Laura - Chapter 318




Bonnie lay face down, dozing, on the Murphy bed, with Laura stretched out beside her, lazily caressing—and now and then leaning over to kiss—her long smooth dark back, and the incredible high sculptured black moons of her lovely bottom.  She smiled, feeling Laura's fingertips, occasionally Laura's lips, on her flesh.

"You, my darling," Laura purred, "have the most beautiful back and bottom in creation."

Bonnie smiled and opened her eyes but did not move her head off the sheet.  "You think every part of me is beautiful," she said, drowsily.  "How can I believe you?  I'm just a poor little pickaninny who works in a sandwich shop.  How can I be beautiful?  How come I ain't in the movies if I'm so beautiful?"

There wasn't much time to reflect at this moment, since Laura did feel an urgent need to quickly plug this hole in Bonnie's self-esteem.  But she did have a flash of realization that she had gone from the bed of a jet-set wonder, who had everything, to the Murphy bed of a sweet and simple girl who probably earned only a quarter of what she, Laura, even earned in a year.  And the basic truth was that you would never hear Amber Grant refer to herself as a 'pickaninny,' that was for sure.  She was confident that she was one of life's chosen, and indeed seemed to be, and lived the part fully, while Bonnie was in her own eyes just a marginal sandwich-shop girl, the 'jeans-and-tee-shirts kind of girl' she had told Laura she was after their little window-shopping date at Bloomingdale's.  Even though she didn't seem to pity herself, Laura felt a deep pang of sorrow for her.

"You are beautiful . . ." she purred again, now becoming more aggressive in her caresses, though certainly not initiating a new sexual episode.  Instead, she thought, an 'affection' episode.  "You are very lovely, inside and out."  She rolled over onto Bonnie, straddling her thighs and now massaging her whole back, leaning down to rub own her naked breasts lightly across it, squeezing Bonnie's round, firm asscheeks with her fingers.  "Believe me, I've been in bed with a lot of beautiful women, and you are right up there with them.  You don't lose any points whatsoever for being a sandwich-shop girl."

Bonnie said nothing but smiled.  Then she said, "That feels good.  You have good hands."

Laura massaged her splendid back in silence.  She kissed the nape of Bonnie's neck.  Bonnie had short hair and it was easy to do.  She then kissed the backs of her shoulders.

"You're gonna make me want to do it again if you keep that up," Bonnie warned softly, still smiling.

"Would you like me to see if I can find you a better job somewhere?" Laura heard herself asking, murmuring really, into the warm, sleek, deeply black skin of Bonnie's back.

Bonnie opened her eyes.  "Your company got jobs?"

"Actually . . . no," Laura shook her head.  "In fact, they're laying people off.  But I have lots of contacts.  I know somebody who works for the city."

Bonnie grinned, but her expression said that she knew better jobs existed but not for her.  Laura pressed ahead.

"Can you type?"

"A little."

"You can answer a phone.  Of course nowadays they don't need anybody to answer the phone.  The machine does it."

Bonnie nodded and looked serene.  "You stopped," she said, smiling lazily.

It was true.  Laura had stopped rubbing her delicious back while she cogitated seriously on job opportunities for Bonnie.  She resumed, leaning forward to kiss her between the shoulder blades.  She let her lips trail along the smooth, hard flesh below one of them.

"How does that feel?" she whispered.

"Feels like my pussy be getting all oily wet," Bonnie giggled softly.

Laura ran her cheek along the same firm flesh she had been kissing.  "Mmmm, I think I'm distracting you from our job search conversation."

"No kidding?  You could help me get a job with the city?" Bonnie asked, twisting over and up in a way that made Laura disengage and move back to her side.

"I could try.  Would you like that?"

Bonnie frowned.  "Then I'd be obligated to you."

"You would not.  I adore you."

"Wish you wouldn't say that all the time, Laura.  I know you're 'married,' as you put it.  You can't be adoring Bonnie Holland.  You got somebody to adore already.  I would be obligated to you."  She smiled her simple, beaming smile.  "Not that I'd mind.  You ain't really bad to be obligated to.  I could . . . you know . . . let you do things to me you want to do."

"You little tease," Laura pinched her thigh, which was difficult since Bonnie's thighs were well-muscled and hard.

Bonnie flirted.  She was completely naked and swished her delectable breasts a little, knowing how that would catch Laura's attention.  "And I could do things to you."

"You're doing them to me right now, you little tease.  You don't play fair."

They embraced and fell back down on the bed, their naked breasts mashing happily together.  Laura stroked Bonnie's back again with her fingertips. 

"No kidding, you really could?" Bonnie asked.

"Do you want me to?"

"I guess so.  I could sure use a little more money."

"You might have to work longer hours."

"Shit, I don't care.  Better than just sitting around here, waiting for your 'wife' to go out of town."

This rang an alarm bell deep in Laura's mind, alerting her to an issue she meant to revisit at the first opportunity.  Over-dependence on her attentions by any of her lovers was a red flag for Laura that she sought to lower as quickly and diplomatically as she could.  Fortunately, in Bonnie's case, if she could get her a better job, with perhaps more upside potential than the sandwich shop one, then Bonnie's life would be fuller; and she would probably attract a wider selection of sexual partners, probably of both sexes, than she did now.  Laura found her so compellingly simple, sweet, and sexy that she could not see how this could fail to be the case.

