Laura - Chapter 104
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Laura was shopping in Macy's when she saw Rina. She nearly dropped the dress she was holding, feeling momentarily faint. Oh god! How could it be?She knew people sometimes resembled one another, but this was completely uncanny. The woman actually was Rina. She looked like she had put on five pounds, maybe, but there was no mistaking that angelic face, that spectacular body. Laura knew she was staring, but she couldn't stop. The woman didn't seem to notice. She was browsing through garments, as Laura was doing, about fifty to sixty feet away. Laura found herself moving closer, unable to stop her feet. It's her! But it can't be her. Finally, the woman seemed to notice her staring and moved away. And yet, her eyes never met Laura's. God, I have to talk to her, no matter what, Laura realized. When the woman left the area, heading toward the escalators, Laura followed, at a discreet distance. On the next floor down, she stopped to examine some handbags. Laura dawdled at a perfume counter, giving the woman surreptitious glances. Finally, she screwed up her courage and went over to her. I can't let her get away, she thought. I may never get this chance again. The closer she got, the more the woman looked to her exactly like Rina. Her pulse hammered with anxiety, dread, weird fascination, and the same old longing she had always felt for Rina, beautiful Rina. "Excuse me," she cleared her throat, blushing from head to toe. The woman looked up, her eyes distant, becoming quickly but only vaguely hostile, a broken-privacy kind of quick anger. But she was so gorgeous, heart-stoppingly gorgeous, that Laura could barely continue. "Yes?" "Do you . . . did you ever know a girl named Rina Washington?" Laura asked, haltingly. Now the woman's beautiful face became suffused with curiosity, followed by real hostility, more obvious than her earlier anger. "Why do you want to know?" Laura blushed again. She knew she was beet red. "I . . . I knew . . . her," Laura stammered awkwardly. "I . . . was a friend." The woman did not smile. Stone-faced, she extended her hand. "I'm her twin sister. Trina. Rina and Trina, isn't that cute? But I'm not Washington. I was married. Townsend. Trina Townsend." "Laura, Laura Robbins," Laura said, taking her hand very briefly. "Friend of Rina's? You know she dead." "I know," Laura said, letting her pain show, maybe too much pain. "You look . . . so much like her. It really got to me." Now she smiled. Laura wanted to faint with happiness, seeing the smile. "We did look a lot alike. Should. Same egg." "Could I . . . you know, buy you a cup of coffee or something?" Anything, so you don't just walk out of my life forever? "I'm sorry, I haven't got time. I have to pick up my little girl." "Maybe some other time? I . . . well, I really miss Rina. I'd enjoy, you know, just being able to talk to you. She and I were . . . pretty close." Uh oh. Laura realized how far she may have gone the moment the words slipped out. "Were you," Trina said in a dead voice, her face unexpressive. "Yes." "I guess . . . some time," Trina said, uninterested. "Could I give you my number? Then, if you have an hour some time, I'd love to buy you coffee, a drink, whatever. Just so we could talk." "Sure. Okay." Laura scribbled her phone number down on the back of her business card and gave it to Trina, who stuck it haphazardly into her pocket book. What if she loses it? Laura panicked. "Maybe you could give me yours," she said, trying not to sound desperate. Trina looked at her as if she couldn't be serious. "Don't worry. I'll call you," she said. "When I get a chance. Don't worry." "Oh. Okay. I . . . won't." She stood, stunned and overwhelmed by a wild welter of emotions, watching Trina as Trina walked away, possibly disappearing out of her life forever. But then she remembered: Townsend. Maybe she's listed! Nowadays almost nobody wanted to be listed any more. Laura nearly broke her leg getting to the public phone and riffling through the directory. There is was: Trina Townsend. Hastily Laura scribbled down her number. Then she folded it carefully and put it into her bra, so that it couldn't be lost. The rest of the day was just a dream for her. Even when she ran into Barbara after work, she was still in a daze. Barbara