Laura - Chapter 199


In the afternoon, Laura and Deshona Reed did manage to pull it together long enough to complete about three hours of work before they wound up in bed again, ‘fucking like bunnies,’ as Deshona put it, giggling. In all, it was an unexpectedly orgiastic day for both of them, and they were exhausted, but still tingling with love for one another, by the time Laura left at nine p.m.

She sang in the car all the way home. Thoughts of April, Rhonda, Randi in bed with Rob, only returned as she approached the city, and her happiness from a day in Deshona’s arms kept these thoughts at bay. She knew she fell in love too easily.

I fall in love too fast,
I fall in love too terribly hard
For love to ever last,

she hummed.

Then her mind took a bizarre twist. So . . . who are you in love with now, you sap? Deshona, Randi, Charise, Shavon, Yvette, Trina. Not to mention Jonelle and Brandi. What about darling Mavis? And just a little with April? How can you be in love with all of them?

This was an unsettling thought, but merely thinking of them made her heart throb passionately for each one. And, even though she would have thought herself dried out completely after a dozen orgasms with Deshona, it made her pussy wet too. I love them all! How can I help it? I want them all. I don’t want to give up a single one!

In the following days, she and Deshona called one another constantly. They both had heavy work schedules and lived a fair distance apart, so it was not easy to see each other often. But they were moonstruck with each other and heated up the phone lines. They finally had to restrict calls to evening hours at home due to their tendency to cross the line when discussing their past and planned intimacies.

For a week her other distractions were minimal. She only saw April once, from a distance, though it filled her with longing. April did not see her. Rhonda continued to avoid her. And Randi seemed to have disappeared.

On the third day after the beginning of her affair with Deshona, she received a call just as she got home from work.

"Oh, Charise, I’m so happy to hear from you. God, I’ve missed you. Where have you been?"

Charise spoke very softly, as if she were afraid of being overheard. "My mama," she said. "Told you she been watching me like a hawk. She think I been doing it with some dude. If she found out about you, she’d scalp me clean. I got to be careful."

"I know. Darling." Laura added the ‘darling’ because she knew how it thrilled Charise.

Nobody loves this girl as much as I do, she thought, or realizes how beautiful she is either. Never mind that I love to fuck her too. God, I am such a dirty-minded tramp and slut.

"Love it when you call me that."

Laura could hear her smiling over the telephone. "When can I see you?"

"It’s why I called. My mama went to a funeral. Won’t be home for about two hours."

"I’ll pick you up in the same place."

"No. I borrowed my brother’s car again. I can get there. I just wanted to make sure you weren’t already doing it . . . with Jane or somebody." Her voice trailed off, revealing her unwillingness to pursue it.

"Drive carefully. And hurry," Laura said. "I adore you."

She did, too. She loved Deshona, but thoughts of Deshona completely left her mind as she felt her whole body begin yearning for Inky. She went into her bedroom and smelled the sheets, just to see if there were any lingering odors that would disturb Charise. The girl was an absolute gem, and in her way she was just as jealous as Jane was, or Randi.

On top of that, she had poor self-esteem, a weakness from which Jane did not suffer. Jane was a pampered only child, the apple of Kendra’s eye, but Charise was a girl in a large, poor family. She was completely taken for granted by everyone in her life except Laura, whose heart (and pussy) stirred at the mere sound of her voice, or the feel of her incredibly smooth and black skin under her fingertips.

The sheets seemed clean, but she changed them anyway. Who did I last fuck in here? she wondered. She had been rutting with Brandi and with Deshona outside of her apartment, and it took a moment to recall. April! she thought, with a pang, a mixture of loss and desire. But she might never sleep with April again. That wasn’t going to happen with Charise, she was determined.

It was a hot day outside, and Charise was wearing a thin white top with spaghetti strings over her shoulders, which gleamed. So much of her ravishing smooth skin was visible that Laura, for whom it was a clear aphrodisiac, felt her pulse race. Charise, you’re so lovely, someone is going to rape you, if you don’t watch out. Maybe me.

