Laura - Chapter 235



Randi had taken down her braids, as she did from time to time, and the impact on Laura was immediate. Grabbing a quick coffee to-go in the lunch room, she saw Randi making herself a sandwich at the sandwich bar. The girl had the kind of face that made a hot little flutter pulse deep inside Laura's pussy if she even passed a similar looking girl on the street. It was the same face, no matter what hair style, and yet Randi seemed like two different women, with braids and without.

She did not see Laura watching her, and Laura lurked in the shadows by the huge coffee urns, her heart pinched with love and her blood warming from fierce desire. Since spending the night with Shayla, Laura had 'played tennis' (their euphemism for fucking) with Ada a couple more times and spent a thrilling evening with Tiffany, who she had thought might never go to bed with her again after being tied up and fucked in the ass when she had dared Laura to 'take it.' But as excited as she got with both of them, Laura could not ignore the throbbing, agonizing, long love affair she had had with Randi. And seeing her with her hair in a normal cloud of black waves framing her exquisite face, seeing her long, shapely body, remembering how she had spanked her naked bottom until they both dissolved into a hot frenzy of fucking last time, made Laura quiver inwardly and bite her lower lip, feeling her eyes water. I want her. I can't live without her.

Just then, Randi looked up and saw her staring. Laura smiled uncomfortably and turned to go, but not before she saw a glimmer of embarrassment in Randi's dark, glistening eyes too, accompanied by a tight smile.

She went back to her office. After all, she had enough on her mind without that too. New tenants had finally moved into the apartment upstairs from her, the one vacated by Kendra and Jane. An older black professional couple named Gibson had taken the place. She had seen them only once but also had seen their name on the mailbox.

They appeared to be in their fifties, very conservatively dressed. One of her neighbors had told her casually that the man was a judge, and the woman a college professor. They never made a sound, and usually came in late. But Laura was completely in a stew, wondering how she could continue her private sexual life when she knew from experience that they could overhear anything above a loud moan. Some of the delicious girls she loved to fuck screamed like they were being murdered when they came.

Her turbulent reflections on all this were interrupted by the phone. It was Randi.

"Look . . . Laura, we've got to talk. I can't stand it."

"You look gorgeous with your hair down," Laura whispered.

"You just want to fuck me," Randi whispered into the phone. "You're like all the rest."

Laura blushed hotly, even though nobody was in her office but herself. "I . . . I do not," she stammered. "I love you."

Randi paused. Laura could hear her breathing. "You don't want to fuck me?"

"God, yes, I do!"

"I can't stand it. It's almost eleven thirty. We could go somewhere for lunch."

"I just saw you making a sandwich."

"I'm not talking about that kind of lunch."

"I have a meeting at one o'clock."

"So do I," Randi sighed, disappointed. "What about after that? We get sick. We leave and go to your place."

"Why my place?"

"You know. You have the . . . stuff. I'm afraid I've been a bad girl, Laura. Again."

Now Laura's sexual desire, already at a fever pitch, went into high gear. She could feel the pulse thundering in her throat, and feel the nectars flowing in her pussy.

"Look, we're always getting sick and leaving early . . . so we can . . . you know. It's starting to look bad."

"Okay, okay. How about after work?"

"Leave early," Laura said. "Four-thirty."

"Four fifteen."

"Yes. I'll meet you there. Don't drive too fast."

Before Randi hung up, she whispered into the phone again. "I've been bad, Laura. I think I need a little—"

"Don't say it," Laura gulped, hanging up the phone and taking a couple of deep breaths.

She had completely forgotten about the Gibsons. Oh god. Maybe they won't be home until later. They don't usually get there until around seven, I think. I'll have to ask Randi to keep it down. God, I hate this! I want to make her pant and beg and scream when she comes.

She tried to put these constraints out of her mind but knew they would have to be faced eventually. Randi was waiting for her, seated in her red Eclipse, when Laura arrived home at quarter to five. She looked utterly ravishing, turning the heads of all the men who passed on the street, and Laura again felt the heart-pinching lust she had felt in the lunch room. It was hard for her to believe she had actually gone through an affair lasting over a year with this stunning woman, and that they had both allowed it to semi-disintegrate over the past few months. How could I live without her? Laura wondered.

Worse, she had seen Randi sitting in this car before, but now she looked like an entirely different woman, her head movements somehow different without the swishing, swirling braids dangling to her shoulders. She was impossibly fetching. Laura could feel the catch in her throat she had felt the first time she saw her. Randi gave Laura a smoldering glance as Laura walked up to her.

"Took you long enough."

"I saw you leaving the building with a very attractive young guy the other evening," Laura said, glowering down at her, also wondering why she had chosen this moment to bring it up, as Randi was clearly wondering too. "He was wearing an expensive suit and had on maroon suspenders."

"Nate," Randi smiled, getting out of her car and setting the car alarm with a small hand-held device, enjoying Laura's eyes all over her body and her long legs. "Nate Rogers. He's in legal. A legal eagle."

