Laura - Chapter 182


Laura thought of it as the irony of fate. Her workload had increased, and along with it her importance to her company. They gave her an assistant, and it happened to be a charming young black woman who had recently graduated from college. April Worthington was twenty-three. She was not spectacularly pretty (like Shavon, for example). She had a broad face and a flattish nose, but her skin was smooth and dark, her mouth sensual, her eyes bright and intelligent.

She had a trim, attractive figure and wore modest sweaters and skirts. Her personality was subdued and reserved, and she was almost shy, patient, sweet, attentive. In this way she reminded Laura a little of Jonelle, though without the stunning, swanlike beauty. And her face, though plain, lit up with thrilling loveliness when she smiled, reminding Laura of Charise, whose smile melted her heart every time, and made her pussy run with warm juice too.

Laura found April very appealing, of course, but she was so preoccupied with work and her other sexual affairs that it didn’t become an issue. And she couldn’t let it become one. It would be almost criminal to seduce your assistant, since both of your jobs depended on you not doing it. She and her fellow workers had attended several workshops on sexual harassment in the workplace, and though they were usually aimed at men making passes at girls, she knew that if she made a pass at April, it would amount to the same thing.

Fortunately, she had several delightful distractions, and Charise was the most urgent. She was watched much more closely by her mother than Mavis, who could get away more easily, and so Laura and Charise had not been to bed since the night Laura had driven over to pick her up when she was wearing the bright red Chicago Bulls jersey. It was a night Laura would not forget. But after Stevie Archer, Shavon, and a hot tryst with Randi right after Shavon, Laura was not begging for more involvement. At the moment, she was begging for rest.

But Charise phoned her, and she could not ignore her own excitement.

"What you been doing?" Charise wanted to know in her characteristically direct way.

"I been dreaming about you all the time," Laura teased her.

"No kidding."

"It’s true."

"My mamma be watching me like a hawk."

"She doesn’t know about me, does she?"

"No. Some dude been hanging around me. She think he no good."

Instantly, Laura felt herself bristling with jealousy. Some young black stud sticking his huge hard cock into her delicious little pussy! He’d better not be! she thought.

"I’m dying to see you," Laura whispered. "I dream of you every night."

"What part of me you dream about?" Charise giggled.

"I dream about every beautiful black inch of you," Laura breathed. "Especially your delicious little black pussy."

She remembered how Charise had told her that her Mama had said her pussy was ugly and she had to keep it covered up. Laura had thereupon praised its beauty over and over, without lying either, since it was a totally gorgeous pussy. She listened and could hear Charise panting softly at the other end of the phone. She realized her own blood was racing too.

"Can you pick me up at the playground of the school?" Charise whispered into the phone. "On the corner of Crawford and Pine?"

"Right now?"

"Give me five minutes to get there, okay? You in a hurry?"


Charise giggled again. "See you in five minutes."

Laura could hardly contain her excitement. She couldn’t stop her heart from pounding. It was Saturday afternoon, and she felt like sort of a mess, her hair undone, her apartment cluttered, her face un-madeup. But the thought of spending the afternoon in bed with the darling Charise made her heart leap, and her pussy tingle.

When she got to the corner, Charise, wearing the same red Chicago Bulls jersey, was surrounding by three young black men, all of them flirting in high gear. Laura felt herself churning with jealousy as she slowly brought her car to a stop. Charise made some sharp comments to her admirers, then got into the car with Laura. The guys were all flabbergasted.

"Can’t believe I’d rather be with you than with them, the big turkeys," Charise smiled as Laura drove off.

God, they all want to fuck her! Laura thought, scandalized, even though she wanted to do the same thing. They want to stick their big long cocks into her sweet pussy. I hate them! Inky, you can’t let them do it! she wanted to say.

But she tried to control herself. Charise could see that Laura was troubled. It tickled her greatly.

"You jealous of those dudes, ain’t you?" she said slyly.

Laura tried to keep her eyes on the road. It was only a few more blocks to her apartment house. "Should I be?" she snapped, hating herself.

Charise put a hand on her knee. Laura looked down at the girl’s long, shapely, very black fingers on her white jeans.

"No. You shouldn’t be," Charise smiled. "You the one I dream about."

