oh." Bonnie calmed down and immediately banished
the smile from her face. "Right. I forgot.
You're probably right. Sorry."
Even though she was a little miffed
with Bonnie for bringing it up, the whole episode, spraying lemonade and all,
and Bonnie's laughter and cute accusations, made her fiercely desirable to
Laura at that moment. Her lovely high cheekbones
and the silky darkness of her skin emphasized by the crisp white cloth of her
blouse made Laura's pussy tingle. God, I
want her! I forgot how absolutely
fetching she is.
"You need a ride home tonight?"
Laura offered. "I could cruise by here and
pick you up."
"You drive today? I thought you usually took BART."
"I had a meeting in Mountain
View. Had to
Bonnie's dark eyes twinkled
again. "I know what you want."
Laura grinned at her. "Can you
blame me? Look at yourself. The new Bonnie. I'm surprised the guys and gals aren't
beating down your door for dates."
"Oh, I had a few showing some
interest," Bonnie said airily, tossing her head with almost coquettish
pride. "Mostly guys. Mostly looking at my ass. Like you do."
"I saw them," Laura said,
truthfully. On their way to this café
for lunch, she had seen several men turn to look at Bonnie's world class
posterior with admiration and hunger.
She could also detect a flicker of
sexual interest in Bonnie's eyes. Bonnie
loved fucking with Laura, and loved Laura hungering after her phenomenal
ass. "I guess I could use a ride," she
said, with feigned disinterest, as if she would accept a ride only if she
couldn't find anything better to do.
"I'll pick you up at five forty-five," Laura said decisively.
Bonnie frowned. "I get off at five. What am I supposed to do till then?"
Laura leaned across the small table
and whispered, excited to bring her nose close enough to Bonnie's face so that
she could inhale her thrilling fresh sexual odor. "Sit on the steps and think off all the
things I'm going to do to your beautiful body."
Bonnie dissolved into giggles, so
pleased she could clearly not contain it.
Of all the girls Laura had wooed, Bonnie was, maybe along with Ada, the
most likely to 'blush' at times like this.
"God, I can really do that!" she laughed.
And when Laura pulled up in front
of the Redevelopment Agency building promptly at five forty-five, Bonnie was
indeed sitting on the steps with her arms hugging her shins, looking for all
the world like a school girl in her white sneakers, though without the plaid
skirt, wearing the tailored, business-style one Nyomi had picked out for her
instead. She does look young sometimes,
Laura thought, waving and leaning across to open the passenger side door, knowing
however that Bonnie was actually twenty-four.
But she did look good enough to eat, at whatever age. My little fuck bunny, Laura thought
happily. Am I ever going to fuck your
cute bunny ears off.
Though Bonnie actually had pretty
little well-shaped ears, very black, a little shiny, peaking out from beneath
her short hair. Laura wanted to lean
over and plunge her tongue into the closest one but didn't dare since they were
in public.
Bonnie smiled a secretive,
self-satisfied smile as Laura maneuvered in traffic toward the nearest Bay
Bridge on-ramp. "Took your advice," she said. "I sat there and thought about all the things
you gonna do to me."
It had been three days since
Laura's little adventure with Carmela and Stacy, and she nearly frothed over
with lust at the sound of these words.
She gripped the steering wheel hard, but playfully. "Hold on, girl, you're going to make me lose
control. Don't tell me any more until we
get there. I'll faint with desire."
Bonnie giggled. "You are funny." After a minute, she added, "You make me feel
good, Laura. Nobody ever wanted me as
much as you do."
"Impossible," Laura said
flatly. "You just didn't know it. Those high Choctaw cheekbones are enough to
cause freeway pileups. And that thing
you're sitting on makes people whimper when you walk by."
Bonnie merely grinned with
happiness and didn't reply. There was a
long, slow traffic jam on the bottom deck of the Bay
Bridge, and during the interminable
crawl Laura had plenty of opportunity to look at Bonnie.
"You looking at me like I'm candy,
Laura," Bonnie grinned.
"Or red meat to a hungry tiger,"
Laura teased, caressing Bonnie's shiny black kneecap with the fingertips of her
right hand. "Tell me about your new
job. To get my mind off it."
"What if I don't want to get your
mind off it?" Bonnie flirted. "Maybe I
like it when you want to screw me so bad.
Like I say, you're worse than a man."
"I love your skin," Laura
confessed, though it was nothing new to Bonnie.
She caressed the smooth, glossy skin of Bonnie's thigh above her
kneecap, just up to the point where the hem of Bonnie's skirt stopped her
"You sure like black girls, don't
you," Bonnie said, but cheerfully, not reproachfully. "Why's that?"
