Laura - Chapter 131

Feeling totally exhausted and satiated after her hot tryst with Trina, and after days of fucking with Sholandra, Bernice, Randi, and of course Trina twice, Laura was ready to give her body a rest for a few days. But then the day after this episode with Trina her work team was again thrown together for an entire day, and much of it she spent with Randi, trying hard not to let the others know that she and Randi had screwed each other senseless all last Saturday afternoon.

Randi evidently had the same problem. Her dark eyes, every time she looked at Laura, were murky and swimming with sex, so hot and inviting and Laura stopped meeting her gaze, afraid the other team members would sense this wild electricity that flowed between them. But whenever Randi wasn't looking at her, Laura was unable to stop herself from devouring the girl's body with her eyes. Her wonderful braids, which Laura had nuzzled and buried her face in, were even more enchanting.

I fucked her, she thought, amazed. Only three days ago. She fucked me. We did it all afternoon. Then why do I feel this way, as though I'd dump everything, job, Trina, everything, just to do it again?

They lingered behind at lunchtime, waiting until the others had left the room. The situation reminded Laura of her first meeting with Yvette, long ago, in similar circumstances.

"Don't close the door!" she said to Randi, who already had it half shut. "People will be suspicious."

"Okay," Randi shrugged. She lowered her voice. "I was only hoping for a kiss."

Laura's eyes burned into hers. "We can't stop with a kiss."

"I know. God, I'm so wet," Randi said, under her breath.

"Me too."

"Maybe we could go in the restroom."

"Not very private."

Randi came closer, eyes smoldering. "Laura, I never met anybody like you. I want you. I'd do anything to have you right now."

"Me too. I want you like crazy," Laura said.

She thought of the hotel across the street, where she and Yvette had once nearly torn each other apart during the lunch hour. Should they risk it?

"Come over to my place after the meeting," she whispered.

"I hope I can wait."

"We have to wait."

Randi leaned close. "Just so you know. I never felt this way about any man."

Laura felt dizzy with sexual excitement and happiness. It thrilled her to be so desired, by such a beautiful woman. She reached up, caressing Randi's sexy braids.

"You like them, don't you," Randi whispered.

"I could eat you alive," Laura whispered back.

"Let's have lunch."

"We can't have lunch together. It's too obvious what we want to be doing."

"I know. I couldn't take my eyes off you this morning."

Laura wrote down her address on a scrap of paper and gave it to Randi. Randi grabbed her hand and squeezed, looking deep into Laura's eyes. They were frozen like that, gazing deep into each other's eyes, fucking each other through the eyes, when Sholandra suddenly poked her head in the doorway of the conference room.

"Oh, there you are," she said brightly. "Anna Green told me I could find you here."

But then Sholandra stopped. She had seen they way they were looking at each other. And she also saw the embarrassment, as they broke their glance to acknowledge her.

"Oh . . . Sholandra," Laura gasped in shock.

She could see the fire rising in Sholandra's eyes as she looked at Randi, then at Laura. Sholandra even began sputtering, as if about to erupt in a horrific rage. But then she realized that to do so would mark her as a lesbian too, flaming in jealousy over Randi, and so she quickly suppressed her anger.

But somehow this made tears well up and begin to pour down her cheeks. "Oh Laura," she moaned softly, looking tragically rejected. "Oh . . . Laura," she murmured again, backing toward the door.

"Sholandra . . . please," Laura said, starting after her.

"No!" Sholandra shook her head, then spun around and fled down the hallway.

Laura walked back over to Randi. "I . . . I'm sorry," she said, almost inaudibly.

"What are you sorry for?" Randi asked clearly, with a trace of asperity.

"I don't know."

"She an ex girlfriend?"

Laura nodded slowly. Randi suddenly grew a little stiffer than before.

"She's pretty," Randi said.

Laura nodded again. "Very."

"You have a little thing about the sistas, Laura?"

Laura's neck almost hurt as she whipped her head around, facing Randi. "She's actually . . . my first," she lied, gulping, hoping she wouldn't blush at such a bold falsehood.

"Not your first girl."

"No . . . first, you know, black---"

"First black girl. Oh, I see. She must've been good, since you like me."

Laura glowered at her. "I like you because you're you. It has nothing to do with her."

