Laura - Chapter 209

The evening with Deshona was exhausting and thrilling. Apart from nearly killing one another with fucking, they again melted together emotionally, deeply in love and wildly happy in each other's arms. Laura returned home, singing again all the way in the car, unable to believe her good fortune. She even half-pledged to herself to curtail most of her other relationships, for two reasons. One, Deshona loved and trusted her, and she had to live up to the trust. Two, she felt so guilty lying about all of them that something had to be done.

But she was unfortunately put to the test immediately. Yvette had been promoted again, this time to an executive director reporting to (who else?) Rhonda, and Rhonda was throwing her a party.

"I can’t come to that," Laura said to Rhonda. "I’ve slept with you both. It’s so embarrassing."

"You have to," Rhonda said. "I insist. April will be there too. Even though," she deadpanned, "we both know you never slept with her."

Laura shot daggers from her eyes at Rhonda. "Nor did you," she spat.

"You just have to be a grownup about it," Rhonda said, contemptuously. "Easy come, easy go. Maybe you’ll get promoted someday, if you don’t burn your bridges."

"You mean if I let the right person—"

But Rhonda fixed her with a fierce stare that cut this off before it could get out.

The party was held at Rhonda’s house, an expensive Tudor-style place in the Forest Hills neighborhood, far too big for one person. It was, Laura thought, like Deshona’s, though Deshona had been married and had the house as a result. Rhonda had no excuse but ostentation.

She had decided only to put in an appearance, to duck in and duck back out, and so she arrived late and had to park about a block away. Inside the house, she immediately realized that she should have made any excuse not to come. Not only was Yvette there, of course, looking stunning as usual in a slinky dark blue dress cut all the way up her thigh. Her husband Arthur was there too. That made three people Laura had slept with, though Arthur had raped her. In the ass, too. She could feel her ass clenching in fear as she spotted him across the room.

A few minutes later she ran into April in the kitchen. They looked at each other, and both averted their eyes. Laura knew April was now sleeping with Rhonda, and April knew Laura knew it. Neither one wanted to risk a word.

Worse, Laura saw the gorgeous Tamara Taylor in the dining room, surrounded by men. She knew Rhonda loved to surround herself with pretty black girls, and so it shouldn’t be surprising that she was after Tamara too. Laura had lusted after her from afar for weeks but not dared to pursue her, already having her hands full with Deshona and the others.

And then, drifting out the French windows onto the lawn as if to avoid possibly painful encounters with the people inside, Laura ran into Chanitra, Yvette’s sister. For a moment, Laura found herself thinking it was the tennis star Venus Williams. She had spent so many Saturday and Sunday mornings in front of her TV, watching Venus’s beautiful, powerful young body in action, hungering desperately to fuck her over and over, that the sight of the tight beaded braids and glossy black arms nearly bowled her over.

Chanitra wore—and had always worn—her hair in the same style. But though Venus didn’t have an especially appealing face, Chanitra’s was gorgeous, and more so now than ever. Let’s see, she must be nineteen, Laura thought, counting the years in her mind. God, she just keeps getting more beautiful. When is she going to stop?

"Laura!" Chanitra grinned, turning away from a couple of men who were apparently hypnotized by her fresh beauty and sex appeal. "’Scuse me, fellas," she said to them, taking Laura’s arm and pulling her off toward a shadowy area of the patio.

"Laura, you look so good," Chanitra said, admiring Laura from top to bottom, which gave Laura a rush.

They had experienced some pretty hot moments together. The last time, over a year ago, she and Karen had fucked Chanitra (and themselves) mercilessly with two double dildoes until the three of them had nearly incinerated Laura’s bed on the spot. It was a stirring memory, and she could see from the glint in Chanitra’s eyes that she still remembered it too.

They talked for several minutes alone, feeling the sexual energy that had always flowed between them, clearly wondering how they had remained apart for over a year. But it was no mystery to Laura since she could see the way the guys devoured Chanitra with their eyes. They were interrupted by Yvette herself.

