Laura - Chapter 324





She had not seen Carmela for about a year, and so it was a little discombobulating, but also enticing, to get a call from her at work.  On top of that, she was just about to head out to the airport to pick up Makeeda, who was returning from Australia, where she had been featured at a jazz festival in Sydney. 

"My friend Stacy wants to meet you," Carmela said.  "She's tired of hearing me rave about Laura.  Wants to see if you're for real."

"I thought you said she was jealous of, you know, anybody else . . ."

"Screwing me?"  Carmela laughed, the rich, throaty, vibrant laughter that Laura remembered, laughter that called up a whole raft of joyful sexual memories.  "She is.  She probably wants to claw your eyes out.  But you haven't screwed me for over a year."  Carmela's voice sounded a little whiny and querulous.

"My loss."

"No, mine.  Anyway, don't you think you'd like to be one of the outside parts of a chocolate sandwich?  You know, I'm eighteen now.  Not even illegal any more."

This was bold.  Laura could feel a hot little pinch in the center of her pussy just hearing the words.  She had done the 'chocolate sandwich' thing before with Carmela, once with Brad, several times with Joy.  The memory of it was enough to persuade you to quit your job on the spot and dash over to wherever this delicious creature was calling from.

"That is," Carmela added nastily, "if you can get away from your 'spouse' long enough to see an old friend.  Who knew you when you were still free."

This was awful.  It was like one of those 'Do you still beat your wife?' jokes since Laura was definitely committed to picking up Makeeda at the airport.  Anyway, they had been apart for three weeks and she was hungering for a hot reunion.  But Carmela's was a siren song, all right.  Laura had felt its pull before.  In her mind's eye she could see the girl's enchanting naked black body, her swollen, dark caramel nipples, her thick black pussy edged with a fringe of glistening coal-black pubic hair and bright magenta inside. 

"You make it hard on a girl," she said dryly into the phone.  "Carmela, look.  This isn't a good conversation to have on my office phone, okay?  I do want to see you.  And to meet Stacy.  But Makeeda is coming home this afternoon.  I can't see you for a few weeks.  Sorry.  Give me your number and I'll call you next time she goes out of town."

"How long will that be?" Carmela whined.

"Don't know for sure.  Probably three, four weeks."

"Shit.  You are a definite party pooper."

Laura teased her.  "More to look forward to.  You can have fantasies about being in the middle of that sandwich."

"I might just find somebody else to do it with us if you want to be so snooty and standoffish."

"No you won't.  I'll be there.  It'll just be a few weeks, that's all.  And give Stacy a kiss from me.  Tell her I'm really looking forward to it."

Reluctantly, Carmela agreed and hung up. 

Laura ended up spending over a month of domestic happiness in the arms of Makeeda.  All thoughts of Carmela, or Stacy, whom she had never met anyway, vanished completely in her joy at having her lover home.  They swam, they hiked, they cooked for each other and stayed up late and fucked until they could not see straight, and it was heaven for both of them.  But too soon over.  Again, Makeeda was off to more club dates, this time in Chicago and then Atlanta, and Laura, once the warm afterglow had softened and dissipated, began to remember Carmela's call, and her invitation.

She called the number Carmela had given her.  "Finally!" Carmela said in place of a hello.  "You ought to be glad I didn't just jump off the bridge or something while waiting!"

"I am," Laura smiled into the phone.  "You don't know how glad."

"I've got my period, you bitch," Carmela said, but now not with any hostility.  More disappointment than anything.  "We have to wait.  How about Friday?  I should be find by then."

"What about Stacy?"

"She had hers about a week ago."  Carmela grew coy and seductive.  "Think you can handle two at once, old lady?  Stacy's like this flaming nymphomaniac.  You won't believe it."

"As I recall, you are pretty hot yourself."

"We might burn you out, an ancient thing like you," Carmela teased her mercilessly.

"I'm willing to give it a shot," Laura played along.  "I can drink a few cans of Geritol before Friday."

"What's that?"

"Old people's tonic.  Makes you hot as a pistol."

"Is it like Viagra for women?"

"More like spinach for Popeye.  Better watch out.  I might eat the two of you alive."

Carmela laughed.  "You are getting me so hot.  Maybe this was worth the wait."

"I'm thinking the same thing."

Since Laura's rule was not to use the house she shared with Makeeda for such trysts, and Carmela lived at home and had a large, tumultuous, unpredictable family, they were fortunate that Stacy's parents were away for the weekend.  She too still lived at home, and her parents had a stately, Georgian-style house in St. Francis Wood.  Gosh, Laura thought, driving up to it and parking on the leafy street, looking at all the well-barbered lawns, Carmela really picked one this time, didn't she.  It reminds me of Rhonda's neighborhood.