Randi handed her back the slip of paper. "I don't know whether I can make it tonight."

Laura's heart sank. Oh god! "Randi . . . you can't . . . just because of her . . ."

"I can sure put myself in her shoes," Randi said, evenly. "That girl was hurt bad."

"Life hurts," Laura said, softly. "You know that."

They just looked at one another for a long time, without speaking. Laura realized that tears were rolling down her own cheeks. See? she thought. I'm just as capable of a cheap manipulation as that little bitch Sholandra is.

Randi walked over and brushed them away with the side of her hand. "Don't. You don't have to cry over me. I'm just as wet for you as I ever was," she whispered. "Just got a little jealous for a minute, that's all."

Laura smiled ruefully.

"Gimme back that piece of paper."

"Are you sure?"

Randi looked both ways, furtively. Then, remembering Sholandra, she took Laura's hand and pulled her over behind the open door, so that they were not visible from the hallway. She took Laura's face in both hands and gave her a scorching kiss, slithering her tongue deep into Laura's mouth.

Laura's pulse shot up. She almost fell into Randi's deep, murky gaze. "Nobody ever fucked me like you did on Saturday," she whispered. "Nobody."

"I want to fuck you like that right now," Laura whispered back.

Randi dropped her hands, releasing Laura's face, grinning devilishly. "You're right, we shouldn't have lunch together. It's too obvious. I only hope I can prevent myself from eating you with my eyes through the rest of the meeting."

They each had the same problem throughout the rest of the day. They were painstakingly careful not to look at each other. Each time Laura's eyes fell briefly, casually, on Randi, she could feel a hot throbbing deep inside her cunt, a fierce desire, an almost impossible longing. The curve of Randi's throat, the smooth dark velvet of her cheek, the thrust of her breasts under her red silk blouse, the sleek black beauty of her long legs, all were enough to make Laura quiver in a feverish fit of lust.

Randi apparently had the same problem. She and Laura left the room separately, so as not to call attention to themselves. They met at Laura's cubicle. Laura had never seen Randi so hot, so transparently hungry, not even last Saturday during their first sexual encounter.

"I'm dying for it," Randi confessed to her in a whisper. "If you touched me right now, I'd come."

"I'll wait for you at the parking lot exit," Laura said. "You can follow me."

"Drive fast."

When they reached Laura's apartment house, they rode the elevator up to her floor, trying not to touch. Oh god, Laura thought, it's going to be one of those wild rape scenes. She had had them with Yvette, and with Karen. They were almost unbearably exciting. And now she knew she and Randi would fall on one another like two ravenously horny she-cats as soon as she locked the door behind them.

Her hand even shook as she was unlocking her door.

"Wow," Randi said when she saw Laura's apartment. "Nice place!"

Laura locked the door securely. She turned to Randi, whose eyes were again smoldering. They kissed right inside the door. It was a wild, frantic, devouring kiss.

"At least let's go in to the sofa," Laura panted as they began hurriedly to unbutton each other's clothes.

"Let's go in to the bed," Randi breathed hotly into her ear. "Quick."

Laura took her hand and they both almost ran down the short hall to the bedroom. Laura shut the door. She snatched at the buttons of Randi's blouse.

"Don't rip it," Randi said, pulling Laura's out of her skirt, unzipping it an instant later.

"God, I want you," Laura panted softly, kissing Randi's wonderful, smooth neck as she unbuttoned the red blouse.

Her lips descended as it came open. She kissed the valley between Randi's breasts. She struggled with Randi to get the sleeves off her arms. Laura's fingers found the bra clasp. It was a very sexy black lacy bra.

"You wore this for me, didn't you," Laura asked.

Randi gave a low, throaty laugh. "I thought you'd like it. You do, don't you?"

"I like to take it off," Laura murmured, peeling the cups away from Randi's beautiful round breasts.

Randi's dark nipples were large, gleaming, puffy, inviting. Unable to restrain herself, Laura devoured them, first one, then the other, sucking hard, pinching them between her tongue and the roof of her mouth. Randi yelped softly while pulling off Laura's blouse with equal urgency, her fingers tearing at Laura's bra clasp.

