Laura - Chapter 273



Nothing was settled, Laura knew that. She and Sara had spent a weekend so crammed with sweet, tender, and emotionally intense fucking that by the end of it both were exhausted, wrung out, and limp. They slept most of the day Sunday, entangled naked together, and did not part until it was absolutely necessary, late that night, since tomorrow was a work day for both of them. Never did the subject of Dee Dee arise, and their love seemed so deep and transcendent to Laura that she was tempted to believe everything had reverted to its pristine purity, even though deep down she knew that was not true. Nothing was settled.

She and Sara were in love, and they had tacitly, it seemed, agreed to a truce. Dee Dee would not be mentioned. Laura's transgressions were not forgiven as much as shunted to the side and ignored, at least for the present. While this did not make Laura feel entirely comfortable, she was so happy to have Sara back in her arms, in her bed, that she could accept anything that made it possible. She did not know how Sara felt about this and was afraid to ask.

Nevertheless, they were warm and affectionate to each other, and they agreed to meet midweek. Laura was again like a love-struck teenager and wanted call her nearly every minute of the day, to linger on the phone with her murmuring love words, but she knew it was impossible; it was also mawkish, sentimental, and stupid.

To overpower her urge to call Sara every day, especially during lunch, when they would both be free and might set up something for the evening, Laura practiced self-restraint by shopping. She shopped and shopped, like an addict shoots smack. Boxes and shopping bags piled up unopened in her living room. She and Sara did spend Wednesday night together, another idyll of unbelievably sweet love and sex, as if their prior estrangement had never happened, or had happened to two other people. The following day Laura flung herself heroically into shopping once again.

They had planned another weekend together, when Sara suddenly had to fly back to Jackson, Mississippi one more time to settle some financial affairs of her late father. This was a delicate moment, since during her last trip to Jackson, when her father was actually dying, not only had Laura slept with Dee Dee; she had spoken to Sara on the phone while Dee Dee was splashing around in the jacuzzi bathtub, waiting for Laura to join her in a wet orgy of splashing and delicious fucking. Fortunately, Sara did not (Laura hoped, anyway) know about the second part. The fact that Laura had slept with Dee Dee in itself had been enough to shatter their trust and destroy their relationship, which was only now being cautiously rebuilt.

"You have to call me, twice a day," Laura said to her. "I'll drive you to the airport. I'll pick you up. Call me every day. I'll die without you."

But Sara shook her head, grim and determined. "Oh, no. Oh, no. Not that. You can drive me. No calls, okay? I don't even want to think about what might be going on in the background."

She shot Laura a significant glance. Laura was wounded but tried not to show it.

On Saturday, after driving Sara to the airport early for her flight, Laura promptly plunged into shopping once again, to get her mind off it. At Saks, where she rarely shopped because it was too expensive, she ran into, of all people, Kendra Fallon.

It had been close to a year since Laura had seen her—since Kendra and Jane had moved across the Bay—and now that she first spotted her from the rear and did not see her face, her reaction was quite what it would have been were Kendra a fantastic-looking, gorgeous stranger.

The time Kendra was not working or lying in some bed with one of the men she collectively dubbed 'Mr. Penis' she spent in the gym, hardening her terrific body into a masterpiece of polished mahogany. Laura was very attracted to black women anyway, and one who was this sleek, well-shaped, and flamboyantly dressed would have had her slavering at any time.

Kendra did not spend all that energy working out only to cover up the results. She commonly wore sheath dresses without sleeves, cut very short, so that her spectacular legs and smooth, beautiful arms were very conspicuous. Her jutting breasts and the out-curved miracle of her ass were also displayed to great advantage in these dresses. The fact that her daughter Jane had an even more miraculous hall-of-fame posterior did not detract in the slightest from Kendra's own miracle butt, which she was happy to swivel in front of anyone who cared to look, though Mr. Penis was her prey of choice.

Today she wore a fairly tight-fitting light mauve sheath, a shade that spectacularly highlighted her fantastic dark mahogany hued skin, which was abundantly visible, glossy and richly textured, the kind of skin that Laura wanted to touch everywhere with her lips.

Oh god, what a beautiful woman! Laura thought, unable to take her eyes off Kendra's incredible sleek flesh. The shoulder-length bronze-gold hair, though, began to ring a bell, as well as Kendra's hard, muscular calves, dark and gleaming. I know this woman, Laura thought, searching her memory. Oh god . . . it's her! It's Kendra. I know it, it has to be her!

Almost embarrassed at herself for not recognizing her immediately, she approached Kendra just as Kendra was turning toward her. "Laura?" Her lovely, animated face broke into a broad smile. "Laura! It is you!"

"Kendra," Laura was smiling too.

After all, even though Kendra preferred Mr. Penis, she and Laura had shared some exquisite and exhausting moments in bed.

"Well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes," Kendra beamed, immediately embracing her, right there in the store.

Of course this embrace was quite within the limits of the acceptable, a warm greeting between old friends, even though Laura knew they were both getting something extra out of it. The sweet, fresh odor of Kendra's body gave Laura a special thrill, and the feel of her hard, round breasts pushing into her own was almost too much to bear. She ran her fingertips lightly across the glossy burnished mahogany of Kendra's arms, feeling the tensile muscles under the smooth skin. Oh god, my pussy is going to start flooding if I don't back off, she realized.

She wondered if Kendra was feeling the same thing as they broke off the embrace. A little embarrassed, she stepped back gingerly and tried not to blush. Kendra looked momentarily nervous too, as if she had felt a jolt of sex animating their brief embrace, as Laura had. We fucked, after all, Laura was thinking. We fucked a lot, at one time. Even though she was always scurrying off to get pumped by Mr. P, she found time for me to take her to paradise often enough. Some times she even canceled him for me, Laura remembered. No wonder we both feel that way.

