Laura - Chapter 255



Ever since Laura and Taneesha had run into Shontay in the hallway outside Laura's apartment—a scene so painful to remember that Laura avoided anything but a high-level awareness in her mind that it had indeed happened—Laura had been tormented by her realization that Shontay's feelings for her were somehow deeper than she had known. She kicked herself for not having understood it.

Though at work Shontay was aloof, cold, implacable, and apparently much disliked by her direct reports, with Laura she was soft, vulnerable, pliant, and warm, full of delight in her own body, which before Laura she had apparently come to hate and detest for its long, bony frame and sharp angles, and also her inability to come very easily. Before Laura, she confessed, she had never climaxed with another person—meaning a man, of course—only by masturbating.

Laura had quickly put an end to that, and with her Shontay now had several orgasms each time, some of them stupendous shockers that left her weak and gasping. For Shontay, Laura realized belatedly, it was like being reborn. She had blossomed, at least when she was with Laura. She was relaxed, funny, sensual, and very affectionate. She had even left her old baggy business suits in the closet and began to show off a more stylish wardrobe at work—which Laura, fearing a scene, had only detected by spying around corners—one that more successfully flattered her long, slender legs and charming little rump.

Laura cursed herself for not having seen these signs. Anyone would have noticed them. You might not want to call it 'love,' but it was surely a deep sexual attachment and also a deep affection they shared. For all Laura knew, Shontay did think of it as 'love'. She certainly had seemed startled and pained to see Laura with another woman (or girl, Laura thought; it was hard to think of the delicious 'Valley Girl' Taneesha as a woman, though she fucked like one). Shontay, seeing them, had clearly been devastated. Laura could still see the big, silvery tears sliding silently down her smooth, light brown cheeks, her magical pale brown eyes above them stricken and lost.

For nearly two weeks now at work Laura had played cat-and-mouse, trying to avoid her, coming early, leaving late, skirting the areas where Shontay was certain to be. She wondered if Shontay might not be doing the same thing, since they never ran into one another. But the guilt kept gnawing at her, and then the desire, for she actually missed Shontay. Their intimacy had been unexpected, but Laura found that it was captivating. And the more she recalled Shontay standing in the hallway with tears sliding down her cheeks, the more she felt a deep urge to comfort her, to enfold her, to reassure her (by what, more lies? she wondered), and ultimately to take off her pretty new clothes and rub against her until Shontay exploded in ecstasies even more intense than the ones she had experienced so far.

Laura did not know how to deal with this impasse. Shontay could be frighteningly cold and withering in her personal manner, and Laura realized she was a little afraid of her (probably the reason Shontay's employees feared her, too). She could be cutting. She could be an ice pillar of scorn. And Laura knew she herself deserved whatever was coming her way, which made it harder to invite it.

Trying to turn her thoughts to other things, she contemplated moving to a new place. She had lied about it to Taneesha, but the very process of lying had made her wonder if it might not be a good idea. Maybe it was just a peculiar architectural flaw that made the sounds generated in her apartment so audible in the one above. She never experienced such anxieties in Shavon's place, or Randi's, or Karen's. And god knows, we sure whoop it up sometimes, she thought. It's only in my place that I feel this terrible fear that they're going to hear us shrieking.

She was thinking of this so hard one evening as she came home from work that she barely noticed the Gibsons wheeling their stylish and expensive luggage out the door to their Mercedes as she was checking for her mail. They smiled at her vaguely, and she returned the abstracted, neighborly smile they had all apparently agreed on. Then, as she was looking through her mail before heading for the elevator, it occurred to her that they were leaving . . . for a vacation, or a meeting, or something.

Oh god, does that mean Shontay will be coming back over here to feed the cat? she wondered.

As far as she knew, no one showed up the first night, which was the actual night the Gibsons had left. At least, Laura heard no sounds overhead. Though she usually heard little from them when they were home, occasionally a floorboard would creak, or there would be a distant thump, as if something were dropped. She heard nothing.

This made her all the more nervous on the second evening, because if Shontay were dropping by to feed Willie, she certainly would not wait much longer. And in fact, Laura did hear a noise upstairs on the second evening, a definite creak. She's there! she thought.

Laura took a deep breath. I'm going up there. I'm going to knock on the door. I'm going to . . . what? I'm going to apologize. I'm going to tell her that I wouldn't have hurt her for the world. I'm going to tell her I'm just so sorry . . .

She clenched her fists and gritted her teeth, pacing, all in the effort to get courage, to be honest and forthright, to face up to whatever pain she had caused and try to remedy the situation. Seconds later, before she could think of it any more and allow herself to back out, she was heading up the stairs next to the elevator. She reached the ninth floor and marched resolutely down to the Gibsons' door and knocked.

Then, as she stood waiting, all her courage suddenly left her, draining away like the water in the bottom of a basin. It quickly dawned on her that Shontay would not open the door since she would know it could only be one of two unpleasant possibilities: either a rapist or burglar had got into the building, or it was Laura.

Her heart almost stopped when she heard a small click inside, behind the door. Then she realized it was the tiny hatch-door on the little peep hole in the middle of the door, about average eye-height. She had one on her own peep hole, since it was the same door. Everything was the same. Why couldn't they just make a stupid hole and leave the little hatch-door off? she wondered, knowing that Shontay—or someone, at least—was inside inspecting her now, looking at her, deciding whether to open the door.

"Shontay . . . it's me," Laura burst out, not having prepared to say anything, just hearing the words rush from her mouth in a hushed but semi-hysterical flood.

Still, nothing. No movement or sound from behind the door. Laura looked directly at the peep hole, composing her face into a soft, smiling, friendly mode. Just dropped by to say hi, her face tried to say. I'm . . . oh, you know, just friendly, neighborly Laura, not trying to . . . force myself on you or anything. Just wanted to talk, that's all. She smiled, then was afraid she had smiled too broadly, too falsely, and so shrunk her smiling muscles a little to appear more formal, more restrained.

Whether this strategy worked, or whether Shontay too found the moment becoming unbearable, the door was unlocked and slowly it opened—just a crack, though. Shontay peered out at Laura, her face expressionless.

"Hello . . . Laura," she said, very softly. Her eyes were intense and unrelenting, holding Laura's, boring into Laura's. "What do you want?"

The silence in the hallway where Laura was standing was painful, like a mausoleum, the place where dead dreams went to repose. Laura twisted her fingers.

"I wanted . . . to talk to you."

"That's all?"

Laura nodded.

"Talk, then."

Laura thought of asking to be invited in, then thought better of it. "I . . . wanted to . . . explain."