Now they went wild, as Laura had predicted they would. They fell onto the bed half-clothed, kissing and biting and squeezing one another, tearing the rest their clothes off and squirming together, luxuriating in the feel of their warm, smooth, naked bodies touching everywhere. Laura could not let go of Randi's exquisite breasts, and so they managed to twist their bodies around so that Randi could suck Laura's while Laura sucked hers. In this way they raised each other's lust to a raging fever.

They didn't kiss or suck each other's breasts gently, or tenderly. Instead, each devoured the other, squeezing her breasts, sucking the nipples hard, nipping them, whipping up a firestorm of passion.

"Unh! Oh . . . ohhhhnnn!" Randi moaned as Laura's mouth and fingers ravished her beautiful naked breasts.

And Randi devoured Laura's just as heatedly, bunching the small, perfect globes up in her hands and suck-biting Laura's nipples. Laura went wild.

"Oh god . . . oh god!" she whimpered. "Ohhnnn . . . oh god yes Randi . . . I need to . . . fuck you oh god oh yes!"

From this position it was only natural for them to slide further down each other's body into a true sixty-nine, which they quickly did. And now each girl assaulted the other's pussy the same way she had assaulted her breasts, fiercely, passionately. It was no gentle love-making but instead a mutual mouth-rape as they sucked and tongued and probed each other until both were coming exultantly.

"Auungghhh!" Randi cried out, coming first, but only by a split second, her pelvis jerking as she pushed her flooding pussy up into Laura's mouth.

"Ohngg! Oh shit . . . unnghiiimmnnggiieee!" Laura cried out helplessly, coming in shockingly sharp spasms only a second later, her whole body quivering in a fierce ecstacy.

Even though they both came hard and fast, it didn't seem to slake their thirst for each other, and they continued to swarm, turning, kissing, murmuring, panting, sucking and tonguing.

"Ohhh . . . you're so beautiful . . . so beautiful," Laura moaned softly, pushing her face into Randi's braids, sucking the flesh of her gleaming shoulder, squeezing one of Randi's gorgeous breasts and rolling the big, pulpy nipple in her fingers before sucking it again deep into her mouth.

"Ahhhnnn!" Randi gasped, nearly swooning as she surrendered her body to Laura this time, giving herself up to the sweet rape of Laura's mouth and hands.

Even now they were not gentle. Randi writhed and twisted in Laura's rumpled sheets, moaning and panting and whimpering excitedly, while Laura fucked her with exuberant and ingenious relish. She devoured Randi, pushing her onto her back and kissing her whole naked body, sucking her nipples voraciously, toying with Randi's wet pussy until Randi was whooping and moaning deliriously.

At Randi's condo on Saturday they had made love with the sweet tenderness and wonder of a first sexual encounter, especially Randi's first girl-girl encounter. Laura wondered if Randi knew that girl-girl sex could get pretty rough too, although the girl did bare her teeth now and then, as her sucking-biting of Laura's nipples during their previous shared orgasm had demonstrated.

But now Laura was rougher than she had ever yet been, squeezing Randi's breasts hard, suck-biting her nipples too, and fucking her pussy with two fingers, plunging them into her and raking her knuckle along Randi's huge clit as she drew them back out, making Randi shudder and cry out in a kind of wild sexual arousal.

"Awwonnngg!" Randi moaned, arching her back, her breasts quivering, her whole body straining and flexing as Laura fucked her harder and harder. "Oh god . . . unh! Unh! Unh! Ungh! Oh Laura! Ungh!" she groaned, gyrating her pelvis, pushing her cunt up into Laura's hand and keening softly as she felt a consuming orgasm approach.

Laura sucked her and fucked her hard, and Randi suddenly froze, her body gripped by a fierce seizure, then began to come in torrents. It was clearly the most intense, agonizing, rapturous orgasm Laura had yet given her. She seemed completely stunned by it, breathless, arching and shuddering, then moaning as the breath flooded back into her lungs.

"Auungghhh . . . oohnnn! Aunngghiieee! Oh shit oh god Laura . . . oh! Oh! Ouunngghhhh!" she moaned, coming and coming, her lovely body shaken by each new spasm. "Oh yes . . . unh! Oh yes! Ohhnn . . . oh yes!"

Finally, she heaved a long sigh, looking at Laura through her still-glazed deep brown eyes. Laura kissed her tenderly.

"I love doing it with you," she whispered to Randi.