"I like you," Laura said, a little forcefully, as she often did to turn
aside this observation.
"And you like Nyomi. And your wife is black, ain't she?"
Laura nodded.
"That makes three of us."
"Just a roll of the dice," Laura
said softly. "Lucky three. All three enchanting."
"You like their black skin too?"
Laura grinned and playfully pinched
the flesh of her thigh, where she was caressing it. "You're getting personal."
Bonnie giggled. "We're gonna be in bed in about twenty
minutes. How personal is that?"
Laura grimaced. "It may not be twenty minutes, the way this
traffic is moving. Or not moving."
Bonnie was silent for another few
minutes. Then she spoke softly, almost
apologetically. "I don't care, you
"Don't care about what?"
"If you like other black
chicks. I ain't ever been with any white
chick but you, but you know how I like to look at our bodies together."
It was true. Bonnie had even pulled her large old
combination bureau-dressing table that she had obviously got from the Salvation
Army, with its tilting oval mirror, over within range of her Murphy bed so that
she could watch them fucking while in progress.
It was a very touching gesture, and Laura found that she liked watching
their bodies coiled together too, out of the corner of her eye, when not too
busy groaning and shuddering.
"What I mean is . . ." Bonnie began
again, but Laura stopped her.
"I know what you mean," she
grinned. "You mean I better watch out
for the white girls instead of the black ones."
Bonnie giggled again.
"Now, tell me about your job. I want to know."
Bonnie gave a short narration of
her daily duties. She liked her
supervisor (male; fifties; white) but was wary of her head clerk (female;
Hispanic; early forties and mean), and had already attracted some male
attention from married and unmarried guys of several ethnic backgrounds. "One already asked me out," she said,
"And did you accept?"
"He's married. Got a big old gold ring on his hand. Thinks a little black pussy on the side would
be fun."
God, he sounds like me! Laura
suddenly thought, guiltily. The traffic
finally picked up, and she realized they would get there after all.
"So . . . tell me what it's like to
fuck with Nyomi," Bonnie said out of the blue, as they navigated the MacArthur
Maze and headed for the Lake Merritt
area where Bonnie's small apartment was located. "She's beautiful. She don't look any more like a lesbo than you
Laura pursed her lips. "You're one too, you know," she said. "You sleep with me."
Bonnie grinned widely. "Only we don't get no sleeping done." Then she grew solemn. "Sorry I said that. I don't know what they're supposed to look
They parked and went up to her
apartment. "I'm still interested,
though," Bonnie persisted. "I'd like to
know what it's like. She's so different
from me."
Now that they were not in public
any longer, Laura could give in to her strongest impulses. She grabbed Bonnie and pulled her close and
kissed her ravenously. Bonnie kissed
back. She was panting mildly when Laura
pulled away.
"That's okay, you can tell me
later," she laughed. "I think we got
other business first."
"I haven't touched you for so long
. . . you set me on fire," Laura panted back, kissing Bonnie's shapely neck.
"Ooohhhh . . . that tickles,"
Bonnie gasped, squirming away. "Let me
use the bathroom and then you can do all those things to me you were
While Bonnie was in the bathroom,
Laura, who had some practice from previous occasions, let down the Murphy bed,
and pulled back the bedcovers, exposing the sheet. She caught her own eye in Bonnie's tilting
oval mirror, which was positioned precisely to pickup activities on the
bed. You revolting little roué, she told
herself. Despoiling this poor sweet
girl's virtue.
When Bonnie emerged from the
bathroom, she was carrying her blouse and skirt, wearing only her underwear:
simple white bra, simple white cotton underpants. She wiggled her breathtaking bottom at
Laura. "This what you were waiting for?"
Laura was already unbuttoning and
unzipping her own clothes as she watched Bonnie cross the room. Her mind flitted back to the days when she
had bought her lunchtime sandwiches from this marvelous girl, feeling her heart
flutter and her pussy pulse as Bonnie's fingertips lingered in her palm while
making change, thinking it was a gesture meant only for her, Laura, until she
gulped to see Bonnie doing it with everyone.
It was not a sexual sign after all, just a byproduct of Bonnie's extraordinary
sweet nature and friendliness.
"God, I wanted you from the start,"
she confessed, now down to her underwear too.
"You are a vision."
Bonnie deposited her clothes on a
chair and came over to Laura. "You just
horny, that's all."
