Laura - Chapter 308



They are just everywhere, aren't they, Laura thought ruefully as she noticed the darling new black girl with short hair and a hall-of-fame bottom who was working the counter at lunch time these days at the little sandwich shop in the trendy alley behind her office building.  The girl could be anything from eighteen to twenty-five; it was hard for Laura to judge.  But she was completely lovely in a fresh, normal, not spectacularly beautiful, girl-next-door way.  Dark, but not Dawn-dark, with a charming smile, black hair that fell to her neck in back and around her ears at the sides, even white teeth, a slender but not negligible figure, and of course an ass that Laura could barely keep her eyes away from.

Oh god, she thought, I have fallen in love with a few asses before, and it just turns me to jelly every time.  She thought, a trifle guiltily, of Makeeda's ass, which was definitely one of them, a hall of famer if ever there was one.  In fact, this girl—the little name plate pinned to her blue golf shirt said 'Bonnie'—had an ass shaped very much like Makeeda's: not a hard, high, compact bubble ass like Jane's or Dee Dee's, but more like Dawn's and Makeeda's, a fuller version, still a beautiful bubble ass but a swelling, curved, opulent, though not at all blubbery, rump.  You wanted to dig your fingers into its resilience.  Laura, hopelessly oral, wanted to kiss each round black moon for an eternity.

But she felt a little ashamed for being so horny for Bonnie after she got to know her a little, because the girl was completely guileless and friendly to a fault, almost perky, cute, not unaware of her physical charms, but also perfectly certain that hers was no movie star quality beauty, just waiting to be discovered.  She was a normal, average, healthy, friendly girl, unfortunately of the type that sent Laura quickly around the bend. 

She would deposit the change for Laura's sandwich back in Laura's palm and let her fingertips rest their for a moment before moving on to her next customer, as if this were a special, almost intimate moment she was savoring.  Laura certainly savored it, until she saw Bonnie do the same thing with several other customers, male and female, and realized it meant nothing; it was merely a friendly little gesture she was completely unaware of, though it spoke volumes about her sweet, simple nature.

Nevertheless, Laura tried not to dwell on Bonnie, and the way she felt herself moved by her.  And as if to help her out of this morass of feeling, she got a friendly call at work from Arthell.  Laura had not seen nor heard from Arthell in about three or four months.  A lot had happened in that time.  She had split from Sara and moved in with Makeeda, her life definitely embarked on a new track. 

Arthell had no way of knowing this.  Nor had she known much about Sara at the time.  Her focus had been completely on Laura, and on whether she, Arthell, was going to give in to a lesbian adventure or not.  When she finally did give in, Laura had been very concerned to manage their relationship in such a way that such a sweet, fairly innocent girl did not get injured emotionally while she let her body explore a universe of sexual awakening she had not comprehended before.  And after their last time together, when Arthell had insisted on experiencing the Double Penetrator, straddling Laura cowgirl style and for the most part fucking herself to sweet oblivion on it with Laura's eager assistance, she had not made an attempt to get together again.  At first Laura did not worry about it, since she felt a little distance and a pause in their overheated affair couldn't hurt Arthell.  And then the entire tortured episode of falling deeply in love with Makeeda and being torn between her and Sara, complicated by Sara's affair with Sheena the nurse, had ensued, and Laura had forgotten completely about Arthell for weeks, then months.

"Hey, you," Arthell said cheerfully on the phone.  It was as if they had only parted yesterday.  "I haven't heard from you."

"Likewise I'm sure," Laura kidded her.  "You must've found someone else to stroke that beautiful body."

"Gosh, Laura, how can you make me blush even over the phone?" Arthell laughed. 

"I've been practicing what I would say to you if you called."

"Actually, I did meet somebody.  At school.  You're not jealous, are you?"

"Male or female?"

"What do you think?" Arthell responded coyly.  "Which would make you the most jealous?"

"Now that is an excellent question.  I'm not sure."

"Female," Arthell said flatly, unwilling to skirt around it any longer.  "She's white too, like you.  Does that make you jealous?  Her name is Cynthia Perkins."

"Cynthia.  I know a Cynthia," Laura mused, thinking with deep love and a hot squirt of lust of Cynthia Brickhouse, her darling Makeeda, who did not allow herself to be called Cynthia.

How do you like that?  We both have a Cynthia.

"My Cynthia," Arthell charged ahead, "has forbidden me to call you, but I got so horny thinking about you that I had to call you anyway."

"Oooh, you better make sure she doesn't find out," Laura teased her.  "She might cut you off."

"Maybe you'd be surprised to know," Arthell said smugly, "that she can't get enough of this beautiful body, as you just called it.  She doesn't want to share, but believe me, she kind of wears me out.  I need a change.  I need some Laura."

"I'm not surprised a bit.  And I need some Arthell," Laura half-whispered into the phone, looking around her small, empty office, as if someone were going to overhear her. 

It was true, she did need some Arthell.  It took only this brief conversation for her to see this sweet girl naked in her mind's eye, the lovely long Arthell, all various shades of dark brown, ready to be kissed (Arthell loved kissing) and licked and stroked and sucked and eaten alive, which Laura was especially adept at doing.  Ready to whimper and cry 'Oh fuck!' as she came in Laura's arms.  This would take her mind off that wonderful, tempting little Bonnie in the alley sandwich shop, and off Tonya and Ty, who were now subtly competing for her attentions, and off her joy, her heaven, her own Cynthia, that is, Makeeda, who was blithely continuing with her career in L.A. while Laura was as usual fucking like a lecherous bunny at home.

"I need some Arthell quick," she breathed again into the phone.

Arthell moderated her semi-annoying perkiness at this frank confession, and lowered her own voice too.  "Then let's get together quick.  How about now?  Or at least tonight?"

