Laura - Chapter 237
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The day after her tryst with Stevie in Stevie's expensive hotel room, Laura got a call at work from Rhonda's secretary, asking if she could meet briefly with Rhonda at eleven. "Of course," Laura said, in a clipped, brusque manner, actually terrified. How did she find out? she wondered. How could she have found out? Oh god. She hates me so much, this is all it will take for her to get me fired, the cunt. Nevertheless, she took several deep breaths and tried to be poised and confident, ready to brush aside any accusatory innuendoes or nasty surmises that Rhonda might feel inclined to make. At eleven o'clock, she went, as summoned. It turned out Rhonda was in a wonderful mood, smiling, dressed to the nines, her deep blue eyes sparkling with an inner fire that Stevie had put there, Laura had no doubt. Stevie, though full of herself, knew how to make you pant, knew how to make you grateful. She had done it for Laura, and probably did double or triple that with Rhonda, whom she claimed was sweeter than Laura anyway. Certainly richer. More powerful. You are such a cynic, Laura, she thought. "Oh Laura, sit down, you're looking so lovely these days, is it your hair? Your complexion is so rich and tawny looking, have you been out in the sun? I can't do that, I just burn. Just like a lobster. Have a seat." Laura smiled politely. "You wanted to see me?" Rhonda shuffled some folders on her desk. "Yes. I realize you worked closely with that consulting firm down in Burlingame." She looked significantly across her desk into Laura's eyes. "You remember the one? That stunning woman Deshona Reed was up here all the time." Rhonda leaned forward and lowered her voice. "Forgive me for getting personal." This was nearly funny enough to make Laura burst out laughing. She and Rhonda had slept together several times, though it was long ago now. They shared the same taste in women, though, and had been skirmishing about it for years. There was hardly an issue between them that wasn't personal. "Did you ever make a pass at her?" Rhonda asked in a hushed, conspiratorial voice. Is she trying to trap me? Laura wondered. The cunt. Getting me to admit something like that right here in her office? For all I know, she's got a tape recorder running. "She is very beautiful, that's true," Laura said evenly. "I think the project was too important to jeopardize by allowing my personal feelings to get in the way." Rhonda's blue eyes flickered with wicked amusement. "But you wanted to. I knew it." Laura smiled and fought her way through a mild blush, temporarily unable to speak. Sensing her discomfort, and possibly feeling a little guilty herself for bringing up the subject, Rhonda charged forward. She was thinking of hiring Deshona's firm for another upcoming project and wanted Laura's opinion on their expertise to handle it. Since the new project would not involve Laura at all, she felt no hesitation in recommending Deshona. Rhonda made no further allusions to the possibility that Laura had got Deshona into bed, which in any case was a wild speculation since Deshona had such a cold, forbidding exterior that no one would have thought it possible. But before Laura could gracefully leave her office, Rhonda lowered her voice again. "So . . . how do you like working for Ada? Isn't she too gorgeous?" Except for that horrible Texas lunch whistle of a voice, Laura wanted to say. But she smiled sweetly. Stevie says Rhonda's sweet, so I'll just have to out-sweet her. In fact, April and Sholandra said that too. Maybe the cunt is really sweet after all. To others, at least. "We have a very professional relationship," Laura replied, trying to kill the subject right there. "Oh, I didn't mean to imply otherwise," Rhonda said quickly. Laura thought she detected a small hint of a blush blooming behind Rhonda's cheeks, though it passed quickly. "Anyway," now Rhonda turned brusque and businesslike, "I guess you should know that Stevie and I patched up our quarrel and we're a couple again." "So I heard," Laura dared saying. Rhonda frowned, then bit her lower lip. "Randi told you. Oh god, I didn't mean to hurt her." Rhonda's eyes watered theatrically. "Have you ever been in love, Laura?" Me? Laura thought. In love? Surely you jest. I'm usually in love with four or five delectable creatures at once. "Yes," she said quietly, not really meeting Rhonda's eyes. Rhonda was silent. When Laura glanced up at her, she saw an unfamiliar expression in Rhonda's eyes, a soft, vulnerable, imploring stare. "You know . . . we could be friends, if we tried," Rhonda said softly. Laura stood up from her chair. "We are friends," she said, as if it were a trivial enough thing to be. Friends. She wondered if Rhonda were trying to trap her into some kind of admission about Ada. I'll bet you'd like to crawl all over that wonderful voluptuous black naked body yourself, wouldn't you, you cunt, Laura thought, smiling tightly now. It was an uncomfortable moment. "Yes," Rhonda said, looking out the window, contemplating the failure of her overtures. "We are, I guess. Okay . . . thanks for your opinion." Laura felt like her face was frozen in a thin rictus of scorn mixed with humiliating and deferential good cheer as she left Rhonda's office and returned to her own smaller one. Inside, she let her features relax. Does she suspect something about me and Ada? she wondered. Ada did not report to Rhonda, but Rhonda's influence was much more extensive than hers, and Rhonda could make trouble if she wanted to. On the other hand, Rhonda was as happy as Little Bo Peep now that her little black sheep Playmate had come home. When Laura dropped by Ada's office briefly to have a voucher signed, she was dismayed and aroused at the same time to find that Ada had visited her hair dresser again, apparently, and had her hair swept up in a stylish spiral behind her head, making the shape of her face look somehow different, more angular, and exposing again the beautiful contours of her smooth neck. Her dismay came directly from her arousal. Oh god, I think she's getting better looking every day! she thought. Secretly, Laura thought that their relationship, specifically their wonderfully exhausting but complicated sexual involvement, was making Ada happy, happier than ever, and that it was showing in her sunny outlook. She now smiled almost all the time. "God, I love your hair," Laura blurted out, not realizing until after she said it that it sounded more like a sexual remark