They were no sooner inside the door
than they began tearing at each other's clothes. Of course at the airport they had already
kissed ravenously, gluttonously, in front of everyone, not caring what anybody
thought about these two beautiful women trying to inhale one another, just as
Makeeda exited customs. Laura had
assaulted her, grabbed her and devoured her, and Makeeda had welcomed the
assault greedily, clasping Laura in an embrace that felt like two steel claws.
But now they were home and did not
have to conceal their violent lust any longer.
They had hungered for one another in the past, especially after
Makeeda's travels finally brought her home again, but this time was different. A desperate, seething lechery seemed to grip
them both.
"Unh! Unh!" Laura panted,
kissing her smooth warm neck, groping her firm breasts through her clothing,
curling one arm around her and sinking her fingers into one high round
bun. "Oh god, I didn't think you'd ever
come back!"
"I'll always come back to you,"
Makeeda panted back, getting her hands under Laura's loose sweatshirt and onto
her warm flesh.
The cats, living as usual in their
eternal present, apparently did not recognize Makeeda's voice, clotted with raw
sexual excitement as it was, and retreated rapidly to their safe places,
peering out at this earthquake of physical desire that had just engulfed the
house. Laura and Makeeda fled down the
small hallway in the dark, shedding clothes as they went. They were down to their underwear by the time
they reached the bedroom.
"Aren't you tired from your
flight?" Laura whispered to her, trying to get Makeeda's bra loose as she asked
the question.
"Not too tired for this," Makeeda
panted, helping get her bra off, pulling Laura's sweatshirt up over her head.
Laura was not wearing a bra, and so
they eagerly mashed their naked breasts together, kissing voraciously, clanking
teeth, sucking tongues. Now they stopped
talking, being too busy devouring each other.
They fell onto the bed without bothering to pull down the spread. First Laura was on her back, then Makeeda was
on hers as they swarmed all over each other, sucking and biting and probing and
"Ahhnnn! Ahhnnn!
Oh god . . . I love you!" Laura panted into Makeeda's shoulder, gasping
with sharp pleasure as Makeeda's lips sucked one of her nipples deep into her
Makeeda smiled and released Laura's
nipple long enough to raise up and kiss her hungrily
again. "You know I love you," she
murmured back. "You know how I want
you. I've dreamed of this moment for a
"I want to come with you," Laura
gasped, knowing it was silly, and also not easy to bring off, timing it that
way, but nevertheless unable to stop herself from saying it. "I want us to come together."
Makeeda grinned. "You better be ready, then, because I don't
think it's going to take me long."
"Me either," Laura laughed softly,
embracing her with fierce passion. "Fuck
me. Love me."
Both of them still had their
panties on, but they quickly took care of that.
Makeeda was again on top, sucking Laura's neck, biting her earlobe,
snuffling and mewling softly as her hands raced over Laura's body. "God, I need you," she panted, her hand
darting between Laura's thighs.
Laura rolled her onto her back,
coming up on top this time, devouring Makeeda's magnificent firm breasts,
sucking her large, thick black nipples voraciously.
"Unh! Oh!" Makeeda whimpered.
"I want to fuck you with my pussy .
. ." Laura panted, parting Makeeda's hard thighs and slipping one leg under one
of hers.
She knew they were both so horny
for each other that a quick, hot little bit of tribbing would bring them both
to the edge. This way they could fuck
face to face, and kiss, and look into each other's eyes when they came. The instant their pussies came together,
mating in a wet, warm tangle of slippery flesh and filaments of crotch hair,
the ooze of their deep love and hunger began to flow though their bodies from
one to the other, slowing them down, throbbing through their veins, easing them
into a smooth, gyrating rhythm of sensual hip churning.
"Oh god . . . yes . . . just like
that!" Makeeda gasped to her, looking deep into Laura's eyes, her own searing,
magical hazel eyes showing a fierce longing Laura had not seen there for
It was as if her
few weeks in Paris had somehow
increased the sharpness of her need for Laura.
