Laura - Chapter 157

"Girl, have you been screwing my baby sister?"

Shavon's dark eyes were hostile and accusatory, expressions Laura had never seen in them before.

"Why . . . uh, of course not. What makes you think that?" Laura tried not to blush, always her weakness.

"Liar. I know you have."

"What did she tell you?"

"Didn't have to tell me a thing. She goes moping around, crying all the time. Her boyfriend even came to me, wondering what was wrong. He says she all of a sudden told him she didn't want to see him any more. I ask her if she got somebody new, and she just starts crying."

"I don't see what all that has to do with me," Laura said stiffly.

They were together in a small conference room, and Shavon stood up and closed the door. Then she walked over to Laura, who was still seated, and bent down, putting her beautiful face inches from Laura's, her hostility undiminished.

"I'll tell you what. It's exactly the way I would act if I caught you screwing somebody else, when I thought you loved me. Only I'm married, so it ain't as easy."

Now Laura blushed, in spite of herself. Shavon smiled, though not out of happiness.

"See, it's true, isn't it," she said, stepping back.

"We . . . had a . . . brief fling, I guess you could call it," Laura said meekly.

"A fling?"

"You know, you almost set us up for it," Laura went on the offensive. "You got us both together alone at your apartment. And you had told me about how lovely she was, how perfect her boobs were, stuff like that."

"And did you find me to be telling the truth?" Shavon sneered sarcastically.

Laura smiled tightly. "She's very lovely. I didn't mean to . . . disappoint either one of you. But I think you're being na‹ve if you think I wouldn't want to sleep with her."

"You mean `fuck' her?" Shavon said, under her breath, eyes on fire.

Laura found herself wondering, even in this tense moment, if Shavon might not want to do it herself. After all, they were only half-sisters. She risked it.

"You sound like you're envious," Laura said calmly.

Shavon was caught off guard. Bingo. She smiled bemusedly, then turned so Laura couldn't see her full reaction, pacing around slowly in the small area of the room. Laura couldn't take her eyes off Shavon's body. The conversation was sexually charged, even though they were ostensibly talking about Vanessa, not each other.

But Shavon's anger, Laura's guilt, and the sexual desire both of them felt for Vanessa and for each other made the atmosphere crackle with excitement and danger. Laura and Shavon had not had any opportunity to sleep together for weeks, and Laura couldn't take her eyes off the girl. As usual, she couldn't believe that such a beautiful woman-and recently married at that-had consented to sharing the same bed with her.

I made you pant, she thought. I made you come, and cry out. How can you be mad at me? When Shavon turned back to Laura, her eyes were sparkling with tears.

"Oh . . . Shavon," Laura said.

"I'm so jealous," Shavon sobbed softly. "I hate you for screwing for her. I hate you for sharing yourself with her."

Laura stood up. She embraced Shavon and kissed her wet cheeks, kissing away the tears.

"And I hate you for hurting her, too," Shavon wept. "What did you do?"

Laura tried to keep kissing Shavon. In fact, she was getting wildly sexually aroused. Shavon was in her blood anyway, and embracing the girl after several weeks of not being able to, feeling Shavon's large breasts push into her own through their clothes, excited Laura extremely. But now Shavon stiffened a little, pulling back.

"She caught me with another . . . friend," Laura confessed, hanging her head. "Coming out of my apartment."

"Oh god."

"She didn't call or anything."

"She's very innocent. I thought you would see that."

Laura shrugged and nodded. "It's part of her charm. It's all my fault."

"You're just a slut, Laura. Aren't you."

Laura hoped she was kidding. I wouldn't call anyone that, would I? Unless I were kidding? she thought.

But Shavon had not cracked a smile. Her eyes were still jeweled with tears. She was phenomenally desirable to Laura.

Laura took her exquisitely beautiful face in two hands, brushing away the tears with two thumbs. "I may be a slut," she whispered. "But I opened up a whole new world for you, didn't I? And for her. I made you whimper," she whispered, moving her face closer. "I made you come."

Now the tears were pouring down Laura's cheeks too. Their mouths came together almost without intention, their tongues coiling, tasting the mingled salt of their warm tears.

"I wish we could do it right here," Shavon half- giggled, half-wept.

"You mean you forgive me?"

"I don't know, but I sure miss . . . doing it with you."

"Let's go to my place."