"Well . . ." Laura said, flustered, even breathing a little faster, looking around to see if they had drawn any attention. "What a surprise. What are you doing in the city? I thought you deserted us. And gosh, you look so great. As usual."

Kendra raised her eyebrows and looked at Laura both skeptically and bemusedly in the same expression, as if to say, 'We both know why you're saying that, dear. You have one thing on the brain.' But then she broke into a friendly smile.

"You look pretty good too, Laura," she said softly, her eyes suddenly sparking with flecks of electricity deep in their interiors. But then she totally switched her tone. "Jane's taking the SAT tests, out at USF. I dropped her off and came down here to kill some time."

"God. College already."

Kendra grinned and shook her head. "One more year. They start taking those tests early, remember? So they can take them over again if they fuck up."

"And how is Jane?" Laura asked, almost demurely, as if to deflect Kendra's natural suspicions. "I mean, growing up, I guess. Getting serious."

Kendra snorted. "Serious about cock." She raised an eyebrow at Laura so that Laura would get the point. "Takes after her Mama, I guess."

Laura and Jane had been caught fucking by Kendra, and for a long time Laura had thought she would never have either one of them again. In fact, this incident had been the major cause of their moving out of Laura's former apartment building and relocating across the bay. Fortunately, Kendra, though still furious at Laura for 'fucking my baby,' as she put it, was unable to resist the lure of Laura living downstairs, so close, so available. Within a few weeks, she was again dropping in for an hour or so of heated rutting, often before one of her dates with the legendary Mr. P.

Laura and Jane had fucked often after being discovered by Kendra, and even a few times after Kendra had yanked Jane across the bay to get her out of Laura's clutches, though they had always been more cautious after being caught. But god, Jane and I broke my bed once when we were fucking, Laura recalled. Nobody else ever did that. Sex with Jane had become more torrid than ever after Jane's mother had discovered them, as if somehow Kendra's anger and suspicion spurred Jane into new, passionate frenzies of wantonness.

Laura realized that even though she was standing in the middle of a dignified, upscale department store, she was feeling overwhelmed by fierce sexual longings caused by her memories of fucking not only with Kendra but with Kendra's extremely wanton daughter. Also, in passing she reflected that Jane might indeed be 'serious' about cock, as Kendra indicated, but that Kendra would be the last one to know. Jane had boyfriends, but she had frequently confessed to Laura that none of them came close to thrilling her sexually the way Laura did.

These reveries must have caused a brief glaze to pass over Laura's eyes, because Kendra half-snapped at her to get her attention. "Laura? Girl . . . are you here? Earth to Laura."

"Oh." Laura blinked. "Sorry . . . I was thinking about something."

Kendra's eyes flickered knowingly. "I was thinking about it too," she said pointedly. In order not to appear too obvious to Laura, she began gently fingering the lingerie that was hanging on the rack beside them. "Where are you living these days? Still in the same old place?" She cracked a grin at Laura. "Keeping the neighbors awake?"

"Actually, I moved. I got a little condo . . . out on the other side of Twin Peaks." At the thought of what she was about to say, a strange flush of guilt spread through Laura, caused by the almost religious sanctity of the healing process she had been going through in the past week with Sara. "If you've got a little time to kill, maybe you'd like to see it."

Again Kendra looked bemused. She let the nylon fabric of the peignoir she was fingering slide across her hand as she released it. She glanced hotly at Laura. "I guess I have a few hours." She looked at her watch. "Where are you parked?"

"Union Square Garage."

"Me too. I'll follow you."

Laura was overcome by butterflies but did her best to appear steady and measured as she walked calmly with Kendra across the street to the parking garage. Once in her own car, though, she could no longer ignore the flux of guilt and sharp sexual anticipation that electrified her body. She could not help feeling like she was betraying Sara, even though this time it was a harmless reunion with an old friend, and not a disastrous encounter with Sara's own feckless and endlessly desirable sister. But her guilt was overshadowed by the knowledge that she and Kendra were, past experience had proved, thoroughly combustible.

By the time she reached her condo—with Kendra driving right behind her in the red Jeep Cherokee that Laura herself had once driven when Jane's driving on the mountain roads, after their delicious afternoon of fucking in the outdoors on Mt. Tamalpais, had terrorized her so much that she forcibly took over the wheel—she was in a hot lather of sexual need. Kendra seemed to be feeling the same. Laura tried to remain calm and to show Kendra around her new place, acting sedate and self-controlled, but by the time they reached the master bedroom, the tension was too much for both of them.

Laura could not prevent herself from reaching out to touch Kendra's bare, muscular, sleek, dark brown arm. She ran her fingertip along the curve of it. "I can't believe how hard you are," she whispered, feeling her hot blood surge through her body.

"Laura, let's not mess around," Kendra murmured, her dark eyes smoking too. She brushed aside the enchanting flag of her bronze-gold bangs self-consciously. She looked at her watch. "I've got to pick Jane up at three-thirty. We both know what we want, and we've only got about two and a half hours to get it done."

Laura came closer to her, lowering her eyelids, now running her fingertip up to Kendra's shiny round shoulder. "I know what I want," she whispered. "What do you want?"

Kendra smirked sexily, looking down at Laura's finger. "What do you want?"

"I want to lick you all over your beautiful hard body," Laura breathed.

"Oooohhh," Kendra shivered, laughing. "You just give me the goose bumps when you say that. Now I know why I came over here. No man ever talked to me like that, Laura. Or wanted to do that. They just want the old . . . you know." She pointed playfully to her crotch.

Laura looked down in the direction Kendra was pointing. "I hope you don't think I'm any different," she whispered.

Kendra shivered again, her shoulders shaking, her laughter bubbling up out of her throat. "There you go again!"

Laura ran her finger over Kendra's bare shoulder to the edge of the sleeveless sheath. She slipped her fingertip under the smooth mauve fabric. "How does this thing come off?"