And Laura responded with an equal need.
She leaned forward, stretching out her body so that she was entirely on
top of Makeeda's, altering their position so that each had her thigh in the
other's groin, and they could literally writhe together, kissing
as they fucked.
"I do love you, Laura," Makeeda
whispered against Laura's lips.
"I do love you, Cynthia," Laura
whispered back, unable to stop herself in spite of the smoldering-fuck
solemnity of the moment.
But Makeeda, who sometimes bristled
at being called by her real name, was too much under the spell of this sacred
mating to object, and she merely smiled with brief amusement. "I think you're going to make me come," she
whispered, hot hazel eyes throbbing.
"I sure hope I am," Laura whispered
back. "Hold still."
She shifted her position back to
where they had started, scissoring Makeeda and pressing their hot cunts
together again.
"Oh god, that is heaven," Makeeda
panted, beginning slowly to undulate under Laura.
Even though Laura rarely thought of
herself as the dominant aggressor, she realized that with her other lovers she
was often on top first, the one to assume the superior position first. But with Makeeda it had always been a fifty
fifty split, with neither one dominating the other for long, and this time was
no different. Even though she started
out on top, evidently Makeeda's urgent lust was so compelling that in a few
moments of twisting and pumping and writhing together, Laura now found herself
on her own back, with Makeeda perpendicular to her, pushing her own pussy down
into Laura's and gyrating rhythmically and almost maniacally.
Laura was mesmerized by the
enchanting swirl of Makeeda's full, perfectly shaped breasts just above her
face, too far away to reach with her ever-hungry mouth, but not far enough to
escape her hands, which raced all over them, cupping and squeezing the
wonderful globes, while Makeeda fucked her with increasing vigor and frenzy.
"Mmmggghhh . . .
ohnnggghhh!" Laura grunted softly, pumping back, hearing the bed springs
begin to sing, also hearing Makeeda's low whimpering as she relentlessly jammed
her groin into Laura's, bringing them both closer.
"I . . . missed you . . . so . . .
much . . ." Makeeda panted as she pushed her flowing pussy into Laura's,
holding one of Laura's legs in mid-air, her fingers caressing Laura's calf, her
teeth gnawing her own lower lip, her hazel eyes flashing and pulsing. "So . . . much . . ."
"Mmmggghhh . . ." Laura gasped
again, her hands sliding down Makeeda's smooth, voluptuous body to her gyrating
hips, holding them and jamming her own groin up into hers, pumping wildly. "Now . . . ungghhhhh! Now . . . oh, now!"
In a flash she realized that her
goal, to get them to climax together, had disappeared in a grinding urgency of
this mutual need. She could feel the
wave of her own incipient orgasm surging, receding, surging
again, as she tried to fit it into the wave she could discern in Makeeda's
flexing, pumping body. Just when she
felt they were totally in synch, the waves would diverge again, then converge again just as quickly. And now, with the hard, relentless grinding
of Makeeda's wet pussy into hers, she could feel instead a total surrender on
her part to the sweetly merciless love assault Makeeda was unleashing on her,
as if she, Makeeda, were not going to be denied the opportunity to make Laura
come, to make her come hard, a shattering climax, a helpless, crushing spasm of
ultimate rapture.
And Makeeda got her way. Laura began to come almost before she even
knew it, feeling her writhing body turned inside out by a sharp, wrenching
blast of scarifying ecstasy.
"Auuoonggghh!" she howled, almost
leaping off the mattress, except that her body was pinned to it by Makeeda's
bearing down on her. "Oh! Oh! Auunnggghhh!"
"Mnnn . . .
mnnnngggg!" Makeeda grunted, fucking her with rough, overpowering love,
and grunting as her own climax began to rip her body, only a few seconds after
Laura's. "Auunnnggghhhh!
They thrashed and groaned and came
in fierce aftershocks for at least a minute, clasped tightly in each other's
arms, whinnying and mewling into each other's ears.
