Laura - Chapter 309



An old poet had written somewhere that 'an only daughter is a needle of the heart.'  Laura had read the poem in college and completely forgotten the context but had come to think of Randi that way during their long, torrid, up-and-down relationship.  A needle of her heart.  A needle in her heart.  That face.  She didn't know if Randi had that effect on others.  Among Laura's acquaintances, only Rhonda had slept with Randi; in fact, the three of them had danced a painful minuet á trois for over a year, Laura's heart being truly skewered by the needle throughout.  And Kim once, when they had a hot little threesome fuck party.  And Nate Rogers, an attorney in the company's legal division, had been fortunate enough to sink his 'huge black dick' (Randi's description) in various orifices of her thrilling long svelte black body more times than Laura wanted to know about.

She didn't know if any of them felt about Randi, and Randi's exquisite face, the way she herself felt, and so the erotic power it had over her might be unique, though she found it hard to believe that.  Just looking at Randi's face, or remembering it, would make her wet.  In the days before Sara and now Makeeda, Laura had been desperately 'in love' with several girls, and Randi had been one.  She had been flirtatious and promiscuous and sassy and double-crossing and nasty and fiery in bed, and the emotional roller coaster she had taken Laura for a ride on was something Laura could only look back on with awe and envy that she had been once capable of such an adventure.

But that face!  Every girl and woman Laura had romanced was beautiful to her, and each had her unique, exquisite physical features, as well as her own secret key to Laura's heart and her endlessly throbbing pussy; but none of them had a face quite equal to Randi's in its power to draw her in, to suck her in, to reduce her to a naked, almost painful longing and a sharp, gnawing need to possess her, to ravish her beautiful face with kisses and consume her body until that gorgeous face was riven and torn by raptures and excruciating ecstasies that only Laura could confer.

This, of course, had got her into lots of trouble at the time, since Randi had been quite happy to let others also generate those thrilling ecstasies, causing Laura shocking jealousy and pain.  She had also been liberal with her scorn of Laura's other lovers, especially Deshona, whom she had called 'that dwarf,' or sometimes 'that Neegro dwarf.' It had been a period of great emotional turmoil as well as scorching sex, and Laura could not help feeling relieved that it was in the past.  She had now moved beyond such paralyzing seizures of jealousy, even with women she loved far more deeply than she had ever loved Randi—or had she really moved on?  Sara's fling with the nurse had put a terminal kibosh on their relationship, for Laura, who could not bear it; and Makeeda had not really challenged Laura's possessiveness yet by a real or even an imagined dalliance—but remembering that time could still cause her pulse to flutter with vague anxiety and sexual excitement.

All these reflections came to her in a flash as she prepared to attend a trade show on behalf of her company in Charlotte, North Carolina, where Randi had moved abruptly about a year and a half earlier, after apparently deciding that her complex sexual affairs with Laura, Rhonda, and Nate were getting her nowhere fast.  She had been raised in Charlotte, and some person from her earlier life had offered her a job there.  Sensing—correctly, Laura could now acknowledge—that nothing more permanent than the merciless merry-go-round of spiteful sexual betrayal and exuberant making up she and Laura were entangled in would ever happen, she had accepted and happily, almost flippantly, left Laura (and Rhonda, and Nate) in the lurch.  Laura, at least (she could not vouch for the others) had heard zip from her ever since.

And yet on their last time together, the day before Randi departed for good, when the sex was so hot that both of them wondered if they were wise to give it all up like this—Laura for Sara, whom she was convinced she had lost but could never surrender, this being just after Laura's grievous mistake with Dee Dee, Sara's sister; and Randi for her new job in Charlotte—they had bantered about how they would visit one another and their relationship would improve due to the distance now put between them.  They had not, Laura realized now with deep chagrin, even phoned each other to chat.  Randi had simply disappeared from her life.

Oh god, she'd probably hate me if I called, now that I'm coming there to Charlotte.  She's probably deep in one or more relationships, knowing her and her hot little twat, and will deeply resent my intrusions.  And yet, how could I go there if I couldn't see her?  In Laura's mind's eye she could picture that face, that face, that needle through her heart.  Framed by long, swishy braids, sometimes thick ones, sometimes thin and extra long, with beads or gold thread in them, the angelic little curves at the corners of her enchanting mouth sending thrills down to your heels.  Sometimes she would take the braids down and her black hair would swirl in frothy billows around the edges of her face, a totally different look, just as heart-piercing as the braids.  And she would tease Laura that Laura loved it because now it felt like she was fucking an entirely different girl.

And she was right.  Laura did feel that way.  Two enchanting women, though each a little shallow, in one breathtaking body with one stunningly beautiful face.  At this moment in her reveries she almost picked up the phone to call Randi but then remembered that since they had not communicated at all, she did not even have a phone number where she could reach her.  And so, as if to derail this whole tangled misadventure before it could even commence, she decided to go downstairs and out to the little alley where the sandwich shop was and flirt with Bonnie, as a way of getting Randi off her mind.

This in itself had little prospect of success since she and Bonnie had never exchanged more than two words, and Laura's radar told her in no uncertain terms that the girl was about as straight as you could be.  Still, it was a change of pace, and she needed one.

It was close to three thirty in the afternoon, and so lunch was long over.  This was coffee break time, and a few idle couples and solitary newspaper readers were lingering at the tables, preventing the sandwich shop staff from sweeping and closing, as they were clearly eager to do.  Bonnie poured Laura a cup of coffee and took her money.  She seemed a little wearier now than she usually appeared to Laura in the bustle and mild chaos of the lunch hour.

"I'll bet you're eager to close," Laura smiled to her, nodding casually at the other customers.

Bonnie smiled back, a wan, weary, but very friendly smile.  "I get tired by this time of day," she confessed.  "Can't help it.  My feet get sore."

"I can imagine," Laura sympathized. 

"You work around here?  Haven't I seen you at lunch?"

Have you ever, darling, Laura thought.  I come here every day since I saw that you work here.  "That one," Laura pointed.  "The big brown ugly one.  Thirty-fourth floor."

She was looking too intently, she feared, at Bonnie's perfect black neck, and her earlobes where they were visible under her fringe of short black hair, and her sparkling even teeth, and her shiny black eyes, and her red fingernails, and her shapely forearms, and the way her small breasts pushed out against her blue golf shirt, evidently the 'uniform' of the sandwich shop since the other two employees were wearing that shirt too.  I must stop scrutinizing her this way, Laura cautioned herself.  I look like a predator, for goodness sake.

"Why don't you take a minute off and have a cup of coffee with me?" Laura asked, trying to make this request sound as casual as possible, not like a pickup line.

Bonnie gave her a tight but still friendly smile.  "Not allowed.  'Don't fraternize with the customers.'  Thanks for the offer, though.  Maybe after I get off some time."

"What time do you usually get off?"

Bonnie shrugged.  "About now.  Maybe a little later.  After it empties out.  Usually by four, though."

Laura looked at her watch.  "Damn," she said softly.  "I have a meeting at four.  Maybe we could meet tomorrow.  I'll save my coffee break until four and meet you right outside.  We could go window shopping at the new Bloomingdale's down the street."

"Can't afford anything there," Bonnie joked.  "More like Ross and Target for me."

"No kidding," Laura pressed a little harder.  "Me too.  We can just look.  I can't afford it either.  Fun to look, though."

Bonnie tilted her head to one side as if she were considering it.  Then she quickly gave in.  "Okay.  I could use that."  She held out her beautiful black hand.  "I'm Bonnie."