"I can't. My husband is coming home early from work. He'll be suspicious."

"I'll die if I can't have you," Laura panted, kissing her smooth black neck.

"Me too," Shavon panted. "He's going to a business dinner tonight. Maybe I could come by for half an hour."


"About seven-thirty?"

"God, I hope I can survive until."

Shavon whispered hotly in Laura's ear. "Don't make yourself come, promise. I want to do it."

"I won't."

But the rest of the afternoon was shot for Laura. There was no way she could work. Even when five o'clock arrived, it was no help since she still had to wait. Her mind teemed with images of the naked Shavon, gripped in seizures of shattering orgasms which Laura had caused.

Her pussy was constantly wet and tingling, from the end of their brief encounter until seven-thirty, when the downstairs buzzer finally rang. Her hand shook as she pressed the button to let Shavon in. She waited in the hallway, looking down toward the elevators.

Shavon appeared finally, smiling, wearing jeans and a loose sweater, her long hair swishing around her shoulders, so unnatural and attractive for a black woman. Inside Laura's apartment, they were almost afraid to embrace, afraid they would tear one another apart with frantic fucking.

"I only have a half hour," Shavon said. "He'll be back soon. He's very jealous, as you know."

"I'm very jealous of him, getting to have you all the time," Laura said, kissing her mouth, her cheek, her smooth neck. "Keeping you away from me. How long has it been?"

"Three weeks and two days," Shavon said, smiling, kissing Laura back passionately. "Plenty of time for you to screw my baby sister."

Pained, Laura looked into her eyes. "You aren't going to bring that up again."

Shavon's eyes teared up briefly, but she shook her head. "No. But I'd like to know, was it good with her?"

Laura made a split-second decision to ignore the question and to overwhelm Shavon with passion. She slid her hands under Shavon's sweater, exulting in the feel of the girls' warm, smooth skin, raising her hands to Shavon's breasts and finding her bra.

"You didn't have to wear this," she whispered. "You know I'm just going to take it off."

Shavon giggled softly. "Don't want them to sag."

Laura was pulling her down the hall, lifting her sweater up over her head at the same time. Inside her bedroom, she tossed the sweater into a chair and unfastened the clasp of Shavon's bra, kissing her deliciously smooth black back at the same time. She raised her hands up and filled them with Shavon's beautiful large breasts.

Pinching Shavon's nipples lightly with her fingers, she ran her tongue into one of Shavon's beautiful ears, breathing hotly into it. "I want you."

Shavon shivered sharply. She turned, then smirked coyly while slowly unbuttoning the front of Laura's shirt. "Two can play this game," she said, eyelids heavy with sex.

"It's so much more fun that way," Laura grinned, watching Shavon's hands undress her.

Shavon undid Laura's bra between the cups and pulled them away. Her very dark, slender fingers cupped and caressed Laura's creamy breasts.

"We are a beautiful picture," she whispered.

Laura raised her hands again to Shavon's naked breasts. "We are going to take off our panties now and fuck very seriously," she murmured, frenching Shavon's ear again.

"Oh yes."

Finally naked, they lay down together on the bed, kissing and stroking one another, in no desperate hurry even though Shavon could only stay for a few more minutes. But it didn't take long for both to become overheated. Laura was not to be deprived of Shavon's beautiful, luscious full breasts, the largest next to Karen's and Bernice's that she had ever made love to.

She cradled each one in the palms of her hands and lowered her mouth to them. First she ran her tongue around each wide black areola, at times flicking the thick center nubs of Shavon's nipples with the tip of it, bringing tight little gasps of excitement from deep in Shavon's throat. When both areolas began to stipple and go erect, Laura began to knead them gently with her teeth, still staying away from the protruding centers, which she knew Shavon desperately wanted her to suck by now.

Shavon was twisting and whimpering, holding her breasts for Laura, watching, nearly swooning. "God . . . I wish you'd teach my husband how to do this," she panted, biting her lower lip. "Ohhhnnnn . . . Laura."

"I would never teach him," Laura said, now sucking the protruding center of one nipple quickly, teasingly, then rolling the wet bulb in her fingers. "You would never come back to me."

"How could I ever leave you? Oh god . . . yes! Yes . . . harder, please, Laura! Please, harder, suck me hard!"

