Laura - Chapter 315





Laura and Nyomi lay naked together in the rumpled pale yellow sheets of Nyomi's bed after having consumed one another in a white heat of passion for about an hour.  They were exhausted.  Alana was again at her grandmother's house, and so there was no reason to hold back, and neither of them did.

"Girl, no guy ever made me this tired," Nyomi confessed, smiling with deep self-satisfaction, patting her thick mane of black hair with one hand.  "I think I came three times."

"Four," Laura winked.  "I counted."

Nyomi shook her head in disbelief.  "You found a part of me I never knew existed.  If either of my husbands had found out I could come four times, he would've run like hell in the other direction."

"Why, too much responsibility?"

Nyomi nodded.  "Also, they're intimidated if they know you get more pleasure out of it than they do."

"Mmmmm," Laura rolled Nyomi onto her back and slid on top of her marvelous, athletic, statuesque body, "nothing gives me more pleasure than feeling this long, lovely body under mine and seeing it so beautiful against these pale sheets."

"I think we are a masterpiece," Nyomi said, decisively, holding up one arm against Laura's shoulder to emphasize the contrast in their skins, hers so dark, Laura's so creamy pale.  "They should hang a painting of us all entwined together like this in the National Gallery.  Racial harmony, they could call it.  Fuck your way to racial harmony."

"I think that's exactly what the racists are afraid of," Laura smiled.  She kissed her, but not a deeply sexual kiss since they had exhausted fucking for the moment; instead, it was a sweet, emotional kiss, not soulful and searching but warmly affectionate and meaningful.  If I weren't already in love with Makeeda, I would be falling, Laura realized.

She sat half up, still straddling Nyomi's waist, and sang softly part of a song Makeeda had taught her, one for various reasons she could not use on stage—it was clearly meant to be sung by a man—but which she liked.

How many hearts have you broken
With those great big beautiful eyes?
Great big beautiful eyes
That tell such beautiful lies?

How many times have you kissed somebody
Like you kissed me just then?
I don't believe you mean it
But baby kiss me again.

"Oh god, you're a singer too . . . just like your wife," Nyomi deadpanned.  "And a good one.  I didn't know you could sing."

"I can't.  Your big beautiful grey eyes just got to me, that's all."

Nyomi batted her eyelashes dramatically.  "Don't fall in love with this girl," she warned in a playful tone.  "She'll only break your heart and steal your money.  And probably sleep with your best friend."

"I'm not falling," Laura said softly.  "But I would . . ."

Nyomi smiled ruefully.  "I know what you mean.  When I was younger I fell in love with everybody I was fucking."

"Me too," Laura admitted.  "Hard and fast.  All of them.  God, it caused me a lot of pain."

Nyomi nodded.  "Let's invent a word for what we can feel for each other that isn't 'love'.  How about 'luff'?  I luff you, Laura.  You luff me.  And god knows, we can sure luff like two wild she cats in heat.  Luff ought to be enough. You're married.  Some day I'll find the right person.  Maybe it'll be another woman, now.  You've changed me, girl.  I don't want anything but this.  To lie in bed with you.  I think about doing it all the time.  I keep wondering how I can get rid of Alana so we can do this.  Isn't that awful?  I feel so guilty."

This was only their third evening together, but Laura realized she felt the same way about the lying in bed with Nyomi part.  Few things were better.  She was looking forward to Makeeda's return from Japan, but in the meantime there was hardly anything she wanted to do but this.  "That little girl is going to get awfully jealous if you don't let her come home and sleep in her own bed," she murmured against Nyomi's shapely black neck.

"Some day she'll have somebody she luffs and wants to fuck, and she'll be trying to get rid of Mama.  You watch."

All this talk, for some reason, was warming Laura up.  She found herself embracing Nyomi and kissing her more sexually now, as opposed to before.  Now she felt it returning, this physical hunger she could not slake for this enchanting woman.  And she knew Nyomi felt it too.

"I luff you and I want to fuck you," she whispered into Nyomi's ear.

Nyomi made a comical face, almost reminding Laura briefly of Sara, who would make several like it at intimate moments like this one.  "You think I can come four more times?   Maybe we better call the Guiness Book of World Records and keep them on the line while I give it a try."

"I think it doesn't matter if you do or not so long as you let me kiss you all over your body."

"I'm willing to try if you are," Nyomi smiled.