"Laura . . . how great to see you!" Yvette bubbled, taking Laura’s hand and turning her physically away from Chanitra. "Gosh, it’s so good to see you. Where’ve you been?"

"At work every day," Laura said, sarcastically.

"Oh, I guess I’ve been flying off so frequently to New York or Chicago that I just haven’t had the time to stop by and visit."

"I guess that’s what goes with success," Laura said flatly.

"We’ve got to talk." She drew Laura away from Chanitra. "Chan, you don’t mind if I talk to Laura privately for a moment, do you?"

"I gotta go find Cynthia anyway," Chanitra said. "My friend Cynthia is here with me," she explained to Laura. "We’re headed for another party."

Yvette drew Laura further into the shadows. "If Arthur sees us together, he’ll kill us both," Laura warned her.

Yvette’s face froze in fear. Rarely had Laura seen that expression. "I know. Just a second. I know what you think of me and . . . this promotion."

"I’m very happy for you," Laura said with deadly irony.

"But I miss you. I need you. We haven’t been together in . . . months. It’s just not the same with Rhonda."

"Why, I think she rewards your loyalty very well."

"Look, call me, okay?" Her dark eyes suddenly throbbed with hot, unmistakable meaning. "Remember that ‘lunch’ we had in the hotel across the street from the office?"

"I can never forget it," Laura said truthfully.

Yvette squeezed her hand, imploring her. "Call me. Please call me, Laura."

They both looked around nervously, as if Arthur could overhear them. "I will," Laura said, almost inaudibly.

She watched as Yvette walked away from her. The blue dress was cut low in the back, and Laura could feel a hot, excited tingle deep in her pussy as she looked at the fantastic, smooth, black skin of Yvette’s half-naked back, which she had kissed and caressed so many times.

Upstairs, looking for a non-occupied bathroom, she ran into Chanitra again. Literally. It was semi-dark, and Chanitra came around a corner carrying her coat.

"Not leaving, I hope," Laura said. "God, you have turned into a rare beauty, darling."

Now the old Chanitra Laura knew came back. She crinkled her nose and smiled. "You flirting, you nasty thing you?"

Laura took her hand and pulled her into an empty bedroom. She had slept with Rhonda and knew the house well enough. She closed the door behind them. It was very dark. Her lips found Chanitra’s quickly, and they kissed hungrily, drinking each other, more passionately than even Laura had expected.

Chanitra wore a midriff blouse, showing off her delectable smooth black tummy and lower back, and Laura’s hands roamed all over the warm flesh. She raised them to Chanitra’s small, hard breasts, squeezing them through the bra cups. Chanitra broke off the kiss, panting.

"You better stop that before we get carried away," she whispered.

"I’d like to carry you away," Laura panted back, biting her earlobe.

"Ouch! God . . . Laura, I wish we could do it."

Laura pulled her over to the small day-bed by the window and drew her down onto it. Without speaking, she pulled up the midriff blouse and also pulled Chanitra’s bra cups up from the bottom, exposing both beautiful jutting young breasts. Chanitra’s protruding black nipples gleamed in the moonlight that poured through the window.

Laura began squeezing and sucking and pinching Chanitra’s naked breasts passionately, and Chanitra succumbed completely to the sexual assault. She began moaning softly, watching Laura’s mouth on her sensitive nipples, throwing her head back as Laura sucked her harder.


"Don’t make too much noise," Laura cautioned.

"Can’t help it."

"I want your pussy."

Chanitra giggled softly between moans. "Everybody wants my pussy."

"Not as much as I want it," Laura said, her fingers scrabbling at Chanitra’s jeans, trying to find the zipper.

"Here, I’ll help you," Chanitra said calmly, reaching down and unzipping them slowly while her eyes lingered on Laura’s.

"Better not take them all the way off," Laura said. "We have to hurry."

Chanitra pulled her jeans down below her knees so that she could open her sleek thighs wider. "How’s this?"