Laura’s heart melted. This sweet girl dreams about me, she thought. How can I be so lucky? She smiled forgivingly at Charise. She realized it was a little patronizing, but in her heart she was forgiving Charise for letting those guys want her, for flirting with them, for making each of them dream of her sweet young black pussy as the prize.

Finally, they reached her building, and she suddenly had to face another fear. It was broad daylight, Saturday. What if they ran into Jane or Kendra while entering the building?

And, as if she had predicted it, there was Jane, getting her mail, as they approached the door. Oh shit, Laura thought. She couldn’t turn back. It was too obvious, and it also made it seem that she was ashamed to be seen with Charise.

Jane looked up and saw them just as she was again locking the mail box and removing the key. Her face, her gorgeous face, lit up with malicious satire.

"Inky! And Laura! I haven’t seen either one of you in a while! Hey, Inky, you going upstairs to Laura’s to do the Big Nasty? Eh?"

"Jane!" Laura snapped. "How dare you! Don’t you have any manners?"

Charise was looking at the floor. If she weren’t so black, Laura knew she would be blushing hotly, mortified. It was hard even to imagine these two as friends, though they were, or at least had been. Jane was so flagrant, so sassy, so aggressive, so blatantly sexual, while Charise was shy, sweet, an artless little tease, but essentially warm and gentle, though she heated up fast in Laura’s bed.

Jane’s eyes narrowed. She lowered her voice. "Can’t change the truth, can you, Laura? You two going up to do it. I know it and you both know it."

Laura suddenly realized that Jane was jealous. She had been so anxious about seeing her in the first place, then so angry about Jane’s remark, that she hadn’t allowed herself to feel the clear, ugly jealousy that was vibrating in the air of the lobby. While flattered that they both wanted her, Laura was so uncomfortable at this instant that she grabbed Charise’s hand and pulled her toward the elevators.

Jane followed them. She tried to get on the elevator with Laura and Charise.

Laura put up her hand, stopping her. "No, you wait for the next one," she said, her face hard and implacable as the doors slid shut.

Just as Jane’s face disappeared, her expression turned almost tragic with longing and envy, a sudden switch from the pleasurable spite that had been there seconds earlier. Looking at it pierced Laura’s heart. And Charise was still looking at the floor.

"You don’t have to pay any attention to her," Laura said.

"Long as she don’t be telling everybody at school," Charise said quietly. "They’d tease me pretty rough if they thought I was—"

"Going to bed with me?"

"Not just you. Any girl."

They walked down the hall to Laura’s door. Laura let them in. She threw the deadbolt lock, which always seemed so final, as if to announce: Well, now there’s no turning back, we’re going to fuck ourselves silly.

"Do you want me to take you home?" Laura asked.

Charise smiled, half-sadly. "I guess she gon tell them anyway now. Can’t stop her."

Laura put two fingers under her chin and lifted her face. Charise was a little shorter than she was, and she had to bend down to kiss her.

"We haven’t even kissed each other yet," she whispered.

Now Charise’s angelic smile, the thrilling one Laura remembered so often, suddenly spread across her face. "Right," she said.

They kissed, tentatively at first. Laura had not kissed Charise for almost three weeks, and it was very much like the first time. It was a very romantic, slow kiss. Only near the end of it did Laura slip a hand under the Chicago Bulls jersey and run it over Charise’s impossibly smooth skin. This time instead of a bra, Charise wore a thin camisole under the jersey, and Laura slipped her hand under it too.

"I want you so bad," she breathed into Charise’s black ear.

Charise shivered sharply. "Ooooohh, you making me tingle all over."

"I want to kiss you all over," Laura said, kissing her mouth again, hungrily.

Charise’s dark eyes were pulsing with sexual excitement when Laura stopped kissing her. "Let’s go in your bedroom and do the Big Nasty," she said, echoing Jane’s words.

But Laura wouldn’t let her move. Instead, she kissed Charise’s smooth black neck, running her hand all over Charise’s naked back under the camisole.

"It’s never nasty with you," she murmured. "I love you."

Charise smiled and crinkled her nose. "I really like to hear you say that," she confessed.

"I love you."