"You just need to branch out," Laura murmured, nuzzling her lovely black ear.  "Find some other bed buddies . . . you know . . . like me."

"You mean other girls?" Bonnie grinned impishly.  "You want to share me?"

Laura gave the appearance of thinking it over.  "A lovely woman like you should not restrict herself to one already-taken partner.  There's a lot of experience out there for you to grab."

"You mean lesbo experience."

"Not necessarily.  Men have their place too."

"I had a few of them," Bonnie said glumly.  "They ain't in the same league with you."

"Mmmmmm!" Laura grabbed her and squeezed her.  "You really know how to make me hungry for you.  Now turn back over.  I want to make love to your beautiful bottom."

Bonnie smiled coyly again.  "Long as you don't stick anything in it.  One thing I like about you more than a man.  You ain't always trying to stick something up my ass."

Little do you know, my pet, Laura thought, how I would like to ravish your beautiful posterior masterpiece.  And yet, since you trust me not to, I'll have to continue to coax you along.  You could go to heaven you haven't dreamed of yet.  But it will still be there.  She remembered how long it had taken even to get Bonnie this far.

"So . . . it's settled?" she asked, as she began to massage and rub and caress the phenomenal hard round up-jutting black moons of Bonnie's almost incredible ass.  "I'm going to see if I can get you a better job?"

"Sounds like a plan," Bonnie said dreamily, again relapsing into sensual bliss as Laura's magical fingers dug into the hard flesh of her gorgeous rump.  "That feels pretty good."

Some day you'll be like Dawn or Carmela or Ty, begging me to fuck you in this marvelous ass, my sweet, Laura murmured to herself.  But until then . . .

Since they had already fucked about an hour before this conversation, and had merely been lying and cooing together since then, Laura was certainly in no hurry to rush things.  She loved taking the time she had never taken before to explore every inch of Bonnie's sweet body, kissing every inch of each round moon, then running her lips down to the crease where it met the top of Bonnie's thigh, and exploring that with her tongue.  It was many long minutes before she even ventured into the deep, dark valley between them, rubbing it first gently with her forefinger, which sank a little deeper with each pass.

Bonnie said nothing, but Laura could notice her breathing subtly accelerating.  She whimpered softly once.  She was still smiling dreamily.

Of course, it wasn't every day that someone made love to your ass.  In Bonnie's case, Laura reasoned, perhaps never.  Men wanted to fuck it, true, but they probably never worshipped it as she was doing now. 

"Ooooohhh!" Bonnie yelped softly, suddenly, as Laura's teeth sank gently into the firm round flesh of one bulging moon.  Then she giggled, squirming a little.  "You biting me too?  You evil thing?"

"Grrrrr!  I want to eat you alive," Laura growled playfully, nipping her other round cheek now the same way.

Bonnie laughed and squirmed some more, then stopped squirming and began softly moaning instead.  "Shit . . . Laura, that feels good!"

"Mmmmm, you like that?"

Laura let her lips roam all over the beautiful, bulging black moons, baring her teeth now and then to take firm, smooth chunks of it between them, never biting hard but just enough to send a squirt of sensation through Bonnie's writhing body.  Bonnie was beside herself with sensual pleasure, moaning softly now and gyrating her ass up into Laura's face, as if she couldn't get enough.

Without breaking the rhythm of her kisses and caresses, Laura reached up for a pillow and pulled it down, gently maneuvering Bonnie so that she could slip it under her hips, thus raising her ass up and exposing the festering, wet, dark pink slot of her lovely pussy just beneath the swelling black moons of her ass.  Now Laura's voracious mouth could roam across the sweet lower regions of this marvelous girl with ease, and soon she was nipping and sucking the smooth ass flesh that was closer and closer to Bonnie's swollen, puckering wet vagina, and making Bonnie quiver and clench and whoop softly.

"Ooooooohhh!  Oh . . . oh god . . . oh Laura . . . oh shit that feels good!"

"Oh, I want your pretty pussy," Laura cooed to her, now touching the warm wetness with two, three fingers, rubbing Bonnie's exposed clit, dipping lower with her head, trying to get her mouth on it too.  "Scoot your ass up a little higher, honey," she coaxed Bonnie, who quickly complied, rising a little on her knees to make her pussy more available to Laura.

"Unnhhhh!" she gasped softly as Laura began to lick and suck her oozing cunt the same way she had been licking and sucking Bonnie's ass moons.

That meant a full-scale passion assault, a voracious slurping and sucking and mouth-mauling that was probably not what Bonnie had expected since it seemed to ratchet up her arousal to about triple the initial intensity.  She began to twist and whimper and gyrate her pelvis, pushing her wet, inflamed cunt into Laura's mouth.  Meanwhile, Laura was using the distraction of her busy mouth on Bonnie's aching pussy to further her other aims, getting two fingers into Bonnie's tight little ass crack, between the magnificent moons, and rubbing her fingertip against Bonnie's tight little anus.