invited herself over, and Laura easily accepted. She wanted something to distract her from Trina, and Barbara was perfect for it. She was a true fuck-maniac like Laura, almost inexhaustible in her needs, and her stamina. Also, she had not been to bed with Barbara for too long, weeks, even months, and it was a pleasure she didn't like to deny herself. Her dreamlike state vanished as soon as she and Barbara got inside her apartment. Barbara had somehow overcome her needless embarrassment over her thin legs, perhaps because Laura, who felt a sharp twinge of lust deep in her pussy every time she looked at them, had praised them so much. She had taken to wearing short skirts, which showed them off spectacularly. Laura, after locking the door, stood back and looked at them. "Now I can admire without calling attention to us," she smiled at Barbara. "God, what incredible legs. I want to kiss them all over." Barbara grinned, doing a self-conscious half-pirouette. "You like them? So skinny. Someone else said that too, though." "Who?" Laura instantly got jealous. "That witch Rhonda?" "Actually, no. It was Lisa Cartwright. You know her? Works for Bob Fulton? Caught her staring, actually. Then she said my legs were the most beautiful she had ever seen. Can you believe it? You think she wants to . . . you know?" "Lisa Cartwright?" Laura did know her, but only passingly. She was a good- looking white woman, brown hair, apparently nice figure that she kept smothered in severely-tailored business suits. No one would pick her for a closet dyke, but then, Laura thought, I hope they wouldn't pick me for one either. Or Rhonda. You never knew. "The question is, I guess, do you want to," Laura said. "Might consider it," Barbara grinned. "After all, you know how often I see you. You're too busy bopping that cute Sholandra Mason. Aren't you tired of her yet?" "You're too busy bopping Rhonda," Laura replied. Barbara came closer, a seductive glow in her eyes that Laura recognized, a mixture of hard lust and melting tenderness, if that were possible. It was, from Barbara, who could display both at once. "Rather be bopping you," she whispered. They embraced and kissed, a long, wonderful, friendly kiss that turned after about a minute into a scorching fire. Laura got her hand under Barbara's skirt, pulling it up and running her hand back down over one hard, sleek, naked thigh. Barbara unbuttoned Laura's blouse, then unfastened the clasp between her bra cups. The folded paper with Trina's phone number on it fluttered to the floor. "Oh god . . . let me get that!" Laura nearly panicked. She knelt on the floor, grabbing the paper, her bra gaping, her naked breasts jiggling. She held onto the paper, but trying not to break the rhythm, she caressed Barbara's beautiful black thighs from this angle, kissing them now, running her fingers down Barbara's long, shapely calves, but kissing her way up, toward her panties. Laura's naked breasts now pressed against Barbara's thighs as she tugged down the elastic at the top of Barbara's panties. Both were wildly aroused. They struggled out of their clothes as quickly as possible but couldn't make it any further. Barbara sank to her knees, then further to the floor as Laura skimmed her panties off. "Girl, you are really hot tonight," she whispered to Laura. "Would you like to stop for dinner first?" Laura teased, panting softly. "I know what dinner is." "Me first. It's my apartment, remember?" Barbara had just shed her blouse but still wore her delicious lacy champagne bra, gauzy over the large dark circles of her nipples. "You wear this just to turn me on, don't you," Laura murmured, kissing the back of her neck, then her delectable dark shoulderblades. "Mmmmm, you or somebody," Barbara grinned. Laura unclasped it and removed it slowly, enjoying every inch of Barbara's smooth black skin that came into view. She kissed the places the straps had covered, turning Barbara around slowly so that her mouth came to Barbara's naked breasts. She held them in her hands and licked and sucked the round gleaming nipples until Barbara began to sigh uncontrollably. "You want to go in the bedroom?" Laura whispered. "Save the bedroom," Barbara breathed, her eyes glassy, her body undulating as Laura caressed it, pushing her down on the carpet. "Oh, you're so wet for me," Laura murmured. "When