Laura - Chapter 176



"Trina? Trina . . . is that you?"

"Hon’, I’m so glad you’re there. I thought you might have moved or something."

Laura couldn’t believe the way her heart was racing. She had not seen or spoken to Trina for over six months. She had lived with the emotional pain of loss, burying it, obscuring it by hot affairs with Earlene and the two teenagers, Jane and Charise, but in the back of her mind there was always Trina, and behind her the ghost of her twin sister Rina.

She sat down and spoke evenly. "Trina, it’s so good to hear your voice. I’ve missed you so much."

"Missed you too, hon’. Honest."

Especially after our last time together, I’ll bet, Laura couldn’t help but think. She had found Trina’s g-spot for the first time, and Trina had had about fifteen killing orgasms, double the number she had ever had before. This was just before her coming marriage to Joe, or John, Grantham, whatever his name was. Laura had been determined to make sure Trina would remember her by doing something he would never be able to do, at least. She had fucked Trina into raptures no man would ever equal, and Trina knew it. But she had married the guy anyway.

"How is . . . everything?" Laura asked, trying to be polite, hoping Trina would confess that she had made a rotten mistake.

"Oh, everything is great. We moved. Into a house. Shauna is great. She asks about you."

"And Mr. Grantham?" Laura tried to keep the spiteful jealousy out of her voice, but wasn’t entirely successful.

"He’s fine. He’s very good to me, Laura. And to Shauna."

"Good. A normal life is what you both need." Laura was glad to mean this.

But Trina laughed softly. "Sure miss the other one, though," she confessed softly.

"You mean me?"


Laura measured in her mind very carefully how Trina would take this. "You know, I’m not adverse to a little adultery. If you aren’t."

"I hate to think of it like that," Trina said.

"Think of it this way: we’re old friends. Nobody has to know what we do in private. God, I’ve missed you, Trina."

"I . . . know there’s a thousand reasons why I shouldn’t . . . but I want to see you."

"Right now. Drive over here right now," Laura said, the blood hammering so hard in her throat that she was afraid it would burst through.

"Shauna’s with her new grandma . . ."

"Right now. Where’s ‘Mr. Grantham’?"

"He’s in Los Angeles until tomorrow. I’m alone."

"Right now, Trina. I’m holding my breath until you get here. Now, I’m hanging up and holding my breath. No excuses. See you in a few mintues."

And Laura hung up the phone, shocked by her own boldness. What if Trina chickened out? But if she did, she would call right back. Laura waited nervously, but the phone didn’t ring. Finally, she realized Trina was on her way.

The excitement was nearly unbearable, and to bear it she went around her apartment chasing away evidence of her other girlfriends, so that Trina would not be uncomfortable. She quickly changed the bed sheets, knowing that Karen’s smell would still be on them after the hot and romantic fucking they had done yesterday. Finally, the buzzer downstairs rang, and Laura nearly had an accident racing to the button to open the lobby door.

She had to take deep breaths as she waited for Trina to ride up in the elevator. Finally, she appeared, walking down the corridor to Laura’s door. Laura was waiting with the door open. Trina was ravishing in an orange blouse and tight black skirt that showed off her stunning figure and perfect legs. Laura was sad to admit, to herself, that marriage had made Trina even more beautiful than before.

"Oh god, you’re so gorgeous," she smiled, stepping aside to let Trina in.

"Laura, it’s so good to see you," Trina smiled back, genuinely.

Laura shut the door. She wanted to throw the deadbolt but felt it was so obvious that it would make it seem as if all she wanted to do was fuck Trina immediately. So she left it open.

Laura decided to be frank. "I hate to say it, but marriage agrees with you. You are simply stunning."

"Oh hon’, you’re gonna make me blush," Trina kidded. "You always were full of compliments."

"You always refused to acknowledge your own beauty. Let me get you a glass of wine or something."

"I guess that would relax me some," Trina smiled.

"You can’t be nervous," Laura said, going to the kitchen and taking down some glasses. "We’ve been about as close as two people can get."

She looked at Trina meaningfully. Trina looked down, bashful.

"I know . . . but it was a while ago. And it was . . . oh, I don’t know, kind of unusual."

"I know," Laura said, feeling a little nervous herself.

They went into her living room with their wine glasses. They sat down across from one another. Trina crossed her legs, and Laura tried not to look. They talked about everything, especially Shauna. Laura really did miss Shauna.

Finally, they had each finished half of their wine and were definitely more relaxed. Laura’s eyes kept floating down to Trina’s shirt. Trina was a voluptuous woman with a full body and firm, large, jutting breasts, which Laura knew to be perfect in every way. Except for Rina’s, Laura had never seen their equal for sheer perfection.

