Laura - Chapter 225


Laura had not seen Charise for weeks. There was a call from her darling Inky on her voice mail when she got home after her exhausting and thrilling sexual reunion with Deshona.

"Ain't you ever home, Laura? Shit, every time I get a chance to come over, you ain't there." [Voice querulous, dejected, accusatory, by turns.] Oh well, at least you ain't fucking that slut Jane. Or if you are, you too busy to pick up the phone. [Hurt, jealous, rejected.] Well, probably not. You probably out tryin' to buy a bigger dick, right? [Giggling, teasing, affectionate again.] You can't call me, so I'll keep calling. Maybe. Okay, then. Bye."

This message put Laura's feelings through the wringer. She had gone through a wrenching emotional time with Deshona, even when they finally were in bed together again. Laura still loved her, but the way things had turned out, with Deshona's ex-husband somehow back in the picture, and not likely to exit again soon, her feelings could never be as pure and exhilarating as they had once been.

And she realized that, though physically satiated, at least temporarily, she was unambiguously thrilled to hear Charise's wonderful voice. She loved Charise with a kind of flame-bright purity that could not be compromised, and her desire to see the sweet young girl was almost palpable. She could feel it in the pit of her stomach, in her chest, in her throat. Just to see her, to touch her cheek! It's all I want!

But even regarding Charise, her thoughts were troubled. First, she had been wildly, painfully jealous of Charise's casual admission that she had let a 'dude' actually fuck her, and without a condom too. And Laura had also promised Charise that she would no longer see Jane, whereas she and Jane had fucked at least twice since her promise, and one time done it so hard and wildly that they had broken Laura's bed in mid-fuck. Jane only lived upstairs, and was also crazily jealous of Laura's other lovers, and so it would have taken a saint, Laura thought, to resist her provocations.

But it didn't make her feel any less guilty.

She also found herself wondering if there was some mysterious confluence of the stars that had prompted Charise to call just after Laura's afternoon in Deshona's bed. The last time she had seen Charise had also been just after her first time with Deshona. These two relationships were so intense—not casual or trivial to Laura in any way—that the turmoil of her feelings was very hard to control, especially when she spent time with each one with almost no interval.

She was dying to see Charise and even drove twice by her house and the corner where she often picked her up and dropped her off, just hoping Charise would be there, see her, flag her down. But Charise was nowhere in sight either time. Laura was sunk in gloom. A night with Randi cheered her up, but she still had to live with the guilt of having promised Randi she would not see Deshona again either. I am telling too many damn lies, she thought. It's making me miserable. I'm deceiving everybody, really. And I love all three of them desperately, no joke. I love them.

Charise finally phoned her one morning at seven a.m., as Laura was getting ready for work, two days after her passionate night with Randi.

"I'm gonna cut school. Can I come over and see you? You probably heading off for work right now, right?"

Laura frowned, even though Charise could not see her. "You can't cut school. You have to study, get smart, so you can get a job like me when you get older."

"You saying you don't want to see me?"

"Of course I'm not. I'm dying to see you. But you can't cut school. For one thing, it's against the law."

Charise giggled. "I done a few things that's against the law. Fucking with you is one of them."

Laura blushed hotly. Oh damn, she's right. "God, I miss you," she said, almost inaudibly. "You're so blunt . . . so real."

"That mean you want to see me? I can't go home. My Mama will find out."

"I could be sick," Laura mused. She was almost never out sick.

"You can't be sick," Charise teased her. "Then we won't be able to do what we want to do."

"Do you need a ride?"

"That would be nice."

"Same place?"

"Uh huh."

"Tell the 'dudes' to buzz off, then. I feel like running right over them when I see them flirting with you."

"Oooohhhh, you jealous, Laura," Charise laughed merrily. "I love you to be jealous. Don't worry, it'll only be me."

"I'll be right there."

Only half-dressed, Laura quickly shed her expensive work clothes and pulled on jeans and a sweater. It was raining outside, and Charise was standing on the corner where Laura usually picked her up, buried in a huge blue parka with a fur-lined hood, looking like a shivering, tiny black waif, a small child even, not the hot-blooded but sweet-natured little angel of sex Laura knew her to be. Rain water spilled off her parka as she hopped into Laura's car.

"Shit, it pouring out there."

Laura was overcome by a huge, throbbing, unexpected bloom of love inside her chest cavity. Even though she loved other girls too, she rarely felt this enormous, sudden onrush of terrible desire for them. She wanted to pull the car over to the curb and rape Charise on the spot. Instead, she reached over with one hand and squeezed her knee through her damp jeans, looking deep into her shining black eyes.

"Oh god, I've missed you," Laura said.

"You keep saying that, I'm gonna start thinking you mean it," Charise retorted with her angelic smile. She brushed her enchanting, stiffish black bangs up from her eyebrows. "My nasty old hair hates this rain. It'll be standing up like a broom before long."

"I love your bangs," Laura said, sounding mawkish, alarmed by her own syrupy sweetness. "I do mean it."