"I know," Laura laughed softly, pointing to Bonnie's name tag.  "I'm Laura.  Pleased to meet you, Bonnie."

They arranged to meet on the following day, and Laura gulped down half of her coffee and left, too exhilarated and spinning with happy feelings to hang around any longer and be tempted to stare at the darling Bonnie going about her workaday chores.  She had been so caught up in the thrill of touching Bonnie's hand and making their little date that she completely forgot until she got back upstairs to her office on the thirty-fourth floor that tomorrow she was leaving for Charlotte and would be in the air somewhere over Illinois at the time she and Bonnie had appointed to meet.

Quickly, daring to be late to her four o'clock meeting, she again dashed downstairs to the alley, but the sandwich shop was already closed, darkened, all the chairs stacked upside down on the tables, the coffee urns gleaming, the afternoon shadows deepening along the buildings.  She went back to her meeting with the sinking feeling that Bonnie would feel she had been somehow given the brush-off tomorrow, when Laura failed to show up.  And yet, they barely knew each other.  How could Bonnie feel rejected?  I'll just have to patch it up when I get back, Laura thought.  She didn't know why it quickly became such a gnawing ache in her, but she did like Bonnie instinctively and looked forward more to a quick window-shopping jaunt with her than she did to a few days of sparring with Randi, if she did happen to locate her when she got to Charlotte.



Locating her in Charlotte, however, became easier than Laura had ever expected possible when she ran into Randi on the very first day of the show.  She was a 'hostess' at a booth for a company exhibiting on the convention floor, and Laura no sooner rounded a corner while browsing the booths than her quick eye picked up the stunning tall black girl in braids at the far end, chatting up a potential customer.  Oh god, it's her! she thought.  Oh god, look at her fantastic braids.  Oh god, look at that fantastic body.  And oh . . . oh god . . . that face!

  As usual, Laura knew that she alone perhaps was so acutely vulnerable to Randi's physical attributes that she could feel a quickening of her pulse and a shortness of breath at the first glimpse of her, as she had felt long ago when meeting her for the first time.  Some people simply got to you that way.  Completely sexual, she knew.  No use apologizing for it.  But she could not imagine how the throngs of people browsing the booths at this trade show, just as she was at this instant, were not congregating in a thick crowd around this particular booth, just to gaze at this gorgeous creature who was animatedly talking with her potential customer right in front of it, for all to see.  In fact, only a few people lingered there, and most of them did not seem especially struck by Randi, or indeed by anything else, but had the bland, slightly bleary look of the usual trade show attendee, suffering from too little sleep and too many dull speeches.

Laura approached her not knowing exactly what to expect.  Would Randi be happy to see her?  Would she be uncomfortably surprised and embarrassed, having created a new life for herself here, with new lovers, new intrigues, new commitments?  One didn't often want the old life intervening at odd, unexpected moments.  Even though Laura had been fundamentally happy to run into Sara in Sak's, and though they had shared thrilling, soul-searing sex together as if fated to do so, she had been in emotional turmoil over it for weeks afterward, hoping that Makeeda, on her return, would not discover some false note in her daily mood or her basic sincerity.

Consequently, she hovered in the middle distance while Randi continued her pitch, a fair way down the aisle from Randi's booth, waiting for the customer to wander off so that she could approach safely.  Which finally—she had no idea how long it actually took, so distracted was she by her own anxiety and bottled up sexual desire—did happen.  The man wandered away, after taking the glossy folder full of brochures and other paraphernalia that Randi had handed him. 

Now was Laura's chance, and as she approached she began to understand why everyone else in the cavernous convention hall was not transfixed by the beauty and sexual allure of this marvelous black girl in charge of this booth.  Randi had somehow changed, transformed herself.  In the past, when Laura had known her and spent exhausting and scintillating hours in bed with her, she had been almost flagrantly flashy and impertinent and gaudy, even flamboyant, a fiery and unpredictable personality, full of seductive graces and sassy theatrics.  Her clothes had verged on the meretricious, leaning toward red and orange or bright chartreuse, with huge buttons and bold slashes of contrasting fabric and flaming scarves, as if to say: I'm hot!  Better be careful!

And she was hot.  Laura could vouch for that.  If there were sexual styles, from the sweet and modest along a range to the combustible and dangerous, Randi surely landed somewhere near the latter.  And yet now, as Laura came nearer, she realized she had been viewing Randi through the lens of the past, and yet here was an altered woman before her, still gorgeous and wildly attractive but now somehow refined and reserved, wearing a sensible brown business suit, with darker, muted lipstick and braids not so outrageously provocative in their array, not beaded and extra long, but only shoulder-length and very finely and tightly done.

She recognized Laura when Laura was still two booths away and broke into a smile, but not the sharp, sarcastic, alluring smile she would have used a year earlier.  Instead, it was an amused, subtle kind of smile that said 'You think you know me, Laura, but you don't.'  She tilted her head charmingly to one side and grinned.

"Well, if it isn't the devil herself," she said, stretching out her arms, beaming.  "Laura, you old shoe, where've you been all my life?"

This was not exactly the greeting Laura had expected, though she didn't know quite what she had expected instead.  They embraced gingerly.  You would never know that we've fucked each other nearly to death on many occasions, Laura thought, getting a secret thrill from this notion, smelling Randi's wonderful perfume mixed with her fresh, natural body scent, both of which made the blood rush in a hot surge through Laura's veins.  She may have changed some, but I still want to fuck her to January and back, she thought.

She wondered if she should whisper this into Randi's ear while they were still close from embracing but thought better of it.  In the past she would have done it in a New York minute.  But now insensibly things had changed, and Laura was not sure how to proceed.  She definitely had the sense that Randi was not going to drop everything and rush off with Laura to her hotel room for some devastating sex.

"I'm so lucky I found you," she whispered instead into the marvelous shiny dark brown whorl of Randi's ear, before they came apart.  "I didn't know a number to call."

"R. Foster," Randi said, with a salacious little smirk.  "It's in the book."

Laura pulled back, still a little over-excited by their cautious embrace.  She could even feel her pussy getting wet.  God, the same old magic! she thought.  "You shouldn't do that, you know.  Every creepazoid in the word knows that a single initial means a girl.  A woman.  Somebody to prey on.  And look at you, you're so gorgeous.  Every sex fiend on the east coast would love to get you."

"Even some sex fiends from the west coast?" Randi flirted shamelessly, the old Randi.

Laura almost sighed with relief.  At least the old Randi was there somewhere, hiding down inside the new one.  "You look stunning," Laura told her.  "I must've forgotten how beautiful you are."

"To you," Randi said, seeming briefly demure and half-embarrassed.  "Nobody ever thought I was as beautiful as you did," she confessed.  "It was hard to give that up."

"Oh, what crap," Laura smiled.  "Everybody I knew thought you were drop dead gorgeous."  Maybe a little full of yourself, she added inwardly.  But still gorgeous.

"Even that dwarf nigger you were bopping?"

Leave it to Randi to get in a dig at Deshona Reed, whom she had despised and feared as her chief rival for Laura.  And not unsurprisingly.  While certainly not any more beautiful than Randi, Deshona had a density of character and a rock solid sense of her own worth that Randi lacked.  She would not stoop to unscrupulous flirtations to get her way, which was practically Randi's only mode of operation.

Laura frowned, but in a friendly sort of way.  "Now now, no nasty insults, okay?  Anyway, I barely see her.  I'm married.  See?"