She had no intention of invading it but wanted to give Bonnie the added hint of the fierce pleasure she could get if she desired it.  And Bonnie responded by writhing more violently and whimpering more hysterically.

"Ohhnnngggg . . . uuummmnnnn . . . oh Laura . . . oh shit oh god . . . yes . . . yes yes . . . unnhhhhhh!" she babbled incoherently, shimmying her terrific ass up into Laura's face and hand.

Oh honey, you are going to come, Laura said to herself, as if realizing they had got there sooner than she had expected to.  You are going to come so hard.  You are getting very hot.  God, I love this beautiful ass.  I just want to devour it. 

"Oh Laura . . . oh yes . . . oh Laura . . . oh yes . . ." Bonnie chanted over and over into the sheet.

Laura heard herself grunting and snuffling softly with almost unconscionable passion as she hungrily devoured every sweet piece of Bonnie's beautiful black ass and pussy, rubbing Bonnie's hidden anus vigorously with the tip of her finger, using her other hand to massage Bonnie's swollen clit rapidly, bringing her up, up, closer, closer to the inevitable.  Bonnie was a wreck, her lovely writhing body wound as tightly as Laura had ever seen her, straining and flexing, her sleek black flesh glimmering in the dim evening light.

"Unh . . . unh!" Bonnie gasped as she swirled her beautiful round ass back and up into Laura's face.  "Oh!  Oh . . . Laura . . ." she panted, looking over her shoulder, her face screwed up in a sweet agony of sexual pleasure.  "Put . . . put your hand in me.  Like before.  Please."

Laura was caught a little by surprise, but not much.  The very first time they had fucked, Laura almost by accident had ended up fisting Bonnie, who had experienced, apparently, the orgasm of her life.  Ever since then Bonnie had become semi-addicted to this practice—which was not difficult, Laura knew, remembering Brenda and Mavis and a few others—and often tried to get Laura to do it again.  From time to time Laura complied.  Who could deny her lover the kind of stirring, electrifying climaxes Bonnie had this way?  And yet she often simply turned aside the request by a flood of hot passion so that it receded into the background until next time.

They had never done it from this position; Bonnie had always been on her back, where she could at the last moment reach down desperately and grab Laura's wrist, then literally rape herself wildly on it for the last few seconds before erupting in a shattering paroxysm of coming.  That wouldn't work now, but there was otherwise nothing at all to prevent Laura from complying.  She gazed into the festering, dark red, wet trench of Bonnie's gaping pussy, which glistened with juice as if beckoning her fingers, her hand, all slippery and gooey and in no need of more lubrication.

"Please!" Bonnie panted again, twitching her beautiful ass back into Laura's face.  "Please, Laura . . . please!"

"Oh honey . . . oh honey!" Laura murmured over and over again, not knowing whether she was promising to deliver or trying to divert Bonnie's attention to a quick orgasm, which would have been no difficulty given her current state. 

But Bonnie's feverish need got the better of her.  Hell, if she wants it, she's got it, Laura thought.  How can I deprive her?

She formed a little wedge with her fingers, and within seconds her whole hand was sunk in Bonnie's tight, wet pussy.  She had always figured that one reason Bonnie loved this so much was that she had such a tight one, a very tight one, and that feeling it so thoroughly crammed with Laura's fist was a sensation that could never be matched in any other way.  It certainly was tight.

But it was also slippery wet and warm and squinchy, and Laura twisted her hand inside to give Bonnie the feelings she craved.  At the same time, she completely mouth-mauled the girl's beautiful round bottom, sucking and biting her smooth black ass cheeks, and rubbing her anus vigorously with the forefinger of her free hand.  Bonnie went absolutely wild.

This wasn't going to be any long, slow, smoldering build-up.  She was nearly coming already.  And her crazy, hysterical snorting and snuffling and grunting and flexing and squirming had an electrical effect on Laura, arousing in her the fierce lust required to bring Bonnie quickly over the top.  Both of them were a wild, whimpering union of pumping, surging hot flesh.

"Unhhhh!  Unngggmmnnnhhh!  Ohnnnnggg!  Umpphgghhh!" Bonnie groaned and panted, nearly there, nearly there.

And Laura was equally vocal, though completely incoherent, she realized.  She seemed to answer every one of Bonnie's grunts and moans with sympathetic grunts of her own.  "Mmmmm . . . unnnnuummnnnnn . . . ungghhh!  Ohnnnggg!  Ummmmm!"

"Ooonngggg!  Laura . . ." Bonnie panted wildly, her face contorted with fierce pleasure.  "Harder!  Do it . . . ooonnggggg . . . do it harder!"

Laura was amazed.  Bonnie was such a sweet, shy, unassuming little thing, and yet in the heat of sex she could turn into a demon of lust, craving to be really pierced and skewered and roughed up by Laura's thrusting fist.  She had done it before.  She was sunk in a writhing seizure of extreme need and did not mind showing it, begging Laura to fuck her harder.