"You ain't got nothing to explain to me, girl," Shontay snapped, without, however, raising her voice. Her pale, fantastic, light brown eyes glowed with fierce hostility.

Laura had never heard her lapse into this kind of dialect before, which gave added emphasis to Shontay's controlled fury. No wonder I was afraid of her, Laura thought. Look at how stiff she is . . . and god, she looks magnificent when she's angry, with her regal, fierce contempt, her nostrils twitching like that. Laura fought against the clear realization that it was sexually arousing.

She shrugged, not disguising her feeling of defeat. "I wanted to apologize," she said, softly.

She let her eyes do the pleading, hoping to see some sign of softening in this magnificent, haughty, regal creature whose eyes burned and whose chin was held higher than normal, at an imperious height, which made Laura feel even smaller. Shontay glowered at her.

"Go ahead," she breathed finally, almost inaudibly, as if trying to decide whether to be bored or even angrier. "Apologize."

"Look . . . it's kind of hard to do it just . . . standing here. Could I come in? I won't stay but a minute."

Shontay glowered at her. She pushed the door open further and stepped back. Laura, very tentatively, as if she were going to be sliced and shredded instantly by invisible knives, stepped inside. Nervously glancing around Shontay's tall, angular body, she saw Willie, the cat, in the living room, a blur of white fluff with iridescent turquoise eyes, looking at them both. She brought her eyes—reluctantly, fearing the fiery anger there—back to Shontay's.

But now she saw in them what she had not been able to detect in the dim hallway: the faint, plangent throbbing of a deep and real pain, though it was almost successfully masked by the hideous and threatening anger Laura had initially responded to. But seeing it was, curiously, a relief to her. At least she's human, Laura thought, watching Shontay close the door. She did not fasten the deadbolt lock, clearly expecting a short visit, and also making it clear, in case Laura should be devious enough to have any ideas of reconciliation, that nothing more than stammered apologies would be tolerated.

Shontay did not move. She did not try to draw Laura further into the apartment.

"Go ahead."

"Shontay . . . that girl you saw me with is . . . the niece of a friend of mine, a business associate, actually," Laura began, sounding to herself horribly false and treacly.

Shontay looked at her, expressionless again, and said nothing. The silence propelled Laura forward.

"It was just . . . something that happened. I didn't mean to hurt you."

Shontay nodded, a very slight, menacing up and down movement of her head. Her sensual lips were pressed together in a straight line, her eyes hard.

"You didn't," she said in a clipped voice.

"Oh." Laura paused uncomfortably. "I—"

"Is that all?"

"No, it's not 'all'.

Shontay's pale brown eyes flashed. "I don't have anything more to say to you, Laura."

Laura put a hand on her wrist, instinctively, without really knowing she was doing so. Shontay snatched her hand away.

"Don't you touch me!"

"Shontay . . . for god's sake. Please."

"Go, Laura. Go."

"I don't want to go."

Shontay looked exasperated. "I want you to."

Laura was determined not to leave. There was too much at stake. It could not end like this. She sucked up her courage and took a step forward. She raised her hand to caress Shontay's cheek, as she had done many times in the past. Shontay parried it quickly with her forearm, a slashing movement that pushed Laura's arm awkwardly to the side.

Laura's shoulders slumped. She wasn't willing to fight physically about it. She felt defeated. Willie took this opportunity to show up at the door. He recognized Laura and began rubbing against her ankle. She smiled and looked down at him, hearing him purr loudly.

"At least somebody's happy to see me."

She looked up and saw Shontay's eyes cloud over briefly, a surprise to Laura, and apparently to Shontay too since she immediately turned her head to the side and shook it, as if to clear the cobwebs. Laura quickly leaped on her advantage.

"Shontay . . . I'm not going. Not until we talk."

"You already talked. You said you were sorry. Thank you. Apology accepted."

She tried to step toward the door to open it again, but Laura blocked her way. "No . . . we have to talk more."

Shontay shook her head, her eyes again steely and fierce. Laura did not know what to do but felt something must be done, and so she stepped around her and walked into the living room, sitting down in a large, soft-upholstered easy chair that she had not noticed on her last visit. Maybe it was new. It was very comfortable, and she sank a little into the cushions, suddenly realizing that this was a disadvantageous position for her since she was slumped awkwardly in the soft chair while Shontay now loomed over her, angular and tall and imperious as ever, as she approached.

Laura struggled back up, sitting perched on the edge. But instead of confronting her, Shontay sat on the sofa across from her. Willie came in and stared back and forth at the two of them, as if not knowing which one to approach.

"You've got Willie confused," Laura said, calmly. "He thinks we're fighting. He doesn't know which one to snuggle up to. Last time he saw me we were naked and . . . you know, happy together."

Shontay scowled, as if Laura had said something obscene and loathsome. Don't remind me, her eyes said.

"I really like your new clothes," Laura said, rushing on, unwilling to let Shontay gather her anger for a new assault. "They look so stylish on you. They really show off your best features. I especially like that dress. So summery and . . . you know, bright. The bright colors look great on you."

Shontay really did look terrific, Laura thought. She might be cold and implacable, but physically she looked like a model, thin and beautiful in her bright, flowery dress, which clung around her long, thin, but very shapely legs. The ivory hue of the fabric, which was splashed with brightly colored flowers, was especially striking against Shontay's smooth, light brown skin and made her look a little darker than she really was, like rich, thick molasses.

"Thank you," Shontay swallowed uncomfortably, wary of accepting any compliments from someone as devious and treacherous as Laura. ". . . I guess. You were the one who criticized my clothes, remember?"

She said this without a trace of humor, as if she resented it deeply. And yet she had changed her style, and the results were undeniably successful. Laura took this contradictory signal as an encouraging sign. She hates me, but she can't forget. I made her pant.

Laura smiled at her warmly, this time genuinely forgoing all the sentimental treacle she had initially had hoped would break down Shontay's resistance.

"Can't we be friends again?" she asked, softly.

"Who said we're not friends," Shontay said, not smiling, in fact very grim.

Feeling very emboldened but still not knowing if anything would come of it, Laura stood up from the easy chair and went over to the sofa, sitting down cross-legged on the floor next to it, and next to Shontay's legs. She smiled up at Shontay and rubbed her cheek against the skirt of Shontay's summery dress, where its folds fell behind her calf.

"It smells good, too," Laura whispered. "You smell good."

"I think you better leave."

"You look so much more beautiful with your hair down. Why don't you take it down? Why don't you let me take it down?"

Shontay shook her head.

They did not speak for several minutes. Laura's brain was working furiously, and she wondered if Shontay's brain were scheming too. Parry . . . thrust . . . parry. Will she give in? Will she give up?