And in fact, Rhonda did live very near here.  Fucking is great anywhere, Laura reflected, but why not in a rich person's neighborhood?  It's so much more elegant in upper class surroundings.  She realized she would have to tone down the strength of this satire once she got inside, since Stacy might not appreciate it.  Nevertheless, for the moment she enjoyed the feeling of being inside a movie, about to make love to two young, beautiful girls in a setting that could only make you gasp with envy.

She was greeted at the door by a very attractive though unsmiling blonde girl wearing a thick black bathrobe.  "You must be Stacy."

Stacy's eyes were dark blue, large, and unblinking.  She still did not smile but looked at Laura as if she could see directly through her to the street.  "You must be Laura."

Laura smiled, trying to encourage one from Stacy.  She didn't say anything, waiting for Stacy to invite her in.  According to Carmela, Stacy was the jealous type and may have needed some goading to get this far.  She didn't seem eager to let Laura in, and the fact that she was wearing only her bathrobe might mean that she and Carmela had not been able to wait for her arrival.  Still, Laura was silent, leaving it up to her silence to force the issue.

Suddenly, a tiny, almost reluctant grin tugged at the corners of Stacy's very sensual mouth.  "Please come in.  Carmela's already here."  She stepped to the side and opened the door wider.

I figured she might be, darling, since you're naked under that robe, Laura thought but did not say.  She could see enough of the girl's gorgeous, creamy skin to be intrigued.  Some blondes, like Rhonda, had very pale, milky skin, but some like this Stacy had a rich peach shimmer to their skin that nearly made Laura salivate.  True, she was devoted to coal-black girls like Carmela, but beautiful skin of any hue was alluring in its own right, and she could not take her eyes off Stacy's, the parts she could see anyway. 

"In here," Stacy said, leading Laura through the house, which was elegantly and expensively furnished, as she had expected. 

"Nice house," she said, being polite.

"Thanks."  Stacy's voice was toneless, colorless.  "My parents are away.  They won't bother us."

Oh, good! Laura thought, half-sarcastically.  Because I think some loud moaning might happen.  I wonder what you look like under that bathrobe.  Yummy, I bet.

In a huge family-room-kitchen-area toward the rear of the house they found Carmela.  She grinned sassily at Laura.  "I thought it would be you but Stacy wouldn't let me answer the door with her."

"Can't be too careful," Stacy said dryly.

Carmela was wearing a bathrobe too, a pale yellow one that made her enchanting perfect black skin seem even blacker than it was.  Oh god, my pussy is experiencing a fire alarm! Laura realized, feeling a hot, prickly throbbing flare up. 

Nevertheless, a few very uncomfortable moments loomed ahead.  Laura didn't know what to say or how to act.  Stacy continued cold and remote.  Laura knew from the start that she was a little jealous of Laura's prior relationship with Carmela.  And Carmela's raving about her, Laura's, sexual prowess couldn't have helped.  Carmela was nervous, trying to get the three of them together and not knowing exactly how to go about it.  And Stacy seemed locked into her unsmiling aloofness.

"Well . . ." Stacy said after a few moments, sounding quite exasperated.  "Maybe we should have some wine or some weed or something to relax us.  This is getting pretty tense."

"Wine is fine," Laura said, a bit too eagerly.

"I don't really drink wine," Stacy said, still a little edgy.  "At least the kind my parents have around.  I'll have to check to see what's in there."  She went to a bar at one end of the room and opened a cupboard.

Carmela got up from the sofa where she had been stretched out, letting Laura admire her long, naked black legs.  She came close enough to Laura for Laura to smell her, a rich, healthy scent that aroused her completely.  "Stacy has a little weed she keeps in a secret place," she murmured sexily into Laura's ear.  "You know . . . sex has to be pretty good to be as good as it is with weed."

"You girls go on ahead with it, then," Laura smiled.  "I'll stick with the wine.  I'm a fuddy duddy."

Stacy pursed her lips and made a face from the far end of the room.  She held up a bottle.  "It says 'Pinot Noir.'  Is that okay?"

Laura nodded.  She seemed to realize only after it was happening that Carmela was snaking her tongue into her ear, the one she had been murmuring into.  Shivers suddenly shot through Laura's body, and she cringed and giggled.

"Ooohhhh . . . that tickles!"  She tried to dodge away but Carmela would not relent.  She stabbed her tongue into Laura's ear again. 

"Why don't you fuck me?" she murmured.  "She'll loosen up and join us.  I promise.  We just have to get her interested."

Carmela had untied the belt of her robe so that it now gaped open, showing Laura all the treasures within, treasures she had delightedly plundered many times in the past. 

"Maybe you're on to something," she whispered back, unable to keep her hands from darting inside the robe.

She grasped and squeezed Carmela's full, springy, naked breasts, running her thumbs over Carmela's thick dark caramel nipples. 

"Take me back over to the sofa and fuck me, Laura," Carmela whispered.  "I want you to.  Did you bring your strap-on?"

"It's in my purse."

Carmela broke into a wide grin.  "She's got one too."