than a simple compliment. Or maybe it didn't. She wondered. Would an impartial observer have felt this thrilling electrical current that now ran between them each time they met? Would they see how desperately I want her, and how excited she is to know it? Ada looked around nervously, obviously feeling the same way, even though they were alone in her office. Then her black eyes fixed Laura's eyes, brimming with sexual love and happiness. She shook her head, as if to say, Don't talk like that around here, darling. People will think we're— Fucking? Laura telegraphed back with her own eyes. This expression made Ada giggle softly. "Do you like it?" She raised one hand to the swirl. "I think it makes me look different. I didn't know whether you'd like it." She phrased this as if to suggest that she was now arranging her appearance specifically to please Laura, or to secure her sexual attentions, which both pleased and disturbed Laura. But she couldn't resist her feelings. In a barely audible whisper, she said, "It makes me want to play tennis with you." Ada had to turn her face away, not trusting herself to look into Laura's eyes, smiling like a bashful young adolescent. Laura herself turned beet red. She knew if they were alone, they would be tearing off one another's clothes at this very instant, kissing savagely. Somehow, the sexual desire between them had grown stronger rather than weaker over the weeks of their intimacy. Ada stacked and restacked some folders and other papers on her desk, trying to look busy and not consumed by sexual fires. She seemed completely flummoxed, and Laura realized that she was not used to feeling this way: out of control, intensely flattered, wildly erotic, and devastatingly attractive. "It must have the guys turning their heads, too," Laura added softly. Ada glanced at her, eyes aslant. "Actually, there is a man who's been paying a little more attention to me," she said, as if to pique Laura's interest, and perhaps jealousy. "Maybe you know him, Mark Palmer? He runs the Borderland retail division over in Phoenix? He was so nice to me. Invited me to dinner." Uh oh, Laura thought. Did you sleep with him? She tried to feign indifference. "I'm not surprised." Now Ada looked directly, deeply, into her eyes. "I want to play tennis with you, too. Unfortunately, I don't have any time until Saturday. I have to fly to Dallas tomorrow for a meeting. Then I'm tied up all day in meetings Friday. Is Saturday okay?" Laura smiled. "I thought we might try my place this time. I've got a park just two blocks from my apartment. We shouldn't give the guys out in Walnut Creek all the fun of watching us. We could spread it around." "Ooohhh, and I've got a new tennis outfit I'm dying for you to see," Ada bubbled, her terrible Texas twang beginning to wind up and curdle the fluids in Laura's inner ear as she grew more excited. "I can't wait. It's a date," Laura said, giving her a significant stare. Ada was actually breathing more heavily than usual as she finally signed Laura's voucher. Her shapely, smooth, black hand was so beautiful that Laura wanted to grab it and kiss it while the pen was moving. And Ada's beautiful smooth dark neck, more exposed by her upswept hair, was an almost irresistible invitation to her lips. How she would be able to wait until Saturday she didn't know. Fortunately, she had some help. Yvette, whose husband Arthur was in L.A. for the evening, postponed picking up her daughter at childcare and popped by Laura's apartment after work for a thrilling, inflammable hour. Yvette was only the third woman Laura had ever slept with, and their sex still had the power nearly to incinerate them both. In addition, its intensity was probably heightened by the fact that Yvette's opportunities for sex with Laura were few and far between. For a long time, they had engaged in very risky behavior, fucking in vacant offices and lounges at work, but several close calls had discouraged them from repeating that lately. Then, in an even more moving development, Laura had run into April in the lobby newsstand, and April had boldly invited her over to her small studio apartment in Oakland for dinner. Dinner had not come until eleven o'clock. Laura felt sorry for April mainly because she had been kicked back and forth between Laura and Rhonda, clearly desirable to each of them, but not enough for them to focus on her totally. Rhonda had swept April aside for Randi, then both of them for the returning Stevie. Laura had her usual complement of complicated relationships, and also feared what Rhonda would do if she learned that Laura was sleeping with April again. But the physical attraction between them remained, and April seemed resigned to being an occasional plaything, which made Laura feel doubly guilty. But she overcame her embarrassment and shame enough to give the quiet, unassuming girl nine wrenching climaxes, and herself seven, before they finally got around to dinner. It was a sweet evening, with no unspoken expectations, and Laura had left with only a partial residue of the heavy load of guilt she had been carrying initially. When Saturday came, she felt rested, tranquil, even satiated, not desperately horny, as she knew she would have been without her interludes with Yvette and April. In the late morning Ada arrived wearing a long-oversized sweatshirt over her new tennis dress, looking baggy and droll and tired from her flights and meetings. Inside Laura's apartment, however, she pulled the sweatshirt over her head—very carefully so as not to disturb the fancy back-swirl of her hair—and revealed her newest acquisition. Laura was paralyzed with lust. The new tennis outfit was exactly the same as the old one, patterned after the revealing ones worn by Venus Williams, but this time it was not white but a deep, goldenrod yellow. The fabric still curved forward at the waist, leaving both sides of Ada's midriff bare, and nearly her entire back below the upper strap. "Oh god, I've never seen anything so beautiful as you," Laura gasped, feeling a hot, familiar throbbing deep inside her pussy. The goldenrod color somehow enhanced the already sleek and smooth gleaming quality of Ada's rich black velvet skin. Her large, puffy nipples were even more visible than they had been in the white costume, soft bulbs protruding from her full, round breasts, their contours clear under the thin cloth. Ada saw Laura staring at them. "There you go looking at my boobs again," she teased Laura. "I think if you play tennis in that, we may have to call