Laura - Chapter 316



Tonya, whom Laura had found so compellingly desirable that she had temporarily transgressed her rule of recent years against getting involved with anyone from work, had only stayed at their company a few weeks before quitting and moving to Silicon Valley with her mother.  The evening she had arrived late for their tryst with her friend Ty, when her aunt had suffered a stroke and Tonya had accompanied her mother to the hospital, was actually the last time Laura had seen her.  Her aunt had subsequently taken a turn for the worse, then died, and she and her mother had moved south to Mountain View to live with other relatives.

Laura did not miss her much at the time since she was involved deeply with Makeeda while she was home, then with Nyomi and Bonnie, but occasionally her thoughts drifted back to the golden-hued girl with the spectacular body, the girl who admired her own nakedness in the mirror and even asked her lover to comment on its perfection, the girl who could also lie down while drunk and allow six men to fuck her in sequence at a party, behavior that made Laura smile and shudder in the same instant.  Tonya was a caution, and a whirlwind in bed.  And she did have a perfect, dark golden body.  Wow.

These thoughts did not come to Laura until well after Makeeda had embarked on her latest jaunt, to a club in Orlando, then one in Atlanta.  Her reputation was growing and spreading, and she was rarely home now for over two weeks. 

And even then Laura did not think of Tonya on her own.  She was reminded of her by a phone call from Ty, Tonya's friend, that marvelous, sloe-eyed, alto voiced, drawling, lean, dark, svelte beauty. 

"Hi, Laura," Ty drawled on the other end of the line.  "You never called me."

In truth, Laura had about fifteen excuses for this.  But of course they all sounded like excuses.  "I thought you and Tonya were hooking up and didn't really need me any more."

She knew there was some truth to this.  They had known each other since high school and seen each other naked many times and probably wanted to fuck but shied away from it.  Laura had been the catalyst.  On the other hand, without the complications of her own private life to interfere, Laura would not have let anything stand in the way of consuming both of them often and repeatedly.

"I can see how you felt that way," Ty drawled on lazily, "but I thought we had something special.  You know, something we sort of made together before Tonya got there.  I was sort of looking forward to the two of us."

Laura had to acknowledge that this too was true.  By the time Tonya had showed up late, Ty and Laura were starting to devour one another and could have very well done without her.  "I know," she said softly into the phone.  "I know.  Me too."

"I called to tell you I'm house-sitting again.  My Mom and Dad went to Virginia for two weeks so see his brother.  Just me.  Thought you might come by for a swim."

Laura remembered that Ty's parents' magnificent, sprawling suburban house had a delicious pool in the backyard, which the three of them had completely ignored, being so eager to indulge in their hot little lesbian orgy.  The thought of stretching out languidly in the warm water while naked with this marvelous slender black girl was almost too much for Laura to bear.  She noticed her hand gripping the phone receiver very tensely.

"God . . . I can't wait," she whispered into the phone.  "When?"

She could feel Ty's lazy, sensual, bemused smile as if it were traveling over the wires to her ear.  "I'm sitting in the Jacuzzi right now.  Too bad you can't drop everything and join me.  Traffic's better at this time of day, too."

She was right.  And Laura could feel her crotch moistening as they talked.  Oh god, I want her.  She is so hot.  But work was work.  Her shoulders fell.  Duty before pleasure.  "I can't make it until about six."

Ty pouted.  "Oh . . . damn."

"My sentiments exactly.  What can I bring?"

Ty let a meaningful silence elapse, and Laura could feel that bemused smile again at the other end.  "I think that strap-on thing you brought last time would be about perfect."

Laura swallowed, feeling her pulse race.  In her mind's eye she could still see Ty fucking her friend Tonya with the strap-on, crouching over her beautiful, supine body, embracing her, fucking her slowly, romantically.  It had been a thrilling moment.  "Okay."

"We can purloin another bottle of my Daddy's expensive vino.  He hasn't even discovered that we drank the last one yet.  At least he hasn't mentioned it."

Laura whispered into the phone.  "Frankly, darling, I'm more interested in drinking you."

Ty laughed softly.  "I was hoping you'd say that.  See you at six?"

If I had a dollar for every time I've had to work through the afternoon knowing I was going to bury my face in a gorgeous black pussy at the end of the day and fly to heaven, I'd be richer than Amber Grant, Laura thought, as she gathered her papers together for yet another meeting.  At the end of the day she wearily drove to Lafayette, almost too tired even to think of the delights that awaited her.  But that fatigue vanished swiftly at the door, where Ty greeted her wearing a shockingly tiny red bikini that covered nearly nothing of her acutely desirable lean black body.  She saw Laura gaping.

"Eyes back in your head, girl," she whispered, letting Laura in, then carefully locking the door behind her.  "You've seen this skinny bod before."

"But I guess I've forgotten how gorgeous it is," Laura breathed.  Should I kiss her now? she wondered.  God, I want to just drag her to the floor and ravish her like a platoon of the Roman army.

Ty smiled her patented smile of faint amusement.  What fools these mortals be.  Lusting after me as if I were a hard catch.  "You are so sweet."

