Laura - Chapter 122
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Immediately she had second thoughts. She recalled the sick jealousy she had felt only weeks ago at the mere thought of Sholandra naked in Rhonda's arms, or of Rhonda's tongue in Sholandra's sweet pussy, or of Rhonda sucking those incredible big soft black nipples. How could I ever give her up? Laura thought in a sharp fit of anguish. How could I have suggested it?Even though it was nearly midnight, Trina was still awake. Laura had promised she would call. "Must be some project," Trina said suspiciously. "Who is this boss? He a dude?" "His name is Mel Fraser, and he's about sixty and very fat," Laura said, happy that she could say something truthful. "You don't really like dudes anyway," Trina said, still somewhat prickly. Laura, even though she was alone in the dark in her own apartment, could feel herself flushing hotly with shame. If Trina could have seen her an hour ago, fucking frantically with two other beautiful women, both from work, too, she would have . . . Oh never mind! Laura thought, barging on ahead. "No, I don't. I love you. I wish I could see you right now." "You could. Why not come over?" "I'm dead tired. You must be too, waiting up for me like this." "Am kinda tired." They agreed that Laura could come for dinner the next evening. She did, and after Shawna went to bed they nearly took each other apart in Trina's bed. It was as if Laura's night with Barbara and Rhonda had never happened. And then, before anything could transpire with Sholandra, Laura was sent to Detroit to represent her company at a trade and fashion show sponsored by a huge automotive company. She would be gone a week and just managed to squeeze in one more hot tryst with Trina on the evening before leaving. She knew Detroit was not far from Flint and phoned Brandi but got her answering machine. "Hi, I'm in New York, trying for Ms. Olympia Seven. Root for me. Be back by October first." And so she resigned herself to a week's worth of loneliness and work. At the show all the top models were there. She saw Naomi Campbell and wanted desperately to sleep with her, but she seemed a genuine airhead and was surrounded by sickening toadies. Laura knew she would have no chance, even if Naomi did happen to like girls. She also met the real Stephanie Seymour, who was aloof and icy to her, and seemed to think Laura had purposely tried to rip off her look. It was very disappointing and demoralizing, and Laura had gone back to her room wanting to cut her hair, anything not to look like that very haughty bitch. But then at one event she saw Alison Sax. She knew nothing about Alison Sax, who was a white girl, about nineteen, gorgeous but not the type Laura would ever expect herself to fall for. She was a model too, but not the traditional willowy type. Instead she was tall and thin but obviously had large breasts. She also had the most sensual mouth Laura had ever seen, and deep, large, soulful brown eyes. There was something about her that immediately electrified Laura, and she recognized it for what it was. It perplexed her. She had not even wanted Rhonda, her only white girl, until events sort of threw them together. But now she couldn't keep her eyes off Alison. Alison, of course, was not blonde. Her hair was a rich chestnut, and her beautiful smooth skin was tanned a rich light brown. I've got to meet her, Laura thought. Even if it's only to see her up close. And through her connections, she managed to do just that. Their was a cocktail reception that evening where Alison would be, and Laura wangled an invitation. Her immediate problem was keeping the men away from her, since she was drop dead gorgeous herself. But she did finally also manage to get introduced to Alison, who was bored and caustic about the party. "They didn't tell me I had to put up with this shit too," she confided to Laura. Laura was dazzled. The girl was just that, a girl, nineteen, ten years Laura's junior. But she was so fresh and sensual, and her body so alluring, that Laura was almost jelly from wanting her so badly. "It's the price you pay for being famous," she commiserated. "Famous, right," Alison said, scornfully. "They all want to fuck me, pardon my language. Look at them. The men and the women. My pictures are all over the Internet. You've probably seen them yourself." "Actually, I haven't," Laura confessed. "Really? I thought everybody had." I wish I had, Laura thought. Are you naked in them? "Oh well, you're very beautiful. You can't blame them for being human." "I can too. They're a bunch of disgusting voyeurs. Look at them. They want to fuck you, too. Because you look like Stephanie. She must hate you." "I think you're right. She was very cold when we met." "I think you're cool, though. Can't we get out of here?" "Where would you like to go?" "Anywhere they can't find me." "I guess we can't go for a drive. I don't know a thing about Detroit. I'd get lost." "Me too," Alison pouted. "Let's go to your room and watch a movie on TV. They'd find me in my room." Laura's heart fluttered. But she told herself to be calm. Alison hated the fact that everybody wanted to fuck her, which to Laura appeared to be true. Even I do, she