Laura - Chapter 110

This time Laura's recovery period, both physically and mentally, was very long. Oddly enough, her asshole recovered first, back to normal in a day or two. Does this mean I'm getting used to being reamed? she wondered.

Her pussy took longer, because of the whip and the harsh rope, but it too felt better in three days. At the end of a week, her breasts were still splotched with yellowing bruises, and her nipples burned and ached constantly. She held them, looked at them in the mirror, rubbed her thumbs gently over her brutalized nipples, wincing even days later. She really did a number on you guys, she said.

Emotionally, it was even worse. She couldn't deny that she had had orgasms of harrowing intensity, painful orgasms, while Karen was assault-raping her. Both the humiliation of it and the fierce, scarifying rapture of it frightened her. She had always understood the appeal of this wild sexual pain to Karen, but she never really experienced its extremity herself until now.

The pain she had suffered in the past at Karen's hand had not exactly been pale compared to this, but it had been less prolonged and less acute. She didn't know whether an immolating, almost suicidal ecstacy such as she had experienced was really worth it. She knew that Karen would not have felt this aftermath, since that was what Karen was after in the first place. But Laura was afraid of it. Maybe it's possible to come too hard, she thought.

Worse, the experience almost overshadowed the beautiful moments they had spent with Chanitra just before it, one of the best sexual events Laura had ever participated in. Thinking of Chanitra made her smile. God, what a beautiful girl, she thought. So free, so uncomplicated, but not wild and dangerous like Kim; just sweet, and exuberant and open.

But the thought of Kim made her think of Trina. The emotional pain of this memory was even worse than the aftermath of her bruising rape. It pierced her heart. God, the look in her eyes when she saw me with Kim! Laura thought. She hated me so deeply.

Laura couldn't help torturing herself yet again by remembering the evening when Trina had inexplicably taken off her blouse and her bra and let Laura caress her phenomenally beautiful naked breasts, and suck her huge soft black nipples. She couldn't help wondering if Kim might not be right. Maybe she was dying for me to lick her pussy and love her, like Kim said. Just afraid. Like everybody. Even me, in the beginning. Afraid to think of herself that way. Wanting that. Oh, Trina!

Laura wondered if she should try Kim's suggestion. After all, Trina's jealousy of Kim, and especially Kim's light skin, certainly complicated things. It wasn't just simple fear of girl-girl sex.

And yet, she had nothing else to try. The longing in the pit of her stomach was frightful, and even more painful than the physical pain left over from being raped by Karen. It took a good ten days for the bruises on her breasts to disappear, and for her nipples to finally feel normal again. She didn't dare have any sex during that time, even though Yvette once, and Sholandra repeatedly, tried to persuade her. Both of them felt rejected and petulant, though Laura tried to gain their sympathy by blaming her reluctance on minor medical problems.

She didn't know Trina's address but did know how to use the reverse phone directories in the library and eventually found it. And so, when she had finally healed, she resolutely drove over to Trina's apartment one evening after work. A little girl, about 6 or 7, answered the door.

Laura smiled at her. "Is your Mommy home?" she asked.

God, this woman I want to fuck so badly is somebody's mommy, she realized. But then, Jonelle, Yvette, and Cecilia were all mommies, and it hadn't stopped them. Laura had even swallowed Cecilia's warm mother's milk, and had it squirted into her face by the giggling beauty.

Trina's little daughter was gorgeous, and it was not lost on Laura that in ten years or so she, Laura, would be dying to take this one to bed, too. She left and returned with Trina, who gave Laura a half-smile, in spite of herself, when she saw who it was.

"I . . . have something to say," Laura said. "It'll only take a minute."

Trina nodded calmly. "Want to come in?"


"This is my little girl Shawna."

"Hi, Shawna. I'm Laura."

Trina sent Shawna into the living room to watch cartoons and took Laura into the kitchen. She leaned back against the sinkboard, excruciatingly beautiful to Laura, who had touched and kissed her naked body, part of it anyway, and could never forget it. Laura broke down. Everything she had planned to say vanished.

"Oh god . . ." she stammered. "I came over here to tell you I'm sorry. I know how you must feel. I couldn't help falling for you. But I've . . . oh, it's all just a lie. I'm crazy about you. That evening when we . . . I can never forget it. I can't lie to you and tell you I don't care about you."

She began to cry and turned away. Trina watched her.