"You seem . . . dry.  I thought you were sitting in the Jacuzzi or swimming in the pool all day."

Ty shook her head.  "I've been shaving my pussy . . . to make it suitable for dining," she said with a straight face.  Then she broke up, seeing Laura's smile.  "Actually, I have to shave it a little to wear this skimpy thing."  She did a pirouette.  "I have what is known in my circles as a bushy box."

"But you have the perfect body for a bikini."

"Right."  Ty did another, this time more slow and sensual, pirouette.  "Skinny.  No tits.  Some ass but not enough.  Long bony legs."

Laura smiled and ran a finger along her bare chocolate shoulder and down her shapely arm.  "You are too cruel.  I think your body is wildly attractive."

Ty smiled slyly.  "Mmmmm, does that mean you're ready for dining?"

"I think I'd like a swim first," Laura said, hungry enough for fucking but realizing that they had hours together, and a little unwinding and relaxing could not hurt. 

She still felt her Roman army lust for Ty's lissome, near-naked, dark body, but she was also in the habit of often swimming after work with Makeeda, and the water beckoned.  The corners of Ty's voluptuous mouth moved upward in a slightly amused grin.  She crooked one long, black finger at Laura. 

"Come with me and I'll get you a suit.  You can probably fit into one of mine."

"Not if they're that skimpy."

Ty grinned back over her shoulder as Laura followed her.  "What does it matter?  They're not going to be on long anyway."

Laura could not keep her eyes off Ty's swelling black bottom.  Ty might not think it was a good one, and it certainly wasn't in the Jane or Dee Dee category (few were), but it was still beautifully shaped, high and up-curved, and Laura was about ready to skip the swim and beg to dig her fingers into it, and suck and bite and kiss it ravenously.

Ty seemed oblivious to this and took Laura into her bedroom, where she spread out several bikinis on her bed.  "Take one and join me out at the pool.  I'll get a bottle of wine.  Red or white?"


Ty gave her an alluring smile and disappeared.  The sexual tension, already high, seemed to have jumped up a notch as Laura stood there trying to select which of Ty's sexy bikinis to wear.  She set her little valise containing the strap-on apparatus down on the end of the mattress and chose a little white thing with large red dots all across the fabric, such fabric as there was.  There was only enough cloth on top and bottom for a few colored dots, but they did give it flare and panache.

In the mirror as she posed for herself, Laura realized that she too looked pretty good in one of these.  Good enough to fuck . . . if you like this type, she winked at herself.  Me, I prefer the dark, slender, sultry type like the one who usually wears these little wisps of cloth.  Imagine how this looks on her marvelous body.

She found her way back through the house to the sliding door that led out to the pool, where Ty was waiting for her, sitting in a deck chair by a glass table on which sat two huge wide-bodied wine glasses each a third full with dark red wine. 

She grinned slyly at Laura, admiring Laura's now near-naked body in her bikini, and nodded to the glasses.  "Be very careful.  This is Daddy's most expensive stemware, and he forbids anyone to use it."

"Then why are we using it?  I could drink out of a peanut butter jar."

Ty shook her head slowly, her sly grin turning sardonic.  "Expensive wine deserves expensive stemware.  First law of the yuppie wine religion.  Excuse me, buppie wine religion.  Or is it the second law?  I forget.  You look like Stephanie Seymour in that bikini."

Laura blushed momentarily.  "It's been years since anybody's told me that," she said, almost demurely.

"She isn't any better looking than you are.  I didn't realize I had these tendencies then, but I think years ago when I used to see her in the magazines I wanted to go to bed with her."

"What's a buppie?"

"You know, a black yuppie.  That's what my Dad is."

Laura sat in the chair across from her and they delicately clinked glasses.  The wine was indeed heavenly, though Laura knew little about expensive wines.  She could tell, however, that it was better than the wine she habitually drank, not being able to afford anything better.

"Let's get naked and get in the pool before we get too much of a buzz on," Ty finally drawled, smiling sly at Laura.  Her smile said: We are so going to fuck each other senseless.

"Naked?" Laura grinned.  "I just got to put this marvelous little thing on and already you're making me take it off?  Anyway, I don't look as much like Stephanie Seymour with it off."

"I know," Ty drawled again in her best Lauren Bacall manner.  "You look better."

"Oh god, I think I'm being seduced."

Ty's black eyes twinkled.  She stood and walked over the edge of the pool.  Then she quickly loosened the two strings that held the top of her bikini in place.  The whole thing fell away revealing the small swellings of her delectable mini-breasts and her large, jutting, coal-black nipples, springing up from their puffy little areolas.

God, she was breath-taking.  Laura swallowed.  She set her own wine glass down on the table for fear of breaking it.  True, Ty had a lean body, not the opulent curves of a Nyomi, or even the compact but marvelously curvaceous simplicity of a Bonnie, both of whom Laura had been devouring lately.  Her body reminded Laura a little of darling Joy's: almost what used to be called 'boyish,' very long-waisted, long thin thighs, pretty little high butt, chiseled collarbones, slim hips.  Altogether enchanting, in its way.  And of course she was much darker than Joy, about as dark as Bonnie.  Laura wanted to rush over to her and lick her body from top to bottom.