Then Makeeda slumped forward onto
the still-panting Laura, dropping Laura's leg, twitching and gurgling as the
vestiges of a deep orgasm shook her flesh, but fortunately not lapsing into one
of her trances this time, instead remaining conscious and breathing heavily
into Laura's ear. Laura was still in
heaven. She could feel every inch of
Makeeda's naked body glued to her own.
Their cunts were no longer mated since Makeeda had slumped forward,
pulling their groins apart, but she could feel Makeeda's luscious breasts
mashing into hers, and Makeeda's fingertips still fluttering over her body,
seemingly everywhere.
"Oh god . . . oh god . . ." Makeeda
moaned softly. "Oh god, I love you."
Makeeda was strong, very strong,
well-muscled from lots of hard swimming, and Laura reflected, still pinned
under her, that she herself had probably not been fucked this hard since her
few bouts with Brad Dickinson, long months ago.
It usually took a man to overpower and pulverize you this hard.
"Honey . . . you raped me," she
said in a soft voice to Makeeda, kissing her forehead, stroking her bare
Makeeda lifted her head and gave
Laura a sheepish grin. "I guess I did,"
she said, still breathless. She kissed
Laura. "If it makes me come like that,
I'll have to try it more often."
"How selfish of you," Laura
teased. "Good thing, then, that it makes
me come pretty hard too." She wiped away
the thin film of sweat from Makeeda's smooth brown forehead and planted a kiss
right in the middle of it. "You can rape
me any time, darling. I thought my body
was going to turn inside out."
They rolled to the side and pulled
down the bedspread, sliding between the sheets, since they were now getting
cold, having expended all their body heat in a frenzy of thrashing lust. But Laura could still not keep her hands from
running all over Makeeda's gorgeous, dark, naked flesh.
"God, I've missed this body."
"Oh, that's all I am to you? A sexy body?"
Laura kissed her soulfully. "You are everything to me. But I do love this fantastic body, too, you know."
By now the cats had rejoined them
on the bed, realizing that the hot fucking and groaning was over, at least for
the present. They also seemed to have
recovered some temporarily lost memory of Makeeda's voice and smell and for the
first time were welcoming her home.
"I'll get some wine," Laura said,
snatching up her bathrobe from a nearby chair.
"And then I want to hear all about it.
Paris. I'm so envious I could squeal."
She returned in moments with a
freshly opened bottle and two stem glasses, and they lounged drowsily with the
cats for the next hour, while Makeeda gave her a slow, disjointed narrative of
her three weeks in Paris.
"They . . . really liked me, I
think," she said, modestly. "The reviews
were good. At least so I was told, since
I couldn't read them. The chairs were always filled. The clapping was loud. Everybody wanted to fuck me, just like New
York. Or L.A."
"Who could blame them?" Laura
purred, pushing her face into Makeeda bare shoulder and cupping one of her
astonishingly lovely breasts with one hand.
Makeeda looked alternately pensive
and hesitant, as if wondering whether to bring up something. Then, she almost shrugged. "I . . . ran into a friend of yours while I
was there."
This caused nothing but
silence. Laura wondered vaguely if
perhaps a friend of hers was vacationing in Paris
and had showed up at the club where Makeeda had been singing. Then, slowly, as she saw the knowing look in
Makeeda's enchanting hazel eyes, it began to dawn on her. "Shontay," she half-whispered.
Even though Shontay was an old
lover, she didn't yet know if Makeeda knew that. Shontay had been very secretive and, when
living in the U.S.,
reluctant to have it known that she liked to go to bed with girls, or really
with anyone. At least with me, Laura
thought, suppressing a smile. Though she could hardly get enough of it.
Makeeda smiled and nodded. "She said to say hi to you." But Makeeda, wonder of wonders, was
'blushing.' That is, she would be
blushing if she were as pale as Laura.
"That's all she said?" Laura
pressed forward. "Hi?"
Makeeda was mute, mysterious. "She . . . told me about you two."
Laura smiled, bemused. "She did?
I'm shocked. She never wanted
anyone to know, I think."