They embraced by the bed, Laura
peeking over Bonnie's shoulder at their image in the oval mirror, watching her
pale hands running all over Bonnie's dark, smooth back, impeded only by the
thin straps of Bonnie's bra. "I am so
going to fuck you and make you scream with joy," she murmured, finally getting
the chance to slither her tongue deep into Bonnie's enchanting black ear. "I want to eat you alive."
Bonnie shivered and laughed. Being a little shorter than Laura, she tilted
her face up and pulled Laura's face down to it with one hand behind Laura's head,
kissing her ardently. "You can fuck me
as much as you want," she said into Laura's teeth.
Laura kissed her back, a searing,
scorching kiss, plunging both hands under the elastic band of Bonnie's
underpants at the same time and clutching the firm round balls of her
incredible ass. "I want to fuck you all
night," she breathed into Bonnie's ear.
Again Bonnie giggled. "People always say they want to do that," she
pulled Laura closer to the bed. "Nobody can do it all night. We'll get pretty tired first."
Laura got Bonnie's bra unclasped
and pulled it off, cupping and squeezing the girl's marvelous springy young
breasts. "Not me. I can keep going forever with someone like
you. You make me so horny. I want to . . ."
Bonnie forced Laura around so that
she too could unclasp Laura's bra. "I know what you want to do. You told me.
You want to eat me alive."
Laura snarled and bit her smooth
neck lightly, pinching her incredible bottom at the same time. "Right.
I do. And I'm going to. Take these off."
She pulled Bonnie's panties down
around her knees. Now both laughing,
they tumbled happily onto the bed and helped each other get completely
naked. Then they embraced for a long,
sensual kiss, suppressing the sexual urgency they both felt in favor of a
lengthy, slow, passionate communion, luxuriating in the feel of their warm
naked bodies squirming together.
"Mmmm, that's what I like about
you, Laura," Bonnie finally murmured. "You
like to fuck, but you ain't in no hurry.
Plenty of time to kiss and rub.
That's what I like, kissing and rubbing."
"Me too," Laura murmured back,
rubbing her body aggressively against Bonnie's.
"And sucking. Don't forget
sucking. Laura loves sucking."
She dropped her mouth to Bonnie's
breasts, and Bonnie watched. "Nobody
ever sucked like you do," she agreed.
One of the most moving and erotic
things Bonnie did—and she had done it from the start—was to caress Laura's
hair, her forehead, her temples, lightly, affectionately, with the fingers of
one hand while Laura was ardently sucking her nipples, or even while Laura was
licking her pussy or even fist-fucking her, which Bonnie craved above all
things. No matter how aroused she was
becoming, she could not prevent these sweet, loving caresses from emerging, and
Laura found them extremely touching.
Now was no different. Laura sucked one of Bonnie's firm little
breasts with extravagant care and tenderness and wet-lipped passion, and
Bonnie's fingertips danced lovingly over Laura's hair, then her forehead.
"Ohhhhhhh!" Bonnie sighed. "Yes.
Laura . . . you suck so good.
Makes me hot."
Laura, still sucking happily,
glanced briefly to the side and saw their reflection in the mirror, a stunning
tableau of pale and dark skin and curves and gleaming flesh and lips and flashing
eyes. Bonnie saw her looking, and their
eyes met in the mirror.
"You like to watch too," Bonnie
"We're beautiful," Laura said,
pausing only briefly before trying to inhale Bonnie's other breast.
Bonnie caressed Laura's shoulders,
and her neck, and her cheek, with those soft fingertips. "I love it when you do that," Laura
"Yes. I love it."
Bonnie smiled, bemused. "I didn't even know I was doing it. You make me feel good."
Laura paused, still holding
Bonnie's enchanting saliva-wet breasts cradled in both hands. She looked up at Bonnie. "Okay . . . now you get to choose how you
want me to do you. Let's see. We can pussy fuck. I can lick you to heaven, and suck your
pretty little clittie. I could—"
Bonnie interrupted her. "You know
what I want."
Laura smiled. "Or . . . we could do that."
Bonnie nodded slowly. "I can think of something else, though," she
said, almost shyly, as if it were too audacious to bring this up.
"You know"—she was almost blushing,
though dark as coal, and could not look Laura directly in the eye—"last time
when we did that? And you were rubbing
my little booty hole with your finger when I was coming?"
Laura nodded. "You really exploded."
Bonnie would still not look her in
the eye. "I think . . ."
"You want me to do that again?"
Bonnie nodded slowly. "And . . ."
"Stick it in?"
Bonnie shrugged. Her marvelous round breasts jiggled in
Laura's cradling hands. She now looked
Laura directly in the eye. "I think I
could do it. I mean, take it. I been thinking about it over and over. How it might make me come so hard I . . ."