"You better watch out," Laura purred to her.  "The neighbors are going to be jumping the fences to get a crack at you."

Ty smiled lazily.  "Nobody gets a crack at me but present company."  Her fingers began toying with the strings that held the bottom half of the bikini in place.  "Speaking of which . . . I wish she would get on with it."

Laura rose from her chair and approached Ty on the apron of the pool, her eyes still riveted to the girl's fingers, which were still toying with the strings of her bikini bottom.  She reached Ty before the knots came loose.  Her hand rose, skimming up Ty's near-naked body over her long, hard stomach to one of her small breasts, cupping it, though there wasn't much to cup.  Still, she could feel Ty's hard nipple jutting against her palm.

"Why don't you let me do that?" she whispered against Ty's cheek.

"Only if I can do yours," Ty breathed.  "Or rather, undo it."

'Deal.  Me first."

"No . . . this first."

Ty's wide, sensual mouth caught Laura's, and they stood right there at the edge of the pool kissing with increasingly scorching passion, though not touching each other except for Laura's hand that remained covering Ty's naked breast.  God, I don't think we're going to get to the swimming part if we keep this up, Laura thought, feeling her own and Ty's blood begin to heat up past the sexually soaring point.  But Ty, ever the half-lazy, languid, bemused beauty, finally pulled her mouth away.

"Let's swim to the end and back.  Naked.  Bet I can beat you."

"What," Laura laughed, "at swimming or at getting naked fastest?"


Quickly, without taking time to carry out their previous deal, they stripped off their bikinis and slipped into the warm water, side by side.  Laura, as usual besotted by the sight of a delicious naked black girl she craved, could not take her eyes off Ty, who glimmered sleek and shiny in the water.

  She figured that Ty had a little surprise in store from her.  Though she might swim often in this beautiful backyard pool, Laura herself went swimming nearly every day with Makeeda when she was home from her travels.  They went to Olympic sized municipal pools, and frequently raced each other in the lanes, which Makeeda said was very good for the breath control needed by a singer.  This practice had made Laura into a formidable competitor, at least at the amateur level, and she knew unless Ty were also one, that she herself would win any race between them.

Ty was laughing, no longer her half-bored, languid self, but bubbling up with pleasure and excitement, as she glanced over at Laura, leering at her naked body too, as Laura knew she was doing at Ty's.  "Ready set go," Ty said in a happy shout, and immediately plunged forward in the water, swimming furiously for the far edge of the pool.

But Laura was right behind her and caught up in only seconds.  From Makeeda, an excellent and strong swimmer, Laura had learned to minimize the drag of her body, especially her propelling arms, in the water, becoming as much of a torpedo as she could, and in only seconds she was next to Ty in the water and pulling ahead.  The only thing that impeded her progress was the heart-stopping thrill of looking to the side and seeing Ty's long, sleek, shiny, dark body flexing and thrashing in the water as she tried to keep up with Laura. 

They were both naked, and somehow the thrill of swimming, racing, naked like this next to each other was almost as exciting as the certainty that in a few more minutes they would be eating each other alive.  Laura, very competitive from her races with Makeeda, which she was only able to win about one-fifth of the time, quickly pulled ahead of Ty, somersaulted underwater at the end of the pool, pushing off strongly with her legs, and made it back to their starting point while Ty was still in the middle of the pool behind her.

Clearly beaten, Ty ceased her frantic effort and seconds later stood up in shallow end, walking toward Laura, laughing and streaming water and impossibly ravishing like a black Venus rising from the waves, except that her body was not opulent like Venus' body but instead lean and hard and shiny and fiercely desirable to Laura at that instant.

"No fair!" she was laughing.  The pool water streamed from her lithe black body, beading up on her shoulders, bejeweling her naked breasts and swelling black nipples, glimmering like diamonds in the triangular patch of hair she had left, when she shaved, above her pussy.  "No fair, Laura!  You cheated!"

"Did not," Laura laughed, moving toward. 

"Did too!  You didn't tell me you were good!  How was I to know you could swim like that?"

"Come here, you darling creature, and kiss me," Laura growled, grabbing Ty when she got in range and crushing the girl's wet, naked body against her own.

They kissed long and heatedly, standing up in the shallow end of the pool, running their hands all over each other's wet flesh.  Their hair was plastered in long wet ropes against their heads and necks.  Laura quickly got one of Ty's pretty little mini-breasts into her mouth, taking nearly the whole thing inside, trying to swallow Ty's thick black nipple.

Ty whimpered and gave a few of those little up-keening moans that Laura recalled with such fascination and arousal.  She released Ty's breast and kissed her again, feeling Ty's hand grope in her crotch.

"We better go inside if we're going to do this," Ty panted softly.  "There's gaps in the fence where the neighbors could see.  Mr. Farrington next door is a creeping peeping Tom.  He wants to fuck me."

"Mmmmm," Laura grinned.  "So do I.  He must have very good taste."

"He's a pervert," Ty said, pulling her toward the house.