"Kiss me first," Laura gasped, pulling her close, kissing her luscious mouth hungrily.  She knew Stacy had to be staring at them by now.  They were making a delicious spectacle.

"God, I forgot what a good kisser you are, Laura," Carmela panted, breaking free of the kiss for a moment. 

Laura pulled her back to the sofa, as Carmela had suggested, slipping the bathrobe off Carmela's shoulders on the way, revealing all of the girl's devastatingly gorgeous naked black body.  A brief glance in Stacy's direction let her know that Stacy was gawking at it too, aroused as she must be every time by seeing this physical masterpiece, for Carmela was beautifully put together.

Though nervous at first about how to get their engines purring in unison, Laura quickly realized that Carmela was right: if they just dove right into it, letting this physical hunger take its natural course, Stacy would have no choice, and probably no reluctance either, to join right in with them.  It wasn't a hard task.  Carmela had always been physically enchanting to her, and she could not keep her hands or her mouth off the girl's silky black flesh even long enough to tear off her own clothing.

But Carmela helped.  Together they had Laura's clothes off too in a few seconds and swarmed together on the large sofa, pressing their naked bodies together, rubbing and groping and kissing feverishly, unable to disguise their sharp physical need. 

"Oh god, it's been too long, honey!" Laura gasped to her, sucking her smooth neck, kissing her shoulder, her smooth upper chest, cupping one luscious black breast and letting her lips slide down to the thick, swelling caramel nipple. 

"Unhhh!" Carmela groaned as Laura sucked her nipple deeply into her mouth.  "Oh shit!  Unnmmmmnngg!"

Laura quickly released it, looking up.  "Sorry!  Too hard?"

Carmela quickly shook her head.  "I just forgot that you really like to suck."

"Ummm, I really like to suck these," Laura smiled, returning to her feast.

She cupped both of Carmela's beautifully shaped breasts in her hands and proceeded to devour the girl's large, bulbous nipples with shocking lust.  For her part, Carmela smiled and moaned and lay back to enjoy every second of it.  Her fingers fluttered in Laura's hair, and she arched her back slightly as if to push each breast further into Laura's mouth.

"Yes . . . yessssss!" she hissed, twisting and squirming under Laura's lips.

It didn't take long for Stacy to be drawn into this happy maelstrom of passion.  Laura felt a hand pushing away one of her own and from the corner of her eye saw Stacy's pale fingers enclosing one of Carmela's dark breasts, the one she wasn't busy sucking herself at that instant.  In the next moment they were both sucking Carmela's nipples, one each, and Carmela was writhing and gurgling with pleasure.

"Unnnuunn . . . unnuunnn!" she moaned, twisting, panting, watching their mouths on her saliva-wet breasts.

For the moment both Laura and Stacy acted as if each were independently involved in sexually devouring this delicious creature, Carmela, but Carmela's excited reaction soon had them working together as a team, bringing her closer and closer to the pinnacle while sharing the sweet labors.  Laura smiled over at her, and, wonder of wonders, the apparently humorless Stacy smiled back, her mouth full of Carmela's large, swollen, wet, dark caramel nipple.

Laura quickly began kissing her way down Carmela's writhing body to her pussy, leaving her breasts to Stacy, who easily took over sucking and squeezing both of them fervently.

"Oh!   Oh!" Carmela whimpered.

In the back of her mind Laura knew that Carmela's true agenda here was to be sandwich-fucked by both of her white lovers—Carmela had made it plain in so many words time and again—and yet there was already such a heated momentum building that she knew, they all knew, that pausing right now to find the strap-ons and put them on and resume would kill the increasingly frenzied spontaneity of this encounter.  Stacy was sucking Carmela's breasts passionately, Laura was beginning to eat her sweet black pussy, all puckered and red and oozing, and Carmela herself was cooing and keening and whimpering and thrashing uncontrollably.

"Unnggg . . . unnngghhh . . . oh shit . . . you guys are going to make me come . . . anngghh!  Ohnnggg!  Ummnngghh!"

"Ummmmummmummmm," Laura could hear Stacy smiling and humming at her happy task, trying to swallow Carmela's enchanting young breasts, squeezing and sucking them passionately, as she must do often, lucky girl, Laura thought.

She realized that she too was humming and gurgling excitedly as she pulled Carmela's beautiful black cunt lips open even farther than they already were and plunged her tongue as deeply as it would go into the squinchy wet pink meat of her pussy. 

"Awwonnngg!" Carmela's body suddenly took a small leap off the sofa cushions as she felt Laura's tongue penetrate her.  "Ungghhh!"

"Mmmm, she likes that," Stacy said, leaning up to kiss Carmela while still squeezing her wet breasts and pinching her nipples.  "Is Laura going to make you come?"

"Oh god, yes!" Carmela gasped, her hips now churning frantically as Laura threw caution to the winds and began to suck and probe her lovely black pussy with deliberate purpose.

