Laura - Chapter 196

The following day when Laura went to work, she found someone new sitting in April’s cubicle. It was a young man, wearing thick glasses, working on a spreadsheet.

"Who are you?"

"I’m Patrick Feeney. Who’re you?"

"Where’s April?"

"Is she the one who used to sit here? I never met her. I think they transferred her down to the third floor, to Investor Relations. This morning."

Laura shut her eyes. She felt her insides shuddering and had to go immediately to her own office and shut the door, just to maintain control. Oh god, oh shit, she thought. That fucking witch Rhonda.

Laura tried not to think of the foyer episode with Jane, which clearly had influenced April’s feelings in a big way. But we could’ve got by that one, she thought. I could have made it better. She knows I’m not serious about Jane. Doesn’t she? I wonder if it’s because of what I did, fucking her in the ass with that dildo. She seemed to like it at the time.

But after she reflected on it for a while, Laura could see how things might develop. She did not know the details, but Rhonda’s fury coupled with April’s jealousy, and perhaps resentment, not to say spiteful anger and sore bottom, could have somehow converged in a horrible action that was now depriving her of April, and possibly threatening her own job.

She was so distressed that she could do nothing but pour herself into her work, trying not to think about it. She tried to be so productive that if anyone came to her with a sexual harassment complaint, she would be able to demonstrate her value to the company while at the same time being contrite and apologetic and deeply ashamed. Whereas in fact she had loved fucking April, and she really hurt bad inside at the thought that she might not be able to do it again. And April loved it too! she thought. Just ask her.

But she couldn’t go down to Investor Relations and grovel in front of everybody, and expose herself, both her lust and her vulnerability. She had to swallow and pretend nothing had happened. But it was hard not to want to kill Rhonda. Instead of the pity she had formerly felt, she began to feel glad that she had fucked Stephanie, and that Rhonda had watched the whole thing, especially Stephanie’s jolting, extravagant orgasms. I caused those, Rhonda, not you, she thought bitterly.

At home the evening she got a phone call that made her forget everything else.

"Brandi? I don’t believe it? Brandi, is that really you?"

"It’s really me . . . pretty white lady. See, I know the secret code."

"Oh god, I can’t believe this. It’s really you. I . . . thought I’d never hear from you again."

After last time, Laura thought. They had spent a few days in Carmel together and nearly put one another in the hospital. During the past few years of fucking one after another beautiful black girl, sometimes to exhausting lengths, she had experienced few episodes as shockingly incendiary as that one. After it, both she and Brandi had tacitly, even not so tacitly, admitted that they were poison to each other. They could not fuck without excess, and since Brandi lived half a continent away, it was best that they not see one another again, or at least often.

Laura had not liked the idea, but she had grown used to it. But the sound of Brandi’s voice on the phone brought back all her desire in a quick flash.

"Where are you?" she asked.

"Actually, I’m at the Embassy Suites in San Mateo," Brandi said crisply. "Talk about boring."

"I could be there in half an hour," Laura said, with a lilt in her voice.

Brandi chuckled. "I guess that’s easier than me getting lost in my rented car in some rough San Francisco neighborhood where they don’t respect girls with muscles."

"Especially when I do," Laura teased, feeling the pulse beat in her throat at the mere memory of Brandi’s extraordinary muscles.

"Pretty white lady, you sound like you might be happy to see me. Maybe as happy as I will be to see you."

Laura took a deep breath. "It’s been a long time, Brandi," she said softly.

"I know. Room 517. Drive carefully. And bring me a toothbrush. I forgot mine."

Laura drove to the hotel, trying not to think of Deshona Reed as she passed Burlingame. But she did glance from the freeway up into the wooded hills. She’s up there. She would be jealous if she thought I were on my way to sleeping with Ms. Olympia. Wouldn’t she?

Laura hoped so. But very little could keep her mind off Brandi. She remembered Rhonda’s envy of her for having slept with Brandi. She also recalled Kendra’s admiration for Brandi. But most of all, she recalled the thrilling times when she had passed out from orgasms so intense she could hardly remember them without almost coming again, orgasms caused by Brandi’s phenomenal hard thigh crunching into her vulnerable pussy.

It had been over a year, but she could still feel a hot, exciting flutter deep inside her pussy when she thought of it. But she tried to ignore it and act civilized as she parked and took the elevator up to Brandi’s hotel room. Brandi answered the door with a big smile on her beautiful face.

"If it isn’t Stephanie Seymour’s gorgeous twin sister," she deadpanned. "Did you drop by to spend a little time with an ex bodybuilding champion?"

"Ex?" Laura said as she stepped inside.

