Laura - Chapter 180
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For days following her afternoon in bed with Mavis, Laura had a case of butterflies in her stomach. She had felt the same thing with Charise at first, and a few others. It was her sense of unbelievable good luck that brought the butterflies, as well as her continued astonishment at how easily it had all happened. She knew she was daffy to fall in love with these wonderful girls so easily, but she couldn’t stop herself. She thought about Mavis all the time, and two days later she even took off work two hours early so that they could spend the afternoon doing what they loved to do best with each other. After some exhausting fucking and several more orgasms than their first time, they were both in seventh heaven. And so she was not too thrilled when she was forced to fly out for the weekend to a company-sponsored event in Chicago. However, the event grew more interesting when she realized that Rhonda was there, accompanied by her recent inamorata, Stevie Archer. There was a reception at an elegant hotel on Saturday evening, and Laura was required to attend. Several men tried very hard to attach themselves to her, but she managed to elude most of them. She ran into Rhonda near the bar, also trying to avoid a man. She and Rhonda were both beautiful, which made it easier for them to conceal their true desires. Rhonda got away herself from the desperate lecher who was occupying her attention by using Laura as an excuse. "How are you, dear?" she said to Laura. "Thank god you got there when you did. That creep wants to take me to Venice. I guess he thinks I’ll diddle his little weenie if he does." "Little does he know." "Right." Rhonda looked Laura up and down, and Laura returned the favor. Though they were competitors, they had slept together and scorched the bed. "You’re looking gorgeous," Rhonda said. "Earlene hasn’t sent you up in flames yet." "On the contrary," Laura smiled. "We’ve gone into melt down several times. I can’t thank you enough." Rhonda made a long face. "You are such a pervert. You and she. Do you really do what she wants you to do?" "You mean—" Rhonda shook her head. "Don’t even say it. I could never do that. It’s so sick. You’re a pervert, Laura. She does have a smashing body, though, don’t you think? If only she weren’t so twisted." "Maybe you should try twisting a little," Laura smirked. "Never." "Somebody told me Stevie Archer is here," Laura said, with a significant lilt in her voice. "I suppose you didn’t come together." "Actually," Rhonda whispered, "we did, but we had to make it look like we didn’t. We’re really staying upstairs in the same suite." Her eyes rolled up dramatically. "God, the girl is heaven, Laura. Heaven!" "Where is she?" "Doing the same thing you and I are doing. Fighting off the men. She’s over there." Laura looked across the room. A gorgeous young black woman with auburn hair was laughing, tossing her head, flirting, and acting the perfect coquette with about five men, white and black, who were hanging on her every word. Watching them, Laura was amused. She is very beautiful. And all those guys have probably seen her naked in the pages of Playboy. And of course Rhonda has, since she’s been fucking her for about two or three months. I’m the only one who hasn’t seen her naked. "Are you going to introduce me?" she asked Rhonda. Rhonda looked suddenly vulnerable. "I really love her, Laura. I don’t want you sleeping with her." "Who ever said anything about that?" Laura frowned. "Perish the thought. Anyway, don’t you trust her?" "I . . . don’t know." "Of course I won’t," Laura vowed, knowing it was next to impossible anyway. "Our friendship is worth more than that." Rhonda almost sighed visibly with relief. "Oh, I’m so glad to hear you say that. Look, be a dear, I have to go carry out these program duties. I’m in charge. Just watch her, okay, and make sure one of those men doesn’t steal her from me." "Okay," Laura smiled, wondering how she would accomplish that. Rhonda was pathetic. She reminded Laura of herself, how easily she fell for certain girls, and how vulnerable she felt, how jealous. And as she watched the vivacious Stevie Archer flirting with all her male admirers, she knew exactly how Rhonda felt. Stevie was beautiful; she was a shameless flirt. She was