Charise’s smile grew even broader. "Call me ‘darling’?"

"I love you, darling Inky."

Now Charise began to tug Laura’s hand, moving toward the bedroom. "Come in here and tell my pretty little black pussy how much you love it."

Laura shut the door as she went past it. "I can’t wait."

She lifted the Chicago Bulls jersey up over Charises’s head and tossed it aside. The thin white camisole emphasized the deep blackness of Charise’s skin. To Laura, the girl was a paragon of desire. She had never wanted anyone more.

She quickly slipped out of her jeans and sweatshirt, while Charise removed her jeans and her panties. Laura stopped her from lifting the camisole over her head, wanting to do it herself. Her heart was bursting. With some girls, it was pure, thrilling sex, and little more, but with some—and this time Shavon, and Charise right in a row—Laura’s heart was more excited than her pussy. She loved to fuck them, but most of all she loved to love them, and Charise, her sweet little Inky, was maybe the most precious of all to her.

She kissed her sensual mouth and slowly pulled the camisole up, over Charise’s breasts, to her neck, then up over her head, carefully disentangling it from the strands of Charise’s hair. Now they were both naked. Charise put her very black hands on Laura’s white breasts.

"Our colors look great together, don’t they," she said.

Laura nodded.

Charise pushed Laura back, toward the bed. "I want you first."

Laura giggled softly. "No, I want you first."

"You gon have to wait this time."

They fell on the bed together, giggling and embracing, intertwining, stroking, kissing, quickly growing more passionate and insistent. Charise meant what she said and immediately began to squeeze Laura breasts and lick both of her nipples heatedly. Soon she was sucking them gently, pinching them, lashing them with her tongue, then sucking again, harder this time. Laura twisted and whimpered softly, watching Charise’s sensual lips on her nipples, feeling her breasts pulse with fire, luxuriating in the enjoyment of their contrasting skins, and Charise’s eagerness.

They had only slept together a few times, but Charise had quickly learned exactly how to touch Laura where it would count. She kissed her way down Laura’s writhing body to Laura’s pussy, and there she quickly made Laura felt like a very good teacher. Patiently, she licked and sucked Laura’s flowing, throbbing pussy until Laura was a wreck, twisting, mewling, pumping, frantic with fuck-need.

"Oh yes . . . oh Inky oh yes oh god yes . . . unhhhh! Oh there yes . . . do it harder oh god I’m going to . . . ohhhhh!"

"Come, Laura, come now," Charise repeated softly, sucking her clit, finally sliding two fingers into Laura’s greasy channel and fucking her with them. "Come now . . . now."

"Unhhh! Unhhh!" Laura gasped. "Oh god, yes! Ungghaawwoongggg! Ungghhh!" she cried out, coming sharply.

Her body filled with sweet fire. She dug her fingers into her thighs, lifting her shuddering pelvis, pushing her throbbing cunt into Charise’s mouth as the fierce spasms of her climax shook her.

"Oh god! Oh god!" she panted, finally relaxing, feeling the warm culminating waves of her orgasm pour through her quivering body.

"Mmmmm, that was a good one," Charise smiled, looking up from Laura’s crotch, her lips shiny with Laura’s cunt juice.

"Ohhhh Charise . . . come here, let me kiss you," Laura sighed, totally transported by the aftermath of this thrilling climax.

Charise slid up face to face. "You came all over my lips," she smiled her enchanting, angelic smile, her thick sensual lips covered with cuntslime.

"I know. I hope it doesn’t taste too bad."

Charise deliberately licked her lips. "I dig the way you taste," she said, beaming.

"We were meant for each other, then," Laura said, pulling her down and rolling on top of her lissome young body. "Because I love the way you taste too."

And she began to make love to Charise, feasting on her fresh, beautiful young body, luxuriating in its silkiness and deep blackness, in Charise’s firm, full young breasts, a woman’s breasts on her slender, still blooming body. She loved sucking the girl’s coal-black nipples, twirling them in her wet mouth and feeling them stiffen, curling her tongue around them, nipping them playfully with her teeth, pinching Charise’s wide areolas.