the fire department," Laura said, half-reeling in a hypnotic sexual trance. Ada's eyelids grew heavy, drooping sexily. She had seen herself in this outfit, in the mirror, and had known the effect it would have on Laura. "Maybe we can just skip the tennis today and get right on with the rest," she breathed, almost inaudibly. "I was just thinking the same thing," Laura said, approaching her, dropping her own tennis racquet on a nearby chair as she advanced. They embraced by the door and began kissing with slow, emotional familiarity. Laura ran her fingertips all over the naked part of Ada's back where the tennis outfit was cut away, feeling rushing hot arrows of sexual excitement course through her entire body. "I missed you while you were in Dallas," Laura breathed into her ear. Ada giggled girlishly. "Oh . . . you did not. A few weeks ago you didn't even know who I was." "I know now." Laura kissed her neck, up and down, slowly, stopping under her ear, nipping her earlobe, then kissing back down to her throat. "I love your new hairdo, too. I wanted to kiss your neck like this when I was in your office." "You're giving me the shivers," Ada gasped. "Oh good. And I want to kiss you here." Slowly, Laura dropped to her knees and pressed her lips against the taut skin of Ada's bare midriff, where the tennis outfit curved in toward the center of her stomach. She kissed the entire large dark brown crescent of skin and flesh, then moved her lips to the other side and kissed it too. Ada looked down at her, tenderly brushing the top of Laura's head with her fingers. "Lord, you really know how to turn a girl on, don't you," she sighed softly. Laura looked up at her, her lips still pressed to the warm, smooth skin of Ada's bare midriff. "I love your body." Ada smiled back, clearly enjoying Laura's worshipful caresses, but also clearly nervous. "I always feel so awkward . . . and sort of . . . you know, guilty, when we do this," she stammered. "I can't get over feeling it's so . . . wrong. You know? Like, two girls aren't supposed to do this." Again slowly, Laura stood up, facing her. "Oh, Ada," she said softly, caressing Ada's cheek with one finger. "Tell me you're not wet." Ada giggled, looking down, embarrassed. "I am wet. But that doesn't mean I don't feel guilty." "You come with me and I'll give you something to feel guilty about," Laura said, pulling her toward the bedroom by one hand. Obediently, Ada followed. She had never been in Laura's bedroom. All their encounters prior to this one had been in Ada's townhouse. Laura could hardly keep her hands off Ada. She had fucked the past two nights exuberantly with Yvette and April, but her body felt a fresh and almost pristine sensuality when she had Ada in her arms, as if it were all new, she had never done this before, and both of them were going to experience a pleasure so fierce and incandescent that it would burn them beyond recognition. She wondered if Ada felt the same way, and that was why she claimed to be overcome by guilt. Laura's tennis dress unzipped in the back, and she reached behind and slowly ran the zipper down, looking into Ada's eyes. Ada's, however, was a one-piece, form-fitting garment that had to be pulled up over her head and then pulled down her legs. She hooked her thumbs under the sports-bra band of fabric at the top and started to pull the strap that ran across her back up over her head, her eyes still fixed solemnly on Laura's. By now, Laura's white, skimpy dress had fallen to her ankles. She wore a sports-bra under it, and stood before Ada naked except for the bra. Ada pulled the tight strap over her head and peeled the richly yellow goldenrod fabric down, exposing her magnificent large breasts. She looked down at them before going any further, and Laura devoured them with her eyes. Ada's large, gleaming, deeply black, soft and puffy nipples reminded her of Rina's and Trina's, thick, dark, glimmering, mouthwatering plums. Ada looked up and saw Laura's hungry eyes on her naked breasts. She smiled slyly. "Sometimes you look at me the way a wolf looks at a chicken," she murmured. Smiling without replying, Laura lifted her own sports bra over her head, shaking free her hair, tossing the bra across the room, a movement that made her own, small, perfect breasts shimmy and sway. She saw Ada's eyes on them too. "Feeling's mutual, you naughty thing," she whispered, with a half-smile. Ada's eyes were pulsing with sex, and she seemed more aroused than Laura had ever seen her. Maybe she's getting more comfortable with this, Laura thought. More used to the fact that she wants me to do it as much as I want to. She watched Ada peel the rest of the tennis outfit down her glossy black thighs, down her calves. Bending over made her large, swelling breasts swoop out and dangle, a sight that made the hot pulse rise even faster in Laura's throat. But now they were naked, at least. Laura reached over and took Ada's hand. "Come over here on the bed, boss, and give me my performance review," she breathed. Ada did as requested, but with an uncomfortable smile. The fact that she was really Laura's boss continued to bother her, given the wild, hot paroxysms of coming Laura was able to inspire in her body, and the total loss of control. Ada did not crave power or want to exercise it over her direct reports, but she was very dignified and measured, with a fine sense of corporate proportions, since she had carefully and diligently risen to a position of influence and responsibility. She lay down face to face with Laura, her eyes still pulsing with hot sex, but now vaguely troubled too. "Don't think of me as your boss, Laura," she whispered. "When we do this . . . it's just . . . us. I love it. I don't want it to have anything to do with work." Laura kissed her cheek, her jaw, her neck, her ear, bringing her hands up to Ada's magnificent, out-jutting, firm breasts, gently pinching the plump, thick bulbs of Ada's soft nipples between her thumbs and forefingers. "Mmmm, I love it too," she purred. "I don't want to do anything that upsets you." Her lips arrived at Ada's very sensual mouth, and they kissed emotionally for a long time, breaking off the kiss now and then to murmur sweetly to each other, or kiss each other's neck, shoulders, cheeks, but then their mouths met again, and this time the kiss grew more heated. Laura thrust her tongue deep into Ada's open mouth. Ada responded in kind, digging her fingers into Laura's naked back, raping Laura's mouth with her strong, probing tongue. When they broke