"I was looking through this big coffee table book I have about models," Shontay finally said, quietly, almost inaudibly. "I saw this picture of, what was her name, Stephanie something . . . Seymour. Stephanie Seymour. Do you know her?"

"I've never been introduced," Laura smiled.

"I mean who she is. You look just like her. She was a famous model. Probably still is, but she must be a little older now."

"You're the one who looks like the model," Laura said.

"You mean tall and skinny?" Shontay said, revealing a trace of her old bitterness.

"I mean tall and slender and impossibly beautiful," Laura said, looking up over Shontay's knees and straight into her eyes.

"That's just bullshit, Laura," Shontay said, breathing more than speaking the words. "That girl you were with was beautiful."

The knife turned in Laura's gut. She had thought they were slowly, painfully climbing out of this particular morass, and now they had fallen abruptly back into it. Instead of allowing it to happen, she charged on blithely.

"Maybe all you need is a little more meat and potatoes. Why don't you come downstairs and let me cook you a big dinner. I can cook, you know."

Shontay grinned. "I know. You helped me in the kitchen right here, don't you remember?"

"I do remember." Laura let her eyes flow and crackle with sexual innuendo. "I remember everything."

Shontay looked away. "I'm not hungry."

By this time Willie had found Laura's lap. Laura petted him in a relaxed, leisurely way and again rubbed her cheek sensually against the fabric of Shontay's dress, this time letting her cheek brush also against the smooth, warm skin of Shontay's long, shapely calf. Shontay felt it too. She pulled her leg away, not dramatically, but just far enough to make it clear to Laura what was off limits.

"I'm going to have a cigarette," Shontay said, abruptly pushing herself up from the sofa.

Laura had forgotten that Shontay smoked, especially in tense moments like this. She was a little disconsolate, sitting on the floor with her back to the sofa, petting Willie, feeling foolish. On the other hand, being at floor level gave her the opportunity to stare at Shontay's ravishing long legs as she walked across the room on her way to the kitchen to get a saucer to use for an ashtray. The skirt of her thin, flowery dress fell only to her knees, and her long, willowy, flexing brown calves were fully—gloriously—visible. Laura, as she watched the sleek muscles ripple, could not now hide from herself the distant quivering deep inside her pussy.

She fully expected Shontay to avoid the sofa when she returned, since Laura had so obviously been trying to weaken her by subtle, devious caresses, but instead she came right back with her lit cigarette and saucer to the same spot and sat down. She placed the saucer on the coffee table and expelled two long streams of tobacco smoke from her nostrils. She was nearly as stiff and contemptuous as ever, but Laura wondered if this were a sign.

Where do we go now? she wondered.

She noticed that Shontay's legs were no further away from her than they had been when she stood up, and so she scooted closer to them, readjusting Willie in her lap. She wanted more than anything to kiss one, but instead she leaned across and rubbed her cheek against Shontay's bare calf again, a caress of astonishing intimacy nevertheless, which was not lost on either of them. This time, to Laura's intense delight, Shontay did not move her leg away. Willie, however, probably tired of the maneuvering and the awkward tension between the two women, hopped off Laura's lap and began to preen himself.

Shontay continued to smoke in brusque, haughty movements, blowing smoke out of her mouth now in straight, even streams. Slowly, Laura turned her face, still rubbing her cheek against Shontay's calf muscle, until her lips grazed the girl's hard shin. Shontay didn't move. Laura let her lips slide across the shin bone and over to the curved calf muscle, pressing them lightly against it. Still, Shontay did not move.

Now Laura trailed her fingers tenderly along Shontay's bare leg, caressing it and beginning to kiss Shontay's shapely calf muscle instead of just pressing her lips against it. Now Shontay pulled her leg away, not abruptly, in fact slowly, but with definite intent.

"Don't do that."

She glowered at Laura, her head wreathed in smoked, as Laura looked up at her.

"Your legs are so beautiful," Laura said in a hushed, worshipful voice, meaning every syllable.

"They're skinny. You aren't going to start all that shit again, are you? 'You're legs are so beautiful. You're so gorgeous. Why do you cover up that beautiful body.' Just drop it, okay?"


Laura again scooted closer to the leg Shontay had moved away from her. Next time Shontay moved it, she would truly have to alter her position on the sofa. I'm not going to let you wiggle out of this too easily, darling, Laura thought.

She let a few moments pass, until Shontay had finished her cigarette and snuffed it out in the saucer. When Shontay again sat back, Laura again pressed her cheek against her calf.

"This is getting a little repetitious, Laura," Shontay said, unable to keep a slight trace of amusement out of her voice, but not moving her leg.

"Mmmmm, I'm sorry . . . maybe I should kiss the other one," Laura murmured softly, shifting her position so that she was angled between Shontay's legs, her lips now close to the other smooth, light-molasses colored calf.

She caressed it carefully with both hands and kissed it more ardently, moving her lips up Shontay's shapely calf to her knee, kissing it too. Shontay squirmed a little but did not stop Laura. Her thighs even yawned open slightly as if to help Laura, who obligingly moved her body up a little, planting slow, tender, but increasingly passionate kisses on the smooth inner flesh of Shontay's slender thigh. As her face rose higher, she pushed up the thin skirt of Shontay's dress to about five inches above her knees.

She turned her head and kissed the inner flesh of Shontay's other thigh too, hearing a tiny, half-concealed intake of breath as Shontay gasped. Shontay's delicious thighs were very slim, and Laura could see how she might have been teased by others about them through her no doubt gawky teenaged years: spindleshanks, stilts girl, and other stuff. But now, though thin, they were delightfully firm and shapely, warm and marvelously smooth under Laura's moving lips, the skin richly tan like pale clover honey. Laura, unable to resist, began to lick it sensually, not a major sexual uptick, but just a smooth transition from kissing to also tasting.

A soft, very distant mewling sound came from deep inside Shontay's chest, a sound she tried to conceal by swallowing and breathing more loudly, but she was unsuccessful. She did not move, however, except to open her legs a micro millimeter more for Laura.

Since every time Laura opened her mouth, she got her words flung back in her face, she now kept silent and lavished her attention on kissing Shontay's thighs, which was thrilling her so much anyway that she scarcely had energy for anything else. The feel of Shontay's warm, velvet flesh under her lips was indescribably beautiful and erotic at the same time. The long, smooth muscles of Shontay's thighs tensed, relaxed, flexed in small isolated areas as the sensations caused by Laura's lips excited them, then moved on.

Laura pushed Shontay's skirt up a little farther, moving her face up higher between Shontay's thighs. She could now see the pale green fabric of Shontay's panties in the shadowy valley of her crotch.

