Laura - Chapter 321




Makeeda was home only three weeks before she had to leave again for two weeks in Los Angeles.

"Forgive me for saying it, but I think you must have a lover or something down there, you go there so often," Laura said in a clipped tone of voice, sort of hating herself for being petulant, but unwilling to be silent.

Makeeda smiled.  "Are we getting a leetle jealous?  I have a vocal coach, an agent, and several musicians I work with regularly at club dates and to develop repertoire down there.  It is the entertainment capital of the world, you know.  What do you expect me to do?"

Laura held her head high with mock disdain.  "I still think you're seeing somebody."  She was only half-serious, but she could get into the theatrics of it if required.

Makeeda pursed her lips in exasperation.  "Maybe we should move down there.  Then you could keep an eye on me.  Anyway, what about you?  I know you're not 'knitting with the cats,' as you say, while I'm gone."

Laura blushed.  "I—"

"What about that cute, short one who makes the funny faces?  The one you were with when we first saw each other?"

Laura blushed hotter.  "What about her?"  She couldn't help feeling guilty for the time recently when she and Sara had met by chance at Saks and returned to Sara's apartment for an almost spiritual session of missionary trib fucking.  "And how do you know about the faces?"

"I saw her making them.  At La Rondine, when you two came in together.  You know, I fell in love with you at first sight.  I couldn't keep my eyes off you.  I thought she was so lucky.  Cute, too.  I was jealous.  I'm still jealous."

"Too bad I didn't ever get to meet Diane, so I could be jealous of her," Laura said, pouting and hoping to veer away from the subject of Sara.

"You are jealous of her," Makeeda smiled.  "You frown every time her name comes up."

"I guess I am," Laura shrugged.  "I fell in love with you at first sight too."

  Makeeda embraced her.  "Aren't we lucky?  Some people are never so lucky in their whole dreary lives."

"I know.  But I'm still jealous of L.A."

Still, she was not so jealous of it as to spend her days simmering in green stew all the time that Makeeda would be away.  The thought of Sara was dangerous enough to keep her in a blue funk of denial.  She was due to get her teeth cleaned, and the dentist for whom Sara worked was her dentist.  That was how they had met, at the dental office.

God, I should just get another dentist, she thought.  Ask Rhonda, or Yvette, or someone else at work what dentist they use. 

But . . . she didn't.  Makeeda was gone, she was lonely, she was horny.  She knew she would see Sara and it would be playing with fire . . . but she kept her appointment. 

Sara—in charge of the appointments list, of course—knew she was coming.  She looked up from her desk calmly, impersonally, serenely almost, as Laura entered the office.  It was almost a flashback to their first meeting.  Sara in her crisp white blouse with the little name tag above the pocket: SARA PAIGE.  Laura nervous and desperately attracted to her, though this time determined to overcome it.  After the sweet little sparring match she had had with Makeeda about jealousy, she was not about to give in to this temptation again.  Once had been bad enough.

Still, we fucked, she couldn't help thinking over and over again, as she stepped up to the desk.  We did it every day for over a year, and came in each other's arms a hundred times.  This lovely woman.  I held her fat, pretty little clittie in my mouth.  I made her whimper and gasp.  How can we just look at each other now as if we're total strangers?  Or if not that, at least just receptionist and patient?  I want to do it again.  And she does too, I know she does!

Sara, however,  looked up at her with only the vaguest flicker of recognition in her limpid dark brown eyes.  "Hello, Laura," she said softly. 

There were three other patients in the waiting room this time, so any intimate reference was out of the question.  "Hi," Laura said meekly.  She smiled with all the warmth of her old time love for Sara, hoping it would clearly register.

They stared at each other.  Then a hint of a friendly smile turned up each corner of Sara's opulent, desirable mouth.  "Just have a seat.  It might be ten minutes or so."