"Now is out of the question.  I have two meetings this afternoon.  Also, there's been a change you don't know about.  I'll tell you when we get together.  But because of it, we can't at my place."

"Okay, you're being awfully mysterious.  Can you drive down here to Hayward?  I have the key to a girlfriend's apartment.  She's in Atlanta for a job interview, and her roommate went skiing.  We could do it there."

The thought of 'doing it' with Arthell sent shivers through Laura, excited shivers.  She had worked so hard, and been so patient, getting Arthell into bed in the first place—she fondly recalled the cramped little twin bed in Arthell's parents' house where they had first had sex, sweet sex, Arthell shouting 'Oh fuck!' to the ceiling in thrilling abandon—that it amused her to think she had given it all up so easily.  Of course, Makeeda had been the Sun, suddenly appearing in the sky and blotting out every hint of another woman for a while.

"Give me directions," Laura whispered to Arthell, writing them down rapidly as Arthell gave them.  "I'll be there at six, if the traffic isn't too bad."

"I can't wait," Arthell said, so genuine in her enthusiasm that Laura nearly lost it, wondering briefly if she could cancel her meetings.  But she took a deep breath and regained her self-control.

"I can't either," she breathed into the receiver.  "See you then."

It was closer to six-thirty when she finally got there.  The traffic had been punishing, as usual, and she found herself wondering, as she pulled up to the apartment house in Hayward and parked in a visitor's slot, if this was going to be worth it.  She was exhausted and nerve-wracked by the drive, after a particularly harried day at work.  But as soon as she saw Arthell, all that changed.

It was remarkable how different these meetings could be.  Only days ago she had been greeted in the same way by Dawn, whom she also had not seen for months.  They had nearly torn each other apart like wild animals only seconds after Dawn had locked the door behind Laura.  Seeing her had stirred in Laura a frantic, hungry, unquenchable lust that had to be immediately satisfied, and it had clearly stirred the same thing in Dawn.

But seeing Arthell, though it was equally thrilling, was totally different.  The girl was positively angelic in a baggy white cable-knit sweater that set off her rich, smooth brown skin to perfection.  Her black eyes sparkled and her fantastic mouth, which Laura had always craved to rape and ravish, curved upward in a delighted smile.  Her firm young breasts pushed out under the bulky sweater, and her delectable bottom swelled under her black pants as she turned to shut the door behind Laura.

"God, you look good enough to eat," Laura told her, meaning her innuendo totally.

Arthell beamed over her shoulder, testing the deadbolt lock with one hand to make sure it was secure.  "You haven't been getting your chocolate ration lately?" she asked Laura pertly.  "Hold on a minute, I've got to make sure this lock is fastened."

If only you knew, darling, Laura thought.  The other day I had my dark chocolate, and today it's time for my milk chocolate. 

"Okay," Arthell turned to her.  "I think it's safe.  "Don't want none of Darlene's tacky friends barging in on us, do we."  She winked at Laura.  "We might be in the middle of something."

Laura took her hand and pulled her close.  "If I have anything to say about it, we will be.  Give me those sugar lips."

But Arthell—and this was where she differed drastically from Dawn—not only liked to play coy.  She was coy.  She slipped out of Laura's grasp.  "Now slow down," she laughed fetchingly.  "We've got all evening.  You don't have to be jumping all over me the minute you walk in."

Laura gave her a half-smile.  She could suffer a little delay.  It wouldn't hurt her.  She enjoyed simply looking at this angel.  She remembered the lengthy agonies of delay Arthell had put her through before surrendering her body for the first time; the hours where a little kissing was permitted, but nothing else.  The final pretense that they were only going to lie on her bed and kiss but go no farther. 

"If I can kiss you, I can wait as long as you like," she murmured to Arthell.

"Oh, you can kiss me, all right.  I like to kiss.  And you're the best kisser of all.  Even better than Cynthia."

The apartment was a typical shared college students' apartment, complete with worn furniture and cluttered tables, laptops and books, an old TV, posters on the walls.  Laura pulled Arthell over to a stained, tan Ikea sofa with the arms frayed and the cushions misshapen.  They sat together on it.

"Tell me all about Cynthia," she said, with undisguised enthusiasm. 

Laura loved hearing about these little sexual connections, especially when one of her innocent darlings suddenly popped into bed with another woman.  Sometimes she was a little jealous, a residual jealousy born of her injured feeling that she had made it all possible and now someone else was getting the pure pleasure.  But in addition to a small twinge of jealousy she felt an almost boundless, lubricious curiosity.

"How did it happen?  Did you approach her or she you?"

"Goodness, you're awfully nosy," Arthell chirped.  She smiled primly.  "If you must know, she did.  She's a dramatic arts major.  In the parking lot, we were both going toward our cars.  She kept looking at my legs.  My legs, can you believe that?  My legs are long and skinny.  Ugh!"

"Your legs are long and thin and gorgeous," Laura purred, listening intently.  "I want to kiss them from your toes way up to—"

"Wait a minute, wait a minute," Arthell interrupted her.  "You're always trying to rush me.  And you're making me blush."

"You're enchanting when you blush."

"Anyway, I usually wear pants, as you know.  Like these.  To conceal my skinny legs.  But this day I was wearing a skirt, and she kept staring.  It almost made me uncomfortable but also, I don't know, sexy?  Like when a guy looks at your legs.  Sorry."

She was apologizing to Laura for talking about being attractive to men when they were about to embark on a night of hot lesbian sex.  Laura was thoroughly charmed and titillated, as usual, by this stunning innocence. 

"Don't apologize to me because people of both sexes want to fuck you," Laura murmured, with a deep, meaningful glance.  "Please go on."