"You didn't have to come here," Trina murmured. "I know you were telling the truth."

"I did have to come. After the last time we saw each other. It was so awful. That girl . . . she's just an old friend. It means nothing, really."

"Must mean something. You two were together."

Laura blushed a deep red. She knew lying wouldn't help her. Trina was too smart, too direct.

"She felt bad too," Laura said. "Bad because she thought it hurt you."

Now Trina bristled. Laura had said the wrong thing.

"Hurt me? Why should it hurt me? You don't owe me nothin'."

Laura took a deep breath and wiped away her tears with the back of her hand. Weak, womanly, crying, blubbering. She bit her lower lip and sucked in her stomach.

"I'm sorry," she said. "I didn't mean to be a . . . bother in your life. I . . . am crazy about you, though. There. I won't say it any more. Your little girl is darling. I have to leave. I've already screwed up everything I came to say."

Now Trina placed a hand on Laura's arm. "You don't have to apologize to me, hon'," she said, disarmingly warm. "I know how you feel. Like I said, you really crazy about Rina. Lots of people felt that way about her. It's nothing to be ashamed of. I'm sorry I ran into you and your friend, too. Thought I embarrassed you or something."

"Oh no. The other way around."

"Sorry I said that about her being high yella. Ain't none of my business who you hang out with."

If you only knew, Laura thought. "For what it's worth," she said, steadily, staring straight into Trina's eyes, "I think you and your color are much more beautiful than she is."

Now it was Trina's turned to be disarmed. She smiled innocently, unable to control it. "Really?"


"You do think I'm . . . beautiful, don't you," she said, unable to believe it.

"I do."

Now there was a deeply uncomfortable moment for both of them. Laura wanted to kiss her. She had no idea what Trina wanted. Trina's eyes burned with happiness, and excitement, and also uneasiness. Laura knew she was very confused, though happy to be admired.

"Well," Trina shrugged, dropping her hand from Laura's arm, making Laura's heart droop. "Everybody likes to be . . . oh, you know," she giggled softly. "Thank you."

"I have to go," Laura looked at her watch. "I'm interrupting your dinner. And I've already botched this completely."

Trina shook her head but said nothing. Laura had the feeling that she wanted Laura gone too, if only so that she could contain these confused feelings of hers. Trina called Shawna in again, and Laura said goodbye.

"I'm very pleased to have met you, Shawna," she said, kissing her forehead. "I hope I can see you again."

Shawna smiled and showed a fetching gap where one tooth was gone. "Thank you for coming to visit us, Miss Robbins."

Trina touched Laura's hand once more at the door, a gentle, not unfriendly brief touch of closeness, as if she too couldn't resist the need to touch Laura. Laura again looked deep into her eyes. Trina, I had your nipples in my mouth! she said with her eyes. I want you!

"I hope I'll see you," Laura said softly, eyes longing.

Trina nodded and smiled noncommitally. "Maybe."

Driving home, Laura thought, over and over: maybe?

She realized at home that she was impossibly horny. Since the shocking episode with Karen, she had not even thought of sex at all. But just being in the same apartment with Trina had stirred up her emotions crazily, and made her sexual longing worse than ever.

Sholandra, who had phoned every day and visited her often at work, finally growing petulant and nasty from rejection, called and said Rhonda had invited her out, and she was wondering if she should go. She knew how to play Laura's jealousy, and Laura reacted predictably. They spent a night of athletic, exuberant, exhaustive fucking, the kind of night Laura had spent with only a few women. Karen, of course. Brandi. Jonelle. A night of twenty-five plus orgasms, so many you lost count.

By morning Sholandra could barely move, nor could Laura, but they were happy. Sholandra, like Brandi had been, was as pleased as a little girl in her first party dress that she had come so many times. She had not known it was possible. Laura was hoping it would keep her out of Rhonda's bed. She herself could barely stand up, or walk, even though both had to go back to work.

At least this kept Sholandra less demanding for a while. Another week passed, and the ache of her moments with Trina began to subside into a very acute melancholy. Then one weekend evening, Trina phoned her.

"Just wanted to talk a little," she said.

"Really?" Laura asked, unbelieving, not letting herself get her hopes up.

"Shawna is away with her daddy, and I got lonesome. I got friends, but I didn't want to talk to them."

"I'm always available," Laura nearly bubbled over.