"He sure had his eagle eye all over you."

Randi smiled back over her shoulder. "You mean like you do now?"

They walked toward Laura's apartment building. Randi was dressed—conservatively, for her—in a cream-colored business suit accented by large green buttons. She had on nail polish and lipstick to match the buttons, which looked okay on her nails but not on her lips, full, sensual lips, lips Laura wanted to devour, now somehow looking half-repulsive from the greenish slime Randi had smeared on them to match her outfit.

"I'm surprised he likes to kiss you when you have that shit all over your lips," Laura said to her.

"Oh, he does a lot more than kiss them," Randi said in a half-audible voice, looking up and down the sidewalk, wondering how nasty she could be. "In fact, he stuck his big black dick right between them. Just last night too. And he has a real big one."

Laura felt herself blushing and took deep, measured breaths, not wanting Randi to see her upset. "So . . . something happen between you and the blonde witch?"


"You know two of them?"

Randi scowled, clearly depressed at the thought. "She got an unexpected call from the bimbo she used to go with, the one that was the Playmate. The skinny fake Neegro with the red hair."

Ah, Stevie Archer! Laura thought. That dangerous, wonderful creature. Did Rhonda give Stevie a second chance? And kick Randi out of her bed in the process? What a cruel blow. Randi was every bit as lovely as Stevie, but these old attachments died hard. Look at Deshona and her husband. Or Rob returning to Camille. Love conquers all, Laura thought. Even unbelievably hot fucking.

"You met her?" Laura asked. "The bimbo, I mean?"

Randi shook her head as they entered the foyer of Laura's building. "I saw her picture. Rhonda had it up like a kind of fucking shrine in a room in her house where she thought I wouldn't go. I left."

"Did she cry?" Laura tried to suppress her glee.

"Of course. Let's not talk about her."

They got into the elevator. "Let's not talk about Nate's big black dick either, okay?" Laura suggested, allaying her bitterness with a half-smile.

Randi nodded grimly. Both knew they rarely kept these agreements. They loved each other and yet couldn't refrain from hurting each other. Laura unlocked the door to her apartment and they went inside.

"We have to be careful. I have new neighbors. I haven't even met them yet, but they're older, conservative. I don't think they'd be happy about lesbian orgies going on down here."

Randi batted her long eyelashes. "I declare, Miss Laura. Did you get me over here with the intent of having a 'lesbian orgy'? Is that how you put it? What you gon' do, spank me and fuck my black pussy?"

Randi was alluding to their last time together, when Laura had spanked her 'harder than my Mama ever did'. The mere joking mention of it made electricity flash between their eyes. Laura double-locked the door. Randi pursed her green lips.

"Good god, I really do think you mean to rape and despoil me. Help."

Laura laughed. "Nothing can help you now."

Randi posed and pouted. "If you aren't nice, I won't let you see my tattoo."

Laura grimaced. "Tell me you're kidding."

Randi shook her head, always delighted to shock.

"You would mar that exquisite body of yours with a tattoo?"

"Don't be such a sourpuss. Maybe I had 'Laura' wreathed in red roses put on my booty."

"I doubt it," Laura said, sourly. "Well, let me see it."

Randi gave her a sexy, ambiguous smile. She shook her head. "First I have a confession to make." She looked down, twisting her fingers. "I didn't keep my part of the deal. I guess you figured that out. I went to bed with Rhonda again."

Last time, Laura had agreed not to see Deshona if Randi agreed not to see Rhonda. Both had known they would not keep the bargain. The forces working against it were too strong. For Randi, Rhonda was her surest way to twist the knife in Laura's heart. Anyway, Rhonda was attractive, powerful in the company, and probably treated Randi like a princess, that is until Stevie re-entered her life. Laura was so in thrall to Deshona that nothing could stop her from fucking the woman if she got the chance, which Deshona had given her by showing up drunk and wildly sexy in the middle of the night, after a fight with her ex-husband.

"Well, aren't you a deceitful little cunt," she said calmly to Randi, deciding to take the high ground—even though she was not entitled to it—since Randi wanted to act this out.

"You didn't do it again with the dwarf?" Randi asked, skeptically, referring to Deshona with a raised eyebrow.

Somehow this raised eyebrow, together with her smooth, high forehead now framed by her billows of black hair instead of her braids, made her piercingly enchanting to Laura, as if she were a shockingly beautiful girl that Laura had never seen before this very minute. She wanted to kiss her and ravish her on the spot. Then her attention was drawn again to the green lips.

"Of course I didn't. A deal is a deal."

Laura gritted her teeth to suppress a rising blush, then turned away abruptly, stalking over to the drapes and pulling them shut.

"I don't know whether I believe you," Randi said softly. "But I told you I'd been a bad girl. I think maybe you're going to have to spank me again."