Laura was crestfallen.  Sara was not cold to her, but she was not forthcoming either.  Probably she too had reconsidered their last time together and decided that risking these emotions was a dangerous activity, best avoided.  This was, after all, the same office in which Laura had pleaded with Sara to take her back after she had committed the unpardonable indiscretion of sleeping with Sara's own sister, Dee Dee.  They had such a history together, both good and bad, ecstatic and painful.  No wonder Sara might want to avoid complicating matters any further.

Laura sat quietly and read a magazine, then took her turn in the dentist's chair when her time came.  She stopped at Sara's desk on the way out to confirm another appointment in six months.

It was four o'clock.  Sara would be getting off soon, at five.  "Are you riding the Muni Metro?" Laura asked her.  "Why don't you let me give you a ride home."

Sara looked up at her from the computer screen, her face a blank, unreadable.  She did not speak for the longest time.  There were no longer any patients waiting, and so Laura knew that they both could speak freely. 

Finally, Sara shook her head slowly.  "I don't think we better, Laura."

Laura shrugged, trying not to wince at this little rejection.  "I guess . . . you're right.  I can't help . . . wanting to . . . you know."

Sara nodded.  "Me too," she said, almost inaudibly.  "I have a . . . girlfriend now."  She looked down, almost embarrassed to admit it, apparently.  "She might see us.  She works in this building."

"Oh."  Laura felt her heart flutter and her head grow light.  "Gosh, I'm so happy for you.  Really.  Wouldn't want to upset her.  That would be bad."

Suddenly, Sara crossed her eyes and screwed up her features into a zany face, the kind Laura had grown to love.  "She's a possessive little 'B' anyway, so maybe we should try it."

"Oh no . . . oh no," Laura backed off, laughing softly.  "You're not involving me in your romantic intrigues.  I just offered you a ride.  That's all."

Sara looked suddenly pensive.  "That's all?" she asked, in a haunted voice, as if she would be desolated to discover that Laura meant only to give her a ride, not jump into bed with her.

"No.  That isn't all," Laura said evenly.  "You know that could never be all."

They looked into each other's eyes without speaking for a very long time, so long that Laura almost felt as if they were making love right there, with their clothes still on.  "You better go, Laura," Sara finally said, again almost inaudibly.


Laura left.  She listened to her heels ring on the hard marble floors of the medical-dental building as she walked to the elevator.  She rode down to the lobby trying to ignore the turmoil in her stomach.  Her cell phone rang inside her purse as she was going through the revolving doors to the street.


"Yes, Sara."

"Wait there.  I'll be down in a minute."

But the suspense was not over yet.  She waited ten minutes; fifteen.  I'd wait hours for her, she realized.  Finally, Sara appeared, looking sheepish and rushed.  "Let's get out of here.  Quick.  Before she sees us."

"Goodness," Laura laughed as they walked rapidly to the corner and crossed at the light.  "You really are afraid she'll see us, aren't you.  Maybe it would be good for her.  Make her not take you for granted."

Sara shook her head, looking straight ahead.  "She knows about you."

Laura nodded grimly.  "All good, I hope," she joked, trying to keep the subject light.

They went into the Union Square subterranean garage, where Laura's car was parked.  Sara relaxed noticeably, now that her lover could not spot them.  The fumes were noxious and overpowering.  In Laura's car they turned on the air conditioning to help their breathing.

"I think I need mouth to mouth resuscitation," Sara said, making another funny face.

"Me too," Laura laughed, grabbing her head in both hands and giving her a scorching kiss.

 Sara kissed back, sliding her tongue deep into Laura's mouth.  There were people returning from shopping and work, seeking out their cars, starting them, slowly maneuvering toward the exits, but none paid attention to them.  Laura slid her hand under the lapel of Sara's coat and clutched one firm round breast through her shirt and bra, squeezing it passionately.

"Think we're making a spectacle of ourselves, Laura," Sara panted against her cheek.  "You're groping me.  Have a few manners."

Laura pulled back and sat up straight, chastened.  "Sorry."

Sara beamed.  "It's okay.  I didn't have the courage to do it myself."

Laura drove out to Sara's small one-bedroom apartment in Ocean View.  "Tell me about the girl friend," she said on the way.  "Unless you don't want to, of course."