"You want to come over here?" Trina asked. "You could. You could stop and buy some popcorn. There's a good movie on the cable. 'Serpico'. You ever see that?"

"No," Laura said, heart aflutter. She's inviting me over for popcorn and a movie! "Do you like buttered or unbuttered?" she asked.

Trina giggled. "Oh, butter. I love butter. Even though it's fattening."

"I love it too. I'll be there in twenty minutes."


Laura did everything in her power not to get her hopes up. She bought a bottle of fairly expensive wine along with the popcorn, but she resolutely refused to imagine them drinking it and warming up again to each other. She refused to think of Trina's physical beauty, and the fact that they would be alone, completely alone, together, for hours.

I mean, we're not children, she thought. We know what happened last time. It happened. It stopped prematurely, but it did happen.

She forced herself not to think of it while she drove. It was a hot night, and Trina met her at the door in very short cutoffs and a red midriff top, reminding Laura briefly of Chanitra. Trina was exquisitely gorgeous. Her legs were long and beautiful, though not willowy like Yvette's. Instead they were muscular and shapely, more like Brandi's though not as short, or bunched with muscle, just sleek and beautifully formed. Laura tried not to stare, either at Trina's legs, or her smooth black midriff.

She wore this to torment me, Laura thought, trying hard to dismiss the idea. My god, how can this gorgeous young woman be sitting home alone on a Saturday night, calling me to come over and share it with her? I can't believe it. How come every man in the city isn't trying to get into her pants?

"Hi," she said brightly, trying to seem innocent. "God, you look so shockingly gorgeous."

She swept her eyes up and down Trina, then looked away so as to appear completely casual.

"Hi," Trina grinned, letting her in. "There you go again with the flattery. You making me blush."

"It's all true," Laura said. "You must know it's true."

Trina shrugged it off. "Anybody ever tell you you look like that model you see in all the magazines?" she asked, squinting at Laura. "The really stunning one with all the hair? And I've seen her too in the Victoria's Secret catalogue."

"Stephanie Seymour. Yes, everybody. Talk about flattery."

"You do look like her."


They popped the popcorn and settled in on the sofa to watch the movie.

"Want to open the wine?" Laura asked her.

"If we drink it now, I'll just get sleepy," Trina said. "Let's wait."

They watched 'Serpico,' and Laura tried to keep her eyes from straying to Trina's bare midriff, so taut and flat and beautifully smooth and dark black. What her lower belly might look like, Laura didn't know, but Trina's peerless midriff showed no signs of the aftermath of childbirth. They sat at opposite ends of the sofa, with the popcorn between them. 'Serpico' was okay but a little boring, and occasionally each one caught the other's eye but then quickly looked away.

We are going to fuck, Laura suddenly realized. It's only a matter of how we get there. That's why she invited me here.

On the other hand, she reminded herself to be very cautious, after last time. It was always possible that she was mistaken, and that Trina had, with complete innocence, just asked her over to watch the movie.

After about an hour, Laura realized that it would be her duty to push them beyond this point. Trina had done her part by getting them together. But she had no experience, and a lot of fear, in getting beyond this moment.

So, during a commercial, Laura said, "How do you feel about a glass of wine?"

Trina smiled, eyes shining. "I guess I could drink one now," she said.

"You stay put," Laura said, getting up. "I'll bring the bottle and some glasses."

But Trina followed her into the kitchen. She got the glasses herself while Laura opened the wine bottle. The kitchen was a small room, and there was no way they could avoid coming close, face to face. God, kitchens again! Laura thought. Rina and Trina, and me in the kitchen, wanting them desperately.

"You know," Trina said softly, "I appreciated you coming over here the other night. I know it wasn't easy for you."

"Oh . . . easy," Laura giggled self-consciously.

But Trina preferred to remain serious. "I know you were trying to be honest."

She set the glasses on the tile sinkboard, next to the wine bottle. Her eyes were shining again. Laura had not seen her this calm and open and receptive. She reached up one finger and ran it along Trina's jaw to her chin, then traced it around the girl's full, sensual lips.

As if to emphasize her willingness, Trina took a small, silent step forward, bringing her face closer to Laura's. Laura let her fingertip caress the infinite softness of Trina's cheek. Their mouths came together without effort. They kissed without touching, their mouths doing all the work, curving together, moving, searching.