the kiss off, both were panting and overwrought. "I don't know how you get me to feel this way," Ada panted softly, delirious with fresh sexual need. "I never felt it before . . . with anybody." Laura was too busy to reply. She was kissing the smooth dark skin of Ada's shoulders, while slipping lower, holding Ada's full round breasts in her hands, bringing her lips closer to one large nipple. Finally, her mouth reached it. She had no patience to lick it first, to tease and torment it, but sucked the huge, soft bulb into her mouth immediately. "Aanngghhh!" Ada gasped, throwing her head back, her whole body briefly seizing up as the intensity of sensation shot through her. Laura had noticed before that Ada's lovely, huge nipples were extra-sensitive, but this time it seemed even clearer. The way Ada's whole body tensed up when Laura sucked her nipple aroused Laura further, and she cupped the full, firm globe of Ada's breast in both hands, sucking the wet, stiffening, pulpy plum even further into her mouth. Ada squirmed and whimpered uncontrollably. "Oh! Oh god . . . Laura! Oh god yes, oh I've never felt this way! Oh . . . bite it. Yes . . . I mean it . . . bite it, Laura! Yes! Just a little! Not hard!" Laura knew exactly what she meant. Ada's body was trembling and shaking in a way Laura had never been able to make it do—or only briefly—before. When she came, she shook like this. Laura realized, probably before Ada did, that Ada was going to come this time too, most likely right now. She was so wildly aroused that she was twisting and mewling deliriously. It had been a while since Laura had given a woman an orgasm only by sucking her nipples. Not every woman could come that way, and it was nearly always a surprise to both participants. This time was no different. Ada was moaning and churning and quivering, and Laura, in response to her desperate requests, began to sink the edges of her teeth fairly gently, then a little more roughly, into the wide, swollen areola of her large nipple. This had the desired effect. Ada stiffened in the midst of her frantic quivering, and a tiny, clotted squeal escaped from her throat. "Ummggiiee!" Laura squeezed the firm ball of flesh with both hands and sank her teeth in further, sucking Ada's wet nipple hard at the same time. "Ummggiiee!" Ada squealed again. "Oh! Oh yes . . . oh god Laura yes! Ungghmmnnggiieeeee!" she cried out, her body suddenly thrashing in tight convulsions as a fierce, shocking orgasm wrenched her. "Ohhnnnggggg! Ungghh! Ohnnnnn!" Laura withdrew her teeth and stopped sucking, but she continued to hold Ada's throbbing nipple gently in her mouth until Ada was finished coming and slumped back to the mattress, gasping and whinnying softly in a distant, aching sigh. Laura still held it there, laving it tenderly with her tongue, feeling tiny aftershocks of coming wrack Ada's body. Finally, she slowly released it. She lifted her head and kissed Ada's cheek. "Oh god, I don't know what happened," Ada gasped. "I do," Laura smiled. She gently kneaded Ada's large, still-damp nipple with her fingers. "This is the orgasm nipple. Maybe the other one is too, want to try?" Ada shook her head in disbelief. She whispered to Laura hoarsely, her words choked and reluctant. "I have actually gone years without an orgasm, do you know that? I mean, certain periods." Laura smiled sympathetically. "Nothing to be ashamed of." Still Ada was shaking her head, unable to understand what she had just done. "And then . . . all you do is touch me, and I go up like a firecracker or something." "I did a little more than touch you." "You sure did." "I want to touch you again." Laura resumed caressing Ada's voluptuous, silky black body, returning to her breasts, really wanting to try for another orgasm with Ada's other beautifully swollen nipple. "Sure you won't try?" she teased, licking it tantalizingly. "No . . . please," Ada pushed her head down, clearly wanting Laura between her legs, between her yawning thighs, beginning to moan softly as Laura kissed her way slowly down Ada's palpitating stomach and belly to her crotch. Ada had a big, juicy, meaty, fat pussy, with a large clit, not as large as Randi's but close, a swelling, purplish, shiny marble at the very top, just waiting to be licked, loved, and sucked, and nearly swallowed. Laura always did her best to oblige, and this time she attacked the beautiful distended berry with a fresh sense of purpose, wanting to capitalize on the state of arousal she knew Ada was still in. Ada began to writhe and moan, her frenzied fingers spastically gripping Laura's scalp through the billows of Laura's hair, as Laura's tongue and lips sweetly tormented her gaping slit. Just moments ago, Ada had come so quickly, without warning, that her tight, helpless squeals had punctuated the silence, then died away quickly. Laura had given them no thought, in the excitement. But now Ada's moans began to be inflected by the horrible, nasal, Texas whine and twang that made Laura cringe. And she realized also that she had forgotten completely about the Gibsons, her new neighbors upstairs. Ada was beautiful, her full, voluptuous, classically gorgeous woman's body surging and twisting, her large breasts rolling and jiggling, her hips churning, her sleek thighs flexing, as Laura hungrily devoured her streaming, inflamed, open pussy. And Laura was pleased and thrilled by the contrast of Ada's curvaceous, fleshy body with the lean, angular beauty of Stevie's, and also Yvette's, whom she had been doing this with only days earlier. But at the same time, the rising, keening horn-like peal of Ada's aroused voice was beginning to fill her apartment just as it filled her ears, and she knew that when Ada came again, as she would do momentarily, it would be even worse. Also, her struggling and writhing had loosened the pins that held up the stylish swirl of Ada's new hairdo behind her head, and her thick black hair came free, spilling around her neck and making her look tousled and wild and fiercely attractive to Laura, more desirable than ever, wanton and crazy with sexual need. Ada's wild, sensual appearance aroused Laura's lust to a hotter pitch, and she almost forgot the keening loudness of Ada's moans in the heat of her passion. She swarmed all over Ada's beautiful undulating body, swooping up again to kiss and suck her swirling, rolling, large breasts, then spotting out of the corner of her eye the small sports bag she had used to carry the double dildo to Stevie's hotel room. The bag was sitting on the