"Her name is Darlene.  She's white, like you.  Blonde, actually.  My first blonde."  Sara made a zany face.  "She has a little boy, Chad.  He's seven.  I'm her first girl friend.  She seduced me, nevertheless."

"That must've been fun," Laura smiled, hoping Sara would tell her more.

"She told me later that just deciding to be a lesbian was such a relief.  It brought out her true nature.  She looked around at potential partners in the building.  Lots of nurses, medical receptionists, as you know.  Darlene is a dental hygienist.  She saw me one day getting a sandwich at that silly little news stand in the lobby.  You know the one.  She asked me for advice.  About where to buy a FastPass.  We ended up . . . well, you know the rest.  Sack city.  She's very sweet and determined that I should sleep with no one but her.  She has a very bad opinion of you for leaving me."

"We left each other," Laura protested gently, preferring her own version of events.

"If you say so," Sara said, looking out the window to her right.

This was certainly a turn for the worse.  Sara was sad.  This would not do.  "So . . . she just decided to be a lesbian?  That sounds, forgive me, a little weird."

"Oh, I don't know," Sara said airily.  "It's kind of like you and I did it, isn't it?  I mean, Lina Torres and I were roommates and we just kind of ended up in bed.  You and your friend Karen . . . same thing, right?  I mean, there you were, she was naked, you just decided it.  It was your true natures coming out."

Laura nodded.  "Guess you could see it that way."  She thought, I never had any intention of fucking her, though.  Until I saw her naked.  I guess that was my true nature.  But I don't remember deciding it.

"Anyway," Sara went on, "she is wonderful and treats me great and—"

"Is hot stuff between the sheets, eh?" Laura cracked.  "All those years of dull married life."

"Laura, you're terrible," Sara grinned, giving her a playful poke on the shoulder.  "She is nice.  Sweet.  Hot.  She's not Laura, though."

Laura didn't know whether to feel good or bad about this and was grateful they were finally there, circling the block to look for a parking place.  "I see the parking is no better than it ever was around here."

"A couple of blocks over they're building condos.  We're gentrifying.  Pretty soon I won't be able to afford to live here any more."

Maybe you and the very possessive Darlene will move in together and get married and raise a family, Laura thought meanly.  She was surprised at this little spurt of jealousy rising up inside her.  She had, after all, once loved Sara with all her heart.

And my body, she remembered, feeling a hot tingle in her crotch.  Inside the apartment, Laura wanted it immediately, though Sara was inclined to dally.  Kissing her in the parking garage, bantering with her, sitting next to her during the drive, all of it had heated Laura's blood.  This woman was magic to her sex drive.  She had always wanted her and wanted her still.  But Sara was skittish, not ready to dive headlong into the bed.

"We're here.  We can wait," she murmured against Laura's cheek as Laura again groped her suggestively.  "I want to get into the mood."

"I can't wait," Laura panted softly.

"Yes, you can.  You're lucky I let you come back here at all."

"I want your fantastic body."

Sara smiled seductively.  "Why should I give in right away?  It makes me feel good that you want me."

"I can make you feel even better."

"I know you can.  Now, just sit there while I make a pot of tea."

Laura remembered how things were different with Sara.  Unlike her relationships with some others—she specifically recalled how she and Makeeda had nearly clawed one another to pieces in a crazed frenzy of lust on the night Makeeda had returned from Paris, only a few weeks ago, after merely stepping inside the door of their house—she and Sara had never been swept up by impulsive furies of sexual need.  They had fucked exuberantly and energetically, and also slowly, gently, movingly, but never had they torn each other's clothes off and sucked and bitten each other in a wild tumult of crazy hot fucking and raping, as Laura had done not only with Makeeda but especially with Yvette, Randi, Dawn, and several others.

Still, she was willing to honor these little differences of style.  She sat obediently at Sara's small kitchen table and waited for the teapot to boil.  She would certainly have preferred a vodka, but Sara drank only sporadically, and mostly, it seemed, when Laura pushed the issue.