She held up her left hand with the gold wedding ring on her finger.  Randi looked floored.  Suddenly she looked around the convention hall too, as if in her delight at seeing Laura she had neglected her duty to attract potential customers to her company's booth.  She swallowed nervously.

"I don't believe it," she said.  "You got married?"  She leaned closer again, dropping her voice.  "Somebody who loves black pussy the way you do, Laura?  Shit, you love it more than most guys do.  What would your husband think if he saw you diving into my black pussy?"

Laura smirked and giggled.  "Is that an invitation?"

Randi's black eyes glinted with saucy promise.  "How could I refuse an old love?" she said softly.  "Anyway, adultery is always hotter."

"It's not a man," Laura clarified.  "It's a woman."

"No kidding."  Randi tilted her head again, looking at Laura quizzically, and her lovely tight braids skittered around her delicious black neck.  "You one of those San Francisco gay marriage people we all keep hearing about?  Bringing the country down?  Threatening all the normal people?  Bringing the end of civilization as we know it?"

Laura nodded and smiled.  "That's us, I guess."

"She is some lucky girl if she got you.  It ain't that dwarf, is it?"

Laura frowned more harshly this time.  "No, it isn't.  And please stop using that word."

Randi looked around anxiously again.  "Look, Laura, I got to pay attention here.  It's my job we're talking about, okay?  Can I meet you somewhere later?"

"Your wish is my command," Laura smiled. 

"After a few more hours here someone will replace me.  Then I've got to go back to the office for about an hour, then home."

"Where's home?"

On the back of a brochure Randi scribbled her address.  "Just get a taxi.  I should be there by six."

Oh god, sex with Randi again! Laura thought, unable to keep her mind, or her body, from literally crackling with sexual anticipation.  Once I was so in love with her that I'd risk anything!  She could make me gasp and whimper and beg!

"I'll try to contain my excitement until then," she said softly to Randi, meaning it, and seeing the same effort in Randi's eyes to conceal an equally intense feeling.

"Me too," Randi said, taking a deep breath and stepping back, re-entering her business-like demeanor.  "Good thing I got over my period yesterday."

Both of them giggled suddenly at this, and Laura blushed beet red, even though it was not her own period they were alluding to.  Randi looked around almost fearfully.

"You better go," she said.  "You're making me lose it."  Again she leaned close to Laura, dropping her voice.  "I mean, I know some people who pass by here want to fuck me, but you've actually done it.  And you're going to do it again."

"God, I hope so," Laura breathed, then pulled back herself, trying to stop blushing, and gave her a playful little wave before Randi turned away, going to the back of her booth to get more brochures, ignoring Laura, as if she wished, now that they had had their brief and promising reunion, that Laura would quickly go away.

The physical and emotional excitement of this encounter was almost enough for one day, Laura thought, as she tried to regain control of her hormones and at least pay nominal attention to the events that had brought her here.  She did have a few brief afternoon meetings in hospitality suites that had to be covered, but by five o'clock she was literally unable to think of anything else but her coming evening with Randi.  Not even forced thoughts of Makeeda, or even the entrancing Bonnie, could get her mind off this sassy and wildly attractive woman.

She arrived at Randi's condo before Randi herself did, the taxi depositing her at the glass doors of a sleek, fairly new building not more than three or four miles from the convention center where they had met.  Laura stood uncomfortably, feeling very conspicuous, by the doors, looking up and down the street, waiting for Randi and at the same time wondering what these North Carolinians would say to the idea of her and this delicious black woman going upstairs to perform a night of solemn and thrillingly pleasurable services on each other's naked body.  We are going to burn Charlotte to the ground, folks! she wanted to shout cheerfully at passing motorists.

And yet she could feel a little free-floating anxiety since she gathered that people here did not exactly have the same liberal notions about sexual relations between people of the same gender as folks in, say, San Francisco, that famous sinkhole of perverts and libertines.  And it turned out that she was right, or at least partly right.  In about ten minutes, Randi pulled up at the curb, driving a dark blue Corvette, and rolled down the window, leaning across the seat and beckoning to Laura, who quickly ran over to the car.

"Just go to the lobby door and wait," Randi said.  "I'll park in the garage and come down in the elevator to get you."  Her manner was curt and brusque, as if there could be no appearance of affection other than that of two old chums.

Laura nodded and stepped back, waving in a small, furtive fashion to Randi as the Corvette roared off and around the corner, presumably to some rear or underground parking garage.  But the brusqueness disappeared totally once they were alone inside Randi's condo.  She appeared tired and weary from her day, but also much warmer and happy to see Laura, even apart from the sex that was sure to commence before much longer.

"I've got to take a shower," she said immediately, unbuttoning her suit jacket, smiling so broadly at Laura that Laura thought she could feel the smile entering her very flesh and penetrating to the deep feelings in every pulsing nerve that she had once harbored for this thrilling girl.  "Want to take a shower with me?"

This, pleasantly enough, was totally contrary to the little scenario Laura had, she now realized, been playing in her head, whereby they would sit and talk about old times and Randi would fill her in on who she was currently fucking, male or female or, knowing Randi, both, while Laura luxuriated in the opportunity merely to scrutinize that fabulous face, her heart and her pussy slowly melting.  Then they would gradually move to kissing, undressing, and sucking, and probing, and oh god! they would probably end up just fucking heatedly right there on the sofa before moving to the bedroom for a more thorough and exhausting replay.

Instead, Randi, with a saucy though weary smile, was inviting her to take a shower.  "How could I ever refuse?" Laura smiled back.  "I haven't been able to take my mind off you all afternoon."

"You always say the sweetest things, Miz Laura," Randi joked, turning as she peeled the jacket off, revealing more of her lickable dark brown skin, beckoning Laura toward the darkened hallway.  She was wearing a slip, and a lacy champagne colored bra, under the jacket.  "This way to the shower. You can soap my back.  I can never soap my back.  Hard to reach around there."

"I would love to soap your long, beautiful back," Laura murmured, following her.  "But only if you'll soap mine in return."

Randi turned and winked at her, flicking on the lights as they reached the bathroom, which was, Laura glimpsed, pretty large and luxurious, with a glassed-in shower stall framed in shiny brass.  "I might," she grinned.  "And I might not.  Depends on how well you soap mine."

Laura stepped closer to her and let her lips brush Randi's cheek, which made her pulse leap and flutter.  "I promise to give you the best soaping you ever got," she whispered.  "And I think I can do it."

Randi laughed throatily.  "I think you can too."  She pulled Laura by one hand further down the hall to her bedroom.  "Let's put our clothes here on the bed so they won't get mussed.  I hate to iron."

Laura pouted playfully.  "On the bed?  Seems like we might need it later."

"Oh, I hope you don't have something nasty in mind, Miz Laura," Randi laughed, playing along.  "I do so hope you'll respect my tender sensibilities.  Here in the South we try to keep our good manners at all times."

This banter, though fun, was driving Laura crazy.  She wanted to grab Randi roughly as they stood there next to the bed and drag her down on it and tear her clothes off.  The waiting was getting to be intolerable.  But she controlled her desires, realizing that one could hardly want more excitement than to be naked in the shower with this delicious woman.

They each carefully disrobed and, following Laura's suggestion, placed their clothes on top of the long cedar chest at the foot of Randi's bed, rather than directly on the bed itself.  "You're right," Randi murmured in a low, husky, almost seductive voice.  "I think I'm going to need to stretch out on it after our shower."  She smiled demurely at Laura.

They were, both suddenly realized, having become so absorbed in the daring little repartee of their game, totally naked.  And they had not even touched. 