small vanity table next to the bed, with the dildo still inside. In a flash, she was off the bed, unzipping the bag, then hopping back to the bed, swarming all over Ada again, kissing her, peppering her face with kisses, squeezing her round breasts, pinching her large, sensitive nipples. "Ohhhh . . . oh Laura oh god . . . it all feels so good!" Ada moaned, twisting. "I'm going to make you come so hard," Laura murmured heatedly in her ear. "Oh yes. Oh yes," Ada whimpered, half-delirious with sexual excitement. Slipping between Ada's thighs, Laura had no trouble introducing one ballooning head of the huge double dildo into the gaping, slippery, inflamed mouth of Ada's open pussy. It went in fairly easily, sliding a couple of inches deep, though Ada's wet, glistening black cunt lips had to stretch to receive the thick tube, which really was a monster. Laura quickly reminded herself how monstrously big it was by sliding the other bulbous head into her own pussy, biting her lower lip and whinnying softly as she felt the shaft penetrate her. "Unhh!" she gasped. "Oh . . . oh! God, I forgot how big it is." Crouching between Ada's spread thighs, hovering over her luscious body, Laura held the fat, hard tube that ran between their impaled cunts in one hand, slowly lowering herself onto it while pushing it further into Ada's receptive channel. Only now did Ada's eyes flutter open, as if she were startled by the feeling of this huge invader sliding up into her body. She looked up into Laura's eyes, peering through the curtain of Laura's own hair that dangled in a ragged flag across her face. Ada's eyes were red and glazed and fiery, but also laced with a streak of mild panic. "What is that?" she panted, looking down her body at the huge thing protruding from her pussy, and also stuffed up into Laura's. "It's going to take us both to heaven, darling," Laura panted, leaning down, dragging her hair across Ada's face, brushing Ada's naked breasts with her own, slowly pushing the monster further into both of their bodies. "Uhnnn!" Ada gasped. "God . . . it's big!" Ada grimaced, but it was not totally in pain. Again she looked up searchingly into Laura's eyes. Laura bent down and kissed her savagely, beginning slowly to grind her hips, slowly pushing the huge cocks in and out of their throbbing slits. "Tell me what you want, preacher's daughter," Laura teased her in a guttural whisper, slithering her tongue into Ada's marvelous shiny black ear. "Oh! Unghhh! Oh god, Laura . . ." Ada panted, writhing more sexily than ever under Laura's body now. "Oh . . . do it to me," she gasped, wildly aroused, but still half-embarrassed to be goaded by Laura into begging like this. Laura smiled, gyrating her pelvis, pumping a little harder now, feeling the long, slippery, fat snake slide up into her pussy with each circular thrust, and glancing down to see the other end disappear up into Ada's crammed cunt, watching Ada's glossy cunt lips cling to it when it slid partially back out again. She moved the hand that held the shaft in the middle down closer to Ada's pussy so that she could rub the knuckle of one finger against the thick, bulging marble of Ada's clit with each thrust too, and it had the desired effect. Ada groaned and quivered each time. "Anngghhhh! Oh! Oh . . . Laura! Please!" "What do you want, preacher's daughter?" Laura breathed again into her ear, teasing and tormenting her, plunging the dildo more deeply into Ada's pussy now, and into her own too. "What do you want me to do? Do you want to come again? Do you want to come hard?" "Oh . . . yes! Oh god, Laura, please." "Please what? Unh! Unh!" Laura now fucked her heatedly, rubbing and mashing the throbbing, squinchy wet berry of Ada's clit under her hand with each forward motion, feeling Ada's squirming, luscious, writhing body shudder and stiffen as Ada approached another climax. "Unh! Owwnngg! Ungghh!" Ada grunted frantically in unison with each thrust Laura made, echoing Laura's own soft, determined grunts, her eyes fluttering and delirious with sex need. "What do you want?" Laura continued to tease her. "What?" "Oh! Oh . . . god . . . fuck me, Laura!" Ada gave in, whimpering and panting in an uncontrollable frenzy now, more out of control than Laura had ever seen her. "God, please . . . oh please, fuck me! Fuck me, Laura! Oh yes! Oh yes!" "Yes, baby. Yes, baby," Laura panted, now completely overwhelmed herself by the rising wave of her own coming orgasm. "Oh god, honey . . . Ada . . . I'm going to come!" "Me too!" Ada gasped, suddenly clutching Laura's naked back and digging her fingers deeply into Laura's flesh. "Oh god, fuck me, yes!" she growled, with a fierce violence Laura had never heard from her before either, jamming her pussy hard up into the dildo. "Auungghhhhh!" Suddenly, they were both coming at once. Laura didn't need to hold on to the dildo any more, so she could embrace Ada's shuddering body with both arms now, as Ada embraced hers, and they mashed their hot, squirming flesh together and pumped each other in a passionate frenzy, groaning and surging together through a flaming fire of coming. For a few brief seconds it was impossible for either one to tell where her body ended and her lover's body began as they melted together in a white-hot spasm of wrenching pleasure. Then, as the impact of their orgasms began to recede, they effortlessly dissolved into a simple, undulating, smoking fuck-rhythm, the huge tube still embedded deep in their bodies, and slowly, lovingly fucked one another into two more orgasms apiece. As explosive as the first ones were, these were even better, since they cooed and kissed their way through them, gazing deeply at each other as the throbbing, aching waves filled their mated bodies and squeezed helpless, sighing moans of deep rapture from their lungs. "Ohhhnnnn! Ahhnnnnnn!" Laura moaned, still swirling her hips and forcing the huge dildo up into Ada's pussy and her own, leaning forward and kissing Ada's mouth thirstily, holding Ada's large naked breasts in her hands, relishing each infinitesimal moment of this hot bliss. "Auuuunnggoowwwnnggggg!" Ada moaned, tossing her head, straining, arching her back, her lovely face overspread with a mixture of anguish and deep, intense, physical ecstacy. But Laura could hear rising in Ada's voice the horrible, wailing, keening twang that revolted her so much. Ada was riding out a physical pleasure so intense that she may have never before experienced anything to equal it, but her blissful moans were quickly giving way to an