I suck you like this, you get real wet." "Suck me more." "Mmmm, like this?" "Oh . . . yes! Oh Laura!" "And this?" "Ahnggnnn! Oh! Unh!" Barbara's pussy was soupy with juice, and Laura's hand caressed it cleverly while she continued to suck the girl's exquisite small breasts. "You better not come before I can taste this," Laura teased playfully. "Then . . . you better hurry," Barbara panted. "You want it?" "Yes." "Beg me." "Please . . . Laura." Barbara's dark eyes swam with hot lust and need. "'Please, Laura, fuck me, please, Laura,'" Laura quoted, teasingly. Barbara glowered at her, full of urgent lust and love for Laura and hostility all mingled together. "Fuck me, you cunt," she begged under her breath. "I never have to beg Rhonda to fuck me." "Oh, we're getting nasty now, eh?" Laura smiled. She sank her teeth lightly into one bulging, swollen, wet black nipple. "Owch! Unghh!" Barbara gasped. Quickly Laura slid down her delicious, smooth, silky black body, between her thighs. Barbara's pussy was so wet that her juices were smeared all over her inner thighs. With her fingers, Laura parted the girl's swollen cuntlips and slid her tongue into the glistening pink crease. "Ahhnngg!" Barbara cried out, arching her back, her pelvis quivering frantically. She was only seconds away from coming, Laura knew. She drew her tongue out, sliding it across Barbara's engorged clit. Then she attacked it vigorously with her tongue, stabbing and poking it, licking it roughly. Barbara exploded in ecstacy. "Auungghhiieieee!" she cried, her lovely lean body straining and shuddering as sharp spasms of coming ripped her. "Ohnnngg! Unh! Oh . . . Laur . . . unngghiiieee!" Laura quickly slid back up to embrace her, replacing her tongue with her hand, kissing Barbara and hand-fucking her some more, bringing Barbara to yet another climax, a feathery spasm of bliss following the first explosion. This time she moaned softly, coming in a long quivering undulation that died away, leaving her panting and gazing up into Laura's eyes. "Laura, you do it to me again and again," she breathed, getting her breath back. "Just when I think I don't need you, I can get along without you, I was a fool ever to start with you, you do me like that . . . and I just about die." "Oh, come off it," Laura scoffed, smiling. "You just had two orgasms, that's all." Barbara pulled Laura down and rolled over on top of her. She kissed her deeply, a smoking, very erotic kiss. "Nobody fucks me like you, Laura," Barbara whispered solemnly. "Nobody." And she proceeded to repay Laura for the gift. For the next hour Laura had no thoughts of Rina, or Trina. It was all Barbara, and Barbara brought her to one crushing climax after another, until she had come six times and could barely lift an arm. Barbara played Laura's body like a musical instrument, making it sing, groan, and quiver. By the time it was over, Laura was weak with fatigue. "I have to rest," she pleaded. "You're too much for me." "You like that, eh?" Barbara grinned. "The last time I thought my body might be locked in that tight spasm forever. You know the one I mean?" Barbara nodded. "It was ecstacy, but it was also almost too intense." "You mean I make you come good." "You sure do, you minx. Give me five minutes and I'll be ready to do you again." "Mmmmm," Barbara grinned, reaching down to the floor for her handbag. "I brought Mr. Prickles." Laura's eyes widened. Everyone had her favorite toy. Kim with her butterfly vibrator. Karen with her thin, flexible whip. Barbara with Mr. Prickles. They put on a couple of Laura's bathrobes--since it was so fun to take them off one another again--and drank a glass of wine together in the livingroom, after picking up the clothes they had left on the floor there. "Disgusting horny dykes," Barbara joked. "Can't even make it to the bedroom. Sex maniacs, fucking each other on the floor." "Ooohhh, you're getting me hot again," Laura grinned. "We really couldn't wait, could we." "Sometimes I feel like dragging you into the closet at work and doing it," Barbara confessed. "That's how much I can't wait." Laura's eyes grew murky. She could feel her body, so satiated only moments ago, heating up again. I just love fucking with this woman, she realized. They were sitting in different chairs. Laura put down her wine glass and went over to