totally, utterly desirable. Laura sidled over to the group, and after a while she got an opportunity to introduce herself as Rhonda’s friend. When she said it, she could see a flicker of interested recognition in Stevie’s dark eyes. She was questioning Laura: a friend of Rhonda’s? Are you one too? Do you find me fetching? Would you be good in bed? Better than she is, maybe? "I don’t want to drag you away from all your admirers," Laura said, half-satirically, since she knew Stevie was thoroughly enjoying it. "Oh, be serious," Stevie said, grabbing Laura’s elbow and steering her away quickly, distancing them both from the crowd of men. "Can you believe the way these guys act? Just because I was once in Playboy? I have a degree in marketing, did you know that?" Laura smiled. "No . . . I didn’t." "I’m not just a stupid airhead. You’d think I was as smart as a box of rocks from the way those guys fawn over me. Only women ever take me seriously. You’re a friend of Rhonda’s? She never told me about you. I can see why. You’re stunning. You look like that Victoria’s Secret model." "Thanks. Not as stunning as you." Stevie smiled, not denying it. She wore an evening gown that showed off a lot of her flawless black skin, dipping low between her quite small breasts. Laura didn’t know they let girls with such small breasts be Playmates. But hers were probably exquisite, she thought. The rest of her certainly is. I have to admire Rhonda’s taste. She thought suddenly, happily, of Mavis’s small breasts, and her own. Stevie Archer’s were in between, smaller, but only a little, than Laura’s, but not as small as Mavis’s. I’d love to compare them, Laura thought, letting her eyes caress the smooth, velvet black skin of Stevie’s bare shoulders. Maybe Rhonda had good reason to be worried about me. Stevie looked around the room and the crowd impatiently. "Can’t we get the fuck out of here?" she asked querulously. "I only came as a favor to Rhonda. This is the most boring evening of my life." "We could go somewhere and have a drink," Laura suggested. "Up to our suite. Rhonda’s and mine. That’s an idea! Away from all these creeps." "Maybe not. Rhonda would get jealous." Stevie toyed with the idea. "You’re right. She would." "I’m staying across the street. At the Embassy Suites. We could go up there and have a drink." "To your room?" "If you like," Laura said evenly. "I’ll get my coat." "Why don’t you just leave it here? We won’t be long. Then it doesn’t look like any big deal, just bouncing across the street for a drink and back again." Stevie smiled, almost conspiratorially. "Right." There was electricity between them. Laura couldn’t ignore it. Across the street in her hotel room, they ordered a bottle of champagne. The waiter uncorked it for them, and Stevie personally fastened the door chain behind him as he left, making Laura feel butterflies in her stomach again, and this time not for Mavis. She poured a glass for each of them. They raised the glasses and clinked them. "We have to make a toast," Laura said. "To the possibilities," Stevie suggested, with a meaningful look. Laura felt a pulse leap in her neck. "To the possibilities." After a few sips, Stevie asked, "So . . . did you ever sleep with Rhonda?" "Oh no," Laura said immediately. "We’re . . . just, you know, work friends." "She’s very beautiful," Stevie added. "Maybe you just don’t like . . . girls." Laura smiled and didn’t say anything. She reached out one finger and drew an invisible line down Stevie’s incredibly smooth, black cheek, admiring her adorable, glamorous baby face. She let the finger slowly descend down Stevie’s long neck to her throat, then on down to the expanse—you could hardly call it a cleavage—between Stevie’s breasts, hidden by two wide straps of her evening gown. Stevie’s eyes followed the finger. "I was thinking across the street at the cocktail reception that I was probably the only one who hadn’t seen you naked," Laura said softly. Stevie’s eyes were murky now, glowing with sexual excitement. "Would you like to remedy that?" Laura nodded. Stevie slowly put down her champagne glass. She began to unsnap the evening dress’s collar where it came together behind her neck. The two columns of cloth covered her breasts, then were joined at the nape of her neck by the snaps. "You know, I did a video when I was a Playmate," she said