Kendra let her grin sag. "Now Laura . . . I think you've taken off enough of these to know the answer to that," she softly chided, reaching behind herself with both hands to unfasten the buttons that ran down the back.

Laura stepped back a little. "I just like to watch you strip."

"You and about a hundred others. Only all of them got a dick swinging between their thighs."

"I've got one too, did you forget? Not between my thighs . . . but over there in the drawer."

Kendra did not answer and now pulled the loosened sheath over her head, tossing it on the bed. She wore simple white underwear, nothing fancy, but with a body like hers pure simplicity was the answer since it highlighted by contrast all the supple, hard, smooth, gleaming magnificence of her naked flesh. Her skin was not deeply, richly black like Dee Dee's, or Dawn's, nor was it even as dark as her own daughter, Jane's. But it had a dark golden brown glow and sheen that made Laura quiver inside with the urge to touch it and stroke it.

She moved closer again. "Let me take the rest off."

"Unh uh," Kendra waggled a finger at her. "You too. Let's show full equal rights here, okay. I have a right to see that beautiful model's body of yours, too."

"God, Kendra, I've missed you. I didn't realize how much."

Laura was wearing a very simple blouse and pants, and she was out of them in only seconds, glancing briefly at Kendra as she was taking them off to gauge her interest and arousal. Kendra looked paralyzed by fascination, her eyes glued to Laura's body.

"I didn't either," she said softly. "I tried not to think about you, Laura. Now I see why."

"Can we have a little kiss? For old time's sake?"

Laura, while descending quickly into her seductive self, feeling her body heat up with desire for Kendra, could not help feeling a stab of guilt at using the same words Sara had used to her playfully a few days earlier during their initial confrontation at Sara's office. Get her out of your mind! she cautioned herself. Kendra is an old friend. This is for old time's sake. Sara is away, she will never know.

Also, even though she was always captivated and filled with lust for her partner of the moment, Laura again found herself wondering how she could ever have allowed herself to lose Kendra. The woman's body was amazing. Kendra's flesh was hard, but not the rippling, compact, grotesque muscle that even the beautiful Brandi Pearson sported. Instead, her body was lithe and smooth but powerful and firm, curvaceous but lean, a masterpiece of physical beauty.

Her breasts were also the roundest, hardest balls of flesh Laura had ever seen, except for Vondi's, which were surgically enhanced. Not Kendra's. As Laura kissed her slowly, and their tongues coiled together in a slow, sensual, dance of reacquaintance, she let her fingers slide up and down the silky, smooth flesh of Kendra's back, until her fingertips reached Kendra's bra clasp, which she quickly undid.

Kendra smiled. She knew her body was a masterpiece; she had worked hard to make it that way, though she had once admitted to Laura that all the working out in the world could not make her breasts this firm and round. They had simply always been that way. As her white bra slid down her arms, she watched Laura's hands cupping the dark, naked globes, watched the expression of lechery mixed with awe that passed over Laura's face.

Laura kissed her way very sensually down Kendra's exposed upper body, kissing her neck and gleaming shoulders, kissing her smooth upper chest, bringing her face down between the marvelous round balls, kissing the skin between them. At the same time, she was squeezing each of Kendra's magnificent breasts in her hands, as much as they could be squeezed since they were so firm. Her thumbs found Kendra's large dark caramel nipples and brushed them rapidly.

A tiny, almost silent gasp escaped from Kendra's lips and she looked down. "That feels pretty good, Laura," she panted. "You gonna go on?"

Laura smiled up at her. "I am going to go on and on," she murmured. "I am going to swallow these beauties."

"I . . . believe you are," Kendra panted. "I've seen you do it before. No one likes titties like Laura." She ran her fingers through the thick cloud of Laura's hair. "Look, maybe we better lie down here on the bed before we get carried away. Here, take off this stuff too."

Quickly, she helped Laura out of her underwear and slipped off her own panties. They lay down facing each other on the bed and slid together in the same fluid motion in what was always a thrilling moment for Laura: the first wonderful instant when their naked flesh touched everywhere, from lips to toes, their breasts mashing together, their stomachs pressing, their mouths hungrily searching and sucking.

Laura started to slide down Kendra's body with her mouth, wanting those breasts, wanting to mouth-maul them with hungry passion, but Kendra pulled her back. "No . . . not yet. You know, you don't kiss like a man," she whispered, her eyes swirling with hot sex but full of rare tenderness at the same time. "You kiss so sweet, Laura. Hungry . . . but sweet. I want a little more."

"Mmmmm, I could kiss you all day," Laura smiled.

Laura loved kissing, and now that she realized Kendra liked it too and did not want to hurry on to the fireworks, she relaxed and let all her true kissing skills take over. She couldn't remember if they had indulged in much kissing in the past, since their relationship had always been more physical than emotional, but this unexpected reunion seemed to have injected into both of them a tenderness that had not been there before.

Of course, it was also laced with a throbbing sexual heat, and while they kissed patiently and intricately, they also ran their hands all over each other's naked body, until in minutes they were whimpering and twisting together. Laura dug her fingers into Kendra's hard, resilient flesh. Kendra's fingers bit into Laura's ass, into her back.

"I don't think this is gonna last very long, girl," she panted into Laura's shoulder as Laura swarmed over her, then slid down again, no longer to be denied Kendra's fantastic round breasts.

"I want these . . ." she panted. "I want these . . . I want to suck them . . . I want to kiss and squeeze them and swallow them."

She filled her hands with the hard round balls and lashed Kendra's large, dark nipples with her tongue, stabbing and licking them feverishly. Kendra groaned softly as Laura took one of her nipples into her mouth and began sucking it like there was no tomorrow. She remembered how Kendra had once told her that Mr. Penis never sucked her nipples the way Laura did, being always too eager to get his cock into her. She had loved Laura's lengthy bouts of worshipping and hungrily sucking her breasts, and Laura was happy to bring back the memories for her.