"Come with me," Randi quickly whispered, taking Laura's hand again and leading her toward the adjoining bathroom.

They both refused to look at each other's nakedness, as if it were too dangerous, that the fucking would happen before the shower, if they didn't exert the most strenuous control, as if seeing each other naked would spoil all the delights that awaited them by springing the trap too soon.  Instead, their eyes locked, and they moved around the bathroom as if in a trance, seeing only each other's face, which for Laura of course was a rhapsody anyway, since she could look at Randi's fantastic face for hours.  Randi smiled, reaching into the shower stall to start the water, but not letting her eyes fall down to Laura's naked body.  Laura's eyes held hers as well.

"I like it hot," Randi said, as the spray of water from the showerhead suddenly filled the stall, and, seconds later, began steaming as well as hissing.  "Sometimes I stand in there just an-ouchin' and a-squealin' until I can't take it any more and have to jump out.  And my skin tingles for about half an hour afterward.  But I won't make it that hot for us."

Laura could not resist leaning forward a little and brushing Randi's bare shoulder with her lips, as she had earlier brushed Randi's incredibly soft cheek with them.  "I think it'll be hot enough," she murmured, letting her eyes pulse with sexual innuendo.

"Better get in, then," Randi smiled, holding the door open.  "Follow me."  Laura permitted herself the briefest glimpse of Randi's small grapefruit-sized breasts and her thick, gleaming black nipples, the firm balls swaying as Randi pulled the shower stall door open further.

She entered the steam and spray, and Laura was right behind her.  Randi pulled the glass door shut behind them, which made a loud clank as the latch caught.  They were instantly shiny and wet, and so close due to the constricted space of the shower stall that their wet bodies were now touching, which acted like a match to their need.  Suddenly they were embracing and kissing hungrily.  The water was indeed a little hot, Laura noticed, but she was so busy devouring Randi's mouth that it did not bother her.

"Oh god," she panted into Randi's wet neck,  "I didn't know if I was going to be able to wait until this moment."  Again she raped Randi's open mouth with hers.

"I didn't either," Randi panted too.  "I wanted to do it right there in the Convention Center."

Now they kissed for, it seemed, five full minutes without speaking, mashing their wet bodies together.  Laura could feel Randi's fine wet breasts and large black nipples squashing into her own hardened berries.  The warm water poured over them, dripping off Randi's braids and matting Laura's hair to her skull, and they were drinking it and each other with increasing rather than diminishing passion, their fingers now digging into each other's wet flesh, their mouths voraciously sucking and biting each other's lips and tongue.

"How could I ever live without you?" Laura panted into Randi's wet ear before stabbing her tongue into it.

Randi giggled and squirmed, so that Laura could feel even more of her wet, slippery flesh against her own.  "I'll bet you say that to all your little darky whores, Miz Laura," she laughed. 

But Laura, not knowing how to respond even in jest to this, took the alternative of devouring the girl more heatedly.  She sucked the flesh between Randi's neck and shoulder, and raised one hand to Randi's wet breast, squeezing it hard and then sliding her mouth down to the large, swelling, shiny wet black nipple.  She sucked it deep into her mouth, then squeezed and sucked at the same time, so hard and almost maniacally that Randi yelped, and quivered.

"Aiiieeee!  Oh!   Ungghh!  Laura . . . I forgot how you really like to swallow it."

"Mmmmm, I am going to swallow it.  And the other one too.  God, your body makes me so horny."

"Hold on . . . hold on there, girl," Randi laughed, grasping Laura's head in both hands and lifting Laura's head up again so that they were face to face.  "Hold on there.  You don't have to eat me alive.  I ain't going anywhere."

"God, I hope not.  I want to fuck you all night."

Randi beamed.  She kissed Laura, and this time their kiss was not ravenous and voracious, as before, but slow and sensual and full of smoldering passion and remembrance, resonating with all the splendid and emotionally charged fucking they had done in the past, which had led up to their lengthy separation, and then to this moment.  Finally, the kiss concluded and Randi pulled back a little, still beaming.  The water was hammering down into their bodies, but during the kiss they had barely noticed it.

"I guess I'll let you," she laughed.  "I forgot how exciting it is with Laura.  Ain't nobody like you, Miz Sex Freaky Laura."

But Laura was paying little attention to this by now, having embarked again on the pleasant task of licking the water off Randi's long, shiny, naked black body, licking and sucking it everywhere, dropping to her knees and pushing Randi's pelvis back against the wall of the shower stall.  Randi had one of the biggest, ripest, juiciest clits in creation, and Laura suddenly wanted to feel it inside her mouth, and feel Randi's body shudder as the sharp spasms of scorching lust wracked her body.

She had not long to wait.  With her thumbs she spread apart the copious, water-bejeweled bush of Randi's pubic hair to expose the girl's thick, meaty pussy, and her gorgeous fat clit, which was already poking out, swollen and oblong, like a tiny penis.  You would think a long, thin girl would have a long, thin pussy, but not Randi, who had a juicy, fleshy trench that Laura was eager to assault.  And being this close to it now, she could smell the ripe, musky odors of Randi's arousal, formerly masked by all the billowing steam that the shower water threw up. 

She curled her tongue around Randi's large, protruding clit and heard the girl moan, felt her thighs clench, saw her pelvis shudder briefly. 

"Unnhhuunnhhh!" Randi groaned, pitching her groin forward into Laura's face, reaching down to hold Laura's head by her wet hair.

Laura sucked the fat grape gently into her mouth and began laving it inside with her tongue, at the same time encircling Randi's quivering hips with her arms and digging her fingers into Randi's firm, smooth, wet buns.  Randi did not have a spectacular hard round out-jutting ass, like Makeeda's, or like the delightful Bonnie's, but instead a perfectly respectable smooth gently rounded one, the kind of ass many people would find ideal, and which Laura loved to lick and bite and suck and squeeze, not at all put off by the fact that it was second-tier to perfection in her eyes.  These brief reflections of hers were quickly overshadowed by Randi's reaction to having her clit tenderly devoured.

"Oh!   Unh!  Oh . . . Laura!"

Her body quaked and shuddered, and her cries became louder, and she began to lose her balance.  Laura held on tightly so that she would not slip or fall.  The hot water, which now seemed hotter than ever, was crashing and steaming all around and onto them, hot nails in their tender skin.

"Oh . . . Laura!  I can't come standing up.  We'll have to stop for a minute."

The water was suddenly becoming a little tepid, though no less relentless, and Laura realized they had been in the shower for quite a while.  She released Randi's clit from her mouth and rose to her feet, unable to resist kissing long wet stretches of Randi's delectable naked black body on the way up, even pausing over her incredibly beautiful wet breasts to gently suck each large, dripping, bulbous nipple.

"We can go in to the bed and keep going," she murmured in a sultry voice to Randi before seizing her voluptuous mouth with another hot kiss, now rubbing Randi's erect clit with the fingers of one hand as she kissed her, making Randi's knees sag again.

"Yes . . . the bed," Randi said, panting, into Laura's lips.  "Want you to go on.  God, girl, you're making me want to come."

"Oh, good," Laura grinned as they shut off the water, stepped out into the bathroom, and began to towel off each other's body hurriedly with huge fluffy yellow bath towels.  "Your body makes me so horny," she murmured, kissing one of Randi's irresistible shoulder blades.

"You already said that," Randi grinned back over her shoulder.

"Can I help it if it's true?  Come on, let's hurry."