thought. But I must not let it show. Despite their age difference, they seemed to get along very well together. They slipped surreptitiously out of the party and went to Laura's room. Laura ordered champagne and popcorn from room service, while Alison picked out a SpectraVision movie she wanted to see. She was actually very relaxed and funny when alone with Laura, away from the obligations that made her irritable. And she reminded Laura of Chanitra in her fresh, outrageously candid ways, her almost astonishing lack of reserve. And of course, they were nearly the same age since Chanitra was now eighteen. "You must be the only person in the world who's never seen my naked body," Alison said at one point. "Really?" "I've got my own fucking web page and everything. I mean, some asshole has collected all these pictures of me naked and put them there so any weirdo can whack off his weenie while he's staring at my boobs." "Disgusting," Laura said. "Tell me about it." "Are there a lot of pictures of you naked?" "Maybe one hundred or more. But they're not those creepy look- at-my-pussy type pictures. They're fashion pictures. I have great boobs. Photographers like to take pictures of them. I can't believe you haven't seen them. Everybody has. I'm like second to Pam Anderson as queen of the fucking World Wide Web." If anything, it made Laura more curious than ever. Laura tried not to stare at Alison. She was very puzzled at finding the girl so fiercely attractive physically. It must be her mouth and her eyes, she thought. Those big limpid brown eyes. That incredible mouth. And maybe those fantastic boobs. But she didn't trust herself even to glance at Alison's body after what Alison had said at the party. I'm one, Laura thought. Here she is thinking everything is okay, but she's locked up in my hotel room with me, and I want to fuck her. Bad. Fortunately, perhaps for them both, Alison fell asleep on one of the king-sized beds after only one glass of champagne. In her sleep she was marvelously fetching and angelic. Laura, who naturally had her laptop computer with her, took the opportunity to logon to the Web and try to find the pictures. It was quite easy. Before she knew it she was looking at Alison's gorgeous naked body. Alison was right. She did have 'great boobs.' They were full and hard and perfectly round, with big dark brown nipples, bigger than silver dollars. Looking at them made Laura tingle. She could hear Alison's regular breathing from the bed. She's right there. Unable to restrain herself, Laura turned down the light to dim and lay down beside Alison on the bed but not touching her. She just watched her sleep. Alison was fully clothed in clothes that revealed nothing, and so there was no way Laura could look at her body. After a few minutes, with no warning, Alison opened her eyes. She stared expressionless at Laura. "Are you a lesbian?" she asked softly, not reproachfully. Laura shook her head no, lying as she usually did when asked. "Then why are you lying here?" "You're very beautiful when you sleep." "You want to fuck me, don't you. Just like the others." Laura blinked and swallowed. "You're very beautiful." "So are you. I don't want to fuck you." "You don't?" Laura asked, as if hurt, but half-teasing. Alison said nothing. Then, "Do you want to see my boobs? You're the only person alive who hasn't seen them." Understanding dawned on Laura. This was the way they would get into it. No mention. Do you want to see my boobs. That was all. "Yes," she whispered. Alison sat up on the bed. Slowly, enjoying every second, she removed her shirt. She wore a black bra that dipped between them. "Can I unfasten it?" Laura asked. Now Alison's eyes smoked with sex. There was no longer any disguising what they were about to do. She twisted, turning her back to Laura, pulling up the curtain of her rich chestnut hair with one hand to expose the clasp. Laura unclasped it. Alison let the hair fall back. The loose bra straps slid down her arms. She turned back to Laura. No photograph could ever capture the perfection of Alison's breasts, Laura realized as she saw them. Eat your hearts out, fellas. Pictures won't do it. "You're right. They are exquisitely beautiful." "You probably want to touch." "I . . . was thinking of it." Their eyes locked together, pulsing hotly. "I've never done it with a woman," Alison said. Laura raised her fingers to the girl's incredibly sensual mouth. "I want to kiss you." "You can." Laura leaned forward and her lips curved easily into Alison's, who responded immediately. Her mouth opened to Laura's tongue, and they kissed in a slow, emotional way for a full minute before stopping. Alison's eyes were slightly glazed as she pulled her mouth back from Laura's. "You're nice, Laura. I think I'm going to like you." Laura cupped Alison's wonderfully firm breasts in her palms. She kissed Alison again while running her fingertips over Alison's nipples. Alison shivered. "That feels good." Laura kissed her neck, her throat. "Can I kiss these?" she asked. Alison nodded. As she knew with several of her other lovers, Laura knew that men had devoured these luscious, beautiful breasts before. She was determined to be different, to give Alison the benefit