"Oh god, you’re so beautiful," she said, locking the door behind her.

Charise blinked playfully. "You always saying how beautiful I am. I wish I had you in the closet so’s I could peak in now and then and ask you if I’m beautiful."

"You are." Laura ran a finger along her amazing smooth shoulder.

"What do you think of this big flat nose?" Charise’s eyes twinkled mischievously as she pointed at it.

"I think it’s just big enough to kiss," Laura said, kissing it and enfolding the delicious girl in her arms at the same time.

She ran her fingers all over Charise’s near-naked back and let her mouth fall to Charise's. They kissed, a long, slow, searching, patient kiss.

"No dudes kiss like you, you know," Charise whispered as their lips came apart. "They kiss like they can’t wait to finish and start sticking it in you. You kiss me like you really like it."

"Mmmm, I do. And I’m going to do it again."

Laura tugged the bottom of Charise’s thin blouse out of the waist of her jeans and slipped her hands under it, as they kissed a second time. Charise wore the same white cotton camisole under this top that she had worn last time, under the Bulls jersey. Laura finally succeeded in getting her hands under it too, onto the girl’s warm, smooth flesh.

"You are going to get raped dressing like this," she murmured, taking Charise’s entire ear into her mouth and frenching it.

Charise shivered and moaned and giggled all at once. "Ooooohhhh! Wow, I hope so. By you, at least."

"You like me to rape you?"

Now Charise slid her own hands under Laura’s top, quickly finding Laura’s naked breasts, squeezing them excitedly. "You gonna fuck me again with your dick?" she asked, sassily.

Laura tickled her. "You sexy little minx. Do you want me to?"

"What’s a minx?" Charise asked, squirming away.

"Someone like you who’s a tease and likes to be raped," Laura laughed, pulling her toward the bedroom.

"Ooohhh, that’s me, then."

They fell tussling and tickling on Laura’s bed, and Laura could not prevent herself from swarming all over Charise and almost tearing off her clothes. The only thing that prevented her was the knowledge that Charise would get in big trouble with her ‘Mama’ if her clothes were torn. Charise loved it. The fact that Laura clearly wanted to devour her was a constant thrill.

Quickly, they helped each other get naked.. Laura was all over the poor teenager. It was as if she had never spent the previous day in bed with a sultry, sexy, grown woman who knew a lot about sex and was as hungry for it as Laura. She and Deshona had each climaxed at least a dozen times, and had left one another exhausted. But even Deshona couldn’t arouse Laura’s lust like Charise did, at least this hungry, voracious, rapist kind of lust she always felt for the sweet girl. Laura wanted to swallow her.

"I want to eat you alive," she said, dropping her mouth to the teenager’s full, firm, grown-woman’s breasts, so incongruous on her still-slender girl’s body.

"You just want to eat my boobs," Charise corrected her, panting softly already as one of her plump, gleaming black nipples disappeared into Laura’s mouth. "God, I love it when you suck them hard like that."

Laura released the girl’s wet, shiny nipple long enough to speak briefly. "I am going to fuck you with my dick . . . but only after I eat your beautiful black pussy until you beg for mercy," she murmured, kissing Charise’s sensual mouth while lightly pinching the nipple she had just been sucking.

Charise, before letting Laura return to sucking her breasts, grabbed Laura’s in her own hands and guided Laura’s nipples into hers, forcing them together and rubbing them vigorously. Her tongue snaked into Laura’s mouth. They were now both panting and mewling, kissing ravenously, overcome by passion.

"Oh . . . I love doing it with you, Laura!" Charise panted, squirming, whimpering as Laura began to suck her other nipple.

This time Laura feasted. She bunched up Charise’s beautiful black breasts in both hands, making her nipples swell and bulge, and devoured them, sucking them hard, as Charise liked it, and even ringing them with her teeth gently. Then she took one round breast in both hands and focused her attention solely on it, kissing it everywhere, squeezing it, pinching the large, swelling nipple, lashing it with her tongue, sucking and biting it. Charise’s skin was very black, and her nipple tar-black by comparison, and Laura was in ninth heaven. She did the same thing to Charise’s other breast, and soon Charise, twisting and writhing, was begging to be fucked.