It was good to have something else to think about, because Brandi was even more stunning than she had remembered. God, if I had never seen her before, I would faint with love just at the sight of her, Laura realized. Brandi wore her hair in bangs, always a quick way to Laura’s heart, and she had on a sleeveless bright yellow blouse that showed off her incredible shapely and muscular arms and shoulders, black and glossy and so beautiful that Laura wanted to touch them, as she had the first time she saw Brandi.

"I can see you’ve been following the bodybuilding world as closely as ever," Brandi said.

Laura looked down, ashamed.

"I lost," Brandi said philosophically. "Or came in second, take your pick. Lost the next time too."

"Oh god, has it been that long?" Laura exclaimed. "You went through two of them since we last were together? And I didn’t know about either one?"

Brandi smiled, genuinely delighted by Laura. "Pretty white lady . . ." she said with exaggerated politeness, "you were probably busy working and playing. And we both know how you like to play."

They had not kissed, and Laura was overwhelmed by the desire to kiss her, even though they were both still somewhat uncomfortable. Laura removed her coat. Brandi took it and threw it on the bed.

"Not there," Laura said with a mock frown. She picked up her coat and put it on a chair. "Over there."

Brandi raised one eyebrow, eyes sparkling from mischief and excitement. "Why? You have plans for that bed?"

Laura moved close to her and took Brandi’s lovely face in both hands. "If I don’t kiss you, I’m going to pop," she said softly.

"Me too," Brandi said, getting the words only partly out before Laura’s mouth covered hers.

It was a romantic, very long kiss. Laura found herself wondering in the middle of it if they had ever kissed so long or so romantically. I’ll bet your husband doesn’t even kiss you this way, she thought, coiling her tongue around Brandi’s, running her fingertips up and down the incredible hard muscles and silky smooth skin of Brandi’s arms.

"God, I’ve missed you," she panted, hugging Brandi and gasping for breath as Brandi, phenomenally strong, hugged her back.

Both of them were crying, hugging, kissing, tasting the salt of each other’s tears. "I’ve never kissed any woman but you," Brandi wept. "But god I missed it."

"I want to lick your shoulders, like I wanted to the first time," Laura wept softly too.

"And you did," Brandi giggled.

"I know. Can I do it again?"

"You know . . . it led to something very exciting. Are you sure we can take it?"

"I’m willing to try if you are."

Brandi pulled her close again, kissing her neck, kneading Laura’s ass with her fingers. "Why don’t we take off our clothes and just lick each other all over?" she breathed.

Laura was gripped unexpectedly by a sharp shiver. "Oh god, yes!" Brandi began to remove her blouse, but Laura’s hand stopped her. "I want to undress you."

Brandi shot her a dangerous grin. "You and about a thousand others," she said.

"I’ll bet it’s more than a thousand," Laura teased as she turned Brandi around and began to lower the zipper.

But Laura was incapable of simply taking off Brandi’s clothes. She had to kiss every inch of skin that came into view, starting with Brandi’s incredible back. She had forgotten how hard Brandi’s body was. Recently, only Kendra had a comparably hard body, and Kendra’s was not in this league at all.

"Mmmm, you’re so hard and silky smooth at the same time," Laura murmured, kissing Brandi’s shoulder blades, and the deep groove where her spine sank between two long smooth ridges of hard muscle.

Brandi giggled throatily. "Pretty white lady, lots of people want to fuck me, but nobody ever kissed my naked back like you do."

Laura unclasped Brandi’s bra clasp. She kissed the skin where it had been, sliding her hands up Brandi’s hard, rippling stomach muscles and under the now-loose bra cups, closing them over Brandi’s small now-naked breasts. She squeezed them and lightly pinched Brandi’s swelling nipples.

Brandi’s breathing accelerated. "Look . . ." she said, turning. "You can’t have all the fun. I get some too."

Quickly, they undressed each other, kissing again in more and more feverish passion. Their hands raced over each other’s naked flesh, and they began to feel a sexual urgency that they had been trying to control so far.

"I don’t know how we waited this long," Laura panted, kissing and biting Brandi’s neck, dropping her mouth to one small breast and sucking Brandi’s shiny black nipple deep into her mouth.

"Unhhh!" Brandi gasped. "Oh god, I don’t either!"

Her delicious naked black body rippled with muscles, and Laura had forgotten the thrill of running her hands all over it, feeling the tensile strength under the smooth black skin. She realized that people were all wrong about the body building girls. She had slept with men and with women, but Brandi’s body was unique. She was fiercely strong, but not like a man. Instead, she was wildly sexy and feminine, but with a powerful underlying physical superstructure. She was soft and vulnerable but throbbing and pulsing with potential power and threatening strength.