"You wouldn't have any vodka, would you?" Laura finally asked.

"Actually . . . I do," Sara smirked, going to the cupboard.  "Darlene's like you, in one thing at least.  She likes to have her little drinkee."

"Well, thank the Lord for Darlene, then," Laura said, a little too sarcastically.

Sara ignored this and poured them each a small drink, including ice cubes and tonic water.  She raised her glass.  "To us.  Friends forever."  Then she made a screwy face.  "And bed partners now and then."

Laura clinked glasses with her and drained her own glass halfway down, feeling like Sara's sister Dee Dee, who usually did the same when you handed her one.  "How about 'now' rather than 'then'?" she asked, looking at Sara pointedly.  "I want you."

Sara flirted.  She sashayed across the kitchen, swaying her substantial but shapely butt in Laura's direction.  "You see something you like?  My advice is . . . better take what you want.  Before you change your mind."

"I'm not changing my mind," Laura laughed, starting out of her chair.  "I always wanted you."

She grabbed Sara next to the sink, embracing her and dropping both hands to her splendid ass, digging her fingers into both firm cheeks through Sara's skirt.  Sara sat her glass on the kitchen countertop and embraced Laura back, now kissing her with the same intensity with which she had earlier responded in the parking garage.  Then she kissed Laura's cheek and forehead while Laura's fingers scrabbled at the buttons of her crisp white blouse, trying to get them unfastened.

She giggled and batted Laura's hands away, slipping out of her embrace.  "You just want my body . . . now that someone else has been chewing on it."  She laughed enchantingly.

"I don't care if she's been chewing on it.  I want to suck on it," Laura laughed, grabbing her again, crushing Sara's mouth with her own.

The feel of these marvelous, sensual, pillowy lips under hers made Laura's heart race.  Long before she had ever dared to kiss Sara she had lusted for this voluptuous mouth.  While they were together she had ravished it hungrily at each opportunity, and now she was ravishing it again, sucking Sara's tongue, her lower lip, holding it between  her teeth as if threateningly, her eyes burning into Sara's with hot desire.

Sara playfully pulled her lip free.  "You gon' do me in the kitchen, you sex fiend?"

"Anywhere I can," Laura panted, kissing her face again, her forehead, her smooth cheek.  "I hear voices.  Listen.  Faint voices."  She put a hand behind her ear, pantomiming.

Sara giggled.  "Are they saying 'Save France!  Save France!"

"No, silly," Laura tickled her.  "They're saying 'Suck me!  Suck me!'"

This was an old joke between them.  Sara, once acknowledging to Laura the beauty of her own breasts and large, dark umber, cupcake sized nipples, had claimed that they cried out in a tiny, faraway voice: Suck me!  Suck me!  Laura had eagerly obliged and could hardly wait to do it again, right now.

"Ooohhhh . . . I hear them too!" Sara grinned, looking down at her chest.  "Guess France'll have to wait."

Laura had Sara's shirt half-open by now and was kissing the smooth dark skin that appeared.  Sara grabbed her hand and pulled her toward the bedroom.  Without speaking, they both began to peel off their clothes, so that they were nearly naked by the time they got there.  The bedroom was only a few steps from the kitchen.  Sara peeled down the bedspread and blankets.  She slipped out of her panties.  Laura did the same.

"Come here, my darling," Laura purred to her, nearly orgasming immediately simply at the feel of Sara's naked body pressing against her own, if that were possible.  She honestly felt it was.  This was paradise.

"Mmmmm, that feels good," Sara purred back, obviously feeling the same thing.

"Too good," Laura murmured, running her hands all over Sara's compact naked body, a body she knew so well after having done this for the better part of a full year.

Her hands finally came to rest on Sara's naked breasts.  She cradled the full, firm beauties in her palms, brushing Sara's large, dark nipples with her thumbs.  Laura kissed her mouth again, her neck, her shoulder, her clavicle, her smooth upper chest, her lips and tongue descending slowly.  When they reached the dark, protruding bud of Sara's soft nipple, both of them seemed to tense up with sexual excitement, their breath quickening, their bodies expectant.