These words were almost enough to light a flame inside Laura's already wet pussy. She gestured to Randi with her head, indicating the bathroom.

"Come in here with me and let me wipe that horrible green slime off your mouth so I can kiss you and then see your tattoo," she murmured, a gentle invitation.

Randi flirted. "You just want to fuck me because I look like an entirely new girl to you without my braids. It's like I'm a twin, right? I'm her sister. You can get off on that, right?"

Laura dragged her into the bathroom by one arm and forcibly wiped away the disgusting lipstick with a wet washcloth. "I get off on you period," she breathed, crushing Randi's lips under her own, kissing her right there, pushing her against the wall, forcing her tongue into Randi's mouth.

She unbuttoned the huge green buttons of Randi's suit jacket while ravenously kissing her neck, her cheek, her ears, burying her nose in the clouds of her hair, inhaling the sweet perfume of her scalp, wanting to inhale Randi herself, as hungry as she had ever been for her.

"Whoa, girl, you are a sex fiend. You just like all the others. Rhonda, Rob, Nate, my old boyfriend Curtis. You just be wanting to fuck and fuck me all the time, like I wasn't even a person but just a tight little black pussy you can root around in. Now, cut it out, girl!"

She pulled away playfully.

"I want you," Laura panted, eyes glazed, totally consumed by her sexual hunger.

"You are ruining my expensive suit, girl. Have some manners, okay. I'm going to show you my tattoo now." Her eyes twinkled with droll mischief. "After you see it, you'll be wanting to fuck me from here to the moon and back."

"I already do," Laura confessed.

Randi crooked one long black forefinger and beckoned Laura toward the bedroom, backing out the bathroom door, leading Laura down the hall. God, I would do anything for this girl, wouldn't I? Laura thought. Anything to get her into bed. I'm such a slave to her delicious beauty. How could I ever have let her get away?

For some reason, Laura had abandoned of late her reflex practice of closing the bedroom door behind her and her lover, even though there was certainly no one else in the apartment. But now, she closed it, quietly and firmly. Somehow it made her feel more secure.

"Why'd you do that?" Randi asked, amused, perhaps remembering when Laura had done it in the past.

Now Laura cocked an eyebrow. "So no one can hear your screams."

Randi didn't reply but smirked sexily, slowly peeling off her clothes while Laura watched. Actually, Laura wanted to start taking off her own clothes, so eager was she to pull the girl down on her bed, but she felt that it was disrespectful to Randi's little seductive, theatrical display. A tattoo! What had possessed this gorgeous creature to ruin her phenomenally soft and silky dark skin with a filthy insignia of some kind?

And watching more and more of that delicious dark skin come slowly into view as Randi shed her clothes was an acutely pleasurable experience. Randi knew how Laura was suffering and percolating with sexual need as she carefully and very slowly removed her blouse, then her skirt, kicking off her shoes. For once, Laura marveled, she was not wearing red underwear. It was black and lacy, wildly alluring, the bra dipping low, the panties wispy and embossed with black roses.

Randi smiled at her as she reached behind her back to unfasten the bra, knowing how Laura loved to watch her do it. Laura thought this was one of the sexiest things in life, watching a beautiful woman take off her bra, and had told Randi so in the past. Now Randi played a brief peekaboo for Laura with her splendid breasts, finally dropping the bra cups so that Laura could drink in the sight of her naked globes, and her large, swelling black nipples.

"Looks like you missed these," she said in a low, smoky voice.

Laura nodded, nearly speechless with lust. She could not take her eyes off them, though she had love-mauled them on countless occasions. She found herself being grateful that at least the horrible tattoo had not disfigured these peerless beauties.

"I did," she swallowed. "Would you hurry with the tattoo? I'm getting pretty horny."

Randi's face dipped, and she looked at Laura with mock seriousness from under her heavy eyelids. "You always horny, Miss Laura. You hornier than any guy I ever knew."

Smiling coquettishly, she hooked her thumbs under the elastic band of her panties and began inching them down her firm, gleaming thighs. At first Laura's eyes were on the thighs, but then they quickly drifted to the skin of Randi's flat belly and saw a dark black-blue filigreed image emerging as the panties slipped lower. It was a stylized version of an ankh, more decorative than usual but perfectly proportioned and well-placed between the upper fringe of Randi's pubic hair and her marvelous sunken navel.

She paused as Laura scrutinized it. "It's an ankh," she said.

"I know."

"Do you know what an ankh is?"

Still staring at it, Laura shook her head slowly. She couldn't keep her eyes from drifting down further. Randi had a huge clit, the biggest Laura had ever seen, a whitish bulb as big as a fat grape, and she could see it glimmering below the shiny jet-black curls of Randi's thatch.

"It's an ancient Egyptian symbol for eternal life," Randi whispered, now looking down at the tattoo also, rubbing it gingerly with one fingertip. "They used to bury the pharaohs with them so they'd live forever. Did you know Egypt was really a black country? They were really black, you know. Egypt, after all, is in Africa."

