Laura - Chapter 139


Laura kept trying not to think about Trina, and the lovely evening of fucking with Randi certainly helped. The bondage had been intense but uncomplicated, not too fierce or ingeniously sick, as it too often became with Karen. Laura looked forward to more. She felt that she and Randi might continue doing this without ever getting into the murky depths of sadism that she and Karen had explored.

Then one evening Trina phoned her. Laura's heart skipped. She couldn't help it. Trina was a delicious fucking partner, but she was also much more, as well as Rina's twin. There was no way Laura could ever be indifferent to her, and just her call made Laura realize how much pain was still there.

"I miss you," Trina said plaintively.

"'Miss' isn't even the word for it," Laura said, trying not to sound bitter.

She wanted to say: What's the matter, doesn't he fuck you well enough? Do you miss having me fuck you? He can't make you come the way I did, can he.

"Let's not be mean, hon'," Trina said gently.

"Have you set the date for the wedding yet?" Laura asked bitingly.

"There you go again. Don't you miss me?"

Tears were already streaming down Laura's face. It was dusk, and she was alone in her apartment. Yesterday at this moment she had been energetically fucking with Randi, right there, but now she was alone, and she loved Trina desperately.

"I . . . miss you," Laura said, trying to conceal her sobs.

"Maybe I could come over. I could find someone to keep Shawna."

"It'll only make it hurt more," Laura whispered to her.

"I know."

There was a long pause. Each was yearning wildly for the other. Trina broke the silence.

"I . . . was lying on my sofa, last night. Shawna was asleep. It was that time when we used to . . . you know. And I was thinking about you . . . and I came. Just like that. I guess I just wanted you to know."

"Too bad I wasn't there," Laura said, although she knew that at that very moment she was probably coming wildly herself as Randi yanked the rope and bit her swollen nipples.

"Let me come over."

"No," Laura said. "It hurts too bad."

"Are you sure?"

"It would kill me to see you, Trina. Making love to you would kill me too."

"All right, then. You don't mind if I call you in a few days? Maybe you'll change your mind."


"Love you, hon'."


Laura hung up. She was very troubled, both devastatingly sad but horny at the same time. Trina was a paragon of beauty to her, and the thought of holding her naked body was agonizing. The thought of Trina's man jamming his cock into her and making her die of bliss was equally upsetting. She realized she was wet. Just talking to her on the phone does that to me. How can I live without her? Maybe I should have let her come over.

But a few minutes later, the downstairs buzzer rang. Laura went to the speaker.

"Who is it?"

"Laura, it's Bernice. Remember me?" Then she whispered into the mike: "I need some loving."

Laura almost broke a fingernail in her haste to press the Open button. She met Bernice at the door and let her in. Bernice was not an intrinsically beautiful woman, physically, like Trina, or Shavon, or even her best friend Cecilia, who was totally gorgeous. But she was very attractive, and had a new hair style that made her look even prettier. And then, of course, there was her figure, which could stop traffic, Laura was sure.

She wore a mint-colored blouse that dipped dangerously low to reveal the deep cleavage between her very large breasts. Laura couldn't take her eyes off the tops of Bernice's breasts. She had seen them naked, she had sucked and squeezed them and brought Bernice to an orgasm simply by making love to her fantastic breasts, and she knew what was in store.

"I don't see how you can walk down the street dressed like that without getting raped," Laura said to her. "You look . . . stunning. There's no other word for it."

"Oh, you just like my boobs," Bernice scoffed. "You as bad as a man. You can't take your eyes off them."

"I know. Come here and sit down. Could I get you a drink?"

"That would be wonderful," Bernice smiled, twinkling with mischief as they both postponed the inevitable, skirting around it, teasing one another. "Martini."

"I only have vodka tonic."

"Vodka tonic will be terrific. You looking good enough to eat yourself, Laura."

"Why thank you," Laura smiled, giving Bernice a long look at her shockingly beautiful legs as she went to the kitchen to make them both a drink.

She brought the drinks back and sat down beside Bernice on the sofa. She could feel the wetness between her thighs already and wondered if Bernice were feeling the same. Bernice, eyes twinkling, clinked Laura's glass with hers.

"I got a toast," she grinned. "Here's to love."

"Love," Laura smiled. "Absolutely. Deep love. Abiding love."

"And hot love," Bernice joked.

"Oh, and hot, definitely," Laura laughed, nearly choking on her own drink.

"Tell me, did you end up sticking your tongue in that poor little thing's sugar doughnut? The one who was calling on your machine last time I was here?"

"Bernice, you're making me blush."

"Shouldn't. I don't care if you stuck your tongue in her little coozy. Sounded like she wanted you to, if you ask me. Is she black?"

Laura nodded uncomfortably. Bernice was referring to Randi. I tied her up and fucked her silly only the other night, she thought. Right there in the bedroom where I'm going to fuck you in a few minutes, Bernice, you lovely artless creature.