In the bedroom they quickly pulled down the bedcovers and hopped into the middle of the sheet.  Their naked bodies coiled together immediately, and again they kissed ravenously, and with a fiercer hunger even than before, their flesh now damp and tingling, as Randi said she often was after a shower.  She kissed and sucked Laura's neck, then her ear. 

"If you suck my clit again, I'll come in three seconds," she breathed.

"Mmmmm, you think that fast?" Laura smiled, pushing her gently down onto her back.  "Maybe we should make a small wager.  It'll take five seconds."

But Randi gazed up at her with throbbing black eyes, unable to pause for jokes, her beautiful face contorted by sharp sexual need.  "Just fuck me like this," she said, effortlessly parting her thighs and slipping one leg under one of Laura's, who was still sitting vertically.  "Fuck me with your pussy.  I'll come in ten seconds.  Push your pussy into mine.  We can do the sucking and other stuff later."

Laura grinned, inching forward, wondering how long it had been since they had indulged themselves in a hot moment of tribbing, especially tribbing until one or both of them came.  She knew from the shower, though, that Randi was hyper-aroused and probably would come with little encouragement.  And god, I know I can come if she starts coming, Laura thought.  It'll be easily enough to tip me over the edge.

They began slowly, but there was no way the rhythm could remain slow for long.  Early in their gyrations their eyes locked, and from that moment on they could not tear them apart.  Laura pressed her wet pussy into Randi's, which was a thick, meaty cauldron of squinchy cunt meat and tangled, cushiony pubic hair, and they both gasped and whimpered a little at the sweet intensity of it at first, of feeling the slippery warm wetness of their cunts sliding together as they rocked and pumped gently against each other.

"Oh god . . . I am going to come!" Randi gasped softly, looking up at Laura with happy desperation in her glittering black eyes, as if surprised for it to be true.  "Do it a little harder!  Unhhh!  Ohhnnnn . . . yesssss!"

Laura could feel her body quickly coursing with frenetic sexual energy and need, an urgent need she had not felt even moments before, a need inspired by this sudden deep intimacy.  The hot shower had stoked them, but their very potent and erotic past seemed to inform this moment with all they had meant to each other then, the torments and the sweet ecstasies they had brought one another, the emotional pain and the killing physical pleasure.  Their bodies remembered it, and those same hot, lurching, striving, grinding bodies seemed determined to give it to each other again.

"Oh yes . . . oh yes!" Randi panted, her head tossing, her eyes rolling up, her hips gyrating in a smooth, constant rhythm up into Laura's thrusts.

They were nearly perpendicular, with Laura sitting up and Randi flat on her back, her firm round breasts swirling as Laura pumped her in an increasingly vigorous rhythm.  Laura could never get enough of her present lover's body, and this was no different.  Randi's thick, gleaming, swirling black nipples drew her mouth irresistibly, and soon she was leaning down, grinding less since it was harder in this position, trying to swallow one, then the other, while Randi moaned and sucked her full lower lip.

"Unhhhhhh!  Oh!  Oh shit . . . Laura, yes, do it hard!  Yes!  Ungghhhh!  Oh!"

This led to squirming and writhing together, to frantic thigh-tribbing, then to feverish kissing and slobbery tongue-sucking, then back to their original position, with Randi flat on her back and Laura sitting up.  This time their eyes locked again, and each one slid her hands down to her crotch, pulling her pussy open with her fingers, in order to make sure that the wet, raw inner flesh of their inflamed vaginas touched as they pumped and gyrated in a more and more heated frenzy, hurtling toward the powerful explosion they knew was just seconds away.  Laura could even feel the gristly, large, wet nub of Randi's huge, erect clit sliding roughly against the slick inner flesh of her gaping pussy.

But they could not keep their hands there for long, since the sheer force of their overpowering lust made them clutch each other frantically and fuck wildly in the last few moments, clawing and digging at each other, yanking each other closer, panting, struggling, mewling crazily. 

"Unh!   Anghh!  Unh!  Oh shit!" Randi panted, grabbing up for Laura with her frantic hands, while Laura, whose own hands had flittered again to Randi's delectable, swirling breasts, now slid them underneath her back and clutched her too.

"Yes . . . yes honey!" she gasped, almost delirious with urgent desire for Randi's writhing body.  "Yes . . . ungghhhh!  Oh god . . . oh darling . . . oh yes come with me . . . anngghhhh!  Ummnnggghh!"

"Oh god!  Ummmnngghiieee!" Randi cried out, her body arching and quivering, and began to come in great, surging spasms.  "Oh!  Annnggghmmnniieeee!"

Laura was very close behind her.  She fell forward onto Randi's surging body and held her in a vise grip as sweet honeyfire began to boil through her own veins, and hot clenching bliss gripped her womb from the inside out.  "Unnngghh!  Auuunnggghhhhh!" she almost roared, feeling her flesh glued to Randi's still-shuddering body.  "Oh god . . . aunngghhhhh!  Ohhnnnggggg!"

They were completely and thoroughly obliterated by this dual orgasm, their bodies entangled, their groans and whimpers intermingling, their breath raking each other's cheek, their crotches still mashed together as their bodies vibrated in unison to the sweet, shattering spasms of their shared climax.  They were wet again too, Laura realized, as she slowly began to regain regular consciousness; their flesh was stuck together by a film of sweat their heated fucking had generated all over their skin.

"So much for the shower," she half-giggled softly into Randi's ear, since it was just inches from her lips.  "I'm sweating like a ram goat.."

Randi laughed back softly.  "You just about fucked me like one, too.  Onliest thing you lacked was the dick."

"Honey," Laura kissed her braids, loving their bristly feel against her lips, then her face, "you could make a girl grow a dick, just so she could do you."

"Good thing you don't need one," Randi said, finally sliding to the side and sitting halfway up, blinking at Laura as if she were just recovering from a sexual tornado that had transported her several miles.  "Goodness, girl, no guy ever fucked me as hard as you do.  Or made me come as hard, either.  Forgot how good you are."

Laura felt herself actually blushing.  Even though they had fucked one another's brains loose on countless occasions in the past, just like this, she felt unaccountably fresh and new, as if this were their first time.  "Why thank you, my darling.  Guess I have to live up to my reputation."

"Maybe we should take a shower one at a time so we don't risk lighting the fire again," Randi grinned, sliding off the bed.  "Me first, since it's my shower."

"Have you lost some weight?" Laura asked, as she devoured Randi's incredible tall naked body with her eyes as Randi crossed the bedroom toward the adjacent bathroom.

Randi smiled.  That face!  Laura wanted to slide off the bed, cross the few steps to her, and drag her to the floor for some more frenzied fucking.  She couldn't believe how horny she felt, even after just coming in hot purple furies.  "I lost about ten pounds."  Randi pirouetted, posing provocatively, knowing how Laura lusted for her body.  "Worry over work, I guess.  I'm always nervous they're going to can my ass."

Laura followed her into the bathroom, still talking to her while Randi went again into the shower stall, shouting a little over the noise of the water.  "I thought you must be one of their stars.  That's why you were in the booth."

Because of the water and the steam, she couldn't see Randi's body clearly inside the shower, which actually seemed to make it more alluring, all shiny and wet and dark brown and curvaceous.  She could glimpse Randi's large black nipples, blacker than the rest of her body, when she turned, and the dark patch of her pubic hair, where the treasure she had just fucked with her own pussy was now concealed again.  Randi turned the water off and stepped out, reaching for a towel, which Laura handed her.