"So I've heard," Laura said, half in a daze, pulsing and seething with sexual need for this stunning girl. "Can I kiss it?"

Randi giggled, unaccountably nervous and surprised. "Well . . . I guess you can. I thought you wanted to spank me."

"No," Laura looked up into her eyes. "You were the one who wanted that."

Randi's black eyes clouded over in a quick hot haze of lust too, which Laura recognized. "I still do," she said softly. "I've been bad." Then she grinned. "Also, last time you did it, I came harder than I ever have."

Now Laura was removing her own clothes as fast as she could without ripping them. "No, you came harder than that when I fist-raped you down at that rich person's house. When we were fighting."

Randi bit her full lower lip. "God, you're right. But what about your new neighbors? They'll hear."

"Not if I can help it," Laura breathed, finally naked, stretching out on the bed and pulling Randi down onto it with her.

They kissed, a long, slow, deeply soulful kiss, the kind of kiss they had shared in the first days of their intimacy, before any jealousies or anger had arisen. Laura stroked Randi's naked body with her fingertips, loving it totally, enjoying every soft curve and smooth expanse, feeling Randi do the same to her, as if they were exploring each other's warm flesh for the first time. Laura kissed her smooth black neck, her sculptured throat, her perfectly straight clavicles.

"You could have made a lot of money as a model," she whispered softly, kissing the smooth shallows under Randi's collarbones. "So tall . . . and having these perfect bones."

"Only room for a couple of black models," Randi panted. "Tyra Green Eyes, and Naomi, they got it sewed up, I think."

"They have nothing on you. I've seen those pictures of Naomi in Playboy, and she doesn't have these big, soft, gorgeous nipples like you've got. Can I kiss them?"

"You better do more than kiss them," Randi stared at her. "Aren't you going to spank me? God, Laura, I've been looking forward to it all afternoon."

Laura winked at her. In an instant, she was off the bed and into the closet, fishing at the bottom of the dirty clothes basket where she hid things, and coming up with the handcuffs and the ball gag. She hid them behind her back as she returned to the bed.

"Turn over onto your stomach, you bad thing," she said playfully to Randi.

"Now, don't make a joke out of it," Randi said, seriously. "You know, I have been bad. Very bad. Want me to tell you how bad I've been, so you can really make me pay for it?"

Slowly, she turned over on to her stomach as Laura had directed, smiling slyly.

"I let her fuck me," she whispered, her words goading and daring Laura. "She fucked me all night, last Friday. I begged her to fuck me, just so I could tell you and make you jealous. She ate my pussy and stuck her finger up my ass, and Laura, I came about twelve times. It even made Rhonda jealous. She never comes more than two or three times. Too frigid and constipated with her hot shit white girl power trip, I guess. But it didn't stop me. God, I came so much, it almost reminded me of being with you. And then, last night I let Nate fuck me in the ass. He's been dying to, of course. And I let him. Wow, he has a big one. It hurt a little, you know? But then . . . dyNOmite! Umm. Come? I died . . . just died."

Laura cracked a sinister smile. "Did you clean it out good afterward?"

Randi frowned, puzzled, apparently wondering why Laura would want to know. "Of course. I took a long bath."

Laura's smile became even more menacing. "Oh, good." She brought out the handcuffs from behind her back, dangling them in front of Randi's face. "Now be a good girl . . . for a change . . . and put your wrists up here by the bed post."

Randi seemed to blanch, her marvelous black skin turning briefly ashen in disbelief. "I thought you were going to tie me up."

Laura smiled tightly, swinging the handcuffs like a pendulum. "Quicker."

Not giving Randi a chance to protest, she pushed her down, straddling her back and closing one cuff over one of Randi's wrists before she could struggle free.

"I don't know whether I want this!" her voice rose in panic, as Laura quickly looped the chain around the post and handcuffed her other hand.

"Too late," Laura breathed into her ear. "You shouldn't have been such a bad girl."

"I don't want to be handcuffed, Laura. It scares me."

"Then this ought to make your day complete," Laura said, producing the ball gag, a shiny red ball attached to a double-strapped harness.

This time she did struggle a little, but Laura easily got the ball into her mouth and fastened the harness buckle behind her head. Now Randi was gagged and handcuffed to the bed post, her long naked back and curvy bottom and spectacular long legs stretched out across Laura's bed, her eyes streaked with fear. She made soft, pathetic, whimpering noises into the gag.

Laura contemplated her lovely body, wondering if she did not like this even more than the rope. With the rope, you got stressed and bulging flesh, swollen breasts and nipples, straining muscles, unnatural contortions. With only the handcuffs, Randi's body was still visible in all its stunning perfection and smooth, dark beauty, but it was not grotesquely distorted or mangled by the tight strands of hemp.