Now Charise turned on the double-pixie smile, the heart-stirring smile that made Laura quiver every time. She was not beautiful and even verged on the homely, with a flat nose and incipient bags under her eyes. But this pixie smile made her seem like the most beautiful creature on earth, and it melted Laura's heart every time. She realized that Charise's appeal was made up of these contradictions: the almost ugly face transformed by the half-beatific, half-sensual smile, the slender girl's body sporting a woman's beautifully-formed, full breasts, the knowing eyes mixed with the girlish mannerisms. All of it jumbled together in her darling Inky to make the girl a fierce lodestone of lust, and Laura's stomach was churning with anticipation by the time they reached her apartment house.

As she was parking her car, she realized that it was only about seven-thirty, just about the time Jane would be leaving for school. Even though months back Jane had helped and encouraged Laura to seduce Charise, and they had made love to her together in Laura's bed—Charise's first time with a girl, let alone two girls—the two had since become fairly bitter enemies, drawing a line in the dirt over who had sole rights to Laura.

Typically, each handled her jealousy in a different way. Jane was crazed and unpredictable and nasty. Also, hotter than the tongs of hell when she and Laura finally got past her jealousy to intense, insatiable sex. Charise pouted, and dropped sly, cutting remarks, sometimes even playing on Laura's guilt by portraying herself as too ugly and too black to compete with her rival, which was also Jane's interpretation. She was also conscious of being at a disadvantage since Jane lived in the same apartment house as Laura. But in bed, she seemed to forget that anyone existed but Laura and her.

Laura was deathly afraid they would run into Jane. She hurried Charise through the lobby to the elevator, which opened to emit Kendra instead.

"Well, look what we have here," Kendra's eyes widened. She looked closely at Charise. "Don't I know you?"

Then she shot a harsh, disapproving glance at Laura, who put on her brashest, most impervious face. "Excuse us."

"Now just a minute," Kendra said, grabbing Laura's elbow. "Laura, I think you ought to introduce me to your friend. She looks kind of familiar. Kind of young, too," she added significantly, one eyebrow raising.

Laura suddenly felt like a child molester. She knew Kendra was edgy because she believed Laura had seduced Jane, though it was really the other way around. At least, Laura devoutly prayed, Kendra didn't know that she and Jane had been fucking like two horny she-cats off and on ever since, so hard last time that they had broken Laura's bed. But just seeing Laura with a teenager, even if she had not recognized Charise, was enough to remind her of her suspicions.

Worse for Laura, Kendra looked absolutely ravishing herself. Even though she was bundled up for the rain, her red-gold hair was only partially covered by a scarf, her hard, curvaceous body was artfully encased in a stylish raincoat, and her shapely legs were visible. Laura had kissed and stroked that hard body and wished she could do it again. Because of Kendra's obsession with 'Mr. Penis,' and lately, apparently, Marshall's stupendous organ—which Laura too had experienced—she and Laura had not had any sex with each other for a while. She also hates me because of the Jane thing, Laura thought. Good thing she doesn't know about last time.

"We can talk later," Laura said, trying to brush past her, pulling Charise's hand.

But Kendra stood her ground. She turned her face to Charise. "Aren't you one of Jane's friends? Jane Fallon? You know her?"

"Yes, ma'am," Charise said sheepishly, looking at the floor.

"You can look up at me, girl," Kendra snapped.

She isn't your mother, Charise, Laura wanted to say. You don't have to look at her. She hasn't got any power over you. You're with me. Instead, she said,

"They're not friends. Jane teases her mercilessly. Now, if you don't mind, let us use the elevator."

"You helping her with her homework, Laura?" Kendra asked, sarcastically. "I don't see no books."

Laura pursed her lips, trying to restrain her temper, which she knew was mostly fired by her guilt. "Get out of the way, Kendra. Mind your own business."

Still glowering at Laura, her eyes reflecting her disbelief and disapproval, Kendra stepped out of the elevator door and to one side. "If you don't take all," she said under her breath. "This poor child. A black child, too. How can you do it, Laura? Don't you even feel bad, or feel—"

The elevator door automatically slid shut on Kendra's face and voice, leaving Charise and Laura in the ascending elevator, shocked into silence and both very uncomfortable. They both said nothing until they were inside Laura's apartment. Laura very methodically and securely locked the front door. At least we know there isn't anybody upstairs, she thought. Unless Jane stayed home sick, or hasn't left yet.

Laura looked at her watch. School would start in fifteen minutes. Surely Jane was gone. All she needed now was another scene from Jane, after having endured one with Jane's mother.

"That was Jane's mama, right?" Charise said, as if reading Laura's mind, slowly removing her wet parka.

"Here, let me put that in the kitchen where it can dry off," Laura said, taking it.

She hung it over a chair and let it drip on the linoleum tile. Charise followed her into the kitchen. Laura turned to her and smiled, trying to regain the mood of excited sexual anticipation they had both been feeling before Kendra had thrown a wet blanket over it.