Laura had rarely seen a more entrancing, seductive sight in her life. Fully clothed, Chanitra was wildly desirable, the white beads in her braids glimmering, her glossy, smooth, perfect skin glowing in the moonlight. But now, with her midriff blouse and bra scrunched up around her neck, revealing her exquisite breasts, her nipples stiff and wet with Laura’s saliva, her jeans pushed down around her calves, her white bikini panties still on, she was enough to kill for.

Laura was overflowing with lust. "Honey, how could we have stayed apart so long?" she asked rhetorically, as Chanitra busily opened her, Laura’s, shirt and unfastened her bra cups. "Oh!" Laura cried out softly as she felt the girl’s wet, sensual lips closing over one of her nipples.

From this moment on they went after one another like two wild animals. Laura had not had such hot sex since her catfight with Randi. She quickly unzipped her slacks and pulled them down. They kissed, pushing their naked breasts together, hands descending. Laura pulled down Chanitra’s flimsy bikini panties and slipped two fingers up into the girl’s sopping-wet slit, opening her fingers enough to lodge Chanitra’s hard little clit between them, then rubbing it hard.

"Ungghh!" Chanitra gasped, overcome.

She had her hand in Laura’s crotch too, and even though she was wildly aroused by the quick, hot fucking Laura was giving her pussy, she too managed to get two fingers into Laura’s flooding cunt. She began to fuck Laura’s just as heatedly, both of them gasping and whimpering uncontrollably. In the middle of this frantic fucking, they slipped off the day-bed onto the floor, squirming and groping, kissing and sucking.

"Ohhhhh . . . baby, oh baby!" Laura panted, crushing Chanitra’s half-clothed, beautiful firm young body to hers, pumping her hand hard into the girl’s hot wet furrow.

"Laura . . . oh god, Laura! Ungghh!"

"Come on, baby, come on! Come with me . . . now now!"

"Anngghh! Oh . . . oh shit oh yes oh yes Laura unghh! Ungghh!"

"Oh baby . . . unhmmngghhmmeee!" Laura screamed, pushing her face hard into Chanitra’s gleaming round shoulder as a hot uprush of coming engulfed her.

They both came at the same instant. It was a thrashing, groaning, tumultuous shared orgasm on the floor. Laura couldn’t believe how hard she came, a sensation like rockets of fire squirting up into her pussy as she and Chanitra kissed in a fierce frenzy and whimpered through successive shocks of jolting pleasure.

It was over as quickly as it had started. They pulled apart, dazed, their clothes disheveled and open, their eyes still glazed over from the sudden finish, the excruciating, intense pleasure. Chanitra caressed Laura’s cheek with one finger, a tender gesture unlike anything she had ever done before.

"Shit, Laura, I forgot you really know how to fuck," she said softly, as if in awe of what they had just done. "Just threw me on the floor and raped me."

Laura smiled. "I don’t really think it happened that way."

"Well . . . I sort of helped, I guess."

"I guess you did."

They helped one another to their feet, rearranged their clothes, and then inspected each other to make sure they were presentable. Chanitra crinkled her enchanting nose at Laura, smiling like a pixie.

"We gotta do this again."

We sure do, Laura thought. I didn’t even get my hands on this gorgeous, hall-of-fame ass. She looked at Chanitra’s magnificent bottom with renewed lust. "Let’s go to my place."

"I can’t. Got Cynthia with me. We’re going to a party. Tell you what, I’ll call you."

"They all say that," Laura pouted.

"I will!"

Laura got to meet Cynthia downstairs as she and Chanitra were leaving. Also nineteen, she was also ravishing. She was thinner, less well-built than Chanitra but with a lovely face and dangerous eyes, her complexion deep brown-red. She was what some blacks called a ‘redbone’ and had an enchanting deep bronze glow to her smooth skin. Her expression was very bold and inquiring. Laura wondered what she might know about her relationship with Chanitra.

Laura saw them off, then circulated slowly through the crowd, trying to figure out a good excuse to leave. Again she ran into Yvette, in the kitchen.

"Meet me upstairs for a minute," Yvette whispered.

"We can’t do that. Rhonda will see us. Your husband’s here! He’ll kill us."

