Laura - Chapter 136

The evening with Rhonda and Sholandra stayed with Laura for days. It had been far more thrilling sexually than she had ever anticipated, and the thought of another episode with Sholandra and Eric and Jamie was enough to give her the shivers. God, I don't know whether I can take it either, she thought. But I know I can hardly wait.

As part of her job responsiblities, she had to meet now and then with various vendor representatives. A new one had called to introduce herself, and when Laura met her in the lobby to sign her in, she almost lost control of her emotions.

"Hi, I'm Shavon Cunningham," smiled one of the most stunning young black women Laura had ever seen, bar none.

"I'm Laura Robbins," she smiled back, trying not to be too obvious about how thrilled she was to meet Shavon.

God, she's to die for! she thought. Laura couldn't take her eyes off Shavon. She had long, soft black hair, what blacks called 'good hair,' that hung around her shoulders and was cut in straight bangs over her forehead. Her skin was very dark and smooth, and she had a small, sexy separation between her two front teeth. Her smile was vivacious and sweet and direct. Laura tried not to notice her body, but it was very well shaped. She was an inch or so shorter than Laura and did not dress in any provocative or showy way but tastefully and modestly.

She also had a big, glittering diamond ring on her ring finger. Laura's spirits fell. Married!

They sat in a small conference room and Laura tried to keep her mind off how beautiful Shavon was, how fresh and lovely and artless and friendly. It was torture. Deep down I'm just a sex fiend who loves to fuck beautiful black girls, she told herself. This girl wouldn't trust herself in the same room with me, if she knew the truth about me. I just want to take off her clothes and lick her pussy. She's so gorgeous! God, she makes my heart ache and my poor little pussy flutter.

After their meeting, Shavon treated Laura to lunch. They got along very well and had a great time.

"I'm almost embarrassed to call this a business lunch," Shavon said. "I'm having such a good time."

"Me too," Laura smiled.

They did really seem to hit it off. Laura couldn't keep her eyes off Shavon's beautiful hands, and of course The Ring. Shavon couldn't help but notice.

"You like it?"

She held it up for Laura to admire. She had no idea that Laura was actually admiring the beautiful shape of her hand, her long tapering fingers, her rich, smooth black skin.

"It's gorgeous," Laura said.

"I've only been married three weeks," Shavon beamed. Then she frowned. "And he's out of town. He's already been gone four days! And he won't be back until next Wednesday!"

Laura swallowed. "You must miss him."

"I do." Shavon looked pensive. "We've been together for over a year but just got married three weeks ago."

"Absence makes the heart grow fonder," Laura said lamely.

"I know, but this is Friday. I hate going home to a dark apartment on a Friday night."

"I don't have anything to do tonight. Maybe we should have dinner together. Take your mind off it."

Shavon smiled in a way that made Laura gasp inwardly with lust. The girl was fantastically beautiful. The small sexy gap between her front teeth was wildly fetching.

"I can't believe you don't have anything to do," Shavon scoffed. "As beautiful as you are? You know, you look just like that girl in the Victoria's Secret ads. Did you know that? You could be her twin."

Laura blushed.

"Look at you blushing. It's true, though. How come the men aren't beating down your door?"

"Oh . . . they do. A little. I guess I got tired of them."

"I know what you mean. The beasts."

Shavon's dark eyes twinkled. Laura was in love. She was in love with Trina. And Randi. And of course Jonelle. And now Shavon. God, she's gorgeous.

"It's a date," Shavon winked. "Where shall we go?"

"I know a great Chinese place near my apartment. Do you like Moo Goo Guy Pan?"

"Never had it. But if you say it's good, I'll try it."

Again the smile. Laura's heart fluttered. She couldn't concentrate for the rest of the afternoon. She knew the chances of getting Shavon into bed were almost nil. She seemed to be in love with her husband, had been married only three weeks. She seemed totally heterosexual, but then Laura had leaped that barrier before. And the circumstances were right, with her husband out of town. Less guilt. A little loneliness. God, I think I would come if I just kissed her, Laura thought.