"We have the whole day," she said to Charise, her eyes dancing significantly with unspoken promises.

A slow grin of recognition spread over Charise's face. "That's right . . . we do," she said, getting used to the idea.

In the past, they had always been forced to squeeze their moments together into odd hours after school and work, or brief periods when Charise's mother was away, or otherwise preoccupied. Spending a whole day together in bed was a luxury they had never experienced. Oh god, a whole day of fucking Inky! Laura thought. I'll die of joy. I hate Kendra for trying to spoil it.

But Kendra had come close. Laura still felt a sour, hard bubble of shame inside her. This lovely black schoolgirl belonged in class, not here in the apartment of some closet lesbian pervert who was about to enjoy the young thing's beautiful adolescent body all day. I feel like pure scum, Laura realized. How can I be such a shit? I should take her right over to that school this instant and make her go.

"Why did you want to come here . . . instead of go to school?" Laura asked, feigning innocence.

Charise, shedding some of the solemn seriousness the encounter with Kendra in the lobby had left her with, batted her eyelashes at Laura. "More fun here," she said, succinctly.

"Life isn't only about fun." God, I sound like someone's mother myself, Laura thought.

"You can say that again," Charise sighed, shrugging her shoulders.

She wore—Laura realized, now that Charise had removed the parka—a gray athletic jersey of the sort you could buy at Wal-Mart or Target, and of course her jeans, damp from the rain. We'll get you out of those wet clothes, my dear, Laura thought. I can't wait to run my fingers over that delicious smooth skin. And to kiss you everywhere.

She took the two steps that brought her face to face with the girl, her heart melting—and her pussy too, she realized. "I'm glad you like to come here," she murmured, eyes falling to Charise's very sensual mouth.

Charise said nothing but offered up her lips. Laura kissed her very slowly, not even touching her body until they had been kissing a full minute. For the first thirty seconds, they did not even open their mouths but just moved their lips together in a yearning, emotional rhythm. Then Laura's tongue slipped into Charise's mouth, coiling with hers, inviting Charise's back into her own mouth, her blood beginning to pound through her excited body.

Laura slid her hands under the bottom of the jersey, running them over Charise's smooth, naked back, so resilient and fresh and supple. I want her, she thought, desire humming through her body. I want her so badly. She may be a schoolgirl, but I want her more than anything!

"Come into the bedroom," she whispered against Charise's full lips. "I want you."

Charise grinned. "Not till you call me darling," she said, flirting, teasing.

"My darling Inky. My darling. Come in the bedroom with me. Please."

Laura caressed her face as she spoke, brushing the girl's bangs with her fingertip, stroking her phenomenally smooth cheek. Charise gave her The Smile.

"I hate it when anybody calls me 'Inky' but you. You know that?"

Laura took her hand and gently tugged her along. "Why is that?"

"At school they always teasing me. Inky this. Midnight that. Tar baby, jigaboo. They don't mean it sweet like you do when you say it. They all think it ain't too cool to be dark like me . . .but you like it."

God, this poor darling, having to put up with shit like that, Laura thought. She knew it was true because Jane frequently said those things, or similar ones, to Laura about Charise when they were alone.

"You don't realize how much I like it," Laura murmured, lifting up the athletic jersey, pulling it gently past Charise's hair and over her head. "I want to kiss your whole body all over, that's how much I like it."

"Even my wrinkly old elbows?" Charise grinned.

Laura made a face, playfully. "Everything but them."

Under the athletic jersey, Charise wore a navy blue sports bra. It clung tightly to her fairly large breasts, large for her slender body, supporting them though they needed no support. Laura slipped her fingers under the elastic running along the bottom of it, preparing to lift it off too. But Charise, smiling, stepped back.

"Wait . . . I got a surprise for you."


She unzipped her jeans and pulled them down in front, her white cotton panties too, exposing her smooth, gleaming abdomen. She then ran her fingers over it, the soft, salmon-pink hue of the undersides of her fingers contrasting with the deep black skin of her belly.

"See anything?" she asked Laura.

"Just your beautiful tummy that I want to kiss," Laura said, truthfully.

Charise looked down at it too, then back up at Laura, her face betraying a trace of fear that Laura had never seen before. "I think I might be pregnant," she said softly.

Laura's heart plummeted to her toes. Oh god. "Why . . . do you think so?" she asked, her mouth dry, voice quavering.

"I missed two periods. Last time I was here, I missed one just before. Then I just missed another one last week. And I feel a little sick sometimes."

"How do you feel now?"

The Smile again. "Shit, I feel great. I like being with you."

Laura knelt down in front of her, running her fingers over Charise's taut, flat tummy, ashamed to be feeling more lust than concern. She was very alarmed that Charise might indeed be pregnant, but she was filled with the urge to fuck her too, to swarm over the sweet thing and fuck her madly. Right below this flat, gleaming black tummy, and below the nest of tight black curls of hair just beneath it, was the gorgeous pussy she so desired. And it was probably moist and blooming, ready for her eager tongue.