Laura giggled, having to prance quickly to keep up with her.  "How do you know?  He's not a pervert if he just wants to fuck you.  You're very . . . fuckable."

Ty laughed over her bare wet shoulder.  "You should know."  She led Laura past her own bedroom.  "Here, let's use Mom and Dad's bed.  It's a California King.  Plenty of room for wrestling."

Laura realized that she had left the strap-on in Ty's bedroom on the bed when she had changed into the bikini.  On the other hand, they probably weren't going to use it right away.  Right now the agenda seemed to be to swarm all over each other in a hot frenzy of passion until both of them went up in flames. 

Ty quickly pulled down the heavy bedspread and blankets, exposing the sheets.  Then she turned to Laura.  "Nobody's going to interrupt us this time," she said, almost solemnly, as if inviting Laura to take her in any way she chose.

Laura pulled her close.  She purred into her neck.  "And I'm so glad.  I've looked forward to this."

"Me too," Ty said, panting again.  "Oh god, that feels good.  It feels so good to push against you like this and kiss you.  I can't believe I lived most of my life without knowing how good it feels."

"You're all wet, still.  We're going to get Mama's sheets wet."

"They'll dry out," Ty said, pulling Laura down on the huge bed, her eyelids now heavy with sex. 

"They won't get too wet," Laura reassured her, "because I'm going to lick every drop off your delicious body right now."

And she proceeded to try to do just that, starting at the bottom with Ty's long, thin legs, running her lips up the inside of her shapely though slender calves, licking the droplets behind her knees, making Ty's legs hop and twitch helplessly as she tried to bear the sweet sensations caused by Laura's skillful mouth on her body.  When Laura's tongue reached her inner thighs, she could bear it no longer.  She reached down with her long arms and grasped Laura's wet hair, dragging her gently upward.

"No . . ." she breathed, panting more heavily now.  "Do that later.  I want to kiss you and fuck like crazy.  I can't wait.  I've been dying for this moment."

"But I want to lick your whole body," Laura protested, making a faux pout.


Their mouths collided with such a fearful impact that Laura was afraid for her teeth.  They kissed with an incredible fervor, and Ty's very long tongue nearly slithered down Laura's throat.  She had forgotten how long it was. 

Her fingers dug into Ty's hard, sleek, damp flesh.  "Oh god, yes!" she gasped against the girl's voluptuous mouth.  "Here . . . lie back . . . that's it . . . let me . . ."

She knew what they both wanted.  They wanted to come, they didn't want to wait.  They wanted to come while holding onto each other, looking into each other's eyes, screaming uncontrollably into each other's face, wrenched by the ecstasy that was now beckoning them.  Slow, deliberate fucking could wait.  This had to be accomplished immediately.

Laura was all over her.  Ty had no choice but to submit to this hot swarm of lust, as Laura pushed her thighs apart and slid between them, sucking her smooth black neck and massaging Ty's wet, swollen vulva with two fingers as her mouth slid down the girl's shapely black shoulder to her small breasts.  She was willing to forego an extensive tour of this marvelous girl's naked body at present, but she could not keep her mouth away from Ty's marvelous mini-breasts, which she had previously only tasted for a few seconds.

She easily recalled how Ty during their first time together, before Tonya had showed up, had actually climaxed while Laura was siphon-sucking these beauties.  It was a rare woman who could come from having her nipples sucked, but Ty had surprised them both by doing it, and Laura wondered if she could do it again. 

"Ohhhh!  Ohhhh!  Oh god!" Ty gasped as Laura mouth-mauled the little beauties, lashing Ty's erect black nipples with her tongue, sucking them deep into her mouth, so deep that much of the flesh of Ty's breast went in with the nipple.  "Oh!  Oh shit!  Unhh!"

She hammered the mattress with her elbows, twisting and panting and mewling uncontrollably, which only inflamed Laura's lust.  She squeezed and sucked one tiny breast, then the other, rubbing Ty's slippery wet pussy with her two fingers at the same time.  Ty strained and gasped and writhed.  Then her eyes opened and she suddenly beseeched Laura with her frantic glance.

"Laura . . . I . . . I don't think . . . I can come this time . . ." she gasped, her eyes rolling up, looking very much like she was going to come anyway, even though she was claiming she couldn't.  "Not . . . not that way . . ." she gasped again.

Laura immediately eased up, knowing what she meant.  The first time she had said she felt 'that little tingle you get deep in your cunt when you're going to come.'  This time she clearly did not feel it, and Laura was only aggravating the situation by continuing to mouth-maul these beautiful upstanding wet nipples.  Instead, she had to bring Ty off in any one of a dozen other ways, and she quickly bent to the sweet and welcome task.

"Oh honey . . . of course . . . of course," Laura purred to her, ravishing her beautiful face and neck again with hot kisses and now slipping two fingers into Ty's tight, greasy cunt and fucking her with them rapidly, lovingly, passionately, while she kissed her.  "But you are going to come.  You are going to come for Mama.  Mama wants you to come fast."

"Unh!  Unh!  Oh god, yes!" Ty exclaimed, her body suddenly responding wildly to Laura's probing and rubbing.  "Yes!  Unh!  Unghhhh!"