"Don't do that," Shontay said, squirming, trying to give her quavering voice an authority that would compel Laura to stop, but not succeeding.

"Don't you like it?" Laura asked softly.


"Then why do you want me to stop?"

"I . . . don't. I hate you, Laura . . . for making me . . . feel this way."

"Mmmm . . . you don't hate me," Laura murmured, her lips moving higher, higher. "You wish I would do this to you every night."

Shontay giggled softly in spite of herself. "Oh god . . . it really feels good," she panted, a trace of a smile now curving the sides of her sensual mouth as she looked down at Laura.

"I'm going to make it feel even better."

"No . . . I don't want you to."

Shontay made of a show of trying to close her legs, to push Laura out, but she was clearly not serious, and Laura gently pushed her thighs open again with her fingers, taking the opportunity to move her lips even higher, so that her mouth was now only inches from Shontay's panties. They were damp, not soggy yet, but noticeably moist, and fragrant with her flowing cunt nectars. Laura knew that Shontay's hot little slit was open and pulsing and oozing behind the thin, damp fabric, and she deliberately—certainly before Shontay had realized that any such move was likely—moved her mouth up farther, pressing her lips into Shontay's pale green panties just where they covered her pussy.

Then she breathed a slow stream of warm air through the fabric directly into Shontay's gaping, aching quim. This caused a deep quiver to roll through Shontay's long body, as if radiating out from the center, where Laura was softly blowing into her pussy through her panties, spreading through her flesh all the way from her toes to her scalp, and she even made a soft whinny as she shook, totally helpless for about three seconds.

"Oh! Don't . . . do that!" she gasped. "Ohhhhh!"

Laura ignored her. By now she had pushed the skirt of the flowery dress way up over Shontay's waist, exposing her whole groin. Still pressing her lips against the damp cloth of Shontay's panties, she continued to caress the tense muscles of Shontay's inner thighs with her fingertips, though by now Shontay had begun to squirm so much that gentle caresses were getting to be beside the point. She was whimpering too, though Laura could tell she was embarrassed to have yielded so easily.

"Ohhhnnnn . . . oh Laura . . . what are you doing?"

Laura said nothing. She was still forcing her warm breath through the cloth of Shontay's panties into her wet pussy, and she loved the effect it was having on the girl, who seemed to be turning to jelly before her very eyes, and under her very fingertips. Her warm breath and Shontay's wetness had made the damp cloth sag into the open groove of her pussy, forming a small indentation into which Laura could easily insinuate her tongue.

This she did without hesitation, pushing the cloth into Shontay's pussy and enjoying the tangy dew that now touched her taste buds for the first time. The thick, sweet, musky odors emanating from Shontay's excited cunt became quickly more apparent too, and Shontay stiffened, then undulated, whimpering louder, more aroused than ever.

"Unhhhhh! Oh . . . Laura . . . unnhhhhh! Oh god!"

Having finally got the upperhand, Laura was not about to relent. She did not want to pull back, then have Shontay suddenly regain her self control, shutting her legs, maybe even ordering Laura away. She also knew she had little to fear from Shontay coming too soon, because even though Shontay was clearly aroused, she did not spill over quickly, and in fact Laura was the only one who had been able to make her come, using skill and patience.

And so she worked her tongue deeper, pushing the cloth deeper between Shontay's pussy lips, and feeling the cloth become wetter too against the tip of her tongue, still breathing between Shontay's cunt lips as well as invading them with the rest of her mouth. As her tongue pushed the damp cloth deeper into Shontay's pussy, the edges of Shontay's panties began to pull in, exposing the smooth crease on each side where her thighs joined her pelvis, and also a glistening black fringe of shiny pubic hair on each side.

Laura wondered if she herself could stand the sexual excitement she was creating here. Both she and Shontay had become enveloped very suddenly in a hot cloud of seething sex, and whatever fencing and skittishness they had both displayed earlier had completely vanished. She caressed the smooth parts of Shontay's body that had appeared where her panties had pulled away, pushing the cloth even deeper into the girl's pussy with her tongue, then pressing the flat base of her tongue hard against the top where she knew Shontay's tiny, engorged clit had to be.

"Ungghhhh!" Shontay suddenly groaned.

"Oh yes," Laura heard herself murmuring, thrusting her tongue forward, waggling her head a little, letting Shontay feel the full force against her clit and the upper part of her small pussy through the wet cloth of her panties.

"Unnghhh! Laura!" she groaned again.

Now Laura pulled the wet cloth out of Shontay's pussy with her fingers, tugging it to the side, and allowed her tongue to slip directly between the slick, buttery black lips and into the shiny hot pink cleft. Shontay's body arched against the back of the sofa.

"Ohnngg! Oh shit!"

"Honey . . . honey . . ." Laura purred, slowing the pace a little, now fearing that Shontay might indeed come too quickly after all.

The girl was wildly excited, her mysterious pale brown eyes flecked with dancing sparks of sexual fire as she looked down at Laura's face in her crotch. She was so lovely and vulnerable here with her summery dress pushed up around her waist, her body lying askew across the sofa, her hair half-disheveled and beginning to fray and stick out from its tight bun, her honey golden thighs spread, her mouth slack, her eyes throbbing, her pussy wet and red and swollen, that half of Laura wanted to just go ahead and deliver the coup de grâce right now.

She's going to come. She's going to come hard. I can just go ahead and let it happen.

But the other half of her wanted more and had begun to form an idea. She began to pull Shontay's panties down, pushing her yawning thighs shut for a moment to get them down over her knees, then kissing her smooth belly as she pulled them off and cooing to her at the same time.

"Take this off . . ." she cooed softly, working quickly. "We'll just take all this off and . . . get it out of the way . . . yes."

As if sunk in a hypnotic trance, a deep swoon or sexual dream, Shontay moved mechanically to allow Laura to remove her panties, then her dress. Then Laura was out of her own clothes in a flash, pulling Shontay across the room to the large, overstuffed easy chair she herself had been sitting in earlier. She again marveled at Shontay's long—very long—smooth brown back as she leaned forward to unclasp her bra, skimming it off Shontay's shoulders with both hands and planting a kiss between her shoulder blades.

"This way," she coached, turning the girl and sitting her gently down in the chair. "I want you . . . oh Shontay, I want you so bad."

Shontay said nothing, panting softly, looking up at Laura obediently—so different from her usual sharp and imperious manner— as Laura placed her in the chair. Laura pulled the girl's long, angular body forward so that Shontay's perfect little rump was perched on the edge of the seat cushion, the rest of her slender torso leaning back at a forty-five degree angle into the chair. Shontay's small, delicious breasts swirled and jiggled as she settled back, and Laura could not keep herself from caressing them with her fingers, gently kneading Shontay's dark caramel nipples, wanting to suck and swallow them, but saving it for later.