Ever willing, Laura picked up the pace, fucking Bonnie with her hand harder and faster, bringing more semi-hysterical whimpering from deep in Bonnie's lungs.  Her hand inside Bonnie's pussy felt the contracting walls a split second before Bonnie herself even knew she was actually coming.  But the arrival of the wrenching, rupturing orgasm overwhelmed both of them anyway. 

"AWWWOONNGGGG!" Bonnie suddenly cried out, her luscious smooth body flipping and jerking spasmodically, but not enough to expel Laura's plunging hand.

Laura actually had a chunk of Bonnie's marvelous ass between her teeth just as the spasm hit, and of course it slipped out as Bonnie's ass cheek clenched into a hard ball.  But her forefinger remained embedded deep in Bonnie's clenching asscrack, and she pressed her fingertip sharply against the girl's anus, rubbing it for maximum effect, and still slobbering hungrily over the gleaming black moons of Bonnie's ass as the wrenching shocks of Bonnie's orgasm ran their course.

It wasn't quick.  Bonnie came unbelievably hard, whinnying into the sheet, her body quaking and straining, until the last excruciating drop of sweet pleasure had been squeezed out of her multiple orgasms.  Even after that she lay face down, gasping and whimpering and twitching, with Laura's forearm still sticking up out of her impaled cunt.  Laura wiggled her hand gently, as if about to withdraw it. 

"Ahhhnnnn!   Ahhnnnnn!" Bonnie gasped, wincing.  "Please . . . not yet!  Okay?  Not yet."

She clenched her pussy around Laura's hand, pulsing it a few times, almost playfully, smiling with her eyes closed.

"You little minx," Laura teased, kissing her beautiful black buns tenderly.  "You are enjoying this too much."

"What's a minx?"  Bonnie continued smiling, still pinching Laura's hand now and then with her pussy.

"I don't know.  A wanton woman, I guess."  She nipped another hard round piece of flesh from Bonnie's lovely bare bottom.  "Like you are."

"You know, men like it when you squeeze their cock with your pussy like this," Bonnie said, as if Laura, being a lesbian, needed to be informed of these things.

"I'll bet they like it when you do it," Laura murmured, unwilling to let her feasting on this marvelous ass be interrupted.

Now Bonnie opened her eyes.  "Does that mean you don't like it?"

"I love it.  But I'm getting a cramp," Laura confessed as she carefully extracted her wet hand from the girl's delightful tight honey pot.  "If you ask me, I think you came enough to last you three weeks that time."

Bonnie nodded thoughtfully.  "Guess it'll have to hold me.  I tried it myself but my arm isn't long enough."

Laura smiled.  "Now that is an image I will have no trouble recalling.  The naked, infinitely desirable Bonnie lying here on this Murphy bed trying to get her own hand up her beautiful pussy.  I think that'll be enough to get me off at any point during the day.  Or night."

"You never need help doing that," Bonnie scoffed, sitting up.  "Bet you have three or four girls you can call up if you need a quick little fuckie."

Laura hated this kind of conversation.  She grabbed Bonnie and pulled her back down onto the sheet on her back, running one hand all over Bonnie's beautiful small high breasts, so firm and upswept, and kissing her cheek and then her high cheek bones.  "Nobody with Choctaw Indian cheekbones like these, you marvelous creature," she said, tickling Bonnie under her arms and diverting her into a friendly tussle that ending in a romantic kiss, and ultimately in another sweet sexual clinch during which Laura received payment in full for her recent sweet labors.



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Laura and Nyomi were under the covers in Nyomi's bed, embracing and kissing and murmuring excitedly, waiting for Alana to fall asleep.

"How will we know when she drifts off?" Laura whispered.

"I'll check in a minute.  You are getting me pretty hot.  Can't you keep your hands from running all over me?"


Nyomi laughed softly.  "Good."

"While we're waiting, though . . . I have a question."


"I have a friend who needs a job.  A better job.  Do you think there's any way you could get her on with the city?"

"Is this one of your little fuck bunnies?"

"What a thing to say!"

Nyomi ran one hand down Laura's back to her ass and lightly pinched one bun.  She didn't dare pinch it any harder since Laura would yelp.

"Ouch!"  Laura muffled her outcry with the back of one hand.

"Why should I help one of my rivals get a job?" Nyomi asked.

"She's not a rival.  She's a sweet girl who works in a sandwich shop.  I just thought it might help her to get something a little more substantial.  That pays better, too."

"Is she cute?  Do you like fucking her?"

"You are about the meanest woman I've ever met," Laura half-hissed.  "Just forget it."

Nyomi grabbed her with both arms and pulled Laura's naked body close, so that their breasts mashed together, though Laura's were nearly overwhelmed by Nyomi's much bigger globes.  "Don't be angry.  Don't get petulant.  Or rather, stay that way a little.  It makes you fiery when you do me.  Hold on, I'll go see if she's asleep."

She slipped out of the bed and into her bathrobe, though not quickly enough to stop Laura from drinking in her gorgeous naked statuesque black body with her hungry eyes.  "You are a goddess," Laura murmured.

Nyomi gave her a sexy smile as she headed down the hallway.  In seconds she was back.  She closed the door very carefully, then turned to Laura with a broad smile.  "Guess what.  Slumberland!"  She loosened the tie of her bathrobe and flung it open like a flasher.  "Ta da!"