"You're making me blush even more," Arthell giggled, squirming her lovely ass into the sofa cushion.  "Anywaaayyy . . ." she drew this word out, as if to intimidate Laura into no more interruptions, "she came over to me and told me I had great legs.  Of course I didn't know what to say, so I said thanks.  Then she sort of looked at me like she'd like to rape me on the spot, and I got all hot jelly inside.  You never looked at me like that, you were always so polite, but after a while with you I started to get that hot jelly feeling too, and I certainly recognized it.  She asked me if I had Triple A because she had a flat tire and didn't know how to change it.  It so happens I do have it.  My daddy wouldn't let me go around the corner without it, he's so afraid something horrible is going to happen to his baby girl.  But he also taught me how to change a tire, so I offered to do it for her."

"Wow," Laura said, meaning it.  You never knew what a marvelous range of abilities you were likely to find in people.  Sweet Arthell, who was so delicious to fuck, could also change your tire, if you had a flat.  "So . . . did you?"

Arthell shook her head.  "She wouldn't let me.  Said it would be criminal to scuff up my beautiful knees on the hard old asphalt.  Isn't that cute?  So, we called Triple A, then went back to her place.  She was very sweet.  She said she knew I might not be gay, but she wanted to do me.  She hoped it wouldn't spook me, or drive me away."

Laura smiled and inched closer, very aroused by this narrative.  "So, what did you do?"

"Well . . . at first I was a little shy, you know?  Like . . . I never did it with anyone but you.  Any girl, I mean.  But Cynthia is kind of pretty, you know?  She's blonde, and she has these big . . . you know."  Arthell put her straight fingers out like little shelves, palms down, under her own scrumptious breasts, still concealed by her big, bulky sweater, and pushed them up a little, though they didn't give much; Laura was now sure she was wearing a bra under the sweater. 

"Big boobs?"

"Pretty big, you know?  A lot bigger than mine."

"And you were wanting to push your face into them."

"Right."  Arthell grinned broadly with acute embarrassment.  "God, you've got me admitting to all this."

"Let me kiss you," Laura panted, scooting even closer now.  "I can't wait.  I've got to have those delicious lips.  You're driving me crazy.  Then you can go on."

Arthell smiled coyly, all her coyness coming back in a flood.  "I won't be able to go on if you do that.  Now just hold on.  I'm almost finished."

Laura nodded silently, as if to hurry her up.

"So I said, 'I like to kiss.  You can kiss me.'  And she did.  And the rest is history."

Laura waited.  She gazed expectantly into Arthell's shining black eyes.  "That's it?  You can't tell me the rest?"

"What's to tell?  She went down on me.  I went down on her.  God, we fucked the rest of the afternoon.  I think I had about five or six orgasms, and she had about twelve.  She's like you, she can come and come."

"Oh god, Arthell, I think I'll die if you don't let me kiss you," Laura said, feeling her pulse rage.

A soft, low, guttural laugh escaped from Arthell's throat.  "I love it when you get all hot and bothered like this.  I feel like you're going to tear off my clothes or something."

Laura finally put a stop to all this coy delaying by crushing Arthell's mouth with her own.  She was so close to the girl on the sofa by now that just moving forward an inch or so was enough to back Arthell into the corner, and she pushed her lips into Arthell's big, thick, transcendently sensual lips aggressively.  Arthell did not resist and opened her mouth easily to Laura's hungry assault.

And it was at least as heavenly as Laura had anticipated.  Both of them loved to kiss, and they now spent about fifteen minutes doing it.  Their tongues coiled wetly and Laura sucked Arthell's thick lips and nipped them playfully, hungrily, with her teeth.  She got one hand under Arthell's sweater, onto her warm back, and dug her fingers urgently into the smooth flesh.

They paused in their kissing long enough for Arthell to gasp, "Oh, fuck!  You get me even hotter than she does!"

"You don't know how glad I am to hear that, my darling," Laura murmured into her dark brown neck, sucking it and nibbling her sexy earlobe.  "I am going to make you scream."

Arthell was panting, but she still found the presence of mind to sit up and push Laura away playfully.  "You know, I always meant to ask you this but never remembered until now."

"What," Laura asked, brushing away a wisp of hair from Arthell's smooth forehead that she had mussed up while trying to devour her mouth and neck.

"You know Miss Grant, who brought you to that meeting where we met?"

"Amber Grant.  Yes."  How could I forget her, Laura thought.  The rich girl who likes to fuck me while I'm wearing only the diamond tennis bracelet she gave me.

"Did you do this with her?" Arthell asked with a devilish smile.


"You know.  What we're about to do?"

Laura knew how to get past this one.  Immediately she embraced Arthell heatedly and kissed her again, this time ravenously.  "And what are we about to do?" she purred, now slipping her hand under Arthell's sweater again and moving it up the girl's warm, resilient flesh to her bra clasp.

"You know . . . this!" Arthell bubbled up with laughter.  "Like . . . you're only trying to rape me.  Did you ever do this with her?"

"I never raped her, if that's what you mean," Laura said, pulling up the sweater from the bottom.  "Let's go into Darlene's bed and let me take you to heaven.  Cynthia has nothing on me.  I'll bet I could teach her a few things."

"I'll bet you could," Arthell smiled, lifting her arms to help Laura pull the sweater over her head.  "I love having the two of you.  Nobody ever seemed to want my body as much as you two do.  I mean, maybe guys did but were too shy to mention it.  With you two, it's like I'm sugar candy or something."

"Mmmmm, you are, my pet, you are," Laura purred, sucking her smooth brown shoulder, now that the sweater was flung aside and Arthell wore only her simple white bra from the waist up.  "You are the most delicious candy, you are rich smooth chocolate, and I want to eat every inch of you."