She squint-smiled at Laura while drying off her body, again seductively, since she knew how Laura loved it.  "I was in the booth because people want to fuck me," she grinned.  "Just like you wanted to.  Though mostly men.  They're the ones who make the decisions anyway, most of them.  They love to come by and flirt.  Some of them even get a little bold, if you know what I mean.  Anyway, that's why I'm there."

At least she had no illusions, Laura reflected, though it had to be a little dispiriting to feel that you were just meat, hung out to attract the wild beasts.  Maybe that's why she was fretting about her job.  If she depended only on her transitory looks to be successful in the job world, what would happen when they deteriorated?  And yet, Randi looked more delicious than ever to Laura.  Surely those days were far off.

She took a quick shower of her own and they returned to the bed.  They stretched out and embraced, kissing with slow, simmering tenderness, clearly knowing they were going to fuck again, and probably only minutes from now, but taking this moment to relax and express their deep and long-lasting feelings for each other.

"You know," Randi finally murmured, "when I worked with you guys out in San Francisco, I was sleeping with Rhonda."  She smiled, almost demurely.  "And you, of course."

"And Nate," Laura interjected, kissing her collarbone.

Randi nodded.  "And him.  But Rhonda, because she loved my pussy, sort of protected me.  That is, until she met that little shit Stevie.  Gave me a leg up, you know.  Made things smooth, gave me raises.  You know what I'm saying?"

Laura nodded.  Just as Rhonda had done—indeed was still doing—for Yvette.  Rhonda took care of her girlfriends.  But Laura could not resist asking.  "So . . . then, what about me?  I couldn't do anything like that for you."

A tear, unannounced, certainly unexpected, suddenly slid down one of Randi's cheeks.  "I loved you, Laura."  She sniffled.  "I know I had a funny way of showing it . . . but I did."

Laura smiled, brushed away the solitary tear, and kissed the damp trail it had made on Randi's dark brown cheek.  "I know.  I loved you too."  She paused, not wanting to shift gears too quickly, though it made her anxious talking out loud about old loves when she was now so deeply in love with Makeeda.   "So, tell me.  What's your love life like here?  I'm guessing there's no Rhonda to smooth the way for you."

Randi shook her head solemnly.  "I have a girlfriend.  She works in the company.  She's not any more powerful than I am, though.  We both have to keep it very secret.  This isn't California."

Only one? Laura wanted to ask, but that was cruel.  Randi spoke up before she could ask anything.

"Actually . . . two," Randi confessed.  "But they don't know about each other.  One's black.  She's kind of dykey and mean.  She came on to me when I was only back here a few weeks.  But she sort of handles that rough and ready side that Laura used to take care of."  She smiled a kittenish smile and drew an invisible line down Laura's cheek with one long, sinuous black finger. 

"What about the sweet, tender side I also used to take care of?" Laura asked pointedly, though also smiling.

"Oh, that's the other one.  She's white.  Blonde.  Kinda pretty.  Even whiter than you.  She looks like a sheet.  Makes me look even blacker, when we're together.  She's a fool for my braids and my body.  Like you.  I actually came on to her, though in a real subtle way.  But she caught it.  The first time we were together I was afraid she was going to fuck me to death."  She winked.  "Again, like you."

"Tell me about it," Laura said, hoping she didn't sound too breathlessly eager.  She loved hearing such narratives.

"You know . . ." Randi appeared to be momentarily embarrassed, if that were possible.  "Just the usual stuff.  Like we just did."

"No, I mean how you met.  How you . . . came on to her, as you said."

"Oh."  Randi smiled demurely again, though she was anything but demure.  Or maybe this was a mask for her shyness, which, Laura realized, was possible.  Even the boldest person could be making up for an essential shyness.  "We were at this off-site meeting . . . at a hotel out in the suburbs.  She and I were the only women there.  Just all men . . . and us.  I had seen her looking at me, you know, a little more than normal, before this.  So, I was in the bathroom, and I knew she would be coming in too since it was a break.  And I took off my blouse and pulled down my bra and started examining under my arm in the mirror, as if I had a sore or an insect bite or something I was looking at.  But my boobs were pushing out there for anyone to see.  I guess if she weren't interested she would've just looked away."

"Oh god!"  Laura could feel the sweet nectars beginning to flow inside her pussy again merely from listening to this.  "And she came in.  What happened?"

Randi smirked sexily.  "What do you think?"  She looked down at her naked breasts, then brought her hands to them and cradled them in her palms.  "You like these, don't you?  You want to grab them and kiss them, don't you?"

"Is that what she did?  Wait a minute.  That isn't so subtle.  You said you were subtle."

Slowly Randi shook her head.  "I think it was too risky for her to actually kiss them. Touch them.  I mean, we were the only women, but still some hotel employee could've come in.  She just stared.  Like you're staring."  Randi smirked.  She ran her thumbs over her large, succulent black nipples.  "It was a little more subtle than just saying 'Do you like girls?'  But you're right, not too subtle.  Guess I'm lucky she liked these."

"They are very beautiful," Laura said softly, meaning every word.

"And I stared at her.  She stared at my boobs, and I stared at her.  And then I held them like I'm holding them now for you.  Like I was offering them to her.  And she knew it.  And she sort of swallowed and said 'Can we meet later?'  And I nodded and said I hoped she'd say that.  Then I put my bra and blouse on again.  We even kissed once, real quick, before we went back out to the meeting.  Let me tell you, neither one of us could pay very close attention to things after that."

"I imagine not," Laura said. 

"She gave me her address as we were leaving.  Just slipped it to me, like we were spies or something.  God, my heart was pounding.  I was so excited, but I didn't want anyone else to find out.  The rest is history.  As I said, she was like you.  She fucked me so much I thought I wouldn't be able to go to work the next day."

"Mmmmm," Laura squirmed against her, feeling Randi's long, svelte, naked body press against her flesh everywhere.  "Just like I'm going to do to you now?"

"Ooohhhh, that feel good, Miz Laura," Randi laughed softly, pushing her naked body into Laura's too, running her fingers up Laura's bare back.  "You gon' suck my little black pussy now?"

Laura nipped her enchanting earlobe.  "And your big clit," she murmured, slithering her tongue into the whorl of Randi's shiny black ear.

Randi giggled.  "You like that, don't you.  You white girls all love my big fat clit.  You like to suck it till I scream."


"You know, my black girlfriend Wilma smacks it with her hand.  She spanks my pussy.  Calls me naughty and spanks my pussy and my clit.  God, it makes me just go all to pieces.  The first time she did it I came in about two seconds.  Ever have anybody do that to you?"

Laura nodded.  "Has the same effect on me.  Wilma sounds like a firecracker.  What else does she do?"

Randi pursed her fantastic thick lips and waggled her finger in front of Laura's face.  "Oh no . . . that's private.  We do the nastiest things.  I'd be embarrassed to tell you."

"Ummmm," now Laura nuzzled her under the earlobe she had just nipped and sucked.  Randi squirmed.  "You have to tell me.  You're my prisoner.  I'll handcuff you to the bed and spank you, if you don't tell me."

Randi laughed and squirmed some more.  "Did you bring those handcuffs I gave you?  The furry ones?"

Laura shook her head.  "Afraid what the airport security people might do to me if they found them."

Randi grew more sober for a moment. "Right.  I know.  I wouldn't bring them either."  Then she smiled devilishly.  "Good thing I've got a pair of my own."