"Oh Laura . . . what are we doing?" Shontay asked in a small, quavering voice, as if she were a small child embarking on a strange adventure.

"This is what we're doing," Laura chuffed, panting herself as she now spread Shontay's long legs, pushing them up and back and propping them over the arms of the chair, exposing the wet, bright pink, inflamed seam of Shontay's glistening pussy.

Her blood was racing so fast that she wondered why it didn't just gush up from her throat, or spurt out from under her fingernails. Her body was raging with hot, happy lust for this long, lovely girl, who had been so cruelly rejecting her only moments earlier. And she could see from the rapid pulsing in Shontay's magical light brown eyes that Shontay was feeling equally hot.

In one graceful motion, Laura, facing Shontay, climbed onto the chair herself, placing the crook of each knee over the chair's arms, pressing the insides of her own thighs against the yawning, uptilted backs of Shontay's sleek light brown thighs, and lowered her own throbbing, oozing pussy onto Shontay's. She grabbed the back of the chair above Shontay's head with both hands to steady herself.

"Ahhhh!" Shontay gasped as she felt Laura's wet, warm, slippery cunt flesh come into direct contact with her own.

"Oooohhhhh . . . oh god, that feels good!" Laura gasped, looking down at her, catching her eyes, letting the hot current of her lust shoot between them, and smiling inwardly as she felt Shontay's lust shoot back and intermingle with her own.

Shontay nodded, mouth open. "Oh yeah. Oh!"

With a curious smile, twisted alluringly with scorching sexuality, Shontay raised her hands to Laura's dangling breasts and began to squeeze them, twirling and pinching Laura's nipples between her thumbs and forefingers, while Laura began slowly to move her wet pussy up and down against the girl's swollen, gaping furrow. They had made love in several different ways, but their cunts had never touched until now, and Shontay's eyes quickly rolled up as the acute sensations swarmed through her body.

"Unnhhhhhh! Oh . . . oh Laura . . . ohnnnn yes!"

Their position in the chair gave Laura a kind of leverage she had never imagined before, and she could actually fuck Shontay, almost the way a man would, or the way she would with a strap-on, pumping and pushing her pussy hard into Shontay's, making Shontay whimper and her eyelids flutter with each thrust.

"Unhhh! Oh yes . . . I love it that way!" she gasped to Laura. "Oh yes, Laura! Unhhhhh!"

"Oh honey . . . I love your beautiful pussy. It feels so good against mine. Oh Shontay . . . you are so lovely. How could you think I wouldn't want you? Oh god, I want you so much!"


"Am I doing it too hard?"

"Ungghh! No . . . oh no . . . unghhhh! You can . . . do it harder! Oh!"

There was hardly any way Laura could prevent herself from doing it harder. She was so swept up by this novel position, by Shontay's pliant and eager acceptance of it—Shontay was now enthusiastically grinding her hips and pushing her pussy up into Laura's increasingly vigorous thrusts—and by Shontay's fingers feverishly pinching her excited nipples that she could barely control the urge to send them both over the edge in a mere instant into an explosive conflagration of fiery coming.

She knew she could do it. They were both wildly aroused by this style of fucking, and Shontay was moaning and undulating under her, while Laura herself was consumed by sharp, relentless lust for the girl, jabbing and mashing her wet pussy into Shontay's, fucking her hard, and fast, with short, powerful thrusts. But she also knew that neither one of them wanted it to be over, not so fast.

"Ohhhhh . . . oh shit it's so good . . . let's slow down for a second," Laura panted.

Shontay, eyes glowing in their murky light brown depths with fierce embers, looking submissively up at her and instinctually let her body slide into the more graceful motion that Laura had adopted to slow them down.

Still holding onto the back of the chair with her hands for balance, Laura slowed the pace to a rocking, slow, delicious, rhythmic grind, arching her back so that she could push her naked breasts into Shontay's face, gasping as the girl's sensual lips chased her nipples. The thick, shiny, chestnut-colored flag of Laura's long hair fell across Shontay, who tossed her head sensually into it, as if luxuriating in the feel of it sliding across her cheeks and her forehead. The warm wet inner flesh of Laura's pussy slid across the slippery, slick, well-lubricated dark pink interior of Shontay's splayed cunt, driving them both into frenzies of sexual pleasure that made a slow, sensual rhythm less and less possible.

"Suck them harder . . ." Laura panted down to Shontay, whose mouth had caught her nipples, first one, then the other, sucking them busily but not hard enough for Laura. "Harder," Laura panted. "Do it harder . . . yes! Unhhhh!"

Shontay complied, sucking a large chunk of Laura's breast into her mouth, and moving her hands down Laura's sides to her hips at the same time, holding Laura's hips and jabbing and grinding her own cunt up faster and harder into Laura's cunt now as she sucked Laura's breast almost savagely. Laura responded by fucking her harder too, jabbing her pussy down into Shontay's, swirling her hips, jabbing again, rubbing the two hot, streaming slits together until she knew beyond doubt that both were going to simply dissolve into flames in a shattering climax in just seconds.

Oh, you're not going to have any trouble coming this time, honey, Laura thought, as she whipped them both into a keening, whimpering frenzy, fucking Shontay's pussy so hard with her own that the huge easy chair began to rock and move on the carpet. And, as if reading Laura's thoughts, Shontay began to churn and moan rapidly, in an urgent delirium of hot need, grunting softly, almost hysterically as Laura's wet nipple slipped from her mouth.

"I . . . don't know about . . . you . . ." Laura panted heavily, now ramming and rubbing Shontay's pussy roughly with her own, "but I'm . . . going to . . . come. Oh god!"

"Oh yes . . . Laura!" Shontay mewled, her head suddenly jerking to the side and her body buckling under Laura, as if a stabbing jolt of fierce pleasure had ripped through her. "Ungghhh!"

Gripping the back of the chair in a purple passion of intense lust, Laura jammed her wet pussy into Shontay's, giving the girl several short, quick, hard, fierce rabbit jabs, bringing them both to a shockingly explosive orgasm at nearly the same instant. Actually, Laura was lucky this time since Shontay came a few seconds before she did, in contrast to the way it usually happened.

Usually Laura tried and tried to hold off but spilled over just before Shontay arrived at the finish line, which was not so bad seeing as how they both just collapsed in convulsions together. But this time, even while surging and whimpering and panting in the grip of her own sharp and urgent lust, she realized that Shontay had beat her there and was already in the grasp of an orgasmic seizure that had wrenched the breath from her body.