She tried to put sexual desire out of her mind and body while she and Shavon had a very enjoyable Chinese dinner. Afterward, on the sidewalk, Shavon seemed glum again.

"Home to bed," she shrugged. "I'm so depressed."

"You could come to my place and watch a movie," Laura suggested. "Heck, if you want to you can even spend the night. I have a spare set of pajamas. It's Friday, you don't have to go to work tomorrow. You can sleep on the sofa."

"Gosh, you make it sound awfully attractive."

"Up to you," Laura said, feigning indifference but holding her breath.

She couldn't help remembering Jonelle and how she had slipped unannounced, and naked, into Laura's bed after Laura had forced a kiss on her and thought she had lost her forever. But this would not be the same. No trying to seduce her, she told herself. No kissing. Just being with her is enough.

"Okay," Shavon said brightly. "You talked me into it. Let's pick up some popcorn and make a movie night of it."

"Will your husband try to call and be upset if you're not there?"

"I'll call him from your place, if you don't mind. Then he'll know where I am."

Not trusting herself to think about anything but the moment, Laura got some silk pajamas out for Shavon while she made the call. They were in fact the same pajamas she had loaned to Jonelle. God, what a heavenly night that was, Laura remembered.

Shavon showed her a picture of her husband that she kept in her purse. He was a very handsome, educated-looking black fellow. But Laura couldn't help remembering Arthur, Yvette's husband, and Rina's boyfriend. He probably has a huge long dick and screws this gorgeous girl so thoroughly that she never would consider something like female fucking, Laura thought glumly.

"Gosh, silk," Shavon said, holding them up admiringly.

"You can change in the bathroom, if you want. I'm going to get into mine right now, then open a bottle of wine to go with the popcorn."

Shavon beamed. "It feels like a high school slumber party."

In a few minutes they joined one another in Laura's living room in their pajamas. Laura opened the wine, and they popped the popcorn together in the kitchen. Laura had started many a romance in this kitchen, in similar circumstances, but she restrained herself from trying anything with Shavon. If it happens, it happens, she reasoned. No pushing it, please.

But it was hard. Not only was Shavon physically beautiful, but she also had a relaxed, sweet, and very warm personality that made it easy to fall for her. Men all over this city must be pining for her in secret, Laura realized. Maybe a few women too, like Rhonda and me. Her personality, her gorgeous face, and the sight of her large breasts moving under the silk pajama shirt were enough to make Laura bite her lip and pinch her thigh now and then just to stop herself from reaching out to touch Shavon.

She did manage to control herself. They returned to the living room and watched an entire movie together, munching popcorn and sipping wine. The movie was a love story, and by the end both were in tears. But then it finished. Both were feeling a little woozy from the wine, which Laura considered to be a promising development. Maybe Shavon's inhibitions would be lowered, and her loneliness would lead her into Laura's arms.

They reached for the remote control at the same time. Shavon managed to grab it, smiling.

"Give that to me, please," Laura teased her. "Whose apartment is this?"

"But I'm your guest."

Shavon's devastating smile made Laura's heart pound. She grabbed the remote, but Shavon quickly snatched it back. They began wrestling playfully for it, and Shavon held it behind her back. Laura pushed against her, trying to reach it, feeling the firm globes of Shavon's breasts push against her. She reached her arms around Shavon, trying to grab it.

Shavon giggled and held it away from her. Their cheeks grazed, their breasts brushed again, their pajama tops sliding together.

"You can't have it."

"I'm going to get it," Laura laughed.

"Betcha can't."

"Bet I can."

She made a quick lunge for it, and Shavon accidentally dropped it between the sofa cushions. They both dove for it at once and their faces came close again. For a split second they paused, looking deep in each other's eyes. Laura's eyes dropped to Shavon's sensual mouth. Shavon saw her looking.