"Just for a minute. I’ll go. You follow in a minute."

Laura wanted to and didn’t want to, but Yvette quickly disappeared, leaving her no choice. A minute later she went back up the stairs, trying to appear as casual as possible. Yvette was waiting at the end of the hallway and drew her into Rhonda’s bedroom, the master bedroom. All the guest’s coats were on Rhonda’s bed.

Laura looked at it. Both Yvette and I have made love in that bed, she thought, but not to each other. How odd.

But Yvette was still pulling her hand. She pulled Laura into the adjoining bathroom and shut the door, locking it.

"God, we can’t do this!" Laura gasped.

But, with a kittenish smile, Yvette had already dropped the front of the sexy blue dress. She was completely naked from the waist up. Laura looked at her marvelous breasts and puffy, glimmering black nipples, her sculptured clavicles, her smooth chest, her flat midriff. Yvette had been only her third girl, the third one she had gone to bed with after Karen and Rina.

No wonder I can’t live without her, Laura thought. Anyone would kill for her. Look at her beautiful body!

"Are you going to do anything but look?" Yvette asked softly, ever the coquette.

With a soft, muffled groan of defeat, Laura closed her hands over Yvette’s small, perfect breasts and kissed her heatedly. "I can’t resist you," she murmured into Yvette’s even white teeth. "It’s been too long."

"Ummmm . . . much too long," Yvette murmured back, busily unbuttoning Laura’s blouse, which her own sister had helped Laura button back up only a few minutes earlier.

Together they got it off, and Laura’s bra too. She and Yvette now embraced, purposely pushing their naked breasts together and watching their excited nipples brush and kiss. Laura kissed her smooth black neck, her peerless throat.

"God, you are so beautiful."

"We better hurry," Yvette panted. "Before somebody comes up here to get a coat."


Yvette held Laura’s face in both hands, gazing deep into Laura’s eyes. Her own dark eyes watered. "Laura . . . I’ve missed you. I know it seems like I’m ambitious, and I’ll do anything for my career."

"You mean like Rhonda?"

Yvette nodded and looked down briefly, ashamed. "But no one in my life makes me feel the way you do."

Laura leaned close and kissed her unbelievably smooth cheek, her ear. "I want to lick your beautiful pussy," she whispered.

"I don’t think we have time for that," Yvette panted softly.

But Laura had already cradled both of Yvette’s naked breasts in her palms and was patiently licking her bulbous black nipples, then sucking them hungrily. She was torn between two imperatives. She and Yvette had not fucked for a very long time, and Laura wanted to draw it out, enjoy it fully, completely, lengthily. But they could be surprised in here, and they had to get it over with quickly.

They were not exactly in a comfortable situation either, standing up against the closed door in Rhonda’s private bathroom. Yvette was beginning to moan and mewl uncontrollably as Laura devoured her hard, rubbery, wet nipples, pinching them between her thumbs and forefingers, nipping them passionately with her teeth.

"Oh god . . . Laura! Unhhhh!"

Yvette’s knees sagged, and her eyes rolled up. Knowing they had to hurry, Laura dropped to her knees, pulling up the expensive dark blue fabric of Yvette’s dress and tugging her panties down until they dropped at her ankles. The skirt of Yvette’s dress was draped over Laura’s head like a tent. It was dim in the bathroom anyway, and under the skirt it was almost completely dark.

But it was easy for her mouth to find the warm, wet crease of Yvette’s beautiful pussy. It was all buttery and warm and sweetly odoriferous, as if Yvette had dabbed it with perfume before coming to the party, in hopes of this happening. Maybe she had, Laura thought, giddily.

"Unhh!" Yvette gasped sharply as she felt Laura’s tongue slip up into her slippery crack. "Oh shit!"

"Hold on, honey," Laura said, her voice muffled under the skirt. "It’s going to be a quick ride."

