Laura - Chapter 211
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Unless Laura started shopping at another supermarket, which was inconvenient, she could not avoid running into Tiffany at least once a week. Not that I’d want to avoid her, she thought. It makes me tingle all over just to see her face, or that gorgeous bottom. But considering the demands made on her time by her intense affair with Deshona, her troubled relationship with Randi, as well as frequent rendezvous with Mavis and Charise, she had little time or energy left over. Tiffany, however, was irresistible. She flirted with Laura so audaciously, even lasciviously, that Laura was afraid everyone doing their grocery shopping would know they were lovers. Tiffany caught her back by the produce section, where Laura was sifting through the broccoli for the best bunch. "We gotta have another booty contest," Tiffany whispered. Laura grinned. The girl was wildly fetching, her deep black skin miraculous and smooth, her cute butt sticking out, her eyes almost leering at Laura with artless lust and sassy temptation. "We already had two," Laura said under her breath. "Tell me you didn’t dig ‘em," Tiffany taunted her. Their eyes caught and held. There was a real hot pulsing there, fueled by the memory of some thrilling sex they had shared. "I get off in a half hour," Tiffany smiled. "You inviting me over? Don’t go telling me you have a date. You just got off work yourself. Whoever you doing it with, she ain’t gon’ be there before seven." Laura had no date. Deshona lived in Burlingame, and she would have already heard from either of the two teenagers, if they could get away. Tiffany, she realized, was a teenager too, but older, probably nineteen, more Chanitra’s age. Laura wanted to screw her right there among the cabbages. Oh god, she’s so lovely! "You changed your hairstyle," she said to Tiffany. Previously, Tiffany’s hair had been cut bowl-shaped around her face, with a longer fringe dipping lower at her ears. Today she had it pulled back with a ponytail hanging down behind her neck. She swished the ponytail---which Laura knew had to be fake---in Laura’s face, showing it off proudly. "What do you think?"
Laura leaned closer. "I love your gorgeous neck," she whispered. I want to kiss it." It was true. In fact, the smooth black curve of Tiffany’s long neck was enchanting now that she had her hair swept back, and the swishing ponytail drew attention to its pure perfection even more. The sharp contrast of Tiffany’s richly black skin and the crisp white collar of her uniform shirt made her even more alluring. Laura stared at her neck. "You better watch it," Tiffany confided. "People be getting ideas, the way you staring at me." "Oh . . . sorry," Laura apologized, snapping out of it. "You get off at six?" Tiffany nodded, smiling expectantly. "You can kiss my neck then, if you want," she whispered flirtatiously. Laura could feel warm juices flowing. Oh yes, she thought. Oh please. "I’ll see you then," she said, lowering her eyelids, risking a kind of sexual promise that she hoped no one but Tiffany could see. They could hardly tear themselves apart, but it was a crowded produce section of a popular supermarket, not an intimate bedroom. They gave each other a fake, perfunctory smile, and Laura went to the checkout stands alone, with her broccoli. She realized while walking that she was very wet between the legs and hoped it didn’t trickle down her thigh and tickle her. At home, she changed into shorts and a loose shirt, no bra, barefoot, and waited for Tiffany, trying not to think about what they would do together. Then she recalled that the sheet and mattress pad were probably still wet from Deshona’s little ejaculation during their torrid lunchtime fuck, the hottest sex they had ever had so far. She had spares and quickly changed them. Tiffany seemed very blasé about Laura’s other girls, but it wouldn’t do to have her roll over into the remains of this gusher from Deshona’s beautiful pussy. She also worried a little about Kendra and Jane upstairs, since six o’clock or shortly thereafter, when Tiffany would be arriving, was not an unusual time to find either or both of them at home. Laura frequently ran into them in the lobby or the elevator, getting their mail, or just leaving. She knew that Kendra would probably be relieved that Laura was fucking Tiffany instead of Jane, but Jane was shockingly jealous and unpredictable. Fortunately, Tiffany got to Laura’s apartment without encountering either of them, but Laura had to warn her about making excessive noise. "My neighbors are very nosey. They can hear us if we . . . you know, raise our voices too much." Tiffany was tickled by this. "You mean like, [she raised her voice] ‘Oh Laura, god yes girl, do me harder! Fuck me harder, Laura!’ Like that?" Her black eyes twinkled. Laura tried to keep a straight face. "Yes. Like that." "Maybe you better be more careful what you be doing to me, then." Laura reached out and caught the ponytail in her palm, careful not to tug it since she knew it had to be a fall, a piece of fake hair. It was silkier and not as stiff as Tiffany’s real hair. "I thought you were going to let me kiss your beautiful neck." "I’m gonna let you do more than that," Tiffany said, with a devastating wink. Their eyes caught again, as they had in the supermarket, linking in a hot, throbbing, dangerous circuit transmitting the electricity that was flowing between them. But now there was no one to see what they did. Laura took Tiffany’s face in both hands and kissed her full lips slowly, searchingly. Their tongues coiled and dashed together, stabbing, probing. "We didn’t even have our booty contest yet," Tiffany breathed excitedly. "We both know who the winner is," Laura said, pulling her toward the bedroom. Tiffany came along obediently. "You as bad as my boyfriend," she said. "You just want to kiss my neck and fuck me." In her bedroom, Laura shut the door behind them. "No . . . I want to do more than that," she murmured, beginning to unbutton Tiffany’s white uniform shirt from the top, watching the girl’s delicious smooth deep black skin come into view. Tiffany was petite, very small, smaller than Deshona, whom Laura would have thought of as petite had it not been for Tiffany. She was more than a head shorter than Laura, thin and tiny, with a divine small waist that made her thrilling ass even more dramatic and alluring. And, while small and thin, she had perfect young breasts, exquisitely proportioned to the rest of her delicious small body. Two small, beautiful girls in the same day, Laura thought as she finished unbuttoning Tiffany’s shirt and pulled it open, revealing Tiffany’s stark white bra against her velvet black skin. "Oh god, you are so beautiful," she heard herself saying, realizing she had already said it earlier in the day to Deshona. But it was true. They both had throat-catching beauty to her. She couldn’t believe her good fortune as she enfolded Tiffany in her arms and ran her lips up and down the smooth, warm, black column of the girl’s perfect neck. "Glad you think so," Tiffany murmured into Laura’s neck, which she was kissing in return. "I don’t know about you, but I’m getting pretty excited here. Are you gonna get naked too?" Laura wasn’t wearing much, and it was easy to slip out of it. So enchanted was she always with the naked body of the girl she was making love to that she rarely stopped to realize that the girl might desire her body too. This was the case with Tiffany, who, even more than Laura, seemed to revel in the contrast of their skin colors. Together they removed Tiffany’s pants and panties, and then they stretched out on the fresh sheets, kissing slowly, tenderly, letting their hands crawl over each other’s naked skin. "Look at my fingers on your breast," Tiffany said, her voice hushed. "Ain’t it beautiful? Ain’t it beautiful the way we look together? I wish you had mirrors on all your walls so we could just look at our bodies sliding together like this." "Mmmm, I’m going to slide right into yours," Laura murmured, kissing her gleaming shoulder, trying to drop her mouth to one of Tiffany’s small, perfect breasts. "Not so fast," Tiffany said, pulling her head up by the chin. She squinted playfully. "Me first. You always get to go first. I thought about these beautiful boobs of yours all the time we were apart, and I said to myself, This time I’m gonna get to hers first. They’re so beautiful, Laura." "You really think so?" Laura said, surprised at her coyness. Tiffany was already busy cupping them in her graceful, slender black fingers, brushing Laura’s bulging coral nipples with her thumbs, watching the tiny bumps appear on her areolas and the center nubs stiffen and emerge. Tiffany licked one swollen nipple tenderly, curling her tongue around it, stabbing the protruding center of Laura’s nipple with her tongue tip. Laura began to pant, but she kept her eyes fastened on Tiffany’s mouth. "You know everybody thinks so," Tiffany scoffed softly. "Nobody got titties this beautiful." "You do." "Mine are too small." "Oh no," Laura panted. But she couldn’t go on. Tiffany had gone beyond the licking stage, which was already arousing enough. Now she was sucking Laura’s