"Bring that delicious body over here," Laura grinned.

Nyomi slowly approached the bed, grinning temptress fashion, doing an impromptu strip, posing by draping various parts of her fluffy pink bathrobe across various parts of her spectacular body.  When she got close enough, Laura reached out and grabbed her, pulling her onto the bed.

"I luff you madly and want to fuck you," she murmured into Nyomi's long black neck, nipping her earlobe.  She helped Nyomi wriggle out of the parts of the bathrobe that were still covering her flesh.  "I want to ravish and rape you."

"Oooohh . . . you horny white lesbians are all alike," Nyomi teased, rolling onto her back, holding her arms up to Laura.  "You just want a poor little black girl for sex, not for her intrinsic beauty and her enchanting character."

"I guess you're right about that," Laura panted, filling her hands with the woman's magnificent breasts, running her thumbs across Nyomi's very large dark brown nipples.  "You have about the largest areolas I ever saw," she murmured, feeling her mouth water for them.  "And look how those lovely tiny bumps rise up all over them when I do this."

"It's because they want to be sucked by you," Nyomi purred, her eyelids growing heavy.  "Nobody in my life ever sucked them like Laura does."

            "Mmmmm . . ." Laura lowered her lips to one, "then you have to promise me you will be in charge of not yelping or screaming.  Mama gets too involved when she's satisfying her oral mania, you know.  I just live to suck these beauties.  I can't pay attention to stopping your very erotic noises.  Remember, your little girl thinks we are merely getting naked and kissing."

Nyomi smiled happily.  "Leave it to me.  If she wakes up, I'll explain."

"Boy, I will love to hear that one," Laura grinned, scooping up one magnificent large breast in both hands and running the tip of her tongue all over Nyomi's wide, dark areola, then licking the thick center stub aggressively.

"Hhhhhh . . . hhhhhh!" Nyomi panted, already very aroused, looking down at Laura's tongue on her wet nipple.

They had again taken to fucking while Alana was asleep in the other room, mainly so that Nyomi could avoid the salacious innuendoes Alana's grandmother, Nyomi's own mother, made about her daughter's perverse sexual liaisons when Nyomi left Alana there overnight.  The good side was that Laura got to see Alana, and vice versa, and that Nyomi didn't have to hear her mother's snide jabs.  The down side was that they had to be quieter than Laura liked or than Nyomi was frequently capable of being.  She was a squealer and screamer, and Laura brought out the wildest side of her nature, so that shrieking into a pillow had become a required moment in their passionate clinches.

By now Laura had Nyomi's entire large nipple in her mouth.  She cradled Nyomi's beautiful firm round breast in both hands and devoured Nyomi's hardening nipple with patient skill, pinching it with her lips, sucking it with her throat, gently gnawing it with her teeth, until Nyomi was making little soft screeching noises deep in her chest.

"Mnngghheee . . . mnngghheee . . ." she half-wheezed, tossing her head, grimacing with intense pleasure.  "Oh shit . . . you do that sooooo good!"

"Well," Laura teased.

Nyomi laughed briefly, squinting down her body at Laura.  "Okay, well.  Do it some more.  Oh god, it feels good!"

Laura could really get into breast worship, especially with breasts like these.  She spent perhaps another full minute sucking and licking this large wet nipple, taking the whole thing into her mouth and sweetly tormenting it with passionate sucking.  Nyomi tried to control her whimpering but often seemed on the verge of keening sharply.  Then Laura would pull back, and dampen down her ardor for a moment.

She moved to Nyomi's other beautiful breast and did the same thing for another full minute, cradling it, squeezing it, licking it, sucking it, trying to ingest it.  Nyomi's elbows hammered the mattress.  "God . . . you're making me so wet!  I'm going to come so fast!"

"Just make sure you have that pillow near, my darling," Laura purred.  "I don't want to be hurrying home just because you squealed and woke her up."

"Damn it, would you shut up about her?" Nyomi snapped crossly, lifting her head up long enough to glower at Laura.  Then it plopped back down.  "I'm . . . sorry.  Just . . . oh, just go on . . . and quit thinking about her.  You're supposed to be thinking about me . . . about fucking me."

"And I am," Laura grinned.  "Who could ever stop thinking about it?"

This seemed to have momentarily disrupted their rhythm, and accordingly Laura shifted gears downward, for the present abandoning these scrumptious large breasts and scooting up again to kiss Nyomi warmly, rapaciously. 

"I think I'm going to come if you touch me," Nyomi whispered, her grey eyes swirling with happy, pulsing sex.

"I am going to make you wait," Laura teased her softly, kissing her neck and shoulders.  "I am going to make you beg me."

"I'm begging you now.  How's that?  No more waiting.  I'm begging.  Just . . . you know . . . do your magic.  Just kiss and suck my pussy.  I'll come so fast.  I know it.  You've really got me aroused.  You know how to do that."

Laura kissed her nose affectionately.  "That's not begging.  I want you to beseech and implore me.  Really grovel."