Laura was already kissing her everywhere above the shoulders, with the full intent of continuing on downwards.  "If you only come once more I'll be happy," she murmured.  "As long as it's the best one.  The one you remember for days."

Almost imperceptibly they had begun undulating together, and Nyomi's thighs had parted so that Laura slipped between them.  Amazingly, they had been so busy groping and grasping and licking, biting, fingering, and sucking each other that they had never yet touched their pussies together, but Laura realized, if Nyomi did not, that that omission was about to end. 

They were face to face, kissing romantically, deeply in 'luff,' as Nyomi had put it, and their bodies just naturally had fallen into a missionary trib position without conscious effort.  It reminded Laura so acutely of the last time she had fucked with Sara that Laura had to restrain herself from changing it forcibly, just to push away those intense bittersweet memories.  And yet this was not bittersweet at all, and thoughts of Sara soon left her as Nyomi became such a piquant and real presence for her.

"Oh . . . I didn't know you could fuck like this . . ." Nyomi panted, breaking off their kiss, feeling Laura's groin pushing ever more insistently against hers.

"Just go slow . . . just go slowly . . ." Laura coached softly.  "Let your pussy open to me."

Nyomi mewled softly and let Laura maneuver both of their bodies.  "Oh god, that feels so good," she purred.  "Why didn't you tell me we could do this?"

Laura had a slightly prominent pubic bone, which she had only belatedly realized made it possible, especially with a woman who had a blossoming flower of a pussy like Nyomi's, with such large and malleable cunt lips, to actually insinuate her own labia into her lover's receptive groove, a penetration that brought both of them the most heavenly sensual thrill.  She felt Nyomi opening to her, opening . . . her lips parting, her cavity efflorescing to receive Laura, and Laura's careful movements soon accomplished the penetration.  She slid herself up and down slowly inside Nyomi's pussy, feeling Nyomi's flesh tense and quiver, and her own flesh respond in kind, as they both absorbed the sublime sensations of this union.

Laura kissed her face, her full lips, her throat, her neck, her shoulders, then dropped her mouth to one of Nyomi's gorgeous breasts, sucking her big dark nipple thirstily.

"Oh!  Oh!" Nymoi quivered.  "Oh god . . . this is heaven!  You're inside me, Laura!"

Laura moved up and kissed her mouth hungrily again.  "I'll bet we can both come if we just give in to it," she murmured.

"Oh god, yes.  Feel how wet we are!"

It was true.  They both seemed to have super-lubricated from the excitement of this intimacy and penetration, and this made the slippery friction of their wet cunts moving together even more thrilling. 

But there was one thing they could not do in this position, and that was what they had been doing almost obsessively up until now, since their first moments naked together two nights earlier: wild, vigorous fucking.  They had pumped and probed and gyrated and flexed and climaxed exuberantly in each other's arms.  Nyomi was strong and athletic, and Laura was too, from swimming every day with Makeeda when she was home.  Together in bed she and Nyomi were an Olympiad of strenuous and aerobic fucking, and now they could not move very much without destroying the deep intimacy they had achieved.

"Don't move!" Nyomi gasped softly.   "God, I love to feel it just like that."


"Kiss me, Laura.  I never felt like this."

Laura smiled and kissed her long and sensually, moving her groin ever so slightly as they kissed, up and down, up and down, sliding her swollen vulva up and down in the warm, slippery groove of Nyomi's pussy and feeling her whole body fill with throbbing bliss and deep affection for this marvelous woman. 

"I was so lucky to find you," she whispered into Nyomi's ear, embracing her tightly, mashing their naked breasts together.

At first Nyomi did not respond.  She seemed to have fallen into a trance, undulating her body with slow skill under Laura's, taking care not to disengage their delicately mated groins.  But then she murmured breathlessly.

"I can feel your clit against mine when you move up like that.  Unhhh!  Oh . . . oh shit!  Oh god . . . Laura . . . yes . . . do that again!"

"Careful . . ." Laura softly teased her, complying with her request, feeling both of their bodies clench involuntarily when their clits brushed.  "Oh yes . . . oh yes . . ."

Again they lapsed into silence, fucking by barely moving, gently, slowly, the only sound in the room their harsh, ragged breathing as they coaxed one another up toward the pinnacle. 

"I think . . . we're going to . . . come . . ." Nyomi whispered after a few moments. 