"She may have changed. She was at the club with two French
women. Afterward, they invited me to
their table. Then . . . they left . . .
and she stayed."
It slowly dawned on Laura that she
was going to be told something not trivial.
But she didn't want to hear it yet.
She steered the conversation.
"So, she told you about me. What
did she tell you?"
Makeeda smiled. "She thinks of you as the heroine of her
life. Just like I
think of you. We had something in
Laura laughed. "Yeah. You both got devoured by Laura."
Makeeda grinned warmly. "It's a bigger triumph than you might think."
Laura petted Mingus and rubbed his
tummy, in order to deflect her emotions since she could feel herself actually
blushing. "So . . ." she said,
brusquely. "You two went back to her
place and screwed the night away, right?
In memory of poor Laura, who was slumbering away here in Berkeley
with the cats."
Immediately she felt a little
guilty for saying this since she had actually been gulping down Deshona, and
Bonnie, and Nyomi in feverish fits of lust ever since Makeeda had departed for Paris. She saw Makeeda raise one eyebrow skeptically
since she knew Laura was no saint while she was away.
"She doesn't live in Paris
so she was staying in a nearby hotel.
She works for a big French company and was there on business. We went to her hotel."
"Are you really going to tell me
the details?" Laura asked, querulously.
She was always eager to hear details but felt a little ambivalent at the
"You don't have to be so snippy
about it," Makeeda said. "She invited
me. I was tired. Flattered. I accepted.
We had you in common. If we were
good with you, we might be good with each other. It isn't a federal offense."
"I'm sorry," Laura said contritely,
meaning it. "Really. I am. And
were you good together?"
A slow smile spread across
Makeeda's face. She set down her wine
glass on the bedstand and cuddled closer to Laura, pulling Laura away from the
cat, pushing her magnificent naked breasts against Laura's. "She can't compare with you," she murmured,
brushing Laura's face with her lips.
"Nobody can."
Laura laughed softly, finding it
impossible not to respond to this.
"You're evading the issue."
"Do you want me to tell you in
detail everything we did to each other?"
Makeeda smiled,
half-maliciously. "Then I guess you'd
better go get your box of goodies from the garage. Because I think you're going to have to . . .
you know . . . force it out of me." She posed the last few words as a
Laura was not surprised but she was
titillated by this suggestion. Ever
since discovering the box of dildos and ropes and handcuffs and gags and small
whips in the garage, where Laura had made an obviously inept attempt to conceal
it, Makeeda had been trying to coax Laura into initiating her into these dark
mysteries of sex. And to a degree she
had succeeded, having once manipulated Laura into handcuffing her, tying up her
breasts, fucking her with the Double Penetrator. It had been thrilling for them both, but
Laura had adroitly maneuvered her way out of repeating it ever since then.
This time she let one hand stray
down Makeeda's smooth but hard and muscular back to her ass, caressing it
first, then pinching one firm round asscheek sharply.
Makeeda winced, her body jerking in a spasm of pain. Then she burst into laughter. "You shit!"
"Can't take it, eh?" Laura teased
her, smiling.
She could see the water in
Makeeda's eyes, appearing there without warning. "You little shit," Makeeda repeated
playfully. "Just for that I'm not going
to tell you anything."
"Oh yes you are."
Laura was again stroking the firm,
round moon she had just pinched. Her
hand cupped one half of this miracle ass, and even though she was supposed to
be playing the role right now of the angry domina who was threatening dire
punishments, she could not help letting her entire body exult in the feel of
this marvelous woman's silky bare skin and taut round flesh under the slightly
moving palm of her hand. She knew this
was no threat, and she knew Makeeda also knew it, and also was exulting in it,
this closeness, this clutching hand on her ass, the hand of this woman who was
going to . . .
Going to what? Laura kissed her neck and continued stroking
her ass, moving her hand to the other cheek, then back. She let her mouth slide down to one of
Makeeda's full, firm breasts, sucking the large black nipple hungrily, still
caressing her ass. Makeeda squirmed. Her breath quickened.
