Laura - Chapter 192


Laura's pain over the thought of Yvette sleeping with both Rhonda and the Director of Offer Management during her husband's absence was very great. But she still had Randi to see nearly every other day, and of course April, who reported directly to her. Anyone would want Randi, and, Laura realized, having slept a few times with April only made her want to do it more.

I wonder why her boyfriend, and now Yvette, keep saying she has a big ass, Laura thought, admiring it from behind her desk one afternoon as April was leaving her office. Maybe it was a little big, though on a taller girl it would just be even more alluring. For her part, Laura wanted to dig her fingers into the round black moons. She wanted to kiss them and lick them. It can't be too big if I want to do that, she thought. I want to fuck it, like I did to Shavon.

At the same time, her new role obliged her to interact with a subsidiary of her company that was located in Burlingame, a short drive down the peninsula from her own office. There she met with a vice president who was a stunning black woman named Deshona Reed. Laura was stricken by feverish desire for her at first sight, but the woman was very curt and businesslike, without a trace of humor or warmth.

The more Laura was around her, the more she felt a bitter, suppressed hostility under the surface of Ms. Reed's good manners. Further, she didn't feel it was aimed particularly at her but that Deshona Reed was just very embittered about something or other in her past and as a consequence kept all people at a distance. She behaved the same to the black employees of her company as she did to Laura.

This was a very great mystery, compounded by the fact that Deshona, even though she wore severe business suits, was physically very beautiful. She was small-boned and short but clearly not flat-chested or shapeless. Her face was breathtaking but suffered from her constant glaring frown and her clearly aloof attitude. She wore her hair in an expensive hairdo of long fluffy curls that billowed down around her shoulders, an unusual but stunning style. Laura caught glimpses of her legs whenever possible, but she wore longish skirts that came halfway down her calf.

Oh well, Laura thought. She sure is beautiful, but it seems that sex, not to mention love, is pretty far down on her list. Let alone sex with a white lesbian. I just wish it wasn't so hard to sit across the table from her knowing how much I'd like to make her pant, and beg me for more.

Fortunately for Laura, she finally got a call from Brenda. "Hey there, girl, I was wondering if we might get together some time for a chat. Without you-know-who being there. I kind of had a pretty good time with you, and I'd like to see you again."

Laura was shocked and gratified by her directness. "I guess we both did," she said softly, trying to keep the excited quaver out of her voice.

She tried quickly to figure out how they could meet without it seeming like all she wanted to do was fuck with Brenda, and as soon as possible. But Brenda solved that problem herself.

"Look," she said, "my husband is going fishing with his father this Saturday. He’ll be gone until Sunday. Why don’t we meet on Saturday afternoon?"

Laura smiled. "It’s a date."

"I’ll just come to your place," Brenda said. "I think I remember the way."

This she said with just enough innuendo to let Laura know that she was remembering their last time together, and looking forward to more. Laura realized that she was very aroused sexually as she hung up the phone. Brenda was gorgeous. She looked a lot like Midori.

Laura had used the web to find pictures of Midori and was surprised how much Brenda resembled her. But Midori had had breast implants, though it was a good job and hard to detect, while Brenda’s breasts were that large naturally. Laura desperately wanted them both, and the fact that Brenda would be coming over Saturday just to spend the evening fucking with her was enough to give her butterflies.

Of course, she had two days to get through before Saturday, and she also had to think up excuses for--unbelievably--Randi, Sholandra, and Charise, who wanted to sneak out for a couple of hours while her mama was on a date. All were petulant and felt rejected, with good cause, as each one knew, since they all felt correctly that Laura was going to be passionately fucking some other sweet young thing.

Brenda, however, was not exactly young, at least as young as they. She was almost exactly the same age as Laura, and they were relaxed with one another from the start.

"At first I was a little mad at you for bopping my baby sister," Brenda confessed mid-way through the vodka tonic Laura had made her. "But then . . . I looked into those eyes of hers, and I wondered: how could anyone resist those? And this smooth young body? Mavis is a pretty seductive little thing."

"You're telling me," Laura smiled.

She evidently seduced you, Laura thought. She didn't know how far to go with Brenda, whether to let on that she knew Mavis and Brenda had been fucking each other long before Laura happened on the scene.