"On the bed," Sara whispered.  "My knees are getting weak."

"Mine too," Laura smiled as they stretched out facing each other on the sheet.

This was such a familiar position.  They had loved each other this way countless times, and at this instant it was almost impossible to realize that Sara was now doing it with Darlene and Laura with Makeeda, instead of this.  How had that happened?  How could this feel deliciously new and comfortingly familiar at the same time? 

"You gonna look at them forever or are you gonna suck them?" Sara teased, breaking through Laura's reverie.

"I can't decide," Laura smiled. 

"I'll decide for you, cuckoo brain," Sara said, pushing her body forward so that her nipple mashed into Laura's lips.  "Now, you take it from there."

"Ummm, I wilmmnnngg . . ." Laura gummed her words as she opened her mouth and took all of Sara's large, soft nipple inside.  "Oh god, sucking your nipples makes me come!" she gasped, releasing the wet, shiny bulb for a moment before nearly swallowing it again.

Sara mewled a little, and her eyes rolled up.  "Makes you come?  What do you think it does to me?"

Laura now sucked her breast intently, without bothering to reply.  She was in heaven.  Nothing could get her mouth off this lovely breast.  She tongued and lip-chewed Sara's bulbous, silky, dark nipple, pinching it between her tongue and the roof of her mouth until Sara whinnied softly and tossed her head back and forth.

"Oh . . . shit!" she hissed softly.  "That's a Laura suck if there ever was one.  Nobody suck titty like Laura."

"Careful, you're going ebonics on me," Laura teased her, moving her mouth and hands to Sara's other breast for the same treatment.

"Shoot . . . girl . . . you bad!" Sara half-giggled, almost too overwhelmed by sexual currents to laugh.  "You little cracker girls can really suck."

Laura stopped sucking hard and sucked softly for a while, gazing up into Sara's swirling dark brown eyes.  "I could just swallow these, if you gave me the chance," she murmured, still licking each bulbous, saliva-wet nipple, then unable to keep herself from taking one deep into her mouth again.  "I'm a suck maniac."

"You sure are," Sara panted, looking down at Laura love-mauling her breasts.  "And I don't see anybody stopping you.  I think you're turning me into the Mississippi River down below, though."

Laura took that as an invitation and began to slide lower down Sara's marvelous naked body.  "I think I want a taste of the river," she murmured, but moving very slowly, determined to enjoy all the firm dark flesh on the way there.

But Sara pulled her up, face to face again.  "Do your river drinking later.  I want something else."

She crossed her eyes and made a funny face, but Laura knew she was perfectly serious.  She had never been shy with Laura about what turned her crank.  She reached over to the bedside cabinet and pulled open the drawer.  Laura moved to the side so that Sara could extract whatever she was after, but was unable to keep her hands off the girl's marvelous, swaying breasts, still wet with her own saliva.

Sara swatted away her hands and took out a blue plastic strap-on dildo.  She winked at Laura.  "You know what I like."

Laura nodded and smiled.  "I know."

"Darlene and I . . . well, the sex is good, you know?  Not Laura-quality, but good.  She brought this over and left it here.  We don't want her little boy finding it, do we."  She made a prissy face.  "So . . . she knows what I like, too."

What Sara liked was to do it cowgirl style, riding on top on the dildo, while dangling her wondrous naked breasts in Laura's face (or now Darlene's face), being happily fucked and sucked at the same time, or rather fucking herself on the dildo, which she did with delighted abandon, while her lover devoured her gorgeous dark nipples. 

Laura, smiling inwardly, had to admit she was not opposed to this activity herself.  Being monstrously oral, and having a long-standing fervid infatuation with Sara's beautiful naked breasts, she quickly grasped any situation that gave her the opportunity to maul them for long periods with her mouth. 