"Oh god . . . you bitch!" Nyomi laughed.  "You are such a bitch.  Why do I luff you so much?"

"Mmmm, because I make you pant," Laura murmured, again kissing every exposed part of Nyomi's thrilling body she could reach with her lips.

Nyomi writhed and arched her back, making her body even more breathtaking than usual.  Laura quickly slid down between her thighs.  Nyomi's pussy was one she frequently daydreamed of love-assaulting in this particular way.  The black orchid, as she always thought of it.  A gorgeous wet flower with thick, floppy black petals and a vivid hot pink interior, with a formidable round bud at the top.  Nyomi had a very large clit, not as big as Randi's giant, but still pretty big, a protuberant bulb that invited the most passionate attentions and that was very sensitive.

When Nyomi said that she would come if only Laura touched her, Laura knew she was telling the truth.  She came easily and quickly, as Laura did herself, and so the sweet protracted torment of delayed satisfaction played a more prominent role in their love-making than it usually did, since usually you had to help many others get there instead of detaining them.  And right now detaining Nyomi was a challenge.

She was churning and mewling excitedly.  Her voluptuous naked body straining and flexing nearly drove Laura wild with lust.

"Oh god!  Oh god . . . Laura, do it!  Oh . . . oh please . . . oh Laura . . . please, do it!  Please!"

What could be more heavenly than to have your mouth on Nyomi's beautiful, aroused, wet pussy?  Her bulbous, shiny, pinkish clit was already protruding proudly from its sleek hood at the top, as if daring Laura to tongue and suck it aggressively, and so Laura avoided it scrupulously, kissing and sucking everything else, taking one of Nyomi's big cunt lips into her mouth and toying with it, then the other, then insinuating her tongue as deep as it would go into the hot glistening sleeve, and wiggling it, feeling Nyomi's whole body quake and quiver with need.

Even though Nyomi, like Bonnie before her, thoroughly discouraged any invasion of her anal passage, Laura well knew that a little rubbing of it on the outside would enhance any orgasm, as it had done with Bonnie a few days earlier.  Her finger quickly found the tight little rosebud between Nyomi's large, firm asscheeks, and she massaged it carefully while sucking the girl's pussy even more hungrily, letting Nyomi know that they were now headed for the finish line, that sweet release was only moments away.

And a good thing, too.  Nyomi was twisting and whimpering and straining in the rumpled pale yellow sheets, her dark brown body a masterpiece of sleek flesh, her full breasts bobbing and swirling, her hips churning as she pushed her pussy hard into Laura's mouth. 

"Oh . . . oh!" she gasped softly, obviously trying not to cry out in a way that would awaken her sleeping daughter down the hall.

She grabbed her own large breasts in her hands, squeezing them hard and twisting and pulling her own swollen, dark nipples in a way that made hot spurting fires squirt through Laura's own pussy as she watched, seeing Nyomi descend into a true, roiling, surging ocean of need.  Nyomi began to whoop softly and urgently deep in her chest, despite her promise to be as silent as possible.  Laura realized that she could not control these helpless whoops and gurgles and gasps of incoherent sexual hunger.

"Unnnmmgghh!  Ohhh!  Ooohhnnggg!"

"Quiet!" Laura cautioned in a loud whisper.  "Quiet, honey!"

""Mmmnnngghmmmnnnneeee!" Nyomi responded, trying desperately to keep her cries under control, but not succeeding.

Laura was deeply involved sucking the black orchid.  She cast a quick glance around for the pillow but couldn't see it.  And yet there was no way she was going to interrupt her present feast.  Nyomi's beautiful black pussy danced in front of her mouth, puckering and oozing and inflamed, ready to come, eager to be tongue-plundered by Laura's clever mouth.  How could she turn away merely to search for a pillow, and thus break the pulsing momentum they had built up together?

The glistening red meat of the interior of Nyomi's beautiful pussy was tangy and hot against her tongue.  She devoured it with singular skill and insatiable desire, now rubbing the tightly closed little aperture of Nyomi's rectum with one fingertip, while finally consenting to suck the girl's hard, throbbing clit to encourage the arrival of the sharp convulsions she knew were only seconds away.

"Annhhhgggg . . . ohhh!  Ohhmmngggg!  Unngghmmnneee!" Nyomi gasped and gurgled, churning wildly now, digging her heels into the mattress, pumping upward with her spastically jerking pelvis.  "Oh yes . . . oh yes!  Oh god . . . yes!  YES!"

"Quiet . . . honey," Laura begged her again.  "She'll wake up."

Too late.  A strangled cry of ecstasy ripped itself from Nyomi's constricted throat.

"Ummnngghmmgggnneeeee!" she wailed, a piercing cry.  "Unggghhh!  Ohnnmmnnggeeee!"

Her entire voluptuous body went into long, wave-like spasms, rolling and surging with the flow of a tumultuous orgasm through her flesh, and Laura held on for the ride, her lips pressed closely to Nyomi's pussy as the palpitations gradually died away after nearly a minute or two of fluttering.  After her first piercing cries she managed to get control of herself and merely whimpered softly through the rest, but in truth both of them were caught in the fierce rapture of her climax for long minutes.