excruciating, piercing whine that Laura instantly feared neighbors for blocks around might overhear. She grabbed a nearby pillow and pulled it over to Ada's face, gently pressing her cheek with one hand, getting her to turn her mouth toward it. Ada, blasted and red-eyed and stunned by her orgasms, looked up questioningly into Laura's eyes but did not resist. "Neighbors," Laura whispered, half-panicked. "They might hear you." With a brief nod, Ada pressed her mouth to the pillow for her few remaining sobs of ecstacy. Laura kissed her cheek, her neck, her shiny shoulder, feeling the huge shaft still embedded in her pussy, knowing the same sensations were now returning to Ada. For a moment, it had just seemed like the end of the universe, an explosion of unbelievably sweet coming that obliterated the borders of everything, but now these normal sensations were beginning to return. Even Ada's keening moans had trailed off, and she was merely sighing and softly groaning into the pillow. Thank god, Laura thought, hating herself for betraying Ada with these fears. This lovely woman, in the inescapable grasp of a fierce, throttling orgasm, was merely giving full throat to the thrilling rapture that was gripping her body in that instant. I thought for a minute she might go, Yee-haw! Laura admitted guiltily to herself. Or maybe it's only those white Texans who do that. Working for a company that had offices in Texas, Laura had known several. But Ada in her current state was enchanting. She and Laura had been 'playing tennis' now for almost a month, but she had never experienced anything like this yet. She looked like a tornado had given her a three-mile ride, all disheveled and wasted, her eyes still glassy, her mouth slack, her hair wonderfully messy, her expression both bewildered and mighty pleased with herself at the same time. She watched patiently, gulping air and wincing only a few times, as Laura extracted the monster from both of their bodies. Then she started laughing softly in spite of herself. "Oh god . . . you are so nasty!" she gasped with laughter. "I love it! I never realized. Where did you get that thing?" Laura held it up between them, where it dangled obscenely, almost comically. It was indeed hard to believe that the stupendous ecstacy they had just experienced together was either caused or facilitated by this grotesque hard rubber tube, still shiny with the sweet fuck-nectars of their two plundered pussies. Laura had wanted to use it on Stevie but found it hard to imagine that that would have been any better than this. "It's my dick," she said, giving Ada a purposely silly smirk. "Bet you didn't know I had one." Still laughing almost soundlessly, Ada shook her head in disbelief. "Sure didn't. Bigger than any one I ever saw, either. Though as you know I don't have much experience." Laura put the wet monster down gently at the foot of the bed, as if it were genuinely alive. She patted it playfully with her fingers. She looked up at Ada, eyes smoldering, giving her a signal that Ada could not mistake. "Don't you ever get enough?" Ada croaked softly, half-smiling, pleased though not wanting to show it, eyes glistening. Laura gave her a sexy smile, letting her eyes drop briefly to Ada's magnificent, full, jutting breasts. Her large, black, protruding nipples were soft and swollen again, gleaming and round, rising nearly an inch off the surface of her breasts. Slowly, Laura raised her eyes back to Ada's. "Do you?" she half-whispered. Ada bit her lower lip, contemplating it. "I guess I don't . . . when I'm with you," she breathed softly. Laura pulled her back down into the rumpled sheets. "I only got to taste one of these big beautiful nipples," she murmured. "I want the other one." This time, Ada was not reluctant. She held her breast in both hands, offering the huge, bulging nipple to Laura's lips. Laura knew it was unlikely that Ada would come again this way, as she had done quickly and surprisingly when Laura was sucking her other nipple a few minutes ago. But she devoured the thick, silky bulb hungrily anyway, knowing how sensitive it was, passionately sucking and tonguing it, feeling Ada's body respond. Ada's flesh quaked, and she began to pant and mewl almost immediately. Still, she watched in fascination as Laura devoured her wet, bulbous nipple, curling her tongue around it, sucking it, pinching it, until Ada was groaning. She still held her breast in both hands for Laura, but as the two of them grew more excited again, Laura could not resist the urge to hold it herself, and Ada quickly relented, watching Laura's fingers surround the firm dark globe and squeeze it as she sucked. "Oh god . . . I can't believe you make me so wet," Ada panted. "So soon. Ohhhh . . . Laura . . . don't you know I just came?" "Mmmmm, no law against coming again," Laura said, releasing Ada's thick black nipple, all wet and shiny with her warm spittle, just long enough to say these words before she sucked it back into her mouth. "Maybe this will make you come again." "Oh! Unhhhh!" Ada gasped, her body now undulating frantically. "God . . . I wouldn't be surprised." Effortlessly, Laura scooped up Ada's other breast in one hand, cradling both large melons now in her palms, and shifted her attention to Ada's other nipple, the one she had given Ada an orgasm by sucking earlier. By sucking both of them, first one, then the other while twirling and pinching the first one between her thumb and forefinger, Laura soon reduced Ada to helpless quivering and moaning. "Did you let that guy in Phoenix do this?" she murmured, feasting on the scrumptious dark globes. Delectable chocolate balls. "Did you let him do this to you? Did he love your nipples as much as I do?" She was half-alarmed at the depth of her own jealousy. "God! No!" Ada gasped, overcome by a hot rush of sexual pleasure. "He only . . . flirted with me. Oh god, Laura . . . unnhhhh! Nobody ever touched them the way you do. Ahhhh!" And Ada was more desirable, if possible, then ever, her curvaceous body undulating uncontrollably, her sensual mouth a miracle, her huge wet nipples like candy to Laura's tongue, her hair all mussed and tousled. "I love it when your hair is all messed up like this, and your big nipples are wet and throbbing, and you're begging me to fuck you," Laura said, smacking her lips playfully, squeezing Ada's breasts, then sucking one of her nipples hard again. Ada giggled through her feverish lust, unable to ignore Laura's outrageous boldness. "I haven't begged you . . . for five