Laura - Chapter 186


Three-way fucking with Kendra and Marshall was an exciting twist for Laura, but she still could not keep her eyes off April. At first she had not found her very attractive, at least by comparison with most of her other girlfriends, but April grew on her. She was demure and quiet, good-natured and sweet, dark and pretty.

Her squarish, fleshy body, which first had seemed somewhat unappealing to Laura, began to seem more desirable. She wasn't the thin, exquisite type, like Jonelle or the three teenagers--four, if you counted Chanitra--but more like Karen and Trina, though shorter, smaller. She had very smooth, very black skin. She had nice, high breasts and attractive, shapely calves, though she never dressed in anything revealing. She seemed uninterested in attracting men (or women either, Laura thought).

One Friday Laura found herself staring at April's ass. Fridays were dress-down days, Casual Friday it was called, and people wore jeans and sneakers. April was wearing jeans, and they were a little tight, and her very nice and round ass was more apparent than it usually was in her normal business clothes. It wasn't a Chanitra or a Jane ass, but it was very attractive: round, slightly out-jutting, the way Laura liked them, and high. This girl has a beautiful ass, Laura found herself thinking.

Then the worst thing possible happened. April caught her looking. Staring was more like it.

Fortunately, April was good-natured. She smiled. "What are you looking at?"

Caught, Laura blushed but quickly recovered and shook her head. "I . . . guess I was just daydreaming," she said. "Maybe I've got spring fever or something. I was thinking of last year at this time, when I was in Paris."

What an incredible fucking liar I am! she thought. She had never been to Paris. But somehow, she sensed that the very exotic nature of her excuse would divert April from the truth, that Laura was actually lusting after her very pretty young bottom.

"Paris? Really? Gosh, I bet it was great. Were you there with some guy?"

Laura looked down, wondering how far this lie would take her. "Oh yes. He was my fiance. We were engaged, but he was in the Air Force, and they stationed him in Turkey. He fell in love with a Turkish girl."

April got a tragic look on her pretty young face. "Oh god, Laura, I'm sorry! He threw you over for some peasant girl? Gosh, you look like a model! How could he do that?"

Laura smiled wanly, trying to look tragic herself. "I try not to think about it," she said softly.

April looked at her very thoughtfully now, as if Laura had suddenly become a deeper, more inspiring person because of her suffering over love. Laura, throwing caution to the winds, decided to press her advantage.

"I'm still ready to take you out for that drink. How about this evening, after work? I can drive you back to Oakland so you don't fall asleep."

April smiled and laughed softly, suddenly very girlish and enchanting. "I don't drink. But I have an idea. I bought some little filets to cook for my boyfriend tonight, but he's going to a basketball game instead." She made a face. "Why don't you come over to my place, and we'll eat them ourselves and he can go jump in the lake?"

"I think I would be very happy to accept your offer," Laura smiled back, wondering if this 'boyfriend' shared April's apartment.

After work, Laura drove them in her car across the bridge to Oakland. April's apartment was a small lakefront studio and showed no evidence of anyone living there except her. Curious, Laura brought subtly brought up the subject of the boyfriend. Had they been going together long? (Does he fuck you good? was Laura's concealed question.)

"Oh no," April said brightly. "He goes to Cal and lives in the dorm there. His daddy is rich and insists that he live there until he goes on to grad school. We met there during my last year. Which was last year," she laughed. "So . . . I guess eight or nine months."

Laura felt relieved. At least he wouldn't be walking in on them. He lived elsewhere.

She and April made small talk. April cooked, and they had a nice dinner, though Laura had little appetite. Being alone with April, in private, where anything could happen, made her very excited sexually. The more she looked at April—her lovely, smooth black neck, her wide, gleaming forehead, her sensual lips, her small high breasts under her shirt, and of course her round, alluring ass—the more she wanted her.

And yet she knew it was wrong. Not only was she April's supervisor. It was also fairly clear that April was centered in her heterosexuality, content with her boyfriend, not sexually obsessed like Laura, and almost certainly out of reach. This realization tormented Laura throughout dinner.

April could sense that something was bothering Laura. "You feeling okay? You look real depressed. I hope it wasn't my cooking."

"Are you kidding? This was delicious. No . . . I guess I'm just tired," Laura said, rubbing the back of her neck. "I've been working too hard on that acquisition project."

"You should let me rub your back," April offered. "I'm really good at it. I do it all the time for my friends. My boyfriend says it makes him feel even better than—"

She stopped, clearly flustered.

Laura smiled. "I'll bet he's kidding," she said. "It can't be better than that."

April giggled softly, recovering her poise. She shook her head in exasperation. "That's what he says."

"I guess I would like that . . . if you mean it," Laura said softly, trying not to think ahead.

"Of course I mean it. Come over here and lay face down on the sofa."

Laura did, but before she could lie down, April gave her a quick appraisal.

"I think you should take off your blouse. Then lay flat down on your tummy and I'll undo your bra clasp. Backrubs are never any good unless you can really feel my hands on you."

Laura's pulse leaped. She tried not to show how excited the whole idea made her. "I guess you're probably right," she consented.

She unbuttoned her blouse and took it off, trying not to appear to be doing a strip tease, though she hoped April would be looking. Then she looked down between the cups of her bra.

"It fastens in front," she said softly.