Kendra held Laura's head in both hands, looking down, watching Laura's mouth devour her breasts, first one, then the other, then return to the first one, slurping her nipples, sucking them inside her mouth, covering them with warm spittle so that they shined and gleamed, dark caramel-colored and wet.

"Oh god . . . I love the way you do that," she gasped, squirming, releasing Laura's head with her hands and moving them instead to the breast Laura was currently sucking, holding it for her, almost shoving her stiff, wet dark caramel nipple deeper into Laura's voracious mouth. "Unhhhhh! Oh!"

When Laura's mouth moved back to her other nipple, Kendra moved her hands to that breast too, holding it for Laura, now squirming and panting in a more heated frenzy than before, fiercely aroused by Laura's mouth. Laura let her wet dark caramel nipple slide out, catching it sexily with her teeth just before it escaped. She half-smiled, as much as she could smile with her teeth gently clamping the wrinkled, excited areola of Kendra's stiff wet nipple, and looked up at Kendra, waggling her head playfully like a doggy.

"Oh god . . . girl, you're getting me wet as a river," Kendra panted, grimacing not from fear but sharp sexual excitement.

Without speaking, Laura sucked Kendra's aroused nipple back into her mouth, deeper this time, lashing it with her tongue inside her mouth, pinching it against the roof of her mouth, snuffling and growling and twisting in her own feverish sexual mania.

"I love your boobs," she gasped, letting it escape again, but peppering Kendra's hard round breast with kisses, pinching Kendra's other nipple with her thumb and forefinger. "I want to swallow them."

Kendra bit her lower lip. Her eyes rolled up. "You're doing a pretty good job of it," she panted. "Why don't you leave some for Marshall. He's gonna be pretty pissed if there ain't nothing left for him."

Laura grinned up at her, pausing for a moment in her fervent feast. "You still seeing Marshall? I thought you told me he doesn't suck these the way I do."

Kendra bit her lip again, watching Laura continue to devour her wet, stiff, dark caramel nipples. "He doesn't. But he likes them a little."

"I like them a lot," Laura teased.

"Oh shit . . ." Kendra gasped. "If you suck those any harder, I'm gonna just come all over your bed."

"Mmmmm, you are anyway," Laura smiled, now sliding down further, finally leaving Kendra's magnificent breasts to love-maul the rest of her extraordinary body.

She could not keep her mouth or her hands off any of it. The firm expanse of Kendra's rippling stomach and smooth, flat belly were a paradise of soft burnt bronze skin, glimmering and sleek in the dim afternoon light of Laura's bedroom. Laura kissed and caressed it slowly, worshipfully, with her fingertips, working her way down the silky plane until her chin was tickled by the shiny black curls of Kendra's pubic hair.

She loved Kendra's hard, rippling abs and knew she could rub her pussy into a seizure of hot coming on them, but what she really wanted were Kendra's firm, magnificent, dark golden thighs. They weren't Brandi's black killer columns of steely flesh, but Laura had ridden them to glory in the past a few times and knew the kind of crushing orgasm they could deliver. She wasn't ready for it yet since she fully intended to have her fill of Kendra's delicious, writhing body before submitting herself, but she did want to see them again, touch them, kiss them, run her fingers over the hard, smooth muscle that ran from Kendra's kneecap to her groin, feel the latent power of it.

Sliding lower, between Kendra's yawning thighs, Laura began to kiss one, running her lips up and down the hard, clenching muscle, then deviating inside, kissing the warm inner flesh, her lips coming perilously close to the open, festering slit of Kendra's soupy, glistening, black-lipped pussy, all wet and pink and shiny inside.

"Oh! Oh!" Kendra whimpered uncontrollably. "Oh yes! Yes, Laura . . . yes!"

"Mmmm, you want me to eat your pussy, don't you," Laura purred. "I'll bet Marshall never eats your sweet black pussy. I'll bet Mr. Penis just sticks his big hard meat in it but never licks it and makes you tremble and moan, right?"

"Oh god . . . Laura!" Kendra gasped, now forcing her upper body off the bed onto her elbows, looking down at Laura, who was poised between her thighs, her face only inches from Kendra's oozing cunt. "You are the devil, girl!"

"You want me to make this pussy sing, don't you," Laura panted, now running one forefinger up and down in the warm, buttery crease, slithering it in deeper, until it was sunk up to the second knuckle in Kendra's flowing honey pot.

Kendra gnawed her lower lip, her eyes glued to Laura's hand. She swirled her hips, gyrating them slowly, making Laura's finger slide in and out of her pussy. Since she knew they were both getting a little pleasure out of her talking dirty, Laura ramped it up.

"Oh . . . you want me to fuck you, is that it? You want me to ram you and pump you, like he does? You know, I have a dick too. I can get it. I can fuck you so hard you scream, darling."

Even though she was half-grimacing, half-wincing from intense sexual arousal, Kendra managed a saucy grin. "Girl, even you can't fuck me that hard," she panted. "Marshall got a cock that's three feet long. You've seen it."

Still fingerfucking her, Laura nodded. "I even felt it, remember?"

Kendra's black eyes were now going glassy, but she nodded. Again she glanced down at Laura's wet fingers sliding in and out of her beautiful gaping cunt. "I . . . don't want you to fuck me," she panted softly. "I want you to do what he can't do. Lick my pussy until I come. Only you can do that, Laura. Only you ever did that to me."

Laura was touched. Kendra was often so brassy, sharp-tongued, and blunt, so protective of her daughter and censorious of Laura for allegedly corrupting her that this tender admission just about melted her heart.

"It would be my pleasure," she whispered, throwing Kendra a sultry look as she lowered her mouth to the waiting, juicy masterpiece of Kendra's glistening wet quim.