She desperately envied Mr. Grantham. "I really envy your husband," she said. "Let me see your rock."

Trina extended her hand to show Laura her diamond ring, and Laura moved over to the chair where she was sitting. Oh god, she’s going to think I want to kiss her instead of look at her ring, Laura thought.

But it turned out that Trina wanted to break the ice as much as Laura did. After Laura admired her diamond for a few seconds, Trina looked up. Their faces were very close. Their eyes burned together. Their mouths met, and they began kissing desperately. Trina was still sitting, and Laura standing, bending over. It was very awkward.

Trina pulled her down into her lap. Now they kissed hungrily, passionately, their tongues stabbing and probing, their fingers digging through their clothes. Finally, their mouths came apart.

"God, I never thought I’d miss kissing somebody so much," Trina panted. "That really hit the spot, hon’."

"I want more," Laura murmured.

"Me too."

"Let’s move. I’m too heavy for you."

"You are light as a feather. But it’s a little cramped. Let’s move to the sofa."

They took the few steps needed to reach the sofa and sat on it, then promptly began to devour one another again. Laura unbuttoned Trina’s orange blouse as she kissed her, dropping her mouth to Trina’s incredibly smooth neck, her throat, her straight clavicles. Finally, her lips reached the cleavage between Trina’s breasts. Trina’s blouse was nearly off.

Trina pulled Laura’s face up to hers with both hands. "We don’t have no reason to hurry, hon’," she smiled. "I ain’t going nowhere."

"Oh god, I’m so glad to hear that," Laura confessed.

She watched as Trina carefully lifted her sweatshirt up over her head, slowly disentangling Laura’s hair from it. Laura was naked now from the waist up.

"You are as beautiful as I remembered," Trina said, raising both hands to Laura’s naked breasts.

They both luxuriated in the sight of Trina’s shapely, slender black fingers holding Laura’s creamy breasts.

"These are the prettiest boobs I’ve ever seen," Trina whispered, looking at Laura’s breasts, caressing them, then looking into Laura’s eyes.

"Then you haven’t been looking in the mirror enough," Laura replied softly.

She reached both arms around Trina and unclasped her bra in the back, sliding the straps off her arms, pushing the loose bra away. Trina’s naked breasts were much larger than Laura’s, but also perfect, full, upswept globes with big, puffy, black areolas. Trina, still holding Laura’s breasts in her sinuous black fingers, guided Laura’s nipples into hers, moving Laura’s breasts with her hands back and forth so that their nipples brushed.

This nearly took their breath away. Laura kissed Trina’s neck, then her sensual mouth. "I want to suck your nipples," she breathed.

Trina nodded. She held her breasts and Laura dropped her mouth to them. She knew Trina liked to have her nipples sucked hard. She wasn’t like Karen, or Earlene, but childbirth had toughened them, and gentle treatment was not as effective. So Laura began tenderly but was soon sucking and pinching the shiny wet bulbs hard, enjoying the way they sprang erect inside her mouth.

And Trina was in heaven. "Ohhhnnnn," she moaned, watching Laura’s mouth devouring her nipples, quivering as each new wave of pleasure flooded her body. "Oh shit, hon’, yes, oh god yes, oh yes do it hard like that yes! Ohhnnnn!"

Laura still had her jeans on, and Trina her skirt, but they were quickly plunged into a desperate sexual urgency, compounded by the fact that in addition to sex they craved a deep emotional union that had been delayed for months. They wanted to fuck, but they also wanted it to be a deep, resonant fusion. And so they moved as if in slow motion, undressing and kissing and sucking at the same time, until they were both naked, coiling together, whimpering, panting, and moaning as each caress brought them closer, closer to a final meltdown.

Trina found Laura’s nipples with her mouth, sucking Laura hard too, while Laura’s fingers explored the warm, juicy cleft of her pussy. They both quickly lost control.

"Oh god, I want you!" Laura panted. "I’ve missed you so much! I want you, I want to taste your pussy!"

Trina gave in to Laura’s aggressive desire, lying back, yielding her full, voluptuous, silken black body to Laura, who slid down it, kissing her way along the velvety smooth flesh, to Trina’s groin. There she spread the wet crotch hair to the sides of Trina’s puckering, black-lipped pussy and slid her tongue deep into the glistening pink folds.

"Unhhhh!" Trina gasped. "Oh . . . hon’, yes! Ungghhh!"