Laura kissed her neck and slid her mouth down to one of Nyomi's luscious breasts, tonguing and sucking the large dark nipple with more feverish passion than she thought she should risk, but unable to restrain herself.

"Oh god, I'm going to come fast if you do that!" Nyomi suddenly panted in a sharp panic.

"You don't want to?" Laura asked, smiling.

"I do want to.  I want you to come too."

"Oh . . . I will.  You can't stop me."

But they both realized that though they could come this way, they didn't want to end it yet.  Without really speaking of it, they slowed the pace.  Laura stopped sucking Nyomi's lovely wet nipple, which she knew would make her come almost as quickly as it would Nyomi, and instead returned to her mouth, kissing her lips with the same slow sensuality she had been using earlier.  Nyomi's eyes fluttered open.

"Can we just keep this going forever?  Please?"

"Forever is a long time, my darling."

Nyomi smiled.  "There you go again, calling me those sweet names.  You're making me luff you too much."

Laura smiled.  Again they lapsed into silence, slowly kissing and fucking, dreamily moaning softly.  Even Laura was astonished that they could go on fucking like this for so long without coming.  It had to be because they had already fucked so energetically, earlier.  And yet she knew either one or both of them could climax in seconds if they wanted to, but neither could cut this short.  It's too sweet . . . too intense, Laura realized. 

Still, after several minutes of it they could not contain themselves any longer.  Nyomi began to squeak and whimper softly, and to gyrate her hips more urgently, though still not vigorously enough to break their connection.  Laura could hardly help falling into the same rhythm.  She kissed Nyomi's collar bone, and her throat. 

"Are you ready?"

"Oh god . . . I've been ready for an hour."

Laura sucked her earlobe.  Her fingers bit into Nyomi's silky flesh as she bore down harder, pushing their groins together, almost jabbing.  She knew they were going to come and could not hold back the fiercest expression of her desire. 

"Unh!  Unh!" Nyomi grunted softly, whimpering too.  "Oh!"

"Mnnngggggg!" Laura growled incoherently, feeling suddenly consumed by a frantic, burning lust for this marvelous woman's marvelous body.

And then suddenly a coruscating river of spurting sexual release inundated them both in the same instant.  Their warm, shuddering flesh merged.  Even crying out was impossible for seconds as their lungs were voided by the paralyzing shock of an orgasm that seemed to flow between their bodies, through their joined pussies into their bloodstream, where it poured molten rivers of honey lava through their flesh.

They were enfolded and enwrapped by it, their throbbing bodies linked in a shared rhythm of spasms, and through their clutching and moaning, after a few moments, Laura could hear her own moans intermingled with Nyomi's, growing louder, as the first blinding intensity of their orgasms bled off into a more endurable twitching and quivering.  She could feel Nyomi's body still shuddering and quaking internally under hers, but their pussies were still locked together in the tight kiss that had brought them here in the first place.  Neither would move enough to disengage them, knowing that this very deep magic was caused by this intimate linkage.

Finally, after a seemingly endless stasis in which they clutched one another and waited for their breathing to return to normal, Nyomi stirred under Laura and smiled up at her.  "I feel like I've been raped.  Ravished.  Don't move.  No."

"I won't."

Another half minute elapsed.  "I guess we've got to . . . move," Nyomi murmured reluctantly.  "We can't stay this way forever."

"I'm heavy on you."

"You're not heavy."  Her wild grey eyes caught Laura's for a deep stare.  "Boy, that was a whopper.  I guess if you come four times, you better watch out for the fifth one.  It's liable to turn you inside out."

Laura kissed her and rolled off her beautiful body to the side, still clinging to her.  "Is that how you feel?"

Nyomi nodded.  "Imagine what the sixth one must be like."

Laura's face dropped.  "Are you trying to put me in the hospital, girl?  I think I'm all fucked out for days."

Nyomi smiled in agreement.  "But we can take a little nap.  We have to cram as much into this night as we can.  I can't make Alana stay away every night.  Anyway, my Mama is getting snarky about it.  She thinks you're a guy, of course, but she doesn't approve of too much wholesale fucking, any gender.  She basically thinks you're a loose woman if you like to fuck too much.  And of course I'm neglecting my little girl, which she doesn't let me forget."

Laura kissed her nose.  "Better take care of that darling girl.  I don't want her to hate me.  And she knows what we're doing, as you said.  She's no dummy.  I'm surprised she hasn't told your mother."