softly, as if narrating her strip. She looked directly, deeply, into Laura’s eyes. "They taught me how to do this." Slowly, the let the cloth drop. But her breasts were not naked. She wore foam cones over them, which reminded Laura of Brandi, who had also done this once. Stevie smiled, amused, as she saw the look on Laura’s face. Carefully, she peeled off one cup, revealing one exquisite naked breast. It was firm and upswept, with a small, swelling black areola and a big thick nipple. Before removing the other cup, she caressed her naked breast with her fingers, as if to call attention to its rare beauty. Then she removed the other foam cup in the same way and caressed that breast too. Her eyes darted to Laura’s. "Do you like?" Laura nodded. She watched as Stevie slowly removed the rest of the dress. She did it slowly, as she had been taught, emphasizing the sensuality of it as more and more of her naked body came into view. Finally, she wore nothing but her lacy white bikini panties and her earrings. She was, of course, spectacularly gorgeous. Having slept countless times with Lorrie Barnes, Laura knew that they didn’t pick you for a Playmate unless you were nearly perfect. Stevie, however, had a small mole about an inch below the nipple on her right breast. It was the only thing about her that wasn’t perfect, and even it seemed to be an enchanting beauty mark, calling attention to the exquisite perfection surrounding it. Stevie looked at Laura in a dangerous, smoldering way. "If you don’t join me, I’m going to feel like the only drunk at a party," she said in a soft, smoky, alluring voice. Laura smiled. Unable to take her eyes from Stevie’s naked body, she quickly undressed herself. She knew from the comments of others that she, though never having been a Playmate, was certainly in the same league. Her breasts, though smallish, were even larger than Stevie’s. She proudly unfastened her bra and let it slip off, noticing Stevie’s eyes widen as she glimpsed more and more of Laura’s body. She crossed the couple feet or so separating them before Laura was even finished. "If Rhonda never did sleep with you, then she was missing a treat," she whispered, caressing Laura’s cheek with her fingers before her mouth met Laura’s for the first time. It was a deliciously long kiss, exploratory but tender and sensitive. They pressed their breasts together and ran their hands all over each other’s naked skin, their tongues slithering and sliding together. It lasted a long time, and neither one wanted to stop, not as sometimes happened because they were afraid to stop but because they couldn’t get enough. Laura let her lips slide down Stevie’s smooth cheek to her neck, kissing the smooth, dark column hungrily, then sliding her lips up to one marvelous ear. She slipped her tongue into it, breathing into it too. Stevie was suddenly gripped by a sharp shiver. She giggled softly deep in her throat. "You’re going to get me very aroused if you do that," she warned playfully. "I’m already aroused," Laura whispered. "Care to join me on this convenient bed?" They kissed again sensually. Laura hooked her thumbs under the elastic of Stevie’s panties and began to inch them down her thighs as they kissed. "I think you have something nasty in mind," Stevie breathed against Laura’s lips. "Mmmm, I do. I have in mind sticking my tongue into your darling Playmate pussy like this," Laura said, slipping her tongue between Stevie’s lips. Again Stevie shivered sharply. She giggled again too. "I won’t do it unless you get naked too," she said, kneeling and pulling Laura’s dress completely off, then pulling down Laura’s panties too. In another moment, they were both on the bed, on top of the bedspread, coiling together and kissing, completely naked now. What had started slowly and seductively quickly turned into an exciting whirlwind of passion. They kissed ravenously. Laura felt Stevie’s fingernails dig into the flesh of her back, and she dug her own into the girl’s firm round buns. Laura tried to kiss every inch of the beautiful naked girl. She kissed her gleaming shoulders and her throat and her smooth upper chest, dropping her mouth to Stevie’s small breasts, scooping up one in her palm and licking the swelling black nipple excitedly with her tongue before sucking it between her lips. "Ohhnnn!" Stevie moaned, watching