Then their mouths came together. It was a warm, friendly, expressive kiss. They forgot about the remote. Laura's tongue slid into Shavon's mouth, and Shavon's curled around it. Shavon's followed Laura's tongue back into her own mouth.

They stopped kissing briefly. Laura kissed her smooth cheek, her nose, her forehead.

"I've never kissed another girl," Shavon whispered.

"You do it well," Laura whispered back, kissing her again.

Shavon's hand had ended up partly under the bottom of Laura's pajama top, her fingers touching the skin of Laura's back. She slid her hand up until it was completely pressed against the bare skin. In their playful tussle, the first button of her pajama top had come open. Laura kissed her throat, and the smooth black upper skin of her chest.

Her lips dropped further, kissing where the button had come open. Then she kissed Shavon's beautiful neck again, and her sensual mouth, kissing her more heatedly this time. Shavon responded, caressing Laura's back with her hand and kissing Laura warmly in return.

While they were kissing, Laura undid the next button, and the next, finally the last one. Shavon knew Laura was doing it, but she didn't try to stop her. The silk pajama top fell open. Laura filled her hands with Shavon's large, warm breasts.

Their mouths came apart. Their eyes locked, throbbing, electric with sexual excitement. Slowly, Shavon nodded, never taking her eyes from Laura's. It was a green light, as if one were needed.

Shavon's breasts were large and beautiful. Her nipples protruded from the large, dark circles of her flat areolas, reminding Laura of Bernice's nipples, very big but not puffy, swollen buds like, say, Trina's, or Jonelle's. She held one firm breast in both hands and ran her tongue all over Shavon's areola until the girl let out an involunary moan.

"Ohhh . . . Laura!"

Then Laura tickled the center protruding stem of Shavon's nipple with the tip of her tongue. At the same time, she began to gently squeeze the full dark globe with her fingers. She knew Shavon was enjoying this and at the same time dying to have Laura actually suck it. Finally, after tormenting Shavon for a full minute, she took the whole wide nipple into her mouth, sucking it softly, then harder.

Shavon panted, watching every detail of Laura's mouth and tongue on her nipple. "God . . . it feels so good," she murmured. "Do the other one. Please."

Laura cradled both beautiful naked breasts in her palms and feasted on Shavon's large black nipples, sucking and pinching them until Shavon was whimpering, melting in a bath of sexual excitement. Laura kissed her neck, her mouth again. Their tongues coiled and stabbed in a growing frenzy.

Shavon's hand was still under Laura's pajama top, and she brought it around to the front, touching, then grasping Laura's breasts too.

"Take it off . . . yours too," she whispered, unfastening one of Laura's buttons with her free hand. "Want to feel you against me."

"Yes," Laura breathed into her marvelous dark ear, sticking her tongue into it after her word.

"Oh! Oh god . . . Laura!" Shavon gasped, becoming wildly aroused.

Together they quickly unbuttoned Laura's pajama top and took it off, then pulled Shavon's completely off too, so that they were both naked from the waist up. They looked down and moved together, swishing their naked breasts together, letting their nipples touch. It was very arousing to both of them to press their nipples together.

They kissed, very romantically, dreamily, sensually. Laura was in love. She wondered if Shavon felt the same way.

"Can I kiss yours too?" Shavon asked shyly.

Laura smiled. She cupped her naked breasts in her palms and held them for Shavon. Hating to feel so vulnerable, but melting with love, she whispered against Shavon's silky black cheek.

"God . . . Shavon, I'm falling in love with you."

Shavon kissed her, again very romantically. "I'm falling in love back," she murmured against Laura's lips.

Then she dropped her mouth to Laura's breasts. Laura bit her lower lip, anticipating, holding her breath. She thought she might come if Shavon sucked one of her nipples.

"I've never kissed another girl's boob," Shavon whispered. "Yours are so beautiful, Laura."