"We have an agreement," Nyomi said, with a conspiratorial smile.  "She gets to share you with me as long as Grandma remains in the dark.  If she spills the beans, no more Laura for her."

Laura frowned, but affectionately.  "You're mean."

Nyomi shook her head.  "I know how to protect what's important to me."  She snuggled up to Laura and nibbled her earlobe.  "And you have become very important.  I find myself wishing, almost, that you weren't 'married'." 


"Can't have everything," Nyomi said in a resigned tone.  "If you weren't married, you might be bugging me all the time, like a man."

Laura nuzzled her between her magnificent large round breasts.  "I can tell you one thing.  I sure would be luffing you all the time."

Nyomi stretched her beautiful long body out beside Laura's and flexed.  "Let's get a little sleep so we can fuck again before morning comes."

"I'm sorry, my darling, but I forgot to tell you I have to go home and feed the cats.  I didn't know Alana wasn't going to be here and I could . . . let's say, stay the night?"

Nyomi's face had fallen dramatically.  But, Laura reasoned, she had had five thrilling orgasms, the last one a truly devastating monster.  How upset could she really be?

"Can't you go and feed them and come back?  I'll die of loneliness lying here in the bed imagining what we could be doing."

"Berkeley?  All the way to Berkeley and back?"  Laura tickled her ribs, then could not resist again filling both hands with Nyomi's marvelous round very firm breasts.  "You should have those hormones checked, my dear," she murmured into her amazingly soft cheek.  "Five orgasms.  You're out of control."

Nyomi pouted.  "Only when you're here.  Nowadays I only let a guy fuck me once.  Then I make him go home."

"Poor guy," Laura grinned, rolling out of the bed and beginning to pull on her clothes.  "Once would never be enough for me."

Nyomi stretched and posed, knowing how Laura lusted for her body.  "Sure I can't tempt you?"

Laura laughed.  "To hell and back."  She bent down and kissed her.  "But you're going to have the starvation of two sweet kitties on your head.  How would you feel about that?"

"I'm selfish enough not to care," Nyomi said, sitting up on the edge of the bed, refusing to pull on her robe, as if holding out for the last magic moments of her allure.  "Will you come over tomorrow night?"

"What about Alana?"

"We'll be very careful and quiet.  Like the first time."

"You mean the time we woke her up twice?"

Nyomi pouted again.  She was really very enchanting.  Her large nipples gleamed in the dim bedroom light, and Laura wanted to suck and swallow them.  She could feel renewed stirrings in her groin.  "Please?" Nyomi pleaded.



*                      *                      *                      *                      *



Of course Laura could not resist.  Makeeda was due home in three days, and after that who knew how long it would be before she and Nyomi could again plunge into this supercharged realm of constant and heated sex?  There was, of course, as she had warned Nyomi, Alana to worry about.

"Are you and Mommy going to have sex tonight?  After I go to bed?" she asked Laura, with the completely non-devious directness of a child, while she and Laura were ostensibly watching Dragon Tales on TV in the living room and Nyomi was clattering around in the kitchen.

Laura blushed hotly.  "What makes you say that?"

"Come on, Auntie Laura," Alana said, with such a blank expression that Laura could actually not tell whether she was being completely innocent or shockingly clever.  "I know what you guys are doing.  You aren't playing Scrabble together.  That's why Mommy made me stay at Grandma's."

"I . . . I think . . ."  Laura's mouth was dry.  The blood slowly receded from her face.  She realized suddenly that Alana, sweet little thing though she was, had got a big charge out of making Auntie Laura blush.  "I think . . . probably not," she said, almost decisively.  "I . . . well, I have to go home and feed the cats.  Wouldn't want them to go hungry, right?"

"How many cats do you have?"


"What are their names?"

Laura told her.

"Those are funny names."  Alana leaned close to whisper.  "I don't mind if you have sex with Mommy, you know.  She's really happy with you around.  She sings.  I think she really likes you."

"I really like her."

"But you're married."  Alana looked at the ring on Laura's finger.

"I know."

"Are you married to a girl too?"


"Are you supposed to have sex with another girl when you already have a wife?"

"I guess . . . usually not," Laura admitted.  "But my wife is far away right now.  And she said it's okay for me to have sex with someone as sweet and nice as your mother."

Alana beamed.  "I'm glad.  I'd hate for you two to stop.  I like thinking about it."