Laura ran one hand worshipfully over the gently swelling moons of Randi's naked ass. She most preferred the high, hard, up-jutting, perfectly round and glimmering black melons that made Chanitra's, or Jane's, or (winner of the Booty Contest) Tiffany's asses so breathtaking and desirable, but she realized that many people would find Randi's more modestly curved bottom the absolute pinnacle of beauty. And she was willing to share their point of view, for the moment. Her hand at first caressed the smooth, curved asscheeks, but soon she was kneading and squeezing the firm mounds, sliding her fingers teasingly into the crack between them, feeling Randi's body tense up and quiver in anticipation.

Finally, she began to rub the smooth hills of flesh with the flat of her hand, rubbing them harder, harder, then slapping them both lightly, then more aggressively.

"You promised you wouldn't let her fuck you any more," she glowered down at Randi, whose head was turned so that she could look up at Laura, her eyes pulsing and swimming in sex and fear.

"Ummgghh!" she groaned into the ball gag.

"You are a beautiful little tramp and a slut."

"Ungghh!" Randi nodded, wincing as the flat of Laura's palm finally made a resounding impact against the flesh of her ass.

The smack of her hand against Randi's taut flesh was so loud that it even startled Laura. She realized that she was breathing hard, that her pussy was throbbing and flooding, that she was fiercely aroused. Her eyes fell to the beautiful, swelling moons of Randi's vulnerable ass, and she began to smack them again with the flat of her palm, rapidly, viciously, even grunting softly as each hard blow landed.

Laura loved it and descended quickly into a demonic, exhilarating frenzy of spanking. She loved the feel of Randi's firm, smooth buns against her hand, loved the stinging thrill of impact, loved the way Randi's beautiful ass clenched up in amazing ripples of muscle each time her palm cracked into the bare black moons. Even though Randi's moans and cries were muffled by the gag, they still filled Laura's bedroom, a distressing, high-pitched stream of hysterical whimpering, as Laura smacked her lovely ass again and again, aiming for a different place each time.

She had not even felt real anger up until now, but as she spanked the girl with increasing violence, she began to see, through the red fog of her excitement and lust, an inner vision of Randi being physically devoured by the vile Rhonda. Both of them were naked, writhing together, Rhonda's creamy, beautiful body and golden blonde hair sharply contrasted with Randi's long, shapely, dark arms and legs and sinuous black back, Rhonda's swollen, large pink nipples pressing against the wide, black, gleaming bulbs of Randi's nipples, their flesh intermingling, their faces contorted in ecstatic smiles as they probed and kissed and fucked one another eagerly.

She saw Rhonda sucking Randi's breasts, saw her kissing Randi's tattoo, frenching Randi's deep navel, saw Rhonda's face between Randi's yawning thighs, her mouth pressed fervidly to Randi's pussy, licking Randi's huge, protruding clit, tongue-fucking Randi into unbearable paroxysms of pleasure. Laura had seen Randi's facial expressions when she was coming so many times that they were burned into her brain, and now she could see each nuance of incredible bliss pass across her exquisite features as she repeatedly died of coming in response to Rhonda's hungry caresses.

The anguish and hot jealousy of all this consumed her, and she began to whack and slap Randi's inflamed asscheeks even more viciously. And now the grotesque and erotic sensuality of her assault drove her to begin squeezing and pinching the firm black mounds between each stinging slap. First she grabbed one jouncy, round buttock, digging her fingers into the resilient flesh, sliding her fingers down the bulging underside, gripping a piece of flesh in her hand and squeezing it mercilessly.

"Mnngghiieemmnn!" Randi howled into the gag, looking around her eyes flooding with tears of pain.

Laura followed this brutal pinch with a fiery, fierce smack of her hand onto the same cheek she had just released, bringing fresh howl of pain from Randi's throat, strangled before it could escape by the gag. She smacked Randi's ass again, twice, three times, viciously, then grabbed Randi's other quivering buttock in the same way with her hand, pinching and twisting the firm, delectably resilient flesh brutally.

"Ohhggmnnngggnniee!" Randi wailed, turning her head, her cheeks now slick with tears, her body thrashing and squirming under Laura's blows as she desperately tried to wiggle her ass out of the way.

But there was no escape. Laura now dropped both hands to the swollen mounds of flesh and assaulted Randi's ass in a passionate frenzy of punishing caresses, pinching and squeezing and biting the girl's delicious smooth buns, then cracking them hard with the palm of her hand, so hard that her hand stung and Randi gurgled in pain.

"You cunt . . . you bitch!" she gasped, striking Randi's already-bruised bottom again and again sharply with the flat of her hand. "How could you let her fuck you? You promised me! You bitch!"

In the back of her mind, part of her was amused and troubled that she, Laura, could be doing this, acting so genuinely hurt and jealous, when initially she had only been somewhat depressed by Randi's betrayal, especially since she had obviously been unable to keep the bargain either. But then she realized that tears of rage were streaming down her own cheeks while she was viciously spanking Randi's bare ass, and squeezing the writhing girl's beautiful round asscheeks mercilessly, making Randi whinny and gag on her pain.