minutes," she panted. "Mmmm, my darling, this time you're going to have to beg me to stop," Laura said, sliding down. "I am going to lick your beautiful pussy without any interruption this time." Laura could feel a whirlwind of hot passion coming over her, something that happened to her occasionally and unexpectedly. In this case, in spite of her orgasm minutes ago, she was filled with a desire for Ada that was more overwhelming and insistent than she had felt up to that time. The fact that she was heatedly fucking her own boss flashed briefly through her mind, and she wondered if that might be the spark that ignited this firestorm of lust in her body, though Ada was so beautiful and sexually vulnerable to her that she knew she needed no extra incentive. She wanted to devour and consume Ada. What they had done up to now paled in comparison to what Laura now gave in to, swarming all over Ada's body, kissing, sucking, biting her smooth, delicious flesh, sliding down once more to her dripping, oozing pussy and sliding two fingers up into the snug, soupy channel before unleashing a rapid flurry of tongue-strokes on Ada's throbbing clit. Ada could not withstand the onslaught of Laura's flood of passion for very long. Squirming and whimpering, she began to buck her hips into Laura's thrusts, swirling her pussy up into Laura's busy tongue, her fingers fluttering over her still-damp, erect nipples, tweaking them, then pulling them harder as Laura brought her up to a shocking finish. "Oh god . . . not again!" she groaned, her body jerking involuntarily as fresh hot spasms wracked her. "Unngghh! Unngghmmnnggiiieeee!" she suddenly cried out. Again too late, Laura remembered the pillow. Ada's voice was loud under the calmest circumstances, though she could control the truly horrible twang in it when she was not excited. But when she lost control, it was distressingly reminiscent of an air horn, and when she was coming her deafening cries surely could be heard for blocks. Panicking, but not wanting to interrupt this convulsive moment of deep pleasure, Laura reached up with one hand and pulled the pillow closer again to Ada's face. "The pillow . . . darling, the pillow!" she coached. Her words finally seemed to reach Ada, though only after several piercing screams of ecstacy had escaped. Ada looked down at Laura, her eyes streaked red and glazed in a wild trance of rapture. She turned her face into the pillow and whimpered. "Ohhhhh! Ohhhhh!" "Yes . . . yes," Laura panted, still probing Ada's sweet pussy, still flicking the now-flaring, shiny marble of her large clit. Her success in easily bringing Stevie to several g-spot orgasms only days ago emboldened her to try for it again, and she had no mercy on Ada, not letting her descend from the peak, but boosting her up again, searching, probing with her fingers, stroking the throbbing purplish berry with her tongue. After several more seconds, she suddenly heard a tiny, faraway, pinched off cry deep in Ada's throat, a sound she had never heard from her before, a small, helpless squeak of desperation. Suddenly Ada's whole luscious, voluptuous, sex-goddess's body went stiff as a board in a sharp spasm that quickly dissolved into wild tossing and flipping. Cawing and gurgling deep in her throat, she began to have orgasms that each struck her like an ocean wave, crashing into her surging body, knocking her back to the bed, then lifting her up once more for another shattering impact, pummeling her, crushing her again, shaking her in a fierce, clenching grip, then dropping her again to the bed, until she lay mewling and half-weeping, almost pulverized by four or five climaxes in a row. They had all blended together in such a continuous cataclysm of excruciating pleasure that it was hard to know how many she had actually had. After finding and rubbing the magic spot with her fingertips, Laura had had to do almost nothing but ride it out, staying clear of Ada's jouncing, jabbing pubic bone as her pelvis shuddered and bucked wildly in the air. Now, as Ada sprawled slack and moaning across half the bed, her face still grimacing as strong aftershocks hit her, Laura could press her lips tenderly back against the slick, puffy vulva of Ada's pussy, kissing it lovingly. She had only come once herself, and the experience of helping Ada to this shattering explosion of orgasms had juiced up her own sexual desire again sharply. Reaching down to the end of the bed, she again pulled the double dildo up to them, carefully guiding one thick end of it between her own thighs. Ada was still reeling from her glut of coming and had no idea what Laura was doing until she felt the other end of the dildo entering her as Laura slid it up into her still-gaping, copiously wet pussy. "Ahhh!" she gasped, raising her head, looking down her body at the huge thing that now linked them both, running between their two cunts. "Oh god . . . not again!" she whimpered. "Oh yes . . . oh yes!" Laura panted, beginning to grind her hips, pushing it up into her and Ada at the same time. "I want to come too," she panted. "Help me come, honey. Oh yes! Ungghh!" Ada was nothing if not friendly and obliging. Even though she had been nearly blown away by the force of her own orgasms, and Laura's whirlwind approach to fucking, she wearily propped herself up on her elbows and began to grind back. Her eyes caught Laura's, throbbing with sensuality and unspoken questions. "You can . . . fuck me . . . too," Laura panted, looking deeply into Ada's eyes. "Just . . . get on top . . . yes, like that." She pulled Ada up with one hand, settling onto her back, her thighs yawning, eyes begging Ada to fuck her as she had earlier fucked Ada. As if hypnotized by Laura, Ada did as she was asked, crouching between Laura's thighs and holding the middle of the dildo with one hand, swirling her hips and thrusting forward, pushing the thing deeper into Laura's pussy. "Yes . . . yes . . . yes," Laura grunted softly, feeling the sweet tension in her own body build toward a shattering relief. "Oh Laura!" Ada gasped. Laura was so aroused that she was already about to come, but the look in Ada's eyes told her that in spite of her fatigue and the spate of orgasms she had already had, Ada was feeling a reawakening of her pussy too, and this both surprised and appalled her. But this was a new, exciting perspective for Laura, who had never experienced Ada on top before, her full, gourd-shaped breasts and swollen black nipples dangling first over Laura's torso, then, as she reached up to grab