She immediately snatched the dildo and harness from Sara's hand and began fitting it into place.  "You don't want it any more than I do, darling," she purred, rolling onto her back and holding the shiny blue plastic stalk straight up in the air, a delightfully obscene invitation.

Sara crossed her eyes and made a dorky face.  "That's what I like about you, Laura.  You grasp another person's needs so quickly."

"Come here, my angel, and get taken to the seventh degree of heaven."  Laura released the dildo and stretched out her arms. 

Sara knee-walked on the mattress over to Laura and straddled her hips.  Together they maneuvered the upright dildo so that the bulbous blue head of it nudged Sara's swollen, partly open black cunt lips.  She was indeed very wet, Laura could see, from their little playing and kissing and sucking.  Laura, while observing this, also noticed that her little silvery pussy ring was gone.

"What happened to the ring?" she asked, absently, rubbing Sara's wet pussy with the tips of two fingers, almost wishing she could delay this fucking that was about to commence in favor of a little cunt licking.  She adored Sara's juicy fat pussy and had truly feasted on it in the past, wanted to do so again.

Sara's face briefly reflected a spell of confusion, even embarrassment.  "Darlene doesn't like it.  She asked me to take it off.  Said it made me seem cheap.  Like an exotic dancer or something."

Laura frowned.  "She sounds like a bitch.  I've had a few exotic dancers.  They were among the sweetest girls I ever met.  You can't judge someone by how she makes her living."

Sara shrugged.  "I know."  She definitely didn't want to go further into this, Laura could see.  For that matter, neither did Laura.  It would certainly kill their moment.  "Easier to keep the peace," Sara said softly. 

Then, without further comment, she lowered her pussy onto the dildo, letting out a soft whoosh of air from her mouth as the thick blue shaft slid up into her body while Laura held it steady with the fingers of both hands.  "Ohhhhhh!  Oh . . . that feels good!" she threw her head back, beaming as it rode up deep into her.

For a moment she was frozen in place, enjoying the surfeit of sweet sensations that filled her body, and Laura took the opportunity to run her hands all over the smooth, warm, available flesh of this lovely woman.  Sara was still sitting straight up, eyes closed, and from this angle, from below, her breasts looked enormous, even though they weren't.  They were beautifully proportioned to her body, not too big, not too small, just right.  But her dark, swelling nipples looked even puffier than they usually did, and Laura could hardly wait to see them dangling over her mouth like ripe fruit, just waiting for her to inhale them.

The hands she was busily running all over Sara's body came to rest on these magnificent breasts, squeezing them gently, lighting pinching Sara's large, dark nipples.  "Give me these," Laura murmured.  "I want them."

This broke Sara out of her trance.  She looked down, as if suddenly remembering that Laura was there below her, waiting for this exquisite encounter to resume.  "Oh," she said softly, with a beguiling grin, "now that you've got me where you want me, you just want to start sucking and fucking.  Right?"


Sara grinned even more broadly, slowly leaning down, planting one palm on either side of Laura's head, then rising up again briefly to pull down a pillow and tuck it under Laura's neck so that her mouth was raised into optimum position.  Her breasts bobbed and swayed as she did this, presenting Laura with an almost unbelievable temptation.

"How's that?" she smiled, swishing her amazing naked breasts in Laura's face.

Without a word, Laura scooped the firm, dangling globes up in both hands and guided one of Sara's thick, bulbous, dark nipples into her mouth.  She sucked it with undisguised passion, pulling it deep, lashing it with her tongue, hearing the breath catch in Sara's throat as her pelvis began to gyrate slowly on the dildo.  Laura dropped one hand down to the base of the dildo again to keep it steady as Sara slid up and down on it.

Somehow, she knew this was not going to last long.  From the very beginning of their relationship Sara had informed her that she did not climax fast, that it took her a while, that Laura would have to be patient.  Laura was familiar with such warnings.  So many women were apologetic about taking a little time to get there.  In truth, few of them had any idea how fast or slow they were, and Sara was no exception.  She may not have come as quickly as she wanted to, but it was plenty quick enough for Laura.

