Laura - Chapter 164


The following evening, when Laura was returning from work, she ran into Kendra in the foyer. It appeared that Kendra had been waiting for her. Part of Laura sagged, merely from the fatigue of work, but part of her also frothed with sexual excitement. She and Kendra had no dull moments together.

"Hi, kiddo," Kendra said, pulling her aside before she could head for the elevators. "You were a little loud last night," she whispered.

Laura remembered how Cecilia had cried out sharply a few times. And she herself, while being fist fucked into a screaming ecstacy, had not exactly been quiet and discreet. She felt embarrassed and stammered an apology.

"I . . . I don’t know what to say. I’m sorry. I tried to remember but—"

"Don’t apologize to me, girl. I wish you saved that pretty pussy only for me, but I’m afraid I’d have to give up some wild rides on Mr. Penis if you did."

Laura smiled. Kendra was always so honest. And gorgeous, too. She wore a scoop-neck blouse showing off her cleavage, the tops of her hard round breasts. No wonder she never had any trouble getting Mr. Penis’s attention. She sure gets mine, Laura thought.

"I hope you can forgive me, but I couldn’t help myself," Kendra confessed conspiratorially. "I had to sneak down here and watch her leave. Looked like an African princess or something. Laura, how do you do it? That girl was stone beautiful! That incredible deep glossy black skin. Wish I had skin like that."

Laura looked around to see if the foyer were still empty. It was. She extended one long forefinger and dipped it suggestively into Kendra’s cleavage, between her marvelous hard breasts.

"I like your skin just fine," she whispered, letting her eyes alone tell Kendra how much she wanted to fuck her. "Where’s Jane?"

"Upstairs, waiting for me to cook her dinner."

"What’s after dinner?"

Kendra winked at her. "I have a date with Mr. Penis to get the daylights pumped out of me."

Laura’s face fell.

"How can you be jealous?" Kendra asked. "You and the Ebony Goddess were trying to wake the whole damn building last night."

"I can make you come harder than he can," Laura said, tantalizingly.

Kendra softened. "I guess you’re right about that. You really want me, after that goddess?"

"You are a goddess yourself. Look at this body."

"You’re making me horny."

"Can’t you cancel Mr. P., for tonight?"

"I’ll see if I can."

"What will Jane think?"

"She knows I have dates."

"Does she know you and I . . . kept it up?"

Kendra shook her head. "Never asked."

"She probably suspects. I see her looking at me weird sometimes."

"Let me make her some dinner," Kendra patted Laura on the forearm, "and I’ll call you."

Laura made herself a drink and tried not to think that Kendra would be calling. She watched the news on TV and snacked on cheese and crackers. She nearly jumped out of her skin when the phone rang.


"I’ll be there in two seconds."

"Really? What about . . . her?"

"Homework. Daffy over a boy. She’ll be on the phone. She won’t miss me."

"I’m waiting at the door," Laura said with a lilt of invitation in her voice as she hung up.

While she was waiting, the idea crossed her mind that Kendra liked Mr. Penis so much because she liked feeling penetrated. Laura herself knew the feeling, and liked it too, though she liked sweet black pussy so much better that it wasn’t an issue for her. But she found herself wondering if Kendra might go for the flexible quadruple dildo that had been gathering dust under Laura’s bed since Karen and she had turned to sicker, more violent and extreme ways to make each other come.

Worth a try, she thought. I still don’t know how she feels about being fucked in the ass, even though the rear dildo prong on that thing is smaller than the front one.

She had no chance to think about it further, because there was a knock. She opened the door for Kendra, who had changed into a slinky orange top with no bra underneath. She might as well have been naked, except that it was better this way.

Laura’s eyes popped out. "You wear that kind of thing to a guy’s house?"

"Only if my pussy really feels like being hammered."

Laura smiled and locked the door. "Does this mean you’re sending me a message?"

"The message is," Kendra said, kissing Laura and slithering her tongue into Laura’s mouth, "you can fuck me as hard as you want because I’m as horny as a horny toad, girl."

This was the second time in two days that a beautiful woman had bluntly asked Laura to fuck her hard, and Laura couldn’t ignore the way her blood accelerated when she heard the request. She also thought immediately of the weird dildo.