Slowly extracting her oily, shiny finger from the clinging, glossy black lips of Kendra's excited pussy, she brushed back a few filaments of pubic hair to expose it more fully to her mouth, then, extending her tongue, ran the tip of it up one side and down the other of the inflamed cleft, not yet touching the squinchy, juicy insides, which were all slippery and shiny with flowing nectars, pink and raw and wet. Think of that lucky Marshall, getting to plunge his monster truncheon into this pretty juice pit whenever he likes, and yet never taking the time to grab a taste. Men are so boorish and ignorant.

"God, Kendra, you have the most beautiful pussy," Laura said, admiringly. "I forgot how beautiful your pussy is."

"Laura . . . be serious, you say that to all the sistas," Kendra half-laughed, though breathing heavily now and gnawing her full lower lip harder than ever as Laura's tongue explored the outer creases of her aroused cunt.

"No, I don't," Laura half-giggled and murmured back. "Only when it's true."

She spread Kendra's glossy, wet black cunt lips aside with the fingers of both hands, revealing more of the greasy, shiny, pink inner depths, and then slowly burrowed her tongue into the center of the tangy slit.

"Oh! Oh!" Kendra gasped, her fingers scrabbling in the sheet, momentarily overcome by the sweet sensations Laura was causing.

She had fallen onto her back but quickly propped herself up again on her elbows, looking down at Laura, who was now slowly and sensually slurping the wide-open wet pink furrow between Kendra's swollen black cunt lips. I am going to give you the works, honey, Laura thought. You are going to be so glad you asked me to do this.

"Unh! Oh Jesus, that feels good," Kendra sighed, now gently swirling her hips, uptilting her groin to Laura's ministrations. "You do this to Miss Black Universe too? How're you and her getting along? Does she . . . unh! Oh yes! Does she . . . come here and let you lick her like this . . . until she screams?"

Kendra had always had teasing names for Laura's other lovers, the ones she had overheard Laura gloriously and exuberantly fucking when she and Jane had lived in the apartment above Laura's. She had frequently even gone so far as to conceal herself while watching them leave so that she could later describe them to Laura and ask how they were in bed. Laura was trying to recall which one Kendra had dubbed 'Miss Black Universe'. She thought it was probably Yvette.

Dear Yvette, she mused, while cleverly licking Kendra's marvelous wet cunt. Dear lovely, wanton, fuckable Yvette. God, I haven't even had her over here. I haven't tasted that sweet pussy for months!

Now slurping and licking and swallowing Kendra's fragrant cunt slime more and more hungrily, she laughed softly. "Miss Black Universe hasn't been over here yet. She's married, you know. And she has a few other admirers too."

"Married? You mean you take those beautiful sistas to bed and don't even worry about Mr. Penis finding out? Girl, you got more courage than a pit bull. Unhhh! Oh . . . yes! Oh shit, Laura, right there, right there! Yes! Owwnnggg! Oh shit, that feels good!"

Somehow Laura's tongue had touched a raw, excited nerve in Kendra's pussy, and her body clenched and nearly levitated off the bed for a moment in a sharp, piercing moment of sexual alarm. Also, the mention of Yvette's (and others') husbands, or 'Mr. Penis,' as Kendra so loved to call them, was getting a little too close for comfort. It was a little foolhardy, and Laura had paid the price more than once. She did not relish being reminded of it, and since Kendra was becoming beautifully aroused by her skillful and passionate cunt-licking, she turned her attention to it more single-mindedly.

Their talking lapsed, and they sank into a period of heavy panting, twisting, and gasping. Laura knew she was bringing Kendra closer by the second to a crushing explosion, and she concentrated all her efforts to heighten the thrill. Enjoying the challenge of not using her fingers, she sucked and licked and tongue-stabbed Kendra's oozing, inflamed quim passionately. With her palms spread flat and planted on Kendra's silky, dark gold thighs, as if pushing them farther apart to expose the vulnerable wet seam of her sweet pussy, Laura pushed her mouth into the slippery, warm flesh, slithering her tongue in deep, gobbling it, growing more aggressive as Kendra began to whoop and churn more uncontrollably.

"Ungghh! Oh! Shit . . . Laura! Ohnnngggg! Yes . . . yes!" she groaned, her hips twisting and bucking as Laura cranked up the heat another notch.

By now Laura had slipped her hands down from Kendra's thighs and under her taut, clenching buns, cradling them, squeezing them as she sucked Kendra's creaming pussy more and more hungrily.

"I want you to come . . ." she panted. "I want you to come hard . . . hard . . . you're going to come so hard . . ."

"Ungghhh! Ohhnggg!" Kendra moaned, her face now grimacing with the onset of a killer climax.

"Yes . . . yes!" Laura panted, squeezing Kendra's ass cheeks as hard as she could and taking her clit all the way into her mouth, sucking and tonguing it wildly.

By now they were bouncing and straining and churning and shaking the bed, striving, struggling, snuffling and grunting softly. Kendra had grabbed Laura's head in both hands and was forcibly pulling Laura's mouth into her pussy, shaking her pelvis, groaning almost hysterically, perhaps more physically aroused than Laura had ever seen her, careening toward her orgasm, straining to get there.

"Unh . . . uhn! Ohnnngggg . . . yes yes! Ungghh!"

"Yes, baby . . . yes, baby!" Laura panted to her, again sucking Kendra's clit passionately.

Suddenly Laura felt Kendra's strong, hard thighs clamp against her cheeks as Kendra's hands released her head, and then she was bucking and coming in a violent surge of wrenching ecstasy.

"Auunnggghhh!" she cried out, a fierce scream that seemed to drain the breath from her lungs as her body leaped off the bed into the air.

Laura held on desperately, though there was little way she could free her head anyway.

"Ooooohmmmgghhiieeennggg!" Kendra howled again, pumping her pussy into Laura's mouth, her fingers flittering spastically around her rolling breasts, scissoring her nipples as she continued to come sharply, her body jerking as fresh spasms rolled through her, her strong thighs seizing Laura's head again and pumping furiously as she rolled and thrashed around.