And even though she was aching and throbbing with lust for Brandi, she also realized something else. Perhaps because she was no longer competing, Brandi’s body contours seemed softer, smoother, less sharp and angular and bulky. But she was clearly no less strong than before.

She had Laura on her back in seconds, swarming over her, then rolling over onto her own back as Laura swarmed back. The motel room’s bed was very solid and secure. Otherwise, they would have brought it down through their athletic embraces and rough, struggling passion.

"Girl," she panted to Laura, "let’s stop wrestling and do it. I’m dying to do it with you."

Laura giggled softly. "We are doing it, silly. What do you think this is, a tea party?"

She slid quickly down Brandi’s magnificent body, between her huge, muscular thighs, and began to lick the swollen, blossoming flower of Brandi’s open, wet, very wet pussy. She realized that she hadn’t forced herself on Brandi, but that Brandi had been craving this for a while.

"Darling, you’re so wet for me," she purred, slithering her tongue up into Brandi’s warm, juicy slit.

"Ohhhh!" Brandi moaned, twisting, all her marvelous glossy muscles flexing and straining. "Oh . . . Laura oh that feels so good, oh what have done without you! Unhhh! Oh yes, right there! Do that again . . . just like that! Ohhhhhh!"

"I’m going to make you come so hard," Laura panted.

"You’re already doing it . . . oh yes! Oh Jesus!" Brandi gasped, looking down her ripping, gleaming black body at Laura’s face in her crotch.

"I don’t want you to come yet," Laura teased, petulantly. She stopped licking Brandi’s puckered, glistening, bright pink, black-lipped pussy and stroked it gently with her fingers, getting them wet with flowing juice. "I want to drink your sweet juices, and drive you crazy."

But Brandi was nearly delirious with fuck-hunger. Her hips shuddered as she gyrated them, and her eyes beseeched Laura. "Oh Laura . . . please!"

With her thumbs, Laura pulled away the glossy black hood from which Brandi’s erect clit was already protruding. She bent down and licked it, running her tongue all over it, until Brandi began to whimper, out of control, writhing now, quivering helplessly. This was what she loved Laura for, the ability to reduce her, the powerful, formidable, six-time Ms. Olympia, to a helpless, mewling sex-slave.

And Laura would never deny how much it excited her too. She knew Brandi was going to come any second, and she wanted to draw out the sweet torture as long as she could, if only to give Brandi something to remember when they parted. She slid up Brandi’s hard, over-muscled body, kissing her fiercely rippled stomach, then her small, firm breasts again, teasing, then almost swallowing Brandi’s gleaming black nipples, sucking one whole breast into her mouth, then the other, until Brandi was completely out of control.

"Oh baby . . . you’re so hungry, so hungry," Laura cooed to her, thrilling to the sexual undulations of Brandi’s magnificent body.

"Oh! Oh god, Laura!" Brandi panted, her dark eyes streaked with feverish need. "Please . . . Laura! Please!"

"Oh yes, darling, yes. How could I deny you?"

Now Laura slid back down the sleekly-muscled torso, nestling between the huge, glossy, powerful thighs, and again pressed her lips to Brandi’s beautiful, inflamed pussy. Her tongue slipped inside the warm, wet, tangy pit, and she sucked the juices deep into her mouth, swallowing and tongue-fucking Brandi rapidly at the same time, until in her delirium of sexual excitement she briefly thought she might come too, when Brandi did, just from the thrill of this moment.

But now there was no slowing down or stopping Brandi. Her phenomenal body clenched, every magnificent muscle straining in fierce need, and she suddenly erupted in spasms of a wrenching orgasm. At first only a tight, hysterical mewling came from deep in her throat as her sleek flesh contracted in an acute spasm of ecstacy. But then she cried out as the wrenching shocks began to seize her.

"Auunnghhh! Ohhggnn! Oh god . . . sweet suffering Jesus, that feels good! Unghhh! Oh Laura yes yes! Unghh! Oh yes . . . auunngghhh!" she groaned, her powerful, sleek body surging off the bed as the waves of sharp coming shook her.

At the last second, Laura slid two fingers up into Brandi’s greasy, spasming channel, fucking her with them at the same time that she sucked and tongue-stabbed Brandi's clit. Brandi’s orgasm was at least as strong, and as wet, as any Laura had ever seen her have, and it was minutes before she was herself again. By then, Laura was shivering with sexual need herself, and Brandi knew it.