"Oh shit . . ." Nyomi finally gasped, blinking, leaning up on one elbow, trying to regain her senses, her startling grey eyes still foggy and streaked red with sex.  It was then that she looked over to the side of the bed and saw Alana standing there in her pajamas with an expression of rapt awe and wonderment on her face.  "Oh god . . . Alana . . ." Nyomi said, her voice hushed with shock, but also with stunned and stupefied amazement.

Laura peeked up over one of Nyomi's hard, beautiful, brown thighs, her face still nearly embedded in Nyomi's crotch and her mouth smeared and glossy with Nyomi's cunt juices, to see Alana staring wide-eyed at her too.

"Why are you kissing Mommy's kitty?" Alana asked softly, in the same tone she might use to ask, What's on the other side of the moon?

Laura blinked and slowly moved to a sitting position.  "Uh . . . she said it was okay," she half-stammered, not knowing what to say.  She looked at Nyomi, whose face was still paralyzed by a mixture of her orgasm's aftermath and her dismay at being discovered by her daughter.  "It . . . makes her feel good," she explained softly to Alana.  "I did it to make her feel good.  I really like your Mommy."

"I never knew people kissed each other's kitty," Alana said, sensibly.

Nyomi sighed.  "Sometimes they do, honey.  When they really like each other.  When they're grownups.  Kids don't do it.  I don't want you doing it until you're a grownup.  Okay?"

Only now did she seem to realize—Laura too—that they were both stark naked.  Nyomi slowly pulled the sheet up to cover her breasts, but Laura, resigned, simply let Alana stare at her body. 

"You screamed," Alana said to Nyomi.  "If it made you feel good, why did you scream?"

Nyomi smiled wanly, as if thinking, Would this never end?  But then she softened.  She patted the edge of the mattress, inviting Alana to sit there.  Laura unobtrusively slid under the sheet next to Nyomi so that she was now partially covered.  Alana perched on the edge of the bed, still wide-eyed and curious.

"I . . . guess I screamed because . . . it felt so good," Nyomi explained patiently.  "You know, sort of like when you get a present at your birthday?  One you really wanted?  And you scream?  It's because you feel good, right?"

Alana nodded.

"That's the way Laura made me feel.  Good.  Really good."  She winked at Laura.  "Now.  What do you say we get you back in your own little beddie and off to sleep.  You've got school in the morning and we don't want you to be tired, do we."

"I want to stay here with you and Laura.  Can't I sleep here?"

Nyomi frowned, but not angrily.  "Laura has to go home in a few minutes.  Tell you what.  You go back and sleep in your own bed.  Then, when Laura leaves, I'll bring you in here with me."

Alana consented but reluctantly.  Laura kissed her on the forehead, and Nyomi slipped on her own fluffy pink robe and trotted her back down the hall to her own bedroom.  When she returned, she shed the robe and slid under the sheet with Laura and embraced her ardently, kissing her with deep passion, rubbing her voluptuous warm naked body into Laura's.

"You don't have to go yet.  It's still early.  Just doze with me and I will make it worth your while after she goes back to sleep."

"You hope."

"I know," Nyomi chuckled.  "I gave her a Benadryl pill.  Naughty me."

"Mmmm," Laura murmured into her smooth neck, "I want to be fucked by you.  I guess I can wait."

They did doze and cuddle for about half an hour.  Just opening her eyes and seeing this amazingly beautiful naked woman in her arms from time to time was enough to get Laura's heart racing.  Nyomi caught her looking after about the ninth time and cocked her head, smiling saucily.

"Are you ready to be fucked by me, as you put it?"

"I think I am."

"Let me check on Miss All Ears."  Nyomi left and returned, all in fewer than two minutes.  "Gone," she whispered.  "Snoring.  Cute."  She slipped out of her robe again, this time more slowly, letting Laura gaze at her incredible statuesque body, her large dark circular nipples glimmering in the light from the fat candle she had lit earlier.  Then she again slid under the sheet with her.  "Here, come to me, my luff, and let me fuck you until you beg me to stop."

In seconds she had Laura panting rapidly, then mewling softly.  Nyomi had needed very little practice in girl-girl love to become an expert, and in a minute or so she had Laura keening and twisting and bucking gently.  Laura was so aroused by having previously brought the beautiful Nyomi to her thrilling orgasm, and by having to wait this long while Alana went back to sleep, that she was teetering on the edge very quickly, kept there only by Nyomi's clever skill, mostly in imitation of Laura herself, at prolonging the sweet agony.

Nyomi spent another minute sucking Laura's aching nipples.  "I'll bet you like this, don't you," she purred, holding Laura's small breasts in both hands and licking Laura's taut, excited, coral nipples in a controlled frenzy, sucking them intermittently, but not hard enough to bring on a premature climax.  "I wish I had pretty little boobs like these instead of my big ones.  I know people like big ones, but I think these are so much prettier.  Mmmmm, I love to suck Laura's pretty nipples."

"Oh!  Unhhhh!  Oh!" Laura gasped, digging her fingers into the firm flesh of Nyomi's back and shoulders.  "Oh honey . . . I need it fast!"