"See," Arthell giggled throatily, "I told you you haven't been getting your chocolate ration."  She pushed Laura away gently again.  "Now, stop.  You are always trying to get me into bed, Laura.  You can wait just a minute.  I want to kiss some more.  And I want you to take off your top too.  Let's just kiss and rub each other like this for a few more minutes.  I don't like it to be over too fast."

"Mmmm, it won't be over until neither one of us can lift her arm any more," Laura smiled, unbuttoning her own blouse as quickly as she could.

In fact, though she desperately wanted Arthell's sweet young body, she also enjoyed drawing it out, prolonging the prologue, as it were, teasing each other until the raging fires flashed and spurted out uncontrollably and there was nothing left but wild fucking. 

Arthell helped her fold her blouse and set it on the dusty coffee table.  "There," she said, primly.  "Now . . . lift up your hair and turn around a little and I'll undo your bra.  It's so pretty.  I always love your underwear.  It's so sexy.  And your breasts are so pretty," she said, unfastening Laura's bra and slipping it off, placing it on top of the folded blouse.  She kissed Laura's neck, cupping both of Laura's naked breasts in her hands.  "I love to suck them," she whispered.

"Be my guest," Laura panted softly.  "But take this off first," she plucked at the shoulder strap of Arthell's bra.  "I want to be able to feel yours against me.  It makes me wildly horny."

"Really?" Arthell laughed as she slipped free of the straps, pulled the clasp around to the front, and unfastened it.  This was such a brusque and unceremonious way of removing one's bra that Laura, who used it herself when in a hurry, always wanted to shout 'No!  Stop!  Let me take it off!'  She wanted to peel it away to reveal these precious, wonderful globes that Arthell was treating like just two boring appendages of her body.

Laura bent close and licked her dark brown throat as she was flinging her bra aside.  "I like to suck yours too," she murmured.  "Who gets to go first?"

Arthell was panting now too.  "Maybe we'd better go in the bedroom after all."

"I knew you'd see it my way," Laura smiled, struggling to her feet and pulling Arthell up too, a movement that made Arthell's now-naked breasts sway sexily, almost enough to make Laura lose it and pull her down again on the sofa to consume her right there.

Instead, they kissed again, standing by the sofa they had been sitting on, this time embracing so that their naked breasts mashed completely together, stroking each other's naked back with their fingertips. 

"I hope you know you're making me so horny I could scream," Arthell panted into Laura's cheek.

"I told you I was going to make you scream," Laura said.  She tugged Arthell in the direction of the back rooms of the apartment.  "Come in here and let me get my chocolate ration."

Holding hands, like eager school kids, they entered a bedroom in the back that looked like a hurricane had hit it.  Books and papers and rumpled sheets and dirty towels were scattered everywhere. 

"Darlene isn't much of a housekeeper," Arthell said with a grimace.  "My Mom would just kick her out on the spot.  Or me, if my room looked like this."

"Mine too," Laura said idly, though she was much more absorbed in drawing tender circles of love on Arthell's enchanting brown naked back with one fingertip and following it with her lips.  "You are a hundred different shades of brown," she murmured, licking Arthell's shoulder blade.

Arthell shivered suddenly.  "Oooohhh, that tickles!" she wriggled away, turning.

Laura grabbed her and crushed her voluptuous mouth again with feverish kisses.  She kissed her neck, her shoulders, her perfect collarbones.  She recalled how seeing those collarbones for the first time had sent flames of happy lust licking through her pussy.  It had been weeks after that before she had actually seen Arthell naked for the first time, but the glimpse of her collarbones under the lapels of her shirt had been enough to kindle Laura's fervent sexual interest.

"I love your collarbones, do you know that?" she murmured,

A short, soft burst of laughter erupted from Arthell.  "You're weird."

Laura shook her head.  "You have magnificent collarbones.  Mmmm, and scrumptious boobs, too.  Your nipples are all tight from the shivers I gave you."  Laura pinched the large, brown bulbs gently with the fingers and thumbs of each hand.

"And a few other things," Arthell giggled softly, looking down at Laura's mouth on her chest.   "They think they're going to get gobbled up by you."

"Mmmm, and they're right."

"Unhhh . . . oh!" Arthell gave a tiny gasp as Laura drew one large, dark brown nipple deep into her mouth.

It was true, Arthell was delicious palette of differing shades of brown.  Her breasts were brown, and her nipples were brown too, only a darker shade.  Laura found herself remembering, as she sucked and tongued this saliva-wet, pulpy beauty, that Arthell's pussy was also brown, like dark molasses.  Most brown girls, Laura knew from deep experience, nevertheless had black pussies, black labia, even some of the lighter girls, like Shontay; but some, like Arthell, had pussies that were just as brown as the rest of them, only a deeper shade of brown.  She could hardly wait to bury her face in it.

"Oh god, I'm so happy to be with you like this, Arthell," Laura breathed, drawing her down onto the dirty sheets of Darlene's bed and trying to get her skirt off while she continued to suck her beautiful naked breasts.

"Oh . . . oh . . . Laura!  You're getting me so hot.  Here . . . let's get all this stuff off!  Quick.  Get naked.  Yes!  Oh . . . god, that feels good!"

For several minutes they did not speak.  The only sounds were the rustling of cloth, sheets, and clothing coming off, and the wet sounds their lips made on each other's bare flesh.  And a growing, erratic chuff and gasp of panting.  They managed to get completely naked in a few seconds and thereafter rubbed their bodies together in a fervid, almost animalistic hunger.  Laura, usually more aggressive than her partner, managed to get Arthell onto her back and was now passionately feasting on Arthell's beautiful young breasts, bunching the dark brown globes up in her hands and assaulting Arthell's splendid large nipples with her mouth until Arthell was whimpering and squirming heatedly under her.