Laura rolled with her, half-giggling at the way she was imprisoned by Kendra's strong body, but feeling the warm cunt fluids gush over her lips and tongue as Kendra groaned through the final spasms of her fierce climax.

"Ohhhhnnnn . . . ohnnnnnnn!" Kendra sighed as her body began to slacken and relax.

Her thighs now unclenched, releasing Laura's head. Laura in turn released the upper portion of Kendra's delicious, creaming pussy from her mouth. She could not resist the impulse to slurp up the last few drops of cunt honey that coated Kendra's wet black pussy lips.

"Mmmmm, you came good, my darling," she purred to Kendra, sliding up to face her. "Just like the old days, right?"

Kendra was still panting. She gave Laura a wan, blasted look, glancing down at her lips. "You got wet lips, Laura. Better wipe them with a towel. You look like a slobbering sex fiend."

Laura laughed softly. "I am one." She licked her lips ostentatiously with her tongue. "I love Kendra cunt candy."

Kendra herself broke out in a guffaw of uncontrollable laughter. "You, girl, are the most outrageous person I ever met, I declare," she said, still laughing. "And you sure can make a girl forget about that big dick. What you got in that mouth anyway that makes it so . . . good? Felt like your tongue was wriggling way up inside my body, shooting fire up there."

Laura looked at her dreamily. She was somehow feeling wonderful inside, not only sexually hungry but very warm and happy. Whatever the emotional turmoil they had shared in the past due to Laura's uncontrollable desire for Jane, and Jane's equally reckless desire to push the envelope of lesbian sex with Laura, she had always enjoyed lying naked like this with Kendra, fucking with sheer exuberant flat-out athleticism and frank lust. It was like old times.

"When you put it like that," she purred, "it makes me want to do it again. You are very beautiful when you come."

Kendra batted her eyelashes playfully. "There you go, you're gonna make me blush, if you don't stop. Anyway, you don't even know how beautiful I am because I had your head locked between my legs when I came."

Laura grinned. "That was beautiful. You're pussy is beautiful."

Kendra's eyelids lowered imperceptibly, and her dark eyes flickered with sparks. "I know another pussy in this room that's pretty snazzy too, you know," she murmured in a husky voice. She slid her hand down Laura's body to her groin, caressing the smooth skin of Laura's hip and thigh on the way. "I think it might be ready for a sweet ramming."

Laura's eyes rolled up, and she felt the breath catch in her throat, felt a quick, thrilling flutter of her pulse. She rolled halfway onto her back, lifting her thigh to make Kendra's destination more available, then whimpered softly, uncontrollably, as she felt Kendra's fingers slide between her parted, very wet cunt lips.


Kendra was kissing her again now, whispering against her lips. "I think you like that."

"I love that," Laura murmured back dreamily, fluffing Kendra's bronze-gold bangs with her fingertips.

They kissed for another minute or two, and Laura wondered if Kendra might not be feeling the same nostalgic emotions she herself was feeling. Kendra's fingers slowly massaged Laura's pussy while her tongue explored Laura's mouth. Only a few minutes of this were enough to bring Laura's body to the boiling point. Kendra recognized it from Laura's squirming and panting.

"You're ready, girl."

"I know. I've been ready for half an hour."

"Let me guess. I'll bet you want the thigh."

Laura bit her lower lip and nodded, again feeling the hot blood rise in her throat, feeling her pussy throb. She lowered her own hand to Kendra's thighs.

"I've dreamed of these."

Kendra looked down at Laura's fingers on the hard, sleek muscle of her thigh. "You know, almost every time I look at them I remember that time . . . those times," she corrected herself. "They're not like Ms. Olympia's, but they're still pretty good."

"They're wonderful," Laura said in a throaty voice, clotted with sexual desire and anticipation.

"You want to choose one?"

Laura shook her head, looking deep into Kendra's eyes. "I want you to choose one. After that, I want you to do me as hard as you can with it. You know I like it a little rough sometimes."

Kendra nodded. "I know. Me too."

Laura kissed her heatedly. "Oh Kendra, I want you to fuck me hard. Like you did before."

"You are a nasty little glutton for fucking, aren't you, Laura. Just like me. I've missed you, girl."

Laura was almost appalled at herself, hearing herself say these words. She knew they were true, but somehow they reflected a different side of herself than she had come to display to others lately, certainly a side of herself she had never shown to Sara. There was a depraved, debauched side of her nature that came out only at special times, a part of her that wanted to be totally destroyed by fierce fucking, that wanted to flame up in coruscating spirals of white-hot fire. Even Kendra, she suspected, did not crave these self-obliterating moments, though she would not find them out of bounds. They had done this once or twice before.

Instead of dwelling on this too long, she began to undulate under Kendra, as if to incite her, to tempt her further, She pushed her body up into Kendra's while Kendra dropped her mouth to Laura's naked breasts and began to suck Laura's nipples hungrily.

"I want you to do everything to me," Laura panted, running her fingers along Kendra's fantastic muscular back. "Fuck me . . . do everything to me . . . fuck me with your thigh . . . fuck me harder than ever."

"Better be careful what you ask for, girl," Kendra panted too, looking up from Laura's glistening, saliva-wet breasts, smiling but serious at the same time.

But Laura was quickly getting out of control. She knew Kendra, knew she could trust her, knew she could rely on her to deliver, and she was in no mood to wait.

"Oh god, that feels good!" she gasped as Kendra sucked her wet nipple again deep into her mouth. "Bite it."

With Laura's hardening nipple still in her mouth, Kendra grinned and waggled her head playfully. But she did not bite it.

"You don't want me to do that," she finally said, letting it slip out.

Laura scooped up her breast in one hand and pushed her excited nipple against Kendra's lips. "Bite it . . . just a little . . . not too hard," she panted. "And then fuck me with your thigh. Fuck me hard. Quick. Do it. Please."