"You do?"

"Yes.  I think of you and Mommy having sex.  I think of you being naked and kissing.  Is that what you do?"

Oh god, Nyomi, hurry with that dinner, please! Laura thought in quiet desperation.  "That is what we do," Laura said evenly.  "Don't you think it's time we went and helped your mother with the dinner?"

"Okay," Alana said brightly, jumping to her feet.

Later, after Laura had read her two bedtime stories and kissed her goodnight, and Nyomi had tucked her in and shut the door, they met in the living room.  "We have to wait," Nyomi said.

"I know.  She told me she knows what we're going to do.  She told me she knows we're not playing Scrabble."

"Kids grow up fast these days," Nyomi said with a weary smile.  "Did you bring that strap-on thing you told me you were going to bring?"

"It's in the car," Laura nodded.  "Are you sure you want to?  You might yelp again.  Remember before."  She gave Nyomi, who had a day's-end weariness but was still ravishing, a bold, flirtatious look.

Nyomi smiled mysteriously, a smile radiant and scintillating with sex.  "I'm sure you can kiss my yelps away.  Anyway, if she knows what we're doing, I don't guess hiding around about it is going to solve anything."

"Still . . . discretion?" Laura suggested.

Nyomi nodded.  "I can try not to yelp if you try not to stab."

"Oh my darling, you are making me so horny," Laura smiled, taking Nyomi's hand and drawing her down on the sofa.  They kissed dreamily, and Laura whispered to her.  "She thinks we're getting naked and kissing.  She told me.  I guess that's what she thinks sex is.  She said she likes thinking about you and me naked and kissing."

Nyomi grew wide-eyed with wonder and astonishment.  Then a wry smile passed across her beautiful face.  "That is what sex is," she whispered back.  "Isn't it?  I know I never wanted to kiss anyone as much as I want to kiss you."

"Better be careful," Laura put a cautionary finger on Nyomi's nose.  "Too much luffing.  We better stick with the straight ahead fucking instead."

"You better go get that strap-on out of the car before we get naked and start kissing right here."

Laura tore herself away from the delicious creature long enough to run outside to her car and get her small valise out of the trunk.  During the quick errand, her whole body seemed to be absorbing the traces of Nyomi's enchanting scent that lingered in her nostrils, a mixture of perfume and the day's residue of muted perspiration and the odor of sex she herself, Laura, had apparently inspired during the past few hours.  She knew they would have a hard time of it trying to be quiet with Alana sleeping or listening in the room down the hall.  During the past two nights while Alana was at her grandma's house, Laura and Nyomi had screeched and shrieked and whimpered and yelped to their hearts' content without fear of discovery. 

Still, she quickly reflected as she let herself back into the house and bolted the door behind her, there was more than one way to fuck.  You didn't have to indulge in an orgiastic frenzy of heated pumping and jousting and unbelievably intense coming and helpless screaming and groaning to enjoy it.  As she did not see Nyomi in the living room, she passed down the hall, tiptoeing past Alana's shut door, and slipped into the master bedroom just as Nyomi was emerging from the walk-in closet in a diaphanous peach-tinted peignoir that made her beautiful statuesque body the focus of Laura's unquenchable lechery.

Nyomi's large round umber nipples were visible through the gauzy fabric, the firm globes of her breasts swaying as she walked slowly toward Laura.  "Oh god, you are so gorgeous," Laura said in amazement.  I am actually sleeping with this gorgeous woman.  I can't believe it. 

Nyomi grinned in a kittenish moue.  "I bought this to use it on guys, but none of them ever seemed worth it to me, so I left it in the box.  You're worth it," she flirted.

"I'm so glad you think so," Laura swallowed. 

In truth, Nyomi, though she had movie-star looks, was no more beautiful than many women Laura had slept with.  They were all beautiful in their own way, especially Makeeda, whom she thought of paradoxically with deep love at this very moment, when she was about to hop into bed with this stunning creature.  Makeeda was beautiful to Laura in a way that even Nyomi, even now, could never be, and yet Laura felt that even if Makeeda could see them at this moment, as if hovering overhead and watching their every move as they fucked passionately in the pale yellow sheets, she would be merely amused and show a benevolent smirk, knowing that Laura was ultimately hers, but willing when necessary to share.