"Oh fuck!" she gasped to the ceiling, her eyes fluttering down to watch Laura's mouth trying to swallow one of her throbbing nipples.  "Oh shit . . . oh fuck!"

"Mmmm, that feels pretty good, doesn't it," Laura purred, scooting up to kiss her while refusing to surrender the wet breast, which she still clutched in one hand, squeezing the firm ball gently in rhythm. 

They kissed with an urgent tangling of tongues.  "I want to do you too," Arthell panted.  "I like to suck you too.  Here, you on your back for a change."

She smiled and rolled Laura over onto her back, filling her hands with Laura's breasts, squeezing them with her long, tapered, dark fingers.  Laura could do nothing, wanted to do nothing, but yield.  She surrendered her body to this delicious college girl, who had initially been such a tough nut to crack, but then, once baptized in the joys of girl-girl sex, had become a hot whirlwind of happy lust.  She went after Laura's small, perfect breasts with the same enthusiasm Laura had unleashed on hers, sucking and squeezing them with shocking fervor, not bothering with silly trivial licking but truly siphoning up the aching globes. 

"Ohhnnnn!  Oh god . . . honey . . . honey!" Laura gasped, her head tossing violently on the sheet.  Her body was roiling with sexual fire.

"I love it when you call me honey," Arthell grinned.  "Let me show you something," she smiled up at Laura, letting go of one of her excited wet nipples for a brief moment.  "Something Cynthia taught me.  Actually, I've never done it but she does it to me almost every time.  It really gets both of us off.  Here . . . turn over like this and get up on your knees."

Laura did as asked, lifting her pretty naked butt into the air, ready for anything.  What devious delights had the redoubtable slut Cynthia taught this darling girl that Arthell was about to share? 

"She has these rather humongous ta-tas," Arthell continued, not missing a beat.  "And her nipples, god you should see her nipples!  They are real pink, not sort of orangeish like yours, and they stick out like about an inch."  She made an inch with her thumb and forefinger.  "Mine aren't that long, but I think I can do it anyway.  At least my titties are big enough, I think, though not as big as hers."

Laura was momentarily mystified, but an instant later she realized what was going on.  Arthell moved closer to her, and suddenly she felt the globe of one of Arthell's delectable breasts pushing into the crack of her ass.  Then she felt Arthell's fingers prying her buttocks apart, then the stiff nub of Arthell's nipple sliding up and down her asscrack and all the way down to her pussy.

"Ohhnnnnn god," she gurgled, gasping and giggling softly.  "That feels so good."

"Let me see if I can touch your clit with it," Arthell panted in a hushed, solemn tone.

Laura could feel Arthell's hard nipple brushing the sensitive ring of her rectum.  It was the weirdest, wildest sensation, and shivers of sexual fire ran down her thighs from it.  "Oooohhhh shit!" she gasped uncontrollably.  Then she felt Arthell move it down her ass crack to her pussy, and down her pussy to her clit, pushing the rubbery center nub of her nipple directly into Laura's love button. 

"Oh!  Unnhhhh!" Laura grunted softly. 

She knew when she got this aroused that she could come from almost the slightest touch, sometimes without warning, and she wondered if it were going to happen this time.  Arthell seemed to sense it too.  "Oh gosh, are you going to pop?" she asked.

"I . . . don't know," Laura gulped, feeling her thighs clench almost reflexively.  "Maybe."

"Here, why don't you turn over on your back again, then," Arthell coaxed, helping Laura turn again.  "I think I can get at it easier this way."

In only seconds she was nestled between Laura's widely spread thighs, and mashing her breast and hard nipple directly onto Laura's clit, rubbing it hard, looking up at Laura's face, as if to gauge how close Laura was to a climax. 

"Oh fuck, that's getting me hot too," she panted, looking back down at her breast in Laura's crotch, her hands clutching the brown globe and pushing it hard into Laura's pussy.  Her large, dark brown nipple was all shiny with Laura's warm cunt nectars.  "Are you . . . going to come?"

"Yes!" Laura gasped frantically, now churning her hips instinctively, gyrating her pelvis, surging, yearning, aroused almost as much by the sight of Arthell rubbing her lovely young breast and nipple against her pussy as she was by the erotic sensation of the girl's hard, stubby nipple rasping against her erect clit.  "Yes . . . I am!   Unh!  Unh!  Do it hard!  Yes!  Ungghhh!"

But Arthell had other plans.  She knew that Laura was going to come in only seconds, but she could not resist the impulse to put her mouth on Laura's pussy too, before it happened.  "I want to kiss your pretty pussy," was the way she put it, smiling at Laura and dropping her mouth quickly to Laura's oozing love flower.

Arthell had divine large thick lips that Laura loved to mash and destroy with hot kisses, and the feel of them on her pussy was nearly enough to tip her over the edge.  But Arthell also knew the dangers.  She and Laura had fucked before many times, and she knew how easily Laura could come in some circumstances.  She was careful, sucking Laura's cunt lips, slithering her tongue into the hot, clenching pit, but only swiping Laura's erect, throbbing clit once or twice with the tip of her tongue.  Still, this was enough to send Laura into keening, straining quivers of near-frenzy.

"Unh!  Unh!  Oh!  Oh god honey please!  Unh!  Unh!  Onnmmgg!"

She wanted to go ahead and come, but a part of her desperately wanted to do it while Arthell was rubbing that beautiful breast against her clit, causing those intense but novel sensations she had been experiencing only moments ago. 