"Laura . . . please! Oh Laura . . . please! Yes . . . oh god, it feels so good! Unhhh! Please . . . oh yes oh yes!"

Laura slid down her undulating young body, luxuriating in the smooth, velvety blackness of her skin, sliding between her thighs, carefully parting her moist black cuntlips with her fingertip and slipping her tongue into the girl’s slit, already overflowing with nectars. Charise moaned and slowly rocked her pelvis up and down as Laura carefully and painstakingly made love to her delicious young pussy. It was an exquisite wet blossom, glistening pink inside, enclosed by black petals of curving, sinuous beauty.

Your mama may think this is ugly, Laura thought, but that’s because she never kissed it like this, darling. You have one of the most beautiful pussies I ever saw, and I have seen many. Oh baby . . . oh baby, you’re going to come so hard!

Because of Charise’s home situation, they saw each other rarely and so had never come close to doing all the things that were possible. Laura realized this as she instinctively slid her fingers between Charise’s buns, invading the warm, moist crease of her ass, tickling the little black rosebud there. She recalled that she had never stimulated Charise there, not yet, and from the way Charise jumped and her body flexed, Laura knew it was an extremely sensitive place.

"Ooohhh . . . you want me to make you feel good, don’t you," she purred to the writhing girl.

"Yes! Unhh! Oh god, Laura!"

"Darling Inky. I love you so much."

It was not a contradiction to Laura that she loved Charise, as she had loved Deshona only yesterday. She loved them both with a fierce intensity. I love you love you love you! she thought as she licked Inky’s hard little clit, getting ready to make her come unbelievably. Charise’s pussy was wetter than Laura had ever seen it, and the tongue-fucking Laura now gave it only made her even wetter.

This gave Laura an idea, and she cleverly lubricated her forefinger with Charise’s warm nectars while eating her, then began pressing it against the tight little ring of the girl’s anus. At the same time, she turned up the heat on Charise’s flooding pussy, sucking her cuntlips and flicking her clit, using those sensations to distract the girl from the lubricated finger that now began to slip into Charise’s ass, as her asshole slowly opened to receive it.

Charise was gripped so fiercely by the wild, hot sexual sensations in her groin that she didn’t even know Laura’s finger was in her ass until Laura had pushed it in deep. Then, with a sharp gasp, her eyes tearing and suddenly flashing her shock, she caught Laura’s eye, and Laura knew the reality had struck her.

"Unghh! Oh god!" Charise gasped, biting her lower lip.

"Oh darling, you’re going to come," Laura murmured.

"Oh god . . . yes!"

Both of them realized at the same instant that this wouldn’t be lasting long. Laura’s probing finger in Charise’s ass, and Laura’s tongue on her clit, were enough to make her suddenly explode in a wrenching, shattering, sudden orgasm that struck her whole beautiful young naked body like a megawatt jolt of electricity. Clenching, arching, shuddering, she came in sharp convulsions.

"Anngghiiieee! Ohngggg! Oh Jesus oh oh yesss! Ungghhh!" she groaned as one after another piercing orgasmic shock wracked her lovely young body.

Finally, her flesh slackened, and she fell back into the sheets, looking up with a stunned expression at Laura, whose finger was still embedded in her asshole. She winced slightly as Laura carefully removed it.

"I didn’t hurt you, did I?" Laura asked softly, as she wiped her finger on a towel that she kept on a nearby chair for such occasions.

Charise shook her head. "Guess not." Now she grinned her little-girl grin. "That made me come like I stuck my finger in a socket or something."

Hands now clean, Laura enthusiastically embraced her and kissed her passionately. "Mmmm, my finger was in the socket, not yours."