"You keep this up . . ." she
panted, "and I might tell you . . . anyway."
"You are going to tell me," Laura snarled playfully, now rubbing
Makeeda's ass harder with her hand, squeezing the firm, resilient flesh, also
maneuvering Makeeda's pelvis so that her ass was more available. Makeeda was a willing subject and twisted in
the way indicated by Laura.
"You love my ass, don't you," she
murmured, eyelids heavy.
It was not a question. "When you are gone . . . I think of your ass
and masturbate before going to sleep," Laura murmured, a bold lie, since she
usually had already had numerous orgasms in the arms of one of her angels
before returning home for bed. "But I
don't do it very often because it scares the cats."
Makeeda nuzzled her neck just below
her jaw and ear. "You are an
incorrigible liar," she murmured, "but go right ahead because I love to hear
your lies."
Laura picked up the challenge. "Sometimes they leap in the air and dive off
the bed in fright when I come."
"Sure they do."
"They wonder how we can be fucking
when you're not here."
"God, you have a marvelous
Laura pinched her ass again.
"Ouch! That hurts!"
"Are you going to tell me how you
fucked Shontay's long, skinny body and made her squeal and whimper? Or do I have to spank you to get you to
Makeeda turned petulant, insolent,
rolling away, pursing her sensual lips defiantly. "I'm not telling you a thing, you little
bully. I'm stronger than you are. You know that. If you touch me you'll be sorry."
Ooohhhh, Laura thought, this is
getting to be fun! I'm getting horny as
hell. I'll bet she is, too. She lunged for Makeeda, who had scooted off
to a corner of the huge bed. "Come
here! I'm going to punish you."
"Like hell you are," Makeeda
exploded in laughter, scooting away further.
Moving around like this on the bed
made Makeeda's very firm breasts sway and swirl a little, which made Laura want
them more than ever. She wanted to
stroke and squeeze and suck them.
Makeeda could see it in her eyes, which could not stay away from her
naked, swaying breasts.
"You lecher!' she teased Laura.
"Come here, you bitch, so I can
spank you."
"In your dreams," Makeeda defied
Laura lunged for her again. This time the cats really did flee the
room. Things were getting too outrageous
for them. Laura grabbed Makeeda and
tried to turn her onto her stomach to spank her. Makeeda was having none of it. Giggling, she wriggled free, but not before
Laura got in another good, hard pinch to her bare ass.
"I'm gonna spank you sooooo hard!"
Laura threatened, nevertheless smiling.
Realizing that Makeeda was right,
she was stronger and quicker than Laura and would always stay just out of
reach, Laura lunged desperately, wildly for her again, this time grabbing her, overpowering
her and forcing her onto her back. The
thrill of all their warm, naked flesh rubbing together in this violent tussle
shot through them both. Laura rolled her
over and began smacking her luscious dark brown ass with the palm of her hand,
spanking her sharply and without mercy.
It was such a sexual thrill that
she wondered how either of them could stand it.
"Owww! Ungghhh!
Oh . . . oh shit! Owcchhhh! Shit!
Laura, that hurts! Aiieeee! Owwnnnncchhh!"
But Makeeda made no attempt
whatsoever to evade the loud smacks Laura was delivering with the flat of her
hand to her beautiful, shapely moons.
She even clenched them deliciously before each blow, the sight of which
made Laura's own pussy flutter and twitch.
She could hardly stop herself from letting her palm gently caress the bulging
round ball of each asscheek after smacking it hard. But she had to stay on message, within the
borders of her role. This was
punishment, feigned punishment of course, and not a loving, or even a lustful,
caress. It was meant to hurt, not too
much, but just enough.
And apparently it was working. Makeeda squirmed. Her face was contorted with pain, and tears
streamed down her cheeks.
"Owwnncchhh! Oh shit!
Stop, Laura stop! God . . . that
hurts! Aiiieee!"