But Laura was always uncomfortable when it was made to seem that she only cared to get black women into bed, even though it was true. Would Bernice think less of her for it? Would she think Laura was a closet racist or something, who got sexually aroused by black skin? Oh god, Laura thought, I think it is true! What does that make me?

But Bernice was untroubled by it. "What's her name?" she said directly.

"None of your business." Laura smiled. This was an enjoyable cat-and-mouse. "What about you? Having you been letting guys shoot their cum all over your boobs again?

Bernice grinned broadly. "Actually, only one. I went out with a white guy. First one I ever went out with. I always thought they had these little dicks, but he had a big one. Just as big as any brother's I ever saw."

Laura was so aroused she could barely sit still. Her eyes drifted down again to Bernice's spectacular cleavage. She reached over and slipped one forefinger into the crease between Bernice's incredible hard breasts.

"And you let him put it right here?" she half-teased, wanting desperately to put her lips there.

"Actually it was kind of a accident. I didn't mean for it to happen, but I was playing with his big hard cock between my titties, you know, before we did anything. Just letting him feel it there. And suddenly he groans and his cock starts twitching and spurting like crazy. And I rubbed my nipples all over the spurting head of it, getting his cum all over them, which I told you really sort of turns me on, you know? God, it was really exciting."

"I'll bet," Laura said, feeling her own breath quicken, and her pulse race.

"Then I licked it off and sucked my own nipples, which made me hotter than ever, you might guess."

"I should say so."

"Well, it made him pretty horny too, although he had just spurted and couldn't make it stand up again for a few minutes. But my little black pussy was still as clean as a whistle, so he went down on me and lord have mercy I was coming like crazy in about fifteen seconds. After that we waited a while, then fucked the normal way, you know. Twice, in fact. He was pretty good. I think we're going out again this weekend. We hit it off pretty good."

"Certainly sounds like you did. You're really making me hot, just describing it."

Bernice smiled slyly. "Are you hot, Laura? Are you hot for me?"

"Come into the bedroom and let me show you."

"I thought you'd never ask."

But before Laura could even stand up, Bernice began unbuttoning her blouse. She knew she was a walking masterpiece, and thoroughly enjoyed the way people, obviously men or women, were captivated by her magnificent breasts. She quickly slipped the blouse off her shoulders, and sat there in her lacy, champagne-colored bra, the fabric diaphanous enough for Laura to see the huge dark circles of her nipples underneath.

"You want to take it off for me, don't you, Laura," she murmured, her voice smoky, her eyelids heavy, her whole face intoxicated with sexuality that said fuck me, fuck me.

"Yes," Laura murmured, her hands shaking slightly as Bernice turned around to present the bra clasp.

Why am I acting this way? she wondered. I've seen her breasts before, kissed them, squeezed them, sucked them. Why should my hands be trembling?

She got the clasp free, and the bra collapsed, sliding off Bernice's dark, gleaming shoulders. Laura did not wait for her to turn back around. She kissed the nape of Bernice's neck and slipped her hands under the girl's arms, grasping the huge, hard gourds of her spectacular breasts and squeezing them, then pinching Bernice's gigantic jet-black areolas with her thumbs and forefingers.

"Oh! Unhhhh! Oh Laura . . . gosh, you movin' quick, girl!" Bernice gasped.

Laura kissed her neck, her shoulders, hungrily. "I want you. I want you very much, Bernice."

Her mouth caught Bernice's as Bernice looked over her shoulder, and they kissed heatedly. "Take me in that bedroom," Bernice panted. "Take me in there and do me hard. No man can do me like you do, Laura."

Laura turned her around and pushed her down into the sofa cushions, unable to wait the few seconds it would take to go into the bedroom. "I can't come all over them," she whispered, holding the magnificent, swelling black gourds in her hands and running her tongue greedily all over Bernice's gigantic nipples.

"No, but you can make me come just by sucking 'em," she panted. "Nobody ever did that to me but you. God . . . I'm ready to come right now!"

"Don't come yet, honey," Laura panted. "Let me get you naked. I want all of you, all of your delicious body."

"Oh yes . . . oh yes," Bernice gasped, helping Laura remove her clothes.

Laura slipped out of her own clothes easily and quickly, and they embraced, totally naked now, hot and hungry for each other, kissing passionately, their naked breasts mashing together. While they kissed, Laura's fingers pinched and twisted Bernice's huge, now-erect nipples again, driving the girl increasingly delirious with need. She grabbed Laura's head and forced it down her body to her breasts.

"Suck me hard . . . suck me hard," she panted. "Please . . . Laura. I'm gon' come. Quick . . . please!"

Bernice was a quick comer, Laura knew, and Laura was barely in time. It seemed as if Bernice might come just from the overall excitement of it. She was panting and twisting wildly under Laura, whimpering, moaning, holding her breasts for Laura, who grabbed and squeezed the hard, beautiful, elongated gourds of flesh and sucked one of Bernice's huge nipples deep into her mouth.