"Oh yes . . . oh yes . . . you are going to come, honey . . ." she panted, her lips now coated with sweet slimy pussy goo as she began to suck Carmela's thick little clit, knowing she could bring her off in only seconds.   We've been here before, darling.

Carmela was out of control by now, churning and pumping and whimpering and mewling almost deliriously.  "Please . . . please . . . ungghhhh!  Oh!"

For a brief second Laura's consciousness fastened on the wet, lip-smacking sounds Stacy was making while eagerly devouring Carmela's nipples.  But then Carmela's increasingly loud and desperate moaning and gasping garnered her attention, and through her mouth she could feel the vibrations of the girl's orgasm starting, before Carmela's moans even signaled its arrival.

"Unh . . . unh . . . unh!" Carmela grunted, pumping wildly.  "Ohnnggg!"

"Yes!  Yes!" Laura heard Stacy chanting softly.

Together they held her and Carmela began to come in violent waves, groaning and churning frantically as the sweet spasms began to wrack her.

"Aauunngghhhhh!" she roared, flipping and surging off the sofa, almost throwing both Laura and Stacy to the side.

But they held on and swarmed back, clutching her heaving flesh, squeezing her hard as she continued to come.  There was something wildly, piercingly intimate and pleasurable about this instant, Laura thought, as she clung to Carmela's thrashing, quivering body.  She and Stacy barely knew each other, and yet here they were love-mauling their common friend, caressing her, sucking and fucking her into a sweet delirium of ecstasy, all three of their bodies linked in this delicious union as Carmela gurgled and gasped through the last, waning twinges of her climax.

"Auunnngghhh!  Ohnnmmm . . ." she groaned softly, still twisting in their hands, still infinitely desirable, the reason both Stacy and Laura were even here, to worship at the altar of Carmela's exquisite beauty.

Finally Carmela's groaning and twisting subsided.  She blinked and smiled groggily.  "Oh god!" she said, gulping, looking from Laura to Stacy and back again.  "You guys . . ."

"What," Laura grinned.

"You just . . . I don't know . . . made me come so fast."  Her dark eyes were still throbbing.

Laura and Stacy looked at each other, as if a flash of recognition had come over both of them at once.  "I guess we did," Stacy said.

"Guess so," Laura admitted.  She turned back to Carmela.  "Did you want us not to?"

Carmela burst into a grin.  "It was so good I want you to do it again."

"Greedy little pig!" Stacy teased her, leaning forward to kiss her forehead.  "Maybe Laura and I want to . . . you know, become better acquainted."  She gave Laura a flirtatious glance.

Laura could instantly feel the hot zings of sexual fire shoot through her body.  After all, she and Stacy had just given Carmela a thrilling fucking, enough to bring her to a quick climax, and also enough to stoke their own fires of lust into a barely controllable blaze.  They were hot, and Laura could see, now that her attention was pulled away from the delicious Carmela, that Stacy was pretty alluring in her own right.

She did not usually glance a second time at white girls, even though she knew in her heart that they could be shockingly desirable, as in fact this Stacy was, as well as scorchers in the sack.  But Laura's interest was elsewhere.  The ones who truly turned her crank were the black girls with their fetching high rumps and thick, sensual lips and gleaming high foreheads and swollen, popping, shiny black nipples and . . .

And . . . and . . .

But Stacy was the kind of blonde most men and many women would die for.  She had that gorgeous flaxen shoulder-length hair that glimmered like gold in the light, and small, delightful breasts with large dusty-rose nipples, currently soft and inviting, as if beckoning Laura's mouth, the mouth of a true suck-maniac.  Her eyes were dark blue and very solemn, which gave her the humorless aspect Laura had reacted against from the beginning, but they were not unfriendly, especially now that she and Laura had joined in this little project of fucking Carmela together.  Stacy still didn't smile much, but her dark blue eyes flickered with amused sexual interest, as if to say, Go on, go ahead, you're the experienced one here, go ahead and see if you can fuck me and make me pant and groan and sigh.

Oh boy, I'll sure be happy to try! Laura thought, smiling and moving so that she could touch her, even though Carmela was still spread out beneath both of them, where she had been groaning through her own sexual climax only minutes earlier. 

Laura ran a long forefinger up Stacy's chin to her very desirable mouth, letting her eyes burn into the girl's.  "I feel like we're already acquainted," she murmured.

She glanced briefly downward to see Carmela transfixed, watching them raptly to see what would happen next.  What happened next was that Stacy raised her hands to Laura's naked breasts and cupped them both, squeezing them gently.  "You have the boobs I always wanted," she whispered to Laura.

Laura leaned forward and kissed her sensual lips lightly, just a grazing kiss but a familiar and friendly one, an invitation to more serious, hungry kissing.  "They're all yours now," she murmured, looking down at Stacy's hands.

Suddenly all three realized that there was not really enough room for all of them on this sofa, no matter now long and wide it was, especially not if Laura and Stacy were comfortably going to fuck. 