"So hard you almost can't stand
it?" Laura added, now squeezing the marvelous round balls with her fingers,
eager to get her hungry mouth on them again.
Bonnie smiled and giggled again,
shyly. "I can try to stand it."
"Mmmmm, I'll only do it if you let
me suck these again for about an hour," Laura said, dropping her mouth to one
bulging black nipple, laving it with her tongue.
Bonnie said nothing but began to
breathe a little harder as she watched Laura devouring her breast. "I don't know if I can wait an hour," she
finally said, panting harder. "You're
making me want it bad."
Laura held Bonnie's wet, bulbous
nipple between her lips and looked up at her.
"Me too," she said, without letting it go.
With Laura still sucking her
breast, Bonnie stretched out sensually on her back, parting her thighs and in
effect presenting her entire body to Laura.
And what a body it was. Laura was
capable of ascending to rhapsodies of sexual desire just in contemplation of
it. Bonnie was not voluptuous, like
Nyomi for example, but built more on athletic lines. Except for her firm, high, opulent bottom,
she was lean and well-toned and sleek and firm and very dark, a feast for the
lips, as Laura, who explored her flesh hungrily each time they were together,
well knew.
She wanted to continue her slow,
sensual feast right now, but Bonnie was getting overheated. She was a freak for fist-fucking—shades of
that darling Mavis! Laura thought—and would not settle for slower, gentler,
more simmering methods until she got her first wrenching, groaning,
debilitating orgasm out of the way. And
this time she wanted Laura to finger her ass too, the first time she had asked,
which would doubtless send her to the moon.
"Are you sure?" Laura cooed to her
as she reluctantly let her mouth and fingers leave Bonnie's hard wet nipples
and descend toward the delicious lower regions of her body. "You sure you want it?"
Bonnie lifted her head long enough
from the mattress to glower down at Laura, as if she had already made it
perfectly clear. "I want it."
Laura smiled at her. "I have to get my handbag."
In a trice Laura was off the Murphy
bed, swooping and dipping over to the kitchen chair where she had dropped her
purse, quickly extracting the small bottle of oil she always kept in it. Mercifully Bonnie's tiny one-room apartment
ensured that things could not be very far apart, and she was back on the bed
before half a minute had elapsed. Bonnie
was looking at her as if some curious medical procedure was about to occur.
"What are you doing?"
Laura held up the little
bottle. "Oil, my pet. Makes it easier."
Laura loved Bonnie's sleek naked
body, and this was a task, making love to these two portals she was about to
invade with maximum ardor, that she was very willing to prolong. Bonnie, patient and curious as ever, yielded
her body completely to Laura's loving ministrations, biting her full lower lip
as Laura's greased finger slid for the first time up into her ass, her black
eyes watering a little.
"Unhhhhh!" she gasped softly. "Oh!"
"Does that feel good?"
An unexpected grin—unanticipated by
either one of them—spread over Bonnie's face.
"You know . . . it does . . . kind of."
Laura slowly swiveled her finger,
probing gently. But she could not keep
her eyes off Bonnie's swollen pussy, a feast she could barely keep herself from
falling on with crazy lust. It was a
beautiful little pussy, a tight little slot of now-puffy black cunt lips
enclosing a shiny dark pink wet feast of oozing inner pussy meat, the whole
delicious slit surrounded by a fringe of coal-black crotch hair, which Laura
spread aside with the fingers of her free hand to make everything available to her
probing tongue.
"Unhhh! Anngghh!" Bonnie gasped,
her hips quivering a little as she accustomed herself to Laura's invading
mouth, which she had apparently not expected, at least not so soon. "Ohhhhhhh!
Oh . . . Laura . . . that feels good!"
Laura, as she settled into
seriously making love to Bonnie's pussy with her mouth and fucking her sweet
little virgin asshole with her greased finger, wondered if they would actually
ever get to the thing Bonnie wanted most, at least this first time around. True, Bonnie adored being fist-fucked, and
would never let an opportunity like this one go by without demanding it, and
yet at the moment she was quickly losing control, a state Laura did everything
to encourage.
You can come this way, darling, you
can come. And it will be so good, I
guarantee it. Just let me take you
there. We can do the other later on, I
promise. Just give in to it now, okay? Just relax and let this wonderful orgasm come
to you, okay?
"Oh shit that feels good!" Bonnie
panted, now gyrating her pelvis, pushing her ass down on Laura's slowly
thrusting hand, and her pussy up into Laura's devouring mouth.