Charise looked at her seriously. "Jane said you fucked her in the ass. Is that what you did? No wonder she thought it was great."

"Did you think it was great?"

"Sure made me come. Soon as you did it."

"I know," Laura smiled.

"Want me to do it to you?"

"I just want you to lick me until I come."

Charise grinned. "I’d be glad to. You just lay back."

Charise took great pride in giving Laura orgasms. She had to know that others gave Laura orgasms too, but she always acted like it was her cherished role, and that no one else did it. She took it very seriously, and approached the task with reverence and solemnity, licking Laura’s aching pussy so slowly and deliberately that her very patience produced exhilarating explosions of rapture. Laura usually ended up coming in long, thrilling seizures of bliss that lasted and lasted, until Charise took pity on her and relented.

This time was no different, and in three minutes Laura was groaning through intense, white-hot spasms, with Charise’s sensual mouth glued to her pussy. It took several more minutes afterward for her to recover. She kissed the delicious girl, overflowing with happiness and gratitude.

"God, I just live for these moments," she said, glowing with happiness.

She had conveniently forgotten or ignored the fact that fewer than twenty-four hours ago she had been glowing similarly in Deshona Reed’s bed, where the two had been energetically and romantically fucking for the first time. That seemed like a different life at this moment. Charise was so sweet and young and innocent. And so black, her deep black skin and tar-black nipples a wild, inexplicable turn-on for Laura.

"I live for them too," Charise squint-smiled in her fetching, little-girl way. "And now you’re gonna fuck me with your dick," she teased.

"You keep saying that," Laura snapped, satirically. "I’m going to start thinking you only like me for my dick."

"I do like it," Charise squinted. "It’s a big one." She paused, as if wondering whether to go on. "You know, I let that dude do it to me once, that one my mama be so worried about always hanging around me."

Laura felt a quick, icy chill grip her whole body. But she tried to smile politely. You can let the whole U.S. Army fuck you, Inky, and I’ll still love you, she thought.

"I hope you made him use a condom," she said tartly.

Charise shrugged. "Tried. He was gonna hit me. He didn’t want to. He made me do it without one."

"Oh god. You could get AIDS. You could get pregnant."

Charise looked sheepish. "I don’t think he got AIDS. It was his first time."

"How do you know!"

Charise winced. Laura realized she was being as bad as Charise’s mother.

"He told me. And he wasn’t in me long enough to give me AIDS. He dug my body like you do, and he just came in a few seconds. Most of it didn’t even get inside me. So I don’t think I got pregnant either."

Laura was seething, livid with jealousy, trying to control her emotions. "When was this?"

Charise looked down, guilty. "Last week. In his car."

Oh god! Laura thought, theatrically, self-indulgently. Isn’t having an affair with me enough for you? Why do you need him anyway?

"Well," she said, trying to be calm, to control her feelings. "It can’t be helped, I guess. What’s done is done."

Charise squint-smiled at her again. "He has a big dick, too," she said mischievously. "But it ain’t as big as yours. That’s what I was going to tell you. Guess I spoiled it, though."

Laura wrestled her down onto her back, holding her wrists to the mattress. "Nothing could ever spoil you for me," she said, kissing her neck, her shoulders, her lovely breasts, sucking her deeply black nipples hungrily again.

But I wish nobody else, man or woman, could ever have this delicious body but me, Laura thought. I am wildly jealous of this boy putting his big hard prick into you, into this lovely little pussy I love so much. I want to tie you to the bed and fuck you with my dick and every other way several times a day.

"Ohhnn," Charise moaned. "You getting me all hot again, Laura."

Laura turned her over onto her stomach and began kissing her back and shoulder blades, kissing the shallow groove that ran down the center, rubbing Charise’s lovely firm asscheeks with both hands. She did not have a spectacular ass, like Jane’s or Chanitra’s, or even Yvette’s, but it was still a lovely thing, the cheeks smooth and resilient, and Laura could feel her sexual temperature shoot up wildly as she massaged it.

She bent close to Charise’s ear. "I want to fuck you again, darling Inky."