nipples, one at a time, giving each one the kind of care and attention that Laura usually gave hers, devoting herself like a worshipper to each breast without any urgency or need to move on. Laura’s whole body began to pulsate and throb. She moaned softly. "Oh . . . you like that, don’t you," Tiffany murmured. "See, now you getting a taste of your own medicine. This is how you usually make me feel. I bet your pretty pussy is getting all wet too, just hoping I’ll dip lower, eh?" "Oh yes. Oh . . . Tiffany." "Laura, you too pretty to be a lesbian. There must be a whole army of guys dying to suck these beautiful titties." "I don’t care if anybody but you does it," Laura panted, meaning it in the moment. "You better be careful," Tiffany teased, rolling her eyes up. "Your neighbors." "I know." Laura pulled her up and kissed her ravenously. Her breasts were wet with Tiffany’s warm saliva, and both of them could feel it as Tiffany’s small breasts mashed against hers. "Can we do a sixty-nine?" Tiffany asked. "You know, where we eat each other at the same time? I never done that." "Not even with your boyfriend?" "Are you kidding? Take that thing in my mouth?" "Yes, we can do it," Laura smiled. "I’d love to do it. But remember my neighbors. When you come, push your face into my thigh or something." Tiffany made a mock frown. "Too bad. I like to really let it out." "I know, me too. But they’re usually home at this time of day." Tiffany pouted. "I’ll try. Can’t promise. You get me hot." "You get me hot too," Laura confessed as they reversed their bodies, Tiffany on top. From here on it was a hot, wild ride. She and Tiffany had already gone as slowly as they felt it was possible to go. They both were quick comers, and they both were frantically aroused already. Still, Laura could not hurry. She ran her fingers all over Tiffany’s peerless, round, smooth black bottom, and down the sleek backs of her thighs, relishing each micro-inch of delicious skin and firm flesh, taking in the heady odors and gazing in rapt lust at the oozing red flower of Tiffany’s succulent pussy. She was still busy admiring the swollen black petals of this lovely wet rose when she felt Tiffany’s long tongue slide right into her own warm, buttery slit. "Unh!" she gasped. "Mmmm . . . don’t make noise, Laura," Tiffany teased her, even while slurping Laura’s aching cunt with long tongue strokes, from top to bottom, then back to the top, where she tickled Laura’s sensitive clit fiendishly. Instantly filled with love and overpowering desire for the tiny, curvaceous, ardent girl, Laura pulled Tiffany’s glistening pussy down to her mouth and stabbed her tongue up into it too. The girl’s tangy cunt juices streamed into her mouth, and she swallowed them thirstily, digging her fingers into the resilient flesh of Tiffany’s perfect ass and sucking her swollen cuntlips in a fit of exuberant passion. But Tiffany was too much for her. Laura was used to making her lover come first, and so she was shocked to feel a surprising, sudden orgasm well up inside her own body and burst, almost without warning. "Ahhnngg! Oh!" she cried out, her body suddenly arching, then shuddering in sharp quakes. "Auungghhhh!" "Laura . . . shhhhh!" Tiffany giggled. And Laura, remembering, turned her face to the side, pressing her mouth against Tiffany’s sleek black thigh and groaning in sweet torment as the rest of her deep climax played itself out. "Oh god . . . oh god!" she gasped, breathless, finally relaxing. And without missing a beat, she pulled Tiffany’s crotch again down to her mouth and devoured the girl’s sopping-wet trench, slurping and sucking it in a frenzy of passion that soon brought Tiffany to the same state. Still lying on top of Laura, but so tiny that her weight was barely noticeable, she writhed and whimpered as Laura sucked her pussy hungrily, then came in sharp jolts, pushing her face into Laura’s thigh. "Mnngghhiieee!" she wailed, her cries muffled but uncontrollable, her small body jerking and flipping and undulating violently. "Ungghh! Oh . . . yes yes! Ungghh!" she gasped as the aftershocks hit her, now letting her groans escape free since they were not as loud. It took her a minute to recover. Then she rolled off Laura’s body and slid up face to face with her again, squinting happily. Laura kissed her forehead solemnly, then her mouth. "So . . . how did you like sixty-nine?" she asked. "You taste good," Tiffany smiled. "Is that my pussy I’m tasting?" "I think it’s yours and mine all mixed together." "I knew that’s why I liked it. I think sixty-nine is the bomb. And you went off like one too. You didn’t even warn