of her considerable skill. So she did not immediately begin to suck and swallow them hungrily. Instead she made love painstakingly to each large nipple with her tongue. After a minute of it, Alison was whimpering. She looked down at Laura's tongue caressing her nipples, fascinated by Laura's patience and the sensations the tip of her tongue aroused. "Ohhh . . . Laura," she breathed, throwing her head back. Now Laura began to suck them while she squeezed the incredibly firm globes. She took Alison's nipples all the way into her mouth, tonguing them passionately. Alison grew very aroused. She grabbed Laura's head and brought Laura's mouth up to hers, kissing Laura, her mouth almost scorching Laura's. "You've still got your clothes on," she panted, hastily unbuttoning Laura's blouse. "You do too," Laura giggled softly as she unzippered Alison's skirt. Not bothering to control their eagerness, they undressed one another frantically. Finally naked, they embraced lying side by side on the bed, kissing now more heatedly then ever, their naked bodies coiling together. Laura was not finished by a long shot with Alison's incredible breasts, and she lowered her mouth to them again, now sucking Alison's nipples more aggressively, bringing low, excited moans from Alison's throat. When Alison's wet nipples were hard and pointing, Laura slipped lower. The girl had a delicious body, and Laura explored everything on her way down, until her lips were only inches from the puckering, wet, open crease of Alison's inflamed pussy. But before she could lick it, Alison reached down and pulled up Laura's head with both hands. "It . . . takes me a long time to come," she panted softly, her large brown eyes murky with hot lust. "Girl," Laura whispered, "it's going to take you about ten seconds." She knew that it probably did usually take Alison a long time. She had heard that before. But she also knew the state of arousal Alison was in, and she knew her own skills. Kissing the girl's sleek inner thighs and teasing Alison's pussylips with her fingers, she brought her back slowly to a fierce pitch of sexual tension. Alison, you are going to come fast, fast, as fast as I let you come, she thought. Alison was going wild, twisting, whimpering, her hips churning. She squeezed her own luscious breasts with her hands and pulled her own nipples. "Oh god . . . oh Laura oh god . . ." she panted, completely out of control. Laura was now licking her beautiful wet pussy, bringing her closer, closer. She knew Alison would come now, whenever she gave her the chance. She slipped her tongue into the juicy pink cleft, then drew it up along Alison's swollen clit. "Ahhnngggg!" Alison groaned, her beautiful body arching, quivering. "Oh . . . please!" It was such a beautiful moment that Laura wanted to prolong it indefinitely. Alison would never be more beautiful than at this moment, straining for release, every inch of her gorgeous body yearning for the sweet explosion that Laura would cause. Laura slid her hands under the marvelous firm moons of Alison's ass and clutched them. Now, Alison, now, honey, now do it now! she thought. She kissed and then sucked Alison's clit, squeezing her asscheeks at the same time. All it took was three quick sucks for Alison to come in a shocking, wrenching convulsion. "Auuggnhhhh!" she cried out. Her body began to undulate, coming out of its first seizure, and Laura's mouth was pressed passionately to her pussy as she came in a powerful spasm. There was another fierce spasm, then another as the orgasm ripped through her, finally leaving her slack and gasping for breath, whimpering and sighing, bleary-eyed in amazement and shock and suffering the aftershocks of a supreme ecstacy as Laura embraced her and kissed her cheek. Finally she caught her breath. "How did you make it happen so fast?" she asked Laura in a hushed, stunned voice. "I can't even make myself come that fast." "Oh . . . it wasn't so fast," Laura said softly. "We sort of built up to it. You were ready." "Tell me about it," Alison beamed. "God, I never came like that." "You were very beautiful." "Don't say that," Alison frowned. "Everybody says that." Laura kissed her. "I'm different from 'everybody'." "You sure are." "Can I put my pussy against your pussy?" Laura asked softly, kissing Alison's ear, insinuating her tongue into it behind her words. "Wow, of course. Please. I never thought of such a thing." Laura kissed her again. She was so delightfully fresh, like Chanitra. And had such a smashing body. "How do we do this?" she asked. "You just lie there, and I'll do it," Laura said, moving her legs to bring her crotch close to Alison's. "Don't I get to do anything?" Laura smiled. "You get to come again. How about that?" Alison shook her head. "I never come more than once." "Until now," Laura grinned, pushing her wet pussy into Alison's, watching an expression of sublime pleasure pass over Alison's features as the sensation hit her. "Oh Jesus," Alison gasped. Laura too almost fainted from the intense pleasure of feeling Alison's warm, wet, naked pussy against her own. For a brief second neither of them moved. They didn't want to spoil the intensity of it. But then Laura began to slide her slippery