But Laura stopped her before she could touch them. "Let's go in to the bedroom," she suggested.

She reached down and shut off the television. Shavon's dark eyes were swirling and throbbing.

"Are we going all the way?" she asked.

"Do you want to stop?"

"I never want to stop," Shavon smiled. She touched Laura's naked breasts with her fingers. "I want to kiss these."

Laura took her hand and led her to the bedroom. She closed the door, as always, behind them.

"Why did you do that?" Shavon asked.

"I don't know. Habit."

She pulled down the bedcovers and lay down with Shavon, coaxing her onto her back, and dangling her naked breasts in Shavon's face. Shavon took them in both hands and began to lick and suck Laura's nipples greedily.

Laura nearly came unglued. "Oh god . . . it feels so good!" she gasped.

"I love these," Shavon panted, slurping and sucking Laura's breasts passionately. "You're so beautiful, Laura."

Finally, Laura pulled away, slid down, kissed her again. "I'm going to . . . go all the way now, like you said," she whispered, tugging Shavon's pajama bottoms down over her hips as she spoke. "I'm going to lick your pussy and make you come."

She slipped out of her own bottoms even more quickly, then slid Shavon's down her luscious black thighs, running her hands all over the girl's beautiful hard round ass, squeezing Shavon's firm buns.

"God, you're so beautiful," she murmured, kissing Shavon's breasts again, then her long flat stomach, dipping her tongue into the girl's navel.

"Laura . . . it . . . it's usually hard for me to come," Shavon panted, growing more excited by the second. "Sometimes I don't come until the second time . . . with a man, that is."

"Mmmm . . . you darling, you darling," Laura murmured to her, sliding down further, between Shavon's yawning thighs.

Laura loved each beautiful black pussy she had ever tasted, and Shavon's was one of the prettiest. It was on the small side, but very black, and wet, and glistening pink inside, with a protruding, beautifully-shaped little clit, swollen to bursting with sexual excitement, pushing out from under a small, glossy black hood at the top. Laura touched it with the tip of her tongue, and Shavon's whole body clenched.

"Ahhh!" she gasped. "Oh!"

"You darling, what a beautiful pussy you have," Laura murmured to her as she began to make love to Shavon's exquisite wet vagina.

"Oh god, Laura!"

Maybe hubby takes a long time to make you come, but I think we'll have trouble keeping you away from it, angel, Laura thought. She pulled opened Shavon's wet black cuntlips with her thumbs and slithered her tongue deep into the hot slit. Again Shavon's lovely body clenched, and she moaned, tossing her head, her fingers fluttering in Laura's hair.

"Oh shit!" she gasped. "Oh Laura . . . you're going to make me come fast! Oh!"

"Mmmm, I know," Laura smiled. "I'm going to make you die of coming."

"Oh yes, there! Do it again! Unghh! Oh god!"

Why wait? Laura thought. Go for it, let her really erupt, let her know that you can make her come like a rocket, and really quickly. Instead of toying with Shavon, as she usually did with new lovers, she devoured the beautiful, writhing girl's cunt hungrily, stabbing her tongue deep into Shavon's pussy, then licking and sucking her little tumid clit sharply, passionately. Shavon shocked herself by spilling over in a fierce rush of hot coming almost immediately.

"Oh god Laura now! I'm coming . . . auungghh! Ohnngg! Oh yes! Oh yes! Auungghh! OOUUNNGGHHH! Oh god oh god! Laura . . . auugghhnnn!" she cried out, groaning as each new jolt of the orgasm wrenched her delicious, shuddering body.

Laura kept fucking her throughout, sucking her clit and sliding two fingers deep into her pussy as Shavon arched and strained through a wild, jolting climax. When it finally began to die out, she blinked, still panting heavily, and shook her head, still flat on her back, with Laura now embracing her.

"I have never come that fast," she gasped in disbelief. "Never. How did you do that?"