She ran her fingers over the incredibly smooth black skin, where Charise's fingers had been. Charise's belly didn't seem any less flat and smooth and firm than it had ever been. She had an enchanting deep navel. Laura wanted to french it.

"How . . . would you have got pregnant?" she asked quietly, carefully. "That guy?"

Charise nodded slowly.

"Did you two do it again?"

Charise looked embarrassed, ashamed. "He wanted to. He didn't really get to do it right the first time. I told you, he sort of shot most of it on my leg. He was pretty excited."

"I can imagine," Laura said, knowing how excited Charise's young body made her. "So, to make it up to him, you let him shoot it right into you."

Charise crinkled her nose. "That's where it's supposed to go, ain't it?"

"No," Laura shook her head. "It's supposed to go right into that little rubber he's supposed to be wearing."

"He won't. Says it's shit."

Laura felt very sad. "What are you going to do?"

Charise shrugged. "Don't know. I ain't told my Mama yet. She'll kill me."

"Do you want me to help you?"

Charise pondered it, giggled, then shook her head. Slowly, turning seductive now, she inched her jeans and panties the rest of the way down her thighs. Her eyes smoldered. She knew Laura's weakness. Laura found herself forgiving the boy who had probably made her pregnant. If she did this for him, how could he resist?

She wanted to pursue the subject further, but Charise was trying to distract her, and it worked easily. Laura watched, fascinated, wildly aroused, as Charise untied her sneakers, slipped them off one by one, then kicked her jeans and panties free. She saw Laura's spellbound eyes on her body and yawned her naked thighs apart, showing Laura a glimpse of the hot, red, wet crease between them.

"You looking like you see something you want," she teased softly.

Laura, already on her knees, looked up at her and nodded. "I do."

"How bad you want it?"

"Very bad."

Laura got to her feet. Charise was now naked except for her sports bra. Laura pulled her own sweatshirt over her head. She wore no bra, and now she shimmied her naked breasts in Charise's face. Charise took them in her hands, her slender black fingers contrasting with Laura's creamy skin. She kissed Laura, sliding her tongue inside Laura's mouth. She pinched Laura's nipples gently.

"Your dick is bigger than his dick," she whispered in a sultry voice that, Laura thought, didn't sound possible coming from the mouth of a teenager.

"Mmmm, you'll have to wait for my dick," Laura whispered back, finally lifting the tight sports bra over Charise's breasts and pulling it up over her head too. "My tongue is dying to taste your sweet little pussy."

Charise loved being worshipped by Laura, and she sat on the edge of Laura's bed patiently while Laura removed the rest of her own clothes. Then, without even pulling down the bedspread, Laura pushed her down on it, filling her hands with Charise's naked breasts and kissing the girl ravenously. She kissed her neck, her ears, her throat, her shoulders, her clavicles, the smooth underside of her jaw, her cheeks, her nose, her eyes, her forehead, brushing aside the bangs, then kissing the bangs too. I love you, I want to eat you alive! she thought, stroking the girl's deep black, phenomenally smooth skin.

Charise blinked happily at her, their faces so close that they could feel each other's breath. "You must've missed me," she panted softly to Laura.

"Yes, I missed you," Laura purred. "And you were out giving your body to that beastly boy. Did he make you come?"

Charise, eyes dilated and pulsing with sexual excitement, shook her head. "Nobody ever made me come but you. And me, of course." She squint-smiled. "But you do it better than me."

"Do you want me to eat your hot little pussy?"

"Wow . . . yes, Laura."

"Are you going to come fast?"

"I think so. You got me all warm and gooey already."

"I didn't even suck your perfect nipples yet."

"Then you better do it. I'm dying to feel you do it. Do it hard."

"Oh . . . darling Inky."

Laura rolled onto her back, rolling Charise up over her at the same time, so that the girl's full, firm, delicious naked breasts dangled in her face. She held the dark globes in her hands, squeezing them, watching Charise's coal-black nipples swell, the centers popping up, the gleaming black areolas shiny, puffed up. She fed one into her mouth, sucking it in deep, hearing Charise sigh, feeling her body grow tense.

Charise's thick nipple quickly grew hard in her mouth, and she threw her head back, whimpering, mewling even more excitedly as Laura sucked it harder. Laura quickly released it and sucked Charise's other nipple into her mouth, devouring it, pinching it between her tongue and the roof of her mouth.. Charise went wild, gurgling and gasping, now opening her eyes and looking down at Laura's wide-open mouth that was stuffed with the flesh of her breast.

She began to moan and quiver uncontrollably, her body flexing and straining in a way that telegraphed to Laura that Charise was about ready to come. It was happening much sooner than Laura wanted it to. She wanted to keep this up forever, feasting on the girl's beautiful breasts, feeling Charise's sleek flesh giving under her fingers, hearing Charise's soft, urgent moans of frantic, accelerating need. I don't want it to be over, she thought. I want to do everything to this sweet, beautiful girl before she leaves me and I can't ever do it again!