me." "I . . . couldn’t help it," Laura half-blushed. Tiffany grew pensive and calm. "You know, I asked my boyfriend what he would do if I went to bed with another girl?" "You did? I thought you said he’d blow up or something." "That’s what I thought. But then I said to myself, oh fuck him. He doesn’t know I really did it. I guess I was feeling sort of reckless, so I asked him. Know what? He said long as it wasn’t a dude, he probably wouldn’t care. In fact, maybe the three of us could work out something together. Can you believe that?" Laura could believe almost anything. She could feel something coming. Tiffany looked at her oddly. "Don’t tell me," Laura said. "You want to try it." Now Tiffany broke into a broad grin. "After all, I dig him, I dig you. Why not?" You just want both of us to fuck you together, you little minx, Laura thought. I’ve been there. I’ve wanted to be fucked by two people, and I have been. I can’t really disapprove, can I now. On the other hand, Laura knew the havoc that could cause to a relationship. Karen and Rick. Rob and Camille. Rob, her, and Randi. Charise and Jane. Laura wondered if she really wanted to go that route with the delectable Tiffany, who was so artless and direct and free of hangups about going to bed with Laura. She pulled the girl down again on the bed, distracting Tiffany by swarming all over her small, naked body, dropping her mouth to the girl’s marvelous, miniature breasts, so perfectly proportioned to the rest of her tiny body. She spent as much time on each of Tiffany’s scrumptious breasts as Tiffany had earlier spent on hers, sucking each thick, pulpy nipple until it was hard and rubbery, and Tiffany was mewling softly. "I’m gonna make a noise for your neighbors to hear, if you don’t cut it out," she panted. Playfully, Laura grabbed a pillow and dragged it over next to Tiffany’s beautiful face. "Just push it into this, honey, because I’m going to make you scream," she said. She turned Tiffany onto her stomach, determined finally to feast on the incredible smooth black moons of her wonderful ass, which she had kissed and fondled during their first booty contest but never really made love to until now, afraid Tiffany would recoil or find it troublesome. But she needn’t have waited since Tiffany was very proud of her exceptional rear end. She had let Laura know through two booty contests that she was well aware of its incredible beauty. "Mmmm, you like my black ass, don’t you," she said dreamily as Laura began to kiss and caress it lovingly. Laura had made love to several black women with beautiful asses. In fact, just this noon she had caressed and fondled and worshipped Deshona’s, which was quite lovely and well-shaped. But only Chanitra and Jane actually had an ass in the same league with Tiffany’s. And even though all three were lean, lissome, supple, and dark, Tiffany was also thin and small, not athletic and strong-limbed like Chanitra or Jane. Laura kissed the smooth moons worshipfully, nipping the bulging undersides with her teeth, bringing soft, excited yelps from Tiffany. Since Tiffany was tiny, and as a consequence had a small ass, Laura could cup each moon in each of her hands, two firm, warm, resilient balls of flesh that gave under the light pressure of her fingers. "Your ass is a miracle," she whispered, bending again to kiss it everywhere. Tiffany smiled, wiggling it up and back into Laura’s caresses. "You getting me hot again," she sighed. Laura’s lips were all over her smooth, shapely ass, and were only inches from her wet, puckered slit, glimmering in the shadowy region below her cheeks. But this time Laura coveted another entrance to the girl’s delicious, squirming body. Tiffany’s round, black moons were so firm that she had to pull them deliberately apart to expose the small, wrinkled black rosebud deep in the dark crease. But she had a long tongue. "You’re going to get hotter," she murmured to Tiffany, slowly licking the wonderful deep valley between her gorgeous buns. "I hope you ain’t planning to do what I think you planning to do," Tiffany panted, her face contorted now with sexual excitement, and slightly worried, as she peered back over her shoulder at Laura. "Why, darling, it’s got you very excited," Laura said, with mock innocence. "You don’t want me to stop." "Ohhhhh . . . god, no! I don’t!" "Mmmm, good. I don’t plan to stop. Now relax. I’m going to take you to heaven, Tiffany darling." She debated whether to go for the baby oil bottle in the bedstand drawer now, or wait until Tiffany was out of her mind in a delirium of lust and wouldn’t notice. She decided on the latter, since