Laura realized that the time was very ripe for a quick trib orgasm.  True, they could go on this way for another minute or so and Ty would probably come.  But she had never felt Ty's delicious long black pussy pressing against her own, and what better time?  You could never be sure of an orgasm that way, but at this instant Ty would come from almost any additional or even continued stimulus.  Why not that?

In a second or two Laura had twisted the lower half of her body between Ty's yawning thighs to scissor her, and now pushed her own oozing, gooey slit directly down into Ty's open furrow, looking at Ty's face to gauge her reaction as she began pumping and gyrating deliberately.  The raw, wet, exposed meat of their two cunts met and slid together, and the expression of shock and delight that passed through Ty's glazed eyes was priceless.

"Unh!' she grunted softly.  "Oh!"

Laura rose up over her.  This was not a mutual, rhythmic ballet of fucking but a sweet assault.  She meant to bring the delicious girl to an orgasm in seconds.  She knew Ty was that close.  She pumped and twisted, panting herself, but watching Ty quickly begin to lose it as the inevitable orgasmic swell began to overtake her.  Yes . . . yes, Laura thought, grinding, pumping, gasping herself.

"Oh Laura!"

"Yes, honey!  Do it . . . do it!"

"Oh Laura!  Ungghh!  Ah ah ah!  Unmmmnnggg!"

She could feel the wet, slippery, gooey mess of their aching cunts and the thick nests of their sticky crotch hair mashing and sliding together, and thought she could feel that little glimmer of approaching ecstasy that Ty had mentioned fluttering to life deep in her own pussy too.  But her concentration was all on Ty, who indeed seemed to be arriving with a flourish.

Ty flexed and whinnied softly.  Her charming little upward keening whoops took over, whooping up, the pitch rising, rising.  "Ooop!  Ooop!  Ooop!"

Then her eyes closed and her back arched, bowing her beautiful, lean body, all gleaming and black like polished ebony, in the air, the tiny swellings of her breasts shaking and quivering back and forth as her flesh began to shudder, followed by a loud cry of release.

"Annnmmnngghiiieeeeee!" she wailed, suddenly wrenched by a fierce shock of coming.  "Mmmnnggghhnnniieeeee!"

"Oh yes, honey . . ." Laura gasped to her, falling and twisting forward to embrace her as she continued coming, though not so violently after the first shocks.

"Aaannnuunnnn . . . aaannnuunnnnn . . ." Ty half-moaned, half-grunted, her long thin body twitching, gleaming with a fine film of sweat that had sprung up where the pool water had been earlier. 

Laura licked her shoulder, easing her thighs free to give Ty room to stretch, to flex, to prevent cramping.  Ty quivered and moaned through the last waning seconds of her orgasm without opening her eyes.  When she finally did, a tiny, momentary expression of shock and surprise passed through them.

"Boy . . . that's what I needed," she said to Laura in a hoarse voice, blinking.  "God, I just never get over the way I come with you."

Laura snuggled up next to her, kissing her tenderly, communicating her own need but not urgently, content to let the relaxed rhythm they were developing continue at its own pace.  Ty smiled and kissed her.  "I know you want to do that too," she whispered.  "Think I'm up to it?"

"I think if you smile at me twice like that . . . I will come in two seconds."

"I'll bet you would, if I remember rightly," Ty purred, nuzzling Laura's neck below her ear, very affectionate after this killer climax.  "I never knew anyone could come as fast and you and Tonya do.  Except a guy."  She giggled.  "You know how many guys have come on my stomach, before they could even get it in me?"

"How many?"

Ty raised four fingers of one hand.  "Four different ones."

"It's because this fantastic sexy body makes them lose all control," Laura purred back, stroking it with her fingertips while Ty continued to kiss her more aggressively. 

"Control!" Ty gave an explosive laugh.  "They've got about as much control as a baby does over spitting up!  Umphgghh!  That's the sound they make.  Then . . . splooey . . . all over you!  Jizz!  Gobs of it.  Sticky, slimy stuff.  I think this is much better."  She stretched fully out next to Laura, pressing the full length of her splendid hard body against Laura's so that they could both feel every bit of their flesh touching. 

It was so different from clutching the more abundant flesh of Nyomi, or even of Bonnie, as Laura had recently been doing, digging her fingers happily into their firm round asses.  Ty had a beautiful little fanny, but it certainly wasn't big, or in any way opulent; just tight little black buns that fit almost perfectly into her palms.  Just holding and stroking her like this was fanning the flames of Laura's lust to an intolerable degree.

And Ty could feel it.  "I guess this fantastic skinny body is driving you out of control too," she murmured with self-satire, laughing softly in Laura's ear.  She continued kissing and fondling Laura everywhere.  "I think this is much better," she repeated.  "No gooey jizz to get all over you.  Or up inside you and cause troubles.  I had to have an abortion because of one idiot who kept coming inside of me without a rubber."

"Poor baby," Laura kissed her shiny high forehead.  "Oh god, you are making me so hot!"