"I’ve got a little surprise for you, then," she murmured, drawing Kendra down the hall to the bedroom before she lost it and attacked her right there by the door.

Kendra giggled and skipped after her. "Wait a minute, don’t I get a drink, or some soft music or something? Are you just going to rip my clothes off and rape me?"

Laura pulled her into the bedroom and shut the door. "It’s what you want, isn’t it?"

To tease her, Kendra began inching up the flimsy orange tank top from the bottom, revealing the smooth dark skin of her midriff, the sexy cambers of her ribcage. She was wildly desirable. Laura reversed one hand and ran her knuckles lightly over the girl’s smooth, very hard midriff. Just having been with the newly hard-bodied Cecilia, she was reminded how truly hard Kendra was.

By now the orange top was up beneath Kendra’s round, large, hard breasts. The full dark moons underneath were showing. Laura was hungrier than ever for them.

She grabbed the bottom of the shirt and pulled it quickly up, exposing Kendra’s beautiful naked breasts. Her hands covered and squeezed them roughly. She pinched Kendra’s wide black nipples.

"Ooohhh!" Kendra gasped. "Want to fuck me? Want to fuck me?" she teased in a tiny, soft voice.

Kendra looked down and held her breasts for Laura in both hands while Laura ravished them with her mouth.

"You know, no man ever does this to me," she gasped and panted as Laura licked and sucked her large black nipples aggressively. "I’ve got great titties, right? But they only squeeze or pinch them. They never suck them like this. Ohhhh Laura, god, it really turns me on quick! If they only knew!"

Laura nearly swallowed one nipple whole, and Kendra whimpered uncontrollably. They fell onto the bed, both still half-clothed as they hurriedly tried to undress.

"I’m so hungry for you," Kendra gasped, almost tearing Laura’s sweatshirt, scooping one of Laura’s breasts into her mouth.

"Ungghh!" Laura moaned, clawing Kendra’s smooth, muscular back, feeling her nipple tighten in Kendra’s mouth. "Yes! Hard! Ungghhh!"

Kendra squeezed and sucked Laura’s breasts frantically, giving way only when Laura forced her onto her back and resumed feasting on her own beautiful naked globes. They whipped one another into a quick frenzy.

"I’ve got to have it . . . got to have it," Kendra panted into her ear. "Fuck me. Suck me . . . and fuck me with your hand. Like this."

Her own hand found Laura’s dripping wet pussy, rubbing it fast and hard. Laura did the same to her, and they both dropped their mouths to the other’s breasts, sucking hard, pumping, squealing softly. It was a hot, fast frenzy of fucking. Laura’s bed began to shake, and the springs jingled as their frantic, surging bodies drew closer, closer to the ultimate explosion.

"Oh! Oh . . . yes oh god!" Kendra panted, releasing Laura’s nipple briefly in a wild delirium of lust. "Yes . . . Laura . . . AUNNGHHH!"

She came, her body flexing and shuddering in nearly the same instant, shocked by the fierce jolt of her climax. She felt back with Laura on top of her, and the wild, uncontrollable undulations of her beautiful body were all it took to tip Laura over the edge too.

"Oh! Ahhnnggggg! Oh shit anngghhh!" she groaned, coming in sharp bursts, still pushing her pussy into Kendra’s hand.

They clung to each other, panting, half-giggling in shock over the quick explosiveness of their desperate fucking. Laura knew how thrilling moments like this could be, which she had really never had with a man herself, and wondered if Kendra had. Laura had had them with Yvette, often, and with Karen, Randi, Sholandra. Moments where they nearly tore each other apart in a frantic, overheated spasm of reckless lust.

Kendra giggled softly into Laura’s neck, confirming Laura’s notion. "Holy shit, lady, Mr. Penis don’t come close to you as a mad rapist," she breathed.

"Mmmm, I’m going to rape you again, too," Laura murmured. "With my mouth." She kissed her way down Kendra’s spectacular body, sliding between Kendra’s opening thighs. "I just love this pussy, and I’m going to lick it until you come."

Kendra’s pussy was inflamed and excited from the vigorous fucking it had just received, a succulent hot-pink crease of juice edged by sinuous black cuntlips. Laura as usual was wildly in love. She pressed her mouth to it hungrily, french-kissing Kendra’s pussy and making extravagant, ingenious love to it until Kendra was shaking and cooing again, twisting and pinching her own nipples, churning her hips.