them, over her face as she pulled Ada down to suck them. "Oh . . . I've got to suck your nipples and come," Laura whimpered, hearing Ada's keening groans, wincing as she felt the dildo drive deep into her pussy with each thrust Ada made. "Unghh! Ohnngg! Yes! Unghhh! Yes, fuck me, honey . . . fuck me, honey!" She reached down between them with one hand to hold it too, just to make sure it didn't slip out in the frantic pumping they were beginning to do. Ada's eyes caught hers, and she had never seen such overpowering lust there before, a desperate fire of fuck-me-hard lust, a crackling hot depravity that Laura had never suspected could be there. "Fuck me, Ada . . . yes, fuck me," she chanted in a guttural voice grasping Ada's full swinging breasts and guiding one fat, bulging nipple toward her mouth. "Fuck me, Ada . . . yes, fuck me . . . fuck me hard! Ungghh! Oh yes! Ungghh!" But as soon as she got Ada's large, bulging nipple into her mouth, it was all over for both of them. She sucked it hard, pulling Ada down, mashing Ada's whole firm breast right into her face, against her mouth, even sinking her teeth gingerly into the erect areola surrounding the springy center bud. At the same time, both of them were jabbing their groins into each other at a frantic pace, whimpering and squealing, impaling themselves on the thick dildo, surging and groaning, and then suddenly coming in great, shrieking jolts. "Annngghhiiieeeee! Ohnnggmmnnggeeeeee! Oh god! Oh . . . Ada!" Laura cried out, releasing Ada's nipple as the screams of ecstacy poured out of her lungs. "Ungghh! Oh! Unh unh auunnggghhhhh! Ohhnggghhhhhiieeee!" Ada howled at nearly the same moment, her lunging body wrenched by a fierce explosion of coming. She fell forward helplessly onto Laura, who embraced her and rolled to the side, so that they were both lying face to face, trembling, moaning, twitching as the aftershocks of their climax rolled through them. Unable to keep her mouth from Ada's breasts, Laura dropped her lips to the same nipple she had been sucking and half-biting when Ada came, and she found that sucking it made Ada come yet again, this time not a sharp convulsion but a soft, fluttery spasm, like an echo of the huge climax she had had seconds ago. It took several more minutes before their breath returned to normal. Tears were leaking from the corners of Ada's eyes. Laura kissed them, each side. Ada smiled and laughed softly. "I can't believe you did me again with that thing," she confessed. "I think you did me with it this time," Laura pointed out. "And I'm awfully grateful." Ada looked suddenly solemn. "I never had sex that . . . I don't know, violent." She looked down bashfully. "Never came that many times, either. Even with you." Laura beamed and kissed her on the nose. "A record." Ada nodded, again seeming shy and bashful, as if ashamed to have come so much. "I can come again just looking in your eyes," Laura whispered. "Really?" Ada smiled, flattered. Laura nodded, again slowly pulling the huge double dildo out of each of their bodies. This time she flung it across the room onto a chair. "If you kiss my pussy once, I will come," Laura promised, knowing it was true, feeling an internal brimming of desire and phenomenal sexual arousal that Ada inspired. "Just once." Ada did a little more than just kiss her pussy, and Laura ended up coming twice in quick succession. After her second orgasm, she pulled Ada back down with her, kissing her lovingly, stroking her back. "Since we did it 'violently,' now we're going to make love," she murmured, now caressing Ada so tenderly and skillfully that in another minute or so they were again melting together in a final, aching explosion of bliss. "I think you are dangerous, lady," Ada said to her as they reluctantly pulled their flimsy little tennis dresses back on. "And I'm sorry about your neighbors. They must've heard something, or else they're deaf." "Oh my god, I forgot about them. We really did make a lot of noise." "Enough to raise the dead, I believe," Ada said, wide-eyed. She was somehow distant now that Laura had given in to her strongest instincts and nearly fucked the poor woman literally to death during the past two hours. Ada was sweet, as usual, but abstracted and preoccupied. It was hard for Laura to escape the feeling that Ada felt herself somehow irreversibly changed by having been fucked so hard and having come so much. "Want to play tennis now?" Laura suggested. "After all, we've got it out of our system. We won't be always thinking of coming back here and doing it." Ada gave her a wan smile. "I don't think I can 'do' it again for weeks." But Laura shook her head as she let her eyes roam up and down the Venus Williams tennis outfit. "I don't think I can watch your wonderful boobs bouncing in that little dress while you chase the balls. I'll want to drag you into the bushes." "Maybe you're oversexed, Laura," Ada said, trying to make it a joke, but with enough of a crisp delivery to make Laura wonder whether she meant it. "I'll walk you to your car, at least," Laura said. As they were leaving the lobby, the Gibsons were just entering it, apparently returning home from a weekend meeting or some formal funciton. Since it was Saturday, it was unlikely they were returning from work. They were both expensively, conservatively dressed. They recognized Laura and smiled discreetly. Laura nodded at them. She realized that she and Ada had dodged a bullet, since only minutes earlier they had been shrieking and violently fucking, moaning and coming gloriously in the apartment just under the one where the Gibsons were headed. They were also dressed for tennis—though only Ada was carrying a racquet—which, Laura reasoned, made it look completely innocent. At Ada's car, Laura leaned close. "I'd love to kiss yuh, but I just washed my hay-ah," she quoted Bette Davis, making a droll face. "Your what?" Ada giggled, as usual enchanted by Laura's boldness and wit. "My hair, dummy. I can't kiss you because . . . oh, you know why." "I appreciate your discretion," Ada winked. "Laura, I think it's fair to say I've never had a day like this one in my life. Even the shower doesn't come close to this." "Oooohhhh . . . wait until next time," Laura said, winking back. "See you Monday." She watched Ada get in the car, wave, and drive off, still unable to take her eyes off the woman's incredible body, made for love but apparently enjoyed by so few. She felt lucky. But just lose that voice, she thought.
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