When their tongues coiled together, they finally embraced, and Laura's hands went directly to the smooth, warm skin of Trina's waist. After a few moments, Trina's rose to Laura's shirt front and began to unbutton it. Laura was thrilled and shocked. A sharp excited shiver went through her body as Trina kissed her neck.

Trina kissed her ear. "This time I get to be first," she whispered.

Trina kissed her again as she slowly undid the buttons. Laura wore jeans and a white man's dress shirt and no belt. The shirttails easily came out of the jeans as Trina tugged them. Her lips were already deep in Laura's cleavage as she unfastened the last button at the bottom.

Laura had worn a wildly sexy black lacy bra with a deep plunge in the center, and Trina was dazzled.

"You sure you ain't Stephanie?" she murmured teasingly, kissing the exposed tops of Laura's breasts. "I never seen a bra like this one. Does it come loose here?"

She pointed to the small clasp between the cups.

"Yes," Laura breathed, so excited she could barely speak.

Trina unfastened Laura's bra and pulled away the cups. She cupped Laura's naked breasts in both hands and lowered her mouth to them. Trina had clearly never done this before, but after a few tentative licks she began to suck Laura's nipples and squeeze her breasts with a slow, thrilling sensuality.

Laura almost came. A sharp, uncontrollable quiver shook her body.

"Ohhhhh!" she sighed, unable to stop herself.

"Gosh, girl, you're getting hot," Trina murmured, kissing her throat, her neck, her lips again, very tenderly.

"I almost came," Laura confessed.

Trina still held Laura's breasts in her hands while they kissed, rubbing the wet nipples with her palms. "They're really sensitive, aren't they," she whispered. "Mine were that way before Shawna."

Laura's hands were under Trina's midriff top now. She pushed it up over Trina's bra.

"You want to go into my bedroom?" Trina suggested.

"No," Laura giggled. "I love the kitchen. You and I could start a fire in here."

"We already started it."

"Wait . . . a second," Laura begged.

She unfastened Trina's bra in the back. Because Trina's top covered her shoulders, the bra straps wouldn't come off, so Laura pushed up the cups, exposing Trina's shockingly beautiful naked breasts. She gently removed Trina's hands from her own breasts, then pushed hers into Trina's, kissing Trina at the same time while their breasts mashed together.

This time their kiss was the most passionate they had ever shared. Their tongues danced and stabbed, and their breath quickened.

Now Laura took one of Trina's large, firm breasts in both of her hands and lowered her mouth to it, sucking the huge nipple all the way in, feeling Trina's body quiver.

"Oh! Oh . . . yes!" Trina moaned softly.

Laura kissed her lips again. "We should go into your bedroom," she whispered.

Trina's beautiful face was contorted in a prelude to a fierce ecstacy. Laura knew that, once naked on the bed together, they would both come like a haystack going up after being touched by a stray spark. Trina's face recovered briefly.

"Yes," she said, pulling Laura's hand.

As they passed the sofa, she reached down and pressed the remote power switch to turn off the TV. Trina's bedroom was large, and she had a king-size bed. They embraced and kissed again, pushing their naked breasts together again, which aroused them both. Then Laura pulled the skimpy midriff top up over Trina's head, and took her bra completely off. She shed her own shirt, and Trina, still awed by it, helped her off with the sexy black lace bra.

"Got to get me one of these," she said, eyes shining.

Laura slipped her jeans off, watching as Trina dropped the cutoffs and kicked them away. The girl's body was breathtaking to her. She looked exactly like Rina, only about ten pounds heavier, her legs beautifully formed, her ass rivaling Chanitra's in perfection. The only residue of childbirth seemed to be her navel, which was an 'outie,' as Rhonda would have called it, instead of an 'innie' like Rina's.

Trina started to take off her gauzy peach bikini panties too, but Laura put a hand on her wrist to stop her.

"Please let me," she whispered.

A small smile curved the corners of Trina's sensual mouth. Laura was still wearing her panties too, more black lace to match her bra. She drew Trina over to the bed, and they lay down facing one another. Laura now kissed her deeply, communicating all the pent-up desire and longing she had felt for her, and for her sister, through the kiss.

While kissing Trina, she slowly inched Trina's panties down her thighs, over her knees, down to her ankles. Then she did the same with her own, breaking the kiss only when both of them had their panties down at their feet. Then she reached down and freed them both.