Tiffany was already a little skittish about being fucked this way. Laura continued kissing and probing the warm crack gently with her fingertips, finally pulling on the flesh surrounding the tight little rectal hole she was aiming for. It gave slightly, and the tip of her tongue was inside Tiffany’s ass almost before the girl knew what had happened. "Ooooohhhh!" she shivered, mewing in a long, surprised sigh. "Oh god!" Capitalizing on the girl’s shock, Laura’s fingers pulled it open further, and she pushed her tongue deeper into Tiffany’s tight little asshole. "Oh shit . . . that feels good!" Tiffany gasped softly, again looking over her shoulder as Laura pulled her buns apart further, slithering her tongue even deeper into the yielding cavity. Laura was in ninth heaven, and Tiffany was nearly there too. She whimpered, clenching her perfect round ass cheeks, which in turn aroused Laura to tongue-fuck her throbbing little rectum even more wildly. "Oh! Ohnnnn . . . god Laura!" Tiffany panted. She was clearly so aroused that Laura in her mind quickly skipped the idea of the baby oil. Maybe next time. This girl came fast when excited, as she had warned Laura from the very beginning. There would be no time for anything but the wild finish, which was fast approaching. Laura reached under with her other hand, still using one to hold apart Tiffany’s very firm buns, and found Tiffany’s sopping-wet pussy, flooded with a fresh wave of juices. She slid two fingers up into the juicy pit, pressing both fingertips against the front wall of Tiffany’s runny channel. Still tongue-fucking her delightfully tight asshole for all she was worth, Laura at the same time let her fingers slide across the soft wet flesh inside Tiffany’s pussy, waiting to feel even the tiniest seizure in the girl’s body to know she had struck gold. It took only about ten seconds. A sharp twitch convulsed Tiffany, accompanied by a tight little mewling squeal, escaping involuntarily from her throat. "Oh! Mnnggieee! Oh . . . shit, Laura . . ." She began to come in fierce, wrenching spasms as Laura rubbed the secret spot inside her pussy with both fingers, rubbing it in hard circles. Tiffany had not come this deeply before, at least not with Laura. "Ohhnngghiieeee!" she wailed, her lovely small body straining, then collapsing into helpless quivering, then stiffening again, then shuddering sharply as wave after wave of crushing orgasms gripped her smooth young flesh. Laura’s tongue was quickly expelled from her ass by Tiffany’s violent motions, but her fingers never left the target, and she kissed and kneaded the swelling, delectable black moons of Tiffany’s extraordinary bottom while the girl continue to climax until she could apparently climax no more. Laura had counted five peaks, five moments of excruciating and intense pleasure, and Tiffany, completely devastated, seemed for a few seconds to swoon in the aftermath of this string of killer orgasms. Laura extracted her fingers and wiped them on the sheet, kissing the girl’s smooth cheek and cooing to her, bringing her back. "Oh darling . . . darling Tiffany, you came so hard," she murmured lovingly, kissing her ear, and the back of her neck, very available now if she pushed the ponytail aside. Tiffany, still panting, opened her eyes. They were still glassy and wet, the whites reddish and inflamed. "I told you not to do that," she said, hoarsely. "You never came like that before. Not with me, at least," Laura whispered. "Not with you?" Tiffany croaked, lifting her head from the sheet, frowning in disbelief. "I never knew anybody could come like that. Let alone me. I usually come right away, and then it’s over. That time, I just kept coming and coming." "I know," Laura beamed. She leaned down to kiss her mouth, but Tiffany crinkled her nose in a sardonic frown. "Don’t you think you better wash that mouth out first?" she asked. "We both know where that tongue has been." Laura shrugged. "Maybe you’re right. Hold that luscious mouth right there. I want to seal those orgasms with a kiss." She popped quickly off the bed and into the bathroom, where she rinsed her mouth with Listerine. Then she returned to the bed for a long, sensual, expressive kiss that soon turned into a prelude to Tiffany’s try at returning the favor. She had totally recovered from the wonderful ordeal of being forced to come five times in a row, and somehow this fueled her desire for Laura. She swarmed over Laura’s naked body, kissing and stroking Laura passionately. "I think I ought to give you a taste of your own medicine," she murmured. "But I ain’t sticking my tongue in nobody’s booty, no