In this almost feral state, she could smell the hot funky fuck-odors drifting up to her flaring nostrils from Randi's aroused pussy, and she could see the glimmering wet matted fur of Randi's crotch hair between the girl's flexing, jerking thighs, and glimpse the festering red wet seam of her open cunt. Oh god, she thought wildly, I'm going to fuck her, I'm going to fuck her so hard, I'm going to devour her with fucking!

Bending down, she plunged one hand into the mess of matted hair and oozing cunt meat, working her fingers into Randi's pussy, which yielded easily, letting her whole hand slip in. Probably stretched bigger from letting that damned Nate shove his huge hard dick in there over and over, she thought crazily. She drove her hand in deep, hearing Randi grunt, pained and shocked, into the gag.

"Unnmmgghhh! Ohnngggg!"

Her tortured groans only spurred Laura on. With her free hand, she pulled open Randi's buns and, then slid her forefinger into the tight, wrinkled black rosebud of her anus, inspiring another strangled shriek.


Then, her ultimate objective, Laura slid her finger out and, bending even lower, slithered her tongue into the tiny, puckered orifice, tongue-fucking Randi's asshole and now twisting and plunging her hand into the girl's clasping wet pussy. It was a wild frenzy of fucking, with Randi flipping and squirming and screaming hysterically into the gag, her lovely long body contorted and twisted by her violent struggles as she tried to escape the fierce passion Laura was concentrating on her.

But she also came, almost immediately. The sharp squeezing of her asshole expelled Laura's probing tongue, and her body went into smoother, more agonizing convulsions, shuddering in long, wrenching spasms as she swooned through an orgasm more intense than Laura remembered ever seeing her have before. Laura was not plunging her hand into the poor girl's ravished pussy any longer, and she merely kept it there, not moving it, feeling the inner muscles of Randi's climaxing pussy squeeze it too, and hearing the soft, cawing, desperate, moans that were caught in the girl's throat, muffled by the horrible gag.

Suddenly a dreadful wave of guilt swept over Laura. Even though Randi was still trembling and quivering in the aftershocks of a stupendous orgasm, Laura felt terrible about what she had done. Carefully extricating her wet hand from the girl's pussy, trying not to disturb the last, excruciatingly pleasurable moments of this crushing climax, she wiped her fingers on the sheet and quickly unfastened the buckle of the gag behind Randi's head.

"Ohhhhnnnn!" Randi's moans suddenly escaped. "Ohhhhh god! Oh god!"

This made Laura feel even worse, though Randi's moans seemed to be more sexual than painful. Laura kissed her naked shoulders, her back, her wet cheek, her ear.

"Oh . . . I'm so sorry," she gasped to Randi. "I love you, Randi. I didn't mean to hurt you."

Stunned, her face still wet from her own tears, Randi gave Laura a bleak smile. "You didn't even kiss my tattoo, you bitch," she half-whispered, her voice so hoarse from screaming that she could barely get the words out. "I've been having fantasies for weeks about you kissing my tattoo."

Randi pouted, and Laura leaned down and kissed her mouth hungrily. She herself was still devastatingly horny and needed release badly. Randi was still handcuffed to the bed. They kissed in a deep, passionate way that made it very clear the heat was not yet dissipated, that the hot hunger they felt was still there.

"Are you going to kiss my tattoo?" Randi whispered, coyly.

"I hate to point this out, but you're lying on your stomach," Laura teased her, tracing an invisible line with the tip of her finger over Randi's sensual lips.

Randi gave Laura fetching moue. "Good thing. I may never want to sit on my ass again, after what you did to it. And my pussy feels like somebody's hand been pumping it."

Laura dropped her head, contrite. "You can do anything you want to me," she said in a hushed, apologetic voice.

"Can't do anything until you take of these damn handcuffs," Randi said with sharp humor.

Hurriedly, Laura found the key in the bedside table drawer and unlocked the cuffs. Randi rubbed her wrists with her fingers. Laura took each hand, one by one, in both of hers and tenderly kissed Randi's wrists where the handcuffs had hurt them. Randi had very beautiful wrists.

"Every part of your body is beautiful," Laura said to her, looking deep into her eyes with hot, burning love and sexual hunger. "I want to look in your eyes when I come," she confessed.

"That can be arranged," Randi smiled, speaking softly. "Why don't you lay down here next to me and look in my eyes."

They stretched out side by side, and Randi slid one hand down Laura's naked body to her hip, then let it drop to Laura's crotch. Obligingly, Laura parted her thighs to let Randi's hand between them.

"You know . . . you really spanked me pretty hard," Randi said. "Never thought I'd like that . . . but I almost came even before you put your hand in. Maybe I ought to be bad more often."

Laura shook her hand. "I've spanked you for the last time."