But their eyes were locked together and never broke apart. And now Laura, as the experienced one, took over, slowly kissing and caressing every inch of Trina's spectacular naked body, as she had always wanted to. To Laura, Trina was miraculously beautiful, a reincarnation or exact replica of Rina. Laura feasted on her flesh, spending long moments again sucking her huge soft nipples, feeling them tighten and point inside her mouth, hearing Trina whimper, feeling her squirm.

She then descended slowly, luxuriating in Trina's smooth, warm black skin, kissing her stomach and even tickling her 'outie' navel with the tip of her tongue, caressing Trina's inner thighs with her fingers at the same time, moving them up, closer to the wet blossom of Trina's open, oozing pussy. Both her tongue and her fingers arrived there at the same time, her fingers parting the wet, swollen labia and her tongue slipping down over Trina's protruding clit and into the glistening trench below it.

Trina's body clenched, then relaxed, and an ecstatic sigh escaped from her throat.

"Oh! Ohhhhnnn . . ." she moaned, twisting excitedly as Laura's tongue invaded her pussy.

Laura knew that no one had ever licked this girl's pussy like she was going to lick it, but right now she realized that Trina was so close to a climax that she didn't dare give her the full treatment. That would wait. Trina was whimpering rhythmically, and gyrating her hips frantically, wanting to come. Laura was just as aroused.

We took so long to get here, she thought. Of course we're both dying to come together. Quickly, she sat up and twisted her body around to get one leg over Trina's thigh and slide her own flooding, throbbing pussy closer to Trina's. She leaned forward, panting and whispering.

"Hold your pussy open, honey," she coached.

Trina did as she was asked, reaching down with one hand and pulling her pussylips apart with her fingers. Laura did the same and inched forward until their two wet pussies met and mashed together. The sensation was so sweet and intense that both of them nearly fainted.

"Ohhhhhnnn!" Laura moaned excitedly.

"Ohhh . . . shit!" Trina gasped. "Oh god . . . Laura!"

"Yes! Oh Trina . . . yes!" Laura panted, thrusting with her own hips, pushing her pussy into Trina's, feeling Trina begin to push back.

Trina was on her back, being fucked by Laura, gazing up into Laura's eyes, her beautiful face grimacing in a seizure of fierce sexual excitement, her hips churning in rhythm with Laura's. The feeling of their warm, wet pussies grinding and mashing together was the most sublime sensation Laura had ever felt, and she knew Trina felt the same way just from the look in her throbbing, shining dark eyes.

They pumped, panting and twisting, their churning hips pumping faster and faster. Trina's body clenched, and she shut her eyes, then began to come in shocking spasms.

"Auunngghh! Oh . . . Laur---" she gasped. "Unngghhh! Auugnniieee!" she wailed, coming and coming as Laura continued to pump her.

And Laura was right behind her, feeling a bolt of lightning rip through her body as her own orgasm wrenched her.

"Ohhnnngg!" she groaned. "Oh yes yes ungghhhh! Oh god Trina uungghhhhh!"

She clung to Trina's long, shapely black leg, scissoring Trina's thigh with her own legs and pushing her hot, spasming cunt into Trina's as the two of them vibrated together through an intense shared ecstacy. As it began to wane, they slowly untangled their bodies, but Laura was not content to leave it at that. She settled between Trina's firm, glossy thighs and pressed her mouth again to the girl's pussy, tonguing Trina's clit and quickly arousing her again to a fever pitch.

"Ohhhhh . . . ohh Laura!" Trina gasped, her delicious body writhing in the sheets as Laura used all her skill.

She knew she had the advantage now, since they had both exploded in coming only moments earlier. Trina was still aroused, but Laura could control her arousal more, and she patiently explored Trina's beautiful, long, sinuous pussy with her tongue, driving the girl to heights of sexual pleasure that Laura was sure she had never experienced before.

Laura was tender and impassioned by turns, sliding her tongue deep into Trina's pussy, then drawing it out and up, across the girl's engorged clitoris, until Trina was quivering and moaning uncontrollably.

"Ohhhhnnn . . . oh Jesus, you gon' make me come again, girl," she panted, twisting her body, looking down at Laura, grabbing her own luscious breasts and squeezing them desperately. "Oh god . . . I'm gonna come! Oh . . . Laura!"

"Yes . . . yes!" Laura murmured, turning up the heat quickly, sucking Trina's clit now and squeezing her hard round buns with both hands.