"Ahhnnnn . . . ahhnnnnn!" Shontay moaned helplessly under Laura in the chair.

"Oh . . . now!" Laura gasped, almost unable to get the words out reflexively as she felt sharp contractions begin deep inside her own body.

"Unnngghgh! Oh Laura! Anngghhiieeeee! Unnmmmgghaaiiiee!" Shontay wailed, suddenly stiffening, almost levitating off the chair, pushing her jerking, gyrating pelvis up into Laura's swirling groin, pushing her pussy even harder into Laura's as she came in wild, straining undulations.

"Oh yes . . . oh yes!" Laura gasped, feeling the forcible upsurge of her own climax suddenly stun her from within. "Ahhnngggg! Oh! Ummnnghaaaiiiii! Oh shit . . . honey . . . honey!" she keened desperately, sagging down into Shontay, her body shuddering in huge convulsions as a killing orgasm shook her.

It was by far the most tumultuous, thrilling, scorching, and exhausting sexual moment they had ever shared, and Laura instinctively knew as she lay slumped and panting on top of Shontay in the chair that it had altered their relationship in ways they would not understand quickly. Shontay too was stunned and panting, her long, angular body crumpled awkwardly under Laura's, her legs still pinned up and back by Laura's thighs.

"Oh god . . . let me get off of you . . . you'll get a cramp or something," Laura finally said in a hushed, awed voice, as she crawled off the chair and helped Shontay to an upright position.

She could hardly believe what they had done, and the way they had both come so explosively. Somehow from the moment she had pushed the cloth of Shontay's panties up into Shontay's oozing pussy with her tongue, Laura realized that they had both been enveloped in a hot, swirling haze of sex so potent and magical that it had swept them with relentless forward motion to this moment of tingling afterglow and wonder. She could see that Shontay too was only now regaining her senses.

"Wow . . ." Shontay sighed softly, her pale brown eyes widening as she looked into Laura's eyes, her hair spritzing out from all sides, making her look fetchingly soft and mussed and sexy. "That must be what it feels like to get raped."

Even though both of them knew that rape was a bad thing, Shontay didn't look like she felt that a bad thing had been done to her. Quite the opposite.

Laura leaned forward and kissed her high, shiny forehead, gleaming from a thin film of sweat that they had both developed in the heat of this coupling.

"I didn't rape you," she murmured softly, caressing Shontay's cheek as she kissed her. "I fucked you . . . I was wild to fuck you . . . I couldn't stop myself."

Shontay smiled slyly. "I call it rape. And right here in my Daddy's own chair, too."

Laura embraced her, crouching on the floor in front of the chair, leaning forward and up to clasp her awkwardly, but unable to control the urge to hug her hard, luxuriating in the feel of their naked breasts finally mashing together.

"Do you think he'd be upset?" she asked. "Knowing his little girl was being fucked by a raving sex fiend . . . and a woman too . . . and a white woman . . . in his very own easy chair?"

Shontay smiled dreamily, caressing Laura's back with her long, graceful fingers. "What he doesn't know won't hurt him. I'll tell you one thing, though. I'll never be able to look at this chair in the same way again."

Laura laughed softly. Shontay nibbled her ear. It was an awkward position, though, and so she pulled Shontay back to the sofa, where they could spread out and embrace more comfortably.

"Why do you think it matters that you're white?" Shontay asked, seriously.

Laura considered it. "I guess it doesn't. I wondered if maybe it mattered to you."

Shontay looked thoughtful. "I can't say I would have ever done this with a sister, that's true," she said, reflectively.

Laura caressed her perfect collarbones with a fingertip. "You weren't really falling all over yourself to do it with me, either." She nuzzled her long brown neck. "You have the neck of a goddess."

Shontay squirmed restlessly and pulled slightly away from Laura, just enough to look her in the eyes, still very serious. Laura remembered that she had missed the signs before, the signs that Shontay had deeper feelings than she, Laura, had anticipated. She now knew to pay closer attention.

"It wasn't exactly that," Shontay said solemnly. "I was . . . afraid. I could feel myself . . . liking you. I had a couple of white girlfriends in college . . . high school, too. But not really close. We didn't really share much. And when you were up here with me, in the kitchen, I began to feel this . . . I don't know, electricity? This magnetism? And you know, the fact that you were white made it even more . . . how should I say this, mysterious? Exciting?" She raised a hand to Laura's large mane of chestnut hair. "And I wanted to touch your hair. I didn't really think about going any farther than that. Just your hair. But then I saw your eyes looking at me like . . ."

"Like this?" Laura smiled, feeling a sudden influx of renewed desire.

Shontay nodded, half-embarrassed. "Like you wanted to—"

"Fuck you?"

Shontay nodded again. "You always get me . . . with that word. We just don't use that word in my family. My parents, you know, are college professors. My mother teaches at Golden Gate, and my father is in charge of the Institute for Governmental Relations over in Berkeley. That's why they're gone . . . they went to some conference. They're always going to conferences and academic meetings. Anyway, I was brought up to . . . well, just not to use words like that."

"Should I stop using them?"

"God, it makes me so hot when you say it to me," Shontay confessed, breaking into a broad grin.

Without replying, but giving her significant look, Laura now dropped her mouth to Shontay's delicious small breasts. They were the prettiest little teacup-shaped balls of flesh, so small that when Shontay was dressed you doubted they were there. But they were perfect, capped with smallish, dark caramel colored nipples that Laura licked lovingly, slowly, sensually, while Shontay looked down at her.

"You really like them, don't you?" Shontay asked, as if unable to believe it.

This, Laura knew, was actually bait, for Shontay knew how exquisite her breasts were, and that no one would expect to find these rare beauties on such a skinny, tall girl. Laura took one small breast in both hands and sucked the entire globe into her mouth, feeling Shontay's stiffening nipple rub up against the back of her throat.

"Unhhhh!" Shontay moaned. "God, I love it when you do that!"

"Mmmm, I think we're going to end up fucking again, darling," Laura murmured to her, shifting her mouth to the other breast.

Shontay pushed her back again, before Laura could get the second breast entirely into her mouth.

"I want to . . ." she broke up in soft giggles. Then she leaned close, her wet nipples brushing against Laura's breasts, and brought her mouth up to Laura's ear, smoothing aside a large soft curtain of Laura's hair. " . . . to 'fuck' you this time."

"Oooohhhhh!" Laura dissolved into giggles of her own, feeling a sharp shiver of excitement that was very apparent to Shontay. "God, I can't wait. In the chair too?"