She let Charise's wet, rubbery, erect nipple slip out of her mouth. "Are you going to come, baby?"

"Ungghh . . . oh god, yes!"

Laura rolled her again onto her back and slid down between her thighs in one fluid motion. She loved Charise's beautiful, shapely black pussy, and it was just as beautiful as ever, puckered and swollen, shiny with running juices, the interior fiery and inflamed, the little whitish bead at the top engorged, sticking up. Even though you let that guy shoot his disgusting jizz into it, Laura thought. I still love it. You are going to come hard, honey.

She wanted to lick it long and lovingly, but she knew they had all day too, the first time they had ever had hours to spend fucking. And if she didn't get busy, Charise was likely to come by herself, without any help from Laura. She was keening and mewling, clawing her own thighs, squirming and pumping her hips.

Laura pressed her mouth to this festering, oozing nether mouth of Charise's pussy, sliding her tongue up into the warm squinchy channel, stabbing it in deep. Charise gave a soft whoop, her lovely, supple body undulating as she approached the culminating instant. She was digging her fingers so hard into her clenching, glossy black thighs that Laura was afraid she might tear the skin. Laura grabbed both of the girl's hands in her own, the quickly pressed the flat of her tongue against the hard little bead of Charise's clit, knowing the girl was only a split second away from a crushing orgasm.

"Oh! Unh! Oh . . . oh shit . . . oh Laura! Ungghh! Yes yes!"

And then, her hands squeezing Laura's, her pelvis jerking spastically in sharp little twitches, she began to come, the breath locked briefly in her lungs as her body seemed to levitate off the bed before it started shuddering from violent shock waves.

"Anngghiiieeee!" she cried out. "Ounngghhh! Unghh! Oh . . . oh! Oh Jesus oh Jesus ohhhhnnnn! Ungghhh!"

Laura did nothing but hold onto her hands and press her own tongue against Charise's clit, riding out the tumultuous shocks of Charise's writhing body until they began to wane, and Charise began to relax, still panting and mewling helplessly, her eyes glazed and reddened, her toes still curled from a thrilling climax. Laura didn't hurry her to return from paradise. She was content to feel this deep intimacy, her mouth still glued tenderly to the girl's throbbing pussy, her hands still clutching Charise's hands, her fingertips somehow sensitive to every pulse traveling through the sweet girl's slackening body as Charise drifted back from her pulverizing sexual explosion.

After a while, Charise stirred and reached down with one hand to fluff Laura's hair. "You just get better and better, lady," she said, a little hoarse.

Laura smiled up at her. "I think I was only along for the ride," Laura confessed. "I think you might have come if I just let you lie there and pump."

Charise broke once again into her beatific grin. "I think you're right. Wow, you really had me going." She cupped both of her young, upswept breasts in her hands and brushed her large tar-black nipples with her thumbs. "You sucked these babies so hard, my pussy started feeling like a drum. Wham wham wham. Know what I mean?"

Laura nodded. She did know. Hers was feeling pretty insistent itself right about now. Charise could see the look in Laura's eyes. She took Laura's hand in both of hers, raising it up to her lips, staring deep into Laura's eyes while she kissed Laura's knuckles.

"Your turn, Laura," she whispered. "You lay down here. I'm gonna fuck you with your own dick." Charise nearly broke up over this, giggling and laughing and trying to suppress it, to keep control. "Now . . . where is it?"

Laura grinned while Charise hopped off the bed and squatted, searching under it. She came up with the huge double dildo in no time, but also found the four-pronged toy and the rope. Uh oh, Laura thought, hating revelations.

"What you doing with this?" Charise frowned, letting the white nylon rope dangle from one exquisitely-shaped, very black hand.

"None of your business."

Charise's eyes twinkled with mischief. "Laura, you could be arrested. I think you doing some stuff that's a little too wild. What do you do, tie up some other chick and then—"

Laura held up her hand. "Stop. Please. It's none of your business. Somebody left it there. It wasn't me. I just forgot to get rid of it."

Charise's eyes widened with shock. She looked more than ever right now like a stunned three-year-old. "You mean you let somebody tie you up with it?"

"No," Laura stammered, trying to think of some explanation that Charise would except.

But by now Charise was turning the four-pronged dildo from back to front in her hand, examining it closely. "Now this . . . I think I can understand," she grinned. She looked at Laura. "You been holding out on me, Laura."

Laura grabbed her wrist and pulled her back over to the bed, play-wrestling with her, luxuriating in the feel of Charise's naked body against hers. "I thought you said you were going to fuck me with my own dick," she purred sexily, seductively.

"Mmmm, that's just what I'm gonna do."

They kissed, a long, sensual, emotional, stirring kiss, during which Charise dropped one hand to Laura's pussy and began massaging the wet, soupy slit in slow, rhythmic swirls. Letting herself be lovingly fucked by Charise was a special thrill for Laura. Charise took it very seriously, as Laura did too. There would be no rushing, no hurry, no hasty groping or graceless penetrations.