Kendra had barely come down from her last orgasm, Laura knew, and it was very easy to bring her back to a fever pitch of sexual excitement. She moaned and writhed, finally coming again in a wrenching paroxysm that, fortunately, robbed her of breath, so that her only sounds were the final helpless soft squeals and whimpers that escaped her throat once the storm had passed. She peered up from the rumpled sheets, bleary-eyed, at Laura.

"Give me a time out, Laura, okay? I never had to deal with anybody as hot to trot as you are. Mr. Penis just shoots his wad, and then he ain’t worth shit for another hour. You on the other hand are like a runaway tractor or something, always rolling over me again, ploughing and rooting and sucking and licking."

"And of course you can’t stand it at all and want it to stop immediately," Laura said, hugging her, pressing their naked breasts together, kissing her passionately.

"Did I say that? No, I didn’t say that."

She pushed Laura down onto her back and proceeded to make love to her with calm and expert precision, making Laura realize how much Kendra had learned in only a few weeks of very enjoyable lesbian fucking. Mr. Penis must feel this way too, Laura thought, habitually now using Kendra’s language. She must know how to treat him in the sack if she treats me this way. She’s a sexual miracle.

Laura surrendered completely, giving herself and her body to Kendra’s hungry caresses, and coming twice in quick succession as Kendra passionately fucked her throbbing pussy. After this they relaxed for a few minutes. But while they cooed and kissed, Kendra asked Laura the question.

"Where’s this surprise you said you had for me? Strawberry ice cream or something?"

Laura grinned. "It’s a little more daring than that."

"Well . . . what is it?"

Laura got off the bed onto her knees on the floor. She had used the quadruple dildo so rarely in recent months—almost a year, really—that she couldn’t find it at first. It had been pushed back, behind the coils of rope. She retrieved it and held it up.

Kendra’s eyes widened. She ran one long, shapely forefinger along one of the erect rubber phalluses. "Girl, you got four penises here. Four. That’s three more than I’ve ever seen together in one place."

"What, you never had two guys at once?" Laura asked in mock surprise.

"Are you kidding? That would mean one of them might be tempted to poke himself into the wrong hole, dearie. Mama don’t allow no wrong hole pokin’, no siree. This little thingee of yours look like it has the same idea."

Laura giggled. She shook the device so that all four phalluses wobbled. "This little thingee’ll make you sing the Star Spangled Banner in Greek, darling," she said.

But Kendra shook her head. "Not me. Nothing goes in my ass. Nothing."

Laura began to nuzzle her neck and fondle her fantastic hard round breasts. "Where’s your sense of adventure? You had the courage to sleep with me. Anyway, it’s not just you." She held up the device, again wobbling the four phalluses. "It’s both of us getting it at the same time."

"You’ve used that . . . thing before, haven’t you. I’m appalled. You, Laura, are a freak. You’re a sex fiend, did anyone ever tell you that? You’re positively kinky."

She began to laugh as she spoke. Laura laughed too.

"Did you ever do it with two guys?" Kendra asked her.

Laura smiled. "I could introduce you to them," she said, teasingly.

"My god, you did! A lesbian who lets herself get gangbanged by two Mr. Penises at the same time. My mama would never believe I’m actually sleeping with you, girl. You bad."

Laura pushed her down on her back. She began stroking and kissing her again in a way she knew would have Kendra aroused in seconds, wanting it, wanting Laura to do it to her.

"You ain’t sticking that thing in my ass, girl," Kendra panted. "I mean it."

"What if I fuck your ass with my itty bitty finger?" Laura asked, waving the digit in front of Kendra’s eyes.

"You better not."

"Here . . . watch me," Laura panted softly. "You’ll see."

She took the small bottle of baby oil from her bedstand drawer and lubricated the smaller rubber penis on one side of the device, the penis that was smaller and made to go into one’s asshole. Then, with Kendra’s disbelieving eyes taking in everything, she slid the big one up into her wet pussy and the smaller one slowly, slowly into her ass, biting her lower lip and moaning softly as she felt it penetrate her.