She loved the way Charise’s wet nipples stood up from her breasts after Laura had sucked them for a while, springy and erect and excited. She lashed them with her tongue, and Charise gasped excitedly each time. Laura was in no hurry to descend, but she finally did descend, exploring every smooth inch of Charise’s incomparable midriff and belly. Arriving finally between the girl’s perfect, yawning black thighs, she began slowly to drive the sweet girl crazy by skillfully eating her very juicy pussy but delaying her orgasm.

Charise and Laura had always collided in a quick explosion of coming, then coming quickly again, maybe several times. But Laura had never tortured her like this first, and she was desperate, her lovely young body taut with need, tense, clenching, squirming, her breath short and harsh, her face contorted in a sharp expression of craving.

"Oh . . . oh! Oh Laura . . . please! Oh . . . unnhhh! Oh . . . make me come, Laura! Oh please, please . . . make me come! Do it, yes, oh yes like that unhhhh! Oh shit . . . it feels so good! Ungghhh! Oh yes! Oh Laura . . . please! Unhhh! Unhh!"

Laura couldn’t resist her pleas. She wanted to make it last forever, and she wanted Charise to have a crushing orgasm. She wanted both things, and she didn’t want to stop hungrily eating the girl’s delicious young pussy. But Charise solved the problem for her.

Laura thought she was still in control, pulling Charise back one last time from her climax, but Charise’s body had other ideas. She had reached the point of no return, and just as Laura pulled back her tongue, Charise came anyway.

"Auungghhhh!" she cried out, her body wrenched by a violent explosion. "Unngghh! Oh! Oh! Auunngghhh!"

As soon as Laura realized she was going to come, she pushed the flat of her tongue back against Charise’s clit, massaging it roughly, helping Charise’s orgasm into the megawatt universe. Charise whinnied and strained, coming in long, rippling undulations that filled Laura with so much excess lust that she wanted to jump on the girl’s beautiful body and fuck her immediately again. But Charise was gasping for breath, stunned by her orgasm, and Laura drew back momentarily.

"Oh shit . . . that one nearly put my lights out," Charise gasped as she regained her breath and her senses.

They cuddled happily, knowing they weren’t finished, that another hour of this stretched ahead of them. Suddenly, out of the blue, the artless Charise said something that might have wounded Laura deeply, had Laura not known how little Charise meditated anything before she opened her mouth.

"God, I wish I could come that way with a dick in me," she said softly. "They can be good, but they never that good."

Laura thought immediately of the three guys Charise had been flirting with on the corner, as well as the one her mother was suspicious of. Evidently she had already been screwing one or more of them, at least once. Laura could feel a mixture of sadness and insane jealousy begin to course through her at the same time. But she remained calm.

"I have a dick," she said, hit by an inspiration.

Charise grinned, trying to hold back the laughter. "Where you hiding it?"

"I’ll show you."

Laura left the bed and went to the closet, returning with the huge double dildo that she and Karen had often used before they graduated to more ingenious, and more dangerous, toys. It really was a whopper, though, she realized as she dangled it in front of Charise’s unbelieving eyes. It was thicker than any cock she had ever seen, and she had seen some huge ones. And had them rooting around in her poor little ass.

Charise’s eyes seemed to grow wider by the second. "Where’d you get that thing?"

"A friend left it here."

"God didn’t even make dicks that big, Laura."

"I know," Laura grinned. "It’s an improvement."

Now Charise got bashful. It was tempting to think she was being dishonest, but Laura knew she could change like this, from minute to minute. "Ain’t it perverted to use something like that?"

Laura climbed back on the bed, putting the huge thick snake between them, adjusting it so that when they embraced it was caught between their four naked breasts. She kissed Charise and wiggled her body so that her breasts mashed into Charise’s and the thick double dildo pressed into their flesh.

"Mmmmm, all the better to fuck you with, my darling Inky," she purred.

I’ll show you how much better it is than the guy you’ve been letting stick his dick into you, Laura thought, simmering with jealousy. She kissed Charise in a scorching, suggestive way.

"Want me to fuck you with my dick?" she purred.

"It’s so big."

"I’ll be gentle, my darling Inky."

Charise beamed. "I love it when you say that." She looked at the huge double dildo, which Laura was dangling in front of her. "We both gonna get fucked by that one."