Brenda was dressed differently from the first time, when she clearly had been with Mavis right after getting off work. Today she wore slacks, and a dark green sweater. Her large, full breasts pushed up under it alluringly. She also again wore the faint smudge of silvery eyeshadow that, Laura recognized, made her look even more like Midori, who also wore it.

They made small talk, skirting the issue of their true reason for being here together, until neither one could stand the evasions any longer. Also, the vodka loosened both of them up, so that when Laura reached one hand out and caressed Brenda's smooth black cheek boldly, Brenda's eyes sparkled with sexual excitement. She turned her face so that her full, sensual lips brushed Laura's fingers.

"Mavis is a great kid sister and a good . . . a good time in bed," Brenda purred softly, her eyes searching Laura's. "I taught her everything I know. I guess she told you that."

Laura nodded.

"But there's nothing like being alone with you," Brenda breathed.

"I feel the same way," Laura said, guiding Brenda's mouth toward hers with her extended hand.

They kissed naturally, lengthily, beginning slowly, without embracing, but then heating up and finally encircling each other with their arms. Brenda was a very sensitive kisser with a beautiful, expressive mouth. Her tongue met Laura's and slowly coiled together with it as they kissed patiently, ardently.

"Well . . . that was nice," Laura breathed as their mouths came apart. "I'd like to do it again."

"Me too."

This time they kissed more heatedly, and their hands began to roam. Laura immediately got hers under Brenda's sweater, onto her smooth warm skin.

"You are so beautiful, you look like that gorgeous Midori," Laura purred into her smooth black neck.

Brenda giggled softly. "You mean the one who lets everybody do her? I'm not like that."

"Oh, I didn't say you were," Laura murmured, kissing the lobe of her ear, then the edge of it, then slithering her tongue into it. "Just as beautiful, that's all."

"Mavis may have led you to think I'm more experienced than I am," Brenda said in the middle of kissing Laura again. "I mean, I had a couple of guys before my husband. Then him, and Mavis. And you. That's all."

"Mmmm, it was the world's loss," Laura said, pulling up Brenda's sweater finally, and with her assistance taking it completely off.

Brenda wore a plain white bra, nothing fancy, but her breasts were large and made a deep cleavage. They also swelled up out of the cups. She helped Laura off with her loose sweatshirt. Laura wore no bra under it, and her naked breasts swayed free.

Brenda cupped them in her palms. "Such beautiful little boobs," she said. "I thought so when I first saw them, last time. I never saw such beautiful boobs. Not even in high school, in the showers. They're perfect."

Laura kissed her again. "Not as perfect as yours."

"You like mine?"

Brenda beamed. She reached behind herself and unfastened her bra. It fell away, exposing the luscious, firm, jutting globes of her breasts. Laura was consumed by lust. Trying to be gentle, she caressed each round globe, running her fingers across the wide, puffy areolas and emerging center nubs, thick and springy.

"I think they're so lovely," she murmured, lowering her lips to one of Brenda's nipples. "Can I?"

"Yes. Yes . . . yes."

Laura held one firm globe in both hands and gave it the full treatment. First, she slowly, almost worshipfully, licked the large, plump black nipple and swollen areola, coiling her tongue around it, swathing it with love and warm saliva until it was shiny and wet. Then with her fingertips she began to pull and pinch it gently while flicking it at the same time with her tongue. Brenda watched everything, and soon she began to breathe harder, panting and biting her full lower lip.

By now Laura couldn't keep herself from sucking Brenda's wet, shiny, stiff nipple completely into her mouth. She feasted on the thick, sensitive bulb, pinching it between her tongue and the roof of her mouth and sucking hard, until she heard Brenda making tiny helpless cawing sounds deep in her throat.

"Mmmmm, you like that," Laura murmured, releasing Brenda's erect, wet nipple briefly.

"Oh god!" Brenda gasped.

Again Laura feasted on it, squeezing Brenda's full breast with both hands at the same time. Brenda sighed and squirmed.

"Oh god!" she moaned again. "You . . . better take me in the bedroom, girl. You're getting me too hot!"

"Who needs the bedroom?" Laura asked, turning her attentions to Brenda's other breast.

"I love the way you suck them so hard," Brenda panted. "No one ever sucked me that hard."

"Mmmmm, it makes your pussy just throb, doesn’t it."