And this time it was quite clear there would be no waiting.  Already Sara was chuffing and grunting softly and throwing her head back and gnawing her full lower lip and wheezing and undulating ever more rapidly.  And Laura was so completely preoccupied by Sara's marvelous breasts that she could barely force herself to pay attention to how quickly or slowly Sara was getting to the finish line.

She sucked each plump, beautiful nipple with feverish and wanton need, sucking them hard, knowing from past experience that Sara wanted it that way, hearing the crazy little yelps her sucking inspired welling up from Sara's tight throat as the sensations grew ever more intense. 

"Nnnggeee . . . ohnnmmmggg . . . nnggeeee . . ." Sara whinnied softly, grinding her cunt down hard on the stalk, mashing her breasts into Laura's face, closer and closer to completely losing control.  "Oh yes . . . oh Laura . . . yessssss!"

But Laura eased up a little bit, not sucking them so hard, or squeezing them hard either, unwilling to bring Sara to the pinnacle so quickly.  Sara felt to her like she was going to come any second.  She was pumping and swirling her pelvis on the strap-on dildo, and gasping, and mewling, and even grabbing Laura's shoulders with her hands, gyrating her body down onto Laura's groin.  Laura did not even have to thrust upward at all since Sara was doing all the work.

"Unnnnuunnnn . . . unnnuunnn . . ." Sara groaned maniacally, her head thrown back, her breasts jutting into Laura's face.

Laura was in heaven.  She had done this before, countless times, with Sara, and each time she felt life could end right then and it would all have been worth it.  Also, she had not been lying when she had said earlier that sucking Sara's huge nipples made her come too.  It did, or nearly so.  The pressure of the dildo jamming down on her pubic bone as Sara pumped herself with it, mixed with the wild, heady, hot, pulsing erotic pleasure of sucking on these big, pulpy, swollen nipples had Laura very close to the edge of a thrilling orgasm.  It might not come as easily or quickly as Sara's was clearly going to do, but it would arrive in its own time.

"Bite them," Sara suddenly commanded, in a crazy, half-delirious voice.  "Bite them, Laura, bite them!  I'm . . . I'm going to . . ."

They had been here before too.  Sara did not mean for Laura really to bite them, not hard anyway, but just enough to give her arriving orgasm an extra hot squirt of rocket fuel.  Moreover, she knew that Laura knew precisely how hard to bite, and Laura did.

"Unh!  Unh!  Oh!  Ohnngg!"

Sara's wet breasts and hard, stiffened nipples, now completely black from engorged blood, danced and swished before Laura's mouth, and Laura stuffed one, then the other, into her hungry maw as voraciously as she could, sucking, pinching, now biting, sinking her teeth into the one in her mouth, gnawing it, but not hard enough to cause pain, just enough to send a stabbing flame through the lovely globe she was currently sucking.

"Oh honey . . . oh honey . . . I love your beautiful boobs . . . and your beautiful body . . . are you going to come for me . . . come for me . . . now?  Come for me?  Now?  Now?"

"Yesssss!" Sara hissed, mashing her breast into Laura's mouth.  "Ungghhh!  Oh!  Oh shit oh dear oh shit oh dear oh shit!"

Even clenched in the transports of a thrilling fuck, Sara could not suppress her antic nature.  But it was again quickly overwhelmed by the first spasms of a shattering climax.

"Oh!" Laura gasped, realizing almost before Sara did that it was here.  "Now?  Now?"

"Auunnggghhhh!" Sara suddenly cried out in a huge, bellowing roar.  "AUNNGGHH!"

Her tight body went into convulsions as the spasms of a horrific orgasm ripped through her.  Her firm breast was still mashing into Laura's face, and Laura quickly sucked her big, swollen nipple into her mouth again, biting it as Sara had requested, biting even harder now, feeling the ripple surge through Sara's thrashing body as a fresh squirt of sexual fire shot through her.  Laura's other hand slid down to anchor the dildo, since Sara was twisting and squirming so violently on top of her that she was afraid it would slip out.  Sara continued to fuck herself on it, and to grunt and groan and yelp as the final spasms of her orgasm wrenched her.