But still she made no move to
escape. Laura's hand cracked into her bare
ass again and again. Laura herself was
so caught up in the sexual excitement of the moment that she was breathing too
hard to speak. And Makeeda knew it. Looking over her shoulder, she could see that
Laura was so deeply entangled in the sexual magic of this activity, as she
herself was, that anything was possible.
"Oh god . . . you're going to make
me come again," Makeeda gasped, as if astonished to discover it, as if this
wasn't where they had been heading all along.
"Yes . . ." Laura gasped, panting
feverishly now, still spanking her vigorously.
"Yes . . . I am! I'm going to
make you come hard, you bad little girl!"
She could see the shiny wet hot-pink
crease of Makeeda's swollen, aroused pussy glimmering below the full, gleaming
black moons of her incredible ass, this beautiful naked ass that she was
thwacking and smacking mercilessly. She
could even feel the warmth against her hand, now that she had whacked each hard
moon so sharply so many times.
Quickly, Makeeda twisted her body
to half-face Laura. "I want you to fuck
me with that strap-on!" she said in a half-desperate voice. "That one with the ridges. Quick. Can you get it?"
"It's in the living room. In my bag."
"Get it. Please!
Laura hopped off the bed, naked as
a jaybird, as the saying went, and dashed to the living room, where she
snatched up her small valise, which was behind one of the easy chairs. The cats peeked at her in awe from behind the
furniture. She was back in the bedroom
in a flash, quickly adjusting the apparatus, watching Makeeda's eyes widen as
she saw the long ridged stalk jut suddenly out of Laura's groin. Laura grinned at her.
"Open wide, you naughty little
thing, and take your punishment."
But by this time both of them had
trouble preserving the charade. Still
clearly tense from sexual need, Makeeda rolled onto her back and parted her
deliciously shaped dark brown thighs, exposing the entire long inflamed seam of
her aroused black-edged pussy, the interior of which glistened hot red and
shiny, and looked up at Laura with deeply submissive eyes. Laura slid up between them and lodged the
head of the dildo in the wet groove, then pushed it home almost violently,
ripping it up into Makeeda with a force that was perhaps sharper than she
"Ungghh!" she grunted, wincing as
the long, ridged shaft pierced her body.
"Oh . . . shit!"
Laura leaned down to embrace her
and immediately began to fuck her with almost savage rapacity, fucking her
deep, fucking her hard, snuffling and grunting herself as she slammed the dildo
into Makeeda's tight pussy and made her yelp and squeal. At the same time she held Makeeda's head in
both hands and kissed her ravenously, raping her mouth, sucking her neck,
biting her cheeks, nipping her earlobes, panting obscenities into her ears
while she fucked her pussy mercilessly, rapidly, deeply.
"Auungghh! Unh!
Unggh! Ohnnggg . . . oh
shit! Unghh! Laura . . . so . . . deep! Awwonngg!
Oh! Oh yes . . . right
there! Like that . . . ungghhh! Oh god!
Yes . . . yes!" Makeeda panted, whimpering, yelping, whinnying softly as
Laura fucked her.
But this rabid violence was
impossible to maintain for long. Laura,
afraid the dildo would slip out from all this frenetic thrusting, slid one hand
down to grip it. Now, still holding it
and sure it would stay in place, she picked up the pace again, stabbing it deep
into Makeeda's writhing body, watching her grimace and wince as the monster
sank deep into her cunt. Makeeda
jackknifed her legs and raised her knees high in the air on either side of
Laura's head, where they bobbed and swirled in the air as Laura repeatedly
slammed the stalk deep into her body, making her squeal and almost shriek with
fierce sexual excitement.
It was such a wild fuck that Laura
was amazed it could last as long as it did.
She found herself wondering if they had ever fucked this crazily. Maybe once or twice. Maybe not. Makeeda was squirming and writhing and
shrieking, Laura was grunting and thrusting sharply, and the bed creaked and
shook with the violent motion of their striving bodies. Laura devoured Makeeda's perfect breasts, and
still fucked her hard, her own body contorted into a
pile-driving mechanism of lust, plowing her, piercing her with love, sucking
Makeeda's swollen black nipples until she squealed.