"No kidding, Laura. Let's go in on your bed. I'm so wet I might leak juice all over your sofa."

Laura smiled at her as they both got to their feet. "Then I could smell it and make myself come just by remembering this."

Brenda grabbed her aggressively and kissed her as they both quickly shed their pants and underwear. "Girl, you ain't gonna have to make yourself come," she said. "I'm in charge of that."

By now they were both overcharged with urgent lust for each other. In Laura's bedroom, Brenda pulled down the bedspread, and they lay down together. They clearly wanted to eat each other alive, but they paused for another brief tender moment. Brenda caressed Laura's cheek.

"I don't think I've ever wanted sex with anyone else as much as I do with you," she confessed softly.

"I just want to eat you alive," Laura said, staring deep into Brenda's eyes.

"Can I suck your titties like you were sucking mine?"

"Why don't we do it together?"

"How can we do that?"

"I'll show you."

Laura turned her body so that her breasts dangled in Brenda's face and her own face was directly over Brenda's breasts. In this position, they proceeded to devour one another. Their sucking and slurping and squeezing became so passionate that soon Laura found herself biting one big, beautiful, ripe black nipple, and she quickly felt Brenda responding in kind, biting one of her nipples.

This sent them both into a frenzy of sexual excitement.

"Oh Jesus . . ." Brenda gasped, squirming and twisting under Laura as the sensations aroused her to the breaking point. "Oh . . . Laura! Unhhhh!"

"Are you going to come, baby?"

"I . . . I think I am . . . any second! Oh!"

Laura felt on the verge of coming herself. Luckily, they could easily slide right into sixty-nine. Laura slipped forward, feeling Brenda slide in the opposite direction under her. Almost immediately, with no preliminaries, each girl's mouth found the other's secret treasure.

Both were shaking and moaning, twisting and writhing in urgent need. Laura buried her tongue deep in Brenda's hot, glistening, black-edged juice pit, and she winced and gasped as she felt Brenda's tongue plunging into her cunt at nearly the same instant.

"Unhhh! Oh yes!" she gasped, hearing Brenda groan and feeling the girl's hips beginning to churn uncontrollably, pushing her lovely, streaming pussy up into Laura's face.

She ran her hands all over the girl's beautiful, clenching, firm black buns, pulling apart Brenda's swollen black vulva with her thumbs and pressing her tongue against the hot, runny channel of Brenda's tangy pussy, then moving her mouth up so that her lips caught the erect berry of Brenda's clit and gave it a long suck.

"Anngghhhhh!" Brenda moaned, stiffening and quivering as Laura passionately attacked her aching pussy. "Oh shit . . . I'm gonna . . . I'm gonna . . ."

"Oh yes, baby, yes!" Laura panted, on the verge of a fierce explosion herself.

"Auunngghhhh! Ongghhh! Unghh! Auunngghhhh!" Brenda suddenly cried out, her luscious naked body convulsing in sharp spasms as she came violently.

Laura was only a couple of seconds behind her. Brenda was totally shattered by her own orgasm, but she had tongued Laura's pussy aggressively until her climax began to overwhelm her, and her shuddering body seemed to bring Laura right along until she too was coming, groaning into the sheet, pressing her cheek against Brenda's thigh, and cawing helplessly as the excruciating pleasure ripped through her body.

For several seconds they lay quivering and moaning, pressed together, each girl with her face between the other's thighs, until the shockwaves began to die out. This shared climax was strong and sweet, but it only seemed to whet their appetite for more. Laura rolled to the side, then reversed her position to embrace the still-stunned Brenda, kissing her, fondling her luscious, large breasts.

"Mmmm, I think we really fuck well together," she murmured, nuzzling Brenda's beautiful neck. "I want more of you."

Brenda giggled softly. "You know, I tried to give this up, but you have really made me want it more than ever."

"You don't have to worry about it, because I'm going to fuck you all night," Laura breathed.

"God . . . what heaven," Brenda smiled, breathing more excitedly as Laura again began sucking her big, swelling black nipples.

The next hour was a feast for Laura and a revelation for Brenda. They each had three more orgasms and had to rest a while before continuing. Even so, Brenda thought they were finished.

Wide-eyed, she confessed to Laura softly. "I only came four times one other time in my life. And it took me all night. With my husband, before we were married. Now we're usually too tired to do it more than once."