"Ohnnnngggg!  Ummnngghh!  Oh!  Oh god . . . yes . . . oh god you can stop . . . biting now . . ." she gasped, finally coming to rest, panting furiously, on top of Laura.

Laura did stop biting but did not release the thick, throbbing bulb of Sara's delicious nipple from her mouth.  Instead, she held it gently, almost tenderly between her lips, laving it with her tongue.  Sara gasped and whimpered.  She made no attempt to move her body off Laura's.  For her part, Laura, breathing through her nose, made no attempt to release Sara's thick wet nipple from her mouth.

"I must say, Laura," Sara finally whispered, a little hoarsely, having roared herself hoarse, "nobody ever made me come like you do.  You gonna keep my nipple in your mouth forever now, or you gonna let me have it back?"

Slowly, smiling, Laura opened her mouth and Sara pulled her breast free.  "Even Darlene?" she couldn't help asking.

"Even Darlene what?"

"Even Darlene doesn't make you come like I do?"

Sara gave her a cross-eyed, cuckoo stare.  "What part of 'nobody' don't you understand?"  She stretched, then climbed off Laura, letting the wet blue plastic dildo flop out of her pussy and land on Laura's flat belly.  "Well . . . that sure took care of my problem.  How about you?"

Laura pulled her close and embraced her, rubbing her own naked breasts against Sara's still-damp ones.  "Believe it or not, I was so close I almost came when you did.  But then . . . it hit you so hard, I guess, that I got a little distracted."

Sara almost blushed.  "Hard is right.  I haven't come that hard since the old days with you."

Laura nuzzled her neck.  "I'm glad.  I'm glad I'm the one who makes you come like that."

"Well," Sara purred into Laura's hair, "now we have to make you come like that.  It's your turn."

"Mmmm, I think I will if we just lie here and cuddle for a few minutes.  I think if you touch my pussy with these amazing sugar lips, I will go up in flames."

And, miraculously enough, she did come a few minutes later, simply from kissing Sara's voluptuous mouth and rubbing her aching pussy against Sara's fingers.  Before Sara could even slide down to suck her, she came, having been primed to the bursting point by the earlier fucking.  Her body was tightly wound and released its tension eagerly, and in minutes she was gasping and whinnying in Sara's arms, then laughing, giggling, embarrassed at having been so easy.

"I guess a girl can just have her way with me," she confessed to Sara.  "Just touch Laura and she'll be your slave, she'll come like gangbusters, she'll go off like a firecracker, just breathe on her, just tweak her, just boink her two or three times, she'll shriek and explode.  Right?"

Sara giggled too, nipping Laura's earlobe.  "Mmmmm, right.  You are one horny little white girl.  Give you a taste of hot chocolate and you just whimper and boil over like a pot on the stove."

"Mmm, but it was good, though . . ." Laura hummed, kissing her ardently.  "We are so good together."

This was a mistake.  It was always a mistake to recall their months together, when they had been 'in love,' when sex like this had been the rule, the norm, the gold standard.  Now they had moved on, but moments like this could remind them of what they had shared, and it made them both a little sad.  They looked deeply into each other's eyes, wondering if they should pursue it, this sadness, alone or together, to pick at it further, or let it lie.

Finally, after a few solemn moments of honoring it, they seemed mutually to agree to pass it by.  They kissed and smiled and thawed out frozen burritos in the microwave for dinner and returned to bed for another feast of loving, interrupted only briefly by a call for Sara from her new lover Darlene, who complained of her son's soccer practice and made a date with Sara for the following evening.

"Better not tell her I fucked your ears off tonight with her strap-on," Laura whispered to Sara as she hung up the phone.  "She won't understand."

Sara kissed Laura's neck and pushed her marvelous naked breasts seductively into Laura's bare flesh.  "Better do it again, then, while you got the chance.  I think I got one more in me."

Laura nearly exploded with happiness.  "Gosh, know what?  I think I have one too."






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