"Mmmm . . . it's going to feel even
better," Laura panted, cranking up the heat, fucking her faster, sucking her
harder, taking Bonnie's thickening little clit between her lips and tormenting
it with hungry passion.
"Oh! Oh!" Bonnie gasped, her eyes rolling up. With one hand she grabbed her jiggling
breasts and squeezed them roughly, first one, then the other, pinching her black
shiny nipples. "Unhhhh! Oh!"
By now Laura knew they were going
for the finish line, whether Bonnie knew it yet or not. Yes, honey, yes! Go for it!
Feel it coming!
"Annhhh . . . ohhnnggg . . ."
Bonnie twisted and groaned.
This went on for another minute or more. Laura took her whole clit, hood and all, into
her mouth, lashing it with her tongue and sucking insistently. Her forefinger probed and swiveled inside
Bonnie's clenching rectum, and she knew it was here, the fierce spasm they were
awaiting, it was welling up inside Bonnie's flexing, straining body, her sleek
flesh tightening in a killing paroxysm of sexual rapture. And then it arrived, and Bonnie exploded.
"AUUNGGGHHHH!" she roared, her
strong young body jackknifing violently up off the Murphy bed, her breasts
shimmying and her black thighs gleaming and flexing.
Laura out of the corner of her eye
caught their reflection in the tilted oval mirror Bonnie had set up just for
this moment, and she was almost paralyzed by the beauty not only of their blended
naked bodies but of Bonnie's seizure of ecstasy. Unfortunately, Bonnie was in no position to
see it herself, having been propelled into Orgasmic Paradise by the force of
her shattering climax. Her eyes were
closed, her lovely face still contorted by the sharp force of her pleasure, her
body only now slackening as the spasms waned.
But Laura could enjoy it all, and
she did, soon realizing that she was looking at Bonnie's lovely dark body in
the mirror more than directly. As Bonnie
slowly drifted back from the crushing swoon of her ecstasy, her eyes fluttered
open and she saw Laura looking at them in the mirror. She smiled lazily. Laura turned her face back.
"You came hard."
Bonnie nodded. She looked down at her crotch, where Laura's
hand was still stuck, Laura's forefinger still embedded in her ass. "The magic finger," she grinned.
Laura smiled back, removing it
slowly, wiping it clean on the edge of the sheet. "I guess so.
Certainly worked for you."
Bonnie, still on her back, drew
Laura down into a lazy embrace. She
kissed Laura long and slow. "You are
turning me into a sex maniac."
Again Bonnie nodded slowly. "My mama used to say that when I was a
teenager. Crazy about boys. 'They sex maniacs, girl. They'll corrupt you. They'll deliver you right up to the
devil. Sex is for making babies, that's
all. You keep those nasty maniacs away
from that young pussy, you hear?' That's
what she said."
"Good thing she's never met me, I
guess," Laura said, kissing her back.
"She would freak if she knew I'm a
lesbian. I think in her mind that would
be even worse than a maniac. She would
just have a heart attack and die if she could see us right now."
Laura nuzzled her neck. "Maybe because we're so beautiful together."
Again they both admired their
coiled-together bodies in the mirror. "I
like looking at us," Bonnie murmured after a while. She spread her very black hand over the pale,
creamy expanse of Laura's naked back.
"It was a great idea, pulling the
mirror over here."
"Here . . . move over here . . .
like this . . ." Bonnie prompted, maneuvering Laura's body on the bed. Laura complied. "I'm going to eat your pretty pink pussy and
make you come while I watch you in the mirror," Bonnie said, with ill-concealed
But Laura had already clamped her
legs on one of Bonnie's hard, sleek, black thighs and pushed her creaming,
oozing pussy down on it, excited and reminded both of the sight seconds ago
when she had seen Bonnie's glossy thighs flexing in the mirror as Bonnie came,
and also of the time a few weeks back when she had persuaded Nyomi to fuck her
that way, in the old 'Brandi' way, fucking Laura's pussy with her hard,
muscular thigh. Oh god, I am becoming a
fanatic, she thought. A maniac in my own
way. I want her to do it!
"Can we do that later?" she
murmured in Bonnie's ear. "I . . . have
a little request."
Bonnie could be so loving at tender
moments like this that it was very touching.
She caressed Laura's temple with her fingertips, brushing away a few
strands of hair. "What is it?" she asked
softly, eyes wide.
"I want to just keep doing this,"
Laura replied, pushing her wet cunt into the hard muscle of Bonnie's smooth
Bonnie's mouth cracked open in a
wide grin. "You mean you can get off
this way?"
"I sure can. I'm almost there already. If you kiss me again, I'll probably come."