She released Laura, though their warm bodies stuck together and came apart reluctantly.  Randi hopped off the bed and darted into the walk-in closet, returning with a shoe box.  She opened it and inside Laura saw the fur-lined handcuffs identical to the ones Randi had given her as a going-away present (that is, Randi's going-away).  Also in the box was a gleaming blue strap-on dildo and a black pelvic harness.  And under that were two nasty-looking nipple clamps, linked together by a silver chain.

Laura removed the blue dildo, admiring it, stroking it up and down with one finger.  "It's blue!" she said, half-amazed.

"I guess it's so you can pretend some Martian is fucking you," Randi laughed.  "Feels like it, too, when that demon Wilma's on the other end."

"She certainly sounds like my kind of girl," Laura grinned.  "But how do you know how a Martian fucks?" Laura teased her.  "Maybe they're very gentle and sensitive."

"And maybe they're like a deranged pile-driver too," Randi deadpanned.  "You want to give it a try, Miz Laura Martian?"

Laura put it back in the box and patted the entire apparatus affectionately with her fingers.  "Yes, I do.  But not now.  You know what I want."  She gave Randi her smokiest, most significant look. 

"Maybe I'll handcuff you and make you fuck me with that thing," Randi giggled.  "If I got you onto your back, I could climb on.  I'm bigger than you."

"Not by much."

Randi was maybe an inch taller, and a little fleshier than Laura, though certainly not a full-figured type of girl.  She was tall and lean but slightly bigger boned.  In a wrestling match, Laura knew, she was a formidable opponent.  The only time they had ever wrestled, Laura had won, but she knew now it was only because Randi had wanted her to win.  Memories of it stirred in them both, and they quickly grew hungry again for another, probably more prolonged, bout of sweet screwing.

Randi put the box down on the dressing table and took Laura's hand, drawing her back to the bed, her black eyes throbbing, her full, sensual lips parted, her breathing coming a little faster.  "Think we better wait on that.  I know what Laura wants right now.  And I want it too.  Been a long time, Miz Laura, since I felt your lips on my pussy.  The shower didn't count.  That was too quick."

Laura smiled and kissed her.  "Then we're about to correct that grievous lapse," she murmured into Randi's lovely lips, letting her eyes linger on that incredible face that so pierced her heart.

This was Randi's moment to yield, to let herself be made love to, and Laura's to do the loving; and each intended to enjoy it to the fullest.  It was an unusual situation since they were very familiar and comfortable with one another, and yet there was a mysterious freshness to this encounter, since they had not rubbed their flesh together like this for nearly a year and a half.  Much had changed, but Randi's body, in spite of Wilma's apparently lusty and even punishing attentions, was as enchanting as ever to Laura, who spent long minutes exploring it on her way south to the beautiful feast of inflamed and flowing pussy she knew awaited her.

She lingered over Randi's exquisite naked breasts, squeezing and sucking them gently, then more passionately, knowing how Randi liked it, knowing that some hard sucking would quickly bring desperate whimpers from deep in her chest as her thick, black nipples became hard and rubbery and shiny with warm spittle, standing up sharply from the firm round balls of her breasts. 

"Mmmm, you like that, don't you . . ." she could not help whispering to the writhing, panting girl, lashing Randi's pointed wet nipples with her tongue.

"Oh god, yes!" Randi whimpered, squirming a little under Laura's attack.

Laura could not help imagining these lovely breasts with those fiendish nipple clamps on them that she had seen in Randi's box.  Did the dominatrix Wilma put those on her?  Did Randi sometimes beg her to put them on, to yank the silver chain, to torture these beautiful, gleaming black nipples a little in order to produce an even more intense orgasm?

These reflections, on top of the sheer joy she was already experiencing from sucking Randi's firm beauties, made Laura's cunt flare and throb and ooze excitedly.  She inched her way further south, brushing her lips against the smooth flat flesh of Randi's long midriff until she came to the tattoo, a stylized ankh of which Randi was very proud.  She had teased Laura long and hard about letting Laura kiss her ankh.  Since getting it, she had also got another on the back of her left shoulder, a rose.

"Too much ink on this beautiful body," Laura murmured to her, quoting Nate, Randi's male lover back in San Francisco, who, Randi had reported to Laura, had said exactly this.  True, too, Laura thought.  This body is too perfect to spoil with 'enhancements,' or 'personal body art.'  Yuck. 

But she would not refuse to kiss the ankh, given that Randi's scrumptious, vibrant dark flesh surrounded it, and lay only partially concealed beneath it.  In fact, she kissed it hungrily.

"I see you enjoying it though, Miz Laura," Randi teased, grinning.  "It ain't harming your pleasure, is it?"

In reply Laura slithered the tip of her tongue into Randi's navel.

"Ooohhhhh . . . shit . . . that feels good!  You're giving me the shivers, Laura."

Randi's body quivered, then strained and arched a little, and she raised her hands to her breasts, twisting her damp nipples in her fingers, which only made them harder and more pointed. 

Laura did not reply but merely smiled and kissed her way lower, finally reaching the thick, curly black forest of Randi's pubic triangle, using her fingers to pull the hair away from the girl's delicious, meaty pussy, which was by now slick and oozing with juice, already gaping slightly open, inviting her tongue.  Randi's large clit was impossible to ignore, standing out like a flagrantly extrusive button of bliss at the top of her festering, glistening, fiery pink slit. 

Laura was eager to resume where she had earlier left off in the shower, when Randi had not been able to bear the intense need aroused by feeling her clit in Laura's mouth, and they had had to move to the bed, where frantic tribbing had distracted them from this.  Now I get to suck you again, my sweet, Laura thought, looking up at Randi's sublimely beautiful face all torn and contorted by her sexual pleasure.  It was a moment of the purest, most intense satisfaction for them both, a renewal, a reawakening of the sharp physical need they had once had for each other, so piercing and urgent at the time that they would, and did, risk nearly everything to slake it. 

"I've missed you, Randi my darling," Laura murmured to her before dipping her tongue deep into the oozing, flaring, bright pink furrow of Randi's open slit.  "And I've missed this beautiful pussy."

Randi grimaced with pleasure, panting and gnawing her full lower lip.  "Nothing . . . like . . . Laura's . . . tongue!" she panted, her head falling back, as a deep groan began to rise out of her chest.  "Oooaaannnhhhhhhh!"

Laura realized that their earlier orgasms had released their most feverish urgency, so that now she could take her time, and she was determined not to be rushed.  She loved eating pussy and was very good at it.  Randi knew it too and lay back for one of Laura's virtuoso efforts, which she knew from experience would start slowly but soon have her climbing the walls, begging for release, quivering and whimpering helplessly, then clenching and screaming through a climax that the gods would envy.

The trick, Laura knew, was to be in no hurry.  Too many people spoiled it by haste, by attacking the pussy and clit rapaciously, as if insisting that the recipient gather all her energies into a quick, explosive, certain orgasm before this onslaught evaporated in the over-eager combustion of its own limited strength and attention span.  Laura had plenty of time and meant to use every second of it wisely.

She tongued Randi's thick, wet, black cunt lips lovingly, sucking them gently, insinuating merely the tip of one forefinger into the wet pink chalice, as if to tickle awake the secret nerves that lurked there waiting to be ravished into fierce attention.  Her tongue did not even approach Randi's huge, swollen clit for a good two minutes as she patiently and tenderly ministered to every other part of the girl's inflamed pussy, finally slipping her finger in deeper, letting her middle finger join it, fucking Randi's clenching wet cunt slowly and rhythmically with them while continuing to explore every miniscule portion of wet cunt flesh with the tip of her tongue.