Barbara, kneeling in front of her, parting the skirts of Barbara's robe with her hands, revealing her smooth black thighs and her crotch. "I can't wait now," she whispered. "For a moment I thought I'd had enough, but I never get enough of you." Barbara's eyes were swimming now too. She parted her thighs and scrunched her ass down and forward in the chair, presenting the wet, puckered pink cleft of her wet black-lipped pussy to Laura's mouth. And now Laura took her time, feasting on the girl's beautiful pussy with all the cleverness she could summon, bringing Barbara to another long, excruciating, drawn-out orgasm that left her panting and gasping for breath. Then they returned to the bedroom and spent an hour with Mr. Prickles. It was the first time Laura had had anything (besides Sholandra's and Barbara's tongues) in her pussy since Eric's and Rob's massive, plunging organs, and she was a little scared. But everything had healed, and it didn't hurt, except in the odd, prickly, irritating but pleasureable way that the weird dildo hurt. In Barbara's skilled hands, it rubbed her into an hysterical fit of uncontrollable coming. When it came Barbara's turn to be on the receiving end, she wanted it in the ass. "Rhonda won't fuck me in the ass," she said. "She thinks it's dirty or something. Won't let me do her, either." Laura held up Mr. Prickles, and they both looked at him. It was really a gargantuan dildo, with small, flexible, rubbery spikes protruding from it everywhere. In your pussy, it felt weirdly marvelous and exciting, but Laura had once taken it in her ass and recalled the experience as brutal and painful, though resulting in a killing climax. "It's pretty big for that," she said. "You know how to do it," Barbara said. "You've got baby oil, don't you?" "I have a year's supply," Laura grinned. Now Barbara turned over onto her stomach. She had an incredibly desireable lean body, with a spectacular round, firm ass, high, hard cheeks, the kind of ass, like Chanitra's, that made Laura quiver with lust when she saw it. She pouted up at Laura. "Tell me you don't want to fuck me with Mr. Prickles in this ass," she winked. Laura melted. She gave in, she couldn't resist. Barbara's ass was a paragon of beauty, uprising sculpted dark moons of firm flesh, with an inviting dark crease between them. She wanted to lick it and suck it and bite it and let Mr. Prickles have his way with the tiny ring of pleasure that hid deep in the crease. Only Chanitra had a more beautiful ass than Barbara, and it was strictly a matter of degree. "I can't refuse you," she said softly to Barbara. She opened the bedstand drawer and took out a small bottle of baby oil. A shiver of excitement gripped Barbara's whole naked body as she saw it. But before using it, Laura had her own agenda. She was hungry herself for this beautiful black bottom, and she wasn't surrendering it to Mr. Prickles until she herself got her fill. She lay the still-capped plastic bottle next to Mr. Prickles on the bed and began to make love to Barbara's extraordinary ass herself. She caressed and kneaded the firm balls with her fingers, digging them into the hard, resilient flesh, marveling at the perfect roundness. Then she began to kiss them, and run her tongue all over them. This aroused Barbara amazingly, and she began to moan and squirm. Laura knew Barbara's pussy was getting wet, and she slid her hand between the girl's sleek thighs to the wet blossom, smearing them with juice. "Unh! Oh . . . Laura!" Barbara gasped. Now Laura's tongue was exploring Barbara's asscrack, probing, slithering in deeper. She pulled the girl's firm cheeks apart, burrowing her tongue into Barbara anus. "Annghiiee!" Barbara squealed in delight, quivering, squirming harder. "Oh . . . Jesus!" Now Laura was really aroused too, and her caresses became more deliberate. She greased her fingers with babyoil and slid two of them into Barbara's ass, fucking her fairly rapidly, opening the aperature, driving Barbara wild. By now she was groaning and panting uncontrollably. "Ohhn . . . I'm going to come!" she whimpered. "If you fuck me with that, I'm going to come, Laura! Please! Please!" "You're going to get what you want, darling," Laura smiled, now biting Barbara's beautiful naked ass, sinking her teeth into beautiful round, firm chunks of flesh. This