Ty was, and Ty continued, cranking up the heat and swarming all over Laura and finally licking and sucking Laura's pussy until Laura was gasping and keening through a sweet delirium of an orgasm that feathered every taut nerve and left her panting and smiling and slack with fatigue.

Ty cuddled up with her, beaming.  "I did it!  I made you come.  I guess I can get good at this if I practice."

"I guess you can," Laura agreed, finally feeling the flush die away from her enraptured body.  "You certainly can practice on me all you want."

Ty pouted briefly.  "Oh, we know that's not true.  You're married."

Laura nodded.

"What's she like? 

Laura smiled and kissed the tip of her nose.  "Why do you want to know?"

Ty shrugged.  "I guess just to know what somebody is like who could . . . you know, like, capture you.  Get you to wear a ring.  Get you to . . . love her, I guess.  Although you aren't exactly faithful.  Being here like this with me."

"She would understand.  One look at you and she would understand."

Ty nudged Laura in the ribs with her knuckle.  "You always want to change the subject back to me."

"I like you.  I like looking at you.  I like doing this with you.  So sue me.  Beat me.  Make me write bad checks.  I'm under your spell."

Ty smiled and melted.  She almost literally melted back into Laura's arms.  Some things were hard for anyone to resist.  "You are so sweet . . . and so funny," she purred into Laura's neck.  "I'm very jealous of her."

"You shouldn't be."

"She gets you all the time."

"If you had me all the time, you'd be wanting to drown me in that pool out there."

Ty shook her head, seriously.  "I'd be wanting to do this all the time."

They kissed deeply, a very long kiss, with lots of body rubbing and stroking thrown in.  Then Ty whispered against Laura's cheek, "Are you going to fuck me in the ass with that thing you left in the other room?"

This brought a soft laugh promptly up Laura's throat.  "What a suggestion!" she teased.  "You are very blunt, young lady."

"I told you I love anal sex."

Laura did remember it.  In fact, during their tryst with Tonya, Ty and her friend had sandwich-fucked Laura, with Ty expertly delivering the rear-guard action using the same strap-on dildo that she was now referring to.  But Tonya had acted so scandalized by Ty's and Laura's easy acceptance of this perverted practice that they had not pursued it any further then, since there were plenty of other ways for three girls to pleasure each other.

A slow smile spread across Laura's face.  "I suppose I am . . . if that's what you want."

Ty smiled her sly, lazy, slightly amused, sensual smile and lapsed into her drawl.  "I've dreamed about you doing it to me every night.  Somehow I think it would be different with you than with a guy.  They're so . . . rough.  It pinches them and makes them crazy.  I think you'd be . . . gentle."

"I wouldn't be so sure," Laura said softly, knowing how anal sex could arouse both parties, regardless of gender.

Ty drew an invisible line down Laura's cheek with the tip of one long forefinger.  "I'll go get it."  She hopped off the huge king-size bed, and Laura was again endlessly captivated by her lean, dark, gleaming naked body.  "I guess we need some oil too, eh?"

"There's some in the bag," Laura grinned at her.

In moments Ty returned from her bedroom down the hall with Laura's small valise.  She unzipped it and poured the contents out on the end of the bed.  Laura, watching her, and knowing that she was now committed to some sweet, slow anal fucking which would no doubt leave them both in smoldering cinders, nevertheless wanted to fling herself at Ty's lovely long naked body again and overwhelm her with frantic, unquenchable lust, leaving the rest for later but right now consuming her in a fit of delirious sexual frenzy.  Funny that such a slender, boyish, unspectacular body (so unlike Nyomi's, for example) could have this effect on you, and breathe a mad spark into your slowly simmering lust, fanning it into a raging flare-up.

I really do want to fuck this lovely creature any way she'll let me, she thought, admiring the sleek, lithe lines of Ty's body.  Ty handed her the harness.  Her face was calm and expectant.  Laura smiled at her, took it, and quickly fitted herself out for the ensuing sweet struggle.

"You're sure you want to do this?"

Ty nodded and swallowed.  "I think I will come so hard.  I can already feel that little tingle I told you about.  And we haven't even started."

Laura caressed her cheek and kissed her smooth dark forehead.  "You just ignore that little tingle for a while, okay?  I don't want you having your little climax before we get to enjoy the ride."

"Or my big one," Ty beamed, referring to her climax.  "I have a feeling . . ."

Laura put a forefinger to Ty's voluptuous lips.  "Quiet."  She drew her down on the bed, reaching down to the end of it for the small bottle of baby oil that had also spilled out of the valise.  "Let me make love to your beautiful body and your beautiful little ass."

Ty pouted, but this time playfully.  "It is little, isn't it.  Do you like it, even though it's little?"

"I love every firm little inch of it," Laura reassured her, caressing Ty's taut little round buns, wondering how anyone could feel bad about having a lovely ass like this one, just because it wasn't a magnificent bubble beauty, like, say, Bonnie's.  Not everyone can have an ass like that one, Laura thought.  And Bonnie doesn't seem eager for any probing of it, either; like you.  "I love your ass."  She breathed into Ty's shiny black ear and tongued it excitedly.  "I want to fuck your pretty little ass."