"Auunnghh! ANNNGGHIIIIEEE!" Trina suddenly cried out, convulsed by a sharp and long-lasting orgasm, much more powerful than the first one.

She arched her back, flexing and shuddering in the grip of fierce, rapturous spasms. This orgasm was so supreme that the aftershocks were still shaking her as Laura slipped up to embrace her, kissing her, cupping her delectable breasts, holding Trina while she quivered and sighed through the last waning feathery tremors of coming. It was several minutes until she emerged from the knockout punch.

She blinked at Laura. "Why didn't you tell me it would be like that?" she asked softly.

"You never asked."

"Now I see what Rina saw in you. I never came like that with nobody. Nobody."

Laura smiled. "I love to make you feel good," she purred.

Trina wanted to return the favor but was shy about her lack of experience. She kissed Laura's breasts, and sucked her nipples, as she had done in the kitchen. But she hesitated about going any further.

"I don't . . . know what to do," she confessed shyly.

"Just do what you want to do," Laura whispered.

"Can I kiss your . . ."

"My pussy? Like I kissed yours?"

Trina nodded, wide-eyed. "I never say that word. Never said it. Takes getting used to."

Laura kissed her. "You beautiful beautiful girl. I want you to fuck me. I want you to fuck me and fuck me, you know? Any way you want to fuck me. Fuck me, Trina, please fuck me."

"God, you making me blush again," Trina grinned, beginning to kiss Laura's body, her stomach, her smooth belly.

Laura relaxed and opened her thighs widely, sighing as Trina slid down between them. Trina's lips found the smooth skin of Laura's inner thighs, and then Laura gasped in sharp pleasure as the girl's tongue touched her very wet labia.

"Oh! Yes . . . oh Trina yes!" she gasped.

Again Trina was tentative, shy, cautious, but her desire soon got the better of her. She parted Laura's swollen cuntlips with her thumbs and slid her tongue deep into Laura's pussy, bringing a groan of delight from Laura, who quivered uncontrollably and arched her back, pushing her pussy up into Trina's mouth.

"Yes . . . yes!" she panted softly. "Oh yes, baby, do it . . . just like that, yes! Ohnnnn!"

Trina began to hum and purr softly too as she ate Laura's pussy, licking and probing it, tongue-fucking it, until Laura was shaking and mewling. Already aroused from fucking Trina, Laura was right on the edge of a shattering climax, and Trina's loving, passionate tongue quickly took her over.

She came gloriously, a more piercing, body-wrenching orgasm than her first one since it somehow seemed to her that she was being fucked by Rina and Trina both, and she had waited and suffered so long to get here.

"Auughhnnnn! Oh . . . ohhngghiieee!" she wailed, turning her face sideways into the pillow, her body undulating and shuddering as each fresh spasm rocked her.

Instead of really satisfying her, this orgasm only made her want more of the delicious girl, and Trina seemed to respond the same way. They embraced and kissed, but not tenderly, or sweetly. They were still full of hunger for each other, and they pressed their hot, naked bodies together everywhere, coiling and writhing together, twisting, ending up in a sixty-nine position with Laura on top first, then on the bottom as they twisted and struggled some more, eating one another passionately, pumping, whimpering, finally coming again together in a wild, uncontrollable burst of ecstacy.

When it was over, Trina was quiet and shy again, overwhelmed by what she had done, by the maelstrom of sex she had been swept up in. She had had three orgasms in quick succession.

"I never came three times in my life," she confessed to Laura. "No, I take that back. Once I did. I came two times with my ex- husband, and then I was taking a bath and . . . I did again. Just happened. Guess I was oversexed that night or something."

Laura nuzzled her, and with one hand stroked the beautiful black pussy between her sleek thighs. "Mmmmm, I can make you come twenty-three times," she purred.

"You gotta be kidding."

Laura kissed her. "Maybe twenty-two." She let her lips descend again to Trina's incredible breasts. "I could make love to these until you come."

"I bet you could," Trina sighed, watching her large, bulbous nipple disappear into Laura's mouth. "You can suck them harder, though."

Laura did.

"Ohhhnnnn . . . oh yes!" Trina panted. "Like that! Unhhh!"