"Oh yes."

Silently, knowing Charise expected and wanted it, Laura retrieved the gigantic double dildo from under the bed. She maneuvered one pillow under Charise’s belly to shift her groin and ass upward. And now she had a view of the girl she had never seen before. The puckered, bright pink, oily wet seam of Charise’s exquisite pussy was totally exposed and inviting, and above it the smooth, gently-rounded cheeks of her ass, very black, converging in the center on the dark valley that concealed the little black rosebud that Laura had already probed earlier.

First, Laura pushed one end of the dildo against the open lips of Charise’s pussy, twirling it to make the penetration easier. Charise’s delectable buns clenched, but then she moaned softly and relaxed to let it in. The bulbous head of the dildo slipped into her cunt.

"Unh!" she gasped, looking back at Laura over her shoulder. "Shit . . . you gotta big dick! I forgot."

You are going to come so hard, darling. You are never going to want to see that boy again.

Slowly, she pushed the monstrously large, thick tube into Charise’s pussy, watching for the first time how it splayed her glossy, black cuntlips, a full load of artificial cock, much bigger than any nature could provide, in fact such a huge invader that tears sprang to Charise’s eyes as she continued to glance over her shoulder.

"Oh honey, does it hurt?" Laura asked softly, knowing the answer.

"Shit," Charise gasped. "It’s bigger than I remembered. But it feels good . . . unh!"

Laura wanted to reach for the bedstand drawer, but she feared doing it while Charise was looking back at her. So she introduced the other end of the huge dildo into her own oozing pussy, squatting behind Charise’s uptilted ass and looking at the girl’s delicious, fully-crammed slit as she felt the massive monster slide slowly into her own tight quim.

"Unhh!" she gasped, feeling the same shock of recognition Charise had obviously felt.

"Ohhggnnn!" Charise moaned, suddenly burying her face in the sheet as the huge dildo drove deeper into her too.

Now Laura, trying to control her own arousal, reached for the drawer and quickly removed the small bottle of baby oil. Experience had equipped her with the skill to swab two fingers with the oil and get rid of the bottle, which snapped shut. She knew that, stuffed as they both were with the mammoth dildo, both she and Charise would come pretty quickly, once they began fucking.

She held the fat part of the huge tube that linked their two crammed cunts with one hand, then slid her two greased fingers between Charise’s lovely, gleaming black buns, into the crack, then into her ass, shoving her own hips forward at the same time, driving the dildo deeper into them both.

"Annghhh!" Charise groaned, wincing as the double penetration spiked intense sensations through her body.

And without giving her a chance to react further, Laura began to fuck her hard in both orifices, driving her fingers deep into Charise’s ass while at the same time gyrating and plunging her hips forward so that both ends of the huge double dildo rammed up into Charise’s cunt and her own cunt too. She pumped and pumped, twisting her greased fingers inside Charise’s asshole at the same time, fucking her harder and harder, and gulping and whimpering herself as the other end of the enormous fake cock rammed up into her throbbing pussy.

It was a fierce, torrid, unrelenting rape of Charise’s pussy and ass, the hardest Laura had ever fucked the darling young girl, and Charise writhed and moaned under her, both loving it and shuddering with each piercing thrust. Laura found that the hard rubber dildo was rigid enough to work on its own, and she released it from her hand. This gave her the chance to lean forward and slide her hand under Charise’s writhing body, gripping one of her exquisite breasts and squeezing it hard, twisting and pinching Charise’s large, stiff nipple each time she hammered the dildo deep into each of their bodies one more time and probed Charise’s tight rectum with her two fingers, making Charise howl and pant in a fever of sexual delirium.

"Unh! Unh! Oh god . . . Laura, oh shit, unh! Unghhh! Ohnggg! Oh god . . . so hard ungghh!"

"Oh baby . . . am I hurting you?" Laura panted, knowing she was very close to losing control herself, that the power of her lust for the sweet young teenager was taking over.