most of her small breast disappear into Laura’s mouth. Laura licked and sucked the swollen nipple hungrily, nipping it with her teeth, though gently, but enough to let Stevie feel her aggressiveness. Believe me, darling, I’m going to give you a better time than Rhonda does. I’ve slept with Rhonda, and I know I can do better. In a few seconds she had Stevie’s wet nipple hard and erect, and she pinched it in her fingers, twirling it rapidly, while she sucked the other one the same way. Stevie was twisting and mewling, wildly aroused by Laura’s mouth, panting, gasping when Laura sucked her nipples in deep. "Unhh! Oh god . . . oh yes, Laura! Oh shit . . . that feels so good! Yes . . . god, I love it when you do it hard! Unhhh!" Laura smiled and kissed her mouth again. "Does it make your pussy all wet for my tongue?" "Flooding," Stevie panted. She bit her lower lip as Laura quickly slid down her lean, lovely body to her crotch. There she saw one of the most physically beautiful pussies she had ever seen, right in the same league with Yvette’s and Randi’s. I know they don’t show pussies in Playboy, she thought, or otherwise this girl would’ve won the highest prize. "You have such a beautiful pussy," she murmured, beginning to lick it skillfully. "Rhonda said the same thing," Stevie panted, churning her hips rhythmically. "I . . . ohhhh . . . I’m glad you like it. Unghhh! Oh god that feels good!" Laura’s lust for her, already high, was jacked up a full notch by the sight of this beautiful wet cunt. Stevie’s pussy was a long red gash framed by sinuous, glossy black cuntlips, with a shiny, thick, purplish marble at the top, just now emerging from its perfectly-shaped black hood, beckoning Laura’s tongue. Oh, what a lovely cunt! she thought, slipping her tongue right into the center of it, feeling Stevie’s body clench, hearing tight little squeals of pleasure deep in her throat. Stevie, it turned out, was not a quick comer, which was just as well with Laura, since she enjoyed the opportunity to make love to the girl’s exquisite pussy for several minutes until Stevie was shaking and mewling incoherently, teetering on the verge of a sharp climax. Laura knew how to bring it on, and when she thought he moment was ripe, she tongued Stevie’s erect little clit fiercely. Stevie came in violent undulations, crying out in a strangled moan of ecstacy. "Auungghhhh! Ohnnghheeee . . . nggmmeeee!" she moaned, her lovely, perfect body twisting and arching as each shock of coming struck her. Both of them milked every twinge and spasm they could out of her climax, enjoying it to the hilt, and finally Stevie’s body unclenched. She fell back to the bed, panting and looking fetchingly ravished. Laura embraced her and kissed her. "Wooo, you had a good one," she said. "Oh god, I don’t know whether I ever had one that good," Stevie blinked. "You know what you’re doing down there." "I’ve had a little practice." "My turn to practice on you." "Mmmm, I can hardly wait." She was delighted to find that Stevie had no intention of being perfunctory about it. They might be feeling a little hurried to get back before Rhonda discovered their absence, but Stevie intended to enjoy Laura’s body as much as Laura had enjoyed hers. She patiently explored Laura’s aching pussy with her tongue and lips and fingers, but Laura was already so aroused that it didn’t take long for her to reach the point of no return. "I’m going to come, honey," she panted to Stevie. "Already?" "I’m . . . going to come. Help me . . . help me . . . oh yes! Like that! Yes, oh yes! Unghhhh! Oh god . . . baby yes . . . oh god now yes now. Auunnnggghhhh! Oh! Ohnngghhh!" she cried out, coming a sweet, violent shocks, her body shuddering as they passed through her. Stevie caressed her as she came down . Laura smiled at her. "You don’t need much practice." "Rhonda taught me how to do that," Stevie confessed. "She—and you—are the only two girls I ever went to bed with." "At least you chose well," Laura smiled. We both love your beautiful chocolate self. "But she never made me come like you just did," Stevie added. "I don’t know. There was just something about it. You did something extra. It was like my body exploded from inside." She glanced at the bedside clock. "Well, we better get dressed and get back before she finds out we’re gone." But Laura pulled