"That's okay, just take the whole thing off," April said matter-of-factly.

And indeed, Laura didn't know what she was so excited about. In locker rooms for years she had undressed in front of other girls without a thought. But that was before I was fucking them, she realized. Or wanting to fuck them, like I do with you, April darling.

"Shoot, what a gorgeous bra," April said. "Wish I had one like that. Look how it dips between your boobies. Must drive the fellas wild."

Laura blushed and giggled softly herself. "It makes a few of them excited."

"I'll bet."

April watched Laura take it off. Laura's excitement increased as she realized that April was looking at her naked breasts with more than idle curiosity.

"You have real pretty ones," April finally said.

"Thank you."

"Now lay down and I'll rub your back and make you feel better."


Laura lay down obediently on her stomach on the sofa, and April knelt on the floor next to it. Her hands were cool and firm on Laura's naked back. She did have a talent for it, and she massaged Laura for about five minutes. Laura closed her eyes and luxuriated in the experience, not even thinking about how much she wanted to sleep with April for about three minutes.

Finally, she opened her eyes and smiled dreamily. "You can just keep that up forever," she said.

"Glad you like it," April replied brightly.

"I think I should pay you back. Give you one too. I'm not as good as you are, but I'd like to try."

April smiled. "Are you sure? I think I could really use it too."

"I'm sure," Laura smiled back, feeling a definite stirring now deep inside her pussy.

My pussy wants you, April, she thought. She sat up, watching April's eyes on her naked breasts again. Then she tried to control her own eyes as April removed her own shirt. Her body was beautifully smooth and deep black.

But April's bra clasp opened in back. She did not offer to remove her whole bra. Instead, she lay down on her stomach and let Laura unclasp it. Laura did, then ran her fingers all over April's delicious, smooth back. She gave April the kind of thorough massage April had given her, but she wondered it she was enjoying it more since the feel of the girl's delectable black skin and resilient flesh under her hands made Laura's pussy flow and ooze with warm fuck juice.

Finally, as she was rubbing the tops of April's shoulders and shoulderblades, she leaned down and let her nipples brush April's back. She knew April could feel it, but April gave no sign. Laura pushed her breasts harder into April's naked back, and she saw a faint smile curl the edges of April's mouth.

"Ooohhh . . . that feels good," April sighed softly, smiling more broadly.

"Do you want me to stop?" Laura whispered, almost inaudibly, fearing a 'no' answer.


Now Laura bent her mouth to where her hands were and kissed the nape of April's neck. April smiled again. Her eyes opened, and she lifted her head slightly, sideways, bringing her mouth close to Laura's. Each girl dropped her eyes to the other's lips.

April twisted her body and sat up halfway. Her small, naked breasts swished, and they brushed against Laura's. Both of them looked down at their breasts touching. Who is going to make the first move? Laura wondered.

She bent forward slightly so that her lips touched April's. For a brief second, she thought April would kiss her back. But then April frowned and pulled her mouth away from Laura's.

"What are we doing?" she asked hoarsely, bleary-eyed from the pleasure of having her back massaged.

"Whatever you want to do," Laura whispered.

"I don't think I want to do this."

Chagrined, Laura watched as April crossed her arms over her naked breasts to hide them. April's bra was still dangling around her arms too from the thin shoulder straps. She looked impossibly ravishing in this state, and Laura wanted her more than ever. But she knew rape was out of the question. This was bad enough already.

"Okay," she said softly, resigned.

She pulled back. Her own breasts were still beautifully naked. April looked at them, too.

"I'll just go in the bathroom and put on . . . a sweatshirt or something," she said.


While she was gone, Laura found her own bra and put it back on. She was just buttoning the last button of her blouse when April reappeared. She was wearing a tee shirt. Laura could see her bra through it since she had put it back on. She acted as if nothing had happened, which was not so bizarre as it seemed, since Laura had seen other girls do the same. A potential lesbian affair could be diverted like a river into another channel, if you ignored it.

"Thank you for the back rub," April said.

"I hope you . . . didn't misunderstand," Laura said, tentatively.

"Misunderstand? Oh, I'm flattered. At least you think I'm attractive."

"Very," Laura said, unable to stop herself.

"I just don't . . . do it with girls. You know?"

Laura nodded. "I don’t either. It was just the spirit of the moment, I guess. You know . . . we were touching . . . your mouth was right there."

April turned away. "You mean you never did that before?"

"Never," Laura lied, as usual.

She wondered if April were excited. She had made no attempt yet to kick Laura out. She was not incensed or frightened or angry. Maybe she was still turning it over in her mind. Is your pussy wet, April? Like mine? Laura wondered.

But finally her heart sank. "Maybe you better go," April said. "If you stayed, I’d just be thinking about it."

"I know," Laura shrugged. "Me too."

She took her handbag and her coat. April smiled at her with deep, ambiguous meaning, warmly, even suggestively, but still remotely. Their relationship was now changed forever and would either get better or cease to exist.

At the door, April took one of Laura’s hands in both of hers. She looked deep into Laura’s eyes. "You don’t have to feel bad."

"Do you feel bad?"

April shook her head. "Only that it made us both nervous. I enjoyed giving you a back rub. See you Monday."

Laura nodded, trying to fight back her impetuous lust. She wanted the delicious April desperately now. "See you Monday."

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