Bonnie gave her another one of
those exquisitely tender caresses she seemed to specialize in, this time with
the fingertips of her other hand across Laura's cheek. "I love to watch you come, too," she
confessed softly. "I love to see the
look on your face."
She clenched the thigh muscle that
was pressed tightly against Laura's aching pussy. Laura's eyes rolled up. "Unhhhhh!
Oh yes . . . just like that!"
"Mmmm, guess we better ride this
horse in the direction it's going," Bonnie murmured softly, kissing Laura's
cheek, then her mouth, all the while increasing the pressure of her thigh
muscle in the warm, wet groove of Laura's splayed pussy. "If you're gonna come, we better get on with
They struggled gently for a few
seconds to find the right rhythm and position—whether Laura should be on her
back, or whether Bonnie should with Laura riding hard on top—and finally ended
up in the latter. Unlike Brandi or
Nyomi, Bonnie just did not have the temperament to give Laura the quick,
aggressive, even briefly brutal plowing she felt she needed, but she knew she
could achieve it herself if she were on top.
"Yes . . ." she panted, clamping
Bonnie's thigh with both of her own, enjoying the feel of her naked breasts
mashing down into Bonnie's, feeling the hard nubs of Bonnie's nipples jabbing
her own, kissing her roughly, still panting, now grunting softly a little as
she pushed her slippery cunt up and down on the large, hard, smooth muscle of
Bonnie's wonderful thigh. "Yes . . .
unhhhh . . . like that . . . ohhnnn . . . oh yes oh yes! Oh Bonnie!"
"Laura, I think you're gonna pop,"
Bonnie smiled, panting a little too from the effort of pushing her leg up into
Laura's crotch, still letting her fingertips lightly caress Laura's arms and
shoulders as Laura pumped her way toward paradise.
"Oh god yes I am!" Laura
gasped. "Unnnggghhh! Ungghh!
She came in a hot, quick fury,
feeling the stabbing flames of her orgasm down to the soles of her feet as her
body quaked and shuddered on top of Bonnie's, her cries slowly dying into soft,
keening sighs as she slumped forward, panting in Bonnie's ear.
"Oh god, you are a heavenly girl!"
she panted to Bonnie, overcome once more by the tenderness of Bonnie's fingers
caressing her forehead, and Bonnie's lips on her neck.
"I ain't heavenly," Bonnie giggled
softly. "I just like fucking with
Laura. We take each other to heaven,
Laura nodded groggily, finally
lifting her head, then pushing her body up so that her breasts were no longer
mashing into Bonnie's. "Heaven," she
"Never knew you could come that
way," Bonnie said. "I guess it figures,
though. I think I could too. You just jam yourself down on me that way,
and then the bombs go off, right? I
think I'll have to try it."
Laura, now recovering her breath,
gave a burping little laugh. "I guess
you will."
But Bonnie became kittenish. She pulled Laura close again and slithered
her tongue into Laura's ear. "But first
. . . you know what I want."
"I know what you want, you little
pervert." She ran her hands down
Bonnie's lovely naked back to her hard, high buns and squeezed them sharply. "Imagine what your mother would think to
overhear you," she teased. "A lesbian
who likes to be fist-fucked. Shame!"
Bonnie laughed her musical, throaty
laughter, throwing her head back a little, revealing her enchanting black
throat, which Laura kissed hungrily. "Tell
you one thing," she said through her laughter.
"If Laura did it to Mama, Mama would like it too."
"Ooooohhhh," Laura tickled her
ribs, tussling with her, luxuriating in the feel of Bonnie's taut, smooth young
flesh rubbing her own. "I'll bet your
mama is good-looking too, when you look at how gorgeous you are. Does she have these high marvelous cheekbones
too? Maybe she'd like a little
Laura-lovin'. Maybe I could turn her"
"Are you kidding? The Lord will strike us both dead if we keep
talking like that."
Bonnie was only half-joking. She grew serious. She rubbed her naked body against Laura's
more seriously too, looking in the oval mirror at their entangled pale and dark
flesh. "Look at us. You getting me hot again. I'm forgetting all about my mama. She can go watch Dr. Phil or something and
leave me to my Laura."
She grabbed Laura's hand, the one
she knew would be fisting her to heaven in just a few minutes, and peppered it
with kisses.
"Why do you like it so much?" Laura
murmured to her after a few minutes of kissing and rubbing and raising the heat
in their bodies about fifty degrees. She
pretty much knew the answer, she thought, but would love hearing Bonnie tell
"I never had an orgasm in my life
like I had the first time you did it to me," Bonnie confessed shyly. "And," she beamed, "every time since. It just makes me come so hard."