It was not until now that Laura realized that actually what she was doing was a masturbation exhibition for Kendra, and as soon as she did realize it she decided to make it as hot as she could. She pushed each rubber penis up to the hilt in her body, gagging softly, her eyes rolling up. Then she began to fuck herself with the device, lying back, spreading her thighs wide so that Kendra could see everything.

It was wildly arousing not only to fuck her ass and pussy with the device but also to have Kendra watching every move. She began to talk to Kendra in a low, husky, sex-clotted voice as her own sexual arousal grew and grew.

"Oh god . . . it feels so good," she panted, churning her hips in a sensual fuck-rhythm. "It’s good in my ass. Ohhhnn . . . oh god, both of them together make me want to come almost immediately. Ungghhh!"

With her free hand, she squeezed her own breasts and pulled her nipples, first gently, then more roughly, watching Kendra’s eyes on her body. And fucking herself with the device while looking at Kendra’s delicious naked body aroused Laura even more.

"Honey," she begged, "dangle your boobs in my face. Let me suck you while I fuck myself. Ohhhh! Ohhh yes yes! Ungghhh!"

Kendra took the bait. She scooted over to Laura on her knees, supporting herself by placing her hands on each side of Laura’s head. She let her magnificent breasts swing in Laura’s face, and Laura with her free hand guided one plump black nipple into her mouth, sucking it passionately.

"Unhhhh!" Kendra gasped. "Oh . . . yes!"

Laura only realized too late that sucking one of Kendra’s delicious nipples while fucking herself in the ass and pussy would make her come very fast, no matter how many orgasms she had already had. She quickly went delirious, jamming the two dildos up into her body and sucking Kendra’s breast very hard. Her climax arrived without warning.

"AUUNGGHHHH!" she cried out, releasing Kendra’s wet nipple from her mouth, her body flipping and surging wildly as a thrilling orgasm wrenched her.

"Oh god, baby, you’re coming, you’re coming!" Kendra murmured, smothering Laura’s face with her beautiful hard breasts, holding them and brushing Laura’s lips with her erect nipples as Laura whimpered and mewled through the remnants of a fierce climax.

"Oh!" Laura gasped, finally regaining her breath. "I’m sorry . . . I didn’t know I would come so quick. As soon as I took your nipple in my mouth, I started coming."

"I know," Kendra said, astonished. "That double penis thing must be magic."

"Try it with me," Laura urged her. "We can fuck each other. We can both come like that."

"Mmmm, I don’t know," Kendra said, weakening.

"It doesn’t hurt. Promise."

"Are you sure? Having that thing poking in your booty?"

"It slides in and out. It’s like a prick, silly."

She could see that Kendra was dying to try it, after she had seen Laura come so quickly and so hard.

"Look, if it starts to hurt, we’ll stop," she said. Then she nuzzled Kendra’s cheek and squeezed the girl’s luscious, dangling breasts, tweaking Kendra’s nipples suggestively with her fingers. "You wanted me to fuck you hard. You said you wanted your pretty little black pussy to be hammered."

Kendra was gripped briefly by an involuntary shiver. "I . . . guess . . . okay. I’ll try it."

Laura sat up, giving her a mock serious frown. "Lie back, my darling, I’m going to fuck your beautiful brains out," she purred.

Kendra lay on her back and spread her thighs, watching Laura oil the dildo that would go into her ass. Next Laura oiled two of her fingers and slid them between Kendra’s incredibly hard buns, slipping one into the girl’s asshole.

"Unggh!" Kendra gasped. "You said it wasn’t going to hurt!"

"Relax, honey, relax," Laura said in her most soothing voice. "There . . . doesn’t that feel good?"

She slid her forefinger into Kendra’s ass, then moved it slowly in and out, fucking her with it, watching the expression on her face as Kendra began to enjoy the sensation.

"Oooohh! That does feel a little good."

"I told you."

"Unghhh! What’s that?"

"That’s my other finger. We have to get you opened up. A cock is bigger than my forefinger."

"No shit."

"You have such a beautiful ass," Laura purred. "I want to fuck it. I want to fuck you in the ass."

"You and about a hundred others," Kendra gasped, her eyes watering, but her face clearly reflecting intense pleasure.

"Okay . . . we’re going to do it now," Laura warned her softly. "Take a deep breath. Do you want me to fuck you?"

Kendra looked deep into Laura’s eyes. "Yes. Please."