"Let's go in the bedroom," Carmela whispered to them, squirming out from underneath their bodies, then tugging them both to follow her.

Laura in the last instant remembered to snatch up her small valise and carry it with her to the back of the house, where they ended up in Stacy's parents' bedroom, the master bedroom, sporting a huge king-sized bed like Laura's own, definitely a playground for three.  Carmela whispered to her as they all three pulled down the spread and the blankets, exposing the pale mauve sheets.

"Stacy and I fuck in here all the time.  It's so huge.  It reminds me of yours."

Laura felt Stacy's naked body rubbing against her and turned, smiling, to embrace her.  They now kissed rapaciously, without speaking.

"Mmmm," Carmela purred happily beside them.  "I knew you two would get along.  You're both such lechers."

"She has the body I want," Stacy murmured, still poker-faced, but stunning nonetheless, mashing her small breasts against Laura's.

"Mmmmm, I want yours too," Laura murmured back. 

She kissed and sucked Stacy's neck, then her shoulder.  She raised her hands to Stacy's breasts and cupped and squeezed them.  They reminded her so much of Jonelle's, just gentle swellings really, with large nipples, though not dark like Jonelle's but instead creamy with this glowing peach-toned skin that invited her lips.  She was quickly kissing Stacy everywhere and sucking her big, soft, dusty rose nipples hungrily.

They melted together easily onto the bed, sprawling across the huge surface and coiling together gracefully as if they had been fucking each other all their lives and were only resuming their passion dance.  Laura was used to a big bed like this and felt supremely relaxed and comfortable, though hungry with lust for this delicious girlfriend of Carmela's.  She swarmed.  She had Stacy on her back immediately, covering her body with kisses, sliding downward to her crotch, pushing her thighs apart. 

"I want this beautiful pussy . . ." she murmured, kissing Stacy's firm inner thighs.

"Unnn . . . unhhh . . ." she could hear Stacy's soft panting as she parted the golden filaments of her pubic hair with her fingers and slithered her tongue quickly into the wet, fiery pink cleft of the girl's swollen pussy.  "Anngghhh!" Stacy now groaned, her breath catching momentarily in her throat, her body arching.

"Oh, you have a pretty one, my darling," Laura purred to her, now licking the beautiful open gash with skill and sharp desire.

Stacy had a beautiful pussy.  Laura was not used to licking and sucking a lovely pink pussy like this one, having been burying her face in black beauties for so long, but she realized that when you came down to it there was really no difference.  Maybe a minor aesthetic twist.  But eating this one was amazingly exciting.  It was long and had wavy pink lips and a rigid little white seed of a clit at the top, which she was quickly sucking and jabbing with her tongue, making Stacy whimper and raise her hands to her own small breasts, squeezing and twisting them frantically.

"Oh!  Unnhhh!  Oh!  Oh . . . Laura!  Ungghh!"

Laura slid two fingers up into her tight little sleeve, knowing that penetration and clit-sucking could do it for most, and eager to bring Stacy off as quickly as she could.  Plenty of time for getting acquainted later, she thought.   For now, I want you to explode and be so grateful to Auntie Laura that you let me do this to you as often as I want to.  There you go . . . there you go . . . you are going to come unbelievably in about . . . in about . . . in about five seconds or so.

Stacy beat her prediction.  As soon as this thought flashed across Laura's mind, she felt a deep convulsion in the girl's squirming body, then heard her strangled cries.

"Mnnngggiiieeee!" Stacy suddenly cried out, then arched and strained as deep shuddering gripped her flesh.  "Ohnnggggg!  Yes!  Yes!  Mnngggiieeee!"

Her beautiful lean body rose off the bed in a sharp spasm, then fell back, thrashing and twitching until the sweet spasms of her climax began to wane.

"Oh!  Ohhhhh!"

"God, she's as quick as you are," Carmela exclaimed softly, smiling and gingerly hugging Stacy's still-squirming body from one side, kissing her shoulder.  "I told you you two were alike."

Laura, her mouth still smeared and shiny with Stacy's pussy juices, slid upward, grabbing Carmela and rolling her to the side, leaving Stacy to sigh through the last moments of her ecstasy.  Carmela, without a word, quickly understood their priorities and enfolded Laura in her arms, kissing her ravenously.

"You wan to come for me, don't you," she purred to Laura, her hands racing all over Laura's naked body.  "You want little Carmela to make you come?  You are quick like Stacy.  We both know that.  If I help you, you can come in seconds, right?  You want me to fuck you and make you come?"

Laura smiled and slid her mouth down to one of Carmela's peerless breasts, sucking the dark caramel nipple deep into her mouth.  Both of them knew how oral she was, and that sucking Carmela like this would in itself bring her almost to the brink in only seconds.  Carmela knew it too and promptly slid down between Laura's thighs. 

"Unh . . . unhhh!" Laura panted as she felt Carmela's sensual mouth beginning to ravish her aching pussy.  Her pelvis gyrated, pushing her cunt into Carmela's face.  "Unh . . . unh . . . unhhhhh!"