Kendra looked at her, eyes glazed, breathing hard herself. "Laura, you are about the hottest person I ever met," she confessed.

Laura glowered at her, feeling her body rage and throb with sexual need, exulting in this thrilling moment of being physically entangled with the incredibly desirable Kendra on her own bed, about to be energetically fucked. "Bite it," she breathed.

Kendra was unconsciously touching the edge of her top teeth with the tip of her tongue, as if contemplating the depth of Laura's incredible (to her) masochism. She also seemed poised on the tip of decision, wondering whether to give in to this invitation to perversion.

To spur her forward, Laura again pressed her wet, aching nipple against Kendra's parted lips. "Do it."

Slowly, looking down at it, Kendra extended her tongue past her teeth, swirling it slowly around Laura's erect nipple, then parting her lips further, then pushing her mouth forward until she took Laura's nipple inside of it. She sucked it gently, her eyes drifting back up to Laura's. Then Laura could suddenly feel her teeth.

A hot squirt of sexual fire shot through her loins. Oh shit, yes! she thought. She must have sagged briefly in a fit of intense anticipation because an instant later she felt Kendra's fingers biting into her flesh, grasping her body, and felt the edge of Kendra's teeth sinking into her taut areola, felt the squirt of fire in her pussy become a slashing blade of shimmering flame. Oh shit . . . I'm going to come before she even fucks me! she thought, crazily.

But in the next second she knew that wasn't true either, because in one sinuous, fluid motion Kendra brought her thigh up into Laura's crotch, and Laura nearly shuddered in a pure bright spasm of sexual thrill as she felt the hard, lean piston of this smooth, steely muscle pressing lengthwise into the gaping wet lips of her puckered cunt. From a position where they were half on their sides, facing one another, Kendra rolled Laura easily onto her back.

For someone who rarely did this with a woman, she had great skill, and now instead of clamping her teeth tighter on Laura's nipple, as Laura expected, she loosened her grip and sucked it again instead, drawing her hard thigh up and down in the wet, throbbing groove of Laura's splayed pussy. Laura realized, and had half-expected, that they could have quickly descend into a thrashing, groaning fury of wild fucking that would result in a helpless, gagging orgasm on her part in only seconds. Instead, Kendra was backing off a little, pulling back, rubbing Laura's pussy with her thigh, but not in a hot, thrusting, passionate way. Instead, she was almost caressing Laura's aching, inflamed slit with it, and, bending her torso, sucking Laura's nipple almost in rhythm with her slow, patient strokes.

"Unhhhhhh . . . unhhhhhh!" Laura groaned maniacally, her body twisting and trembling under Kendra's as she felt the force of her coming orgasm somehow redouble in the distance, until she feared that when it arrived it would split her open.

It was not easy to thigh-fuck Laura and suck her breasts at the same time, but Kendra's sleek, dark-bronze body was amazingly flexible, and now she shifted her attentions to Laura's other nipple, smiling at Laura as she moved from one to the other.

"You like that," she purred. "I can tell."

"Oh . . . Kendra! Unhh! Oh, god I love that!"

Laura gyrated her hips slowly, pushing her throbbing cunt up into Kendra's hard, smooth thigh muscle, now slippery and wet with Laura's warm cunt fluids. Again for a couple of minutes they were silent, except for the harsh, irregular chuff of their panting, as they settled into a slow, patient fuck-rhythm. Laura was sunk in a sweet delirium of sexual pleasure, wondering somewhere distantly in her mind why she was not pumping and gasping and careening quickly toward a conflagration of coming. Instead, she was rocking gently up and down, pushing her flaming slit up into Kendra's slow, skillful thrusts, feeling the sweet pressure build inside her body, watching Kendra's hungry mouth on her nipple, feeling her breast swell and throb.

But it could not last forever. Kendra couldn't stay in this cramped position for much longer, and the leverage she could give her thigh was also diminished this way. And Laura could not fend off the throbbing, pulsing, swelling, imminent cataclysm of her orgasm any longer.

"Unghh! Yes!" she grunted softly, as Kendra's mouth released her breast, Kendra's body straightened and tensed over her, and she could feel Kendra's hard, smooth thigh plowing more vigorously into the flooding, aching wound of her vulnerable pussy. "Ungghh! Yes! Oh . . . Kendra . . . ungghh!"

Even though she was in marvelous physical condition, the effort of fucking Laura this way was making Kendra pant heavily too. Digging one knee into the mattress for support, she now held Laura's hips in her strong hands and began to give Laura what Laura had begged for, crunching her muscular thigh into the soupy mess of Laura's crotch mercilessly, making Laura whimper and squeal as the hard, clenching muscle almost seemed to penetrate her flaming cunt, nestling in the wet groove, pulverizing her pulsating clit with each ferocious thrust.

"You're gonna come, baby . . ." Kendra panted, her eyes fiery with hot lust as she drove her thigh up repeatedly into Laura's oozing pussy. "You're gonna come now . . . now . . . you're gonna come. Come to Mama . . . come to Mama . . . unh . . . unh!"

"Oh shit, Kendra!" Laura cried out, grimacing as unbelievably intense sensations shot through her flexing body.

Kendra fell forward, releasing Laura's hips and now clutching her back and shoulders, embracing her, mashing her own breasts into Laura's as she brought her thigh up into Laura's pussy with one, two, three final crunching thrusts.

"You're gonna . . . come . . . now . . ." she panted, almost growling in a low, guttural threat or promise.

And she was right, but the orgasm hit Laura so hard that the breath completely left her body, and she could not even cry out. It was a shattering climax, the kind that ripped through you, hot, clenching, fierce, a leeching of your nerves into nearly unbearable spasms of sweet, crushing pleasure that left all the muscles of Laura's body quivering uncontrollably, as if she were in the depths of a sexual seizure that had to run its course before she would even be able to breathe again.