Randi frowned. "You a real bitch, Miss Laura. I think I'll just have to goad you into it. You didn't even suck my titties either, which you love so much."

"Mmmm, I'm going to correct that right now," Laura purred.

Since they were facing each other, side by side, she began by cradling one perfect globe in her palm and licking and sucking Randi's big, bulging black nipple until both of them were too excited to stay in that position. Then Randi rolled Laura onto her back, straddling her hips, and dangled the luscious globes in Laura's face, dropping one hand to Laura's pussy and gently rubbing her fingers in rhythmic swirls against Laura's swollen clit while Laura's thirstily sucked Randi's nipples.

She held the beautiful, firm black balls of springy flesh in both hands, feasting on Randi's swelling, gleaming wet nipples, tonguing them, sucking them gently, harder, nipping them, refreshing Randi's sexual need and veering her off her course, which was to bring Laura to a climax. Both of them were going to come again, and Laura desperately wanted to put off her own orgasm a few more seconds, just to squeeze the last ounce of impossibly intense pleasure out of this wonderful moment.

She even stopped for a minute, staring up at Randi, her eyes throbbing and pulsing with hot sex. "Stop . . . just for second," she begged. "Please."

"You're going to come, Laura," Randi panted softly, letting her fingertips rest gently on Laura's throbbing clit. "I can feel your body twitching."

"Oh god, I know!" Laura gasped. "But I want it to last. I want it to last forever."

Randi smiled. "Look into my eyes, Laura. "Look into my eyes. You are going to come . . . right . . . now. Now."

She resumed rubbing Laura's clit in just the fashion she knew would bring Laura to the brink. They had made love many times and knew one another's body. Laura knew there was no way to prevent the explosion. She was holding both of Randi's dangling breasts in her hands but could not keep her arms up any longer as the preliminary waves began to sweep through her body. Her arms fell to the bed.

"Oh yes!" she gasped, arching her back instinctively.

She looked up into Randi's eyes, gazing at the gorgeous face that moved her so much, somehow changed without the braids but if anything more beautiful than ever.

"Now, Laura," Randi whispered.

"Oh . . . oh god. Yes! Aunnngghhhhh! Ungghhh! Oh god . . . auungghhhh!"

She fell over the edge. She dissolved into a rush of hot, billowing waves that engulfed her and enveloped her throbbing body, washing over her as each fresh, jolting spasm shook her flesh. And through it all, she kept her eyes open and fastened hard on Randi's, letting the sweet, pulsing rapture grip her body but never flinching for a second with her hot gaze, letting Randi see her deep love and her endless desire as each successive orgasmic shock moved her. And Randi's eyes never left Laura's either as she rode out the tumult, crouched over Laura, still rubbing her pussy with tender, infinite skill, her eyes feeding back to Laura's the same love and desire she was receiving.

After Laura stopped coming, they embraced and coiled together, tingling and cooing softly, then dozing in each other's arms, unaware of the time or the world. We shouldn't let anything get in the way of this, Laura thought dreamily. Too good. Too sweet.

Probably a half an hour passed before they stirred again.

"I still haven't kissed the famous tattoo," Laura whispered into Randi's marvelous, whorled, black ear, licking the earlobe affectionately.

Smirking with saucy pride, Randi rolled over onto her back and exposed her long, beautiful naked body to Laura. "Now's your chance. Go for it."

Laura did. She started again at Randi's scrumptious breasts and nipples, since she could never get enough of them, then slipped down Randi's body slowly, kissing her way down, until her lips arrived at the ankh. She kissed her way all around it, then ran her lips over it from top to bottom, feeling Randi shiver in excitement, hearing her soft, sexy giggles.

"Will I live forever too if I suck the clitoris of a girl who has an ankh tattooed on her belly?" she murmured softly to Randi, looking up at her from under her veiled eyelids.

"You might," Randi smiled. "I'll put in a word for you. Oh! Oh, Laura!"

Laura had dropped her mouth lower, and her tongue had quickly found the huge, bursting grape of Randi's large clit, flicking it excitedly.

"Unh! Ohnng!"

"You aren't going to come yet," Laura warned her softly, "because I am going to lick this beautiful pussy for another twenty minutes without stopping. And you're just going to have to wait."

"I can't!" Randi gasped, squirming. "God . . . nobody does it to me like you do! Oh god, Laura! Unhh! Yes . . . right there! Yes, like that! Unhhh!"

But Laura didn't give it to her full throttle. Randi's pussy was among the three or four most beautiful Laura had ever seen, and Laura hated being denied the opportunity to slurp and suck it lovingly for long, delicious minutes. She held the slick, glistening black labia open with the fingers of both hands, exposing the wet fiery magenta interior, an oozing, exposed patch of raw cunt meat that she licked hungrily, exulting in the tart, coppery taste of Randi's flowing fuck juices, slithering her tongue into the small cavity in the very center of it.