Charise liked to 'make love'. She pushed Laura onto her back and began to caress and fondle Laura's breasts, gently squeezing the perfect globes, then licking and sucking Laura's nipples skillfully.

"You know, I saw that model who looks like you on TV," she murmured, without stopping what she was doing.

Laura had to smile. The sensations in her nipples caused by Charise's sensual mouth were marvelous, and getting her very aroused. Charise was the only person she knew who would say that Stephanie Seymour looked like her, Laura, rather than the other way around.

"Stephanie?" she said dreamily, running her fingertips along one bare black shoulder, watching Charise's pink tongue tease one of her throbbing nipples.

"Yeah, that's her," Charise murmured. "She was on some talk show. She pretty good-looking."

"Would you do this with her?"

Charise looked up at Laura, squint-smiling, enjoying herself immensely. "I might," she said, tickled to see Laura's expression fall. "Ooohhh Laura, you jealous! I love it when you get jealous. You don't have to be jealous. She probably don't like little ghetto bunnies like me."

"Poor her, then. And you don't live in a ghetto. You live about six blocks from here."

"Ain't as nice as this neighborhood, though."

"Ohhhh!" Laura gasped. "Oh god, that feels good!"

"Mmmm, you like that, don't you. You ain't the only one who can suck hard."

Laura was overcome by sexual and emotional feelings inextricably wound together, all of them centered on this delicious, artless young girl. "Can you fuck hard too?" she gasped softly, eyes veiled, smoking, her body squirming excitedly as Charise sweetly tormented her erect, wet nipples with her fingers and lips.

"I think I can if that's what you want."

"Don't you?"

Charise grinned, reaching for the huge double dildo. "Sounds like it might be worth a try."

Laura bit her lower lip as she watched Charise carefully rub one fat end of the monstrous dildo up and down in the wet groove of her open pussy. When it was sufficiently smeared with her buttery juices, and Laura herself was tense from anticipation, Charise began to push it inside.

"Uhnnnn," Laura gasped involuntarily, feeling her labia spread, stretched tight, by the huge fat pole pushing into her cunt. "Oh!"

Charise smiled and twisted it, holding it with both hands, slowly corkscrewing it into Laura's tight slit. Laura was amazed each time she felt it at how massive it was. Even Marshall's, the largest cock she had ever felt, was no match for this enormous pole, which felt like a baseball bat. Charise pushed it into Laura's pussy until she was completely crammed with it, her body throbbing and aching, feeling totally stuffed and impaled on this huge rubber cock.

"Oh god!" she whimpered, half-delirious from sexual excitement.

"Does it hurt?" Charise asked, her eyes sparkling with excitement too.

She knew the answer, having been fucked by this huge cock before herself. It did hurt a little, but the pain was temporary and wildly erotic. Laura had not come yet, and her body was very overheated, pulsing, throbbing, ready to explode in fiery sexual eruptions. Her eyes were glazed, her breath quick, raspy, as she shot a smoldering glance at Charise.

"No. Oh god . . . oh, do it, honey," she panted. "Do it . . . hard, like you promised."

Charise's black eyes were pulsing and swimming in hot, throbbing sex now too, Laura could see. She was caught up in the spell, and she moved the huge hard rubber pseudo-organ in and out of Laura's splayed pussy, watching it sink in, watching Laura's cuntlips cling to the edges as she pulled it back out, a thick, cream-colored shaft glistening with Laura's cunt juices. Laura began effortlessly, rhythmically, to gyrate her hips, pushing her pussy up into the impaling rod, swirling her pelvis, mewling half-maniacally deep in her throat as the sexual sensations grew more intense.

Propped up on her elbows, watching the huge, magnificent thing penetrate her cunt as Charise pushed it in, she half-smiled as she saw Charise began to insert the other end of the dildo into her own pussy, looking down, guiding the torpedo-shaped head up between her freshly-wet cuntlips.

"Unhhh!" Charise gasped as the huge thing slid up into her too. "Unghh! Oh wow, I forgot how big this thing is," she gulped, eyes watering.

But it slid in easily, and now they were both impaled on it, with Charise still holding it with one hand in the middle, the portion that protruded between their two groins. She gazed into Laura's eyes. It was an electrifying sexual moment, Laura on her back, Charise half-sitting between her spread thighs, both of them crammed with the fuck-toy, their bodies quivering, their eyes locked.

"Fuck me, baby," Laura said, forming the words with her mouth but not really saying them, knowing Charise got her meaning.

They began to move the lower part of their bodies together and apart, both of them feeling the monstrous shaft slide in and out, sending hot tingling through their flesh, making them both gasp and groan softly each time the huge torpedo pushed deep into their aching cunts. Laura was in ninth heaven, feeling the erotic swell rise inside her, watching the lovely young teenager who was fucking her, watching Charise's marvelous full young breasts rise and fall, sliding up and down on her body, almost bouncing but too firm to bounce far, as Charise began to increase the tempo, propelled forward by her own growing sexual urgency.