Laura tossed the valise onto the bed.  She opened her arms to Nyomi and slid her hands under the peignoir as Nyomi came into her embrace.  Her fingers dug into the magnificent mounds of Nyomi's superlative ass, a masterpiece of high hard physical splendor that she hungered to kiss and plunder, all in the future.  They kissed with patient and elaborate sensuality.  Finally, Nyomi disengaged long enough to whisper, her whispers broken by her soft panting, her amazing grey eyes swirling and pulsing with sex.

"Are you going to fuck me or just squeeze my ass?"

"I am going to do both," Laura smiled, licking her ear. 

"Shut the door and lock it and give me a pillow to yelp into.  I think this is going to be a screamer.  You've got me so hot."

"You?" Laura laughed softly.  "You're the one who's wearing this fantastic sexy thing, making my blood boil."  She lifted one corner of the peignoir playfully with her thumb and forefinger, trying to peak under it at Nyomi's delicious dark brown flesh.

Nyomi teased her, stepping back.  "Is your blood boiling?  Do you want this?"  She pirouetted.  She posed.  She arched her back so that her splendid breasts thrust out even further, and the thin, nearly transparent fabric of the peignoir slithered and slid over her alluring dark body.  She ran her fingers down her glossy, beautifully shaped thighs.  "You want this?  You want this body?"

Laura was already removing her own clothes as she watched this enthralling little performance.  "I want to suck and swallow every delicious inch of you," she breathed.

Nyomi, still flirting and posing, went to the bed and unzipped the valise.  "Are you going to fuck me with your dick?  Are you going to be like a man and ram me?  And make me scream?"

"No . . . my pet," Laura purred to her, now naked herself, approaching Nyomi, slipping her hands again under the filmy peignoir, lifting it, pressing her own naked flesh against Nyomi's body.  "I am going to plough you and plough you, slow and hot, until you beg me to make you come."

A sharp shiver gripped Nyomi, then passed away as quickly as it had come.  They both felt it, and Nyomi half-gasped at the shock of it.  Hurriedly, she pulled the peignoir all the way up and over her head.  "Let me see how it goes on," she said, as Laura quickly fixed the strap-on into place.  Neither of them could stand the waiting and both wanted to be fucking as quickly as possible.  "I'm so wet," Nyomi said softly.

She ran one fingertip along the rippled shaft of the dildo as Laura strapped on the harness belts and made sure they were tight.  She looked up expectantly at Laura.

"I like your cock."  She gnawed her full lower lip for a moment.  "I want your cock in me."

"I'll bet you say that to all the fellas," Laura winked at her.

Nyomi broke into a smile, a lecherous, knowing, sexual smile.  "I won't deny I like hard dick."

"Well, this one's hard."  Laura held it in the fingers of one hand.

"I can see that."  Nyomi lay on her back in the middle of the mattress, her thighs yawning open to welcome Laura, who quickly climbed between them.  The wet, inviting, open red seam of Nyomi's succulent pussy was a magnet to her eyes.  Nyomi, wide-eyed and pliant, stared up at her.  "Let me feel how hard it is."

Laura pulled down one of the pillows from the top of the bed, positioning it just next to Nyomi's face.  "Remember . . . Alana."

Nyomi's receptive sexual smile soured.  "You mean the little girl who spoils all my fun?"

"Now, that's mean," Laura purred, kissing her smooth cheek, her forehead, nuzzling her ear with her nose, brushing her own small naked breasts against Nyomi's masterpieces, feeling their nipples meet.  "Mean.  Take it back or I won't give you what you want.  You know you adore that little girl."

Nyomi crinkled her nose, her grey eyes sparkling merrily, as well as pulsing with hot sex.  "She gets in the way of Mommy's nasty dirty side."

"Oh?  You have a nasty dirty side?" Laura teased her again, now sliding her mouth down to Nyomi's magnificent jutting breasts, which she could certainly never get enough of.

But Nyomi was having none of it.  She pulled Laura's head up again with both hands.  "Get that cock in me," she glared at Laura.  "Please.  I need to be fucked.  I will not forget about her.  Promise."

Laura didn't reply this time.  She smiled and kissed Nyomi sensually, at the same time guiding the head of the dildo into the gaping wet groove of Nyomi's black orchid, making sure it was on target with her fingertips before pushing with her hips and sliding it in deep.  In the middle of their kiss Nyomi froze up for a brief instant, clenching as she felt it penetrate her, groaning softly.