Ty shivered.  She giggled.  "Oh shit," she gasped.  "That sent shivers through me."  She shivered again.  "I've never felt so hot.  I mean . . . you know, sexually hot."

"Honey, you are about as hot as it gets," Laura murmured, nipping her sexy earlobe.

They paused again for a deep, sensual kiss, during which Ty again tried to slither her very long tongue all the way down Laura's throat.  Laura dropped her mouth to Ty's thick, rubbery black nipples, but Ty pulled her head up again.  "Now.  I need it now."

Laura smiled.  "Shall we do it missionary style so we can kiss at the same time?"

Ty nodded, her black eyes swirling and pulsing with sex.  She spread her thighs widely as if to invite Laura in between them, and Laura eagerly accepted the invitation.  She uncapped the small bottle of baby oil, but Ty quickly sat up, interrupting her.

"Towels!" she said suddenly.  "This is Mommy's bed.  If we wreck it, I'll never be able to explain."

Laura nodded, but Ty was already gone, popping down the hall to the linen closet, then back to spread out several large towels under them.  Finally, she lay back down and spread her thin black thighs again for Laura, smiling her lazy smile up at her.  "Okay . . . all ready now."

"Are you sure?" Laura teased.

"Sure."  She held up her arms.  "Fuck me.  Make it the best ever."

Laura smiled at her, swabbing the dildo with baby oil  "Pressure, eh?  The best ever?"

Finished, she capped the small bottle and placed it again down at the end of the bed, then settled back into position, guiding the shiny, greased dildo toward Ty's open groin.  Her forefinger was still oiled, and she slid it easily between Ty's tight little buns, finding the secret aperture with no trouble, sliding her finger into it. 

"Unhhhh!" Ty gasped, her eyes watering.  But she pulled Laura down close.  "I've got a secret for you," she whispered.  "This is already the best ever."  She panted as Laura corkscrewed her finger inside her rectum to loosen it.  "The best!"

Laura nibbled her full lips.  "Mmmm, I've got a secret for you.  I think we can make it even better than that."

Having adequately prepared Ty's tight little anus for the invasion, she removed her finger and guided the greased head of the dildo forward, nestling it in the widened opening.

"Ah!  Ah ah!" Ty gasped.

"Get ready . . . here it comes, my darling.  Slowly now . . . slowly . . ."

Ty held her breath and clenched her teeth.  With a little difficulty, Laura got the bulb on the head of the dildo inside, but Ty's rectum was very tight. 

"Unh!  Unh!" Ty panted wildly.  "Please . . . don't hurt me!"

"Never . . . never, my darling," Laura purred softly to her, not moving.  "Never.  I would never hurt you."

She realized that a few seconds would elapse and then Ty's body would yield, and she was right.  Ty's asshole loosened, and most of the long shaft slid into her, though not without a little wincing and whimpering.  Laura pushed slowly to let her feel the ridges on the dildo gliding past the sparking, totally alive nerves in her anus. 

"Oh shit!" Ty gasped softly.  "Oh shit, that feels good!"

The shaft was about six inches in when Laura stopped.  She leaned down and kissed Ty, at first slowly and tenderly, but then with increasing passion.  All through the kiss she did not move her hips, simply letting Ty feel the thick stalk embedded deep in her ass, letting her imagine the thrills that lay in store.

"You like?" she murmured against Ty's smooth black cheek.

"God, yes!" 

Now Ty herself began to move her own hips first, slowly undulating them so that the dildo slid in and out of her ass, a few inches out, then a few back in, fucking herself on it without Laura's help.  Laura had been holding the base of the dildo in her fingers, guiding it in, but as soon as she realized that even with Ty's slow grinding it was not in danger of slipping out, she moved her fingers up to the soupy, slippery open furrow of Ty's inflamed pussy and began gently swirling her fingertips against Ty's nubby little clit.

Instantly Ty became even more excited.  "Oh!  Unnhhhhh . . . nnnnnn . . . oh!"

"Oh, I love doing it this way so I can kiss you!" Laura panted to her, kissing her neck, her throat, her shoulders, her collarbones, even letting her mouth dart down briefly to one small, lovely breast, sucking Ty's erect black nipple hungrily.  Still, she swirled her fingers against Ty's clit, not thrusting, letting Ty herself do the fucking part.  And Ty was eager to keep it up, now gyrating her pelvis a little more rapidly and earnestly, her breath coming quicker, her little whoops now starting up.

"Ooooooppp!" she keened, her voice sliding up and fading into the air above them.  "Oooooppp!"

Now Laura began to participate in the fucking too.  Still persistently rubbing Ty's clit, she also began to thrust gently with her hips, pushing the dildo deeper into Ty's tight rectum, which was now yielding enough to accommodate the whole thing.  Each time it went deep, Ty shuddered.

"Ungghhh!  Oh!"

Laura pulled it out slowly.  Then she pushed it in again.

"Ungghhh!  Oh . . . so deep!" Ty winced.

"Does it hurt?"

"Oh . . . no!  It's . . . so good!  Do it again!  Yes!  Ungghh!  Ooooppp!"