Charise's eyes rolled up in her head as the intensity of the sensations swept through her. They were fucking faster now, panting, grunting softly, bouncing on the bed, making it creak and shimmy. Laura couldn't help but recall how she and Jane had broken this same bed, using this same monstrously big double dildo, though that time it had been Laura on top, raping poor Jane, and herself, savagely, exuberantly, athletically.

She reached up with both hands and grasped Charise's moving breasts, squeezing the full globes lovingly, kneading Charise's large, thick nipples with her fingers as Charise began to pump hard, driving the fat, fake cocks up into her body and Laura's more forcefully with each hard thrust. She opened her eyes and leaned forward, pushing her breasts into Laura's hands and pumping vigorously with her hips, piercing Laura's pussy with the dildo, and her own as well.

"Ungghh!" Laura groaned. "Ongghh! Yes! Do it . . . harder, honey, ungghh! Ahhngg! Oh!"

"Ungh! Oh Laura! Oh yes unghh!"


"Ongghh! Unhhh! Unhh!"

"Oh god, honey! Yes! Auungghhh! Oh! Oh!"

Now releasing her grip on the middle of the dildo, which Laura knew was firm and resilient enough to stay in place no matter how hard they fucked since both ends were buried deep in their two pussies, Charise leaned down even further over Laura, kissing Laura hungrily and fucking her sharply at the same time, gasping and whimpering as the huge shaft pierced deep into her own pussy too.

"Laura . . ."she panted, agitated, rocking, straining. "I . . . I'm gonna come again."

"Me too," Laura panted back.

"Let's come together."

"Okay. God, hurry, baby! Fuck me hard. Harder."

"Unhh! Like this? Ungh! Ungh!"

"Owwngghhh! Yes . . . unh! Oh god yes . . . unghh! Ohnnggg!"

She and Charise had never had such savage, rapacious, scorching sex together. Though they reached powerful orgasms, they were usually slow and deliberate, loving, tender, firm but not violent. But now, they thrashed and struggled and fucked each other fiercely, jamming their groins together, spearing each other's pussy with the massive thick toy, groaning and even shrieking aloud as it stabbed deep into their bodies, until they were both trembling and shuddering on the edge of a fearsome climax.

"Yes . . . fuck me . . . yes!" Laura panted, looking up at the girl, twisting and pinching Charise's plump nipples, squeezing her breasts hard, ramming her pelvis up into each piercing thrust, jabbing the other end of the dildo deep into Charise's pussy.

"Ungghh! Annggh! Oh . . . oh Laura! Unghh!"

"Oh god!" Laura felt her whole body suddenly wrenched by a massive shock. "Auungghiiieeee!" she cried out, coming in violent spasms. "Ohhnggg! Unghh . . . anngghhhh! Oh!"

Charise in mid-stroke slumped forward onto her and began to come too, twitching and groaning as a severe climax shook her young body.

"Unngghhuuunnngghhh!" she groaned into Laura shoulder. "Unngghhh! Oh shit shit unngghhhaauunngghhh!"

As she flexed and quivered through this powerful orgasm, with Charise slumped on top of her coming just as hard herself, Laura wondered in the back of her mind if she and another had ever made this much noise while fucking. And though not still screaming, they were both still moaning like two horny cats, their throbbing bodies intertwined, their cunts still linked by the huge toy that had brought them to this. Laura was almost embarrassed to look at Charise, knowing they had never fucked this way before, this savagely. What would Charise think?

On the other hand, she herself was such a thoroughgoing, insatiable fuck-pig that she knew it was not enough for her. She rolled Charise onto her back and began fucking her again, this time with herself on top, fucking Charise slowly, sensually this time, not the savage, thrilling kind of fuck they had just gone through, but a more rhythmic, erotic one. Charise blinked and looked up at her, her face still showing the stunning effects of her last orgasm.

"Laura . . . you tryin' to kill me," she panted.

Laura shook her head, already pretty aroused again, holding the dildo with one hand, moving her own body back and forth on it as she pushed the other end into Charise.

"I can't get enough of you," she gasped, filling her hands again with the girl's wonderful, springy young breasts. "I just want to fuck you and fuck you and never stop."

Even in the grip of fierce sexual feelings, Charise beamed her enchanting smile at Laura. "You just go right ahead, then," she panted. "I love being fucked by you, Laura."

"Oh god, honey, you're so beautiful!"

One hard, deep thrust made Charise suddenly go glassy-eyed, and Laura realized happily that both of them were still on an orgasmic plateau they had reached in their last climaxes, and that more orgasms were only a second a way, if they pressed hard for them. She also realized, in the back of her mind, that neither Kendra nor Jane were home, or she would certainly have heard some stamping on the ceiling by now. She had run into Kendra in the lobby anyway, and she knew Jane must be at school.