pussy across Alison's, back and forth, and they both nearly came unglued. Alison began to moan and writhe under Laura, more desireable than ever now in her sexual frenzy. Laura like fucking this way because she could watch her partner's breasts move and see the expression on her face. She recalled how Barbara had fucked Rhonda this way only days ago, and now her eyes were locked with Alison's as they gyrated their pelvises in rhythm, arousing one another to higher and hotter levels. Both of them were really wet, and their pussies slid easily together, the wet warm slimy tissue mashing and mingling until they were both in an uncontrollable state. Alison was nearly out of her mind, whimpering wildy as she pumped her pussy up into Laura's, her large brown eyes throbbing, her lovely breasts jiggling and swaying as Laura met her upward thrusts with downward grinding thrusts of her own. "Ungghhh oh Laura ungghh oh shit oh yes ungghh!" Alison gasped, again pinching her own large nipples with one hand as she fucked back up into Laura vigorously. "Ohhh oh god . . . honey yes, unghh! Oh yes unghh! Ungghh!" Laura grunted softly, feeling the honeyfire flow through her body in advance of a scorching climax, which she knew was only seconds off. Their eyes were locked. It was crackling, exciting soul- fucking, and Alison was being initiated into a heaven she had never known existed by Laura, who fucked her skillfully, until both of them went increasingly out of control. Now the bed was shaking. They were swirling their wet pussies together frantically, gyrating and moaning, biting their lips, panting, their bodies surging together. "Oh . . . oh god, Laura, I'm going to come again!" Alison gasped, as if stunned by the knowledge. "Yes, baby, yes baby," Laura panted, pushing her pussy into Alison's, almost coming herself. "Do it . . . now now now!" "Auungghhh! Oh!" Alison cried out. Laura was right with her. The hot jolts hit her at the same time. "Ungghh! Oh . . . god yes ungghhh! Oh . . . aunngghhh!" she moaned, coming with Alison, their shuddering bodies twisting together in a fierce shared climax. Laura, who had not come until now, was not willing to let it go with one quick spasm of ecstacy, not when Alison was so beautiful, and so pliant and sweet and eager. She knew she could come again, quickly, and she moved forward on top of Alison's still-undulating body, kissing Alison, and scissoring Alison's sleek tanned thigh with her own, pushing her pussy into it and dropping her hand to Alison's flooding pussy at the same time. "Oh baby oh baby oh Alison again again," she panted. "Come again, come with me, we can come again, oh you beauiful girl, oh Alison yes yes!" And Alison was completely Laura's, her body vibrating totally to Laura's rhythm, her thigh hard and smooth, not Brandi's massive iron thigh, but still wonderful as Laura ran her drenched pussy up and down it. In only about fifteen seconds they were both coming again, moaning uncontrollably into each other's neck, quivering and gasping as each fresh, even more intense spasms rocked them. "God, I didn't know sex could be like this," Alison confessed to her when they finally recovered their senses. Obviously, my pet, you haven't discovered the rope, the clamps, and the butterfly, Laura thought, smiling to herself. Still, she knew it had been an extra-intense whirlwind of fucking for Alison, and it was not over yet. Alison did not leave until midnight, when they both realized they needed sleep before tomorrow. But by that time she had come eight times, a far cry from the single climax she believed herself capable of. During the last two days of the event, Laura and Alison retreated to Laura's hotel room and fucked whenever they had the chance, night or day. During one of these sessions Alison had ten orgasms. "I'll never be able to go to bed with a guy again," she confessed to Laura. "They'll never be able to do this to me." "Maybe not," Laura said. "But they can still be worth it." "I can't believe you'd say that. You're a lesbian." Laura smiled ruefully. "Girls like you make me quiver and shiver, that's true," she grinned. "But I like men too." "Really?" Laura nodded. "You shouldn't give them up unless you really want to. You're . . . young." "I know. But the thought of never seeing you again makes me sick," Alison said. Laura wrote her phone number on the back of her business card and handed it to Alison. "When you get to San Francisco, you call me." "Really? You won't mind?" Fortunately for her, Alison was already dressed, and so was Laura. Otherwise, Laura knew they would have ended up back in the bed at that very moment. She felt like raping the beautiful girl on the spot. "I won't mind. Now kiss me like you mean it, and get downstairs to that show." A big tear formed under one of Alison's eyes, then rolled down her cheek. "I mean it. Laura, I---" "Don't get sentimental on me, hon'," Laura winked, hating herself for using Trina's endearment for her in connection with this sweet sweet girl she had just fucked umpteen times. They hugged. They kissed, searchingly, soulfully. "Come visit me," Laura whispered. "I will," Alison breathed. "I really will." |
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