Laura’s hand was covered with aromatic cunt juices, and there was a large damp spot on the sheet. But the bed was big, and they slid over to a dry part. Laura smiled and quivered as she wiped off her hand on the sheet.

"Ooooh, I made a little messy, didn’t I," Brandi said, regaining her voice.

"I love it when you come all over me," Laura panted.

"I think you’ve been deprived for too long of Ms. Olympia’s thigh, my sweet, my darling pretty white lady," Brandi murmured to Laura, rolling Laura onto her back and kissing her naked body everywhere.

Gazing hotly up into Brandi’s riveting black eyes, Laura felt a deep shudder permeate her entire body. Apart from the depraved, even sick sexual episodes she had shared with Karen, and a few times with Earlene, she had never experienced orgasms as completely shattering and heart-stopping as she did when Brandi had ‘thigh-fucked’ her in the past. But Brandi was not willing to give in so quickly.

She kissed and sucked Laura’s breasts, her smooth flat belly, continuing downward. "I know what you want, darling," she purred. "But I have to taste this sweet sweet pussy first. I want to taste you too."

"Ohhhh! Oh . . . Brandi!" Laura gasped. "Unhhhh!"

Her whole body ran with fire as Brandi’s lips touched her pussy, and Brandi’s tongue slipped into the aching center of her wet slit. Somehow until this moment the full emotional impact of being in bed again with Brandi after not seeing her for over a year struck Laura full force. They had shared some very sweet and intense moments, and Brandi’s mouth reawakened her memory of them, and her body responded incredibly.

Twisting and moaning incoherently, she came almost immediately. Clotted cries of sharp pleasure escaped from her throat.

"Onngghhh! Oh god! Ungghhaaunnngghhh! Oh god Brandi oh god yes! Ungghhh!" she groaned as the sharp spasms wracked her writhing body.

It was a quick, shuddering orgasm that left her limp and panting, stunned by the speed of it, and desperately in love with Brandi, wanting more.

"Mmm, you came quick, pretty white lady," Brandi smiled, kissing her.

Laura could taste her own pussy juices on Brandi’s lips and was amused at how she didn’t mind it. "I couldn’t help it," she croaked softly. "I haven’t felt your tongue in my pussy for over a year."

Brandi looked at her dangerously, her eyes suddenly hooded, her gaze daring and hot. She ran one fingertip along the glossy, hard ridge of one hugely muscled thigh, a paragon of sleek, powerful beauty. "Or this," she whispered.

Laura felt her heart race. Even though she had just come, she felt a twinge and a throbbing deep inside her pussy. Both of them knew how this controlled brutality both drew them together and forced them apart. It was indeed the reason they had not seen one another for this long. But now they could not avoid it.

Silently, Brandi moved off the bed to the easy chair, sitting in it with one knee and thigh outstretched so that Laura could straddle it. Laura’s heart was beating so fast that she wondered if she might just faint, or die, before she could get over to Brandi. On wobbly legs, she lurched to the chair, and Brandi caught her as she stumbled.

"Careful there, darling," she whispered.

Laura giggled. "I know you’re strong enough to catch me."

"You got that right. And to fuck you, too."

"Oh god."

She straddled Brandi’s hard thigh, and Brandi held her hips, lowering her open pussy onto the black, gleaming muscle. Brandi kissed her at the same time, passionately.

"If I fuck you hard . . . you have to fuck me hard back," she whispered to Laura, her eyes swimming with hot sex.

Laura held her beautiful face in both hands, looking deep into her eyes. "You know I will."

An eager smile curved the corners of Brandi’s wildly sensual mouth. "Hold on, you lovely girl. I’ve been dreaming of the time we would do this again."

"Can I hold on to these marvelous shoulders?" Laura smiled.

Brandi smiled back but said nothing. Instead, she began to pull and push Laura’s hips, sliding Laura’s wet pussy back and forth on the phenomenal hard ridge of her thigh muscle. The next ten minutes were among the most exquisite sexual moments Laura had gone through in the past year. She had already come once, and so the possibility that she might come again too quickly was erased.

They both knew it, and Brandi capitalized on it to prolong the sweet agony to the furthest limits. Her strong hands moved Laura’s slick, wet pussy back and forth on her thigh muscle slowly, and she flexed the muscle at the same time so that Laura could feel it moving, stiffening, relaxing, clenching into an iron mass, then slackening. At the same time, she hungrily but with controlled fire devoured Laura’s naked breasts, sucking and gently biting Laura’s nipples, savaging them, until Laura was whimpering and barely able to control her growing sexual hysteria.