"Do it again!" she begged Arthell, writhing now in the dirty gray sheets, bucking her hips slowly and sensually up into Arthell's face.  "With your boob.  Fuck me with it.  Arthell . . . please!  Unh!  Oh!"

Arthell's face surfaced above Laura's rising and falling Venus' mound, beaming, her thick lips slick with Laura's juice.  "Oh, you like that, do you?"

"God, yes!  Please!"

"Okay . . . here goes," she said, scooting forward again, leaning down and pressing her large, hard nipple directly into Laura's exposed clit.  "You can go for the money now, Laura.  I'm with you all the way."

A sweet delirium suddenly enveloped Laura.  She tried to hold Arthell's glistening black eyes with her own but was unable to, suddenly being overwhelmed by intense sexual throbbing that seemed to flow from her pussy into her entire body. 

"Oh god, you're making me come!" she whimpered to Arthell, squirming and gasping as the inevitable orgasm began to swell and pulse in her straining flesh.

It was not a wrenching, jolting series of spasms but instead a slow ooze of liquid fire that spread through her flesh like a hot fluid radiating excruciating rapture, flooding her veins with flame, seizing her heart and broiling her mind until she was simply shuddering and moaning helplessly in the grip of a glowing ecstasy. 

"Ohhnnnnnnnn!  Mmmmnnnnaaauuuhhhhhh!  Oh!  Unh!  Ohnnnnnnn!" she moaned, writing and pushing her pussy up into Arthell's lovely breast as the girl kept rubbing her nipple vigorously into Laura's flowing slit. 

"Mmmmm, you like that, don't you," Arthell purred now in a softer voice, over and over, watching Laura come, smiling, knowing what Laura was feeling since she herself had felt it many times with her new friend Cynthia. 

Finally, after several minutes of slowly diminishing pleasure and throbbing aftershocks, Laura was finished, and Arthell scooted up to face her and embrace her.  Laura brushed the hair away from Arthell's dark, gleaming forehead and kissed her there. 

"You, my darling, took me to paradise."

Arthell smiled.  "I didn't know whether you could come that way or not.  Sometimes when Cynthia does it to me I come, and sometimes I don't.  But you come almost any old way, so I thought it was worth a try."

"Let me kiss the beautiful breast that just took me to heaven," Laura murmured, her eyelids still heavy with drowsy, simmering sex, her body still craving Arthell's lovely young body, in spite of the amazingly sweet orgasm she had just experienced.

Arthell loved being adored—who doesn't? Laura thought, except maybe that sourpuss Sara (this reflection made a little pang of loss zip through Laura's otherwise happily throbbing body)—and she scooted up further, hovering over Laura and dangling her delectable naked breasts in Laura's face.  Could anything be more heavenly? Laura wondered as she cradled the firm warm globes tenderly in her hands and let her lips explore every delicious inch of each round ball. 

Arthell planted her palms on the mattress on either side of Laura's head and settled in for a long period of allowing Laura to feast on her dangling breasts, throwing her head back and shutting her eyes and moaning softly as Laura's lips on her large dark brown nipples aroused more and more urgent needs in her young body.  For her part, Laura was in ninth heaven, slurping and kissing and sucking the firm, swaying globes, stroking Arthell's large wet nipples with her tongue and pinching them with her lips, nibbling the thick, protruding centers, relishing each moan and gasp that came from Arthell's tight throat.

"Oh fuck . . . Laura . . . you're making me die!" Arthell gasped, gnawing her large lower lip.  "You have to do me . . . I'm getting so horny.  So wet.  I want to be fucked by you."

"Mmmm, I could do this forever," Laura purred, holding one full breast in both hands and stuffing her mouth as full of Arthell's large bulbous wet nipple as she could get into it, then, after sucking it for a full two minutes, moving to the other one for the same treatment. 

No wonder Arthell was getting desperately aroused, she mused.  I would almost be coming too after this.  I guess I'll have to give in and roll her over, the darling.  But I'm right, I could do this forever.

"Okay . . . over we go," she coaxed the girl, letting her hands drift down to Arthell's long, silky back and gently rolling her to the side, then over onto her back, coming up on top this time, exactly reversing their positions. 

Laura was by now frantically hungry for every inch of this delicious girl's long and slender brown body, and she swarmed over Arthell with a sharp passion, kissing and sucking her firm, smooth flesh, sliding down between her thighs, forcing them apart, slowly approaching the ultimate feast with her busy mouth.  Still, she had to pause to caress with her tongue the girl's charming little belly button, now enhanced by a tiny, sparkling jewel that had not been there when she and Arthell had last made love. 

Arthell also had magnificent naturally hard abs that Laura could not ignore.  She had to kiss and caress them hungrily for a long time before descending again, rubbing her chin in the silky black patch of pubic hair that spread out above the delectable inflamed brown pussy that was her ultimate destination.  She could already smell it, smell the thick musky nectars and the perfume of throbbing desire that was flowing there.

"Oh Laura . . . oh Laura!" Arthell gasped in a small, distant voice from time to time, tossing her head, squeezing her own breasts, looking down her body as if she could watch every moment of Laura's hungry mouth on her flesh.

"Mmmm, darling, we waited too long for this . . ." Laura purred, taking her sweet time but thoroughly relishing every touch of her lips and her fingertips on this writhing girl's beautiful body.

Lucky Cynthia, she thought, her lips now on one of Arthell's warm inner thighs.  Lucky Cynthia gets to do this all the time, while I only get a chance now and then.  That's why I have to make up for the long gaps with a true heroic gulp.  I have to devour you and eat you alive, my pet.