Randi lay calmly and submissively at first, her sleek thighs yawning open to allow Laura full access to her treasure, but before long her legs were twitching and jumping, she was twisting uncontrollably in the sheets, and her hands rose instinctively to her lovely breasts, where she pinched and pulled her own nipples, while looking down her heaving stomach at Laura's head between her thighs. 

"Ohhhhh girl . . . you are making me sooooo want to come!" she panted, slowly gyrating her pelvis so that her pussy slid against Laura's lips. 

Laura smiled up at her but did not reply; nor did she pause in her expert ministrations, now licking a long swatch from the bottom of Randi's gaping hot pussy all the way to the top, where for the first time she let her tongue flick Randi's engorged clit.

"Ahhhhh!" Randi gasped, her smooth, sleek, black thighs clenching.  "Oh god!"  The thick wet grape seemed to quiver and swell under Laura's quick tongue.  "Unnhhh . . . unnngghhhh!"

Laura, quickly withdrawing again from Randi's hair-trigger clit, which she felt was so aroused that the merest attention to it might result in a too-quick orgasm, found herself wondering if Randi had a g-spot, and if she had ever found it before.  It was hard to remember, though she believed, following her old lover—that female panther—Kim's advice, that nearly every woman had one, and it was merely up to the one on the giving end to search for it and deliver the coup de grace. 

And if anyone was ripe for a devastating sexual explosion, it was Randi at this particular moment.  Blowing on her distended, swollen,  shockingly fat clit would probably be enough to send her into space.  Finding the hot bundle of g-spot nerves inside her pussy at the same instant would probably bring her perilously close to sexual obliteration.  But isn't that precisely what we want? Laura mused, twisting her hand around so that her two fingertips were now rubbing the forward inside wall of Randi's tight, buttery slit.

Almost immediately, Randi realized what she was doing.  Either Laura had done it before, or one of her other lovers—maybe this firecracker lesbian Wilma she kept mentioning—had found the secret button.  Randi's eyes fluttered open.  "Oh god!"

Again Laura did not speak, though her grin grew measurably wider.  She knew, and Randi knew, that the end was near.  With one last journey of her tongue up and down the slippery, buttery crease of Randi's beautiful, fleshy, inflamed pussy, she parted her lips and took the bulging grape of Randi's clit between them, sucking it tenderly into her mouth. 

Randi whimpered, and though not even coming yet, she seemed to go wild under Laura, squirming and quivering and straining, as if practicing for the huge cataclysm that was about to strike her beautiful, flexing body.  "Oh god, Laura!"

"Yes . . . honey . . . yes . . ." Laura purred to her, letting Randi's clit slip out of her mouth for a brief moment in order to speak, then sucking it gently back inside.

"Unh . . . unh!"  Randi clumsily propped her upper body up on her elbows and looked down frantically at her crotch, as if the sight of Laura's mouth holding her sensitive clit inside of it were something she had to experience.

But she couldn't hold herself up for long and quickly fell back.  Laura's two probing fingers now probed more relentlessly.  She sucked a little harder.  Go ahead, darling, and come.  That's what we're after here.  Go ahead.  Have a big one.  Have a killer.  Let her rip. 

"Unh!  Unh!" Randi continued to moan, her entire lower body undulating and jerking so fast that Laura hoped she didn't go any faster since it was beginning to be hard just to hold on.  Randi was twisting and pinching her own thick black nipples very sharply, pulling them up and her breasts along with them.

"Yes, honey, yes!" Laura said again, this time more sharply, urging Randi on, urging her to let go and be swept up in it.


"Yes!"  Laura sucked the fat grape back into her mouth again, and a split second later felt Randi's entire pelvis twitch.  At that instant she knew she had touched the spot.

"Oh!  Ungghhhh!"


There could hardly be anything in life more exciting than this, Laura realized in the split second between Randi's twitch and the full arrival of a crushing, thunderclap orgasm.  Randi was sharply wrenched by the fierce shock of it, her long, lean body stiffening, the breath cawing in her throat, her fingers still tightly clamped on her own nipples, pinching them between fingertips and palms, almost tearing at them, her beautiful face contorted in a fury of excruciating pleasure.  She could not cry out, but her body began to quake and shudder as waves of orgasmic shock poured through her.

"Anngghhh!" she finally managed to croak, then took a quick breath, then screamed in a long, piercing wail.  "Aanngghhiiieeee!  Oohhhhnnnnnngggg!  Oh shit!  Auunngghmmmnnnggg!"  She jackknifed and surged up off the bed, straining, jerking.

"Yes, honey, yes!" Laura panted to her, still rubbing the spot inside Randi's pussy where she had discovered the jackpot, then sucking her clit again, knowing that successive waves of thrilling spasms were still possible, feeling overjoyed when Randi's body again gave in to a few more sharp jolts.

"Unhhh!  Ohnnggghhh!  Auunnngghmmnneeee!" she wailed again, this time turning and thrashing in the rumpled sheets, digging her heels into the mattress and thrusting her pelvis up into Laura's face, her hips shaking and her face grimacing wildly as another sweet, less powerful but probably equally blissful climax shook her flexing body.

Finally, the storm passed.  It seemed to take a long time, though, Laura reflected, to dissipate.  Forever.  She stayed where she was, with her two fingers still embedded in Randi's lovely pussy, now wetter than ever, and her lips only inches from the fat love bulb at the top.  She had plenty of time to admire and marvel over it while waiting for Randi to revive. 

Several minutes passed.  Randi stirred.  Her breathing had returned to normal.  She looked down at Laura and managed a wan smile.  "Guess we can forget about the handcuffs for a while," she grinned.  "We don't seem to need them to get where we're going."

Laura smiled at her and slid up face to face.  "I guess you're certainly right," she murmured, kissing Randi's lovely, sort of flat nose, then her sensual lips.  "All I have to do is look at your face to come."

"Liar," Randi grinned. 

"True," Laura shrugged.  "I almost came just looking at you."

"You say the sweetest things, Miz Laura.  If you were that close, then I guess it won't take me a minute to get you off."  She began to kiss her way down Laura's body.

By morning Laura found herself musing on Randi and her new white lover fucking so much that Randi had thought she might not be able to go to work the next day.  They certainly couldn't have done more than she and Randi did during this night.  Laura knew she had not fucked this much, this continuously, or had this many climaxes, or lost so much sleep in the pursuit of ecstasy, in at least a year, and she found herself idly trying to remember with whom.  Certainly she and the women she loved—Sara, Makeeda, even Dawn and Deshona—had not equaled it in sheer exhausting duration.  She and Randi had fucked in nearly every way possible.

"The good old days," she murmured to Randi the next morning as they got ready to leave Randi's condo, Randi to work, Laura back to the convention hall.  "I haven't fucked that much since you and I used to do it in the good old days."

"Maybe we had to do it that much since we don't know when we'll be able to do it again," Randi said wisely.  They were lingering by the front door, still kissing a little, as if unable to open it and voyage forth into the world again, leaving behind this interlude of searing sex and bittersweet intimacy. 

"I know you're right . . . but don't remind me," Laura said softly. 

Randi kissed her.  "Maybe when you're fucking your lucky 'wife,' Miz Laura, you can pretend it's me once in a while.  I know I think of you when Wilma be fucking my brains out with that gigantic cock of hers."

"Isn't life sweet," Laura said, with sharp irony.  "We can have each other even when apart."

"Sometimes it's better that way," Randi said mysteriously, opening the door.





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