"Oh, we did it together," Laura downplayed it. "We both got each other so excited that just having me touch you made you come."

Shavon pulled Laura's face down to hers and kissed her searchingly. "I am falling in love back, you know," she murmured to Laura. "I am."

"You can't, you're married," Laura laughed softly.

Shavon ignored her. "I'm going to make you come, too."

"You know how I can come, really fast?" Laura whispered to her. "Just by pressing my pussy against yours and gazing into your beautiful eyes."

A slow smile spread across Shavon's beautiful face. "Pressing your---? Can we do that?"

"Look how wet I am for you," Laura said, spreading her thighs and letting Shavon see the open, gooey, puckered cleft of her inflamed pussy.

Honey, if you breathed on my pussy I'd go up in flames, she thought. I'm falling in love with this beautiful married woman. How can I stop myself?

"Gosh, you really are, girl. Show me how to do it."

Laura gently lifted one of Shavon's shapely, smooth, black legs and slipped one of hers under it. She crooked the knee of her other leg and moved forward until their two groins were only about an inch apart. Then she looked up, wanting to see the expression on Shavon's face when their pussies came together. She knew how electrifying it would be and wanted to savor it, but the sensations were so great she lost it completely when she felt Shavon's warm, wet pussy press into hers.

"Ohhhh . . . oh god!" Laura gasped, throwing back her head, knowing she was going to come in only seconds. "Oh god . . . honey, do it fast! Unhhhh!"

"Oh Laura . . . oh Laura!" Shavon murmured, quickly getting the idea and swirling her own wet pussy into Laura's.

Laura was already wildly aroused. She looked at Shavon's beautiful face, contorted with the beginnings of another orgasm, and at the girl's luscious, jiggling breasts, and all this coupled with the feeling of Shavon's warm, wet pussy moving against her own made her come almost immediately.

A sharp, exquisite orgasm squeezed Laura very hard as she stiffened, then undulated in helpless spasms, moaning and grinding her throbbing pussy into Shavon's.

"Oh Jesus! Ohhnnnnnggg . . . ohhhh! Aooowwnnnnnggg oh god Shavon ohhh! Ohnnnnn!" she moaned, twisting and coming exuberantly.

And about halfway through Laura's orgasm she realized that Shavon was coming again too, a long, throbbing, undulating orgasm like Laura's. Her moans were ecstatic and totally uncontrollable. She pushed her cunt into Laura's, panting and pumping in a passionate frenzy until every last ounce of bliss was drained from her body.

"Oh god oh god . . . oh god, I never knew sex could be like this!" she gasped as they disentangled their bodies and embraced again face to face. "Oh, you marvelous lovely creature Laura, I can't believe you, that you could make me come like that, that you could make me feel that way."

"You made me come hard," Laura smiled, kissing her. "It was beautiful."

"I came again! I only came twice once in my life." She giggled. "That sounds funny, doesn't it. I came twice once. But it's really true. Only once. Not my husband, some other guy I knew in college. He fucked me about six times. He was really a stud, I'll say that for him. And a creep. But I came the second time, and then, it was so hard for him to come the last time, the sixth time, that I found myself coming again before he did. Almost in self-defense, know what I mean?"

"I'm envious of anybody who got to fuck you six times," Laura said, cupping Shavon's lovely naked breasts again in her hands, rubbing her thumbs over the girl's wide, dark nipples.

Shavon's eyes grew veiled, and she dropped her voice to a sexy whisper. "You can fuck me sixty times, Laura, and it still wouldn't be enough."

"I don't know about sixty," Laura nuzzled her splendid neck, "but I'm definitely not letting you go until I get a lot more." She dropped her mouth again to Shavon's beautiful full breasts. "I love these. I want to swallow them."