Slowly she began to tongue the swollen, blossoming wet slit of Arthell's long, dark brown pussy, delicately opening the thick outer lips with her fingertips to expose the red glistening trench they concealed, then insinuating her tongue subtly inside, wriggling it in as deep as she could, until her own lips were pressed hotly against Arthell's vulva.  She tongue-fucked her slowly this way for half a minute, during which she could actually feel the lust level ratchet wildly up a few notches in each of their bodies, especially Arthell's, who began to groan and twist more and more vigorously, as if she could not wait to be finished off but needed it quickly.

"Oh yes . . . oh yes!  Oh fuck!" she gasped, arching her back, clenching her thighs, gyrating her groin up into Laura's mouth.  "Oh fuck!"

She was so cute, Laura thought.  As soon as the 'Oh fuck!'s began to stream from her mouth, Laura knew Arthell was on the brink, on the edge, teetering, tipping, about to come, about to explode like a live grenade.  But as usual, Laura did not want her to come yet.  Plenty of time for that, my sweet, she thought, pulling back a little, reducing the heat level, withdrawing her tongue, licking the edges of Arthell's delicious brown flower but not tormenting the most sensitive nerves, unwilling to bring on the climax until she herself was ready.

"Oh!  Oh!" Arthell half-collapsed, realizing what Laura was doing, responding to it by letting her muscles relax momentarily, as if to gather strength for the final run.  She looked down at Laura, raising her head momentarily and with difficulty from the bed, her black eyes fiery and desperate.  "Oh . . . you're mean!"

Laura smiled back at her.  "Not mean, darling, just selfish.  I want to eat this beautiful body alive and make you whimper and beg."

Arthell simply gasped and yielded, her head flopping back into the twisted, soiled sheets, her breath accelerating again as Laura renewed her loving assault on the girl's flowing pussy.  "Oh Laura!" she did whimper, as Laura slid two fingers up into the soupy furrow and began stabbing Arthell's exposed clit again with the tip of her tongue.

For a few minutes they settled into a slow, gyrating rhythm that pleased them both, a gentle rocking and harmonious blending of their bodies into a smooth motion of love that did not strain too hard for instant relief but was clearly headed for a sharp finish.  Arthell's tight pussy became so wet and slippery that Laura, hardly knowing what she was doing, had three fingers inside of it now, slowly thrusting in and out, bringing small, tight yelps of pleasure from deep in Arthell's chest, and causing a glassy look of surrender to pass over her glistening black eyes.  She whimpered softly in rhythm with their slow gyrations, her glassy eyes holding Laura's, her thick, sensual mouth slack with abandon.

Laura had four fingers, then her thumb too, into Arthell's wet, expanding pussy almost unconsciously, then realized that she could go ahead and push her whole hand inside, and only an unbelievable ecstasy would be the result.  Oh, she will come so hard! she realized, working it in slowly, watching Arthell's stretched pussy lips yield to the loving hand, watching her knuckles disappear into the swallowing trench. 

"Unhhmmppfffggg!" Arthell grunted softly, a look of alarm mixed with sublime sexual pleasure suddenly passing over her contorted face.  "Oh fuck!  Ungghhh!"

"Yes, honey . . . yes, honey . . ." Laura purred to her, reassuring her, calming her, but also slightly twisting her hand inside Arthell's tight, clasping pussy to let her know the sensations were real.

Their eyes caught and held again, Arthell's swirling with ambiguous sexual longings as well as vague questions about how she was being sexually possessed in a way she had never imagined, while Laura's were filled only with deep adoration and endless desire.  She could feel sweeping over her the solemn, awesome emotion that for some reason often accompanied this act, the deep union of their two bodies, as her hand burrowed inside the tight, well-lubricated, warm sleeve of Arthell's yielding pussy.

"Oh shit!" Arthell said in a hushed voice, after a minute, as if for the first time she had suddenly realized what was happening. 

Her eyes widened as she gazed down at Laura's arm, sunk up to the wrist in her pussy.  Laura smiled at her and began to fuck her slowly with it, watching the expression of sublime sexual rapture that passed across Arthell's face as her hand probed the girl's very tight but very wet young pussy.  She continued for at least a minute, both of them sunk in a slow, hypnotic trance of rhythmic fucking, Arthell concentrating intently on the sight of her own wet brown cunt lips clinging to Laura's pale wrist.

"I can't . . . believe . . . you're doing . . . this . . ." she finally panting in a barely audible voice. 

Laura smiled.  "Why?  Doesn't it feel good?"

"God, it feels fantastic!" Arthell gasped.  "I think I'm going to come if you just keep it up for another five seconds."

"Mmmm, you probably are," Laura grinned.  "You were almost ready to come several minutes ago, before I stopped you."

Again they lapsed into a slow, percolating rhythm, this time laced with the more rapid and audible sounds of Arthell's labored panting as she neared the finish line.  Her hips began churning faster, and juddering a little each time her clenching buttocks rose off the bed. She dug her heels into the mattress and swirled her pelvis up into Laura's hand.  Her eyes rolled up uncontrollably under her eyelids, and her thick, sensual mouth went slack.  She pinching and twisted the large, plump nipple of one breast with her hand.

"Oh fuck!" she cried out in a tiny, faraway voice. 

Laura, realizing that she could make it even better than it was, bent her mouth to Arthell's impaled pussy, attacking the girl's tiny, winking clit at the top with her tongue as it dipped in and out of the little hood that veiled it.  This seemed to send Arthell into a keening frenzy.  Her breath accelerated, and her churning hips too, and she almost squealed, her eyes suddenly rolling back to down to catch Laura's in a hot, delirious gaze.

"Oh fuck, Laura . . . you're going to make me come!"

"Well . . . I should hope so," Laura smiled, speaking softly but fucking her relentlessly and efficiently now with her hand, balling it up inside the tight groove of Arthell's cunt and twisting it with each slow thrust. 