"Aiiieeee! Ohnnggg . . . oh shit! Oh god!
Auunngghnnmmm! Owwnncchhh! Unh!
Unh! Yes! Yes!"
And then she began to make an
unearthly sound deep in her throat, a wild, eerie angel's cry of supreme
rapture, and Laura knew she was beginning to come. Makeeda's body suddenly relaxed into long,
flowing undulations instead of the sharp, jerky, convulsive spasms that had
been wrenching her only moments before this.
Then, out of the undulations she rose suddenly into a fierce stiffened
state, quivering and gasping, and then from that immediately dissolved into
twitches and strangled shrieks of ecstasy.
"Auunnngghmmnniieee! Ohnnnggghiiieeee! Unmmmmmm!
Ungh! Oh . . .
oh . . . auunnnggghmnnnniieee!"
She wailed and moaned and sobbed
through a long, wrenching episode of intense coming that was nothing like what
Laura had seen her do before. Not the
'I'm dying' orgasm that resembled a grand
mal seizure, or the other more normal kinds of climaxes akin to what ordinary
women had. This was a cataclysm of a new
kind for Makeeda, at least when she was climaxing in Laura's arms, a fiercely
intense thunderclap followed by a long, twitching release that summoned sweet
sounds from her throat that Laura had never heard before.
And then it was over, almost as
soon as it had begun. They lay panting,
Laura on top of Makeeda, then dildo still deeply embedded in Makeeda's body,
neither one willing to pull apart. "If
you move, I'll never speak to you again," Makeeda whispered into Laura's ear,
which was just inches from her lips.
"I'm here forever," Laura whispered
back. "I want to be buried this way."
Another minute passed without
either one speaking. Then Makeeda
whispered, "You are a little heavy,
though." She stirred as if to shift
Laura's weight to the side. "Been hitting
the Big Macs while I was gone?"
"You nasty thing," Laura smiled,
lifting her head so that they were face to face, still not moving, brushing her
lips against Makeeda's. "Are you
implying that I'm getting fat? Just for
that I might rape you again."
"Oh god," Makeeda
sighed theatrically, "please don't.
You'll put me in the hospital.
I've never been fucked that hard by anybody. You have more strength in this skinny little
body than anyone could ever imagine."
Now they disengaged and rolled
apart, Laura disposing of the wet strap-on and its harness at the end of the
bed, but not too far away since she was feeling a real need for Makeeda to
quickly return the favor. They stretched
out on their sides and embraced, kissing now more with deep love than sexual
Makeeda put her forefinger on
Laura's nose and kissed her forehead.
"Thank you for that. I really
needed it. You are the love of my life. And a flaming terror
between the sheets."
"You're embarrassing me," Laura blushed a little.
"Now tell me about your evening with Shontay. Or was there more than one. Evening, I mean."
Makeeda crinkled her nose. "One. Only one. She is very long and skinny. Much skinnier than you."
"Thanks for that, at least."
"It takes her forever to come. You knew that too."
Laura nodded. "But she's sweet in her vulnerability."
Makeeda shrugged. "Maybe. I didn't see that side of her. Maybe France
has changed her. My feeling was that she
was really fucking you through me. That
is, I was your lover, so she could get close to you again through me. I never had the feeling that she really cared
about being in bed with me for myself."
"Poor darling," Laura scooted
closer, pressing her entire body into Makeeda's. "How could anyone ever feel that way about
you? All I do, the whole day through, is
dream of you. And want you to fuck me. Why don't you do it now? And we'll pretend it's for Shontay, so she
gets her way. In honor of her, you do me
like I just did you."
Makeeda smiled, warming up to it
quickly. "Guess I could give it a
try." She kissed Laura more heatedly,
reaching down toward the end of the bed for the strap-on. "Think I'm just going to leave her out of it,
though. If you don't
Laura grinned and shook her head,
rolling onto her back in anticipation.
"I don't. I don't mind at all."