Now Shontay looked uncertain. "I was thinking of right here."

"Why not the chair?" Laura said, already sliding off the sofa and pulling Shontay with her. "Then, every time you look at it, you'll think of how we both fucked each other into the screaming meemies in it."

Shontay beamed, her tiny breasts bouncing as she followed Laura quickly. Laura turned and sank into the chair, pulling her legs up over the arms, very familiar by now with the position in which she had earlier placed Shontay. But Shontay frowned and pulled her up.

"Not so fast," she complained. "I wasn't finished kissing. I don't want to just . . . you know, fuck. I like it when we sort of . . . go slowly into it."

Laura smiled warmly. "That makes two of us," she said softly, uptilting her mouth to Shontay's.

"You're a good kisser," Shontay murmured after a minute or two of sweet, sensual tongue-intermingling.

Laura again leaned back into the chair, pulling Shontay forward on top of her, embracing her, kissing her more feverishly.

"So are you. I love the feel of your naked body against mine. I want you to fuck me so bad," she breathed into Shontay's mouth, their lips searching each other, their tongues now dancing and stabbing each other. "I want you to fuck me. Please fuck me."

Shontay was starry-eyed; there was no other way to describe it. Her eyes shone with happiness. Laura reached up.

"Only one thing I insist on," she whispered. "Take this hair down. I love it when it falls all around your face. It makes you look so sexy."


Shontay still had trouble sometimes believing she could be sexy. She and Laura hurriedly unfastened the pins that held her hair in place, and Shontay shook it loose. It fell in soft, dark clumps around her cheeks, and just seeing it frame her glowing, happy face seemed to ratchet up the reawakened lust in Laura's pussy a few more notches. God, she is really lovely, she has no idea how lovely she is.

Again Laura scooted back and lifted her body into position on the chair, spreading her thighs wide, watching Shontay's eyes dart to her now-gaping pussy, all slick and wet with fresh, aromatic juice. Yes, honey . . . yes, honey . . . do you want my pussy? Laura said with her eyes. Do you want it? You can have it. Take my pussy . . . honey, take it, take my pussy.

"Come on, you sexy devil," she teased Shontay in a low, smoking voice. "Come here and take what you want from me."

Shontay's sexy smirk grew more serious and dangerous, a change that sent a sexual charge through Laura, making her quiver excitedly inside. Shontay climbed carefully onto the arms of the chair, draping her incredibly long legs over each one, then shifting forward to bring her own pussy close to Laura's. Laura looked up at her, seizing her eyes, forcing Shontay to look deep into her own.

"Oh god, I love the feel of your pussy against mine," Laura panted.

Shontay briefly bit her full lower lip, her pale brown eyes glazing over. "Me too."

She reached forward for the top of the chair back, as Laura had done earlier, both for support and for leverage, and then brought her groin forward until her wet, warm furrow pressed firmly into Laura's. Again Laura quivered throughout her entire body. She marveled that one could feel this sensation twice in one day, relishing the hot, wet, slippery flesh of Shontay's small pussy sliding against the aching, exposed, slick inner folds of her own cunt.

She began swirling her pelvis up into Shontay even before Shontay began any motion herself. For a brief moment Shontay seemed paralyzed, or suspended in a deep, motionless trance of sexual rapture, her cunt glued to Laura's, her whole body locked in a shocking spell of intense pleasure. But then she slowly began to come back to life, swirling her hips too in slow motion with Laura, and even jabbing her pelvis forward now, as Laura had done to her earlier, and as she had told Laura she wanted to do.

"Yes!" Laura panted softly, looking up at her, watching Shontay's small, lovely breasts slide up and down her body as she slowly pumped and gyrated, running her fingers feverishly up and down Shontay's flexing thighs, and then her long, impossibly long, smooth back. "Ohhnnnngg! Yes! Ohhnnngg yes honey . . . yes honey!"

They kept it up in a slow, grinding rhythm for a few minutes, but Laura grew dismayed as she realized she was going to climax very soon. It rarely took her very long, especially when the situation was as emotionally charged as this one, and the novel position, as well as Shontay's eagerness to be on top, combined to unleash a sharply urgent sexual response in Laura, who began whimpering and bucking under Shontay's thrusting hips, writhing in the large, soft chair, going truly wild.

"Oh! Oh!" she cried out softly, feeling herself lose control. "Oh yes, honey! Oh god . . . do it harder! Ungghhh! Yes! Ungghhh! Yes . . . that's it! Oh, I'm going to come, honey! Fuck me . . .yes . . . fuck me! Just like that . . . ungghhh! Ungghh!"

She knew the words would inflame Shontay, and they had the desired effect. Shontay was breathing hard now too but did not yet seem close to an orgasm, as Laura was. It was always a little harder for her, and Laura knew she should slow down, regain control, take it easy, bring Shontay along with her, let her concentrate instead of distracting her by lots of wild groaning and whimpering. But the words did goad Shontay into a rougher motion, and she began ramming her pussy into Laura's, and rubbing it hard up and down in the splayed crease of Laura's streaming cunt, grinding her lean, angular body down into Laura's uptilting groin, until there was absolutely no way Laura could keep the floods back.

Her body was gripped by a deep, unexpected shudder, which Shontay perceived. She paused for a micro-second, realizing that Laura was coming, then gripped the back of the chair even harder and began pumping Laura in quick, sharp jabs.

"You're . . . coming, aren't you . . . Laura?" she panted, fucking Laura very aggressively now, her long, sharp-angled body releasing a fierce, muscular power Laura had never felt until this moment.

"Ohhhh god yes!" Laura wailed, feeling the preliminary quakes of a stupendous orgasm beginning deep in her belly.

She could actually feel the slippery wet cunt honey that lubricated their two hot pussies increasing, flooding their groins, as they pushed and ground them passionately together. But it was the last surface sensation she experienced before a huge, wrenching spasm seemed to turn her inside out.

"Auunngghhhh!" she groaned, her back arching, bowing upward. "Ungghhmmnniiieeee! Oh! Unmmnnggghiiieee!"

This orgasm was much more severe and shattering than her previous one, and it seemed to rip through her flesh like a spray of red-hot nails, searing her, leaving her breathless, a whimpering mass of tingling flesh under Shontay's slowing thrusts. Laura did not know how long she was throttled and squeezed by this piercing ecstasy, but she came back to her senses to find Shontay still slowly rubbing their pussies together, not making any desperate attempt to get there herself, and realized something was wrong.