Carmela took this very seriously and began to fuck Laura with two fingers and suck her clit wildly.  Laura wondered if she had ever come so fast.  Her body clenched, and a pocket of air seemed to burst inside her throat as a fierce uprush of hot coming wrenched her flesh. 

"Auunnggghhhh!" she half-roared, surprising herself and Carmela too, her body flipping and jackknifing sharply as a crushing blow of coming shook her.  "Auunngghhh!" she roared again, still twitching and shuddering, almost gagging on the piercing second spasm, then sighing and going limp.

"Oh yes . . . oh yes Laura!" Carmela giggled, her fingers still embedded in Laura's clenching pussy, and her mouth smeared with Laura's juices, as Laura's had earlier been smeared with hers.  She smiled up at Laura, who blinked and let her head fall back to the mattress.

"Oh . . . shit . . ." Laura gasped, almost in disbelief, it had all been so fast.  Bad as a man, she thought cynically.  Coming before you even get to enjoy it.

Both she and Stacy were still blasted and half-stunned by their quick orgasms, but Carmela was bubbly with renewed excitement and popped up between them, all exuberance and happy anticipation.

"Now we can do our chocolate sandwich," she said brightly, with a pixie but devilish smile.

Laura and Stacy looked at each other, half in disbelief.  Stacy smiled wanly.  "Selfish little thing, isn't she," she murmured, still unsmiling, though her dark blue eyes glinted with reawakening sexual fire.

Laura grinned.  "That's my darling Carmela.  Never a dull moment.  'Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, I want to feel diiiirrrttyy!'" she chanted, quoting an hilarious line from an hilarious movie.

Carmela pretended to be glum, the corners of her voluptuous mouth turning down, making Laura want to rape it with her own.  "You guys are making fun of me."

"Not a bit, darling," Laura reassured her, moving toward the chair where she had deposited her little valise.

"Excuse me, I'll be right back," Stacy said, leaving the bed, though not without Carmela's and Laura's eyes glued to her lovely lean body.

But Laura tore herself away from this thrilling sight long enough to unzip her valise and extract the strap-on dildo and harness, which she quickly fitted into place.  Carmela looked down at the cock jutting from Laura's groin, her eyes widening.

"I think you better do me in the ass," she whispered to Laura, leaning close.  "Instead of her.  I don't trust her.  She fucks too hard sometimes."

Laura acted scandalized.  "Too hard?  Is anything too hard for you?"  She remembered the time Brad Dickinson and she had double penetrated Carmela, when she had not seemed able to get enough, or be fucked hard enough either.

Carmela smiled coquettishly.  "She's jealous of you.  She likes to show me who's boss."

"And is she the boss?" Laura asked, raising one eyebrow.

Carmela nodded, without demur.  "We do a little 'master and slave'.  Hope you don't mind.  It's not politically correct, but we both have the wildest orgasms."

"I'll bet you do," Laura said, gulping a little in astonishment, but hiding it. 

At this moment Stacy reappeared, also sporting a jutting strap-on dildo, holding it in one hand to keep it from bobbing as she walked toward the bed.  Her expression, poker-faced up until now, had taken up a trace of menace.  And yet Laura could now see that it was a game they played with each other, something she could easily accommodate since she knew Carmela was a wild one; and why should Stacy not be one too?

"You bad girl . . ." Stacy playfully hissed at her.  "I'll bet you want to be fucked in the ass and the pussy until you scream and die of coming, right?"

Carmela beamed.  "You are a mind reader!"

Stacy winked at Laura, who quickly moved to pull Carmela down onto the sheet, careful to place herself behind her, so that Carmela's wishes, conveyed to her while Stacy was out of the room, would be honored.  "Auntie Laura wants the beautiful black booty," Laura said, running her hands all over Carmela's delicious body.

"Oh good, then I can spank the bad girl's pussy before we . . ."

Carmela looked excited and alarmed in the same instant.

"You may not know this," Stacy said, climbing onto the huge bed with them, "but your little black darling likes to have her pussy spanked while she gets fucked in the ass.  Makes her come extra special hard.  But I can't do both things very well at the same time.  We usually have to do the spanking, then the fucking."

Laura was taking it all in but hungrily kissing the backs of Carmela's smooth black shoulders at the same time, and squeezing her firm young breasts, and twisting her large, thickening nipples.  "Hand me that bag," she murmured to Stacy, pointing down to the foot of the bed at the valise.  "I need some oil."

Stacy handed her the bag, then scooted forward, pulling Carmela's scrumptious dark thighs open to expose her inflamed cunt.  "Ooooohhhh . . . are we ready for a hot spanking?"

"Oh god!" Carmela gasped.  Her eyes rolled up, even though nothing serious had happened yet.

Laura was swabbing the dildo with baby oil, and then she began to lube Carmela's pinched-shut asshole with it.