"No . . . ungghh! No," Charise panted back. "Ungghh . . . oh god Laura I’m gonna come do it hard harder! Unh! Unh! Yes!"

Laura knew they were both going to come. It was going to be a fearsome explosion. She was crouched low over Charise’s back, her own naked breasts brushing Charise’s shoulder blades as she pumped the massive double dildo deep into their bodies and raped Charise’s asshole in a heated frenzy with her fingers. She felt Charise’s sleek body begin to stiffen and clench in convulsions, and she knew it was here, the orgasm that would rip the poor, lovely girl apart..

Just feeling her darling Inky begin to shudder and hearing her wild moans was enough to trigger Laura’s own orgasm, and she too began to come in almost the same instant.

"Ooonngghhiieeee!" Charise cried out suddenly, her whole pelvis quaking and churning wildly. "Annghhh! Oh! Auunngghmmnnggiiee!"

She came hard, and Laura’s cries intermingled with hers as Laura came too in stabbing, wrenching spasms. All thought of Kendra or Jane overhearing them vanished as Laura’s cries matched Charise’s in volume. The huge dildo crammed her aching pussy to the splitting point, inspiring a kind of sharp, animalistic lust in her that seemed to force her to rape Charise even harder, which of course raped her too. Grunting and gasping, she fell forward onto the delicious girl’s struggling, naked body, her breasts mashing into Charise’s naked back as they both shuddered and groaned through intense shocks of coming.

"Unhhh! Oh baby . . . oh god, it’s so good to fuck you!" she gasped into Charise’s ear, still pumping, driving the huge cock into them both.

"Ooonngghhh! Ooonngghhh!" Charise moaned, face down in the sheet, her body still undulating.

Before Laura knew it, the girl was coming again, her whole body fluttering with new spasms of intense bliss, helped by Laura’s renewed attentions.

Laura, realizing that Charise was still coming, resumed fucking her. She struggled up to her knees and jabbed the dildo deep into Charise again and again, and fucked the girl’s tight little asshole even faster with her hand. Charise, her face pinched and contorted by excruciating sensations, came again, her whole body shuddering sharply in the grip of renewed, shattering spasms.

Finally, Laura realized the girl had had enough. Charise went limp, still panting pathetically in the aftershocks of her searing climaxes. She winced and gasped as Laura slowly removed her fingers and the dildo from each of their cunts. Oh god, what have I done? Laura thought, feeling a strong influx of guilt as she saw the blasted, scorched, half-destroyed expression on Charise’s sweet young face. I’ve gone too far this time. She was so naïve, so innocent. No ‘dude’ ever made her realize it could be like this. So intense.

But after seeming stunned and ruined by the experience for all of a minute and a half, Charise rolled over onto her back with a big smile at Laura.

"Holy Jesus, Laura, you oughta be locked away in some jail, fucking a poor young girl like that," she rasped. "I musta come about four times."

"Oh darling, did you like it?" Laura asked, embracing her, kissing her, very concerned.

"I’m afraid to say yes," Charise twinkled. "That stuff we was doing is nasty."

"I know," Laura hung her head. "I’m sorry. I just love you so much, it inspires me to fuck you so hard."

Charise grinned. "I sure hope you don’t ever get over it." She rubbed her naked bottom gingerly. "But it does sting a little bit now. I think it takes getting used to."

"I won’t ever do it again."

Now Charise burst out laughing. "You better!" She began slowly to dress. "In fact, I ain’t coming back unless you promise me you’ll do it next time."

Laura watched her dress mournfully. She hated to see Inky’s delicious black body being covered up. I still want her, she realized. Even after that.

"I still want you," she confessed. "I’ll do anything you say."

"Anything?" Charise taunted her.


"Stay away from Jane?"

"Promise," Laura said, solemnly. "I never see her anyway."

"Don’t tell her we did this?"


Charise kissed her romantically at the door. "Then I’ll let you do me again, next time. In fact, I can’t wait."

"Oh god," Laura said, "neither can I."


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