This meant she and her darling Inky could scream bloody murder when they each came, if they wanted to, and this allowed Laura to drop all caution and to fuck Charise with a total frenzy that if anything exceeded the violent rape they had just inflicted on each other minutes ago. The pace had quickly returned to its past frantic nature, and they were now attacking each other like two crazed sex fiends, fucking in quick, sharp jabs, kissing, scratching, sucking, biting, dissolving in a maniacal, thrashing delirium of sex that had both of them coming again in under a minute.

This time Charise gave a loud whoop, her lithe young body flexing under Laura, its sleek ebony smoothness and deep gloss giving Laura an extra erotic charge as she too began to whinny and groan in the throes of a stupendous and electrifying climax. They clung to each other, twitching and whimpering and moaning in a whirlwind of shared coming, each wrenching spasm seeming to flow between their mated flesh, even their warm, rapid breath mingling as they kissed in a passionate culmination of an incredible moment.

Then they released each other, and Laura rolled off Charise, collapsing beside her, slowly withdrawing the huge dildo from her own pussy. It had slipped back out of Charise's as Laura rolled to the side. Both were stunned and half-destroyed by the power of the sex they had just experienced, and it was Charise, after several minutes, who broke the spell. She turned her head slowly to one side and squinted at Laura's bedside clock radio.

"Shoot, I ain't been here even an hour yet, and I think we finished each other off for the day," she said, wonderingly.

"It's my dick," Laura said weakly. "I think it brings out the best in us."

"It sure brought out a lot in you. I never been fucked that hard in my life."

Laura caressed her cheek, still on her back, unable to move. "You have a young life."

"I can say one thing," Charise brightened. "I bet if I was pregnant, I don't have to be worrying about that anymore. I don't think any baby gon' survive that pounding you gave my pussy."

She grinned irrepressibly. For a moment Laura had been ashamed and embarrassed to have inflicted such violent, rapacious sex on the poor girl, who in spite of her lesbian fucking with Laura and her few times with the boy who had possibly made her pregnant, was pretty innocent and sweet. Certainly not fodder for a horny pervert like me, Laura thought. But instead of being shocked, Charise seemed happy and amused, pleased that each time she was with Laura, the sex was hotter and more ingenious than the last. God, soon she'll be wanting me to tie her up, Laura thought, with mild horror. After all, Charise had discovered the rope under the bed.

They rested for a while. But since, as Charise had acknowledged, it was still only mid-morning, they did end up in bed again. Laura could not keep her hands off her Inky's svelte, jet-black body, and, surprisingly, Charise was just as eager to continue fucking as Laura. Only now, having let out their whirlwind of hot passion earlier, they could afford to go slowly, and the afternoon was a marathon of patient, sensitive fucking, so beautiful that Laura did not want it to end.

By two-thirty, each had had about a dozen orgasms, more than Charise had ever had at one time, she confessed.

"I lost count," she giggled gleefully. "That last one, though, was a killer. Like my body really didn't want to come, you know? One too many. But then, when it did, holy shit. I think I can still feel it aching down there from that last one."

"Want me to lick it and make it better?" Laura purred, caressing her wonderful black belly, so flat and firm it was impossible to believe she was truly pregnant.

"If you do, I'm gonna have to go through that again," Charise said, wide-eyed. "You don't ever get enough."

"Do you?"

"I just told you that last time sort of hurt a little."

"Mmmm, I thought you were telling me how great it was."

"Well," Charise smiled apologetically, "that too."

"It's okay," Laura said, remembering the time. "I think we ought to get you out of here before Jane comes home. One Fallon a day is enough, don't you think?"

"You got that right."

They began to dress, slowly, reluctantly.

"What are you going to do about . . . the problem?" Laura asked, pointing to her delectable smooth belly. "Do you want me to help?"

"I don't know," Charise pouted. "My Mama'll fry my ass when she find out."

"Do you want to go to a clinic?"

"You mean where they scrape it out?"

Laura nodded.

"In school they said you can't go unless you tell your Mama first."

Laura was very sympathetic. She put a tender hand on Charise's arm. What a decision to have to make. She loved the girl, but she also realized that she herself was nothing better than a child molester in the eyes of the law, in the same boat with the guy who had made the sweet thing pregnant.

"I'm hoping the way you rammed my pussy killed it off," she said, with alarming directness, apparently feeling no guilt. "Otherwise, I got shit to pay everywhere."

Before leaving Laura's apartment, they shared one last, lingering, very emotional kiss. "Thank you, Charise for sharing your day with me."

"Thank you, Laura, for being Laura and digging me so much. Nobody in my life ever dug me like you do." She winked. "And thank your dick, too."

Laura drove her back to the street corner, a few blocks from Charise's house, where she usually picked her up and dropped her. Again sheltered inside her huge parka, though it had now stopped raining, Charise looked tinier and younger than ever, standing on the corner, waving wistfully as Laura, crying in spite of herself, drove off.





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