And Brandi made it last. Even though Laura was trembling and mewling incoherently, her body completely vulnerable to Brandi’s controlled strength, Brandi refused to deliver the final stroke. For nearly ten minutes, pausing when Laura veered toward a climax, slowing down, stopping, then slowly speeding up again, she brought Laura to the edge repeatedly, murmuring to her as she passionately sucked Laura’s nipples.

"Oh . . . you like me to fuck you, don’t you, girl," Brandi murmured softly, hoarsely, panting too. "You like it when I suck your pretty nipples hard like this, don’t you. You love to feel my thigh in your pussy . . . it makes you want to come so hard, doesn’t it, Laura. I’ve missed you, Laura. I would never dare fuck this way with anybody else. Oh god . . . you want to come, don’t you, pretty white lady. You’re getting pretty hot. You want me to rape you now, don’t you. Don’t you."

"Oh god yes! Oh god yes!" Laura begged.

Now, with superlative, confident strength, Brandi lifted her and placed her on her back in the middle of the bed. The sight of Brandi’s magnificent, black, gleaming, heavily-muscled, panther-like body crouching over her was acutely arousing to Laura, who realized that the slightest contact now with Brandi’s thigh would make her come in a nearly life-threatening convulsion. Oh fuck me, darling, fuck me! her eyes begged Brandi.

And Brandi smiled, receiving the message in Laura’s gaze. Carefully, with her fingers she pulled open Laura’s cunt lips again, then lowered the hard ridge of muscle into the glistening, inflamed gash of Laura’s pussy. Laura nearly fainted. Brandi knew Laura was going to come too, any second.

Holding Laura’s hips, she began to push her hard-clenched thigh muscle into Laura’s pussy. Then she drew it up and down in the slimy, throbbing trench, moving faster, and harder, each instant, quickly bringing Laura to a fever pitch of almost unbearable need. And now Brandi began to deliver on her promise, mashing her huge, bulging, iron-hard thigh muscle into Laura’s splayed, aching, flooding pussy.

"Yes . . . fuck me hard! Fuck me hard! Awoonnggg! Ungh!" Laura groaned as Brandi’s powerful thigh crunched into her pussy, ramming her cunt again and again.

The sensations were amazing. She had forgotten the power of Brandi’s sleek body, and the hard steel cord of her thigh muscle grinding up and down in the warm wet furrow of her pussy, pulverizing her clit and making her whinny and shudder helplessly in the grip of phenomenal hot sexual flashes. Sometimes in the past Brandi had also been swept up in the storm, coming almost as soon as Laura did, her own cunt glued to Laura’s thigh. But this time she was engrossed in raping Laura as thoroughly and as hard as she knew Laura craved, and her fingers bit into Laura’s flesh as her thigh repeatedly punished Laura’s aching slit.

But she soon lost the ability to do anything but groan and whimper as the massive bulk of Brandi’s powerful thigh continued to crunch into her ravished pussy, mashing her cunt lips and mangling her clit, pumping, crushing her pussy, until she was ravening in a maniacal fit of lust, cawing and groaning and pushing her groin up into each successive punishing thrust.

The sweet brutality of it was so intense that Laura began to come in the middle of one surging, flexing thrust of Brandi’s incredible thigh. The breath seemed to leave her body, and she briefly passed out as the fierce, volcanic seizures of a debilitating orgasm wrenched her helpless flesh. For several seconds, she emitted no sound but a faint, hysterical sobbing as her body exploded in fierce convulsions.

Then her breath returned. "Auugghnnn! Oh god . . . Brandi! Auugghnnn!"

For a brief moment she lost consciousness again, somehow feeling as if she had been struck by lightning. And Brandi continued fucking her while she climaxed, prolonging everything, bringing fresh, wrenching spasms right behind the earlier ones, making Laura groan and cry out again as a second orgasm shook her already-tortured body.

"Ohnnggg! Oh shit . . . oh god yes Brandi oh god yes yes! Ungh! Auungghhhiieee!"

The coming was so intense that it was almost painful before Brandi began to ease up, and the spasms began to soften and then die away. Laura was shattered, her body limp and slack, her face wet with tears, her breath only now returning to normal. She finally revived enough to look at Brandi, who smiled at her as she wiped Laura’s cuntslime off her gleaming thigh with the edge of a blanket.

"Was it as good as you remembered?" she asked Laura.

"Oh god."

Brandi lay down next to her to kiss her tenderly. "Remember when I said we would kill each other if we did this very often?"

Laura nodded. She could feel her body, and incredibly her lust too, reviving as she stroked Brandi’s incredible hard body. "Now it’s my turn to ‘kill’ you," she murmured.

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