"Oooohhhh, you are tight!" she murmured into the girl's ear.  "You are going to have to loosen up for Auntie Laura."

Already, she saw by looking down, Stacy was lightly slapping Carmela's exposed pussy with the fingers of one hand.  The sight of it inflamed Laura.  She knew how it felt, having done it and things like it in the past more than she liked to remember, even with a whip instead of a hand, and the idea made her blood run hot.  She knew why Carmela liked it.  And Carmela was already twisting and moaning, her eyes glued to Stacy's hand as it landed on her pussy, now lightly, but Laura knew it would soon be harder.

"Oooohhh . . . does that feel good?" Stacy teased her, now rubbing Carmela's gaping pussy with her fingers, now slapping it again.

"Oh god!"

By now Laura was ready to make her entrance, having capped the baby oil bottle and pushed it to the side.  Now she was guiding the head of the greased dildo between Carmela's fantastic round buns and into the dark crack, helping it in with her fingertips, finding the aperture she had opened seconds ago, inserting, pushing . . .

"Unngghh!" Carmela gurgled and gasped as it slid slowly into her ass.

Immediately Stacy began slapping Carmela's pussy again, this time harder and faster.  Carmela's thighs quivered, and she moaned softly, stiffening a little as Laura pushed the strap-on dildo deeper. 

"Ungghh!  Ohhnnnnnn!"

Stacy began to spank her pussy harder.  Slap . . . slap . . . slap! 

"Oh shit!" Carmela gasped, her eyes rolling up again.

"Is it good?  Is it really good?" Stacy kept asking her, smiling now, the first time Laura had ever seen an actual broad smile break her face.

The dildo jutting from Laura's groin was now impaling Carmela's ass, and Laura began slowly fucking her with it, encircling Carmela with her arms from behind and squeezing her luscious breasts at the same time, while Stacy's hand landed more and more sharply on the girl's swollen pussy.  Thwack!  Thwack!

"Ummnnggeee!  Oh!  Ummngggeee!" Carmela shrieked softly, twisting and squirming but not trying to evade the blows.  But suddenly her eyes flashed wide open, glaring at Stacy.  Laura could see that there was a striking connection there, a signal, a clear sign they had been here before.  "You better . . . fuck me . . . before I come!" Carmela panted.  "Please!"

"Maybe you'd like to come this way . . ." Stacy suggested, still spanking Carmela's pussy, more roughly by the second.

Carmela shook her head desperately.  "You and Laura . . . fuck me . . . please!"

Stacy smiled and shrugged.  She had only been teasing after all, Laura realized.  All of them knew what was expected here.  The Chocolate Sandwich.  Carmela was quivering and moaning and desperately aroused, grinding her lovely bottom down on Laura's fake cock as Laura helped by thrusting up gently with it. 

Stacy smiled and relented, sliding quickly into position.  She inserted the head of her dildo into the wet, inflamed, gaping slit of Carmela's pussy and shoved it in deep.

"Anngghhhh!" Carmela groaned, wincing as she felt the large shaft fill her cunt.  "Oh shit yes!  Oh fuck!"

Almost immediately, both Stacy and Laura began to pump her vigorously, and Carmela began to writhe and whimper in a way that fanned the flames of their lust even hotter.  Laura was afraid this wouldn't last very long.  Already Carmela had warned that she might come before they even got going.  Of course, that didn't mean they couldn't keep going until she had a few more orgasms, since Laura knew she was capable of going multiple.

At any rate, things were proceeding at a pretty fast clip.  Stacy and Laura had Carmela completely sandwiched between them and they fucked her hard and hot, jamming their cocks into her body, each now holding her shaft with the fingers of one hand since they were plunging so sharply into Carmela's ass and pussy.  And Carmela, having reaching the pinnacle of her plans, was in wild sexual heaven, whooping and gurgling and panting and squirming and wailing, completely delirious now in the grip of a fierce lust tornado.

"Oh shit . . . oh shit . . . I'm going to come . . ." she panted.  "Do it harder!  Ungghhh!  Yes!  Auuunngghhhh!  Yes!  Unghhh!"

Just as she had noticed Stacy getting a real, semi-sadistic charge earlier out of spanking Carmela's juicy black pussy with her hand, Laura could now see over Carmela's shoulder, staring directly into Stacy's dark blue eyes, that the blonde girl was grimacing and thoroughly enjoying this increasingly violent fuck.  She rammed Carmela with her dildo, jabbing her groin up into Carmela's, grinning with an almost hideous pleasure when Carmela yelped and groaned.  But Laura, having been there herself, knew that Carmela was hardly suffering.  She was completely submersed in the sweet delirium of being sexually devoured and consumed by them, as she had wished to be, and each piercing thrust of the strap-on dildos into her body made her shriek with pleasure that could only be exceeded by the final fiery spurt of her coming orgasm.