Laura did suck her nipples harder now, sucking both of them and tugging them with her teeth, squeezing the large firm dark globes with her fingers as she sucked, bringing Shavon to the very brink. On their first night together Shavon had told Laura that she didn't mind being bitten a little, that she couldn't persuade her husband to do it. And Laura had lightly bitten her nipples and rubbed her pussy, and Shavon had simply exploded in coming.

Now they would have a repeat. Laura wanted to taste her sweet black pussy, but Shavon was so close to an orgasm that to postpone it would be criminal.

"You want me to make you come?" Laura whispered. "Now?"

"Oh god . . . oh god . . . yes! Please! Do it hard!"

"Hold on, honey."

Shavon was on her side, holding her breasts and watching Laura suck her erect, wet, shiny black nipples, but Laura now rolled her onto her back and straddled her waist, cupping one luscious breast in one hand while she slid the other down between her groin and Shavon's, immediately feeling the overflowing warm bath of Shavon's cunt juices.

"Oh girl, you're so wet."

"I know," Shavon whimpered.

Squeezing Shavon's delectable full breast in her fingers so that the wet, shiny nipple swelled and flared, the center protruding in a thick, erect nub, she took the whole thing, areola and all, deep into her mouth, sucking it hard and letting it slide out until her teeth caught the soft, pulpy black edge. She dipped two fingers of her other hand into the warm gooey channel of Shavon's open pussy, quickly finding the hard little berry of her clit and rubbing hard. Then she let her teeth sink into Shavon's nipple, sucking it at the same time.

It took a full two seconds for Shavon to come in a whooping, thrashing, twisting hurricane of intense pleasure.

"Oooowwnnng! Auuoowwnngghhh!" she moaned, her whole body undulating in shockwaves of coming.

Her orgasm lasted for about thirty seconds, and when it began to wane Laura could not resist the impulse to slide quickly down between her silky black thighs and begin licking her wet pussy aggressively. Shavon's was not a beautiful, long, sinuous pussy like Yvette's or Randi's, but it was a juicy feast, a hot pink wet core of glistening meat, tight even to the tongue. Laura thought that Shavon's husband must feel an exquisite pleasure sinking his stiff cock into this tight, wet little sleeve.

Shavon moaned and her pelvis churned with fresh pleasure as she felt Laura's mouth assaulting her pussy.

"Oh god . . . Laura!" she cried out. "Oh . . . shit! Yes . . . ungghhh!"

"Come again, Shavon, again!" Laura panted to her.

"Oh yes! Unghhh!"

Laura slid a finger into Shavon's flooding pussy and sucked her clit this time, just as Shavon began to come a second time. This orgasm was even sharper than the first. She keened and arched, her pelvis shuddering as the spasms rocked her.

"Auunnggghhh! Ohnngghh! Auungghhhh! Oh shit! Mnnggiiieee!" she cried out, coming exultantly, with Laura's mouth still glued to her gushing pussy.

Laura smiled, her face soaked, as Shavon's climax waned. The sheets were completely wet beneath her groin.

"Oh god," Shavon gasped, suddenly realizing what had happened. "God, I must've peed or something." She looked mortified, pressing her palm against the wet sheet. "I'm sorry, Laura. Oh god, I'm so embarrassed."

Laura giggled and kissed her. "You just came," she said. "Came hard, and wet. Like a man."

"Are you sure? I've never done that before."

Laura licked her lips, tasting Shavon's cunt juices. "Mmmmm, I love it. You taste good."

"Laura, you're sick."

Laura wiggled her tongue. "It makes me want to come," she whispered. "Too."

"Oh god, I'm sorry. I forgot about you in the excitement. I mean, I came twice. So hard. And then . . . you know, I wet the sheet."

"It's no problem. We just move over here," Laura said, stretching out in a dry part of the bed, showing off her body to Shavon. "Don't you want to fuck me?"

"I sure do," Shavon smiled. She crawled on top of Laura and began kissing her passionately, sucking her breasts, nipping Laura's nipples in a way that drove Laura crazy. "And it's a good thing you're hot and bothered," she murmured. "Because I have to leave in about five minutes, and you my darling have to come fast."

"I can come three times in five minutes," Laura panted, meaning it as she felt Shavon slide down between her thighs.

She was enormously aroused, as just being in bed with Shavon at all always made her. In the next two minutes she nearly fulfilled her prediction, coming twice in explosive, exciting paroxysms of ecstacy while Shavon lovingly caressed her hot, pulsing pussy. Trying for a third seemed just overwhelming at the moment, after the power of the first two, and Shavon moved up her body to embrace and kiss her.