"Do you really like them? I think they could certainly be better. See how they seem to sag a little? I'm only twenty-six. Now my girl friend Vondi, she's the one with the boobs. She had them surgically enhanced. It's terrible, isn't it? Here I've got the real thing, but hers are just perfect. You've never seen anything so perfect. Oops, I guess you have." She caressed Laura's breasts. "Yours are perfect. Yours and hers. My husband, the creep, wanted to have a threeway with her, how do you like that? My best friend."


"What did you say?"

"I said no. I haven't seen her since, either. That was before we were married. I didn't invite her to the wedding. It wasn't her fault, really. It was him that wanted to screw her. Men are such shits."

"How do you know he isn't screwing her, if you haven't seen her yourself?"

"Because I'd kill him. First I'd leave him, then I'd kill him. He knows it. He may want to fuck her, but he wants to fuck me more." She looked down at Laura licking and sucking her nipples. "You know what he likes to do, sometimes? He likes me to suck him off, and when he gets ready to come he takes it out of my mouth and shoots his cum all over my nipples. Ohhhnnn god, Laura, that feels good!"

"What, when he shoots all over your nipples?"

"Ohhhh, yes, that feels good too. But I meant what you're doing to them right now. You sure know how to do that."

"I want to swallow them."

"You're making me want to come again. I've never felt this way in my life. Like a sex fiend or something. Just wanting to fuck and fuck with you. Usually I get bored."

"Mmmmm, darling, one thing you're not is boring," Laura murmured, kissing her way all over Shavon's naked body and turning at the same time so that Shavon could suck her breasts while she sucked Shavon's.

They quickly whipped each other up into another frenzy by this, squeezing and sucking each other hungrily. Laura started moving back down Shavon's twisting body until her own crotch was directly over Shavon's face, and her face was in Shavon's. They began an exciting sixty-nine, Shavon getting her first taste of Laura's pussy, or any pussy.

She licked and tongued it frantically, nipping Laura's clit with her lips, until Laura was shaking and groaning helplessly, stabbing her own tongue deep into the bright pink interior of Shavon's beautiful black pussy. It began slowly, sensually, but quickly accelerated out of control. Soon they were rolling back and forth on the bed, eating one another aggressively, whimpering and squirming as they brought one another to the brink of a thrilling ecstacy.

Laura couldn't remember such an exciting fuck with such a beautiful woman, who held nothing back. They squirmed together, whimpering, squealing softly, voraciously tonging and sucking each other's inflamed pussy, until a shared orgasm gripped them both at nearly the same instant. They came in a flexing, twisting mass of caresses and hot, louder squeals, their bodies undulating together in rhythm as the spasms rocked them both.

Afterward, both of them were flabbergasted by the power of it. Shavon was even solemn, her eyes wide.

"I never came like that with a man. I've been to bed with maybe twelve or fifteen guys, and none of them ever came close to doing that to me," she confessed to Laura.

"But I can't come all over your nipples," Laura grinned, cupping Shavon's breasts and beginning to lick her large black nipples again, realizing that even this powerful orgasm they had shared had not slaked her lust for the beautiful black girl.

Shavon shivered sharply. "Oooohhh, I love it when you do that. You really know how to suck them. I bet if I hadn't come three times already, I could come again just from feeling you suck me."

"They're sensitive, aren't they."

"God, yes. You're turning me on, Laura. I can't believe it. I bet if I put my nipple in your pussy, you could come on it."

"Want to try?"


Shavon's eyes lit up. She slid down Laura's body, nestling between Laura's thighs. Then she held one of her breasts in both hands and brought her nipple right up to Laura's pussy. She pushed the center nub against Laura's clit. Then she rubbed Laura's clit hard with it.

"Ohhh!" Laura gasped, aroused almost as much by the sight of it as by the feeling.

In just a few seconds she could feel the pressure of another orgasm building.

"Honey . . . twist around this way so I can touch your pussy too," she coached Shavon, who complied by moving her groin within range of Laura's hand.