"Exactly my plan," Laura smiled. "Now lie back, my darling. I’m going to take us both to paradise."

When Charise lay back obediently, pliant and submissive, on her bed, it was all Laura could do to keep from throwing herself on her and raping her enthusiastically. She felt like flinging the dildo aside and just fucking the exquisite young teenager for all she was worth, even though she had just finished doing it. But she wanted to do it harder, longer, more aggressively. She wanted to swallow Charise, fuck her and rape her and swallow her whole.

But she managed to take a deep breath and calm herself, knowing that what would ensue with the double dildo would very likely approach that. She sat between Charise’s spread thighs and began to rub the cock-shaped head of one end of the dildo in the wet groove of Charise's beautiful pussy, slowly inching it inside the girl. Charise, propping herself up on her elbows, watched the fat rubber tube penetrate her cunt, splaying the glossy black vulva.

Laura heard a sharp intake of breath. She glanced up to see Charise wince, then bite her lower lip.

"Shit . . . that thing is big!" Charise gasped.

Laura stopped. Even though both of them were very excited, she didn’t want to hurt Charise. The dildo was only about an inch inside the girl’s pussy.

Charise’s eyes were glassy, but she favored Laura with her most infectious grin. "What you stopping for?"

"I don’t want to hurt you."

Charise bit her lower lip again. "Put it in you too. Then we can do it to each other."

Laura nodded. For some reason, her end of the dildo, though just as large, slid more easily into her own pussy. It went in a full six inches without difficulty. Is it just because I’m older and have been fucked more? she wondered.

This girl’s lovely little almost-virginal pussy is too small for this monster. But Charise, watching the other end penetrate Laura, was eager for the same. She began to push her pussy forward, holding the dildo in her fingers. And apparently her muscles loosened because this time the tube slid slowly into her.

"Unhhhhh! Oh . . . shit!" she gasped, watching it.

But it was in. The huge thing crammed both of their pussies, conveying sensations that were like being filled with cock but more intense. Laura could remember being fucked in the pussy by two huge cocks at once, nearly destroyed by it, and this was not as bad but close. She wondered how Charise must feel.

"Oh baby, does it hurt?" she panted, locking eyes with her darling Inky.

Charise shook her head, her face also contorted by the curious mixture of pain and wild sexual pleasure that the huge toy caused.

"Feels good," she gasped, biting her lip again, her eyes watering.

Slowly, Laura began to grind her hips, holding the dildo with her hand on the part of the shaft that linked them. She could feel it slide in and out of her own pussy slowly, and it slid more easily as her pussy too opened to accept it. Her eyes dropped to Charise’s beautiful pussy, the one she loved to slurp and suck and finger until Charise was crying out in helpless ecstacy.

The same thing was happening to Charise, and now the fat, incredibly thick dildo was pushing deep into her pussy too with each thrust of Laura’s hips. Now Charise began swirling her hips too, staring deep into Laura’s eyes, fucking Laura back, panting, her lovely young breasts jiggling as she gyrated her body. Laura couldn’t take her eyes off them, but this position made it impossible for her to touch them. She had to content herself with watching Charise’s thick, hard, black nipples swirling, dancing before her eyes, tempting her mouth, while Charise bit her lower lip and began to pump even harder.

"Unhh! Unhh!" Laura could hear Charise’s soft grunts as she settled into a smooth fucking rhythm.

"Unghh! Ohnnn! Ungghh!" she responded, fucking back, pushing with her own hips, feeling the monster impale her own pussy and send shivers of hot pleasure coursing through her whole straining body.

They had both already come, and so neither one was hair-trigger vulnerable to another quick climax. They settled into a smooth, undulating sexual rhythm, fucking each other with their eyes while their hips churned together, forcing the monstrously big dildo in and out of their pussies, bringing one another closer to a final explosion. Laura remembered how she had fucked Yvette with this dildo while giving her a back rub, and how Yvette had then fucked her, Laura, in the ass with it afterwards.

God, did I really take this huge thing up my ass? she wondered, feeling its ribbed surface, her whole body throbbing as Charise’s churning hips forced the huge pussy-splitter in and out of her. She knew she had, but it was hard to believe.