Boy, those guys must love the feel of this tight little pussy pinching their dingleberries, she thought.   If there are any guys.  I guess maybe she's giving this lovely cunt only to Cynthia these days.

"Oh!  Oh!" Arthell whimpered.

Laura herself luxuriated now in the feeling of being so united with Arthell, their bodies linked so intimately in this experience that in seconds would shatter the poor lucky girl with a crushing orgasm.  She took in every detail of Arthell's smooth, dark, straining flesh, her rippling abdominal muscles, her sleek clenching thighs, her lolling breasts and swollen dark brown nipples, which Arthell herself plucked and twisted in an increasingly frenetic fit of yearning for her climax.

"Oh!  Oh god!  Oh . . . fuck fuck fuck!"

"Yessss . . ." Laura hissed affectionately.  "Fuck . . . fuck . . . fuck . ."

And she pushed her fist in deeply with each 'fuck,' feeling Arthell's young body quiver and strain, hearing the soft, helpless whimpers come from deep in her chest.

"Oh god, Laura, do it fast!" she suddenly gasped, her eyes rolling up again, her head falling back into the twisted sheets, her back arching a little, making all the delicious muscles of her torso flex and strain, sending sharp arrows of sexual fire through Laura.  "Ungh . . . unghh . . . unghhh . . . yes!  Like that!  Ohnngggmmnngg!"

Oh well, Laura thought, shrugging inwardly with resignation.  May as well let the poor darling thing come.  She's awfully overwrought and needs it bad.

By now Arthell was a wreck, grunting softly, gyrating, panting wildly, her face torn by a delirium of overheated sexual need.  Laura knew it was only seconds off.  She placed the flat palm of her free hand on Arthell's taut, heaving abdominal muscles, feeling a little lick of flame in her own pussy at the sensation of the hard flesh rippling and rising and falling under her hand, and bent her lips again to Arthell's small clit, sucking it at first gently, then harder, meanwhile thrusting even harder with her hand inside the girl's flooding pussy.  And Arthell finally began to come.

"OOOO GOD!  OH FUCK!  AUUNGGRRRHHHNNMMMGGGG!" she cried out, her body jackknifing into the air, then falling back into an amazing fury of thrashing spasms.

Laura had never seen anybody come any harder than this, except perhaps for Jonelle and Makeeda in their "I'm dying right now" versions.  Arthell unleashed a purple fury of an orgasmic seizure, flipping and surging and shuddering off the mattress, digging her heels sharply into it and almost flinging her quaking pelvis up into Laura's arm.  At any other time Laura would have been instantly flung off to the side, but this time her hand was embedded up to the wrist in Arthell's lovely, quaking body, and they were so solidly linked that all she could do was hang on for the ride.

"Unngghh!  Annggghhhh!  Ohhnnggmmnnggrr!" Arthell groaned, finally, after a fierce period of flipping and shuddering, beginning to slack off and settle back into the sheets, her breath ragged and uneven, punctuated still by tiny squeals and squeaks, her thighs still clenching as she came down from this devastating climax.

It was at least another two minutes before she entirely recovered from it.  During this time Laura merely kissed and stroked her beautiful body, tenderly, not aggressively, fearing to disturb the heavenly bliss she knew Arthell was experiencing so intensively.  Then, when Arthell grew completely still, Laura began to inch her hand out of the girl's body.  The sleeve of Arthell's apparently still-throbbing pussy was still very wet and lubricated, so that Laura's hand slid out easily.

Arthell came back to life at this moment and looked at Laura's shiny wet fist.  "Oh shit, I can't believe you stuck that entire thing up in me," she said in a hushed, awed voice.  "God, I never came so hard.  Not even with you."

Laura leaned close and kissed her cheek.  "You think Darlene will mind if I dry it off on her . . . shall we say not exactly clean sheets?"

Arthell pursed her lips; fantastic, voluptuous, thick lips Laura wanted to rape again, immediately.  "Darlene fucks three or four different guys in these sheets every week, and that doesn't bother her.  Why should this?"

Laura cleaned her hand and wrist off, then stretched out next to Arthell and embraced her ardently.  "It felt so wonderful.  Making you come like that."

Arthell's eyes widened comically.  "I'll bet it didn't feel as wonderful to you as it did to me.  I never knew you could even do that.  Your whole hand?  Shit, I thought I was going to explode when I came.  Wait until I show Cynthia."

"Better be careful," Laura teased.  "Don't want to shock her."

Arthell grew kittenish, laying her head on Laura's shoulder, looking up at her appealingly.  "You know, I think my hand is bigger than yours."  She held one hand up for both of them to examine.  It was indeed fairly large, compared to Laura's.  "I think it might hurt you if I stuck it up inside you."

Laura nodded thoughtfully.

"Want me to try anyway?"

"It might hurt good," Laura murmured, finally getting her mouth again close enough to Arthell's to seize it with a hot, lengthy kiss. 

She did not know whether to try it or not, but fortunately no decision had to be made right away.  Arthell, with her usual good nature, was eager to reward Laura immediately for the supreme orgasm she herself had just experienced, but Laura was willing to wait, knowing that the evening had only begun, and serious, shattering climaxes lay ahead for both of them.

"I just want to fuck with you all night," she breathed happily into Arthell's beautiful, whorled, dark brown ear. 

"All night," Arthell sighed with wonder.  "We will be so tired in the morning."

"So tired," Laura agreed, kissing her smooth neck and shoulders.  "And so happy."

"I don't think I can get any happier than this," Arthell sighed again, snuggling her body into Laura's more tightly, and humming softly with drowsy contentment.






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