raised Barbara's already intense sexual hysteria to a higher level. Laura loved having such power over her, and now Barbara was almost mad with need, swirling her beautiful ass back and up into Laura's hands and mouth, whimpering, panting, moaning, begging. Laura was massaging her wet pussy too, at the same time, with her free hand, while fucking her asshole with two, then three fingers of the other. Now she figured Barbara was ready for Mr. Prickles. She had to remove her hands from their duties for a few seconds in order to oil up the huge dildo, but Barbara knew what was about to happen now, and the anticipation nearly made her come by itself. "Quick . . . quick! Oh god!" she panted, biting her lower lip. When Laura had it ready, she parted Barbara's delectable buns with her fingers and slid Mr. Prickles between them. "Awwoonngggg!" Barbara groaned, wincing as it slid about five inches into her asshole. "Ohhnng . . . shit!" Laura straddled her thighs from behind and moved the monster slowly in and out of Barbara's ass, fucking her with it gently at first while Barbara hissed and gurgled hysterically, tears pouring down her cheeks. After about a minute, Laura began to rotate the prickly dildo as she slid it in and pulled it out, causing sensations that nearly pushed Barbara over the brink. She whimpered and bleated uncontrollably, her luscious black body now covered by a thin film of sweat, gleaming and glossy, writhing in a fierce mixture of pain and pleasure. Watching her, listening to her, was so exciting that Laura knew she herself could come at the merest touch of a finger to her clit. She also knew that it wouldn't go on much longer. Barbara was about to have an anal orgasm of the most horrific intensity, so much so that Laura almost envied her. To help, Laura leaned forward over Barbara's sinuous naked back, dangling her naked breasts across it and whispering in Barbara's ear as she pushed and rotated the dildo more roughly into the girl's engorged asshole. "I'm fucking you, girl," she breathed. "Fucking you in the ass. Unh!" "Auughnn!" "Unh!" "Auughnn! Unghh! Oh . . . Laura ungghh! Aungghh!" Barbara groaned. "I'm fucking you harder! Ungh! Raping you . . . in this beautiful . . . ungh! . . . ass!" "Auugnhh! Ohnngghh . . . shit!" Barbara cried out. "Yes, yes!" Laura panted, shoving it in deep, twisting it mercilessly, viciously. "Ownnggh! Oh god . . . now!" Barbara gasped. A shattering orgasm wrenched her. Barbara's lean body stiffened, straining, shuddering, then undulated in wild spasms as a shocking anal climax wracked her. A clotted, desperate cawing came from deep in her throat, and a sublime expression of killing rapture spread over her face as the orgasm gripped and throttled her. Laura had experienced it herself, and she knew what the girl was going through, how an anal orgasm could be so much more severe than anything else, how you felt your whole body exploding in ecstacy. It took several minutes for Barbara to recover. She seemed nearly unconscious as Laura, moving carefully, withdrew Mr. Prickles and cleaned up the mess with a towel. Barbara was reviving by the time Laura lay down beside her and embraced her. "Hon, feels like you jammed a thick redhot poker up my ass," she whispered hoarsely. "You wanted it," Laura reminded her softly. Barbara nodded. "Mr. Prickles is a piece of work. Don't know if I ever had an orgasm like that one before." "I think I could come right now if you even blew on my clit," Laura confessed. "Helping Mr. Prickles really got me hot." "Sure you don't want me to do it to you?" Barbara asked. Laura explained to her about the rape by Rob and Eric, and especially about the two huge cocks in her pussy at the same time. She said she thought she'd had enough rough sex for a while. "Then you won't mind if I blow on it," Barbara smiled, slithering down Laura's body. She proceeded to make love to Laura slowly, tenderly, paying back Laura with tenderness for the rough treatment Laura had given her, at her request. And for the over-the-top orgasm. She drew it out for a half hour, then brought Laura to a very deep, very satisfying climax, not the end-of-the-world kind that she herself had had, but an intense one nonetheless that left Laura glowing and fulfilled as they said goodbye. |
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