After a few minutes, she realized that Charise was getting closer and closer to a new climax. The girl was panting harder, pumping harder, faster.

"Unhh! Oh . . . Laura! Ungghh! Laura . . . Laur—"

"Yes . . . baby, yes! Go ahead!" Laura panted to her, pumping much faster and harder now, knowing that she was going to come too any second.

"Unngghh! Oh shit!" Charise gasped, throwing her head back.

Charise’s sexual excitement somehow drove Laura to fuck her harder. Charise’s elbows slipped and let her settle onto her back, and Laura sat up and began to thrust her hips vigorously forward, driving the huge dildo even further into Charise’s pussy, making her groan and wince with each deeper penetration. Of course, each thrust sent it further into Laura’s pussy too, and she nearly came unglued.

Both of them moaned and twisted, churning and fucking, Charise flat on her back, her lovely young breasts jiggling as Laura drove the dildo deep into her pussy with each thrust. From the look on her contorted face, which Laura had seen before, Laura knew she was going to come, any instant.

"Oh . . . Laura . . . unghhh! Oh yes . . . I—"

"Yes . . . baby, yes . . . Inky . . . yes do it yes!" Laura panted, knowing she was going to come herself.

They would come at the same time. Laura propelled herself forward, holding the part of the dildo that connected them both, and got onto her knees, now crouching over Charise in a missionary position. Now she could fuck Charise even harder, and herself too, and she began pumping wildly. The bed began to shake and thump, and it was good thing both girls were so close, since Laura had lost all control.

She had given into her urge to rape and devour the sweet, delectable Charise. She had never fucked the girl so hard, and Charise was panting and moaning uncontrollably. Laura gripped her shoulders with both hands and drove her groin down into Charise’s, burying the huge fat dildo deeply in both of them. Charise cried out, grimaced, and came in violent spasms, quickly followed by Laura.

"Awwwonnnggg! Ungghmmmnnhhiieee!" Charise cried, her lovely, lean black body surging and writhing under Laura’s savage pumping.

Laura herself completely exploded in a hot rush of coming. "Auungghhhh! Ungghh! Oh god . . . oh Charise! Auungghhiiieee!"

She fell on her side next to Charise as they both continued to shudder and gasp, quivering in the aftershocks of a fierce double climax. Then, through Charise’s and her gasps, and the dying thunder of her own pulse, she heard someone stamping on the floor above them. Jane! Seconds later the phone at the side of the bed rang.

Laura wanted to let it ring, but it was very loud and insistent, and she grabbed it, totally enraged to have this moment of very deep and solemn intimacy for her and Charise be interrupted. She looked at Charise, and though both of them were still stunned by the force of their shared climax, she knew that Charise too knew who it was.

"Jane, if you—" she began, but Jane cut across her.

"You two fucking lesbians better cool it down there!" Jane shouted into the phone. "Somebody be calling the police soon, if you don’t quiet down."

Mortified, Laura slammed the phone into its cradle. The spell was broken. Charise looked guilty.

"She pretty jealous, it seems to me," she said softly, looking sheepish.

Laura embraced her. She kissed her, at first reassuringly, then with deep love. "We came hard together, didn’t we," she murmured.

"Sure did. You got a big dick."

"Did I hurt you?"

"Only for a second. I wouldn’t mind if you just left the dick out and kissed my little pussy next time, though."

Laura pouted. "I want you to think I’m as good as they are."

"Who ‘they’?"

"You know, those guys with their dicks."

Charise’s face bloomed in her heart-melting smile. "They ain’t even in the same league with you, Laura. I thought you knew that."

Laura hugged her. She was deeply in love. I’m crazy about you, darling Inky. I want you again, already, even after that rape I just inflicted on you.

"You know, I want you again," she whispered. "I’m sorry I raped you. I just want to make love to you now."

Charise leaned up to look at the bedside clock. "What time is it? I guess I got another twenty minutes or so." She smiled at Laura. "Kinda like being raped by you, you know."

"But this time, it’s not rape. It’s making love. I love you, darling Inky."

"I love you too, darling Laura," Charise said softly, before giving Laura a scorching, passionate, fuck-me kiss.

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