The upper dildo was longer by about an inch than the lower one, and so Laura guided it first into Kendra’s puckered, wet pussy. Kendra bit her lower lip. Laura held Kendra’s buns open and the head of the second cock slipped between them, sliding without much trouble about an inch into her already-lubricated anal track.

"Ungh!" Kendra grunted unconsciously.

"Slowly . . . slowly," Laura coached, pushing her groin gently toward Kendra’s as the dildos sank deeper into Kendra’s ass and pussy.

Kendra’s face was stricken with an intense look of mingled pain and extreme pleasure. "Oh god!" she gasped.

Laura glanced down and saw that the dildos were now buried completely in both of their bodies. She kissed Kendra, snaking her tongue into the girl’s mouth, dancing it around Kendra’s. Kendra slowly responded, kissing her back, first tentatively, then passionately.

"Oh god, it’s all the way in me," she gasped in Laura’s ear.

"Hold on, darling, I’m going to start fucking you," Laura whispered.

"Ohnnnn . . . shit! Ungghh! Oh Laura . . . yes! Yes!"

Laura realized quickly that this wasn’t going to be a slow, romantic coupling. Kendra was going crazy, and she was too. She decided to let Kendra have what she had asked for.

She pushed Kendra onto her back and began to fuck her vigorously, jamming her groin into Kendra’s, so that the bowed quadruple dildo device penetrated them both, driving them quickly to the edge. Laura reached down and filled her hands with Kendra’s hard, beautiful, round breasts, squeezing them mercilessly, and then pinching and twisting Kendra’s large nipples. At the same time, she slammed her crotch into Kendra’s, impaling them both on the fierce, plunging rubber spikes.

"Unh! Unh! Unh!" Kendra grunted softly, gasping and whimpering uncontrollably as she approached a climax. "Oh Jesus! Unghh! God . . . Laura! Unghh!"

"Are you going to come?" Laura panted, knowing she herself was only an instant from a fierce explosion.

"Yes! Oh god . . . do it harder! Fuck me, baby! Fuck me hard!"

Laura pinched Kendra’s nipples hard, which she had never done before, and lunged into her, piercing them both and bringing on a nuclear explosion of coming in both of them. She came, Kendra came, the bed rocked, the springs sang, and they wailed into each other’s ears, throbbing and flexing as incredibly sharp orgasms wracked them both. Laura rolled off Kendra onto her side, but their groins were still attached by the embedded dildos, and they whimpered and sighed for a long time as the waves of bliss, slowly diminishing in intensity, rolled over them.

Finally, carefully, Laura disengaged them both from the wonderful device. She looked at it in awe, having forgotten that it could produce moments like this. Kendra saw her.

"I’m kind of sorry you made me do that," Kendra whispered.


"Same reason I’m kind of sorry I ever slept with you in the first place. You know, Mr. Penis just don’t seem the same any more."

"You might have to let him go where this one went," Laura smiled seductively, pointing to the second dildo, the one that had been in Kendra’s ass.

Kendra grinned this time, though ruefully. "I don’t know about that. But I do think I may let you do it again."

"I can hardly wait."

"You know, if Jane didn’t hear what we were doing, I think she must be deaf."

Laura stopped smiling. "Do you think so? Were we too loud?"

"Girl, you ever heard of waking the dead? I came in both holes."

"Me too. At least it seemed like it."

Reluctantly, Kendra started putting on her clothes. "Damage control," she said. "I have to go up there and convince her that you’re a damn sex pervert who’s making me lose all control."

"No wonder she looks at me like that."

Kendra winked. "Only kidding. Actually, she thinks you’re cool. Keeps asking me to invite you to dinner."

"But you’d rather keep me as a dirty little secret, right?"

Kendra was now dressed again. "You got it, honey. I’m a straight A heterosexual, know what I mean? I can’t let my reputation suffer too much, especially with my own daughter."

Laura walked her to the door, where they indulged in a very deep, romantic kiss. "We didn’t get to have a really slow, romantic fuck, like I wanted," she murmured.

"Next time. Next time you keep that thingee in the closet, okay? No matter how much I may be begging you to take it out?"


"And tell the Black Goddess she better keep it down. I can hear her happy groaning."

"I’ll tell her."

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