Yvette’s pelvis was already quivering in anticipation of an exciting climax. Laura pressed the flat of her tongue against her clit, rubbing it harshly up and down, feeling fresh fuck-juice bathe her lips and hearing tight little whinnying sounds come from deep inside Yvette’s throat as she started erupting in a long, convulsive orgasm. Leaning back against the door and clutching Laura’s head under her skirt with both hands, Yvette gyrated her groin up into Laura’s mouth, ramming her ass back against the door at the same time as she came. This made violent knocking sounds

Laura realized that Yvette, in the throes of a wrenching orgasm, had totally lost control. As if hammering the closed door with her gyrating ass were not enough, she began to moan loudly.

"Ahhnnngghh . . . oh god auungghhh! Oh! Ungghhh! Oh . . . Laura!"

"Shhhh!" Laura tried to quiet her, awkwardly slipping out from under Yvette’s skirt and standing up again, embracing her as the aftershocks waned.

Yvette, trembling and mewling, almost crumpled in her arms, sagging again, sighing in a surfeit of bliss. "Oh god . . . Laura!"

"Yes, yes," Laura responded, kissing her, enraptured as well by the experience, wishing they could stretch out on a bed and fuck repeatedly.

Yvette kissed her back, wild with gratitude. "God, I came so hard. Nobody ever makes me come so hard."

"I wish we could go somewhere."

"Let’s go to your place."

Laura grinned ruefully. "You’re the guest of honor. And your husband’s here."

Yvette’s face fell. "I know. Arthur will probably want to take me home and fuck me. He doesn’t know that nothing could ever top this."

Laura raised one eyebrow. Arthur had raped her, a couple of years ago, at the beginning of her affair with Yvette. He had kept up a running commentary throughout it, taunting Laura with insults about how lesbians fucked. Laura wondered if he didn’t suspect she was giving Yvette more pleasure than he was.

Yvette fondled Laura’s naked breasts. She nuzzled Laura’s neck. "I want you to come too."

"It’s so dangerous. What if Rhonda has to use the bathroom?"

Laura was already on Rhonda’s shit list over the Stevie Archer affair, and for April too. She didn’t need this, since Rhonda had always been hotly jealous of her and Yvette.

"Then we have to do it fast," Yvette smiled. "Do you want me to use my hand or my mouth?"

Just the thought nearly made Laura reel. This beautiful girl, asking how I want her to fuck me! she thought. She and Chanitra, Yvette’s own sister, had hand-fucked each other into a frenzy only minutes ago in a room down the hall. Now Laura was dying to feel Yvette’s exquisitely sensual lips on her pussy. She knew she would come in a few seconds with Yvette’s tongue on her clit.

"Mouth," she half-croaked, fighting back her moans as Yvette dropped her mouth to Laura’s breasts and began teasing and sucking her nipples hungrily. "Oh god, hurry!" she gasped, pushing Yvette’s head lower with both hands.

Together they hurriedly unfastened Laura’s belt and buttons, dropping her slacks to the floor. Yvette’s slim, dark hands quickly pulled Laura’s panties down to her ankles. She dropped to her knees, pulling Laura’s thighs open with her fingers, assaulting Laura’s open, festering, wet, warm pussy with her mouth more directly than she ever had, just sucking and tonguing it frantically and wildly, slipping two fingers up into Laura’s greasy furrow too, plunging them in deep while she sucked Laura’s clit.

Laura was overwhelmed by the quick, scorching love-attack. Her knees sagged, as Yvette’s had also moments ago, and she slumped back against the door, tilting her hips up and holding Yvette’s head in both hands.

"Unnhhgg . . . unnhhggg!" she groaned, nearly coming apart at the seams as Yvette rapidly brought her to a fierce, convulsive orgasm. "Oh! Auungghhh!"

She came in furies, ramming her ass back against the door too, until the wild, erratic hammering sound it made reached her ears, and with all her might she forced herself to stop swirling her ass back into it. Yvette’s sensual lips were fastened on her clit, sucking it lovingly, and though her fingers had stopped upthrusting, they were still embedded deep in her throbbing cunt.