In this bizarre but exciting position, they began to fuck again, and it took them only a minute to reach another uncontrollable frenzy of lust. Shavon's nipple was covered with Laura's cunt juices, and she rubbed the stiff center against Laura's clit until Laura began to come almost without warning.

"Ohnngggg! God . . . yes!" Laura gasped, feeling the hot uprush of fantastic sharp pleasure deep in her body. "Oh god honey I'm coming!"

But Shavon was almost as far gone herself. Laura had remembered how Kim had once told her that she went for the g-spot in every woman she ever fucked. She had certainly found Laura's, and Laura had never even suspected she had one before Kim. This time she probed Shavon's beautiful tight pussy, knowing where to look from her other successes with Yvette and Sholandra, and just as she began to spill over herself in her own orgasm, her fingertip pressed Shavon's magic spot.

"Auungghh!" Shavon cried out, suddenly shocked by the first overpowering orgasm.

From that moment on, she came about four times, each one more powerful than the last, her lovely body clenching and straining, shuddering, and flexing as each fierce orgasm wrenched her. She lost her voice, and her senses, as a true cataclysm of coming overwhelmed her, taking her breath away, leaving her finally panting, glassy-eyed, and stunned in Laura's arms. By now, Laura had removed her finger from one of the tightest, juiciest pussies she had ever felt, and she was licking the fluids off it, enjoying every last pleasure of Shavon's lovely body.

"I love the taste of you," she whispered to Shavon, who seemed to have been almost destroyed by her four unanticipated orgasms.

"Laura, you are ruining my life, I hope you know that," she said softly, hoarsely. "Before tonight I was a happily married woman. A newly wed, in fact."

"You still are a newly wed," Laura said.

Shavon shook her head. "Nothing I ever went through with my husband came close to this. Or with any other guy." She pulled Laura's face down to hers and kissed Laura's mouth happily. "Lady, you ought to give fucking lessons. How'd you make me come like that?"

"Love has its ways," Laura murmured. She tried to divert Shavon by caressing her breasts again, which was no trouble, since she adored them. "I love your beautiful boobs."

"You should see my sister Vanessa's," Shavon said. "I said Vondi's were good. But Vanessa is only nineteen, of course. Unspoiled. They haven't been squeezed and sucked and gnawed on yet by a bunch of slobbering horny dudes."

"You keep talking about Vondi's, and Vanessa's. But yours are really beautiful."

"You must think so, Laura, because you keep kissing and licking and sucking them."

"Mmmm, I do, I do."

"But you'd love Vondi. She'd probably love you, too. She spends most of her time chasing dick. She's crazy about sex, that girl. She just probably never thought of doing it with another girl. Like me. I never thought about it until . . . tonight."

"Are you sure? You looked at her beautiful, perfect boobs, as you described them to me, and you still didn't want to touch them? Or suck them? Or just pull her down on the bed and fuck her?"

Shavon, who was very open and artless, pondered it. "I think if I saw them now, I would want to. But I don't think I wanted to then."

We should have her over, Laura thought. God, with two of them I'd faint for sure. Remember Cecilia and Bernice? Pure heaven.

"Maybe we should invite her over . . . to be with us," she suggested tentatively, just to see how Shavon would take it. "Maybe it could be a kind of reconciliation between you two."

"You mean," Shavon giggled mischievously, "it would be like fucking our way back to friendship?"

Laura giggled too.

"You just want to see her gorgeous little titties that I just told you about."

Laura smiled, caught. "I like yours just fine," she said, beginning to squeeze and suck Shavon's marvelous naked breasts again.

"You gon' make me come again, lady, if you keep that up," Shavon kidded her, dropping into slang. "Seven orgasms ain't enough? You tryin' to kill me, girl."

"Kill you with coming, yes," Laura murmured sexily, quickly turning up the heat. "I can make you have seventeen."

"Ohhhh!" Shavon gasped as Laura pushed both of her firm, large breasts together and began to tease and tongue and suck both of her big nipples at the same time. "God, I believe you can!" she panted. "I don't mind if you bite them a little. You know, it feels good to me, but I can't get Bradley to do it. He's afraid to bite me."