"Oh, I hate to have you leave so quickly," Laura murmured to her, stroking her wonderful naked body. "I feel like we're just getting started. We could do so much more."

"I know . . . I know," Shavon purred. "But he's very suspicious. I just don't want to go through the hassle of having to explain."

Laura nodded. "I can't bear to watch you dress," she confessed, watching Shavon's incredible breasts disappear back into her bra, watching her pull on her panties, covering that lovely, juicy pussy.

Shavon smiled. "Tell me how Vanessa was in bed," she said, out of the blue.

"Shame on you," Laura half-grinned. "Your own baby sister, as you put it. You're making me think you want her too, like I said."

Shavon pursed her lips, tilted her head ambiguously from side to side, not denying it. "She's awfully . . . pretty."

"She's gorgeous. She doesn't think so, though. She thinks you're the gorgeous one, and that she's just mildly cute."

By now Shavon was fully dressed again. She could have left but couldn't restrain her curiosity. "So . . . is she better than me?"

Laura didn't want to get into answering such questions. "Why don't you find out for yourself?"

"God, Laura, you really are a pervert after all, aren't you. We both said she's my own sister. Isn't it incest or something, to sleep with your own sister?"

"Only your half-sister," Laura said. "Anyway, incest usually just means a disgusting old uncle shoving his dirty old cock into a sweet little helpless girl."

"I could never get her to go to bed with me," Shavon said bluntly, coming right out with a basic acknowledgment that she would like to. "Right now she's still mooning around about you."

"It might be the perfect time. You could take her mind off it."

Shavon shook her head in exasperation. "I can't ever get any time alone, without my husband. It was hard enough coming here."

Laura, still naked, stood up and walked over to her, watching Shavon's eyes on her swaying breasts. She leaned her face forward and kissed Shavon's amazingly sensual lips.

"And you did come, didn't you," she whispered meaningfully.

"Twice," Shavon whispered back. "And hard."

"Do you think it would help if we tried doing it together?"

"You mean with Vanessa?" Shavon asked, eyes lighting up. "Like we did with Vondi?"

"It worked that time."

"But Vondi is a little tramp. She wanted to fuck with us. It was just finding the right occasion with her."

"Maybe we can coax Vanessa into it."

"Gosh, I'm willing to give it a try. I feel like a real sicko, wanting to screw my own sister-"

"Half-sister," Laura interrupted.

Shavon nodded. "But I'm willing. The only problem will be finding a time when Brad is away."

They went toward the door. Laura pulled on a bathrobe.

"By the way," Shavon said at the door. "Do you ever see Vondi any more?"

"You're just full of questions, aren't you," Laura said.


"She woke me up out of a sound sleep about two weeks ago. Just got off work. Horny as one of those Montana goats."

"So she came over and you guys just about lit that bed in there on fire, I'll bet," Shavon smiled cattily, her beautiful face contorted in envy.

Laura grinned. "We tried." She paused, looking deeply into Shavon's eyes. "How about you? You and Vondi . . . ?"

Now Shavon grew visibly embarrassed, as if it were okay for Laura to engage in lesbian sex but not okay even to suspect Shavon of it. But then she giggled.

"Once, the day after the three of us did it. I'm blushing. You can't see it, but I'm blushing. We couldn't keep our hands off each other. It was so exciting. Then last week, we did it again. Actually, Brad is not so suspicious when I say I'm going to see her. He keeps hoping we can . . . you know, fuck her together, like he always wanted to do. So he encourages me to keep up the relationship."

"You should tell him you're going to see her when you come over here," Laura suggested.

Shavon shook her head. "He has her phone number. He even called when we were in bed together."

"God. What did you say?"

"Oh, we just did a girlie giggly bubbly little game with him and he didn't suspect a thing."

"Then I bet you tried to set her bed on fire, right?" Laura teased, kissing Shavon passionately once again before letting her go.

Shavon nodded, as their kiss ended. "We almost did, you're right. Vondi is hot."

"Not as hot as we are together," Laura whispered, kissing her again.

"I'm so glad to hear you say that," Shavon said, smiling. Now . . . I've got to run or he'll be back before me. I'll try to find a safe time for . . . you know, what we discussed."

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