When it was sunk into her as far as it would go, Laura stopped and held her, letting them both feel the exquisite sensations of being this close and on the verge of a torrid seizure of pleasure, their breasts mashed together and their fingers digging into each other's flesh.  Finally, she whispered, "Is it hard enough?"

"Oh . . . god . . ." Nyomi gasped.  "Yes."

Laura pulled up slightly and looked into her fire-streaked grey eyes.  "I'm really luffing you too much right now," she murmured.

"Shut up . . . and . . . fuck me . . ." Nyomi panted, reminding Laura very much of Sara, who had often said a similar thing when Laura got 'too romantic.' 

Laura sucked Nyomi's full lower lip into her mouth, playfully but also with definite sexual intent, and began to thrust slowly.  In keeping with her plan, she did not let their physical need overpower their determination to be discreet, but instead fucked Nyomi in a slow, relentless, simmering rhythm, sliding her arms under Nyomi's shoulders and embracing her very closely, pushing the dildo in and out of her tight, slippery pussy only two or three inches per thrust.  Nyomi's thighs yawned open wider and her calves locked around Laura's hips.  She rocked easily in rhythm with Laura's gentle thrusting.

"Ohhhhhh!  Ohhhhh!  Oh Laura . . . you ah so good!  Unhhhhhh!  Let mah lip ngo.  Mmpplease!"

Laura waggled her head playfully from side to side, still sucking on Nyomi's lip.  Finally, she let it go.  "I am sucking your lip and fucking your pussy," she murmured into Nyomi's beautiful black neck.

"You are going to make me come so fast!" Nyomi gasped softly.  "I don't ever come this fast."

Laura slowed down.  "Oh, don't come too fast," she purred into Nyomi's beautiful ear before slithering her tongue into it.  "I don't want you to come yet.  You are so beautiful to fuck.  I want it to go on and on.  I want to fuck you all night."

Nyomi was twisting and writhing now, pumping back more vigorously, as if trying to get Laura to pick up the pace, to thrust more energetically.  She was also whimpering much more loudly than in the beginning.  At first Laura was equally swept up in the excitement and didn't notice it, but a momentary lapse into stillness by both of them only accentuated the snuffling, gasping, moaning noises they had both been making before it.

"We've got to keep it down," Laura warned softly.

"Oh god . . . Laura . . . I'm going to come if you keep this up!" Nyomi whimpered desperately, her beautiful face torn with a sharp seizure of sexual need.

"Darling, I hope so . . ." Laura smiled, stroking her exquisite body with the fingers of both hands.  "But not yet.  I don't want it to be over yet."

"You're mean!"  Nyomi's eyes popped open.  She glowered at Laura and at the same time her gaze showed Laura that she was desperately in the thrall of a deep sexual yearning and could come any second, if encouraged.

Ah, just where I want you, my pet! Laura exulted.  You are mine!  I can hold you here for a few more minutes, or I can make you come.  It's all up to me.  You are mine.

Nyomi knew it.  Her face turned suddenly soft with desire and appeal.  "Please . . . Laura.  Oh god . . . it's so good!"

"See?  You don't want it to be over either."

"Yes I do!"  Nyomi began twisting and pumping harder.  "Unh!  Unh!"

Inevitably, Laura was drawn into the wild, desperate flexing.  Oh well, I can't deny her.  She's got to have it.  God, she is a beautiful creature.  I do want this to go on forever.  No love lie.  Or 'luff' lie.

But by now there was no prolonging it.  Nyomi was determined to conclude it, and was pumping and flexing in a mild frenzy.  Laura even had to run one hand down to their groins to clasp the wet dildo and make sure it didn't slip out. 

"Oh yes!  Oh yes!" Nyomi panted, churning madly in the rumpled, twisted sheets.

Laura kissed her, though it was hard since she was churning and gyrating so vigorously, panting and keening more and more wildly.  Their mouths met in quick, glancing blows and sloppy near-misses.  Alana.  We have to remember Alana! Laura thought.  She had a flash vision of the sweet little girl dreaming away in her bed of Mommy and Laura naked and kissing.  By god, we are doing that, she half-grinned.  We sure are kissing and we sure are naked. 

"Unh!  Unh!  Oh!"  Nyomi's desperate, constricted cries brought her back to the moment.

The bed was swaying.  Their bodies were straining together, and she could feel the hard bumps of Nyomi's large nipples boring into her own breasts, and the tight squeeze of Nyomi's flexing thighs against her hips.