"What about with Mavis?" Laura asked, wondering how far Brenda would go into that.

Brenda became silent and raised a skeptical eyebrow. "What did she tell you about us?"

Laura shrugged it off. "Only that you did it with her now and then."

Brenda smiled. "Now and then? We did it almost every day. We didn't have any other kids in the house then, just her and me. You've seen her. You've even, you know . . . done it with her." Brenda smiled, deeply affectionate, then shook her head. "That girl's the devil. She seduced me, you know. I'll bet you thought it was the other way around."

Laura thought a minute. "I did. But I believe you. She's very seductive. Those deep eyes. That wonderful young body."

Brenda nodded. "Did you make her come four times in a row?"

Laura nodded. "More."

"More? Like how many?"

"I wish you'd stop competing with her. She isn't here. You're here. I want you again."

Brenda, very intentionally, dropped one hand to Laura's, caressing the tops of Laura's fingers and the back of her hand.

"You know what I want?" Brenda said, very softly. "I feel like a pervert, but I can't stop wanting it."

They both looked down at her black fingers on Laura's white hand. Slowly, Laura made her hand into a fist, right under Brenda's fingers. Laura could hear a sharp intake of break whistle involuntarily past Brenda's clenched teeth.

Slowly, Laura slid her fist from under Brenda’s hand and raised it to Brenda’s lips.

"You want it, don’t you," she murmured.

Brenda’s eyes were glazed. She seemed hypnotized by the thought. She kissed Laura’s fist sensually, never removing her eyes from Laura’s.

"Lord help me, I love it," she whispered. "It seems so nasty and depraved, but it nearly makes me faint when . . . Mavis does it to me."

"My hand is small . . . like hers," Laura said.

"I know."

Laura stroked her cheek and kissed her. "Just lie back and don’t say anything," she said. She pulled a pillow over next to Brenda’s head. "If it gets too good, moan into this, okay?" She raised her eyes to the ceiling. "The neighbors."

Brenda smiled, almost meekly. "You can do it hard," she said in a barely audible voice, as if she didn’t really want to be heard. "She never does it hard enough."

Laura bent over and kissed her passionately, squeezing her naked breasts and pinching her plump black nipples at the same time. "You want to be raped?"

Brenda nodded her head. "Not just by anybody. By you."

"Will you rape me back?" Laura smiled.

"Promise," Brenda nodded her head again.

She was now quivering in anticipation. Laura was shockingly aroused and wanted to rape her as much as she wanted it. Brenda’s body was a masterpiece. Slowly, Laura began to fuck her beautiful wet pussy with two fingers, quickly adding a third, patiently opening the tight cavity to receive her whole hand.

She and Brenda had already had five orgasms apiece, but it was as if they had just begun. Laura made love to the girl in a controlled but potentially brutal manner, softly raping her pussy with three fingers while with her other hand she pinched and twisted Brenda’s large, silky, pulpy nipples. Brenda watched everything, slowly swirling her hips to push her pussy up into Laura’s penetrating hand.

She bit her lower lip as Laura introduced a fourth finger, then a fifth, making a wedge of fingers and pushing it farther into the squinchy warm channel each time.

"Oh!" Brenda gasped softly in excitement.


"Oh yes! Do it harder. Yes . . . like that! Unghhh!"

The magic moment came, and Laura's entire hand slid into Brenda's pussy up to the wrist. It didn't exactly hurt, Laura knew, but it was a fiercely intense sensation. Brenda's lovely face was suddenly frozen, transfixed in a seizure of erotic pleasure and anticipation.

Her glazed eyes caught and held Laura's. Panting, unblinking, she began to gyrate her hips.

"Fuck me, baby . . . fuck me," she whispered hoarsely.

They were both in a trance of slowly simmering fuck-frenzy. Laura's hand was still unclenched, and she moved it carefully in and out of Brenda's tight pussy, still trying to open the channel further. But this slow motion was enough to send Brenda into an accelerating mania of need.

"Oh god yes fuck me . . . " she murmured throatily over and over to Laura, taking her eyes from Laura's only to look at Laura's arm protruding from her puckered cunt. "Oh god yes fuck me . . . fuck me harder . . . oh Laura fuck me harder! Faster! Unhhh! Oh! Unhhh!"