Stunned by the force of it, she drifted back to consciousness seconds later hearing her own low, tortured moans, feeling Kendra still crouched over her, feeling Kendra's fingers biting into her bare back, and still feeling the large, silken pillar of Kendra's thigh muscle embedded in the splayed, greasy furrow of her tingling cunt.

"Ohhnnnnnn!" Laura moaned softly, shuddering as the aftershocks of this stupendous climax shook her flesh. "Ahhnnnnnn! Oh god! Oh Kendra . . ."

Slowly, Kendra peeled her body off Laura's, leaning up, looking down at her wet thigh still pressed against Laura's throbbing pussy.

"If that ain't a sight," she croaked softly, still recovering her own breath. "I guess you and me are about as close as two girls can get, Laura," she grinned.

Laura pinched her own thighs even tighter around the dark brown miracle thigh. "Don't you move it. I want to remember how it looks there . . . and how it feels."

Kendra laughed softly. "I can tell you how it feels. Feels all wet. Got Laura all over it."

Laura pulled her down and kissed her, keeping Kendra on top of her and wiggling her groin so that her wet pussy slid again up and down the slippery skin of Kendra's magnificent thigh. This made her eyes go all glassy and her breath quicken again in memory of the incinerating orgasm she had just experienced moments earlier.

"Oh god . . ." she gasped, clutching Kendra almost desperately, kissing Kendra's neck, which was damp with Kendra's own sweat. "I wish I could convince you to come over here every Saturday and do this."

Kendra giggled softly, pulling back again. "Just keep it up and you may get your wish, girl. Ain't no Mr. Penis I ever met who can match you for sheer sex gluttony. You too much like me for your own good."

Laura, still lying on her back with her thighs spread, doing her best to look as debauched and desirable as she could, flirted back. "Even Marshall?"

Grinning, Kendra shook her head. Now she disengaged her body completely from Laura's, wiping her thigh on the edge of the sheet. "Okay if I use this? You want to get me a towel?"

Laura smirked sexily at her. "Go ahead. Something to remember you by."

Kendra raised one eyebrow. "Right. And wait until Miss Black Universe smells it. She'll know you been cavorting in here with somebody else."

"Cavorting? You have such a big vocabulary, Kendra darling."

Kendra ignored this. "Marshall be wanting me to get hitched," she said, out of the blue, as she began pulling on her clothes.

"No," Laura said in disbelief.

Kendra nodded. "It's true."

Though flabbergasted, Laura was also suddenly thoughtful and abstracted. Since she and Sara had somehow—she still wasn't quite sure how they had done it, or if it would last—patched things up between them, she had noticed in herself a yearning for permanence that was much stronger than she had ever felt before. What if she tried to convince Sara to move in here?

It would be heaven! She felt her heart actually flutter at the thought. But then her eyes regained their focus, and she saw Kendra's hard, glossy, magnificent burnished mahogany naked body sitting at the end of the bed, and she realized that this would not be possible any more. Already, even with Sara half way across the country in Mississippi, she felt a little guilty, not only for so eagerly hopping into bed with Kendra but also for having enjoyed it so much, for having nearly fainted of ecstasy.

"You wouldn't be able to do this any more," she said to Kendra.

Kendra tilted her head sarcastically and again raised one eyebrow. "Says who? Anyway, I haven't seen you in a year. I think I can squeeze that in," she winked.

Laura was silent. She did not want to risk even saying aloud what she had been thinking. But I love Sara very much, she thought. Maybe I could give up . . . this. Could I?

"Look," Kendra said, getting up from the bed, her marvelous hard round breasts bobbing, "would you mind if I pop in your shower for a moment before I leave? I think Jane is gonna smell 'hot fucking with Laura' all over me, if you know what I mean."

"Oh, we wouldn't want that," Laura said, deadpan.

The mere thought of it was very titillating to her. It made her want to imagine Jane's reaction in her mind's eye. But of course sex smell was sex smell. Jane would not know it was Laura whom her mother had been enthusiastically wrestling with in a bed. And Kendra, who hated the fact that Jane had slept with Laura, was certainly not going to tell her. Nevertheless, the mere thought of Jane smelling Laura on her mother's body was enough to start innumerable fantasies about Jane circulating in Laura's brain.

"No . . . we wouldn't," Kendra said sternly, glaring directly at Laura.

"Go ahead," Laura smiled. "Want me to join you?"

Kendra broke into a grin. She glanced at Laura's bedside alarm clock. "Don't think we have time. I have to pick her up in about twenty-five minutes."

Laura teased and insinuated. "We could have a quickie."

"Girl, you getting me hot again. Cut it out. Now, I got to get out of here. You're the very devil."

"Go ahead," Laura pointed toward the bathroom. "I won't molest you. There's fresh towels on the wire shelf beside the jacuzzi."

Kendra, after a few joking remarks about the luxury of Laura's bathroom accouterments, disappeared into the shower and reappeared five minutes later looking fresh and clean and sexier than ever. Now Laura really did want to wrestle her to the floor again and fuck her exuberantly.

They kissed at the door. "I get to work on my kisser when I'm around you," Kendra murmured dreamily against her lips. "You're a pretty good one, and I get more practice with you than with any man."

Laura wanted to say "Any time, darling . . . just call first," but she caught herself, thinking instantly of Sara, of the complicated feelings she had been having earlier. I might be loving Sara desperately, just when Kendra popped by, she thought. Oh god, no.

"I'd like to practice with you more," she murmured back, digging her fingers one last time into the round, jouncy firmness of Kendra's fantastic ass.

Kendra pecked her tenderly on the nose. "I think we might arrange that. At least more than once a year."

Then she winked and turned, walking down the steps to her car while Laura watched, her pussy still throbbing happily from the memory of Kendra's incredible sleek thigh.




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