Laura realized that she was fucking Carmela's ass just about as hard as Stacy was fucking her pussy.  Between them they were hammering the poor writhing girl into a flexing, moaning mass of need, and Carmela's hysterical whimpering went into a sharp, punctuated crescendo, soaring as she approached her peak.

"Unngghhmmmnniieee . . . oh!  Oh!  Yes . . . harder!  Ummnggghhh!  Oh . . . oh dear fuck oh shit unghhh unghhh!"

They were all lying on their sides, but the excitement of it all goaded Laura into rolling over on top of Carmela, pulling her over, so that Stacy was now on her back, Carmela facing her, with Laura on top, plunging her own fake cock into Carmela's asshole deeper with each thrust.

"Aoooohhnnnnggg!  Oweennggg!  Unnmmggghhh!" Carmela groaned, wincing, quivering, only seconds away from coming, Laura knew.

Her eyes caught Stacy's long enough to grasp that Stacy knew it too, and together they pumped and pummeled Carmela into an excruciating string of shrieking orgasms.

"AWWONNGGGG!  OH JESUS OHHHHH FUCK ANNGGHNNIIEEEE!" she wailed, her lovely hard young body writhing and squirming inside the hot sandwich they had formed, pinning her between them as they ravished her flesh with sharp, hammering thrusts.

The first wave of her orgasm left Carmela limp and whimpering semi-hysterically, and yet continued thrusting from both sides quickly had her peaking again, gasping and panting and flexing, her curvaceous black body sleek and supple in their clutching hands, her beautiful face torn by the fresh ecstasies they were bringing her to.

"Oh!  OH!  Yes YES!  AGAIN!  Ummnmgghhmmnnggiieeeee!  Oh!  Oh!"

"Yes . . . honey . . yes!" Laura heard herself murmuring into Carmela's delicious black ear while she again buried the dildo deep in Carmela's throbbing ass.

Stacy, not completely silent, was grunting and grimacing still as she too drove her dildo deep into Carmela's pussy.  "Unggh!  Ungghhh!  Ungghh!" Laura could hear her soft grunts, see the crackling, stabbing flames of hot lust in her eyes.

Carmela slumped between them, gasping for breath, her body still shuddering from the aftershocks of her second orgasm.  Both Laura and Stacy had slackened off and were merely sliding their cocks in and out of her in a slow, sensual rhythm, as if waiting for her to recover.  Laura did not know if Carmela was finished or not and was awaiting a sign.  Carmela seemed to give one by clenching her thighs and beginning to swirl her pelvis, pushing down with it, impaling herself again on the invaders, as if hungry for more.

At this Laura saw a rare smile cross Stacy's face, and she began accelerating the pace.  Laura followed.

"Oh . . . yes . . ." Carmela panted.  "I think . . ."

"Oh yes," Laura grinned.

Stacy actually grinned back at her.  "Oh yes.  She's going for three."

This one took a little longer.  Carmela had expended the first, easy flush of her sexual release already and had to grind and shudder toward the third explosion, but by now all sense of time was thoroughly obliterated for all of them, and Laura settled into a firm, pumping rhythm in synch with Stacy's hard thrusting from below, until Carmela again began to whoop and gasp and gyrate more and more wildly.

"Ungghh!  Anngghhh!  Ohhnnmmggg!  Ungghh!  Yes!"

By now they were simply one synchronized orgasm machine, three become one, surging and grasping and pumping and squirming, both Stacy and Laura pinning Carmela's writhing body between them and striving to bring her to her last, thrilling, shrieking moment of pure ecstasy.  And it was almost there.  And then it was there.  Carmela let out a sharp, whinnying cry and went into convulsions.

"Anngghiiieeeeeee!  Oh shit oh Jesus oh shit!  Anngghiiieeeeeee!"

Good thing none of us is religious, Laura chuckled to herself as the lovely girl went off for yet a third clenching, shuddering orgasm, squirming wildly between her and Stacy's bodies.  Jesus gets into these events more than I bet he ever thought he would.

The last climax seemed powerful enough to almost destroy Carmela for about five minutes.  She went limp between them, and Stacy and Laura had to carefully extract their apparatus from her limp body, wiping off excess fluids on the sheets and extricating themselves from the harness belts.  They looked at one another and at Carmela, unable to repress and shared smile of satisfaction, tinged with renewed desire that had, they suddenly realized, nothing to do with the lovely creature they had just fuck-mauled into a sweet bliss she still had not recovered from.

Since the king-sized bed was huge, they had no trouble rendezvousing to the side of Carmela's slack and panting body.  They embraced and began kissing sensually.

"Mmmmm, you're more fun than I thought you'd be," Stacy murmured into Laura's cheek, squeezing Laura's breasts and kissing her neck.  "I want to fuck you."

Laura smiled, her hands running all over Stacy's lean, beautiful body too.  "I'm sorry our little chocolate sandwich didn't try to get us all together sooner," she murmured back.

They glanced over to see Carmela smiling at them with a bemused, half-destroyed, but very pleased expression on her smiling face.






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