For a second Laura thought she was going to lose her balance. She was woozy from the overpowering spasms of her climax, and could not get her breath. But, smiling, Yvette stood and pinned her back against the door, kissing her mouth soulfully while her hand still gently, tenderly rubbed Laura’s still-pulsing slit.

"I love fucking with you in Rhonda’s places when she doesn’t know it," she murmured. "Her office . . . her bathroom. Remember when I left a puddle of pussy juice on her desk?"

Still flushed, Laura blinked at her. "Remember when she caught us?"

Yvette pursed her lips in acknowledgement. They had made a fearful racket and were in great danger of being overheard. In almost desperate haste, they helped each other back into their clothes. As usual, Laura watched mournfully, though briefly, as Yvette’s lovely naked body partially disappeared again under the sexy blue evening dress, though there was still lots of her delicious black skin showing. Quickly she re-buttoned her own blouse. They checked each other’s hair.

"You leave first," she whispered to Yvette. "I’ll follow. Looks bad if anyone should see us both coming out."

"I know." Yvette looked sad. "I miss you, Laura."

"Kiss me and go. Call me tomorrow. Maybe we can meet."

It seemed she had never seen Yvette look so sad. She looked back longingly at Laura as she slipped out the door, and Laura shut it behind her. Oh god, I hope no one is outside in the bedroom or the hallway, Laura thought. It must have sounded like two buffaloes were humping up here.

But she still had a sweet tingle deep in her pussy from recalling it. Finally, she took a deep breath and left the bathroom herself, after giving it the once-over to make sure they hadn’t left any telltale traces. She was relieved to find no one in the bedroom or hallway. Downstairs, Yvette gave her a veiled look from across the room, and Laura smiled at her.

Rhonda, she saw, was busy talking with the gorgeous Tamara Taylor in the corner. The witch is trying to get that darling, shockingly beautiful girl into bed, Laura thought. Doesn’t she ever give it a rest?

But she couldn’t help staring at Tamara herself. And the girl felt Laura’s eyes on her, as people mysteriously often did. She turned her face and glowered at Laura, as if Laura’s eyes had been trying to rape her. And Laura, looking away, wondered if they had been. She hoped to have better self-control than that.

Having grabbed her sweater off Rhonda’s bed, she was trying to make a getaway when she ran into April on the front steps. Oh great! she thought. Wild fucking upstairs with the hot sisters. Arthur lurking somewhere, Rhonda flirting like a slut, Tamara Taylor ripping me up with her hostile glance. And now April, who seems to have decided to hate me. Counting Arthur, whom she would have rather forgotten, that made five people in this house at one time with whom Laura had shared a bed. And some bodily fluids, she thought, wryly.

I’d like to share more with April, she mused, finding April just as attractive as she had at first. Having come face to face, they could hardly not say anything.

"Hi," Laura said, smiling. "Long time no see."

"Hello, Laura."

April was wistful, slightly distant, uncomfortable. She thinks I think she’s screwing Rhonda, Laura realized. I wonder if she is.

Even though she had had thrilling sexual encounters with both Chanitra and Yvette within the hour, Laura realized she could make love to April in a second. It was her charming face, her shy, quiet demeanor, her resentfulness of Laura for being so promiscuous, a distant aloofness that Laura was again challenged to overcome, as she had twice overcome Deshona’s remote distrust. It was also April’s body, her incredible tar-black areolas that spread over more than half of each breast, so large you couldn’t get one completely inside your mouth. Her ‘big’ ass, not so big, Laura thought as she glanced furtively at it, but just chunky and fine.

She wanted all of April, and April knew it.

"I’d love to talk to you," Laura said softly. "We could go to my place."

April shook her head. Her eyes watered briefly. Laura was touched. She wants to, she thought. She can’t let herself.

"Rhonda won’t know," she prompted.

April caught her full bottom lip by her top teeth. "Don’t think I better. Thanks, though. You go on."

"I wish you’d come too."

April shook her head. "Not this time."

Did that mean next time? Laura felt her heart race. Maybe it did. "Okay," she said calmly. "The invitation is open, okay?"

April smiled, wistful again. "Okay."

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