"You love doing it to me," Randi corrected.

"You're right," Laura smiled. "You're so beautiful when you come."

"But you're the one who looks like a model," Randi said, pulling Laura down onto her back and rolling over on top of her. "I like to fuck you too, you know."

And Randi was not a shy, passive sort of girl. She made love to Laura now, very slowly and thoroughly kissing and caressing Laura's naked body until Laura was feverish and twisting with need. In the middle of caressing Laura, she ran her fingertips across the scabs on Laura's shoulders.

"Oooohhh, you been screwing a hellcat, Laura," she murmured, kissing the pinkish scabs. "Hope it wasn't me who put these here."

"Ohhnnn . . . please," Laura panted, pulling Randi's face down to her breasts, holding one in her hand and guiding her throbbing nipple into Randi's mouth.

Randi didn't mind being distracted from Laura's scratches, back to her original business. She sat up and maneuvered her pussy into Laura's, gazing deep into Laura's eyes while rocking to and fro, rubbing their wet slits together, fucking Laura with her eyes and her pussy at the same time.

Laura was usually in this position herself, rising up over her prone lover, jamming her own wet, throbbing pussy into her lover's open, flaming gash, raping another black naked beauty and coming unbelievably as she gazed deep into the girl's dark eyes. But this time Randi was doing the work, gyrating her groin into Laura's, while Laura drank in the girl's beauty with her eyes, watching Randi's wonderful breasts jiggling under a curtain of sexy braids, watching the expressions of passion that passed over the girl's beautiful face as she drew closer and closer to another climax.

But Laura came first. Randi truly fucked her, holding one of Laura's legs up in the air and kissing Laura's smooth, shapely calf while grinding her smoking, oozing pussy into Laura's, raping her, fucking Laura harder as their climaxes grew closer.

"Ohhh . . . ohhhh!" Laura moaned, biting her lower lip, gazing at Randi's incredible face as she spilled over the edge into a torrent of hot, convulsive coming.

"Yes . . . girl, oh yes!" Randi panted, nearly coming herself.

"Auungghhh!" Laura cried out. "Oh . . . god! Auuggnnhiiiieee! Oh Randi! Oh yes uungghhhh! Oh!"

"Unghh!" Randi groaned, coming a split second later, throwing her head back. "Ungghhh! Ohnngggg! Oh . . . yes! Yes . . . unggghhh!"

As the spasms waned, she disengaged their throbbing groins and slid forward onto Laura, kissing her passionately, stroking Laura's naked, still tingling body, and murmuring wild sexy things to her. They quickly ended up fucking again, with very little pause after the last explosion, kissing tenderly this time and hand-jobbing each other until they had to break off the kiss to come together, a soft, blooming, throbbing shared ecstacy that left them panting and exhausted in each other's arms.

"See what I mean?" Randi finally whispered to Laura. "Nobody ever fucked me like that. Nobody."

Laura blinked, giving her a droll stare. "Just who was fucking whom I'd like to know," she teased. "You're a hot little minx."

"You make me hot."

"I want to eat you alive. You're so beautiful."

"You really think so, don't you."

"You know you are. You see the way people look at you. Especially the men."

"You're the first woman who ever came on to me."

Laura pinched her beautiful, round bottom playfully. "You seduced me, you minx, with those little chemises you laid out. How could I resist you?"

"I really wanted to. I wanted to do it with you. I kind of had the feeling you wanted me. I could tell from the way you looked at me. Like a man. Like you wanted to eat me."

"I did want to eat you. I want to eat you again."

Laura was smiling, but she meant it. This time she ate Randi's sweet black pussy with all the painstaking skill she had at her command, and Randi came in two minutes. Then they fucked for another hour before stopping short of total exhaustion.

They realized that they still had days, maybe weeks, to spend together on the work team, in close contact every day. They would have to feast on one another often enough to keep their lust a secret, but also not so much that they both became bedraggled and wan from too much fucking.

"Too much fucking?" Randi whispered to Laura as they kissed furtively, downstairs at the front door to Laura's apartment building. "How could there ever be too much with you?"

"Mmmm, I know what you mean," Laura smiled, gently patting Randi's beautiful rump as Randi left.

And yet she knew fresh troubles were only beginning for her, for there were others who also couldn't get enough.

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