She didn't come, poor darling, she thought. She needs to come too. I just stole the show from her, that's all. Effortlessly, Laura slipped down sliding off the seat cushion of the chair but still holding Shontay in place by gently clasping the girl's narrow hips in her hands. This way she could sit on the floor with her head tilted back on the cushion, and Shontay's pretty, small, runny, puckered pussy was poised just above her mouth.

"Oh! Ohhhhh . . . Laura!" Shontay gasped, looking down, as Laura slid her tongue up between the glistening, swollen inner lips. "Unhhhh!"

She threw her head back, and her body tensed up. She's close, Laura realized. Why didn't she go for it? We could've come together, at the same time, I'll bet. Well, never mind, you're going to come now, sweetie. Hold on.

The position they were in suddenly thrilled Laura doubly when she realized she could hold Shontay's beautiful little hard round rump in both hands while she hastily and hungrily devoured the girl's streaming slit. She cupped both perfect little buns in her palms, digging her fingers into the spongy round flesh, eagerly sucking Shontay's cunt lips into her mouth, then slurping and stabbing her open slit passionately with her tongue.

It took only seconds for Shontay to lose control. She began fucking Laura's mouth with her pussy the same way she had moments ago been fucking Laura's cunt with it, grinding her wet quim down into Laura's mouth, whinnying softly as Laura's tongue slid up as far as Laura could make it go inside of her.

"Ohhngggg! Oh god! Oh . . . oh Laura oh god oh yes unnhhhhh!"

Laura had fucked her enough to know that she sometimes had trouble getting there, but she was there now. She grasped Shontay's hard little buttocks fiercely in her hands and sucked as much of Shontay's small cunt as she could into her mouth, especially Shontay's clit, flicking it maniacally with her tongue, feeling the deep shudders begin inside the girl's long, straining body. Holding the back of the chair, which was now rocking and moving again under her thrashing, pumping body, Shontay jammed her throbbing cunt down into Laura's mouth and erupted in a shocking uprush of intense spasms.

"Ohhngghhmmnnnaauuhgghhh!" she cried out, a long, loud wail of almost unbearable rapture that filled the room and Laura's happy ears. "Ungghh! Oh! Auunngghiiiiieeeee! Oh shit . . . Laura . . ." she gasped, falling forward, her hands slipping off the top of the chair as she crumpled into an awkward heap slightly above Laura.

She dipped into a brief respite, but Laura sucked her again, squeezing her wonderful spongy cheeks, and quickly brought on another wave.

"Auungghhhhh! Oh . . . god! Oh please . . . oh Laura oh please . . . auungghhhhh! Oh yes!" Shontay whimpered, spilling over again with either the second wave of her orgasm, or with a fresh one.

Laura, smiling, could feel the pussy juices running down her chin, smearing her lips, and she wondered if she had ever been so happy to make another woman come. Certainly not happier. Letting Shontay wind down slowly, but fearing she might cramp somehow if left in this awkward position, Laura carefully extricated herself first and then gently helped Shontay to turn and sink into the soft cushions of the chair.

For several minutes neither of them could speak, following the intense physical and emotional aftermath of this heated collision. It was so still in the Gibsons' apartment that Laura could finally hear their soft breathing. They had stunned one another into silence. Shontay broke it after a few minutes, speaking so softly that Laura could barely hear her.

"I never met anybody at all like you," she said, shaking her head, the hint of a smile curling the corners of her mouth. "I . . . was determined not to talk to you. Ever again. I just wanted to forget it."

Laura, still naked as a jaybird, was sitting with her knees drawn up on the floor at the foot of the chair, her lips only inches from one of Shontay's long, slender, shapely brown legs. She leaned forward and kissed it sensually.

"How could you ever forget it?" she whispered.

Shontay continued shaking her head in disbelief. "I couldn't, I guess. I just wake up every morning wanting you to do that to me. I know . . ." she looked away, embarrassed, "you didn't learn how to do that by yourself. But when I saw you with her—"

Shontay's eyes clouded up briefly, and she looked away. Laura, rising up herself, took her hand and pulled her up out of the chair.

"Come over here again and cuddle with me," she said, drawing Shontay back to the sofa.

Shontay giggled and wiped away a minor tear. "This is where we started," she laughed. "Before we went to the chair. It's starting all over again."

"I promise to behave." They snuggled and nuzzled each other. "Why didn't you come with me . . . I mean, when you got me going like that?" Laura whispered, stroking her pretty little naked ass.

"I don't know. I think maybe I was just so astonished by the way you just . . . went off. So quick. And I was enjoying the feel of it. And I kind of . . . missed the moment, I guess." She smiled and kissed Laura's mouth very emotionally. "But it was all worth it because of what happened next."

"You raped my pussy and my mouth. God, it was wonderful. Let's do it again."

"Could we fix something to eat first? All this . . . 'fucking' . . . makes me kind of hungry."

Shontay looked like she was going to blush. She was demure, coy, flirtatious. Laura had never seen her quite like this. She got to her feet and pulled Shontay up off the sofa, embracing her long, naked body, tilting her head up to kiss her again.

"You are very tall," she said. "My mouth is closer to your breasts than it is to your mouth, unless I stand on my tippy toes."

Shontay smirked. "You can kiss them too," she breathed. "Whenever you want to."

Laura considered it. "Come with me. I'm going to take you downstairs like I promised and feed you some meat and potatoes. I've got two New York strip steaks just waiting for us."

"Two? Were you expecting someone?"

Laura almost laughed. Here they both were stark naked, standing in the middle of Shontay's parents' apartment, having just fucked one another silly twice in her Daddy's easy chair, sparring about food and Laura's other lovers.

"I bought them on the way home," Laura said with a stern face. "I always buy two and freeze one. I just haven't popped it in the freezer yet. What . . . are you refusing free food?"

Wide-eyed and solemn, Shontay shook her head. "I wouldn't think of it. Can I feed Willie first?"

They spotted Willie by the fireplace, looking at them as if they were aliens from another planet.

"I think we might have scared him," Laura said.

"If you ask me, he's getting used to it," Shontay said, sassily. "Every time you appear, we wind up getting naked and moaning and screaming."

"Mmmm," Laura teased her, "maybe he likes the looks of you naked. I sure do."

"Don't be nasty," Shontay smirked. She reached down and retrieved some of her clothes and some of Laura's. "Cover up. I think he likes you better. It's all that hair that's got him."

Laura pinned her against the wall again before they left the Gibsons' apartment. She kissed Shontay's neck and ran one hand up her thigh, under her dress, to her ass, squeezing one firm round cheek through her panties.

"I may not let you get away without . . . you know what," she murmured. "You drive me wild with desire."

Shontay trembled but summoned up enough of her old steel for a sharp reply. "Careful what you wish for, girl," she breathed.






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