Laura nibbled her earlobe. "I thought you might say that," she
whispered. "Sometimes you go wild."
"Are you kidding? I go wild every
"I love it when you grab my arm and
sort of jam your pussy down on my wrist."
She saw Bonnie's dark eyes go
momentarily glassy as she heard the words coming out of Laura's mouth. "You
love it? Guess how much I love it."
Laura kissed her and clutched her
body hard. "God, you are making me so
horny just talking about it."
"Me too. Here, feel."
She drew Laura's hand down to her crotch, which was sopping wet with
warm pussy juice. "I'm ready."
"You sure are," Laura smiled,
frightfully aroused herself. "Lie back,
my darling. Auntie Laura is about to
send you to the ninth circle of heaven."
Bonnie smiled, almost coyly. "Love it when you talk dirty to me, too. 'I want to fuck you, Bonnie, baby,' and 'I
just love your sweet pussy, Bonnie, baby' and stuff like that."
"Mmmmm," Laura pushed her face into
Bonnie's smooth neck, kissing and sucking it playfully, squeezing one of the
girl's luscious firm breasts in her hand.
"Like 'Let me fist fuck your beautiful black pussy, Bonnie, baby?' Like that?"
Bonnie nodded, suddenly squirming
under Laura's hand, as if the words themselves were nearly too hot to
bear. "Like that. You gonna do it?"
Laura kissed the breast she was
holding in one hand, then sucked Bonnie's large, soft black nipple deep into
her mouth.
"Ohhhhnnnmmmm!" Bonnie moaned,
writhing a little.
"I am," Laura murmured, her mouth
descending down Bonnie's delicious naked body.
"I am."
She saw Bonnie glancing up at the
mirror, as if she didn't want to miss watching them, their reflection, even as
she was being overwhelmed by surging sexual feelings. Laura smiled up at her. "You naughty thing. Looking."
"I like looking," Bonnie smiled
By now Laura was working two, then
three fingers, finally four, then her thumb, then the whole wedge, into
Bonnie's wet pussy, pushing, feeling it opening, yielding, letting her hand
inside. They had done this often—every
time! Laura realized—and were used to the slow, sensual rhythm of penetration,
and the accompanying physical excitement and emotional crescendo. There was something very intimate about
fist-fucking, something that made you melt in awe and deep churning passion and
molten sensuality, and often as they did it they were groping clumsily,
desperately for each other, kissing, mewling and frantic with crazy lust and
Bonnie was no longer looking, at
least not at the mirror. Instead she was
gazing down at Laura's arm protruding from her engorged cunt, her wet black
cunt lips clinging to Laura's wrist.
Laura's small, clumped hand was completely inside her pussy, and Bonnie
was semi-swooning in the preliminary stages of what Laura knew would become a
shattering climax.
"Ohhhnnnn! Annngghhhhh!" she moaned, twisting and
gyrating her hips, grinding her tight, warm, slippery pussy into Laura's
hand. "Oh yes Laura oh yes yesssssss!"
Laura leaned closer, kissing her
smooth cheek, her forehead. "Open your
eyes . . . look . . . look at me fisting your beautiful black pussy, Bonnie . .
"Oh god!" Bonnie couldn't open her eyes. They were rolling up, her eyelids fluttering wildly.
"Oh, I love to fuck you," Laura
chanted softly to her, as Bonnie had asked her to do. "And to make you come. I love to make you come so hard you nearly
pass out. I love to fist fuck your
beautiful pussy. Is it good? Is it good, darling?"
With a desperate upward lunge,
Bonnie looped one arm around Laura's neck and brought Laura's mouth down on
hers, so hard that their teeth clanked painfully. Their tongues coiled and stabbed
together. Bonnie was panting feverishly
as they kissed, jamming her impaled pussy down on Laura's hand, grinding,
mewling and whooping softly, gyrating her hips, churning. She was clearly out of control, shooting the
moon, and Laura knew her climax could not be far off. Both had forgotten the mirror in the frenzy
of this moment.
"Unh! Unh!
Unh! Onnnhhgggnnn! Ummnngg!
Ummnngghh!" Bonnie gasped and panted, twisting and surging, finally
dropping her hand between them, as she often did, to grab Laura's forearm and
jam her pussy down onto Laura's wrist.
Usually she came shortly after
this, but now it was as if she could not get enough of this feeling and wanted
to prolong it, extend it as far as it would go before the sheer force of her
inevitable orgasm overtook her. They
were locked in this fierce but awkward embrace, Bonnie rocking, Laura holding
steady, cooing to her, kissing her, Bonnie's sharp crotch thrusts becoming more
and more insistent, even violent.