matter how beautiful they are." "Didn’t it feel good?" Laura panted, already feeling a hot, insistent pulsing deep in her own pussy, anticipated Tiffany’s lips on it, wanting to feel them desperately. "Felt great to me," Tiffany laughed softly. "I never came so hard as that. But what I’m saying is, I don’t think I can return the favor. Not that, anyway." "You sweet girl," Laura breathed. "If you just touch my pussy with your lips, I’ll come." "Really?" Tiffany twinkled. "I can do that." Laura rolled her eyes upward, smiling. "Promises, promises." Tiffany took it as a dare. Playfully, she dragged Laura down onto her back and got on top of her, kissing her hungrily, then sliding down Laura’s body, kissing everything on the way, sucking Laura’s nipples so voraciously that Laura thought she was going to swallow them. Laura was already fiercely aroused from the experience of tongue-fucking Tiffany’s gorgeous ass and bringing her to a string of semi-hysterical g-spot orgasms at the same time. She had nearly had a sympathetic orgasm herself while Tiffany was coming. And now Tiffany’s hungry, sensual mouth on her breasts was bringing her even closer to the edge. "Oh god . . . you better do it to me, darling," she warned Tiffany. "I’m going to come. Unhhhh!" "What? You can’t come yet. I ain’t ready yet. I want to do a few more things to you first." Laura giggled softly, desperately, pushing her head lower. "Please . . . please, Tiffany!" "I love it when you beg me. Now maybe I’ll give in. You really are close, aren’t you." "Oh yes!" Laura’s back arched, and the breath caught in her throat as Tiffany pressed her sensual lips directly against her pussy. "Ungghh!" Tiffany may have wanted to prolong it, but Laura’s reaction seemed to jack up her own lust to new levels, and she quickly began to devour Laura’s throbbing pussy excitedly. She stabbed her tongue deep into Laura’s runny pit, pulling Laura’s cuntlips open with her fingers and pressing her mouth hotly into the wet inner flesh, mewling herself in sexual excitement as she brought Laura up to a sharp climax, working very fast. "Oh god . . . oh god!" Laura gasped, her body undulating uncontrollably, her hips churning, as she felt Tiffany slide two fingers up into her greasy channel at the same time that Tiffany’s sensual lips found her clit. "Oh . . . oh! Unngghh!" "Go ahead and come," Tiffany coaxed softly. "Go ahead, Laura . . . I love it when you come." "Unghhhh! Aunngghiiiieee!" Laura half-squealed, suddenly throttled by a magnificent upwelling orgasm that filled her writhing body with fire. Shuddering and keening softly, Laura’s back arched, her ass lifted temporarily off the mattress, and she cooed and gasped as each successive shock of her climax wracked her naked body. It was a pure and sweet and lengthy orgasm, and when it finally passed, she collapsed, smiling up at Tiffany, who still had cuntslime coating her sensual lips. "You're a miracle," Laura said softly. "You learn so quickly." Tiffany squint-smiled, reminding Laura of Charise. "I had a real good teacher," she said. "Some things can’t be taught," Laura demurred. They kissed. It was, Laura thought, a sweet relationship, unencumbered by a lot of emotional baggage like many of her others. "I like to make you come," Tiffany said, simply. "The feeling is mutual." "But I got to go," Tiffany glanced at the clock radio. "I’m meeting my boyfriend at seven. When I’m late, he thinks some new Safeway bagger be trying to bag me." "He’s going to think it’s some girl, if you keep asking him what you said you did." Tiffany was already getting dressed, but she stopped and looked directly into Laura’s eyes, her own eyes twinkling again mischievously. "What do you think? You want to give it a try? You and me and him? He’d really dig you." "It could cause problems," Laura warned. "Just think about it. How would you feel, watching him fuck me?" Tiffany frowned slightly. It was clear she had never thought of that. "I don’t know," she said, pensively. "Maybe I will think it over." Laura walked her down to her car, even willing to risk an encounter with Kendra or Jane. Both she and Tiffany had forgotten to muffle their hot cries, and Laura dearly hoped no one had heard them. But she and Tiffany went unnoticed to Tiffany’s car, a sporty white Nissan Maxima. "I don’t want anything to get in the way of us," Laura said, kissing her quickly in the dark. "Me either," Tiffany said. "I’ll think about it." Laura watched her drive off, still feeling a sweet tingle deep in her pussy from the memory of what they had done. |
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