"Unh!  Unh!"

"Oh yes, honey!  Oh yes, honey!  Come for Mama."  Laura kissed her damp neck, her gleaming shoulder, holding the dildo steady with the fingers of one hand, now jamming it more violently into Nyomi's pussy, feeling Nyomi's body tense and strain on the verge of a horrific climax.  "Come for Mama now.  Yes.  Yes."

"Unnmmgggnhhh!  Oh!"

Nyomi's long, very strong body seized up in a sharp, paralytic spasm for a brief second, the breath completely leaving her lungs, her face frozen in a grimace of acute ecstasy.  Laura clung hard to her, knowing that the dam would burst in a millisecond.


This sharp cry escaped her mouth even before Laura could reach out to the side and yank the pillow closer.  Nyomi was in another universe, her body wrenched and wracked by fierce spasms of almost unbearable rapture.  It's up to me, Laura realized, pushing Nyomi's face sideways into the pillow just as the second shriek poured out of her lungs.

"Mmnnpphhffffnnmmeeeee!" she screamed into the pillow, arching her back, flipping, nearly flinging Laura to the side, her orgasm was so violent.

But the violence quickly spent itself.  The following spasms were less vigorous, and her moans quickly subsided also into muted lowing and gasping.  The shuddering and twitching of her marvelous body continued, however,  for a full minute, Laura was sure, and perhaps even longer.  She clung to Nyomi, enjoying every twitch and aftershock.

"Oh shit . . . oh shit!" Nyomi finally gasped, smiling, rolling over flat on her back, laughing a little, softly, biting her lip and caressing her inner thigh with the fingertips of one hand.  "Holy heavenly shit . . . I . . . I just . . ."

Before she could go on, Laura pulled the dildo out of her and rolled away, slipping out of the strap-on harness adroitly at the same time and pushing it a little apart from them so she could embrace this marvelous woman face to face and body to body.

"If Alana wants to know why you were screaming," she purred to Nyomi, "you'll have to tell her it was a particularly hot kiss.  Right?"

Again Nyomi laughed softly in that relieved and astonished way a woman often laughed after an orgasm she could not believe.  "Hot isn't the word," she said, swallowing dryly.  "I'm parched.  I feel like I've been gangbanged in the desert by a herd of camels."  She kissed Laura's forehead.  "Think you can spare me for a minute?  I think I'll go to the fridge and get a beer?"  She touched Laura affectionately on the hand.

"I only mind if you don't bring me one too."

"I might only have one," Nyomi winked  "We might have to share."

Laura stretched out in the marvelously odoriferous sheets while Nyomi was gone and drank in the thick fragrance of the smoking sex they had just had.  The smell was so pungent that she wondered Alana did not sniff it and awaken from way down the hall where her bedroom was.  We make good fuck odor together, she smiled.  As well as everything else.  I think maybe I'll get her to do me the same way. 

She was still chewing over these sweet, exciting thoughts when Nyomi returned carrying two opened beer bottles.  They clinked them quietly and drank deep, whispering, even though Nyomi had shut the door behind her.

"Is she still asleep?"

Nyomi nodded.  "I peeked in.  Sawing lumber.  Cute.  Good thing she sleeps soundly.  I . . . sort of lost myself there for a moment, when I started to . . ."

"I know," Laura smiled.

"You saved the day."

"I wanted you to get the full force of it."

Nyomi set her beer bottle on the bedstand and took Laura's from her, setting it beside hers.  Then she pulled Laura's naked body against hers.  "I think we have unfinished business."

Laura let herself be thoroughly groped and kissed and finger-probed. 

"You, my dear, are very wet," Nyomi murmured against her cheek.  "Are you going to show me how to put on that thing?"

Laura nodded.  "And are you going to take me to heaven?"

Nyomi laughed, so happy that she threw her head back.  "And hell.  And then heaven again.  Then even higher.  Double heaven.  Can you take it?"

Laura leaned forward and clutched Nyomi's magnificent naked breasts in both hands while playfully nipping her earlobe.  "I can take it if you can dish it out."

Again Nyomi laughed.  She was so full of infectious happiness that Laura felt the contagion spreading through her too.  "You better get ready to cry for mercy," Nyomi growled at her, pulling her down on her back, "because I am one tireless demon in the sack."

Amen to that, Laura thought, surrendering eagerly.








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