"Mmmm, I'm not afraid," Laura said, teasing one large, spreading, black areola with her teeth.


"If I bite your nipples a little, you'll come," Laura warned.

"I know," Shavon bit her full lower lip. "Do it."

Laura did. She didn't bite hard, but she knew just how much would drive Shavon crazy, as she had learned with Karen. She didn't bite the center stub of Shavon's nipple but instead sank her teeth into the broad areola, and Shavon whimpered uncontrollably.

"Oh god, it hurts and feels good at the same time!" she panted. "Do it harder."


"Yes! Please!"

Laura pushed her down on her back. She couldn't really fuck Shavon with her hand while she was pushing the girl's luscious breasts together. Instead, she grabbed one beautiful breast and concentrated on it. She dropped her other hand to Shavon's pussy, which was already sopping wet again.

She bunched Shavon's lovely breast up in her fist and sucked the large nipple deep into her mouth, then let it out slowly, grabbing it with her teeth, sinking them into the areola and moving her head at the same time. With her other hand she rubbed Shavon's clit roughly, and this way brought her to the brink in a matter of seconds.

Then she did the same thing with Shavon's other nipple, and pushed her over the edge. Shavon, whimpering and squealing helplessly, began to come in a thrashing frenzy.

"Awwonnngg! Ungghh! Oh . . . shit! Ungghh! Owwnnggg! Oh yes! Oh god yes yes! Awwoonnggg!" she moaned, twisting and moaning excitedly as a sharp orgasm gripped her.

The bed shook and the springs squeaked as Shavon writhed violently through her climax. Laura tried to remember if anyone else had ever come so hard here. Finally, the spasms subsided. This time Shavon was devastated with shock.

"You really are trying to fuck me to death, aren't you," she whispered hoarsely to Laura.

"I'm trying to love you to death, Shavon," Laura nuzzled her neck affectionately. "After this you'll go away, back to your husband. You'll think, 'How could I ever have done that? I'm not a lesbian, for gosh sake. Sure, I had a few good orgasms, but I'm not that way, really.' And I won't see you again. I have to love you now. Completely. So you won't forget. So I won't forget."

"You're so sweet. How could I ever forget you. Anyway, it's not true. I'm not exactly ready to quit marriage, not after three weeks. But couldn't you and I see each other? I mean, once in a while?"

"I was hoping you'd want to."

Shavon propped herself up on her elbows. "I only hope I have the strength. This is harder than working out in the gym."

"Did I wear you out?"

"Not the way I'm going to wear you out, lady," Shavon said, pushing Laura onto her back. "By my account, and not counting those four firecracker comes you somehow made me have, you're one behind me, and I mean to bring you up even."

For the next half hour, Shavon made love to Laura, taking her time, bringing Laura to two orgasms on her own, as if she had been doing this for years. After this, both were so fulfilled and exhausted that they slept, awoke in the night for more tenderly excruciating fucking, slept some more, then fucked twice again in the morning before breakfast, and once after it.

"I didn't know people could be this horny," Shavon giggled as they finally dressed. "I think I had twelve or thirteen orgasms. But I lost count. Every time I rolled over, I wanted more, wanted it again with you. You have a funny effect on me, girl. I never was this oversexed until last night. Even feel a hot little tingle in my pussy right now, when I look at you."

"Good," Laura smiled. "Me too. It means you won't forget me." When the guilt sets in, she added to herself, knowing from past experience that it would.

They kissed searchingly at Laura's door, before returning to the world, where they would have to disguise their insatiable lust for one another.

"You makin' me horny again, lady," Shavon whispered to Laura.

"I fell in love with you, Shavon," Laura whispered back, eyes watering.

"Me too," Shavon smiled warmly. "Get that bed fixed so it doesn't squeak so much when I come back, okay?"


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