Her lovely large breasts swirled, two amazingly firm balls with ripe, swollen black nipples, as she writhed in rhythm with Laura's thrusting hand. Slowly, Laura made a fist with her hand inside Brenda's tight pussy as it yielded more and more to her penetration. Brenda began to pump her hips harder, pushing her cunt up into Laura's hand.

And now they seemed to enter a second stage, a wilder, more delirious zone of hot, rapacious lust and violent fucking. Brenda had said that Mavis would not do it hard enough, and she evidently meant it. She grabbed her own breasts, frantically twisting and pulling her nipples, while at the same time she bore down with her pubic bone on Laura's wrist, shuddering with pleasure as Laura began to plunge her hand harder into the girl's slippery pussy, now making a fist and finally fisting her hard . . . hard . . . even harder.

"Ohhnnggg! Oh . . god oh shit!" Brenda panted, now writhing uncontrollably, making Laura's huge bed sing and creak as it swayed under her surging body.

Laura couldn't resist the opportunity to ravish Brenda's bouncing, swirling breasts at the same time that she more and more brutally raped Brenda's pussy with her fist. She scooped one up in her free hand and sucked Brenda's fat, glossy nipple deep into her mouth, biting it and fist-raping Brenda savagely until Brenda began to erupt in an absolutely shattering orgasm.

It turned out to be a stunner, like the ones that Jonelle used to have in Laura's arms, a deep, trancelike climax that seemed to sink Brenda in a deep swoon of nearly unbearable sexual rapture. She made no sound but a helpless cawing deep in her throat. Her body convulsed and quivered helplessly as shock after shock of intense pleasure gripped her flesh. Only after a minute or so of this did her voice return in a soft, incredibly erotic low moaning, which went on for another two minutes.

Just the aftershocks took that long. Finally, she shook her head as if to clear the fog away, and blinked, smiling, at Laura. Carefully, and very slowly, Laura removed her hand from the girl's plundered pussy. God, I really fucked her hard, Laura thought. I never raped Karen like that until I knew her for a year.

Brenda held her breath and winced a little during the extraction. But then she beamed at Laura.

"I always knew it could be like that," she said hoarsely. "Thank you, Laura."

Laura cuddled with her, kissing her tenderly, still fondling her magnificent breasts. "I was afraid I raped you too hard."

Brenda shook her head. "I never came like that in my life. Until now."

"I don't think I'd mind a bit if you returned the favor," Laura brushed her lips against Brenda's smooth, dark cheek.

But Brenda's face grew troubled. She held up her hand, making it into a fist.

"My hand's bigger than yours. That's why I never did it to Mavis. She has small hands, like you. But mine are big. It might hurt you."

It was true. Brenda's hand was about half again as big as Laura's. Looking at it made into a fist made Laura, who was already fiercely horny, throb and ache between the legs. Brenda could see the expression on her face.

"Try," Laura croaked softly, suddenly overcome by urgent desire.

"Are you sure?"


Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on how you looked at it, she was already so horny that Brenda's fingers in her sopping wet pussy made her come almost immediately, before Brenda could work her hand in further. A three-finger wedge rotating in her slippery channel pushed Laura to the breaking point. She grabbed the pillow, burying her face in it and whinnying wildly as a sharp orgasm gripped her.

"Unnmmnneeeeppghghh!" she groaned into the pillow, coming frantically, pumping and twisting. "Oh god! Ungghhmpphhaiinnggg!"

Astonished, Brenda merely hung on for the ride, until finally Laura's body relaxed, and soft cooing sounds issued from her throat. Even though Brenda hadn't fisted her to this point, it was still a beautiful climax, and they hugged happily. They fucked several more times before Brenda left without ever bringing up the failed fisting episode, partly because Laura really was afraid of her larger hand, and because Brenda was waiting for Laura to bring it up.

But as Brenda was getting ready to leave at midnight, Laura took one of the girl's hands in both of her own and raised it to her lips. She looked directly, hotly, into Brenda's dark eyes as she spoke softly.

"Next time, I want this fist to send me to paradise," she murmured.

"Next time?" Brenda smiled, eyes flickering. "Sure you can take it?"

"I'm going to die trying," Laura said.

"I can hardly wait."

"I can't either," Laura said. "Call me."


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