"Oh! Oh!"
"Yes, honey, yes!" Laura kissed her
neck, her cheek, her forehead, peppering her face with passionate kisses,
giving short forward thrusts with her fist to meet Bonnie's violent churning
and pumping. "Yes . . . oh yes . . ."
"Ungghhh! Oh shit!
Ungghhh! Oh . . . Laura . . .
ungghhhh! Oh!"
Now, for the first time Laura could
remember, Bonnie dropped her other hand too and grabbed Laura's forearm with
it, so that she was holding Laura's arm with both hands. She jammed her pussy down on Laura's wrist as
strongly as she could, almost wailing and shrieking with the crazy force of her
arriving orgasm.
"Annngghiiiieeeeee!" she wailed,
her body flipping and jackknifing as the wrenching spasms took her. "Annngghiiiieeeee! Ummnngghiiieeee!"
Laura could only hold on, awestruck
by the force of Bonnie's climax, which seemed stronger than any she could recall
the girl having in their months together.
Bonnie surged and flexed, then seemed to dissolve back into the sheets,
her body going slack and her facial contortions relaxing, as she nearly blacked
out from the sheer power of her climax.
Laura had seen it before now and then, and many times, of course, with
both Makeeda and Jonelle, these swooning types of orgasms that seemed to be
almost life-threatening, though she had never had one quite so obliterating
herself. And Bonnie had never had one
until now.
And here I am with my hand up this
poor swooning girl's sweet tight pussy while she tries to regain consciousness,
Laura thought, with a little mordant twist, smiling at herself wryly in the
mirror. Her hand could still feel the
waning contractions of Bonnie's cunt. She
could not take her eyes off Bonnie's lovely slackened naked body and her own
wrist protruding from Bonnie's crotch, an obscene but thrillingly sexual sight
in the same instant, and not without its perverse beauty. I would love to have a photo of this to look
at now and then, she smiled at herself even more wryly.
Bonnie now began to stir. Laura started slowly to withdraw her hand,
but Bonnie clamped her delicious, sleek black thighs on it. "Don't you dare," she croaked in a soft, hoarse
voice, her eyes blinking open. "I love
"Evidently you do," Laura
whispered, leaning down again to kiss her, a long, romantic kiss this
time. "I thought you might just tear it
off and keep it."
"Would if I could," Bonnie smiled
lazily, finally unclamping her thighs and letting Laura carefully extract the
small, skilled hand that had caused her such exquisite pleasure.
Laura cleaned off her hand and they
embraced full-length, stretching out so that every inch of their bodies could
touch, their toes curling and twisting together, their open mouths locked
together. They looked at themselves in
the mirror, luxuriantly caressing and kissing.
"We are a picture," Laura said softly.
Bonnie smiled and nodded. "I know I've said this before . . . but I never
came that hard in my life."
Laura laughed and nodded. "You had me worried for a few minutes."
"Does Nyomi come like that when you
do it with her?"
Laura had to choose between being
irritated at Bonnie's tasteless prying or indulgent of her artless
curiosity. She chose the latter, shaking
her head. "One other," she said
softly. "Maybe two. My sweetie does . . . sometimes."
Bonnie beamed. "Maybe that means I'm a little like her, at
"A little. You sure came hard."
"I know," Bonnie blinked. "I can still feel it. Almost.
Like . . . cobwebs. Know what I
"I wish. I don't think I've ever had an orgasm like
Bonnie grew more aggressive with
her caresses. "We can try. Maybe if I fist you too."
Laura nuzzled her smooth black
neck, now oily with a thin film of sweat inspired by their energetic fucking of
the past hour. "Why don't we have
something to eat first? I'm
starved. Pour me a little vodka and
teach me how to make that slum gullion of yours that I love so much."
Bonnie became positively
girlish. She popped out of bed. "You know I got a new bottle? And some tonic water too? Just to be prepared. I know what Laura likes."
Laura could not take her eyes off
her. Bonnie was still gloriously naked,
moving about the apartment as if all that delicious firm black flesh was not
driving Laura's lust meter up to the stratosphere again. "Put on something," Laura said. "A robe.
A tee shirt. I can't bear
watching your beautiful body."
From across the room Bonnie shot
her a flirtatious smile. "Maybe I just
get you your little drinkee and we wait till later for the slum gullion."
Laura laughed, still drinking up
Bonnie eagerly with her eyes. "Better
hurry or I might even want to skip the drinkee."