her down again on the bed. "Oh no, we’re not going anywhere until I get my fill of you. How often do you think I get to sleep with a Playmate?" Stevie smiled and did the equivalent of blushing. She kissed Laura back very responsively but was still hesitant. "It’ll take me forever to come again, believe me," she said softly as Laura began to squeeze her small, lovely breasts and massage her nipples again. But Laura was not to be dissuaded. For one thing, she truly enjoyed the beautiful girl and her perfect body. For another, she realized that despite her coaching, Rhonda had not managed to give Stevie the g-spot orgasms Laura had recommended. Otherwise, Stevie would not have said what she had just said to Laura about coming so hard. "Oh, I don’t think it’ll take you long at all," Laura said. And she began to swarm all over Stevie, kissing and probing and sucking her body until Stevie was a helpless mass of quivering need. Laura knew it. Laura rubbed her perfect pussy with one hand and sucked her nipples so hard that Stevie was whimpering and begging her before long. "Oh god . . . unhhh! Oh! Oh god Laura . . . oh yes, please, please do it to me hard . . . yes! Oh god, it feels so good. Yes . . . like that. Oh god, you’re right . . . I . . . I think I’m going to come again!" "You are, girl, you are," Laura purred, turning up the heat. She had Stevie where she wanted her, and now she slid down between the girl’s marvelous, sleek thighs and began to probe Stevie’s pussy for the magic spot. She turned her hand palm-forward and pressed the tip of her forefinger against the front wall of Stevie’s pussy, from inside. Flicking Stevie’s clit with her tongue, she moved her fingertip back and forth, searching for the knotted bundle of nerves that would make the girl jump involuntarily when Laura’s finger grazed it. And it didn’t take long. After ten seconds of trying, she suddenly felt Stevie’s body stiffen. That’s it! she thought, suddenly rubbing it sharply and sucking Stevie’s clitoris at the same time. Stevie spilled over, almost without warning, in a flood of orgasms. As Laura had seen before, and had felt herself, the shock of the g-spot orgasms was so great that it completely knocked the breath out of Stevie for a moment. Her lovely, perfect body fell into a seizure of fierce rapture, her face torn by ecstacy, and only a helpless, scratchy cawing came from her throat. But after the first shock, the floodgates were opened. She kept coming, and Laura kept coaxing orgasms out of her, and she began moaning and crying out so loudly that Laura thought the hotel staff might hear. Quickly, she pushed a pillow up against Stevie’s face with her free hand, and Stevie, though shattered by the excruciating pleasure her body was enduring, quickly got the point and moaned into the pillow for the duration of her sweet ordeal. She had at least five orgasms before Laura eased up. When they were over, Stevie was a wreck. Very beautiful, panting in the aftermath, she smiled wanly at Laura. "How many girls have you killed doing that?" she asked, still dazed and in shock. "Oh, they get to love it after a while," Laura teased. "I want you to know that I never—never—have more than two orgasms." "Until now," Laura beamed. "Until now," Stevie swallowed. "How did you do it?" "Want me to show you?" Stevie grimaced. "If we don’t get back across the street, Rhonda will kill me. She’ll think we’ve been doing it." "She’ll be right. Are you afraid of her reaction?" Stevie shook her head. "She’s sweet, believe it or not. I don’t want to hurt her. She . . . loves me." "I know. She told me." "She did? You’re an evil bitch, Laura. You seduced me, knowing that?" "Who seduced whom? You wanted to go up to your room." Stevie smiled slyly. "I’m not sorry, if that’s what you mean." "Oh, you little tramp, you like coming that hard, don’t you," Laura teased, kissing her. Stevie grew solemn. "She does love me. I believe her. I don’t want to hurt her. She makes me happy." "I’m not trying to break you up," Laura said. "If she’s suspicious, I’ll deny everything." "Thanks," Stevie smiled, as if relieved. "But maybe we can . . . you know, get together some day when I’m in San Francisco. I can . . . sort of get away. And you can . . . show me?" "Darling, I would be delighted." |
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