She sucked and slurped and bit it, and did the same in a passionate frenzy to Bernice's other nipple too, her mouth chasing back and forth between the large, shiny, wet beauties. And Bernice began to come almost immediately, throwing her head back into the cushions and groaning ecstatically as the spasms wrenched her body.

"Auuggnnhh! Oh! Oh god . . . ohnnggg! Ungghh! Oh Laura yes auungghhh!" she moaned, twisting and shuddering in a fierce climax.

All this had happened, as it had last time, without either of them touching her pussy. But it was all creamy and buttery now, and Laura slid down to enjoy it, tonguing and sucking Bernice's wet open cleft and tongue-stabbing her clit until Bernice was shaken by a second orgasm, right after the first one.

This time she came less violently. Instead, her body undulated in waves of bliss, and she swooned in deep rapture, only coming out of it after about a minute, blinking and smiling at Laura.

"My gosh, girl, you really know how to make my body explode," she said. "I wish I could get you to teach several dudes I know how to do it that way."

"Then you wouldn't need me any more," Laura pouted, smiling.

"I would. Yes I would. 'Cause I wouldn't get to do this, otherwise," Bernice said.

Now she sat up and pushed Laura onto her back. Laura was willing because she remembered the phenomenal orgasms she had had by sucking one of Bernice's incredible breasts while Bernice's fingers were swirling wildly over her clit at the same time. She was already overheated and knew she would come very quickly and sharply.

Bernice hovered over her, knowing the pleasure Laura got from the huge, hard, beautiful black breasts dangling and sweeping across her body, feeling Bernice's nipples brush her own. Bernice kissed her neck, her shoulder, then her breasts, one by one, focusing finally on one of Laura's throbbing nipples and tormenting it with her lips. She was not a shy or tentative lover, and she sucked it aggressively, then Laura's other nipple, squeezing Laura's breasts as Laura had squeezed hers and devouring Laura's nipples hungrily.

"Oh god . . . eat my pussy, eat my pussy, Bernice, oh please, I'm going to come, any second oh oh!" Laura panted, quickly losing control.

"Honey, you got such a sweet little wet pink pussy," Bernice murmured, sliding lower down Laura's twisting body. "I've had a few dreams about your beautiful pussy, Laura, and I couldn't wait to get back here to taste it again."

Laura really lost it as Bernice's mouth found her pussy and began love-assaulting it passionately. She desperately wanted to suck one of Bernice's huge nipples when she came, remembering the last time, but she was too close. Bernice's tongue lashing her throbbing clit was enough to send her over, and she came exultantly, gagging and groaning on a beautiful, mushrooming orgasm.

"Ungghhh! Oh yes oh yes! Ohhnnngg . . . Bern . . . oh god yes! Ungghhhh!" she groaned, writhing and pushing her flooding cunt up into Bernice's mouth.

In the middle of her orgasm she realized that Bernice had moved up, dangling her large breasts in Laura's face while her hand continued to fingerfuck Laura's pussy and scissor Laura's clit roughly. Quickly, Laura scooped up one firm dangling gourd in her hand and fed Bernice's huge deep-black nipple into her mouth, sucking it so sharply that Bernice cried out in surprise.

"Unhhh! Oh! Laura!"

But her hand really raped Laura's throbbing pussy now, bringing Laura from one orgasm to the next. She sucked Bernice's incredible breast and came unbelievably, whinnying uncontrollably and pumping spastically with her hips as the jolting spasms shook her flesh. As the last jolt hit her, and the spasms died away, she fell back to the bed, panting, whimpering in the aftermath of shock, wondering when an orgasm had last driven her to such delirious heights.

Bernice's eyes were swirling too, and she was again fiercely aroused by having fucked Laura so heatedly. "Laura, you really came hard," she said, again rubbing her fantastic breasts in Laura's face, moaning with pleasure as Laura again grabbed them and began to suck and bite Bernice's nipples passionately.

They had quickly fallen into the unbroken circle Laura had experienced so many times before, where making the other girl come so excited the first one that she soon came herself, which then aroused her partner again, who demanded more. In this way, she and Bernice managed to fuck one another into exhaustion without ever leaving Laura's sofa for the bedroom.

By midnight they could barely lift a finger. Bernice reluctantly put on her clothes.

"I can tell you, girl, that no man ever fucked me half as hard as you do," she grinned at Laura, who was putting on her robe at the same time.

Laura kissed her cheek. "You bring out the best in me," she murmured.

"Girl, I never had fourteen orgasms in my life!" Bernice said, wide-eyed. "Not even before with you! I don't think I'll be able to come again for three weeks."

"Mmmm, you will if you drop by here," Laura teased.

"You know that song about makin' a dead man come? Well, I'll bet you could do it."

Laura shook her head. "Not a man. But a beautiful woman like you, yes."

"Girl, you are a trip. I'm so glad Cecilia introduced us."

"She'd be jealous right now," Laura said, putting her hand on one of Bernice's huge hard breasts and giving it a squeeze through her clothing. "Come back soon?"

Bernice smiled and nodded. "Soon as I'm able to walk again."

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