"Ooooohhnnnn!" Randi whooped, her pelvis shuddering slightly as she rocked her hips, churning her cunt up into Laura's mouth. "Oh god oh shit! Yes, Laura, yes! Ungghh! You better get ready. I'm . . . I'm going to come, honey!"

"Oh, not yet!" Laura whimpered desperately, wanting more, not wanting it to end.

"Oh yes, oh Laura! Fuck me, Laura, fuck me! Yes, fuck me!"

It was hard for Laura to believe that a few minutes ago she had had her entire hand inside this sweet, tight, gorgeous pussy, twisting it, pushing it deep, making Randi groan and come unbelievably while choking and sputtering into the ball gag. It was not a small pussy, like Mavis's or Tiffany's, but it was not huge either, and she wondered at its capacity to expand enough to accept her fist. She didn't have time to contemplate it for long, though. Randi was writhing and moaning in a frenzied fit of sexual need.

Laura didn't want her to come without feeling Randi's large, bulbous clit inside her mouth, and she licked her way up Randi's streaming, puckering, red, wet pussy to the top, flicking the fat whitish bulb with her tongue and then quickly sucking the whole thing, hood and all, into her mouth. Randi moaned and quivered. She grabbed one of her breasts with her hand, twisting her thick, erect black nipple hard in two fingers, pinching and pulling it, arching her back as Laura's love-assault grew even more intense.

"Oh! Oh!"

Seeing Randi's whole body rippling and undulating, the muscles clenching in her stomach and thighs as she neared the finish, prompted Laura to reach up with one hand and grasp Randi's other breast, squeezing it hard and pinching the sensitive nipple too. She sucked Randi's big clit, not hard or roughly, but insistently, lovingly, in long, slow sucks, bringing the whimpering girl to the very pinnacle of pleasure. Don't come, she chanted to herself, hoping against hope. Don't come yet. I want this pussy. I want to kiss and love and fuck it forever!

But Randi was already there. She began to come almost before either one of them knew she was going to do it, shattered by an orgasm that was fully the equal of the one Laura had given her by spanking her earlier.

"Auungghhhiieeee!" she squealed, then lapsed into a fierce trance of silence and shuddering, her whole body quivering violently as the shocks of her climax gripped her, toes curling, beautiful face contorted in a sharp grimace of ecstacy.

Laura held Randi's clit gently between her lips, not sucking any more, but feeling the hot, sexual current of connection that ran between their two bodies via her lips encircling the throbbing nub of nerves. Randi came for nearly an entire minute before her body began undulating slower, slower, then collapsed back to the mattress. Now Laura released the girl's clit, giving it a last, affectionate lick that made Randi's body jump again in a startled reflex.


"You want to come again, darling?" Laura purred. "I think you could do it."

"Aren't you afraid I'll scare your new neighbors?" Randi grinned, still glassy-eyed from a pulverizing orgasm. "I'm sorry I screamed a little."

"I love it when you scream," Laura said, glancing over at the bedside clock.

She was shocked to see that it was nearly seven. They had been in bed for about two hours. Randi saw her face.

"They coming home about now?" she asked, head tilted to the side.

"I think they usually do . . . about this time," Laura said glumly.

"Won't do for them to be hearing this horny little black girl wailing and coming like a pig being slaughtered, will it now?"

Laura slid up to embrace her and kiss her, unwilling for it to be over. "You don't sound like that at all. It almost makes me come just to hear you coming."

"I can believe that. Almost anything makes you come. You look at my braids and you come."

Laura pouted. "You like it, don't you?"

Randi scowled playfully, slipping off the bed and beginning to gather her clothes. "I like everything but the sore butt. You think you got your revenge?"

Laura pulled on a bathrobe to see her to the door. She still felt seriously guilty over the spanking she had given Randi. "I . . . don't know how to apologize," she said, looking down.

Randi didn't speak until she was again dressed and had readjusted her hair. Her eyes flickered dangerously at Laura. "Don't know what I'll do to be bad now that Rhonda went back to her Neegro. You won't get that mad about Nate."

"Don't bet on it."

At the door they kissed, a slow, lingering, romantic kiss. "You loved spanking me, didn't you," Randi said. "Admit it."

Laura nodded, still feeling guilty though. "You come pretty hard when I do that."

Randi smiled salaciously. "Then maybe I can get you to do it even when I haven't been bad."

"Come over tomorrow night and I'll kiss every inch I paddled today, promise."

"And suck my clit again too?"

Laura nodded.

"Tell me, do I have an especially big clit? Rhonda said I do."

"Honey, you have the world champ, the biggest clit I ever saw. And if you don't quit tempting me, I'm going to drag you to the floor right here and spoil that expensive suit trying to get it in my mouth again."

"Oooohhh, I love it when you're hungry for me like that. I'll be here."

"I can't wait," Laura said in a breathy voice, telling the truth, winking sexily at Randi as she closed the door behind her.




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