He probably never eats her delicious pussy, Laura thought as she explored every flooding crevice of Trina’s honey pit with her tongue. Probably just shoves his big cock in her and squirts, and thinks that’s enough for her. But not me, you delectable creature. I love your gorgeous black pussy, and I’m going to make you come hard. Hard.

Now Trina’s beautiful body was undulating, her hips rocking and pitching slowly in rhythm with the fucking motions of Laura’s tongue as it stabbed deep into her pussy and then ran along the distended, swollen, purplish marble of her clit on the way back into Laura’s mouth. Trina began to whoop softly, each whoop closer to the last, as the tempo increased. She was close, closer, closer, and Laura went after her orgasm in a hot fury of lust, slurping and sucking her pussy, finally flicking her clit with her tongue before sucking it into her mouth.

She dug her fingers into the hard cheeks of Trina’s beautiful round ass just as the black girl nearly fainted in the grip of a volcanic orgasm.

"Awwoonngghhh!" she cried out, thrashing, twisting so hard that Laura’s bed hammered against the wall. "Anngghhhh! Oh . . . sweet Jesus! Ungghhhh!" she moaned, coming in fierce, recurrent shocks.

The moment was so powerful for both of them that Laura made no attempt to stifle Trina’s cries or moans. She just let her come naturally, completely, magnificently, embracing her as she slowly regained her breath after a devastating rapture.

"Golly, that was a good one, wasn’t it," she purred into Trina’s ear, kissing her cheek, gently fondling her incredibly perfect breasts.

Trina blinked, still half-stunned. "It’s why I had to see you," she croaked softly. "Hon’, I ain’t criticizing my husband, but I think you spoiled me forever. Before you I didn’t even know it was possible to . . . go off like that."

"To ‘come’ like that?" Laura nuzzled her neck. "Go ahead, you can say it. Say ‘come’."

Trina’s eyes twinkled. "I know someone who hasn’t ‘come’ yet." She pushed Laura down on her back, dangling her breasts in Laura’s face. "And I bet if I kiss her pretty pink pussy, she’ll come in a minute."

"Or less," Laura panted, her eyes glazing over as Trina began to caress her naked body.

Trina was hungry. In all the times they had made love before her marriage, Laura could not remember her being this aggressively ardent and passionate. She almost literally devoured Laura, bringing her to a quick, intense orgasm in less than a minute.

"Oh, are you ever a terror in the sack," Laura gasped to her as she descended from cloud nine. "Your husband must love to get you in bed. I know I do."

Trina grinned coquettishly. "He ain’t had many complaints, hon’. But I’ve got to be honest. I don’t get as hot with him as I get with you. In fact, nobody ever made me as hot as you do. One time I even came just from thinking about doing it with you."

"Really?" Laura perked up. "Tell me about it."

Trina shrugged. Her fantastic naked breasts bobbed. "Ain’t nothing to tell. I was lying back in this reclining chair, daydreaming about you. Missing you bad. Thinking about how we used to do it. And . . . I just came."

"God, it sounds wonderful."

Trina grinned devilishly. "Wonderful ain’t even the word for it."

This conversation heated them up, and they began to fuck again, slowly and sensually building toward a series of throbbing climaxes that eventually left them both quivering and sighing in a surfeit of bliss. Laura realized she was temporarily, at least, at peace. Trina and she had a very deep bond. She didn’t for the moment have to worry about Jane and Kendra, or her guilt feelings surrounding the charming Charise, or Sholdandra’s jealousy, or Vanessa’s hatred of Randi, or Earlene’s exciting and alarming masochism, or anything.

She was simply at peace in Trina’s arms, and Trina was at peace too, not troubled by the demands of her child, not compromising her feelings for the sake of having a man in the house. She and Laura loved each other. They rested and slept and awoke and fucked one another throughout the night and the next morning too, until Trina finally had to leave in order to straighten up the house before her husband returned.

But it had been a marvelous time for them both. They could barely lift a finger, and in fact Laura felt sympathetic toward Trina.

"He’s going to want you, after being a way for a few days," she said.

"I know."

"You must be as tired as I am."

Trina nodded. "I can fake it. I’m good at faking it."

"You don’t fake it with me."

Trina grinned mischievously. "How do you know?"

"I know."

Trina nodded again. "I don’t have to fake it with you. I just go off like a rocket when you touch me."

"Mmmmm, I’m so glad," Laura said, kissing her. "We must do this more often."

"I was thinking the same thing. I’ll call you. You make room for me among all those other girls, hear?"

"You are at the top of my list," Laura half-lied, wondering, as she watched Trina walk to the elevator, if she would, for example, put off Inky if Trina wanted to come over.

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