"Well . . . you aren't going to get it fast, my dear," Nyomi murmured to her, maneuvering Laura's body and her own so that she could slip one leg under Laura's and bring her own pussy up into Laura's crotch.  "We are going to grind our sweet way to heaven."

Instead of lying perpendicular to one another, Nyomi was clearly intent on being the one in charge.  Laura was flat on her back, indeed being fucked by Nyomi, as she had requested, and Nyomi was above her at a right angle, her luscious large breasts swaying as she began to push her cunt rhythmically into Laura's.  When she leaned forward, Laura could reach up and fill her hands with Nyomi's spectacular breasts, squeezing them and twisting Nyomi's big nipples.  Nyomi smiled and leaned down further, kissing Laura feverishly.

"Mmmmm, that feels good," she smiled again, picking up the pace.

"Oh god . . ." Laura gasped, reaching down between them with one hand.   "Here . . . let me . . ."

Trib was always good, but she always craved to make it even better by being able to feel the raw, wet flesh of her lover's pussy sliding against her own.  She could only do this by using her fingers to spread their lips, which she was now doing, even though it was difficult since Nyomi was pumping and grinding harder and faster as they both became more aroused and closer to finishing. 

"Oh god!"

"Yes, Laura.  Unnhhhhh!  Unhhh!  Oh shit . . . I think I might come too!" Nyomi gasped.  Her luscious breasts swirled.  Her beautiful face winced.  She pumped frantically.

Laura pumped back.  "Anngghh!  Oh!  Ummngghh!  Yes!  Yes!"

She realized that they were already making more noise than they had planned.  They had begun this without even making sure there were pillows close by to scream into.  Crazily, Laura's gaze chased around the bed to find them.  There was one close enough to her so that a long reach and grasp brought it closer.  And just in time, too.  Nyomi was bearing down on her, looming over her, grinding, pumping, churning.  Laura could feel the large, thick flaps of Nyomi's cunt lips crushing into the open wet slit of her own spread pussy, and pushing and rubbing against her swollen clit, and it was certainly enough to tip her over the edge.  She fell into a sweeping wave of hot, pulsing bliss, her helpless cries gargled and then smothered by the pillow, which she snatched over in front of her mouth at the last second.

"Ummmpphggmmmggnnff!  Ohmmmnngggfff!  Arrrnnggmmnnff!" she grunted into the pillow.

Nyomi, who had seemed briefly about to come herself, did not, but she flung herself down onto Laura, hugging her and kissing her as the sweet spasms of Laura's climax began to feather away and dissipate into long, slow, shimmering sighs of ecstasy.  But she never really stopped moving, and seconds later through the fog of her own afterglow Laura realized that Nyomi's body was flexing and shuddering, and she was moaning softly into Laura's shoulder.  She was coming after all.

"Ohhhhnnnnnnnn!" she moaned softly, not a sharp, exuberant outcry like before, but instead a soft, almost sighing moan.  "Ahhnnnnnnn!"

"Oh yes, honey, oh yes!" Laura murmured to her, stroking her shoulders, again caressing her magnificent breasts, which were hard not to keep touching.

They were awkwardly contorted together like this, and yet they didn't dare to move for fear of bringing a premature end to this sweet bliss.  Finally, though, Laura could not breathe, and Nyomi feared getting a cramp.  They disentangled their limbs and stretched out side by side, embracing.

"We are very good at that," Nyomi whispered, as if astonished. 

"I know."

"I didn't think I could come.  You made me.  When you started screaming into the pillow, I . . . just felt it . . . coming toward me, you know?  And it took a while, and then it was there.  I don't know if I've ever had that kind of orgasm before.  It just came on me so slowly, but then it spread through me and I was twitching and panting.  Wow.  What a way to come.  You are a miracle."

"I had nothing to do with it," Laura demurred.  "It was because you fucked me so beautifully.  You got the payoff."

Nyomi smiled, as if embarrassed.  "I really loved doing it," she said.  "You are special."

"So are you."  Laura kissed her nose. 

"Can you stay?"

Laura shook her head.  "Remember, I have to go home and feed the cats."

Nyomi pouted.  "Damn cats.  I think you have them just so you'll have an excuse to leave me."

"Not true.  But they are my responsibility."

"Can you come over tomorrow?"

"Depends," Laura smirked playfully.  "Can you help my friend get a job with the city?"

"You're little fuck bunny?" Nyomi scowled, making her beautiful face look as evil as possible, which was very hard.

Laura scowled back.  "Okay, I'm not coming over."

Nyomi softened.  "The city has a civil service system.  You have to take a test, get on a list, all that."

"Did you do all that?"

Nyomi shook her head.  "Some jobs . . . the major's office, stuff like that, are exempt."

"Maybe you could find her one of those jobs.  Or at least grease the wheels with the civil service."

Nyomi grinned and cocked her head.  "If I say yes, you'll come over tomorrow night?"

"Wild horses couldn't keep me away."

"Black mail."

"White mail," Laura winked.

Nyomi wilted.  "Okay, here, let me find one of my cards you can give her," she said, rummaging, still fetchingly naked, through her purse.






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