"Unhhh . . . unhhhh!" Laura panted softly, feeling the lust rise and crackle in her own body as if in synchrony with Ty's rising heat. 

"Ooooooppp!  Oh shit!  Oooooooppp!"

"Unhhh . . . unhhhhh!"

"Oooooppp!  Ungghh!  Oh!  Oh shit . . . Laura . . . do it harder!  I think I . . ."

"Yes, honey!  Yes . . . honey!  Yes!"

Then Ty fell momentarily silent, but she was snuffling and pumping more frantically now than ever, her body jerking and stiffening and surging up into Laura's even thrusts.  Laura's fingertips on Ty's smooth flesh were sensitive to the changes in the girl's muscle tone as her orgasm drew nearer, and she realized that a killer climax was approaching even before Ty seemed to know it.

"Oh Laura . . . I'm . . ."

"Yes, I know you are, darling."

Laura leaned down and clasped Ty's lovely, long, lean body, crushing it against hers, and sliding the dildo deep into the girl's ass now with each forward thrust.  Ty was now rubbing her own clit frantically, having pushed Laura's hand aside.  She was gasping and gurgling and pumping and gyrating and swirling her fingers wildly in her pussy, digging her heels into the mattress, shuddering each time the strap-on dildo slid into her ass.

"Unggghh!  Ungghhh!  Oh!"

"Yes . . . yes . . . yes!"

"Oh god!  Oh god!"  The fingernails of her other hand dug into the backs of Laura's shoulders.  She strained and arched her back.  "Oh god!  OH GOD!"

Laura clasped her tightly, and Ty impaled herself on the dildo that was embedded deep in her ass, her whole pelvis shaking and quaking violently as the full force of her climax began to wrench her.  She squeaked and whinnied helplessly in Laura's arms, completely surrendering to the involuntary twitching and sharp convulsions of her body as a shocking orgasm pierced and shook her.

"Auunnggghhh!  OH!  OH!  Auunnngghmmnniieeeee!" she wailed into Laura's ear, at first truly shattered by the blows, but then subsiding into a slow, undulating rhythm as they softened and lengthened out and then faded into lesser wavelets.  Still, this violent portion continued for a long time, Ty groaning and shuddering through successive jolts.  But then the stiffening of her muscles faded.  "Ohhnnnnn!" she now sighed, stretching, flexing her arms and legs, then relaxing as the last feathery sensations of her stirring climax waned.  "Ohhhhhnnnnn!"

Laura kissed her face everywhere, and then her lips, those sensual, voluptuous miracles.  No tongues, though.  Ty was too blasted and stunned by the aftershock of her stupendous orgasm to extend her tongue.  But she did make an effort to kiss back.

"Laura . . . I've never come like that in my life . . ." she said, still dazed.

"Oh . . . sure you have," Laura scoffed quietly, always eager to put things in perspective.  "Probably the first time you came was better than that."

Ty, wide-eyed, shook her head.  "No.  It was good, you're right."  She beamed.  "But this was a whole-body orgasm.  I . . . I . . ."

Laura kissed her again to shut her up.  "No need to explain it.  For a second I thought your ears were going to fall off."  She squint-smiled at Ty.  "Here . . . hold your breath while I pull this thing out of you."

"No!" Ty grabbed her arms, holding her close.  "Not yet.  I like the feel of it in me.  Kiss me again and leave it in another second or two."

Laura grinned.  "How romantic.  We kiss with my cock up your ass."

"Don't tease," Ty pouted.  "It is romantic.  It's as romantic as I'll ever get with you.  I'll remember it forever, I think."

Laura softened.  "I will too.  You exploded."

Ty nodded.  They kissed again, lengthily.  Then, Ty smiled her typical lazy, sensual smile.  "Okay, you can take it out now."

She took Laura's advice and held her breath while Laura slowly pulled the dildo out of her body.  They both looked down at it, this obscene machine that was capable of making one nearly pass out with pleasure.

"I think you could hire yourself out with him," Ty teased, kissing Laura's shoulder.  "I know I'd pay."

"You, my angel, do not have to pay," Laura said, wiping it off on the edge of a towel.  "You are one of the lucky few who get a free ride whenever you request it."

Dusk was falling outside, they could see through the expensively draped bedroom windows.  "Want to go for another naked swim?" Ty asked pertly.  "Before we come back in here and wear out Mommy and Daddy's bed?"

"What about Mr. Farrington?  Won't he be peeping?"

Ty cracked a wide grin.  "We'll give him a show.  Anyway, I know his wife.  She thinks he's a pervert too, always staring at the skinny black girl over the fence.  If I mention it loud enough, he'll go away."

"Another race?"

Ty curled up in a sexy, kittenish manner next to Laura's body.  "What's my punishment if I lose?  Do I have to, you know, do nasty things to you?"

Laura grinned and kissed her forehead.  "Definitely.  Nasty.  The nastier, the better."

"Mmmmm, then I think I'm going to lose again," Ty breathed, kissing Laura's neck and nuzzling her earlobe.  "I think I haven't got a chance of winning."






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