She seemed primed for a total, sensual assault on the gorgeous dark globes, and Laura was eager to deliver. She straddled Trina's midriff and scooped both luscious balls up in her hands, devouring them with a sharp passion and urgency she had not dared to show earlier. Her fingers dug into Trina's hard, round breasts, and she filled her mouth with the girl's huge, plump nipples, sucking them hard, teasing them with her teeth, until they were swollen and fiercely erect, the stiff centers protruding from the wide, puffy areolas.

Trina was deliriously excited, twisting and writhing under Laura, panting and moaning. Laura knew no one had ever raped her breasts like this, and that Trina was wildly aroused. She groaned and quivered, thrashing and panting as Laura's lips tormented her incredible big wet nipples.

Laura held Trina's breasts lovingly, and squeezed them, and pinched Trina's wet nipples while she mauled the girl's sensual lips with her own.

"I love your beautiful breasts . . . I love sucking your beautiful nipples," she panted to Trina, dropping her mouth to them again, devouring them rapaciously.

"Ohhnnnn . . . oh Laura . . . unh! Unh! Oh . . . oh god! I'm going to come again! Oh!"

Laura's hand dropped to Trina's crotch and found a soup of warm pussyjuices, more fluid than she had felt yet in their encounter. Trina had oozed copiously because of Laura's hard sucking and squeezing of her breasts and nipples, and she was churning her hips, frantic to come.

Laura knew that the slightest touch would bring her off. She rolled to the side and embraced the beautiful writhing girl, again guiding one plump wet nipple into her mouth while she tenderly slid two fingers across the warm, slippery blossom of Trina's open pussy. She sucked hard on Trina's huge nipple just as her fingers found Trina's exposed clit, and Trina came in a quick, shocking seizure.

"Auuggnhhhh!" she cried out, her body buckling as the spasms wrenched her. "Ohhnngg! Unmgh! Oh . . . shit! Ohhnnnn!"

The pleasure was excruciating. Her luscious naked body clenched, shuddering as the impact of each orgasmic wave shook her flesh, her breath caught in her throat. Then it escaped in a tight, pathetic whinnying that was enormously arousing to Laura, since she knew the deep, helpless rapture that caused it.

She wasn't willing to give up, to leave it at that. Trina's body was tumescent and ripe, and she seemed to come easily under Laura's skilled caresses. Before she could recover from the shock of this wrenching orgasm, Laura again slid down to her pussy and this time made love to it for about three long minutes before Trina erupted again in a fifth stupendous climax, moaning and quivering, her lovely body undulating as waves of ecstacy flowed through her.

Afterward, she slowly surfaced from the fog of her bliss, blinking at Laura, stunned. "Seems like you can make me come any time you want to," she confessed softly, grinning slightly. "Most men never could make me come at all."

"I love to make you come," Laura said. "You're so beautiful when you come."

"I never knew anyone like you."

"Now you do."

"You don't have to go home, you know. You could sleep over here tonight. Right here."

"Are you sure we won't keep each other awake?"

Trina burst out in wild laughter. "Probably will."

And they did. Five orgasms shocked Trina, but Laura saw to it that she had five more before she let her sleep. And Laura had several herself. She was in seventh heaven, or ninth heaven, deliriously happy. And she believed Trina was too. Their lovemaking soon transcended mere fucking to become a deeply intimate communion.

And Trina's tenth orgasm, which they shared, gazing into one another's eyes and rubbing each other's clit until they both came, was an excoriating paroxysm of nearly unbearable ecstacy, knocking out her breath and almost making her faint. It was close to the deep, heart-stopping orgasms that Jonelle sometimes had, and Laura held her, squeezed her, kissed her, shocked at having introduced her to such incredible bliss.

This time, as they lay in each other arms afterward, Trina was calm and serious.

"I'm almost sorry we did this," she said. "I mean, sorry I did."

Laura kissed her. She had heard this before.

"After you . . . I could never go back. To the old way."

"You mean with men?"

"Sort of. I mean, I could, but I'd know it would never be like this. You've ruined me."

She frowned. Laura felt a pang of fear. But then Trina smiled, showing all her teeth, her beautiful, infectious smile.

"Ruin me some more," she grinned.

"It's already after midnight," Laura whispered.

"You probably a witch, and you gon' fuck me till dawn, right?" Trina teased.

"You're right about the second part, at least," Laura smiled.

Trina kissed her passionately. "You got my permission," she whispered back. "Just don't make me have a heart attack and die, 'cause I got a little girl to pick up in the morning."

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